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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls looked up at Nyr, the warmth of the hug melting the ice she felt in her heart.

"Thank you," she gulped through the tears, feeling some form of comfort, as she did when she was a child. "Now you must return the favour. What is there to learn about you?"

Maybe the story of Nyr's life would bring them closer, and give her a reason to fight, for good this time.

Leo's eye widdend as he listend to the dwarf muttle on to himself about reworking the blade. The shaft itself was of no real concern to him, it was replaceable afterall. But the two blade of the Ax were very precious to his culture. The axe had been passed down from Guardian to Guardian in training for centeries. He had only thought about parting with it once he took on his own aprentice. Leo felt confident in the dwarfs abilities and turned to leave the forge. He stopped just before leaving and turned once again to the dwarf "Also, if it is not to much trouble, the last battle i found my forearms and legs a bit exsposed. I exspect i might need a bit more coverage should we encounter something hostile in the future." He watched the dwarf continue on, unsure if he had even heard him, but resolved that if he hadnt, he would make due and left the forge. Streatching himself towards the sky, he was relieved to be out of the smallish room. Not all rooms are made with the visitation of a 8' lion man in mind, but more so over that room than many others. Leo looked around the castle for a bit until he made his way back to the infirmary. Most of the healers had finished up the injured troups and were gaining some rest of their own finally. Leo caught the eye of a young Elf healer who was walking over to the cot with the wolf pack hovering around it. He place a hand on her shoulder toping her in her tracks. Smiling he pushed past her and walked to the cot that held Falarion. Kneeling beside it after the wolves had shuffled to the side to give him some room, Leo placed a hand on his injured paw very gently. HE closed his eye and reopend it in its glowing green state. "Oh great forest. This creature has kept your vessel safe, and fought the forces of darkness in the name of freedom and hope. Ease his suffering so that he may gain rest and relaxation." Leos hand glowed green and pourd over the injured foot. Although he was not able to mend the broken bones that had been smashed beyond repair, he felt the nerve endings in the wolfs foot begin to dull so that it would mearly feel like it had fallen asleep. The glow disapeared and Leo stood back up. He turned to the two wolves guarding him 'Should the elder wolf require my assistance i will be in the garden." He bowed to them all and returned to his stroll. He made his way to a section of the castle rarelly visited and found the apothicary. He asked one of the healing mages for a few empty vials, and a few vials with water in them. The happily obliged and Leo placed them in small pouches under his robes. He made his way back to gardens of the castle and stopped in his tracks at the sight of the vortex. He stared for several minutes before giving the cyclone a wide birth. He found his usual spot in the clearing in the garden and sat in his crossed position. He placed the vials on the ground and took a deep breath. With a quick blink, he was once again comuning with Lily, however this time there was more activity around him. Small bulbs of light began to move through the ground towards Leo. The stopped only a few inches from the vials and began to sprout small buds from the ground. The bulbs grew until they burst as full grown flowers. Several different types, shapes, sizes and colors. Leos began to collect different sections of the flowers and place them into the vials. Some he put several different things from different plants into one vial. He continued the process, the entire time a slight purring could be heard from his large throat.
Rain smiled "I am doing just fine though it is not myself I am worried about." She removed some hair from her face and she walked a bit closer to the boy. Holding out her hand . "I'm Rain." She smiled widely at the boy and tried to be as comforting as possible.
No one answered Anya's question, and she supposed that was to be expected. She tried to use her abilities to find Alexander and was immediately met with a response. She wandered out towards where she sensed he was and came across Ward, and Rain. "Oh, Ward! It's nice to see you! I've been trying to find everyone to make sure they were okay after the battle. So far I'd found all but you and... Alexander, I believe." She said. She then noticed Rain, the newcomer. "Who are you?" She asked.
Luness cocked her head at the old shewolf, watching Alta with curiosity. Upon hearing her question, Luness shifted uneasily on her paws, not certain how to answer. Looking at the grass and dirt between her paws, Luness then said, "Erzaul, the archdemon did something to my mind. Everywhere I go, my fears follow, my past. I can't get him out of my mind and it's slowly driving me insane."

Nyr bowed her head as her face darkened.

" It is not much to say about my past. " she said " I was exiled from my family long ago - as a punishment I thought until recently. It was only recently with my father's death that the truth has been revealed to me: he wanted to protect me from the darkness, from the grasp of the demons. "

She silenced and shuddered.

