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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The smile vanished from Nyr's face and now she looked determined and serious as she put her hand on the shoulder of Achyls. She saw the doubt and sorrow in her eyes and knew what had do be done.

" Achyls. " she started " I told you: we are sisters. I would forfeit my own soul, my own self being for you - if anyone decides to harm you, be it in spirit or in body then I will strike them down - even if it is the monarchs. "

She nodded with her head reassuringly.

" No one will hurt you any more. If anyone dares then I will make them pay. Those who dare to harm my precious sister will pay, this I vow. "
Achyls looked directly at Nyr now, mimicking her determination.

"If you fight, then I shall too, beside you,"

She allowed Nyr to lead her, fear secretly building up inside her like a terrible poison. The witch was never going to show such fear though, that was a weakness and burden to be put on no one but herself.
She nodded then turned to Leia.

" I will accompany Achyls to the castle. We shall meet you there. "

And with that they started to walk towards the castle. The city looked silent and peaceful now and there was no one who would speak to the two ravens as they made their way towards the grand palace. Nyr carefully paid attention to her companion, she wanted to make sure that she is close to her as they approached the gigantic building. When they neared the entrance she spotted two guards standing in front of it. As they approached they bowed before her.

" Lady Nyr, it is an honor to met you once more. " spoke the senior guard respectfully. It was a nice change of pace to actually have people who showed respect. " It is good to see you again. Who is your companion? "

" She is Lady Achyls, powerful sorceress and sister raven of mine. " Nyr said, introducing her " We seek audience with the Prince and the Princess. "

" The pleasure is mine, Lady Achyls. " bowed the guard before her as well " Unfortunately the monarchs are preoccupied at the moment, my lady. However, you could enter the great hall and wait within should you desire. "

" That would be perfect, thank you. " she said as the guards let them pass.

They entered in the huge great hall where servants were running left and right, cleaning up everything, preparing for something grand. There Nyr turned to her companion and smiled.

" See, Lady Achyls? You are a respected and honored person. You have nothing to fear. "
Achyls glared at the guard, confused. She analysed his face, before lifting her head.

"Curious," she whispered as her iris-less eyes made no sign of the direction in which she was looking when in actual fact, her watchful eyes were firmly set on the guard, partially out of fear, the rest being pure confusion. Nevertheless, she accompanied Nyr again and stared around the castle. It was a sight she had only seen once before, in court of guards before the hunting as a young girl. It was a grand and ornate spectacle she couldn't properly accept through the tears as a youngster. Now, she could properly breathe the atmosphere. Everything seemed as if placed by an angel, glowing in sunlight. It both scared and amazed the Raven.
As Nyr was smiling at her they noticed a servant approaching them. The elf lady almost rushed towards the guests with a wide smile and did not stop until she reached the pair. She looked pretty and well dressed for a servant though signifying her special position in the court.

" My ladies! " she exclaimed, panting heavily " You are just in time! We were making the final arrangements and a celebration. The guests of this ball will wear fascinating dresses for the occasion - and looking at you two... "

She held her fingers together like she was imagining a picture of the two ravenborn girls who looked at her with a slight surprise.

" Astounding! Amazing! " she yelled in excitement " You two are as majestic as heroic! I must arrange this to you, my ladies. Please, would you follow me? I can't wait to start my work! "
"Oh, uh, of course!" Achlys said courteously, following the elf servant, gesturing for Nyr to come too. She had already warmed to the castle and the well treatment of the servants only made her feel warmer and safer. She just hoped enough time had passed since her last encounter with royalty. When she noticed the servant stopping, Achyls blurted,

"So, what is it you need of us?"
She stopped and her eyes widened in surprise.

" What do I need? " she asked and laughed " Oh you misunderstood me, my lady. The question is what do you need! "

She knocked on the door and in response an another elf opened the door and ushered them in. Within at least a dozen of tailors worked on beautiful dresses, occasionally looking up at the guests, bowing respectfully as the elf servant told them to follow her.

" The ball is a grand event, the most wonderful in the entire kingdom. For such an occasion everyone must wear the best dresses - including you ladies! I am here to make sure that we create the best ball gowns which will be to your liking. "

She ushered them in a small room, filled with hundreds of fabrics all with different colors. She pointed at all of them.

