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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Quincy hesitated, wondering briefly if Luness would collapse on her. When she didnt, the kelpie turned and began the walk to the infirmary, listening for the sound of Luness following. “Whatever it is, Im almost certain it will go away when the dark forces are completely defeated, if that thought comforts you at all." She offered, glancing back at the werecat worriedly. “I'm sure Alta will know what to do." She added, returning her eyes to the hall in front of her.
Luness was silent, as she followed Quincy through the hallways. The silence surrounding them was deafening and Luness felt herself shaking again until Quincy's voice interrupted the silence. The sudden talking startled Luness at first, making her jump slightly before she looked ahead at the back of Quincy's head.

Listening to everything Quincy said, Luness didn't say anything in return. She couldn't seem to find any words to say and so she remained quiet. Thinking about what Quincy said, Luness felt doubt about it ever ending. She couldn't just get rid of her memories, so how in the world was she supposed to get rid of the nightmares?

Frowning, Luness shifted her gaze to her hand, silently watching as the blood trickled down one of her fingertips and then dropped to the ground after slithering over her claw. She should be in pain right now, and yet she only felt anxious. Seeing the injury was oddly comforting to her, as if it were some weird reminder to her that she was still alive.

After all, she had seen a lot of dead people lately.

Upon hearing Alta's name mentioned, Luness' ears twitched, but her gaze remained on the blood flowing from the cuts on her knuckles and the glass shards that were still embedded in her flesh. Could Alta even help her at this point?

With her attempts at comforting Luness met by silence, Quincy retuned to a calm quiet the rest of the walk to the infirmary. “Alta?" Quincy called, looking around for the familiar form of the healer. She knew the elder was around somewhere, but locating her always seemed a little tricky.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Leia smiled again as Nyr gasped her hand. satisfied with the gesture she let go and leaned back to watch the sunrise. The dark-haired witch that was with them too had not been forgotten. Leia stole a glance at Achyls and decided the looked pretty intimidating, but she had helped them, regardless of the reason.

"You're quite terrifying when you want to be." She commented, remembering the wash of dark energy that had engulfed an entire demon platoon.

"I'm glad you decided to fight on our side."

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

Trindle was in his forge, busy repairing the weapons damaged in the fight. He was working on re-shaping Luness' battle claws after they had been melted by demon fire. The work helped him take his mind off battle. "Thought I was done with all this when I left the mountains..." he grumbled to himself, only barely audible over the huff of the bellows.


Ward chuckled at Elena's comment. "Stronger than your fears? My dear, I'm starting to think your bravery knows no bounds." It was just then that a young girl approached them. Ward tilted his head at her.

"You're human. I mean, you're from the human world, but it looks like you came here long before the spell was cast." Upon her request Ward stood up and bowed formally. "I am sworn to protect all humans that have been drawn into FableWood. Ward the gryphon at your service, we would welcome your company."

Ashley had appeared at that moment too and Ward greeted her warmly. He did not know she had been out on the battlefield.

"Its good to see you safe." He smiled. "And the little one too." He had absolutely no experience with babies, nor pregnant women, only the feeling that they had to be protected.

@Bea Delaine @zCrookedz @gooberethics @Jecklyn

Alta had finished her duties on the battlefield. With her leading the healers they had managed to save many, and now, with her job mostly done she went in search of the gryphon, she had heard he'd been poisoned and that it was preventing him from taking his true form. She found him easily enough, surrounded by friends. She almost felt guilt talking him away. Almost.

"Gryphon." She addressed him gruffly. Ward flinched at the sound of her voice. "Still can't change back huh?" He shook his head, letting a disappointed expression creep onto his face.

"Well come on then, let's have a look at you. Now that no one else is dying I have time for problems like this." Ward obeyed meekly, looking back at the others mouthing a silent 'help me'.