" I have the darkness in my heart. Few know it, since I did not dare to share it with anyone. I am afraid of it getting lose, that it wold take over me and consume all I hold dear - including my allies. "
When Ward showed happiness that she and her baby were doing well, that made Ashley fairly happy. It was good to know that everyone in the group cared about her safety and well-being. Momentarily, she returned to another part of the castle where she could sit down and rest, having been standing too long, which can be tough on her. Luckily Leo was around to carry her when needed. From what she did notice though, its almost as if no one in the group have seen a pregnant woman before, not that it worried her. While waiting for the others to gather, she mused with her baby. "Mommy sure has a lot on her plate, doesn't she, sweetie?" She asked, talking to her baby, holding her belly and smiling.
"So you too control the darkness? Or does the darkness control you?" Achyls asked quizzically, her pure white eyes gleaming with curiosity. She thought back to times when she too felt the same. It was such the way of those possessing darkness. She, however, had learned to control her inner darkness during her time in the Wilds, converting that to energy to be used on the battlefield. Though, from what she could see, Nyr was powerless to the darkness, it was a burden and a toil it seemed.
She shook her head.

" I know not. I have learned how to harness the power of the winds, the soothing light of the moon and recently the fury of thunder. But darkness... "

She hesitated for a bit as even the thought filled her with anxiety.

" I never dared to dabble in such dark arts... not after what had happened before. When I was with my father, practicing the arts... "

She sighed heavily.

" I got too overzealous. I controlled the darkness and decimated my foes. But my blood lust was uncontrolled and I turned again those I loved. But instead of scolding my father encouraged the vile savagery of mine. It was then when I questioned my path. "
Achyls' eyes widened. This girl was much more similar to her than at first glance.

"It would appear you were correct. We are not as different as we thought...my name is Achyls. If ever you need assistance, you can always find me. I believe I am recognisable enough,"

She got to her feet and was about to leave the room when she turned to face Nyr again.

"I would have you know, the dark arts you speak of take a severe toll on the body, but are an unimaginable blessing once properly controlled. I live in the cottage not far from the outskirts, if you should need anything,"

With that, the witch bowed her head and exited the room, hoping to be able to sleep in her home outside the castle walls. She took flight, disappearing over the walls and back to her hovel, laying her head down on a pillow and drifting to sleep, the pain of her wounds soothing slowly but surely.

(See you guys tomorrow)
((Ward's more of a man really... *mumblemumble*))

The gryphon took her hand and nodded with a warm smile. "I am Ward, at your service." It was then Anya came upon them, she seemed worried, and when she mentioned Alexander he became worried also.

"I did not see him come off the battlefield, not as a dragon at least." He cursed his inability to transform, if he could he could have flown them all down to the battlefield in an instant. As things were however...

"Let us check the fields. We'll find him."

Ward gestured for Anya and their new friend Rain to follow as he jogged for the gates.

"Do you think you could use your gift Anya? Figure out where he might be?"

@KattRai @JadeWuvsCookies

Alta listened with a grim expression. "Demon filth." She grumbled, then she continued on, walking slowly so Luness would know to follow.

"What Erzaul did to you he could control only while he was in this plane...darkness finds a foothold in unresolved troubles my dear, I am afraid that whatever found its way inside you, is feeding off the things you cannot let go of. The only cure for it is to confront what torments you, and find peace...I'm sorry, there is no herb or enchantment that can rid you of it. It is something you have to do yourself."

Banba wandered the town as the lizard, until she felt something on her side. Turning, she saw some children, hiding behind a pile of rubble with small stones in their hands. Three of them, all redheaded with large amounts of freckles. Banba grinned, her skin starting to dissapear until she sat as herself, tailless, scaleless, and covered in freckles herself. Her usual dark green hair was a bright orange colour, and she raked her hand through it, it turning curly under her touch. The two younger children gasped and hid farther behind the rocks, but the eldest child seemed intrigued.

"You're that mad shifter."

"The one and only!" She pulled her feel up, rolling around on her tailbone. "But there is only one of me."

"That makes no sense."

"Does it not? But if there is two of me, then theres two. But instead there is three, except two." The shifter let herself fall back, backwards summersaulting into a standing position, where she spun on the spot.

"Thats a round about way of saying it!" The youngest, a little girl chirped. "Saying that theres three of you, except for two, means theres only one of you!" Banba stopped then, mid-spin, face set in a smile. Standing properly up, she looked to the three siblings, eyes unblinking.

"The lies I tell are truths, and the truths, lies." She said, slowly. "Just like the corrupted trees in the corrupted forest. Their lies are such beautiful truths, and their truths, such ugly lies."

