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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Elena watched a gas envelope the area. She looked to Leo to see him change into the demon, but said nothing. She waited for a snide remark, or an attack but it did not yet come.

"L..Leo? Is that still you?" She asked quietly, shifting into a defensive position. The demon was a shape shifter. Would it be so strange for it to create illusions beyond its own appearance?
The gas filled the air and leo took in a deep breath. He needed to inhale as much of the toxins activator as possible. A remarkable skill his mentor spent years teaching him. His nose absorbed as much of the gas as possible, the receptors in it giving away its mystery. He was able to identify the gas as a powdered version of a liquid extracted from a rare flower in the deep forests of Fablewood. That would make the tips of the daggers laced with.... He opened his eye and saw the multiple assassins, each where one of the memebrs were standing only a few moments before. Hearing Elena's voice, "Careful Elena, we need to act carefully and swiftly if we are to make it to Ward before the assassin." The only reason he suspected Ward was the target was how excited the assassin had been to absorb Elena's image, and how quickly she was to disappear. Leo folded his legs and sat on the ground, his eye closed he focused on the forest once again. The area they were now standing in felt like it was somwhat normal, after all the plants would only sense they normal forms. But he was able to track down the assassins location heading towards the edge of the garden. With his eyes closed leo focused intently on the assassin "Elena, it is on the move. If i give you a location in the maze, can you trap her with your vines?" it was a risky move, but they had to stop the assassins somehow.
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Elena was relieved to know that Leo was actually Leo. Exhaling in relief, she nodded in agreement. It was evident from the demons excitement in taking Elena's image that it was after Ward. They were close after all.

In response to his question, she lowered herself to the ground and placed her hands on the earth, activating her control of vines and seeing the root system and hedges. Her hand shook from pressure but held perfect control.

"I've got it. Tell me where I can find her."
Leos eye opened wide, glowing wildly a dark green color. He was in his element and lily had been able to fully recharge with the sun and garden. He placed his hand on the ground as well, reciting a more advanced prayer his master had taught him. "Oh Great Forest Spirit, your vessels requires your sight. So that he might show others your power and destroy darkness from the world." The earth began to shift and squirm like snakes in the sand. A few small green vines grew from the earth like earthworms in a freash rain, coiling around Elena's fingers. They began to pulse with the same green glow that Leo's eyes do, projecting the mental image of the forest into her mind. Like being hit in the head with the broad side of a stone, the world burst into all the colors of the rainbow. The sensation would feel as if a million tiny minds would brush past her own like wheat grass in a summer breaze. The flowers would feel like a happy smile form ones loving family, and the trees, like the loving stern gaze of ones parents. The only exception would be the part of the forest where the shadow walked. Cold, silent, fear. The plants did not move or respond. They merely froze of terror. Leos mind connected with hers "I hope it didn't think we would give up so easily." Leo smiled as he prepared to throw his own energy into Elenas spell to increase to radius and power of the spell.
Elena did not remove her hands from the ground as roots tangled into her fingers. She sat still and stayed focused and suddenly her mind opened, the image of the forest so much clearer. Not only could she see the figure in her form, she could feel it.

"I have no doubt this demon will be surprised, Leo. Combined we are really something strong. She probably only took account for us individually."

She tracked the figure and strung vines on her, coming from every direction, coiling around ankles to pulling her into the ground, hopefully restricting and caging the figure with many layers.
Nerzyyl walked confidently under the guise of Elena. She could feel her prey near... yes, Ward had to be in the vicinity somewhere. She was just about to search for him when suddenly vines caught her feet. She grinned as she turned herself into shadow to escape - or would have but she encountered a powerful binding force combining with the constricting vines.

She angrily slashed at her persistent captors but regardless how many of them did she cut down they always came up to smother her. Then a dark idea shifted through her mind - she wanted to turn her trap into an advantage.

She cried out in the desperate voice of Elena, trying to lure Ward closer to aid her.

" Ward, please help me! " her voice echoed in the distance in despair " The demon is here! She took my form and tries to suffocate with her vines! I... can not fight her alone! "
Elena was mentally right there. She became worried. Their plan was working, but not well. No, the demon was using this to her own advantage.

She would have shaken her head if she didn't feel so far away from her own body.

"No no no.. But, Ward wouldn't fall for this, would he? He would know I don't ask for help. Or that I would take them into my own control, or even try to summon my sword. Leo! I don't know, what do we do about this?" She thought to the other, making vines wrap around the demons mouth.
((Oh snap! xD ))

Ward started at the sound of Elena's voice. Without a second thought he rushed in the direction of her call.

