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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo felt his eyes begin to sting from the strong windpush against his face. The portal was so close now, the shadows comming from the nightmare realms where crawling over he and Banba. He reached for his ax on his back to help keep the shadows off himself and Banba. The winds were to strong, and the shadows immediatly clung to his ax ripping out of his hand. He watched it plummet to the earth below, he had to figure out a way to keep that from happening. He reached for his dagger and gripped it tight as he began to cut through the shadows as they tried to reach for the lantern in his oposite hand. HE continued to pour his energy into the lantern, which began to hum with the power that was being stored inside. finally he felt the last bit of his power flow into the lantern, his eye dimmed back to its normal golden iris. HE continued to cut through the shadows until finally he had a slight opening. He lifted his hand into the air with the lantern, tapping into it one last time to unleash the energy stored. There was a shock wave of energy as the lantern activated. A small glowing light began to grow from the inside of the lantern. It grew and grewm enveloping Leo and Banba, and continued to grow reaching up to the portal. the light did not stop there, in continued to grow until it hit the ground and began to envelope everything and everyone for several miles. Leo was lost in the blinding light, he could not see anything or anyone except the blinding white light.
Luness let out a surprised yelp when Erzaul stopped her leap mid-air. Eyes wide, she struggled for a moment and then felt herself thrown backwards, unable to stop her fall or turn around.

There was a moment where Luness' stomach dropped and she then suddenly felt the rushing sensation of herself plummeting to the ground at a high speed, impossible to stop herself from the inevitable impact. Closing her eyes tightly, Luness braced for the impact, her heart racing at the mere idea of what injuries she was about to sustain.

Suddenly though, she felt herself collide with someone and she saw a couple raven feathers appear in the air around her before she felt herself falling again, but now with someone else. Nyr?

Yet, before Luness could get a good view of the person she'd collided with, there was a blinding white light from near the rift in the sky and Luness cried out in both surprise and pain, as she was suddenly blinded.

On the ground below, Luness' pack anxiously raced, trying their best to keep up with their Alpha so as to protect her from any life-threatening injuries from the high fall. Once the blinding light appeared in the sky though, the whole pack was stumbling to a halt and soon a dog pile was formed with all of them dazed, disoriented, and temporarily blinded.

"Poor girl, you've been through a lot." Ashley sighed as she continued to tend to Archyls. While treating the burns that she had suffered, Ashley did wipe up any remaining blood so the girl would not drown in her own blood. She took a deep breath as she rested one hand on her stomach, still feeling the baby kicking against her stomach. Even though it was annoying, Ashley didn't seem to mind because it came with becoming a Mom. Oh well, hopefully Archyls would awaken soon.

As she woke, Achyls' hands clenched to hold back the pain of her injuries...but there was no more pain. At least, not in the way she had thought. She forced her eyes open, gleaming white, as if with no iris or pupil. Using all her strength, she moved into a sitting position, noticing Ashley, with blood on her hands and a protruding stomach.

"You are...with child?" she winced, the burns on her cheek hurting as she spoke. She sounded weak, unaware now that she was thought to be feared. And it seemed they were unaware as well.

@Shimakage Thunder
Ashley was happy that Archyls was finally awake. Because she was so wrapped up in tending to Archyls, she forgot to clean the blood off of her own hands. She then noticed that the young Raven-Girl was looking at her belly. Probably her first time seeing a pregnant woman up close too. But then again, she was also quite visibly pregnant, so that didn't help her case. "Yeah. Thrity-two weeks. It's a girl." Ashley smiled with content. "You should rest. You took quite a beating out in the battlefield. I would be out there right now, but Ward doesn't want me to get hurt because of the baby." She said after seeing Archyls wince in pain because of the burns on her cheeks.

Nyr seeing the events unfold dashed towards the falling Luness, barely catching her in mid air as she continued to fall down with her, helping with her wings to lessen the impact. Smiling at her she was about to comment her bravery when the blinding flash of light caught her unaware, losing her balance. Still, she did not let Luness go but not seeing where were they landing she flew bit off to the direction. Then her back and feathers touched something furry first - presumably some wolves from Luness' pack - before bouncing off from them and with a poof landing on the ground. Fortunately however it was she who was down under and Luness was safe.