"Kids! There you are! You're mothers worried sick!" A centaur rounded a corner then, running up to the children. She looked to Banba, who stood, smiling softly.

"You better not've harmed them, madwoman." The centaur said as she leaned down to pick the little girl up. Banba simply shrug, her smile falling into a blank expression.

"As much as the trees grow, the leaves change colour, and the egg hatches, the pond glimmers." With that, she took a running jump at a wall, climbing up it easily and running along the top of it, jumping over the crumbled bits. She laughed as she went, frightening people and creatures as she went. Soon she was above the garden, and she jumped down, running on all fours silently until she spotted Leo. Skidding to a halt, she watched the lion man stuff plants into vials. She sniffed, sitting cross legged what she thought was a respectful distance away, silently watching Leo work.
"Yeah, I think that's were I was heading- down to the fields. I was on my way to find him, actually." Anya said, moving to lead the way. She supposed she didn't really need Ward's help, but it was nice to have the company while she searched for a potentially fallen companion. As they neared the fields where the battle had been, and where the fallen still lay, Anya tried to stare ahead, and not focus on what was around her. She distracted herself by asking Rain who she was, and where she was from. Once she answered, they neared the large gemstone dragon and Quincy, who seemed to think he may be dead.

The dragon did certainly seem to be dead. His breaths were hard to see, but he was breathing. His wings were a ratty mess that clearly wouldn't be doing any flying any time soon, even after the touch of a healer. Dragon wings were fragile, and even the strongest magic has trouble repairing the thin layer of skin. He was also missing a few of his scales here and there. He looked as though others on the field assumed he was dead, and simply treated him as such.

@SilverFlight @JadeWuvsCookies
Elena found herself fixing a large segment of houses and what looked like store buildings. She found herself alone again, which was alright, though she found herself thinking about Ward again. She wondered about how his meeting with Alta was. She kept walking on, moving city parts until she heard laughter and teasing.

She peaked through rubbe and boulders to see a couple families. One held a group of fauns. Two parents with a teenaged one and a tot in the mothers arms. The other looked human enough except thin and transparent wings. Children were messing with the teen faun while the parents looked mournful.
Rain stared at the two but then followed. Her smile faiding, Gasping a bit at the sight she walked closer toward the dragon without anyone's consent, she stroked his neck gently before holding his head in her hands as if she was examining him.

"He can't be dead.." she petted the dragon,clearly concerned as she is a shapeshifter and loves animals.

(Pfft alright
:P )
Ward knelt beside Rain and the kelpie Quincy (who it seemed had found him first) and placed a hand on the dragon's chest. He dipped into his limited magical power. "He's not dead." He said, relief evident on his face. They had lost enough already.

Ward summoned a simple healing spell, spreading it over the most grievous wounds. The dragon's wings he could not fix, but perhaps he could heal enough to rouse the dragon from his unconscious sleep.

"Alexander? Alexander can you hear me?"

Ward waited, and in the silence he remembered his manners. "Oh, Anya, this is Rain, one of the citizens of Branbern."

@KattRai @JadeWuvsCookies

((That's the last for me tonight, sorry guys. ))
Leo continued to make his vials of herbs and medicines in peacful silense for a long time. He stuffed a few more vials, placing them in small singular pouches that held the vials in a small leather bound pouch he had asked for from the apothocary. finally he came to his last two vials. He watched as two pods of light came slithering to him from various section of the garden. Both came and began to bloom before him. A beautiful pink colored flower with sharp pedals. The inside of the flower was a smokey yellow that almost seemed as if it was a small cloud caught in the peddels of the flower. Leo smiled at the flower and plucked it from the ground. The second the flower was cut the yellow inside turned to liquid and sat in the pedals like a cup. Leo tilted the flower and pourd the liquid into one of the vials. He reached into the flower and plucked a small seed, and crushed it between his fingers. He dropped the seed into the liquid which instantly turned black. He gave the vial a bit of a shake and placed it in one of the pouches. The second flower had already bloomed, but it looked as if it had already died as well. It turned as brown as the dirt it grew from and a few of the leaves had fallen to the ground. Leo scooped up the fallen leaves and crushed them in his palm. The leaf cumbled to dust and Leo poured the dust into a vial. He looked over the vial and placed one of his fingers in his mouth. He winced as he bit down on the finger, blood pouring from a failry big cut. He placed the cut over the mouth of the vial and let the blood drip down into its contents. The dust melted away like snow and the bloods red color instantly faded until it was crystal clear. HE stoppered the vial when it was full, and placed it in the pouch as well. He sighed as he looked down at his pouch and folded it away. He severed his connection to the garden and smiled as he felt Banba pearing at him. "The eyes of those who watch, are no match for the blind that listen and understand." HE smiled as he turned to her.