The infirmary was still fairly full, but the injured were stable and most were sleeping quietly. Alta sat Ward down and made him take off his shirt so she could inspect the healed wound in his shoulder. A scar remained, yet the veins around the area were still an unnatural purple. Alta hummed grimly. She took a small pin from her toolkit and quick as lightning pricked the wound.

"Ah!" Ward exclaimed in surprise.

"A stab wound from a poisoned dagger and you whine about a pinprick." She teased.

"You could have warned me first."

The old healer held the blood up to dawn's light and then dipped it in a flask of green liquid. She frowned as the colour changed.

"The elves won't be able to heal this." She said seriously. "And neither can I." Ward suddenly looked fearful.

"Is this...permanent?"

"No, at least, not yet."

"Not yet?!"

"Keep your voice down, fool bird. If its not purged the effects could become permanent. This is a rare toxin from the shadow realm. When left in the body for more than three days it becomes part of it."

"So...if I don't find a cure in three days I will never be able to change back?"

"Well, two now." Ward gave her a look that said 'you are not helping'.

"This is not my area of expertise, if I could recommend something I would."

Ward looked at her miserably. Just two days? How in the world was he supposed to research and obtain a cure in just two days?

"I have heard of a land where these toxins have been mentioned frequently. Its quite far from here, Briar would know more than I do, and from what I have overheard, you may be heading there anyways."

Ward gave her a puzzled look.

@Lioness075 @Flutterby

((@zCrookedz has got the next adventure set and ready, we can leave once everyone has had enough down time :) ))
Leo greeted the new comer warmly "Welcome young Mary, I am Panthera Leo. But you may call me Leo as everyone else does." a slight breeze made Leos ear twitch slightly, turning his head to examine the area. "I am sorry, but i need to attend to something before we go to meet the princess. I will see you all there." Leo bowed to small group and turned to leave the way he came. He strolled through the town at a leasurly pace until he reached the top of the castle staircase. He turned to the destroyed town and surveyed the destruction. He followed the horizem his usuall smile gone at the sight of the towns destruction, but his sad exspression changed to sheer terror when he saw what was looming in the garden. About 30 feet tal, and 20 feet across at its opening at the top, a cyclcone sat scilently spinning. It did not destroy anything, or move from its spot, mearly spun in place much like a dancer. Leo shook he head and took one last look at the cyclone before turning back to the castle. He made his way to the dwarfs forge. HE knocked on the door frame of the forge before he entered, having to duck at the small quarters. He walked in a few steps and found the dwarf drudging through his forge mumbling something. "Greating forge master Trindle. I was wondering if you might help me with something?" He reached around and managed to release his ax and set it on an empty table near him.

(Ohh!! What is the next adventure :D )

Elena smiled meekly at the newcomer and greeted her as well with a "welcome". If this girl has been in Fablewood long, than she is probably strong enough. Her attention turned to the girl she saw before, the one with child, Ashley. She had never actually said so much to the other before, but elena was concerned by how war and fighting might effect her and her child's health.

"You didn't actually fight, did you?" She asked in a smaller voice. Before she could say more, Alta came looking for Ward. She chuckled a bit, as he was dragged away. Though she was mainly attempting to dispel more of her worry. Did it hurt, not changing back? Or would it effect his fighting? Would it get worse? Elena was worried. Yes. Nothing new. However, Ward was becoming the main topic on her mind. She sighed and rubbed her temples, deciding to work more on the ruin of the buildings.

Her hands rose and the stone, wood and metal began to dance and morph once again, into it's designated shape and location.
Mary's heart filled with joy and warmth. She was utterly surprised and flattered that embarrassed that someone would bow at her. She giggled, and playfully curtsied back to the gryphon. It seemed that she quickly lucked out, and found a wonderful group of individuals to share her next adventure with. She knew that she looked weak, and was grateful that they had enough faith in her regardless. Feeling comforted by her thoughts, she thanked each of them for welcoming her so kindly.
Luness followed Quincy around the infirmary with the intent of finding Alta. Soon though, Luness saw Alta with Ward.