" This is my chamber of creation! Point me at what you need and it shall be done! " she turned to them with an excited expression.
Achyls felt a twang of excitement course through her. The colours and fabrics were simply astounding, and the gowns were to the most amazing standard. She pointed to a black fabric, that glistened like the night sky. It perfectly complimented her pale complexion.

"I shall see what beauty you devise, dear elf," she smiled, taking the servant's hand and bowing to her.
She turned around, looking at the fabrics and the colors. Her mind was filled with racing thoughts and bounced off the ground from excitement.

" Oh OH! " she said, turning to Nyr first " I remember your selfless actions, the healing and courage even though you are a dread raven, my lady! A true paragon perhaps ! You, my lady is a kind, warm hearted person! I imagine black fitting you naturally, you being a raven but... fiery colors as the flame! Yes, orange... and red! More red! "

She napped with her fingers and called an another elf, immediately giving her the order of the dress which then quickly darted away. Now she turned to Achyls.

" But you my dear... darker colors for sure... " she inspected her, walking around her " Darkness surrounds you indeed, just as Lady Nyr, yet you are fully in control! Embracing the shadow, fully confident yet mysterious! Purple... maybe blue? Or perhaps both? Oh I can not decide, you must help! "
"Oh," she laughed, bemused by the elf's actions, "I trust you are a skilled woman of your trade. Let your heart decide for you. Surprise us,"

Achyls wandered off, engrossed by the variety of fabrics that decorated the room. She noticed a pure white gown, much like a wedding dress. It must have belonged to Briar, it truly was a royal gown. Thoughts of beauty blossomed in her mind, losing all sense of rational thought as she danced through the fabrics. Why was this all so exciting? Whatever it was, she'd never felt like this before.
Alexander did as the mage requested and sat, letting the man work on his wings. Even the feel of the healing magic hurt the sensitive skin of his wings. He tried not to flinch and to stay still as the man worked. Alexander didn't want to do anything that would hamper Grenwin's progress. He instead sat with Quincy, squeezing her hand in his but trying to make sure he wouldn't hurt her- not that he was strong enough to hurt anyone by squeezing their hand, especially in his human form. He smiled at her, and remained silent, for fear of his voice giving way how badly his wings hurt.

Anya had helped Quincy get Alexander back to where the dragon could be healed. After she learned that he was in safe hands, she left. She wondered if they had sent mages and healers out to the battle field to help any who were alive but fallen- like Alexander had been. Assuming they had, she decided that what she needed was rest, so she left to find somewhere that she could lay down and rest until it was time for their next adventure. As she walked, she wondered if the castle was in appropriate shape for her to be able to find a change of clothes, or maybe just something she could wear long enough to wash her dress and jeans.
Banba giggled, fully rolling to her back, using her legs to push herself towards the lion man.

"Trust is a fickle thing, easily given and easily lost, but also hard to give and hard to lose." She commented, rolling to her stomach. "So why worry about trust? One should worry about what enters their body. Or, maybe, what leaves their mind. Then they don't know stuff, or can't recall things, or maybe the objects weren't there in the first place!" She stopped talking then, continuing to make a sound much like a scared cat would.

"But its hard to keep track of crickets when the sounds they make travel so far."
Leo's smile faded a bit as Banba talked of trust. She was right, trust was a fickle thing. He had grown to care for the whole group, he trusted each and every one of them with his life, they had all proven they deserved it. All it takes is one thing and trust can be ruined forever. Will they still trust me, when the truth is revealed to them? The one question that had continued to wrack his brain since he had talked with the Prince and Princess. He snapped himself out of his mind and starred down at the reminants of his blooms, "Banba, you and i came from the forest together. Though i knew little about you when we first met, you have become my closest friend since we started this journey. I hope you trust me." Leo wasnt sure if she understood or not, he just needed to get it off his chest. He laid in the grass and watched a few birds fly over, taking in the clean fresh air of the garden with each breath.