Erzaul laughed as he dodged Quincy's arrows and in retaliation he shot dark energies towards her. Just before she could struck him He grabbed Elena mid air, grinning at the girl, trying to smother her in darkness before hurling her back down. Now he just got tired of these distractions.

" I will destroy everything you have ever loved! " he bellowed gathering an incredible mass of dark energy in his shadowy hands to finish off his enemies once and for all.

But then the explosion happened.

He felt something going amiss when the portal started to react violently and a blinding light erupted from the middle of it. He was so distracted that he did not notice the others meddling with his creation. Moments later the portal shook and started to reverse its effect.

" No! What have you done? " he screamed in rage, throwin the dark energy at Leo and Banba. In the next moment her felt a pulling. All the nightmares and horros that escaped now roared in surprise as the portal sucked them back into the void - along with their master. Erzaul tried to cling to something but to no avail - the suction intensified with every moment.

" No! NO! This was to be my hour of triumph! " he roared as the rift dragged him in " I will not return to her in failure! I will not be torn from this pitiful world! No! NOOO! "

The portal almost consumed him and he shot a dark glare at the so called heroes, his eyes burning in hatred.

" When next we meet I will hold nothing back! DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU WILL ALL DROWN IN YOUR OWN HORRORS! "

And with that he vanished in the nether portal, which then collapsed on itself.
Leo watched as the portal began to vacuume its previous contents back into the nightmare realm. He tried to let Banba know that they should get away from the portal, but the savag e winds were to loud. He motioned his arm backwards to try and gesture to fly away from the portal. Once they were clear of the portal, Leo watched as the darkness was returned to its dark home. He released a sigh of releif, they had done it. Suddenly a great weight was lifted from Leo, but was replaces by something else. His head felt light, and his arms began to go numb. Fear of falling from his friends back, he leaned over and placed both hands on her back. Slowly his eye began to fill with darkness. His over exerted state caught up with him. "We did it.." HE smiled as he said this, just before his unconcious mind took him and he collapsed on Banbas back.

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Luness grunted, as she felt Nyr crash to the ground underneath Luness. Her vision slowly came back to her and through its blurred picture, Luness was able to watch as the portal sucked the demonic forces and Erzaul into it before closing itself.

Falarion, who had been the werewolf whom Nyr had bounced off of, sprinted to Nyr and Luness' side before kneeling down beside the two. Looking them over quickly, Falarion then asked them, "Are you two okay?"

Luness then finally realized where she was and she scrambled to all fours, quickly climbing off of Nyr and standing a foot or two away.

Looking at Falarion, Luness nodded and then she looked down at Nyr before lowering her head slightly and then saying, "Uh, thank you for catching me, Nyr."

Falarion smirked at his Alpha's uncomfortableness before he stood up and offered Nyr a hand so she could stand up.

Elena had no time to move in her attack to avoid the demons retaliation. She was swept up and smother by a cold and painful force. For a second in it she saw something. Through the dark she saw dim black and white vacant cities with no life, then the figures of everyone she knew, dead and limp. Their forms splayed across dirt in a forest which looked a bit like where she entered.

Her vision shook and cleared and she was tossed like a rag doll. For a moment, she felt it was hopeless. The arch demon retreated, but it was not a victory. It was merely a chance to grow in strength and method. She stayed on the ground for another moment to reevaluate the situation.
Quincy was pleased to finally catch the demons attention, drawing it away from Leo and Banba. Sadly, he retaliated. She was able to dodge the first few attacks of dark energy, but the grass was slippery with blood and she lost her footing. A bolt of it hit her back, jarring a pained cry from her throat. She landed on her stomach, dark fire had scorched most of her back. The kelpie slowly stood, trying to see the damage over her shoulder. It didnt look good. She wandered back toward the group, not feeling as victorious as she should have.
Achyls nodded, but did not take Ashley's advice. Instead, she forced herself up onto her feet and hobbled towards the castle gate, wanting to return to the battlefield to get her revenge on the one who injured her. Once getting to the gate, the guards still had no recognition of her face, on the account of her facial wounds. Due to this, the guard turned her away, telling her she needed to remain in the walls to heal. She grunted and scoffed at the man, before trying to take flight in her Raven form, though she was unsteady and unable to fly. Affronted, she returned to Ashley, still bemused at how children could grow inside another human.
Ward watched the portal collapse, the powerful demon Erzaul get sucked back into the darkness he had come from. He ran over to Elena and knelt down beside her.