Not at all wanting to talk about what happened, Luness instantly halted and then hid her injured fist behind her back before looking back at the door, wondering if she could leave the infirmary without Alta noticing.

@Flutterby @SilverFlight
Nyr smiled warmly at Leia, drying up her tears. Someway, somehow she felt at peace now - she once again had a family to look after, to protect - and this time she would not fail to do so. Standing up and dusting off her clothes she looked at Achyls motioning her to follow.

" We should return and check on the others. I am sure everyone is weary after the long fight. "

Taking wings she darted off from the wall, now with renewed purpose. Leia was right: if she was to overcome the dark heritage within her soul then she had to try and protect the others. While flying happily towards the infirmary she felt a dark heartbeat within her body. Stopping mid air momentarily she saw darkness eternal - then everything returned to normal. Shaking her head, not knowing what just have happened she continued her journey, landing near the infirmary where all the injured people were.
Quincy glanced back at Luness as she waited for Alta, catching the look at the door. “Dont even think about it." She said gruffly, resisting the urge to drag her forward by her scruff. Quincy moved forward, and as soon as Alta didnt have her hands completely full, tapped her on the shoulder. “When you have a moment, your favorite patient had a run in with a mirror." She said softly, gesturing toward Luness. Hopefully the werecat would have enough sense to at least have the shards removed and the hand bound. “And she isnt feeling very talkative." She added, giving Alta a meaningful look. With that, the kelpie glided away, pausing next to Luness. “At least let them clean and bind it before you make an escape." She said with a small chuckle, then continued her search for her dragon friend.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight

(Probably about my last post for the weekend)
Achyls let a smile crack across her face. A warm smile, different to her usual patronising smirks. She followed Nyr with elegance into the infirmary. She noted a strangeness in this girl. She was much like Achyls, but warmer...what made her so much kinder?

"Are you alright?" she asked, noticing her sudden stopping. She landed and walked to Nyr, concern working it's way into her expression.
She looked at her hands, even she was unsure what did she just see. Shaking her head she smiled at Achyls.

" I... am fine I think. It was something strange. " she silenced for a moment then nodded with her head to her own inner question " It might seem a bit strange but even though we have met I trust you. I consider you my friend - and a professional in the dark arts as I have seen. "

She carefully paid attention not to reveal anything before anyone else and she walked with her to a secluded corner.

" We are not so different you and I. I am also a raven - a dread raven to be more precise, the ones you have handily dispatched in the battle. My father told me that I also have the darkness within me even if I do not use it. Frankly I was afraid first... but now I am unsure. "

She looked at her with a warm smile and curiosity.

" Please tell me about yourself. If I understand you maybe I will understand something about myself as well. "
Achyls looked at her confused. Never once had anyone wished to know about her.

"I...was born to a shapeshifter and a witch. I was a monster. I do not know if you have heard the stories." she spoke with a dark, unforgiving tone. "My father was hunted for spawning a 'demon', as they called me. My mother was taken and I do not now know where she is. I-I was sent away. Sent to the wilds and kept in a cell like the monster I was thought to be,"

She clenched her fists, angered by those who took her away.

"They destroyed everything I had. The humans took my life away from me and banished me there,"

She was tearing up now, visions of the past terrorising her.

"Every night and day I worked on my powers, hoping one day to smite those who struck my family down. It was my duty, my fault for the death and torture of my family. But I was weak. I only frightened people. No one showed me such kindness...until I found myself in the throws of battle. I ought not thank you, given my current state...but I am truly grateful."

Achyls' white eyes misted over as tears formed and rolled down her cheeks. In her mind, she begged for forgiveness from her father and mother. She looked at the ground, pained by her experiences.
Nyr smiled warmly at the girl as her wings sprout from her back and enveloped the pained raven with her own black feathers. Wiping away the tears of Achyls from her eyes she hugged her warmly and did not let go. She knew what it meant to be alone... to be forsaken by everyone. She did not want anybody to suffer such a gruesome fate and more.

