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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr looked down at the earth as she stood silently beside Luness for a moment.

" Fate does exist. " she said " But I always pictured it as an empty book. You are the author and you write your fate based on your decisions. " she looked at the lush green grass underneath their feet.

" I want to believe that we are not shackled by who we are. I want to believe that we have authority over our life. I want to believe that I can protect my friends... "
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Quincy groaned softly, bringing an elf healer to her side. Her green-gray eyes slipped open, struggling to focus. Her breath rasped oddly in her chest- her lungs had been irritated by the gas.

The elf healer, a plump, fair haired young woman, smiled at her. “Well, kelpie, its good to see youre feeling less murderous." She said softly, dabbing a cool cloth on her forehead and cheeks.

Quincy took hold of the elf's wrist, pushing her away. “How did I get here? How did I get back?" She rasped, beginning to sit up, recalling the memory of the demon camp in the dark woods. She couldnt sit all the way up because her hands were tied to thr edges if the cot, confirmed by a few hards tugs.

The elf frowned, pushing her back down. “You never left. You breathed in some kind of toxin, too much of it. We weren't sure you would wake up yourself. Now please, rest." Her voice was too authoritative and Quincy's head was still swimming too much to argue.

The elf healer touched her chest, soothing her lungs with a simple spell. Before she left, she untied Quincy and ordered her to stay put until she was completely free of dizziness. The kelpie was not about to argue. She rolled onto her side, curling up with a sigh. She desperately wanted a pool of salt water to soak in, but there was no way she could stand on her own. Murky memories ran through her head backwards, the demon and the gas, speaking with Alexander and the touch of his lips, Tharon.. and Lorence. The kelpie tucked her face under her arm, weeping silently.
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Luness looked down at Nyr and then shrugged before sitting down opposite of her, quickly balling her fists and then hiding them in her lap again.

Perking her ears towards Nyr, Luness again nodded at what she said and then said in return, "I guess that's one way to look at it. Anyhow, what's stopping you from believing you can do any of that?" Luness cocked her head at Nyr after asking this.

While Luness sometimes had her doubts, she never let herself hesitate when it came down to it, especially in a combat situation.
Nyr closed her eyes and sighed as she looked at Luness.

" I was not entirely honest with you. " she told her finally " With anyone, in fact. "

She looked at the grass and gripped it with a great force.

" I was not abandoned right away when I was but a hatchling. In fact, father and mother were proud of me for a while, I was their treasured child - their little heir they placed their hopes in. "
Luness was indeed surprised by this news, but she kept her expression calm so it wasn't shown.

Nodding at this, Luness asked Nyr, "So, what went wrong?"
Elena continued as she had for a whole, putting things back together. Trying to fix the castle town. Maybe it wasn't because of the town she barely knew that she felt the urge to fix things. Maybe she was being more selfish than that and her intentions were to piece together what was once beautiful to disprove the existence of hopelessness. She shook her head, getting back up and starting back to the infirmary. Ward feeling better and being able to change again crossed her mind as she walked into the crowded and sad shelter with understaffed healers. She would have to ask Leo to teach her some healing techniques later on. She searched for Ward, timid enough and anxious because of what she did earlier. In her defense she was worried he was dying.
Nyr sighed, uncertain what should she say. Would Luness think less of her? Or think of her as a traitor?

" When the archdemon tried to infuse me with dark magic to bind me to his will he failed. " she said then finally " All because the darkness is already within me. "

She waved with her hand and it burst out in shadow flame. She watched the sinister fire for few seconds then extinguished it.

" I was born a monster. I was raised as one. I got exiled when I denied the full infusion of the dark powers - my father banished me personally, letting me to die... you know the rest. "
Luness didn't move an inch or blink as Nyr described the darkness already inside of her. It didn't surprise her too much in all honesty. The ones that were so easily fooled and more easily binded were the ones already damaged or broken inside.

Once Nyr finished speaking, Luness finally blinked and then cocked her head to the side thoughtfully before saying, "I had the first werewolf for a father and a rogue werecat for a mother. Because of my father's side, I was born with darkness inside of me as well."

There was also the fact that Luness felt broken inside and that she was depressed as well, but it was just easier to hide those things and point fingers at other things for the reason why Luness had been so easily controlled. If there was one thing that Luness was the worst at doing, it was asking for help when she most desperately needed it. She also hated looking weak so she usually got defensive when people offered their aid to her.
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She nodded.

" You also know what it means to face the horrors of the past in every waking moment then. " she said " To suppress your feelings, restraint your doubts. I admire you for that. It is no face not only to conquer our darkness but also to live with it. "

She looked at her.