"Elena!" he called, charging down the path, thinking his worst fears confirmed.

Suddenly he came upon her, her legs trapped in vines that crept up her body. If he had stopped to think perhaps he would have seen signs, but his concern for Elena overpowered everything else. He transformed and attacked the vines, prying them away from the girl's small form with sharp talons and beak, allowing her escape.

"Are you all right?" He asked, just how powerful was this demon who could best Elena in her own element?


((@Lioness075 Your character can be healed now if you like, Alta's passed out so, there's not much for me to write back at the infirmary))
Leo watched as Elenas vines trapped their foe over and over. Confident he had bested the creature he smiled. That was until she began scream. He heard Elena calling to him, his mind began to think through the situation to Elena."Even if Ward finds the imposter, and comes looking for us all he will find is us. He was not injected with the poison so he will see us and know who the real imposter is. But I don't want to risk that." Leo thought for a second and smiled again. With another wave of energy he called forth the plants themselves. A green light began to imitated from a spot very close to the werewolves. Slowly a green bulb began to sprout from the ground. It snaked its way up into the air about of foot, the bulb at the end continuing to grow larger. It grew and grew until it was the size of a small melon. Suddenly it exploded with a burst of yellow mist. It covered the werewolves and a few feet in the surrounding area. Leo looked at them, they still looked like the assassin to him but they should see something much different. "The Orobora flower, a natural detoxification pollen is emitted when it is sexually mature. Lukly their is one not to far from here, I just borrowed a seed. Now hurry towards the assassin, she is attempting to kill Ward." He turned back towards Elena, the forest continuing to fuel his power. "I have one last thing I can do to help shed her disguise. But the garden will suffer where we are currently sitting. So make sure those vine are nice and tight. I do not wish to do this again." He concentrated deeply on the area that they were positioned, his face turning to a scowl. The plants within a five foot radius began to shrivle and die as a green wave began to grown around them. With all his effort he fused the energy into Elena's magic. It flowed through the earth and into the vines around the assassin. Within seconds the vines covering it would erupt with poisons barbs all over pointed inwards toward the assassin, each one coated with a small amount of toxin that would put the assassin into an disoriented state.
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(Man, was hoping to actually hit someone lol ah well.. Soccer game tonight, so I wont be able to post until after you all have gone to bed, sorry if im spoiling the poison fun but I dont want to hold anyone up)

Quincy was choking on the gas, sinking to the ground as it built up around her, unable to get past the thick hedges behind her. It made her head feel thick and heavy. With so much around her, she couldnt breathe, and instead of seeing everyone as demons, the kelpie passed out from lack of actual air. She lay at the edge of the clearing they had been fighting in, her body struggling for oxygen while she swam in the dark depths of unconsciousness.
Elena felt keeping vines in tact become much more difficult. Her hands shook and her body felt weak, but she was far enough mentally to feel it. She watched ward free her and mentally face palm. It was such an obvious trap.

She moved the plants once again as the barbs grew, away from Ward, hoping the poison wouldn't take much effect. She manipulated them back over the Impostures legs and and body, sticking the demon.

"Sorry Ward... I'm really am." She said to herself.
Once the air had cleared of the poison for the fighting werewolves, they quickly separated from one another, eyeing each other warily and apologetically. Hearing Leo's instructions, the werewolves steeled themselves once more and then were joined by the two nearby werewolves. Nodding at one another, they rushed to the hedge maze, sprinting through it together as they began trying to navigate it so they could find the assassin, who was supposedly covered in vines.

Back in the infirmary, Luness had just missed a swipe at one of the elves after they had removed her second battle claw with skin and fur, before they began swiftly mending her wounds.

With all fours paws mended and then tightly wrapped to avoid further infection, Luness was feeling much better despite wanting to sock one of the elves in the face. She also had some other burn wounds scattered across her body, but those had been quickly mended and square bandages had been placed over the burn wounds so they'd also avoid any risk of infection.

Shoving the elves aside from her bed after everything had been wrapped and she had been warned to rest for a bit, Luness got back to her feet, satisfied when her feet only ached slightly from the wounds she'd sustained. Deciding against walking on her hands, which had been the worst off and were now missing the damaged battle claws, Luness walked on her hind legs outside, pausing uncertainly at the sight of Leo and Elena both in some mental state.

Seeing Quincy lying nearby, Luness decided to help out one of her friends before she figured out what was going on with Leo and Elena.

Kneeling beside Quincy, Luness winced a bit as she hooked her arms under the kelpie's shoulders and then began dragging her to the infirmary. Once inside, Luness put Quincy on the nearest bed and then called over two elves to take care of her.

