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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Luness and her pack lurched forward, charging on all fours alongside the forces of Branbern, their hearts racing as they knew what lay ahead of them.

There was a moment of silence and time seemed to slow, where all that could be heard was the panting of the werewolves on either side of Luness, and the panting from the humans and various magical beings all around them. Armor clanked as soldiers charged, and weapons glinted in the final moments of light. Then...darkness.

The sun disappeared along the horizon and shadows quickly began engulfing the valley and the charging forces. Luness' eyes instantly shifted to glow red in the darkness, an effect of her new Alpha capabilities. She could see the heat emanating from everyone's bodies around her, but saw no heat from the enemy forces ahead.

The pack's eyes all shifted to a golden glow, whereas Falarion's eyes became a bright blue, something that Luness had never heard of before. Yet, now was not the time to question such things. The war had begun yet again.
Erzaul smiled and waited as the forces of good charged at them. He did not move, nor wanted to: the rabble that just charged to fight off the demons was beneath him. Oh no... he only wished to fight the noble heroes exclusively. He turned his dreaded visage to the Dread Raven commander.

" Make yourself useful and entertain our guests. " he rumbled as the robed figure bowed and flew off. He then raised his hand into the sky yet again, summoning dark thunders at his enemies - more of a warning than an actual attack. After seeing this the demonic horde once again roared and charged at their foes. But they all heard the arch demon thundering:

" Do not kill the heroes... I want to tend to them personally. "

He now sat back and observed the fight. He wanted to know how strong the so called 'saviors' were.
Anya said nothing to Leia, she simply shook her head no and clutched her daggers tighter. She didn't want to focus on where Banba, or anyone was until after the battle- it seemed that would just distract her.
Banba had wandered off out of the city, deciding that she wasn't useful at that moment. She was still healing, and she hadn't been much help in the labyrinth. She saw lights among the forest, though, and moved closer, investigating. They were camps of the demons and dread ravens, preparing to attack once again. Shifting to a scaleless, male version of herself, Banba walked among the troops, smiling idly.

"You! Boy! Come get armor on!" A dread raven pointed to her, and she willingly obliged. She was fully outfitted, and stood among the opposing troops as the Princess's voice drifted from the other side. The shifter began giggling madly, high pitched and crazy.

"Whats wrong with you?"

"Its just that I'm absolutely friends with raindrops!" She chuckled, staring up at the clouds. "And there is no way we're gonna lose!"

"Heh, you got that right. We're supposed to keep the heroes alive, but no one said anything about chopping limbs off!" The raven raised his sword, and Banba used her own to tap his.

"Oh, I'm sure you're going to lose. Not us, but personally you." She heard the cry for Fablewood, and raised her sword skyward, letting out a cry of her own as she ran with the troops towards the city. As she ran, however, her pale skin grew scales, and she drove the sword into a gap in the armor of the raven she had been talking to, pulling it out quickly to continue on fighting the ranks around her, giggling madly as she did.
Quincy took a final glance at Alexander as they walked, just as the battle cry of their army sounded. They were late to the party, it seemed. As the thunder sounded, she realized she was humming again, an ancient melody of the sea. She couldn't remember where she had heard it, only that it meant the storm was upon them. “This is it." She murmured as her boots hit the grass of the plains. The wind chilled her bare arms. Her only armor was a lightweight breastplate, protecting her vitals but nothing more. It made her feel more alive than she ever had.
Elena leapt onto her dog and bat like gargoyle, sending a determined glare in the direction of the demons. She held her sword out and ducked beneath the protection of her metallic beast. More of them were created as the one she road charged down the hill with strong heavy legs.

Passing demons as she charged, she swung her weapon slicing easily by the power her momentum gave her. Elena allowed the ground to burst with greenery, vines strangling those out of her range but in her sight.

Cold brisk air kept Elena cool under her armor. Her aim was not any of the smaller demons, though she wanted to skim them off to prevent any major casualties. Her eyes met the clouds and thunder, remembering the bone chilling voice she heard before. For whatever reason, she yearned to only defeat that being now. The thunder boomed and motivated her to keep fighting.
Luness and her pack suddenly clashed against several dog demons at once.