" Hush, my dear. " she whispered to her, trying to calm her down and ease her pain " You are not a monster - you never were. No, you are a strong, independent girl with powers beyond anyone's understanding. You are unique, a powerful witch and a trustworthy, caring person. "

She leaned back and looked in her eyes.

" You are a treasure. "
Falarion woke with a start and then his eyes widened when he tried to move his legs over the sid eof his bed. Letting out a yelp and then a growl in pain, Falarion sat still so that the intense pain from his foot would go back to an aching pain.

The noise he'd made still woke up two of his packmembers though. The male and female got out of their beds quickly and were at Falarion's side in no time at all. Worriedly looking at him, the male asked, "Falarion, what's wrong?"

Wincing, Falarion looked up at the pair and said gruffly, "Help me up. We need to find that dwarf, Trindle."

Nodding, the two packmembers then quickly helped Falarion to his feet, ignoring his growls and huffs of pain.

Soon, Falarion was standing with his injured foot held up off the ground. The two packmembers then stood on either side of him and helped him along with Falarion directing them to Trindle's armory. They soon arrived at the front and one of the packmembers knocked before resuming in helping Falarion stand on his one good foot.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Trindle looked up from his work, surprised to see the lion standing there. The dwarf wiped sweat and grime from his brow and set his tools down, removing the leather gloves he had on his large, forge-worn hands. "Master Leo, what can I do for you?"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Is the whole castle coming to see me now?" Trindle shifted around his forge and opened the door to Falarion. "Ah, yes. I've been expecting you at least. I've been working on a replacement, but I'm afraid its not quite done yet." Trindle brought out a stained piece of parchment and unrolled it for the werewolf to see. The drawing was elegant, a mechanical foot with and intricate system of springs and wheels that would be braced over his heel for extra support.

"With this you'll be able to run as fast as if you'd never lost it in the first place. What do you think?"

@zCrookedz @Lioness075

Ward slipped his loose linen shirt back on and walked out quietly, deep in thought. He heaved a sigh as he reached the open air and looked at his hands, so pink and tiny compared to the massive grey talons he had grown up with. Being in human form was comfortable, he liked the freedom it brought, not being seen as a monster, but a gentleman. On the other hand he felt utterly useless. His power had been in his true shape. How would he protect the humans now? And Elena? would she think less of him? He looked up at the clouds and suddenly felt a chill. They sky! If he never got his true form back, then most of all he would miss his wings. He would miss the feeling of weightlessness, of soaring through windswept white landscapes of feeling the power of his strokes as they carried him in flight.

Without realizing it he reached for the horizon, stretching his hand to grasp at a cloud before pulling it back and feeling silly. Being grounded would be the absolute worst. He paid no mind where he was going, he simply walked and waited for Briar's summons.

Leia followed Nyr to the infirmary and caught sight of the gryphon wandering away.

"What the hack happened to him?" She was about to call out to him but he had already turned a corner. She decided to leave him alone for now.

They met Quincy and Luness in the infirmary, Alta had just turned her attention to the werecat, who was bleeding...again.

"You may be the only one I know who gets hurt after a fight." She teased Luness playfully.


Alta rolled her eyes at the young werecat. "You know you don't have to be injured to get my attention, you could simply walk in." Alta said as she inspected the wound.

"Sit." She ordered, and began her work removing the shards with a set of forceps. She said nothing after that, though she gave Luness a knowing look. She had read the kit's expression and that had told her enough.

Falarion was helped over to the schematic by the two packmembers. Looking it over, Falarion then said in a breathy tone, "Looks good. Can I shift with it?" The last thing Falarion wanted was to shift into a werewolf and then have a human-shaped foot.

Luness shifted awkwardly on her feet when she heard Leia's teasing, not quite sure how to respond.

