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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls perched on a branch overlooking the battlefield, content in watching in her Raven form. All she could see was senseless violence. It amused her, but disturbed her. This was not the way of the people, surely? She decided to take a closer look, circling the fields much like a buzzard would, listening to shouts and screams of the now damned.

After a while, she shifted back to her natural form, sitting carefully on the branch of a tree, smiling slyly at those fighting for their lives. The fear of battle amused her, and she tried to hide her laughs. Unfortunately, it may have been just a little too loud.
Ward grinned at Banba, now in the form of a squat deer, with an agile leap he landed on her back, offering a hand to Leia who ran beside him. Suddenly she caught sight of something.

"You go! I've got your back!" The figure sitting in the tree looked an awful lot like one of the bad guys. Quickly doubling back she slid to a halt in front of the tree, her two elemental spirits poised and ready for a fight.

"If you think you've got the drop on us you couldn't be more wrong." Leia said to the woman in the tree. "What are you? A dread raven? A demon?" The trauma of being through a war for the past 2 days had balled up inside her as a deep-seeded anger, and she was more than ready to let it out if given a reason.

@SkywardSocks @Jecklyn
Erzaul was floating mid air and was grinning and laughing menacingly.

" Oh, so the heroes have made it to the glorious finale! " he said, eyeing over the eager heroes to end him " I take it you are in good spirits? Prepared for the final battle? "

He snapped with his fingers and few thunders arced through the sky as the wind intensified. He then looked at Luness and smiled.

" Noble werecat. Have you reconsidered my offer? Together we would be unstoppable. "

He then looked at Ward.

" Lord gryphon, join me and I shall not only heal your wound - but will also rant you power beyond imagining! "

Only then did he notice the newcomer - she seemed to be a raven, but a different one.

" Oh a powerful raven! Join me, child, and you shall be reborn in shadow! "
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"Afraid not," Achyls stated, her tone was maliciously calming and soft. "I'm the 'witch'". She elegantly jumped from the branch to stand face to face with Leia. Her eyebrows raised as if expecting a frightened gasp or an outburst of violence. She continued, "I live in the woods, I'm sure you have heard of me,".

Achyls turned to see the demonic army awaiting them, and caught sight of Erzaul, in awe of their leadership.
"Not a word. Sorry to disappoint you." Leia didn't flinch. She may have come from a world far away but over the past little while she had fought giant spiders, actual giants, evil plants, wizards and two archdemons. It would take a lot to intimidate her now. Tad and Lee held their ground, but they didn't seem too upset by the witch's appearance.

"So..you're not with Mr. evil overlord over there?" She pointed to the thunder storm raging behind her. The one Ward was headed straight for, and the one she needed to run at as well.

"Well if you aren't then you should know, that guy intends to barbecue anything who isn't bowing to him...fact is, I think we could really use the help."


Ward had his sword drawn. "Never demon! I would rather end things here and now!"

Leo followed dthe others until the reached the demon lord floating above them. He listened to him blather on. Leo inhaled through his nose, and let a giant roar loss to shake the battle field. "foul creature!!! Leave now and cower in your darkness before we destroy you
"Oh? Does he?" Achyls questioned, her interest peaked by the villain. She gave a nod to Leia and took to the skies, flying up to the highest point she could reach with a clear shot at the army below. With haste, she shifted to her human form and began to channel her energy. A dark, swirling magic spewed forth from her fingertips, whispering incantations as they formed in her hands. Once at full capacity, she let loose the dark energy, causing a rattling explosion that consumed much of the battlefield below.
Erzaul grinned as he saw the massive dark energy. Even he was impressed... but little did they know that this just aided him further.

" Oh, my darling, you shouldn't have. " he laughed, absorbing the dark energy into his hands. " Very well then, you are so eager to die - then face now my ultimate creations! RISE! "

He hurled his and the consumed dark energy to the ground, which then in turn started to shake and tremble violently. Moments later the earth gave in and two, macabre figures have risen from the depths below. One was enormous, a massive, gigantic figure, its skin dissolved from parts of his chest and his face, the dark flame burning in his empty eye sockets with rage. The other was a much smaller, slender female figure, also in a decayed state, who now clutched two large daggers in her hand.