Snarling could be heard all around, as the werewolves tackled the demons, taking them head-on.

With their battle claws, the pack didn't have to rely on clawing and biting alone. They now stood on their hind legs, slashing at the enemies and fending them off like true warriors, not just some feral beasts.

Luness stayed in the front, leading her pack, as they fought in unison. Ducking and watching as a packmember deftly struck down the demon she had avoided, Luness grimly smiled, pleased with how far the pack had come in such a short amount of time.

Turning back to face the demons, Luness let out a yowl and then jumped into the fray once more, demon blood beginning to stain her fur and armor.

Alongside Luness, Falarion bravely held off the demons, protecting his Alpha and the pack as he struck down some of the larger demons as well. Hearing Luness' yowl, Falarion let out a howl in return and then leapt onto the back of a demon, swiftly clawing out his jugular and then jumping off to attack yet another demon.

Luness and her pack were slowly beginning to make a slight dent in the enemy forces with how swiftly they worked and how well they worked as a unit, defending each other and striking down enemies.
Alexander glanced at her, then asked, "Shall we fly like before? Or would your hooves prefer the ground out here?" Once he finished, he allowed himself to transform into his dragon form. With his scales he felt much less naked, and vulnerable. He waited for her response before they charged ahead.

Anya did not like charges- shed seen enough movies to know it was a terrifying concept to simply charge ahead with no cover- especially on the front line. She lingered with Leia, this time unsure of her place. Something told her if she conserved energy the fight would make its way to them.


Nyr's father descended lower to join the fray. His eyes were now burning with an orange flame and was eager to destroy the forces of good. Harnessing dark lightning he started to barrage the defenders - carefully avoiding the heroes just as his master commanded. Against them he used the lightning as a wall, blasting the earth, creating a dark chasm which blocked vision from both sides - until dispelled.

" By the will of the Dark One I shall end you! " he roared, zapping an unsuspecting centaur and fairy with his lightning " None will reach the master before besting Zaikal, Sage of the Dark God. "

Zaikal was now barraging the back line of the defenres, hoping to slow them down and cut off the straggles yet to be emerged from the city. His insane, lunatic mind was focused on only one thing... carnage.

Nyr grabbed her scythe and gritted her teeth in anger, looking up at the one she once revered as father.

" I will handle him... You must push on. " she said as her wings took her to the sky. There she finally faced the dark entity once known as the Sage of the Ravens - now in his twisted, malformed form of darkness. Soon the essence of pure lightning and the will of the dark god would clash.
Leo placed his hands together, almost a little reluctantly. Oh great forest spirit. Darkness is on your doorstep. Grant this vessel the strength to protect and destroy. He opened his good eye as the battle cry for the army rang out. The glow of his green eye streaked through the forces as Leo weaved his way towards the attackers. With a few quick glances he watched as Luness and her team began their assault, Elena atop her mount rode into the armed forces and began destroying their opponents, and Nyr who was now facing a demon the likes of which Leo had never seen. He did not want to get in the way of that, but wanted to stay close to any who might need his help. He set his eye on a dread raven a few yards away. HE pushed himself into the air, reaching for his ax he spun it around like in a whirlwind above his head and brought the ax down across its shoulder. The raven screamed in pain and dropped to the ground. Leo followed through with a swinging motion, continuing his rampage through the enemy forces.
"Light shield!" Briar shouted and several soldiers behind her lit beacons of white magic, holding them high.

The mages in the rear began their casting, a barrier of light reared up to protect the majority of the forces against the barrage of dark lightning.

The armies collided with a deafening sound. The first cavalry wave crashed into the first line, ruining anything unlucky enough under shining hooves. The infantry followed close behind, mopping up any who did not fall to the horses or pikes. As the forces converged the soldiers five lines back unslung bows from their backs.

"Archers!" Briar shouted and the bowmen strung arrows and aimed.

"Fire!" A roar of whistling erupted from the ranks as the rain of arrows arched toward their path of destruction far into the enemy ranks.

Leia sent Tad out first. The air spirit shot like an arrow himself, rushing to the side of the charging demons, the wind about him growing more powerful as he raced. Suddenly he became a fearsome twister of air that hit one side of the army, knocking monsters every which way as it cut through. The infantry soon descended upon those and dispatched them quickly.