Watching Alta clean her wound, Luness soon had her knuckles wrapped and cleaned.

Remaining silent, Luness glanced up at Alta, a haunted look on her face. She didn't want to leave after what had happened with the mirror, but she still was feeling a strong urge to run away. After all, she'd spent nearly her whole life running from her past and fears.

Alexander had mostly done crowd control. He saw all that had transpired but decided he would be more useful keeping the mobs of demons and such at bay. He didn't remember losing Quincy, but when he realized she had left he was rather upset. Later in the battle, after the demon generals had been resurrected, he felt an arrow strike through the thin membrane of his wings, tearing a rip that was nearly half a foot long. It hurt like nothing he could imagine, and the dragon tumbled from the air roaring out in pain as he fell. Of course, in the middle of such a battle he was not the only dragon, and the fight was so loud that one may not even hear him. He spent the rest of the battle downed, trying to fend off the demons on the ground. His wings sustained many many more gashes, rendering them useless. The bloodflow from his wings was not of concern, but the pain became too much for his mind to handle, and before the portal was closed, Alexander succumbed to the pain and passed out.

The demons assumed the beast was dead when Alexander stopped moving, and he became a part of the battle field for both sides to hide behind, climb over, and use as they needed. By the end of the battle his wings had been torn to shreds and a few of his scales had been taken by solders who thought he was dead. Dragon scales were expensive, and also offered incredible protection. When the others headed back to the castle, Alexander remained out there among the dead, his own body seemingly lifeless.

Anya, too, focused mostly on the crowds. She wanted to help the others, but didn't know how. When they all made their way back to the castle she was compelled to check on everyone she could find and see how they all fared. Even Luness's pack. When she couldn't find Alexander, she asked aloud about the dragon, though it wasn't to anyone in particular.

"Where is Alexander? Is he with Quincy and I missed him?" She didn't really direct the question to anyone, just to whoever heard her. She wasn't close with the dragon, but she wasn't certain she could handle news of his- or anyone in their party's- death very well. She wasn't sure what had happened with everyone else, as she had gotten separated early on and only seen some of the aftermath of events. She saw Nyr's father die, but after that she had gotten lost in the thick of the fight, that's why she was trying to check on the members of the party that she knew about.

Leo was just about to begin explaining his needs when another knock came from behind. As the old dwarf went and retrieved who was at the door, Leo moved out of the way as he saw the werewolves entering. He walked over and helped them the best he could get Falarion into a more comfortable position. He watched the dwarf return with the paper, which Leo couldn't help be peak at. It was a very elegant and sturdy looking piece of machinery. Leo knew where this conversation was going and immediately stepped up to both of them. "I can help ease the pain and tend to the wound after it has been removed if you would like noble werewolf. Any friend of Luness is a friend of mine and i would not be able to call myself a Guardian if i sat by and watched without helping." He turned to the dwarf and waited to see what their plan was.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
"Oh it'll shift. But that's what takes the time. The enchantment is complex, I need Grenwin to do it and he's still resting." The dwarf listened as Leo offered his help.

"Nobody's cuttin' off anythin' in my forge." the dwarf said flatly. "I'll take the prosthetic up to the infirmary when its done. Meantime Falarion why don't you go up there? Seems you could use another dose of that she-wolf's herbs. Do the amputation up there, then you can magic it up before we try your new foot eh?"

He set the battle claws aside and sweeps off a clean space on his iron workbench.

"Now Lion, what was it you came to see me about?"

@zCrookedz @Lioness075

When Alta had finished her work she rested a wrinkled hand on Luness' bandaged paw.

"You know? I've been cooped up in this dang infirmary for an eternity it feels like." She got out of her chair and shifted. Shaking her hackles out she looked on them again from the whitened face of a wolf, her soft brown eyes gleaming in the sunlight.

"Show me around the gardens."

Falarion nodded at Leo and then Trindle, and then the two packmembers helped him outside and then inside the infirmary.