"Are you hurt?" He lifted her into a sitting position, concern filling his amber eyes. It took a few moments to process that the danger was finally over, and as soon as he did he felt himself smile in relief. They were safe, for now.

"You were very brave." He remarked. "Everyone was really." He watched the others and their expressions. Nyr, Luness and Falarion, Banba with Leo unconscious on her back. Leia had walked over as well, clutching one arm protectively. She sent her water familiar to Quincy who glowed and enveloped the kelpie in healing water.

The fight was finished, but the cost had been high. Bodies littered the landscape, and many were allies.

I figure approached them silently, the bronze horse he rode was dented and charred, but still mobile.

"Is everyone all right?" Fior asked.

Ward looked around. "It would appear injuries are fixable." Neither of them could bring themselves to be happy at the moment.

"Briar?" The gryphon asked. Fior gestured to the distant figure, knelt over the lifeless body of August. Ward felt a pang of grief hit his heart. The unicorn had not only been a friend to the princess but one of his mentors as well, always patient and kind, even to the beast that Ward believed he was back then.

"The healers are waiting to receive you." Fior addressed them all, he looked tired, almost older. It seems the horrors of battle would weigh on them all. "This is a victory!" he continued. "We repelled an army today, saved our home, and proved that we are indeed a force to be reckoned with. I know we lost friends, we must grieve, but we must also remember that their lives were not given in vain. Today we have won."

Fior approached Luness and bowed, despite an injury making him wince.

"I know the princess would ask this, but we would like to give your fallen pack member a proper burial, and have him laid to rest here, in the fields of Branbern, with August. Would this be acceptable?"

@Flutterby @Lioness075 @Bea Delaine
Banba flapped viciously, blinded by the light. She heard screaming, but it was muddled in her brain. Slowly, she regained her sight, and she landed as carefully as she could, looking back to the unconscious Leo on her back. Her breath quickened, and she moved her weight foot to foot, troubled noises escaping her throat.

"The toads have regained their dry land." She stated to no one in particular, spreading her wings carefully. "But now it is time for the rabbit to get their own help." And with that, she took off flying, quickly reaching the infirmary where she carefully let Leo roll off her back onto a cot. Her feathers began to fall off, disappearing before they hit the floor, scales appearing underneath them until she was sitting on the floor in her normal form, anxiously playing with the end of her tail, watching over her lion man friend.
Luness saw the prince's arrival and the gathering of her friends nearby so she stood up on her hind legs. She was coated from head to toe with blood from her fallen foes and her armor was torn in several places where small cuts had gone unnoticed by Luness.

Hearing the speech, Luness turned towards the prince and solemnly listened, the adrenaline beginning to wear off. Weariness and exhaustion were sure to hit soon and Luness knew that it may be difficult for her to stand when it all kicked in.

Surprised, Luness watched as the prince approached her and then bowed to her. Hearing the offer to have her packmember buried here, Luness wasn't quite sure how to respond. Looking over at her weary and half-awake packmembers, Luness decided that now was not the time to make such decisions. They needed to rest first.

Looking back at Fior, Luness said, "I'd like to think about it first." She wanted to double check with her pack, since they may very well wish to bring the fallen ally back to their snowy and wintery home. That, and Luness knew nothing of how they handled their dead.

Now that Luness had their fallen member in mind, she realized that they needed to recover the body from the city, where he'd fallen to the general, Urgash.

Elen sat up as Ward came to her aid and helped her. For the most part she was alright. Just shaken and... Concerned by what she saw. Elena smiled at the concerned Ward, and gotto her feet carefully.

"I'm alright.. Thank you Ward." She said quietly.

"It's just.. I'm a little worried."