Leaving the infirmary once more, Luness glanced over at Falarion, who seemed more upset about being out of the fray than anything. Seeing his wrapped foot though, Luness knew better than to try and get him to join the fighting anyhow. He needed some serious medical attention before he tried fighting with that foot.

Rejoining Leo and Elena in the gardens, Luness asked them, "What's going on here?"
Ward registered the odd way the vines were behaving, but he had little time to contemplate as thorns erupted out of the plants, moist with some sort of toxin. Grabbing them in strong talons he heaved, tearing the vines apart again and catching a little of the poison as one thorn broke skin. Elena's vines never grew toxic spikes.

"Elena! Get out now! I can't hold it!"

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios
Elena was running out of steam. The distance was causing the attack to be more difficult. She had to compromise. She didn't want to hurt Ward. It killed her a little inside to ever think of it.

She shot up walls of toxic vines on either side separating the fake her and Ward. She closed in on the demon from all sides including above from the top of the hedges. She only bound ward by the midsection without the toxins.

Elena herself didn't hear Luness. Her body started giving out, slumping over.
" Elena " cursed the power of the heroes who were so close to grabbing her. She would have thought utterly lost if not for the sudden appearance of Ward. Even though the gryphon fought valiantly to free her she knew that she had to play a little deception if she wanted to escape. She commanded two shadows to aid fer briefly to free her from the vines but they quickly perished as the flowers shot up and pierced them with their poison.

" Ward! " she cried out, tears filling her eyes " Please hurry! The gas... its suffocating... "

She tried to feign desperation but in truth she was also getting slightly afraid. Trying to weaken the choking grasp of the vines she transferred a small portion of power to Ward to help her escape. Or - if everything went awry - for both of them to perish.
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((not a gas. Its coated in poison))

Leo felt Elena slip away as her power gave up. He only had a few moments before all would be lost. He released that power and jumped up from his stance. Seeing Luness he motioned as he scooped up Elena, "Come, we have to save Ward." Covering Elena with his massive arms, Leos threw himself the through the walls of bushes. As he ran through the walls, crashing like a heard of elephants he let out a roar that resonated through the gardens. Finally he burst through the last wall in front of Ward and the imposter. Slowly he presented the real Elena to ward, growling maliciously at the imposter.
Elena watched as the demon was starting to lose. Elena felt a bit of hope. She thought a little more working and she could unmask the imposter. A little more. The scene faded and her thoughts slowed. She could no longer here Ward and the demon, but also not Luness and Leo either. Then she was out cold, last thing she remembered was large arms around her.

(And for a limited time only, we'll throw in another ELENA for free!)
Ward struggled against the vine's hold, his heart tearing at Elena's call for help. He fought with all his strength. The wood began to splinter and suddenly gave way as he broke free. He snatched up the vines holding 'Elena' and severed them with his sharp beak...Wait...Elena would not cry here...

Just as the thought hit him Leo came careening through the foliage, the real Elena tucked in his arms.

"Oh...what a fool I am..." he turned to the figure, now free by his hand, and he had no time to escape.

Luness nodded at Leo, waiting while he picked up Elena. Once he began charging away, Luness sprinted after him, making sure to stay off all fours though, since she needed to let her hands rest for a bit first.

For a short time, Luness completely lost sight of Leo, but upon hearing his resonant roar, she followed the sound until she found the openings through the hedges. Sprinting through them, Luness soon caught up and then jumped to the side to avoid the angered Leo and the potentially poisonous vines holding both Ward and another Elena down.

Yet, within seconds, Ward had broken through his own vines and then had freed the other Elena.

Frowning in confusion since she'd missed the whole assassin attack earlier in the gardens, Luness looked between the group and shifted on her feet, or paws, uneasily.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
' Elena ' smiled at Ward gratefully.

" Oh my noble hero! " she exclaimed in triumph as her face twisted to her true form " How noble of you to come to my rescue. You should be proud: you have defeated your own friend and exhausted one of your allies completely. How noble indeed. "

Without warning she threw a poisoned dagger at him which hit his shoulder. This one, however, was coated in a different poison.

" Having trouble staying grounded? " she grinned as the purple poison started to creep over his wings, paralyzing them completely. She then looked around. Even though she was surrounded her opponents were tired from their previous encounter - but so was she.

" I would stay for the party but... I have other maters to attend to. "

She jumped to the air, taking on the form of Ward mid-air while she grinned and laughed.

" Your precious friend will now suffer the fate as she should have long ago. " she laughed " Farewell, 'heroes'. "

And now with the perfect disguise she flew towards her original targets: the prince and the princess.

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