Finding the closest open cot, the packmembers laid down Falarion and then one of them grabbed two chairs before sitting beside him.

Meanwhile, the female couldn't find Alta, but found an elf healer nearby and called him over to aid Falarion in easing his pain.

The elf wasn't able to ease all of Falarion's pain, but he made most of it go away, which Falarion said would be enough for now.

The female werewolf thanked the elf and then joined the other packmember in quietly sitting by Falarion's side.

Luness flinched at Alta's touch before she hesitantly relaxed.

Watching Alta shift after hearing what she was implying, Luness hesitantly stood up from where she'd been sitting. Looking down at the shewolf, Luness then subtly smiled before dropping to all fours as well.

Leading the way to the gardens, Luness was visibly relieved once they'd exited the castle. She'd felt almost trapped inside of there and felt better now that she was under the open sky.

Glancing back to make sure Alta was following her, Luness then began walking into the gardens.

Leo gave the dwarf a nod about the amputation. If Falarion and the pack wanted to Leo to help with the procedure, he would not turn them down. "Give me notice if you should need assisstance from me, send for me. I will be there as soon as i am needed." He turned back to the dwarf and gestured to the ax on the table. He placed a hand on the middle of the staff of the ax "Ive weilded this blade since i was a young and began my training as a guardian. I am profecient in dual weilding weapons, and there have been times when the weight and bulk of the long staff ax has been hard to hang onto. I would like to know if there is a way you can take this one ax, and give it the capability to turn into two axes. But also become one ax again." He reached around the small of his back and took out his dagger. "Also, if we could put a similar device on the end of this to attach to the axes for s different attack that would be nice." he sat back and listend to the dwarf.
Quincy was getting worried. She hadnt seen Alexander since her forced dismount, leaping to avoid the talons of an enemy, and he didnt seem to be in the castle anywhere. With a heavy heart, she left the safety of the walls and started across the bloodstained earth. She wandered for several minutes across the ruined plains, littered with the fallen, before she saw his familiar form, crumpled on the ground. She approached slowly, a massive lump in her throat. “Alexander.." She whispered, dropping to her knees next to his shoulder, unable to tell if he was breathing.


(Headed out to the camp ground, so I wont be posting until tomorrow.)
Rain was out of the infirmiy nOw that everyone had been treated, she didn't have anywhere else to really go since her home had been destroyed.. Yes, she was torn but she had to be strong.. there were people who'd lost more than she had.

With a light sigh she walked down the streets, looking at some of the buildings and homes that'd been destroyed. She wished she could help but that just wasn't her strong suit.. Continuing down the streets she came across Ward who seemed really down and walked up to him "Hi there.. are you alright, my friend?" Hoping she wouldn't make things worse she watched him without saying anymore
Ward looked up as he heard someone call to him. He did not know the girl, but was sure he had seen her in the town at least once over the years.

"Hello to you." He said, trying to sweep his forlorn mood beneath a pleasant smile. "Alright? Well, as 'alright' as anyone here who has lost something I suppose. Are you alright?" It was good to talk to someone, it gave him something else to focus on other than himself.


Alta followed the werecat quietly, breathing in the sweet scents of the garden which defied the ubiquitous stench of charred wood and dust.

"Very nice." She said admiring the plants. Many of these she knew could be powerful healing herbs, but they quickly lost interest for her. She moved closer to Luness and spoke softly. "Now kit, you've got something in your heart. Care to bend an old wolf's ear?"


Trindle contemplated the requests.

"I can do that I think. Leave it here and I'll get it sorted," With the battleclaws forgotten for the moment the red dwarf set to work. Heating the forge and pulling spare metal from a compartment under his bench. "Could do with a bit of re-working this blade...and I'll have to replace the handle...carve a new one...with a steel center and attach..." Trindle kept mumbling to himself as he began drawing out the new design, lost to all but the pencil and paper.


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