" Behold my generals, reborn! Perhaps my finest works! " he cackled as the gigantic Urgash reached out with his hand, the shadow flame manifesting a large axe in his hands and the small assassin, Nerzyyl readied her daggers for the fight. Their bodies were mere marionette figures, husks reanimated by the nefarious flame of the netherworld, bent only to the arch demon's will.

" See how the shadow flame animates their bones? They fight at my command! " The arch demon roared then pointed with his shadowy fingers at the heroes. " Destroy them minions, your master commands it! "
Banba skidded to a halt, letting Ward gently off her back before jumping at Leo's back, attaching herself in her regular form, tail excitedly swishing this way and that.

"What about those of us who are sound of mind? Or maybe don't have as much control over our bodies?" She called up, before an explosion shook the ground. She looked around, eyes wide and lips up-curled. She knew that spell. She knew that figure. And she grinned, waving until the ground shook again, the two figures rising from under the earth. Her grin widened, her eyes so wide one could see all around the yellow irises.

"And two by two come the hands of blue." She murmured, crawling higher up Leo's back.
Leo watched the ball of dark energy dissappear when it reached the demon. " That can't be good." Banba approach gave him a bit of a shock, but was released to have her by his side once again. Then the magic came flying at the ground. Leo slammed his ax into the ground to steady himself as the ground split open. He watched the two figure crawl from the hole, his eye enlarging as he recognized the silhouette and twin daggers. He snarled at the assassin's return "Foul creature! You should have stayed a pile of ashes!" Ripping the ax from the ground Leo's eye beamed green as he tore down the battle field towards the corpse. Only a few feet from it, he left into the air and brought the ax down on the foul corpses head.
Achyls was impressed, but insulted, shouting foul, archaic words at the demons below. She knew everything that was possible for her would be lost to the demons and could only spectate and distract. Distract. Yes. She took to the skies again, confusing the minions in a whirl of blue light and feathers, leaving gaps for the others to strike.
Leia smiled as the witch took to battle. She launched her elemental spirits into the fray. Tad, the air spirit dove into a rapid spin that created a horizontal whirlwind and Lee poured icicles into the funnel, creating projectile daggers which flew at the reborn enemies.

Leia charge alongside the attack, sword raised and poised to strike.

Ward could feel the place where the assassin had stabbed him before, it burned under his armour but he gritted his teeth against the pain. Gently he began to whisper a spell and his blade grew cold and caked in frost. Mist fell away from it as it was imbued with the power of winter.

Then he struck, dashing in quick and low, running at the assassin from the front, at the last moment he pulled into a feint and went for her flank, his sword poised for a sideways slash.


((Have to sleep now. Night all!))
Falarion let go of Luness and then stood up before offering her his paw.

Luness took it and was soon on her feet as well. Looking around, she wasn't entirely sure of what to do until she heard the booming voice of the archdemon once more.

Snarling, Luness turned sharply to him, hearing him calling her out. Angered by his words, Luness shouted back, "I'll take pleasure in watching you die, demon!"

Luness then dropped to all fours and grinned, as her pack let out howls and they all began sprinting towards the archdemon, Erzaul.

Soon though, the ground began shaking and the pack all stumbled to a halt, keeping their balance. Once the two generals rose again, Luness took the lead in charging the larger general, the one that had left Luness and Falarion with burn wounds, and had permanently damaged one of Falarion's feet.

While Falarion leaped at the general, Luness jumped up and clamped her jaw down on the axe's handle before grabbing it with her hands and trying to pull it away. Meanwhile, the rest of the packmembers charged the general's legs, aiming to knock him onto his back.