Ward fought alongside Elena as best he could, slashing a bat-creature with one good sword swing and bashing a goblin in the face with his shield. More of Elena's gargoyles appeared out of nowhere and Ward used the face of a ghoul as a stepping stone to boost himself up onto one.

"Sorry!" he called, then realized how silly that sounded. One look told him where they were going.

"Elena!" he cried, "We need the others! I can't transform, and that leaves only you!" he slipped, nearly losing his grip on the beast. He much preferred being the mode of transportation, not the transported.

@Bea Delaine
Elena watched Ward struggle to stay on her gargoyle. She moved her hand towards him and allowed it's back to form like a saddle for the gryphon. She continued fighting off the smaller demons and using vines to keep wards blind spot clear of the pests.

She knew where she was going, but found after some thought that Ward was probably right.

She turned her Gargoyle around, vines creating a path open for Leo. Settling by the lion man and said,

"I need your help. We will find the head demon, but I need you, Anya, Leia, Luness and whomever else you can gather! Understand?" She asked with an authoritative but kind tone.
“I'll be of more use in the sky." She said, determination pushing out her fear. She had kept the rope from before and as she climbed onto his broad back, she used it to again. Once it was over her knees and she was secure, they were off. As soon as they were airborne, she shot as many enemies as she could, defending their soldiers from above with deadly aim. Arrows from other archers fell on them as well, working to thin out their numbers.
Leo watched as a large Dread raven came charging at him. Apparently, when you kill a general on an army, the pawns start to look for the 8' tall lion man on purpose. The dread raven came charging at him, two large chained maces in hands. The raven had skill, he swung the chain at leo with a dreadful force, causing Leo to jump backwards a bit. when the raven swung the other at him, Leo stuck one end of his ax up and let the chain wrap around the end of the weapon. He gave the ax a mighty tug, pulling the great raven with it. The raven stumbled past Leo, who had immediately brought the other end of the ax around him and with a quick motion, brought it clean through the ravens neck. The ravens corpse crumbled to the ground, just as Elena's vine spread up from the ground. Turning he smiled at the young human listening to her words. Without a sound Leo bowed his head to her and began scanning the area. Seeing Tad fly through the air, Leo followed the spirits feint trail back to where Leia and Anya stood. A horde of bat like creatures separated them from him. Leo reached for the dagger on the back of his hip and brought both his weapons to his ready. Charging, he began to mow down the bat like creatures like goat would a field. One after another the little creatures tried to jump at him, but he would bring one of his blades around into the side of their tiny heads. Finally when he was only a few feet from the pair her called out to them. "Leia!! Anya!! Elena and Ward need us up front. He turned and began to Scan the area once again for the others. HE could see a short distance off the pack of the were wolves tearing through the enemies. There was an opening between the combatants and Leo made a run to get closer to the pack. Only a few feet away from the edge of the pack, Leo suddenly hit the ground with the form of one of the larger dread raven's pinning him down, a curved foul looking blade pressed into the staff of his battle ax.

@KattRai @Lioness075
Luness stepped back from the fighting for a moment to survery her pack and saw one of the werewolves getting pinned down by an owl-like demon.

Snarling, Luness doce and tackled the demon off her packmember and swiftly finished it off before nodding at the werewolf.

Growling, the werewolf nodded back at Luness and then dove back into the fray.

Hearing a rather loud thud nearby, Luness turned sharply towards the noise and saw Leo pinned down by a dread raven. Letting out a yowl, Luness dropped to all fours and sprinted towards the dread raven, her pack converging on her and sprinting alongside her. Dodging and weaving about, Luness soon led her pack as they all leapt into the air and tackled the dread raven as one.

The dread raven shrieked in surprise, but was quickly silenced, as Falarion drove one of his battle claws straight into its chest, piercing its heart.

Leaping off the dread raven and leaving her pack to fend off nearby enemies for the moment, Luness approached Leo and asked him, "Are you okay, Leo?"