" I feel honored that I can not only call you an ally but also a friend, Luness. "

She then wanted to pat her head but pulled back her hand, remembering what happened last time.
Luness nodded at what Nyr said. It was true after all. She did her best to suppress her feelings all the time though she couldn't stop herself from crying earlier when she'd lost a packmember. It seemed like only death could ever jar her enough to show her true emotions.

Even though Luness certainly felt like she hadn't conquered her own darkness, she'd learned over the years to live with it. It hurt, but she'd gotten used to it.

Hearing Nyr mention that Luness was an ally and a friend to her, Luness subtly smiled and then said, "Likewise to you, Nyr."

While she'd noticed Nyr's hesitation in petting her head, Luness didn't say anything about it. Though, she was happy to see that Nyr had decided against it this time.
She smiled now a bit as she stood up.

" Well, should we rejoin the others? " she asked " The night is short and the storm is coming. You should rest... I have a feeling that we will have a tough battle tomorrow. "

With that she headed towards where the others were. She thought about all of them... that she will not fail them.

Then she thought about her father and tightened her grip on her scythe. He will pay...
Luness nodded at Nyr and watched her go before struggling back to her feet, wincing yet again at the pain in her hands.

Glancing down at the pain and seeing the blood, Luness figured it wouldn't hurt to get an elf to look her over and heal her some more before lying down for a bit.

Heading straight to the infirmary, Luness soon saw her pack sitting around Falarion, all of them relaxing before the next fight.

They all instantly smelled Luness and their heads sharply pivoted in her direction, alert and ready for any action they may need to do.

Luness smirked at the reaction, but merely shook her head and said to all of them, "Relax, guys. This is our time for rest. The storm is coming, but not just yet. I want all of you either sitting or lying down until we fight. Save your energy and try to get some more before we're out there fighting again."

The werewolves all nodded at her and then wandered off to get their rest.

Falarion hadn't moved though, since his foot still looked like quite a mess. Frowning at this, Luness looked around, trying to find Alta. seeing her resting nearby, Luness decided against waking her.

Shifting her gaze back to Falarion, Luness said, "Get Alta to look at your foot again once she wakes."

Nodding, Falarion said, "Will do, Alpha."

Luness turned to hunt down an elf healer, but stopped short when Falarion called out, "Alpha?"

Turning around to face him, Luness cocked her head slightly and then asked him, "What is it?"

Falarion smiled slightly and then said, "Bigby would be proud of you."

Luness stiffened at this, a wave of mixed feelings washing over her. She felt proud to hear that, but also unsure. She hadn't known Bigby that well and had only ever seen him when he'd been enraged and apparently not himself.

Deciding to figure out her feelings later, Luness simply nodded at Falarion and then walked away before he said anything else.

It didn't take long for Luness to find an elf healer and she pulled her aside before showing her hands to the elf and asking if the elf could heal them.

About ten minutes later, Luness had fresh wrappings on her hands, paws, and various burn wounds across her body. From what the elf had told Luness, she'd be fully healed within the hour.

Pleased with the results, Luness thanked her and then found an empty bed before laying down and curling up. Closing her eyes, Luness quickly fell asleep.
Ward had been poked and prodded by the elvish healers in the infirmary. They inspected the wound, which had closed mostly but still had a dark tint. "There is still some of the toxin in your blood." One of the healers confirmed,

"Can you get it out?"

"Not without a great deal of time and resources, neither of which we have, I am afraid when the next battle comes, you will have to fight it in this form."

Ward's heart sank. He wasn't very good with weapons...

Halberd was checking on his soldiers in the infirmary and overheard.

"You kin always sit this one out pup, no one would think less of you."

Ward looked on the old captain fondly. "I would never sit by while the princess and my friends risk their life in battle." The old dog chuckled.

"You had that ever since you first came here."

"Had what?"

"Honor." Halberd said simply and strolled off.

Ward only had a minute with his thoughts before Anya appeared asking for direction. He stood on her approach and bowed formally.

"Anya, I cannot thank you enough for alerting us to the assassin's threat. If you hadn't warned them the prince and princess would likely be dead. You have the kingdom's thanks...and mine."

He put two fingers to his chin in thought at her question. "There is plenty you can do: Halberd will be busy packing the wagons, we'll be taking the fight out of the city this time, save what's left of it from destruction. The healers tents must be moved as well, and there are a multitude of other supplies...but the very first thing you can do? Get some food and some rest. I have a feeling we will need to call on your skills again in the coming battle."

Just then Elena appeared and as usual Ward immediately felt better. His cheeks reddened a little. "Rebuilding going well?" he asked, wanting to say something completely different. He wished he could be as brave as she was.

Food was brought to the infirmary and Ward took several plates, offering one to Elena and Anya.

"We should eat something, I am not sure when we will get another chance to before sunset."


Alta yawned and stretched, chasing some stray hair back into the tie she used to keep it in check.