" Me? " the elf's eyes widened in excitement " Oh my, can I really do all the planning for you? " she asked in disbelief then saluted " I will not fail you my lady! I will make you the best dress there is! "

With that she vanished and left the two of them alone. Nyr walked out of the room, looking at Achyls. She smiled as she saw the raven to be free of doubts, even if only momentarily - she was happy and full of joy. Observing her from afar she chuckled as she saw her looking at the various clothes.

" I have never seen you so happy, Achyls. " she said. " You brighten up the darkest days when you smile so warmly - you are so beautiful and nice. "
Banba sat up, grinning dopily around the area.

"I trust anyone who knows not to eat me. I do not taste good." She said, voice pitch changing after each word. She looked to the birds, and pushed herself into a crouching position, slowly moving towards the feathery creatures. When the shifter thought she was close enough, she jumped at them, letting out a unholy screech. She gripped a branch, swinging herself higher into the tree as the birds scattered, chirping their displeasure at the girl. She giggled, sitting among the leaves, watching the birds fly away. She looked back down to Leo, tilting her head curiously.

"If the tree is like a walrus, how is an apple like a gorilla?"
Achyls turned to Nyr, startled.

"Oh, uh, yes...thank you. I do not know what it is...ah, beauty...yes," she muttered, her speech detached and unintelligible in places as she assessed the clothes, a wide smile decorating the stunned expression she already possessed.
Leo watched the little shifter chase after the birds, making him chuckle. Upon her riddle, Leo sat and thought. "Ah little one, your words may be the most confusing speach in Fablewood, but you may very well be the wisest of us all." Leo pushed himself off the ground with his forearms and glanced around the garden. The battles noises having been gone for so long now, the worlds quiet returned. Though they had been fighting for so long, the silense was now slightly odd to his ears. Brushing himself of the last remaining pieces of his flower project and grass blades that had clung to him, Leo stood and grabbed his sholder guards. "I believe I am going to head into the castle. Care to join me?"
She laughed at the absent minded response of the raven girl and walked up to her once again, hugging her tightly.

" Your happiness is what most important to me. " she whispered to her " I love you, sister. "

With that she looked in her eyes then headed towards the exit.

" I can see that fashion mesmerizes you, I think I shall leave you here to marvel in there masterpieces. "

She left the room full of clothes and her smile vanished. Instead a sigh of relief left her mouth, happy that finally Achyls could free herself of the burdens that chained her. It was true what she said: the happiness of the raven girl was indeed the most important thing to her. And so was everybody else's happiness as well. She sat down on the stairs at the outside of the castle and fell into thinking just as she always did.

" What about my happiness? " she thought in herself as she was thinking.

She was so preoccupied making everyone else happy that it actually eluded her what would make her happy. This melded together with her feelings: if others had a good time then so did she... but that was their joy reflected on her, not hers truly. But then what did make her happy? With these thoughts she sat on the stars, contemplating.
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Achlys found bliss in here, an almost eternal happiness that enriched her body, making her feel more alive than she had ever done. She didn't even notice Nyr leaving as she fumbled through the cottons and jerseys and silks lying all over the room. She never thought to speak, for her thoughts were mindlessly racing, overtaking any other cognitive function.
Quincy silently refused to leave Alexander, even though the pointed glances of healers said she was intruding slightly. Her hand was firmly inside his, squeezing back when he tightened his grip in response to the pain. They were both silent out of pain, even though it was different kinds. The kelpie returned his smile with only a heartbeat of hesitation, trying to focus on the present even though her mind was falling into the past. Guilt sat heavily in her stomach, and it increased every time Alexander squeezed her hand. I jumped and abandoned him. My cowardice is barely above murder. The thought hit her like a train, and she sat silently, struggling to figure out if she was thinking of the past or the present. Amazingly, her face remained blank, even when she saw Tharon glaring at her from across the room.

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Alta lay beside her, resting her head over Luness' shoulders and grooming her back as she would one of the pups in her pack's den. She said nothing more, but began to hum the lullaby quietly. She stayed like this for a while, until Luness felt better.

"Well, I may not be blood kit, but I'd be honoured to call you family."