Leo smiled when the dread raven was run over by the pack of werewolves lead by Luness. He rose to his feat and sheathed his dagger. Looking down as Luness with a smile "Thank you my friend, there will be no lion flavored bird food for these carions today. I am fine, I was sent by Elena to bring you and the others towards Ward and her. I think they are devising a plan to attack the head of the forces." As he finished he caught the movement of another bat creature circling around and charging at Leo. He spun around and raised his right leg as high as he could just as the bat creature was in range and could not turn around. He slammed his foot down with a mighty yell, claws crushing the bats head under foot. He snarled in discuss as he wiped his foot off in the grass. Turning back to Luness he bowed slightly with a slight grin and gestured towards the others "Shall we my lady?'

Banba giggled as she wildly flung herself about, connecting the sword where ever she could. She bounced, too, pushing off of chest plates and the backs of heads to send herself barreling into another enemy. She'd quickly pick herself up, swirling and weaving through the forces with unnatural flexibility, occasionally bending where there should have been straight bones. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a familiar mantel. Growing big, Banba burst out of the enemy's borrowed armor, charging to Leo and continuing to squish who she could alongside the lion man.

"Loud noises are simply loud for a period of time, and then go back to quiet." She shouted over the din, glancing up at the thunderclouds. She grinned nonetheless, following Leo and watching his back for any sneak attacks.
Ward found the saddle much better. He also found he could control the beast by tapping his boots to the right or left. Like this he cut his way through a line of demons as they tried to break through to his friends. He drew his sword up, covered in black blood and whispered a spell. The blade began to glow frost white. Held the line as the others rallied. "We need to get closer, but I don't fancy being in the midst of an enemy horde...can we draw him in?"

Leia heard Leo's call, she had been fighting with her sword, Lee covered her armour, making an ice shield for extra protection and lashing out with thick watery tentacles. Leia had to admit they made a pretty good team. Tad had returned and sent a group of imps flying as he came to a halt.

"Elena needs us, think you can get us there?" Tad whistled and Leia began to run. The more time she spent with the spirits the more she began to understand them. Once she had gained enough speed she leapt as far as she could and made to push off in mid air. Tad was right underneath her and blasted a cushion of air to catch her foot. It buoyed her up until her other foot came down and tad boosted her higher. Three more steps and she was at Elena's side, tad cushioning her descent as she came in over the heads of their allies.

I love the guys!" She yelled as Tad coiled about her neck affectionately. "What can I do?"

@Bea Delaine
The clouds arced in vengeance as Nyr and Zakial blasted each other with lightning: Nyr with her new found power and the old sage with the dark will of his God. Both of them seemed to tire at the same rate, they being equal their duel seemed like a never ending fight.

They stopped for a brief moment, both of them panting in exhaustion.

" You have grown, my child. " Zakial smiled darkly " You have become what we always wanted you to be. "

" Lies! " she hurled a bolt of lightning towards the raven " You raised me to be a monster! To be a dark engine of destruction! "

" Did we? Or did you also want it deep down? "

Nyr paused, looking at him puzzled. The dark sage put his hand on his heart.

" You know deep down that you have the darkness within you. You always had. " he smiled " Your companions will never understand it... they can not comprehend what this means. Only me and you. "

" No! " she shook her head " You lie again! "

He flew closer to her, putting his clawed hand on her shoulders.

" Don't you miss your family? Your father? " he asked, his expression softening " The love? "

Her eyes widened at the word and her heart started pounding faster. Love. Acceptance. The only two things she coveted in her life... could it still be attainable? Her father saw the doubt within her.

" Come home, Nyr. Come home and let us reunite. We miss you. "

She was uncertain. Love, home, family... Could she still get it? Could it be possible after all?

" I... " she could not say anything.
Elena smiled at the lion man and started toward the front lines once again, watching the storm cloud with anxiety and readiness. She caught up with Ward and noticed Leo gathering everyone like she asked. It was coming together nicely. She watched Leia follow along and grinned, happy to see the girl in good spirits in such a situation.

"See the thunder cloud, Leia? I believe our enemy resides in that. We need your elements to get rid of its cover and I will send my gargoyle in an areal attack. Just to get him near us. Everyone else, be prepared for the worst."
Suddenly Ward caught sight of Nyr, she seemed hesitant. The other dread raven was speaking to her. He didn't like the look of how things were going. A nearby goblin drew his bow to shoot a centaur in the back. Ward grabbed it, shaking its holder free and snatched an arrow. He aimed the shaft at Zakial. He knew it would not do any damage, but it just might get his attention. Pulling back as far as he could he let the arrow fly, whistling through the gloom to find its mark.