"What'd I miss?" She said and an elf came by with a plate full of cured meats. "Oh! Dinner!" When she had eaten her fill she made her rounds of the patients. She found Quincy and cocked her head. Grabbing one of the attendants she asked for a large basin.

"Fill it with water, and then get me a bag of sea salt."

"Salt ma'am?"

"She's a kelpie you nitwit! How do you expect her to feel better without salt water?"

The elf hurried off with a flustered expression to complete Alta's assigned task.

Alta then checked on Falarion. His foot looked bad.

"I'm a pretty good healer, but there are some things even I can't fix." She redressed the wound, the bleeding had stopped mostly, the acid burned but also seemed to cauterize too. "I can't say you'll be standing for the next battle, not unless we can find a replacement."

"I think I can help with that." Trindle leaned against a tent pole. "Bring him to my shop when you're ready and we'll see what I can do."

When the salt water had been prepared Alta put a gentle hand on the kelpie's shoulder. "Here now pup, try this." She cupped the water in her own and and trickled it over Quincy's carefully.

@Lioness075 @Flutterby
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Falarion watched Alta carefully, not at all liking his options. He could sit the battle out, rest up and hope that somehow his foot would magically heal despite it missing quite a few chunks here and there. Or he could go with the dwarf to get replacement, though that would involve them surgically removing his current foot.

Both were very unsettling to the werewolf, but he couldn't bring himself to stay out of the fight. Especially when his Alpha and pack were going to be in the midst of all of it.

Keeping a calm expression despite his unsettling options and thoughts, Falarion said to Alta, "I'm not going to leave my Alpha or pack to fight on their own out there. Do whatever you need to so that I can be ready when the fighting begins again."

Even after making his decision, Falarion's heart was racing at the mere idea of having to replace his foot. Speaking of which, what contraption would they even put in place of it? Would it possibly hinder Falarion's movements?

At Alta's touch Quincy stirred hesitantly, looking up at the weathered face with wet eyes. She tried to speak, but only an unhappy whine left her throat. She felt so dry, inside and out. So when the water touched her skin, she brightened immediately, her face pulling into a pained smile. She pulled the basin to her, plunging her hands in to the bottom. There was an expression of joy flitting over her features as her body drew in the salty liquid, taking the level down almost an inch. “Thank you." She whispered, looking at Alta briefly before closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. “Where is Alexander?" She asked the healer, a frown crossing her features. It occured to her suddenly that he was no where to be seen, and a heavy worry filled her, enough to make her start to pull her arms out of the water.


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Anya accepted the plate, and nodded to Ward. She left the two alone and ate her fill. Once finished, she went to go help out- rest could come later, when she wasn't some how thrown into a warzone. She wondered back on how she had gotten here, and was very curious again how it had happened. As she helped some of the medics move their supplies out closer to the coming battle, she couldn't help but mumble to herself: "If I knew I would be fighting in a war anyway I would have joined the Air Force- at least then my school would be paid for." That made her realize something else: school. What would happen to her loans and debts? When she got back-if she got back- what would she tell people had happened? How would she get a job? She was obviously not going to be able to keep the one she had just gotten about a week before all this happened. How long ago was that, anyway? It felt like she had already been here for months- though she knew it hadn't been that long.

"Not far." Alexander said, stepping to Quincy's side and placing a hand on her shoulder. His expression was worried, he had managed to get away with few injuries, poisoned though they may be. "Sorry I'm late, it took me a short bit to find you, Quincy." He added. He did feel bad that he was not able to find her sooner- when he cared for something, or in this case someone, he did not like to be separated from it/them for long. He figured it was his dragon instincts kicking in, and she was starting to seem like the treasure he must protect or die trying.

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Elena was disappointed by seeing Ward, overhearing the elf that spoke about his not being able to change. She approached and looked down uncomfortably.

"It's coming along. Looks better but it's so empty. Hey. Sorry about what I said before. I could tell you were uncomfortable so I won't say it again... Um, I came to check on you. Not hungry."

She said with a half smile.
In the eye of the terrible storm the arch demon observed the battlefield. The demonic forces were still besieging the city although their attention turned to the reinforcements of various races which have come to the aid of the city. The demon general relished in the new challenge as he threw the unsuspecting magical creatures like rag dolls, siphoning their powers.

He, however, remained calm. In that moment a man dressed in dark robes walked up to him and knelt down respectfully.

" All preparations continue as planned, my lord. "

" As it should be. " nodded the demon then turned to the robed figure, observing its gigantic wings " Stand, Raven. There is no need to show me respect like this. "

Nyr's father obeyed, standing up immediately. His eyes were empty, trapped by the gaze of the arch demon.

" The heroes will come and confront us now that the generals are dead. " the raven said in an anxious voice but the demon just smiled.