The corpse of the female demon staggered from the mighty blow of the guardian but it did not relent. Small cracks appeared in the skull where he struck her causing the dark energy to leak out but this momentary setback did not deter the macabre corpse from its unholy cause. With swiftness it struck at the guardian - without success at first since he was fast enough to dodge her. Too late did she notice the gryphon on her side and hi blade struck her body, letting out an irritated groan as the powerful blade struck her on the side Then she readied a fan of knives, each burning in the dark flame and threw them around, spraying the battlefield with them.

Meanwhile the hulking form of Urgash cleaved with his dark ax, scarring the earth wherever he struck. Fortunately after the reanimation he was even slower than before - although his power increased due to the necromancy of his commander he was even more vulnerable to the fast attacks. He barely noticed the icicles touching his skin, more of an irritation than a real attack but his opponents did anger him, turning his attention towards them. That being said the shadow flame ax he wielded now burned everything it touched and as the mindless abomination struck around itself it destroyed everything in its path trying to cleave his enemies into dust. But then his eyes - what remained of them - fixated on a familiar sight: the werewolves and their leader who were now foolish enough to close on him to strike. Shifting his attention once again to his closer targets he bellowed and swung his ax ferociously, trying to decimate his nearby foes.

Erzaul grinned, satisfied with his work as he erected a defensive barrier around himself. He did not want to interfere in the fight - that was not in his plans. Silently and intently he looked at the heroes and his two creations with analitycal eyes and watched.
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Leo watched as the dark flames licked the edge of his blade as it made contact with the creatures skull. He placed his back paws on the the creatures chest as it readyied its first attack. He pushed himself as hard as he could, causing himself and his ax to fly backwards about five feet from the creature and her attack. Grasping his ax with both hands he readied his weapon, just as the creature readied its fans of knives. Leo charged the creature , ax at the ready, its knives launched stright for him. He knocked a few out of the way, but one knicked his right forarm. He ignored the pain of the flame covered knife, more entent on destroying the creature. Once he was close enough, he swung the axe from the side in a circle infront of him, trying to catch the creature in the hip with his massive blade.
Achyls soared high into the air, laughing at the confused demons below. She readied another burst of magic, this time striking the ground around the minions. There was an almighty crash, as darkness engulfed the plain, knocking her enemies back, leaving some unconscious and others, dead. The size of the attack was much larger than she was used to, sending chills down her spine as she launched it. The destruction, however, was reward enough.
Seeing the axe coming their way, Luness quickly hissed orders to her pack and they all scattered in the area while both Luness and Falarion jumped away from the general.

Once they cleared the area and escaped the strike by the axe, Luness decided that it'd be safer if they gave the general multiple small targets as opposed to on elarge target.

Sending out orders once more, Luness made sure the pack stayed separated and began charging in one at a time, slashing at the general's ankles, using their sharp battle claws to wittle down the general's ankles and knees with the aim of tripping him up.

The remaining army of demons screamed in surprise as the raven's attack consumed them. Few were able to notice the incoming blast and many have perished from the dark blow. Few dragons and dread ravens however decided to join the fray and headed towards their new opponent to finish her off, the dragons breathing flame from afar and the ravens trying to peck her from close.

The assassin groaned in pain as the massive strike hit her hips, falling to her knees. The abomination was now even more frustrated than before and raised its manged head at the guardian. Tapping into the dark energy that it sustained her she empowered her daggers and lunged forwards, trying to strike her foe but the wound prohibited her from delivering fatal and precise blows. Realizing her obvious handicap she raised her blades and struck them into the ground. Immediately the dark energies emerged from the earth, heading towards the guardian in an attempt to catch him off guard while Nerzyyl prepared to continue the battle - even though her wounds were serious.

