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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The elves in the infirmary, without information on what happened, assumed Quincy had passed out due to exhaustion. They gave her small amounts of energy, drawing her closer to consciousness. The poison lurked in her veins, muddling her mind as she woke. The first thing she saw was the face of an ugly, horrifying demon bending over her and grinning with evil intent. The kelpie screamed, bolting upright and sending a fist into the “demon's" jaw. It fell back, only to be replaced. In horror, Quincy saw she was surrounded by them, in a dark, terrifying forest. There were fires dancing nearby, and all kinds of demons walking to and fro, carrying food or weapons. Im in their base. Oh no.. someone help me! Quincy thought, ready to open her mouth and scream again, but another demon forced her to lay down while one pressed its talons to her forehead. The kelpie let out a piercing screech of pain before slipping away into blackness.

Rubbing his jaw, the healer picked himself up off the floor with the help of his fellows. “She mustve been possessed or something. Quickly, we must find the source." He said, the three of them laying their hands on her. It was easy to tell her brain was being affected by some kind of shadowy toxin. They did their best to draw it out, but it lingered. “She mustve gotten a lot of whatever it was. Thats the st we can do. There are other patients, lets go." Spoke one of the elves, and they all pulled their hands away. The rest would have to run its course; hopefully breathing fresh air would dilute it and her brain would remain her own. But before they walked away, they bound the sleeping Quincy to her cot, just in case.
Ward felt the dagger pierce the tender flesh under his armour. He felt the cold, trickle of the poison as it entered his veins. Frantically he tried to leap into the air after her, but his wings would not move. He staggered back and fell, crushing the remnants of the hedge Leo had come through. Without his will he began to shrink into the form of a man and struggled to sit up, one hand clutched to the wound on his shoulder. He winced as searing hot pain shot through his arm and torso.

"L-Leo...I'm sorry for being such an...i-idiot." He gasped. "Please, y-you have to get to P-rincess Briar." He looked at Leo and Luness pleadingly.

"If she dies...all is lost." He tried to steady his breathing, fighting back the fear of not knowing just what was in his blood now. "Go!"

@zCrookedz @Lioness075 @Bea Delaine
Anya had remained at the side of the prince and princess, wanting to protect them dutifully. She wondered about the chess game, and went over the rules in her head as they walked.

(Kind of lost at exactly what is going on, so I'll make my characters do stuff.)

Alexander, meanwhile, had been fighting the illusions, or clones. He found all of these cuts and scratches dreadfully irritating, but wasn't sure what they were from. When he realized it was messing with his mind, he took in a breath, and paused, blowing a small circle of fire around him and willing it to burn high enough to protect him from attacks. He did not wish to hurt his friends, so he cut himself off from them, wary of his own mind.
Banba heard Leo's roar and scampered up the side of a hedge, shrinking down to her white furred form. Running along the tops of the hedges, she quickly located the group just in time to see a second Elena jump into the air and turn into a second ward. Letting herself summersault to the floor, Banba landed as a third Elena, smiling faintly around the group. When Ward mentioned the princess, however, she clambered once again to the top of the hedges, running along them. She saw the fake ward in the distance, but it would take a few minutes to catch up to it, even with going over the top of the maze.

((And if you use this coupon, you get a third Elena 50% off! Thats right, three Elenas for the price of 1 and a half!))
Luness watched with strong concern for Ward as he was struck by a dagger and then knocked down and restricted from flight.

Hearing that the princess was endangered, Luness looked Ward over once more to make sure he'd be okay for now and then turned, sprinting as fast as she could on just her himd legs. It didn't take long for Luness to realize she was going too slow though.

Inwardly cursing, Luness dropped to all fours, wincing at the aching from her hands as she sprinted much faster towards the center of the maze.

About thirty seconds passed before Luness skidded to a halt and nearly face planted, as she arrived at the center of the maze. Spotting Anya with the princess and prince nearby, Luness quickly shouted at them, "Anya, you are all in danger! You need to get out of here!"