Leia had decided it was time to get our of her battle clothes. She found the wing where they would be staying and changed back into her tailed white coat and breeches, sheathing her cavalry sword and putting the broad sword against the wall. Quickly she ran to catch up with the other girls. "Is there going to be another ball?" Leia asked one of the dressmakers, not quite arriving in time for the explanation. She marveled at the rows of silk and royal fabrics as well as the dresses hanging up everywhere. She would like to be part of that again. The ball they had held when she first arrived at Branbern was so grand and wonderful.

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

((I would very much like another party, it would show the indomitable spirit of the city's people :D ))

Ward stirred little as he dreamed...

He dreamed he was sitting on the shore of a great ocean, looking out onto the azure waters, a small box floated on the waves just too deep for him to retrieve it.

He heard laughing in the distance, the ones who had tossed the box into the ocean.

I could get it for you if you like," Ward turned to the familiar voice. "They're always like that to me too." A splash and suddenly the figure in the dream was swimming back to shore with Ward's box on his olive green shell. Ward lifted the box carefully to safety. "Thank you!"

So what's in it?" The voice said, the figure was still wreathed in mist, he could not make him out.

Tarts." He lifted the lid and took one out, offering it to the box's saviour. "I think they might be a little salty now."

The two creatures stared at each other and then started laughing.

I'm Ward." the gryphon said, flaring his skinny golden wings.

Montgomery, but please please call me Monty."

My first friend at school." Ward mused.

Mine too! But if you ask me, this isn't really much of a school." He took a bite of the tart and winced at the salt. They laughed again and the dream faded.
Luness went rigid at first, unsure how to handle the comforting touch and grooming fron Alta. She soon relaxed upon hearing the lullaby though, and her breathing eventually became relaxed and steady.

Hearing what Alta said, Luness raised her head turned to look at Alta while perking her ears towards her as well.

"How can one be your family if they are not of blood relation?" Luness cocked her head after asking this.

The concept wasn't entirely foreign to Luness, as she'd heard some of the heroes speak like they were all family, but it still didn't make sense to Luness.

Nyr decided to walk around the castle, still lost in her thoughts. As much as she wanted to find an answer for her questions she could not find out what she wanted to know. Now that everyone were busy she felt alone again, but this time she used this solitude to think. It has been a long time since she consulted Mother Moon about her thoughts but she still did not think it was time.

As she walked around she spotted something on the ground: a drop of water. Or at least it seemed like it, the pure white liquid like substance glowed with an eerie light which seemed familiar to her, but she could not place its origin despite her best efforts. But then she screamed in surprise as a sudden rush of power overtook her body. She saw a vision - a vision about a strange girl. She was clad in pure white clothes, the same color as her hair and wings were. But it felt like that she knew this one already... so she approached her.

The girl also seemed to notice her and turned around to look into her eyes. Nyr fell to the ground in astonishment: the all too familiar red eyes and kind smile were sign which no one could take as a mistake. She saw herself.

The vision vanished a suddenly as it came, leaving the raven trembling in fear and confusion. Was that an omen? Was that something that she needed to face? Immediately she darted back to the castle and headed up to the library, oblivious to anyone around her. She needed to find answers... and needed to find them now before it was too late.
From outside, Achyls heard Nyr's shriek and immediately rushed out to the hall. When she arrived, there was nothing but shoe marks on the floor and an ill wind that chilled her to the bone.

"Hello?" she called out, foolishly believing someone would answer her. The air was bitingly cold, strange as the rest of the castle had a dull warmth. Something important must have occurred, why else would such a shout be heard accompanied by the sudden chill.

Achyls remained in the hall, in the exact area of the cold, waiting for something or someone to materialise, but to no avail.
Leo's ears perked up when he heard a scream comming from the castle. He turned and began to sprint across the lawn of the garden. Reapplying his tunic to his shoulder, and fastening his shoulder armor to himself he skid to a halt at the entrance to the castle from the garden. He sniffed the air and began to trot through the hallways of the castle looking for the screamings source. Finally he came upon the open doors to the library. Slowly he stepped inside and found Nyr slowly making his way over to her, glancing around the room at the shelves of books. There was something different about the young dread raven since the last time he had seen her. "Nyr, is everything ok?' He said in his deep calm voice.

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