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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr walked up to Leo with a shy smile on her face.

" Leo. " she started " There is one more thing I wanted to tell you... "

She then suddenly jumped at the guardian and hugged him tightly. Hugged him as never before, a single tear of joy dropping down on her cheeks.

" Thank you. For everything. " she said, closing her eyes to embrace the majestic guardian " I never had the opportunity to thank you personally, to thank you properly. You are powerful, strong, wise and honest: you were a father to me instead of my father and protected us from the darkness countless times. "

She now looked at him, smiling.

" Your selfless actions and sacrifices are the ones which allowed us to triumph. For that words can not express my gratitude. And even now when you should rest, when you should enjoy the victory you have brought you still wish to aid me... " she looked away " I am honored to stand by your side. "

She hugged him tighter again, now only whispering.

" Thank you again. For everything. "
Leo was shocked by the sudden embrace. It was not a gesture that he was used to by any means. But it wasn't so much the hug itself that shocked him the most, but Nyr's words that touched him. In his mind, the time he had spent with the rest of the group he had done nothing more than what was expected of him as a Guardian. But it seemed he had been wrong. He relaxed and wrapped his arms around Nyr "Ah little one. You are more than welcome. It is my pleasure to aid you and the others any way that i can. And i will always be honored to stand at your side as well, until the day the spirits call me from this world." ,he said with a purr resonating deep in his throat. He gave the little Dread Raven one last hug before gently setting her down.
Nyr was glad that Leo understood her feelings. As she looked up the powerful guardian she blushed, as she just realized her actions and how embarrassing they might have been.

" I was selfish to keep you up for so long. " she said, looking away " And I was even more selfish not asking you if I could help you. You have tried to help me without question just few minutes ago, it is my turn to return the favor. "

She put her small hand on the spot where Leo's heart was supposed to be. She heard the slow, rhythmic beat of the guardians heart, soothing her.

" If there is anything you need help with... anything I could do for you please do not hesitate. "
Nyr was being so kind and open to Leo, it was killing him to not be as open with her. He gazed around the bookshelves once more before closing his eye and sighing "There is, however i can not reveal to you just yet. It will not be much longer before...." At that moment there came a knock on the door to the library. A woman stood in the door way, her hands clasped together and her head bowed to the both of them "Excuse my interruption my lady, my lord, but Princess Briar has asked myself and some others to track you and your company down. She would like to speak with all of you in the grand hall." With that the woman bowed again and began to shuffle off back through the door. Leo's heart lept. He watched the woman leave and turned back to the shelf. He closed his eye and took a deep breath before returning his gaze to Nyr. "Would you care to accompany me to the hall? We can try and track down anyone else on our way?" He said with a smile as he took a few steps away from the shelf and headed towards the library door.

Nyr got momentarily surprised at the servant who entered the room but then when she listened to what she said she got curious. What could the Princess want from all of them in all the sudden. When the woman left and Leo asked her to follow him she nodded and smiled.

" Of course, lead the way Leo. " she said as she allowed him to take a few steps. In all the sudden the haze overwhelmed her once more and almost lost her balance. Her hair, eyes and her clothes momentarily turned white before reverting back to black again. She panted silently, hoping that Leo had seen nothing. She can not show weakness in this crucial moment. She hurried after the lion guardian, following him closely.

Elena was in the midst of fixing a larger stone slab building, getting thoroughly tired and satisfied with her progress when a faun in regal attire approached her. She was moving rubble by his hooves so she stopped in the middle of her work, trying to keep the building stable and clearing him a path carefully.

"Excuse me, miss Elena. Princess Briar requests your attendance in the great hall. Please leave the repairing for later, our Heros first priority is seeing to her majesty."