Frustrated that he could not eliminate the small, nimble wolves Urgash roared and stomped with his mighty feet, trying to crush them underfoot. Unfortunately for him he was only able to sunder the ground but not to attack the beasts personally. When they slashed at his ankles and knees he roared again - but this time in pain. Annoyed by this farce he raised his ax to the sky which then transformed into a cloud of dark flames. With all his might the demon general hurled the small meteors of dark fire towards not only the wolves but also Ward and the others to engulf them in fire and brimstone while he could still muster the strength to stand - which he knew not how long he could do because of the grievous wounds inflicted on his feet.
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Ward dodged back, deflecting daggers as he went, allowing Trindle's guiding sword to dictate his actions. The incoming attack from Urgash caught him off guard however and he twisted to face the strike. His blade came up and struck the missile just before it hit him. The ice spell hissed as it rent the attack in two. Ward was blown back and landed painfully in the dust, his ice spell gone, his sword half melted and a few strands of hair smouldering nicely.

"Oh pin feathers." he muttered, leaping to his feet again to avoid getting cooked by another attack. Summoning the light magic once more he condensed it into two small blades. Taking advantage of Nerzyyl's focus on Leo he leapt up, clearing the flowing dark of her spell and aiming an attack straight at her exposed back.


Leia watched her friends fight the soulless puppets and it made her even angrier.

"We beat these guys before! Are you too cowardly to fight us yourself!" She shot at the darkness. Distracted by shouting, Leia saw the incoming daggers a little late...

She tried to block Lee and Tad saw the attack and rushed as fast as they could toward her. Most deflected off of her armour, but a single blade found the gap between shoulder pad and gauntlet. She cried out, dropping her blade and clutching at the weapon embedded in her arm. The pain was like nothing she had ever experience before, her vision exploded in stars and she dropped to one knee. The spirits arrived just then, whirling frantically above her head, as if they felt her pain. Tad whistled to her, looking for direction while Lee wrapped herself around the wound.

"Tad...Help the others." She said through gritted teeth, watching her blood trickled onto the ground.

"I have to get it out Lee...you can't heal it unless I do that." Suddenly she realized what she had to do and the thought made her feel sick. The worst injury she had ever had was a broken leg after a bike accident...removing a blade in her flesh was going to be a whole different experience.

Leo smiled as the ax hit his target. Taking a few steps back as the corpse tried to use its daggers he almost felt like laughing. "Ah little demon, you really should have stayed dead." Leo's smugness was short lived when the area around him began to glow brighter and bright as a meteor was about to crash down on top of his head. He threw all he strength into a leap backwards, the shock of the sudden movement making him land off center and stumble backwards onto the ground. He lifted he head and peared through the destructive crater of hell fire, noticing the assassins blades began to glow once again. Leo looked around frantically and grabbed his ax a few feet away. Just before the dark energies were upon him, Leo slammed his own weapon into the ground. His eye glowing bright green he channeled the spirit energy in his body down the shaft of the ax and out into the earth to meet the dark magic head on. Leo strained when the two energies clashed , the earth caving inwards where the two powers clashed. Leo rose to his feet, keeping both hands on his weapon. "By the great forest and all of the living world, i will not let your foul magic corrupt this earth." Hoping her injuries would lead to her falter, Leo pushed back against the power with everything he had.

Luness saw the incoming dark and fiery missiles, and let out a caterwaul to warn her pack.

Dodging about, Luness managed to dodge all of the missiles while having a few furs singed in the end.

Falarion was able to dodge the spells, bringing himself closer to Urgash and then standing up quickly before throwing a hard side kick at Urgash's hip, aiming to use his metal casting to break the hip bone and throw him off balance.

The other packmembers all sprinted about, doing their best to dodge the spells. One of them let out a pained yelp though, when a spell knocked him off his feet and sent him crashing into the dirt before sliding a few feet to a halt.

Luness quickly rushed to her injured packmember's side before snarling at the others to continue dodging about around Urgash so as to leave him with scattered targets.

Dropping to her knees at her packmember's side, Luness quickly looked him over to see that he had a burn wound in his side and had been knocked unconscious after his head struck the ground. He'd most likely have a concussion too.

Quickly clambering back to her feet, Luness hooked her arms under her packmember's shoulders and then dragged him away from the fight. Once she'd found some soldiers from the city, Luness handed off her packmember with instructions to take him straight to the infirmary.