" As it should be. " he repeated his previous statement. Yes, they would come to face him - and then the Dark One shall rule forever.

A menacing cackle left the mouth of the demon, followed by the roars of thunder around him. The clash of light and darkness drew ever nearer.
Ward gave her a puzzled look. A thousand replies all clamoured inside his head. That wasn't it at all! Why was it so hard to say?

"Please don't apologize." He said softly. "Don't apologize for anything you say...least of all that." A thousand ways to tell her but he could not hold onto a single word. "I've...never felt better." He answered rather pathetically when she told him she was checking on him, but he did mean every word.

"If it is all right, I would like to accompany you during the battle. I know I won't be much help like this...but...I want to stay by your side."

Leia got a bit of food and as much rest as she could. Leo had been acting strange, but Luness and Nyr kept him company. Now they were moving out, preparing for what she hoped was the final showdown. Her limbs felt light and her palms were in a cold sweat. Never in a thousand years could she ever having imagined this; being involved in a war. But as she looked upon the brave faces of humans and creatures it gave her hope. They looked at her in awe too, she was a human from the real world, she was the one with special powers. They didn't have that, and still they were going to fight.

There is no way I am leaving these guys hanging.

Alta nodded at Quincy's thank you. When Falarion had made his choice she waved at Trindle distractedly.

"I suppose I'll still be here if you need me dwarf."

"I can't do anything about amputation right now." Trindle said. "I'll need a very strong pain killing herb, I can make a shell for the foot and pad it so he can run and fight without too much pain. But we're very short on time, so let's get started."

He called for his apprentice who brought materials and the beginnings of a hollow prosthetic foot. Alta fetched the herbs.

"Now wolf, don't you bite me now, and hold still."

As the dwarf worked the last of the wagons prepped to move out. The main body of the force was out on the plains already, the infirmary and smith tents could be seen blooming just on the other side of the ravine. Now they would wait...until their enemy stirred.

((Edit for @Lioness075 ))

((Hey @DawnAntalios , are we going to move the battle down to the plains? I thought there was a ceasefire during the day? And if you are using Caraboss, she's a woman :3 ))
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A relieved smile flew onto her lips at the sound of his voice. “Thank goodness." She said softly, relaxing and putting her hands back in the water. “You should get some food, I havent seen you eat for a few minutes," She joked lightly, craning her head to look at his face. “But then I wouldnt mind your particular company." She said, dropping her voice shyly. A flash frustration hit her at her girlishness, so long covered up.
Elena eyed the food with some yearn but too much self control. Ward began to tell her not to apologize, and she became confused and a little reassured. He was being nice. It was still unrequited as far as she was aware.

"I would love for you to stay by us. We need you, human form or not, but shouldn't you rest up?" She rubbed the back of her neck and sighed. She wasn't sure how long she had to be here, and her powers made fixing things so much more efficient.

"I'm.. Going to keep working."
Alexander laughed a little, and sat near her. "Well, I am always hungry, so there's no need to worry about trying to change that." He said. "How are you? Is the salt water helping?"
Quincy glanced at him worriedly, but didnt push the subject of food. Now that he was there, she didnt really want him to go anywhere. “Im okay. The water helps a lot. After our trip to the Winter Wilds, I was pretty dried out. I forgot how hard it is to be without a permanent pool. My body was struggling even before the battle. Which explains my failures." She said softly, hanging her head in shame. She had been next to no help during the battle; it seemed as though none of her shots had actually met their marks and she had passed out for the rest of it. “But, theres nothing I can do now but prepare for the next attack." She added resolutely, pulling her hands out to wipe some water onto her neck and cheeks, hoping that it would disguise the lingering tears already on her face.
The doors to the half balcony swung open. The giant beast man Leo pushing both doors aside to make way for his party. Princess Briar and Prince Fior followed behind Leo, grim expressions stretched across all of their faces. Just inside the doors they came to a large room with different passages leading to different sections of the castle. The three stopped, Leos back still turned to the two, while the prince and princes faced each other half way. "Leo, we will not make light of this information you have given us. And once the threat of present has been delt with, we will discuss this in much greater detail. Until then, focus on our friends and the battle at hand. Both are more important than the past." Fior nodded in agreement, but kept his thoughts to himself. Leo turned his massive head, fixing his one good eye on the two of them, "Thank you your highness. I will." He turned away and left them to continue planning the nights events. His stride was that of uncertainty. He was torn between the events of the present and the world of the past. HE trusted the princess and prince and trusted his friends, but this was not the time to bring other problems into the mixture. Leo was famished, and could feel it as his gut began to talk to him. He made his way to where the smell of food was emminating from, and ate his fill. Afterwards he made his way to the front gate to meet up with anyone who was making their way to the battle.
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