Elena nodded, motioning the male faun to the side and finishing the building, before running along. A bit exausted, she was not fully prepared for another battle with the arch demon, so she prayed for the best and looked forward to seeing Ward again. She entered the hall, leaning on the doorway for momentary support and looking for whomever else might be there.
'Actually, some food sounds nice, though I'd prefer you stayed near.' Alexander thought to Quincy, his eyes watching her face as she adjusted his scarf. He had honestly barely noticed it messed up.
"Oh, no, I...uh," Achyls stammered, drawing back against the wall as a clamoring of footsteps bombarded the quiet of the hallway.

"Lady Achyls!" a guard shouted. The sudden movement and sound caused the wind-creature to dissipate, leaving Achyls stunned.

"Are you quite alright?" he asked of her, keeping his distance.

Achyls only nodded, to which the guard continued, "Princess Briar is expecting you in the Great Hall, please, allow me to escort you," he extended an arm that she gratefully accepted.

He walked her calmly towards the Great Hall. She appeared shaken by the event, unsure whether it took place in reality or some kind of twisted fantasy. Achyls allowed the guard to leave her be, so he could get back to his duties. She looked around, noticing familiar faces, though she could not put the face to a name in some cases.
Leia had been summoned to the great hall by the rabbit wearing a waistcoat whom she had gotten to know as Tanner. The ball had been held here not days before and Leia remembered how the hall looked when it was bright and new and the dancers spun to elegant music. The rubble had been swept clear and torches lit and Leia was happy she could see a little of the old beauty she remembered.

Briar stood on the joined steps, Fior at her side. Leia bowed to them and Briar shook her head.

"Please, I am happy to call you a friend, the formalities are behind us." She looked older, as if something was missing. The war had taken a toll on all of them, but Leia thought that Briar may have taken it the worst. Elena came in a few moments later and she went to stand by her friend.

"This looks serious." She said quietly.

She rested a hand on the hilt of her sword and waited for the others to arrive.

Ward was still in his tree, leaning against the trunk as it continued skyward. He had found a small knob of wood and had broken off easily in his hand and was carving it intently with a small knife. He blew on it to clear the shavings and held it up between thumb and forefinger for inspection. Satisfied with his work he put the knife away and held it in both hands, uttering a few simple words. The wood grew harder, smoother and darkened, making it looked like a finished piece. Next he coiled one of his golden hairs around his finger and winced as he pulled. The hair he placed on the pendant and spoke a few more words. It flashed once and grew still, the hair now nowhere to be found.

"Ward!" The man startled him and he nearly dropped the small carving, grasping at it and nearly falling off his branch to retrieve it.

"Yes!" He replied, scrambling to regain his balance.

"Briar has summoned you."

Ward dropped unceremoniously from his perch and allowed the servant to lead the way. He tutted as he inspected a rip in the arm of the loose-fitting shirt he wore.

It did not take him long to reach the grand ballroom. Leia and Elena were already there and he hid the carving quickly in a pocket. Greeting them with a warm smile. He tried to contain the butterflies he felt upon seeing Elena again.

Ward stole a look out the glass wall at the sun which was well on its way to earth once more. Only a day and a half left...He wondered if there would really be anything in this new place that could help him regain his form.

Alta's ears perked to a new sound. She rose slowly and stretched, her old bones complaining loudly. "Well now that's up for you to decide. But I was taught that pack is always family. Sometimes it can be family even more than blood." She started toward the castle. "Somethin's up. I think we should go find out what."

((I said before I want to avoid scenes between supporting characters only, you can do a time skip for Falarion's new foot. :D ))
Anya woke from her nap feeling much better, and she headed out to find people, she wanted to make sure she didn't miss anything. She wandered around, doing what she could when people asked small favors of her. She over heard that Briar had summoned all of them to the great hall, so she too decided to make her way there. On the way, she stopped in to check on the dragon, happy to see that Quincy was still in there with him. She knocked at the door to announce her presence, and then stepped inside, saying, "I think that the Queen, err... princess, would like to see us- when you get a moment, that is."

Alexander looked up at the knocking, and nodded to Anya's words. To her, he spoke aloud. To speak in another's mind when he was in human form felt much to... intimate to share with just anyone- faulty voice or no.
"Yes, thank you. We will be there when my wings are finished... or when they've healed enough that the kind healer will allow me to go and see what is needed of us." Compared to his usual voice, he was somewhat quiet, but his voice did not waver, and was stronger than he thought it would be.