Nyr flied in dark melancholy towards the battlefield, her eyes and mind still clouded by the recent trauma. Despite all that however she knew that grief had to wait... there was a fight to be won. She dismayed as she arrived at the battlefield and saw her allies battling the dark monstrosities they have defeated previously. Observing the battlefield she saw Luness and her pack assaulting the gigantic Urgash while Leo and Ward struggled with the assassin. Ward seemed a bit injured but they held the line regardless. It was then when she spotted...

" LEIA! " she creamed in fear, diving towards the injured girl. The frightening and dark memory of losing her beloveds still lingered in her mind. She already lost someone precious to her... she was not about to lose an another. Immediately as she descended she hugged the injured girl close to her, her entire body glowing with the white light of the moon, trying to ease her pain as much as she could.

" It is fine, I am here! " she said and she noticed the blade in her flesh. " I will not allow darkness to claim you! I will help you as I am able! "

Nerzyyl grinned as she felt the darkness winning over Leo's magic just by a little bit. Slowly but steadily the darkness was about to overcome the entangling roots of nature and she was about to rejoice - but then a sharp pain interrupted her spell. Ward's magical blast caught her off guard and inflicted pain beyond measures to the wretched husk, losing her control over her spell, allowing the wrath of nature to take her. She cut with her daggers left and right, trying to get herself free from the grasp but she was not able to. She was at the mercy of her opponents once again momentarily.

The audacious charge of Falarion surprised the giant and the strike hit him at a vulnerable point, making him to lose balance. Roaring in surprise the demon lost his momentum and fell to his back, shaking the very earth in the process. Even though his thick skin protected him from major damage he was still too slow to recover to strike in time.

During this time Erzaul watched in the distance, seeing that his two puppets were overwhelmed by his enemy. The nearby demons looked at their commander in disbelief and fear but what they saw on the arch demon's face was not despair - but a confident smile.

" They are indeed strong. " he whispered " But are they strong enough to best my powers I wonder? "

His arms started to flicker in the darkness, his fingers pointing at the two puppets. The time was almost ripe.
From her perch on Alexander's back, Quincy fired arrows at the risen generals, aiming for their dead eyes and torsos. She really wanted to get at the creature controlling them, but the defense of her companions was more important in that moment. She could feel the storm of darkness building, preparing to give the final charge. “This is the end." She murmured, sending another arrow at the pair of puppets.

Achyls felt the searing fire burn through her, as the ravens caught her by surprise. She dived to evade the oncoming attack but she was nothing to the storm of pecking, claws and flames. Losing control of her flight, she shifted back to her human form and dropped, falling through the darkness of the sky. With a crash, she hit the ground, right by Erzaul's feet, wounds and burn marks covering now exposed skin. Her chest was heaving as the attackers left her for dead. She was unaware of where she was, now at the hand of the archdemon.

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Relief washed over Leia as she felt Nyr embrace her. Tears sprung to her eyes as if having someone else know she was injured made it easier for her to cry. She tried not to.

"I-I'm ok...I just...I just have to get the dagger out of my arm...what if I do it quick...like a band-aid?" She was trying to convince herself more than anyone. She brushed the hilt gingerly and winced, but took hold of the blade.

Just don't look at it. She told herself, and pulled.

The knife came free and Leia yelled, dropping it like hot iron. Lee was upon it immediately, mending the torn flesh and muscle.

Leia sat there in Nyr's arms and choked back a sob.

"Well...at least now I can add 'tough as nails' to my resume." She tried to smile, but through her tears it didn't look like much of one.

"Lee can take care of me, but I can't use my arm...you'll have to help the others alone." She looked at the dread raven gratefully.

"Now go! The others need you!"


Ward landed after his attack and stumbled into a run. The darkness licked at his boots but it seemed distracted. Then he saw Leo, standing off against the darkness alone, using his spirit powers to hold it at bay.

Summoning as much energy as he could Ward combined his power with Leo's pouring light magic into the mix to help fight the darkness.

"We'll send you all back to the pits you came from!"

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz

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