After shouting, Luness then began sprinting again, heading towards the trio in an attempt to protect them with the assassin making her way towards all of them now.
' Ward ' was making her way towards the royal couple. She cursed briefly mid air as Luness was faster than her and reached them prior she did. But it mattered not, she flew closer to them and nodded at Luness' comment.

" She is right, your majesties. " she said, panting heavily " We were barely able to contain the demon but she should be here in any minute now. We must depart immediately. "
Leo watched the horror of the events unfold before him. He hadn't been fast enough. Cursing as the assassin flew high into the sky, Leo placed Elena in the ground next to Ward. He was torn, he looked back and forth as Ward gave him his commands. But he needed to save his friends. He didn't want to run away from being able to help Ward and Elena. It wasn't until Ward yeld at him to go, that he finally snapped out of his haze. He bowed to his leader and turned with Luness and followed her. Once she dropped to all fours, he also dropped and kept pace behind her. He once again called on his connection to the forest sport to bolster his powers and prepare to stop the assassin once and for all. He stopped almost on top of Luness, but was once again too late. As the fake ward landed, Leos rage grew. He deviated form Luness and immediately leaped into the air to try and attack the intruder with claw and tooth.
Banba dropped to the ground just after the fake ward did, still looking like Elena. There were differences, however. Not only in the way she held herself but little things like a slightly darker hair colour, or a different shade of eyes.

"The lizard is taking the chickens egg and the chicken knows about it!" She screeched, jumping wildly around the gryphon, arms waving and feet barely touching the ground.

"The lizard is taking the egg! You must eat the egg!"
Elena stirred after a couple minutes. When she did, everyone was gone, except for Ward. She was in a different place too. She sat up slowly, head spinning. It took a moment to piece it all together.

She held her head in a hand, shaking it slowly.

"I didn't hold on long enough.. She got away, didn't she?"

Elena frowned and looked apologetically at Ward.

"I'm sorry... Did she hurt you?"
When she saw Leo incoming she turned to the prince and princess once more.

" Your majesties! She is here in the guise of Leo! We must flee at once or she will tear us apart! "
Luness' fur bristled at the sight of 'Ward', knowing that he was the assassin. Snarling, Luness crouched prowled defensively in front of the trio and said to them, "Don't listen to 'Ward'. That's not even Ward. He's lying and trying to turn you guys on all of us."

Taking a threatening step towards the assassin, Luness hissed and then her eyes flashed dangerously.
Fior saw Ward flying to them in the distance and drew his sword. He wasn't going to take any chances. Suddenly Luness was there as well, warning of danger.

"Keep back!" He commanded, keeping the blade between Ward and Luness. Leia gave silent orders to Tad who trilled angrily, channeling her emotions. What looked like Elena appeared too, but running atop the hedges. When she dropped down Leia said immediately. "Its Banba!" Only one person could sound like the lizard girl and that was Banba herself.

Briar eyed both Luness and 'Ward', but she stepped forward a pace and addressed the gryphon hovering before her. "Why did you swear loyalty to me Ward?"

It was a test, for she had known Ward a long time and was confident she could tell the real gryphon from a copy.


Meanwhile Ward struggled to undo his shoulder pad. His hands grew slippery with blood and the strap kept sliding from his grasp.

After a few moments Elena began to stir and he smiled at her, relieved she was safe.

"I'm the one who's sorry...this is all my fault."

He gave up on the shoulder armour and sat back, wincing again. Every movement sent a new shock of pain coursing through his body.

"I should have known...should have been more careful...but the thought of you in danger I just..." He covered his eyes with his good hand, then smiled again at his own folly. "I suppose I lose all form of reason." He looked at her again with a hopeless smile, the pain still apparent in his expression. His face was scratched from the thorns and his hair was as unruly as ever but through all the battles it still glinted gold in the sunlight.