@SilverFlight @Flutterby

To this, Anya nodded, and left. She headed back towards where they were all to meet Briar, and hoped she hadn't misheard the summons. She thought that all of them were requested, but if it had only been the others she would feel rather silly. Well, she'd just have to wait and see.
Elena rested for a moment, closing her eyes while leaning on the doorway. She opened them again to see Leia, of whom she offered a warm smile. She hadn't seen her friend in a while, she didn't even know how Leia was fairing. She sighed and nodded in agreement.

"It does.. I hope we aren't confronting the demon again.." She said quietly.

She felt anxiety with those words, very hidden.

Her eyes reached Ward and it felt a bit better. She smiled sweetly to him and moved to face him more. Though they both confessed, she was still fairly shy about how she felt.

"How are you feeling? Did Alta help you?"
((Alex can go whenever :P ))

Grenwin finished the job by handing the dragon a salve in a small stone pot. "If they start to hurt rub a bit of this on them, otherwise, you shouldn't use them for at least an hour."

Ward looked at the ground, his expression falling slightly. With a heavy heart he told her the news. "The wound is healed but the poison yet runs in my blood. If I cannot find an antidote in two dawns time, I will become human permanently."

He didn't mind being a human, it wasn't that. But even now he longed for the sky, the brush of wind against his feathers...and what sort of guardian could he possibly be in this small, powerless form?

And Elena? What did she think of him now? Now that he was likely never again to be the powerful creature that rose to strike their enemies, to keep her safe?

The thought made Ward feel utterly useless. He had never in his life been so weak.

Leia had politely pretended not to listen to them, until Ward mentioned his condition.

"Are you serious?" Leia frowned for a moment. "Hey look, we still have time left ok? Its not over yet, so don't give up."
Elena frowned deeply at the news and shook her head. No, this wasn't okay at all. Ward was a gryphon not a human, he should be able to live as one. The demon couldn't have paid enough for what she left Ward with. But there was time. With a serious but soft facial expression, she looked into his golden and downcast eyes.

"I'll help you find the cure. There's still time, I want you to be okay. And being a gryphon, you should be able to change into your true form."
Nyr arrived in the great hall, overhearing the conversation between Ward and Leia. She walked up to them.

" I would be able to have a solution for that, Ward. " she said " It would be but a temporary solution though and it is complex... but I would be able to extend the time if you wish. "

She raised her hands, drawing strange marks in the air but then she saw a small white flicker on her hands, her eyes widening in fear and quickly dismissed the idea.

" On second thought not now, I am sorry. " she said, sweating anxiously, trying to hide the issue " I am deeply sorry but I need more power... or time. "

She then turned to the princess and bowed before her. " Your Majesty. "
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"You have a time limit? Why don't we start looking now?" Anya asked. She walked into the room as ward spoke at the end. She realized after she spoke that she may be intruding, and she stayed back near the edge of the wall in case she needed to flee because she was interrupting.

Alexander nodded and took the mixture from the wizard. "Thank you, Grenwin." Alexander said, standing to leave with Quincy. He tried to retract his wings back into his human form, but they didn't really want to go, it seemed. He sighed, and left to find food, than the others with Quincy.
Achyls had stood at the edge of the room for around 10 minutes now, watching everything be spoken about. She did not want to speak to Princess Briar, fully aware she would remember who she was. Squashing any sense of fear, she forced herself into the centre of the room with the others, addressing the company.