She said. She was about to continue but then Fior arrived. Ward looked to mourn for the lost August, and Elena felt sorrow, placing a hand on the gryphon and giving a light squeeze for comfort.
Ward was grateful of the comfort. He took her hand in his and pressed it warmly.

"What worries you? Something you saw?"

Fior nodded at Luness' response. "Whatever you decide, we will respect it. For now though, let us prepare to return to the castle. I'll have word sent to the people of Branbern, that they can go home."

@Shimakage Thunder @Jecklyn
The entire body of Nyr hurt when she finally opened her eyes. The landing was much more rough than she expected and she felt some of her bones be broken. She tried to sit up by herself but was unable to - so she gladly took the paw of Falarion when he offered her his aid.

Siting up was a much more painful process than she had expected but decided to hide her pain and smiled at Luness, wiping away the blood from her mouth - was it hers or somebody else's she knew not.

" You would have done the same for me. " she smiled gleefully as she mustered the strength to stand up with her wings. Clutching her hurt arm with the other she walked up to the prince and the others, eyeing over them proudly. Ward and Elena looked so peaceful together and Banba carried the exhausted Leo on her back. She smiled as she looked up on the now clear sky. It was a victory - that had a great cost.

Silently and sadly she headed to the infirmary.

Now that the battle was over the sorrowful memories have returned to her heart. The healers might have mended her wounds but her heart still ached. She wanted to be alone... but also wanted to hug someone, to cry on someone's shoulder - yet she did not have the courage to ask. She just sat there in silence, contemplating on the events.
Seeing Ashley tending to her soon to be child, Achyls took the liberty of inspecting the town she once lived in. She limped, staying close to the walls for support. A wince grew across her face as her burned cheek stung like it had when it was first attacked.

As she walked, she noticed the bodies being drawn into the infirmary. They were the ones who protected her, fighting the forces of evil. Achyls wandered back in after them, noticing Nyr. This girl was unfamiliar.

"Why do you sit in such a manner?" she asked, walking up to Nyr, her eyes white but face broken. She looked like a result of some devastating mutation, but for now her nature was not malicious, in light of such events.

In light of the war, Ashley did feel a little guilty for not being able to help her Companions in battle. But it was Ward's request and she didn't want to have words in such a crucial time. But she did make up for it by tending to the Wounded. Seeing the death toll and how many casualties that were suffered. She still had a while until having to give birth, so now wasn't the time to worry about having her baby in the middle of a battlefield. While walking around, she noticed Nyr and Archyls. Nyr looked like she was in a horrible state. Archyls looked a bit bad too. Ashley tried her best to treat the injuries and could only hope that there won't be too many ugly scars. She sat down next to Nyr and tried to console her.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios
(Before timeskip)

When Nyr mentioned that Luness would've done the same for her, she turned around and raised an eyebrow at her before saying, "If you think so, birdbrain." Watching Nyr go, Luness knew that Nyr's father's death had to have hit her hard. Still, Luness felt uncomfortable with the idea of comforting Nyr after being so readily annoyed by her all the time.

Sighing, Luness turned away from Nyr and then walked around her packmembers, making sure that they could all walk at least. Satisfied, Luness then led the pack as they held each other up and limped to the infirmary.

Upon arriving there, Luness saw the healers were mostly busy already. Making sure all of her packmembers were seen to first, Luness didn't allow herself to be looked over until she was satisfied that all of her members were either healed or healing.

As the healer looked her over, Luness raised an eyebrow when it was mentioned that until Luness cleaned herself up and got rid of her ruined armor, there was no way they'd be able to help her. Yet, before Luness could put up an argument, she was ushered away by two female elf healers and, despite their lean figures, they were far stronger than they appeared.

Since Luness was weak from the fighting and her wounds, it didn't take long despite her protests for Luness to have her armor removed and then she was shoved unceremoniously into a bath. After plenty of yowling from Luness' end, the bath was soon done and Luness was dried off with a wind spell, though she felt more fluffy than anything with her hair blown dry.

Trying to smooth her fur down , Luness was then led back to the infirmary and forced to lay down as several cuts were healed on her sides and arms. Ultimately though, it was deemed that Luness really just needed a lot of rest.