@Bea Delaine
Leo roared at the imposter in anger. "LIES!!!" He wanted to get at the doppelganger so bad. To tear its face off and return to his friends so he could help them. The thought of leaving them behind made him sick, but the thought of the princess during made him sicker. He turned to the prince and princess "Your majesty's, Ward is in danger back the way we came. He could die. I might be able to save him, but we need to deal with this imposter first." He growled once again.
Elena raised her eyebrows in concern and attempted to rip a piece of her jacket. Her hands shook and she gave up, taking the full clothing article and pressing it against his wound. He could die. Ward could die and she would have so many regrets.

"Stay lying down alright? I understand.. It's not your fault. It's the situation and.."

Her cheeks burned and she was unsure of what she was doing. She leaned over and kissed the gryphon on the cheek. Pulling back, she blushed furiously and looked down.

"I really like you ward, not like a guardian. Not in the way I like Leia and Leo and Anya. If the role was reversed, I would have lost all rational thought myself."

(There. I did it. Needed to happen)
" Why? " 'Ward' smiled at the princess " To remove you from power when the day comes! " she jumped at her, shifting to her true form, but it seemed the princess was well prepared for such an ambush and deflected her attack. Now she stood there in the ring of enemies and knew that there was no turning back.

She eyed each of them carefully, trying to find the perfect opponent. The shapeshifter was unknown to her, the werecat was eager to tear her apart... but the big lion...

She turned to Leo, grinning malevolently, drawing her daggers.

" You left your allies behind. " she laughed " And now you did again for what? To kill me? " she entered into a battle pose, summoning few clones with her remaining strength " Well, you can try, that's for certain. "
Banba shot forward, skidding in front of Leo.

"There is too much noise. Too much noise and too much quiet." She snarled, face returning to her lizard one, cuts across her muzzle. "And the buffalo doesn't keep quiet as they are pushed off the cliff." She turned sudenly, grinning at Leo.

"Go push the buffalo!" She said it as she continued turning, Lunging at the assassin.
Leo snarled at the creatures words. "The end of the Darkness, is my first duty as a guardian. Besides I plan to end this quick enough to save my friends!!" The time for tactics and schemes was over, Leo new it was time to act. His eye pulsating with green energy, the first seemed to hum with energy. Each step he took, emitted a green pulse of energy from the grass beneath him. One of the last things his master taught him, was a stasis all gaurdians must learn. Where they are so intune with the forest, sometimes its hard to bring your consciousness back from the splendor of the forests energies. His mane began to pick up a shade of green like the vines in the canopy, and small green buds began to grow over the mantle he wore with such pride. Leos speed was unbelievable, he tore through any of the clones that got in his way, as he charged the one target he was focused on. With his bare claws he began to rake the air trying to claw the assassin face off.
((Ack, my heart flinched for Leo, given what you told me, that comment would hurt XS ))

Ward felt her lips brush his cheek and his eyes opened a little wider in surprise. He caught her gaze, his cheeks too turning red. Suddenly the pain seemed to evaporate.

Listening to her speak his heart soared, his golden eyes glittered brightly and he lifted his good hand to press it gently against her cheek.

He smiled up at her, and nothing more needed to be said.

His elation was interrupted however by an anxious mewl as Leia's water familiar floated around the corner. She caught sight of the two, injured and exhausted and immediately rushed over to them. She healed Elena first, draping herself over the girl's shoulders and then saw to Ward. The creature nosed under the armour and it fell away. She glowed brightly after that, sliding a watery flipper over the stab wound. An inky black substance was drawn from the wound and into the water. Ward let out a breath as the rest of the pain subsided to a dull ache. He decided to try and get up. He was a little shaky at first, his head reeled for a moment and he tried to steady himself. Eventually he was standing.

"Thank you Lee." He said kindly. The spirit did a back flip in mid air and rushed off to find her original charge.

@Bea Delaine

Leia thought fast and Tad released three narrow spears of air, aimed straight at the demon and her clones, making sure Leo was out of the shot's range. Briar drew a light orb she had been hiding behind her back and sent the magic to imbue Tad's attack.