"Is everything alright?" she said, mimicking the tone of the guard who walked her here. She did not make eye contact with Briar, walking straight to Nyr's side.
(So our next adventure is to find a cure for Ward? I can do with that)

After trying to relax herself so she wouldn't send herself into labor because of stress, Ashley got out of bed and went to find a change of clothes. Seeing that they may travel to some place cold again, she also grabbed herself a Cloak to keep herself warm if needed. As she grabbed her bow and arrows, she overheard the bad news concerning Ward, which made her frown. After strapping her Quiver and Bow on, Ashley just went into the Great Hall, but her stomach started growling. Should probably grab something to eat...
((Not really, its more like a side quest sort of thing, the main event is MUCH more fun :P ))

Ward's grateful smile appeared from under a veil of blond hair.

"Thank you, all of you. You are right, there is still time. I shouldn't be feeling so sorry for myself." He brushed his hair back, taming it as best he could and stood to face Briar, standing a little straighter as he did so.

Sending a sideways glance at Elena he reached over and slipped her hand subtly into his, squeezing it affectionately as if to say 'thank you'.
Luness rocked her head from side to side for a moment and then said tentatively, "I do like the idea of pack being family as well."

She then looked up at Alta and stood with her before adding, "I also would love to accept you as part of my new family." Luness smiled after saying this, already liking the idea and feeling a warmness growing in her heart from it.

Hearing that something was up, Luness was disappointed to realize that since one of her ears had been permanently damaged, her hearing was no longer as great as it used to be.

Looking in the direction of the castle, Luness soon was following after Alta, trotting now, as she agreed that they should figure out what was wrong.

Luness soon led the way into the great hall, but paused when she saw Ward with a couple of the others and the princess.

Approaching him, Luness cocked her head slightly and asked everyone, "What's going on?"

Despite being in the presence of royalty, Luness had never learned of any of the protocols of bowing to them and such, so she stood at ease and didn't even bat an eye at the princess. Not that she meant it in a rude way, she was just unaware of how she was supposed to act.


Back in the infirmary, Trindle had just finished with Falarion's new foot and had joined the werewolf in the infirmary. After a successful amputation thanks to several elf healers nearby, Falarion was ready to have his new foot put in place while he was unconscious from the recent surgery.

The packmembers had been about to hunt down Leo, but Trindle had waved them off saying something about the guardian being preoccupied currently or something.

Not too long after, Falarion's new shapeshifting foot was in place and he was left to rest for the time being. By the time he woke up again, he shouldn't feel any pain from the new prosthetic and besides being a bit off-balanced at first, he'd soon be walking, running, and jumping like he'd never lost his foot in the first place.
Achyls looked around at the strange company she was a part of. She had only seen them right before her close encounter with death at the hands of Erzaul. She analysed each and every face, each member of the group showing signs of great power and spirit, making her feel severly out of place.

Refusing to make eye contact with Princess, she asked, "Why are we here, Miss Briar?". She spoke with a vengeful tone, disrespectful of the woman.
Ashley went to grab something to eat. Perhaps not for her, but at least for the little one. She also noticed that she has gotten a bit bigger since the last few adventures and the frequent bed rest didn't exactly help her a whole lot. After grabbing her meal, she returned to the great hall, where she saw Achyls disrespect the Princess, which left her worried. Her spirit was a strong one indeed. Despite her delicate condition, she refused to leave the Party's side and would still fight at a distance. Her weapon was a Bow because fighting up close and personal posed too much of a risk for her baby. Not to mention Ashley also felt that fighting long-range would help keep Ward and her sometimes overprotective party members at ease, just a bit...She was now hoping that Achyls and the Princess would not have words. As she started worrying, she unconsciously grabbed her stomach and began holding it.
Ward heard the disrespectful tone of this new woman and frowned slightly. He remembered charging the demon to save her.

"Please be respectful of the princess in her own hall." He said softly, but firmly. Princess Briar was one of the most selfless and noble rulers he had ever encountered. He owed her his life and his nature made it difficult not to sound protective.
Elena was proud of her comrades, all agreeing to support him in any way possible. It wasn't a surprise, but it was kind of them. She felt a warm hand slide into hers, and she returned the feelings brought upon by the touch with a light but comforting squeeze. Anything for him.

She looked curiously to Briar. Wondering what was the issue at hand. After the meeting, she had to speak with the princess herself.

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