"I'll do my best!" Leia had to reflect how far her friend had come, she seemed to confident now, she wondered how quickly that had changed. Directing Tad and Lee the two spirits shot upwards, circling one another faster and faster until no one could tell the two apart. Clouds began to appear in their wake, the bank grew bigger and bigger, rushing forward toward the darkness. Suddenly the clouds collided with an earth-shattering thunderclap. The spirit's clouds against the dark. Slowly but surely the former began to push the later.

@Bea Delaine

Briar saw the darkness was getting unbearably thick, her soldiers could barely tell friend from enemy anymore, luckily she had a plan for that:

"Mage light!" Upon the call several casters broke from the barrier and shot orbs of white light into the sky. They stayed there, glowing like flares just above the battle.
Luness grinned in return to Leo after he'd smashed the bat-creature's head in. Nodding, Luness then turned and yowled to call her pack back to her.

Once they had rejoined her sides, Luness then said, "I-We are ready."

Luness glanced skyward as well to see the clouds that were seemingly shrouding Nyr and her father.

Taking a few steps backwards while her pack stayed close and kept the enemies at bay, Luness looked up again to see Nyr and her father talking in between the storm clouds. What was she doing negotiating with that madman?

Hissing, Luness turned towards Elena and then Leia before shouting over the fighting, "Elena, Leia, can one of you get me to Nyr?"

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
The light was bright enough to awaken Ashley as it shined through her bedroom window. She woke up with a gasp. Running to the window, the scene that greeted her left her with a lot of worry. She couldn't just sit around and do nothing while her companions and their Armies battle outside while she is in relative safety. Reluctantly, she grabbed her Battle Gear and made her way outside. It was so dark, yet so bright. Her Vision became a blur. The Servants watching over her attempted to call out to her, but even they lost sight.

The Young Mother readied her bow, and got onto a Horse and rode off to join her Companions in battle.
((Can we just take a gander below and take a moment to relize we are about to break 200 pages of AMAZING RP!!!!! that is awesome you guys!!! Congrats!!!!))

Leo watched the others as each one contributed to the situation they were presented. Suddenly, he could hear the loud stomping of Banba as she began charging through the battle field. He smiled, glad to see his friend was alive and well fighting along side him. "We simply have to be louder!! He laughed as he raced through the crowds of the battle, hacking and slashing through the others before he reached Elena and ward. As the mage light began to illuminate the area Leo looked up to Nyr and directed his words to Ward "My lord, i will continue to keep the advancing enemies off of the group here unless i am needed for anything. Leo began grabbing enemy's as they approached and tearing them down bit by bit to give the team plenty of time and space to devise their next move.
" You understand in now? " he smiled at his daughter who was now lost in her doubts and the promises " Come, my dear, let us go and... "

Then the arrow shot by Ward hit his arm and roared in frustration. His amber eyes turned towards the gryphon as he charged a blast to obliterate the insect, not caring about his master's command anymore.

" Wretched gryphon! " he roared " I will annihilate you and everything you hold dear! "

It was then when Nyr have woken up from her doubts. Her eyes filled with tears.

" They might hate me... they might not love me and just accept me because of pity. " she whispered " But I will not allow you to harm them! "

With lightning speed she reached for her scythe on her back, impaling the elder sage through his belly. His eyes widened as he screamed in agony, his spell fizzling. In that moment red lights and shadow escaped from the massive wound, leaving the raven permanently. He collapsed in her hands, the amber flame receding from his eyes, returning them to deep emerald green as they originally were.

Touching Nyr's face with his clawed hand he smiled.

" Thank you... I fought it as long as I could... " he then lost consciousness. Nyr, bursting out in tears looked at her father with surprise. The dark aura faded from him and was now free from the corruption.

" Father? FATHER? " she yelled out in fear but he did not answer. However she knew he was not dead... not yet. His heartbeat was faint but still had a pulse.

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