Anya saw the woman was distracted by Leo, and took a chance. This was the first time shed gotten involved fighting an actual person, but thought she could manage. Rather than lunge it the demoness, she moved closer, quickly and quietly to attack her from behind as she fought with Leo
Luness hissed at the assassin, but suddenly froze in shock when the prince waved his sword in her direction. Granted, he may not know Luness, but she wasn't the threat here.

Shrinking back from the prince, Luness warily watched them all interact and then her eyes widened upon the assassin's attack on the princess though she was deflected.

Just as Luness was about to make her move on the assassin, Leo leaped into action, nearly moving at a blinding speed. Soon several were attacking at once and Luness feared she'd only get in the way.

Making her decision, Luness moved in front of the loyalty again, clawing and striking down any clones that got too close for comfort.
Nerzyyl was shocked at the fury of the guardian. She barely dodged his attack ah he rushed at her through her clones. She, however, could not dodge the attack of Banba which hit her with a surprising amount of force, almost making her to lose balance. As she landed she noticed that the spears fired at her missed her - but impaled her clones, making them to perish immediately. She yelled in pain as she felt a blade in her back, and turning around she saw the little human behind her.

" You misbegotten vermin! " she bellowed in anger, trying to strike her down without success. She was now agitated: never before did she face enemies like these... She knew not how effective her blades would be against them, but she had to try to vanquish them...

" The time is nigh... " sounded the dreadful voice in her mind, which filled her with despair and fear. No... not now, not like this... She fought now with desperation and ferocity: she attacked faster but she lost her precise accuracy, often missing her strikes.
Leo watched the others attacks as if they were a gnat in the wind. He was only focused on the assassin. He continued his assualt on her until the sword stabbed her in the back. When she turned around to try to attack its owner, Leo seized his opportunity and reached for the assassins neck. His palm would cover the majority of the assassins neck, his thumb and claw pressed against her throat.
Elena was unsure of what to say, or even what Ward thought now. She sat in silence, not moving her jacket from his wound. The silence was not awkward or empty though, and it was broken by the appearance of Lee, Leias water spirit. She allowed the spirit to take care of her own injuries and refresh her, and watched carefully as Ward was healed. Standing, she kept a hand on his shoulder as he stood as well, just to make sure he was alright.

"We should go join and help defend the princess, alright? Let me know if you can't keep moving." She said as she started running to the scene. Knowing the root systems now, it didn't take long to find them.

The demon was struggling severely, and seemed desperate. Elena took her chance, bringing the garden to life, magic strong than ever after lee helped.

She orchestrated the attacks as vines sharp as razor wire struck at the demon and wrapped her up to allow Leo a chance to grab her hopefully without the chance of escape.
Ward was grateful for Elena's support. When she moved off he followed, slowly at first but gaining a bit more strength as he went. Upon their arrival at the heart of the labyrinth Ward's face grew serious. The demon was engaged with a number of his friends but she looked worried. Ward prepared to change, he crouched low and...nothing happened. He willed with all his might to change back into his gryphon form but his body would not obey.

"Ah, this may become a problem."

Tad reformed and flared his wing-like ears, the air swirling in his body like a miniature tornado. This time Lee was beside him too and Leia guided them both. Flashing into action the two spirits combined their power, creating a concentrated hale storm that pelted their enemy while avoiding allies. Ice began to build up on anything the storm touched.
Elena became worried for Ward as he attempted to switch forms. Maybe his body needed to recuperate before he could change, but it was an issue now. He didn't have time for rest or eleven medical treatment. While attacking the demon with her plant life, she called out to him.

"Don't worry. We have it covered. Just protect the princess, right?" She said, hoping to put the gryphon at ease. To prove he could trust her, she wielded her sword and charged at the demon, sidestepped barely a moment before reaching her to dodge and attack from a less expected angle, and swiped strongly at the demons neck, position sturdy and all her weight in the swing.

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