Nyr looked after the raven who now flew back to her home. For few moments she just sat idle, looking into the horizon. Achyls... such a strange yet kind girl she was: while she felt the harmony and peace with everyone else with her she felt something different... kinship. It was strange to her to meet someone who would have such an impact on her but she was glad: she had found someone who understands the darkness more than she did.

She decided to walk in Branbern. The others were rebuilding the town and were tending to the wounded... but somehow she got distracted by something else. Ever since her father confirmed the darkness in her heart she could not help but to wonder what it was... but more importantly how the others would react if they found out about it. Somehow she believed that they might understand it... but after all this dark attacks they might just brand her as traitor... as an agent of darkness.

With such doubts in her heart did the lonely raven walk down the ruined roads of Branbern.
Luness frowned at what Alta suggested. How was she to confront her already dead parents? That made no sense. Furrowing her brows, Luness took a tentative step towards Alta and then asked her, "How can I confront my problems when the sources of them are dead?"

The dragon stirred at the healing spell. The muscles twitched, indicating life. He draw the strength to think at those around him, "Quin...cy...?"

Anya sighed, relieved that the dragon was alive and asked ward, "Do you think his wings can be fixed?"
Banba tilted her head as Leo spoke to her, not having actually seen her. She took a breath in, sitting up straighter.

"But the mute understands the most." She commented, quietly. Then she grinned, twisting her spine so her shoulder was pushing across the ground, her feet still crossed.

"But no one cares about what the mute has to say. Presents? Preparations? Presentations?" Her arm floated up, arching awkwardly to point to where the flowers used to be, some fallen remains still among the grass.

Achyls' memories pained her into awakening, jolting upright with a hand pressed to her cheek. She let out a groan and got to her feet. Her body felt stronger, sleep was her best medicine.

The witch meandered around the edges of the town, keeping to the outskirts in case a guard recognised her now her face was no longer battered. The forest was beautiful, as if she was now seeing it through new eyes. Ones that no longer saw only fear and hatred; ones filled with the idea of friendship. To think Nyr had such an impact on her, when no one else she knew ever did. The trees were the lightest green and light seeped through as if dancing. Achyls flew to a nearby tree, resting on a branch to watch the world go by.
Ward examined the ruin of the dragon's wings.

"The membranes are damaged badly yes, but the ribs are left unbroken, you are lucky my friend." Quincy sat beside them, a look of relief clearly evident on her face. "I'm here." She said.

"There are dragon healers in Branbern," Ward offered, "I have seen them repair wings worse than this. I think you will recover, though I do not know how much time that will take. Can you stand?"

@KattRai @JadeWuvsCookies

Alta examined the werecat closely a sad smile playing about her muzzle. "It is because they are no the source of your problems, they are the reason for them." She continued, padding down a set or ornate stone steps and stopping at a little wall fountain which gurgled peacefully. "The source of your pain stems from you blaming yourself. The 'why' of this is that your parents are dead, the 'how' is the guilt you still feel for their deaths." She looked back to watch Luness' expression.

"The problem lies not in your loss, but in your heart, and it is there you can find answers."


((I'm sorry @Flutterby, I powerplayed a little bit if only because it would seem strange if Quincy didn't react. X3 Forgive mee!))
Alexander opened his eyes, and looked to those around. He took a deep breath and used the little energy he had gathered to turn back to a more reasonable size. His wings were too damaged to dissapear, however, and remained on his back. They hung tattered like banners of defeat on a battlefield.

Anya moved to help the dragon walk, and Quincy moved to his other side as well, in case the support was needed from shear exhaustion.

"Thank you, Ward." Alexander said, weakly.
Luness silently padded after Alta, listening to what she said as they climbed down some stairs and then stopped beside a small fountain, the gurgling water filling the air with sound.

Upon hearing Alta striking home with her reasoning for Luness' troubles, Luness folded her ears against her head and then sat on her hind legs before letting out a small whimper. Looking down at the soil beneath her, Luness spotted a weed in front of her and began aimlessly pawing at it.

"I-It's true. I blamed myself when I was just a kit for not being strong enough to protect my mom. For having to run away like a coward and nearly dying in the process regardless. To this day, I've always asked myself, 'Why did I survive when my mom died?'"

Frowning, Luness stopped pawing at the weed and then added, "I always wished that I could go back in time and die for my mom so that she could live. She didn't deserve that death...nobody deserves a death like that."


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