Getting up, Luness overheard the mention of rooms available for the heroes. Smiling at this, Luness forced her weary self to her feet and then with Falarion's aid, they got all of the packmembers into one room. Once the packmembers were all clean, clothed in fresh and loose-fitting garments, they were all then helped into their own warm beds.

After Luness was helped by Falarion into her own bed in the room, Falarion found a bed of his own and the whole pack was soon fast asleep, sharing one of the larger rooms that could house the whole pack.

(After timeskip)

Luness woke before the night could truly roll around, her heart racing as she saw Erzaul hovering near her bed, his eyes shining with evil intent. Eyes wide, Luness let out a small whimper and shrunk in her bed, closing her eyes tightly. When she opened them a few seconds later, Erzaul was no longer there.

Not wanting to be in the room, Luness swiftly climbed out of her bed and then silently padded out on her hind legs before aimlessly wandering the hallways, not sure what to do to get her mind off of recent events.
She looked up from her troubled thoughts and for a moment did not recognize her. Then she remembered that she was the one who obliterated the demons - and the one who was unfortunate enough to met Erzaul too close. She smiled at her weakly with her false smile.

" Oh hello, I did not see yo there. " she said " You are new here right? You were really brave back there - and really powerful. "

She stood up momentarily and bowed before her.

" The name is Nyr, pleased to meet you. "

She sat back as Ashley walked in and looked at her as well with the fake smile then addressed Achyls.

" It is nothing, I am fine. Happy that we have won. "
Elena's smile fell slightly, though not sad. She was just confused. Slowly and unsure if she was even correct, she replied.

"Something I saw, yeah. I know this is still not nearly its worst yet. The arch demon, he is preparing.. And something bad is happening at home I think. I don't know, really. It might just be a fear." She said with a regained smile again.

Later that night she stood in the ruins. The land was dreary and empty. Walls repaired around her at her command, morphing into the right form and in the right location. Flowers on vines lined the fencing. She stood still at first, admiring the fixing. Than she brought out her sword when she remembered the murky vision. Without stopping the repair, she shadow fought until it was too tiring. They were told to rest, but Elena feared what lay agh was for the group. After a bit, she fell back, looking at the stars on a patch of grass. It was pleasant to see something untouched by carnage
Banba stood up and watched as Leo was moved inside the castle walls, aid given to him there. Instead of following them, she turned the other way, walking among the dead still on the field. She was looking for something in particular, and chuckled when she spotted it. Picking up Leo's double sided axe, she held it in front of her, one end resting on the wet dirt. Banba stared around, watching as bodies were laid and buried. Slowly, she leaned her head back, moving the axe out in her stretched arms, until all at once, she snapped her head forward, pulling the axe's handle into her face. She giggled as she stumbled where she stood, gripping the axe for support. Blood was slowly dripping from above her eyebrow, scales pushed under each other. It wasn't serious, and heal on its own in a few day's time, but she still enjoyed the sting it brought to her face. Banba turned, walking into the town until she saw Elena. Tilting her head, Banba let herself fall to her stomach after carefully putting Leo's blade down, grinning up at the girl.

"How now, owl?"
Achyls looked at her, a slight glare on her face. "I would thank you. But I'm afraid my reputation would not allow it,". She bowed her head in respect to Nyr and Ashley and began to make her way out of the infirmary. Now, she felt able to attempt changing form again. She did so with little difficulty, soaring (albeit unsteadily) into the air. Perching on the high walls of the castle, she surveyed the town, remembering her life before her banishing. She felt a tangible sense of regret, stinging her tongue as she thought.

"They do not know me anymore," she muttered to herself, "They no longer fear me...what have I become to them?".

She remained comfortably on the wall, waiting for a passerby to spot her.

@Shimakage Thunder
Elena looked to the side, distracted from the stars to see Banba. Smiling at the lizard shifter, she sat back up. Then her smile dropped when she saw blood.

"Banba, would you like to get fixed up? I've been repairing the ruins, but now I'm not busy." She stood back up and ran a hand through toned down curled with worry.

"Is that the only injury or are there more?"

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