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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Alexander smiled at Quincy's blush, and nearly jumped when Elena announced her presence. "Ah, Elena. Right, let's go, then." Alexander replied, willing his stupid human face not to betray his embarrassment at her comment, or witnessing that moment, in general. Unfortunatly, however, his attempts to hide it simply made the color fly all the faster to his face. When he felt his cheeks warm, Alexander dipped his chin a little, letting his scarf cover most of his face. He loved how convenient this scarf was- for nearly everything. Injured? Cold? Embarrassed? It's functionality really was amazing. He remained quiet as they walked, but as they neared Luness Alexander, too, noticed something slightly off. He wasn't sure what it was, though, and attributed it to either another strangeness of his human form or perhaps a lingering effect of the moment with Quincy from before.

He listened to Elena's conversation, and saw a shadow moving out of the corner of his eye. He spun swiftly around to the other side of Quincy, where the attack was coming from, and let his nails lengthen into a form more like his dragon claws. He slashed at one of the two, then tried to transform a patch of dragon scales to protect him from another attack. Unfortunately it seemed that either he was too slow or that plan didn't really work. He stumbled backwards a few steps, having taken a fairly strong blow in his right arm and chest. He coughed a little, not used to this form, and glared back up at the shadow, fire not only in his eyes but forming within. He was not used to fighting as a human, but was not comfortable transforming in such close quarters.

(I have no clue how large these gardens are, but it seems like there are a lot of people out here, either way sooo... I'll have some fun with Alexander as a human!

Quincy didnt comment back to Elena, only continued dutifully blushing as they walked. She glanced at Alexander a few times, only to find him hiding his face in his scarf. In the clearing, the kelpie stayed silent, wondering just what was going on in the strange scene. She was so focused on that, she didn't see the shadow snaking toward her until Alexander spun to her other side. As soon as the shadow struck him, she had an arrow in her hand and slashed at it, then stabbed.
Elena moved to her feet, panting from the sudden exertion of the unexpected attack. She gripped her arm protectively, trying to avoid getting hit but understand the situation more. Then Leo threatened Luness and her confusion tripled.

"W-wait Leo! What are you accusing her of?" She asked, very thin, almost nonexistent icy cruelty. Her only tone for anger. It was focused equally on Leo and Luness for either distrust or betrayal.
Ward bit back a curse. The hedge walls were higher than he remembered them to be, and the path was narrow enough that he could not spread his wings.

"I don't have time for this." He muttered, exchanging a rushed glance with Rose. Ward rounded another corner and chose the path on the left.

"Briar!" he called.

In the distance he could hear a faint voice. He followed it quickly.

Leia heard Ward's voice, and Briar called back to him.

"Briar, I don't know if that is wise...what if this creature can take the shape of another?" Frior drew his sword as a precaution.

"We'll test him when he arrives." She answered.

Leia shifted uncomfortably at the thought. "Hey Grenwin...will you be able to tell where it is with magic?"

"That." said the wizard, "depends entirely on how powerful their magic is."

"Ooof course it does."

They had reached the center of the maze, which opened up onto a giant chess board. The pieces were off the board, lining the sides, still and silent. Leia walked over and inspected a black knight the size of a pickup truck. There was a set of stairs on each side of the board leading to a small one-person gazebo, one black and one white. She supposed that if this crazy board was actually used to play chess, the players would stand or sit in those.

"We should play sometime," She told Anya. "You know, after the whole...demon army-fight-to-the-death...thing."

"Actually I think I might have a question for Ward." She mentioned casually.

@KattRai @Wild Born

((@KattRai Just to clarify; did I read the Anya could now teleport? Because that would be an extremely awesome power. Also @DawnAntalios I maded you a cool battle arena...if you so choose :D ))
( We shall see indeed... but let us tend to our guests first > :D )

" Luness " sat still as she saw her shadows being defeated easily. She smiled as the stalwart guardian accused her with betrayal - and to her amusement both the wolves and the human turned to defend her. But it was good enough... all of those who she needed have gathered.

" So the long knives have come out. I admit I am amused, noble guardian. Your perception is quite... admirable. " she said, her form shifting and twisting, slowly taking her true form: a slender demonic assassin stood now before the heroes, her entire body enveloped in a hooked cloak. Only a part of her face and her two hands were visible - in which she held sharp, poisoned daggers, ready to be used. She eyed all of them with her menacing eyes: sure they outnumbered her... but that only made things more fun.

" You are persistent but so easily fooled. " she smiled at them, readying herself for battle, summoning clones of herself to match the number of her opponents. " But enough talk, let us see how fast you are, 'heroes'. I want to make sure you do not waste my time. "
Leos mouth cocked into a halfway smile as the shadow creature spoke "I can not take all the credit for seeing through your ruse. The forest has eyes. It is merely patience that interprets what it sees" He watched as the shadowy assassin changed into its tru form, Twisting the dagger around in his hand so that the blade was now pointing into the back of the creatures neck. As the clones appeared, Leo wandered what the assassins game was. At the drop of a hat, Leo was poised to shove the blade into the back of the creatures neck and follow through into a ready stance for the next clone.
Elena understood as "Luness" revealed itself in its true form. In her opinion it wasn't the smartest move. If the demon held on longer, Luness's pack might have turned against and incapacitated Leo. But things worked out in their favor instead. Now they all had a common target. As the demon cloned itself, Elena swifter conducted the hedges around to separate the group of clones so Leo would only have to fight one clone. Elena, on the other side, would take the task of preoccupying a other couple clones.

She readied her sword and awaited their movements.
Anya looked around the giant chess set and nodded. She would enjoy playing chess, though she honestly wasn't very good and hadn't ever actually won a game.

We should, though, I'm not certain how you move these things." She said motioning up towards the giant peices.

Alexander looked over and saw the woman change, and summon clones. "Oh, fantastic," he mumbled to himself, wishing he had a human weapon of some kind. He would really have to look into getting one of those incase he has to fight as a human again. For now, however, his claws would have to suffice.

In this smaller form, Alexander was incredably swift, but rather weak. He lunged with his claws toward two of the clones that were closest to the right side, hoping to separate them even further- and that quincy would help him out.

(@SilverFlight yes, she can teleport but only relatively short distances. The smaller the object the farther she can teleport it, sorta.)
Quincy wasnt even surprised at this development; everything that day had been so demonic and twisted, why wouldnt there be one masquerading as an ally? She scowled, not sure what to do until she say Alexander preparing to lunge. When he did, she followed, using an arrow in each hand as blades to fight. Shooting in close quarters seemed like a waste, but she wished she had a real blade aa she attacked the other.
Rose was just behind Ward she noticed he didn't really seem comfortable in the tight space. Sincebshw was in human form it was not that bug of a deal for her.

When they got to the center she saw the big chess board and looked around.

(I don't know where everyone is)
" Come now. " she said as she lunged forward " Let us dance the dance of death. "

She moved with swiftness unparalleled, dashing through the battlefield and while the others were preoccupied with her clones she made some small cuts on their bodies ash she dashed around with her blurring speed. The wounds were little more than scratch... but she needed no more, only a little infection so that the poison could make its way into their veins. It would not damage them... but would make them susceptible to her continued assault.

" Magic is futile, my dear. " she chuckled " I feed on such sorcery, not weakened by it. " with an acrobatic jump she launched herself into the air, jumping down behind Elena. Swiftly her demonic fingers grasped her shoulder and in a split second her body flinched taking on the form of the girl before shifting back to her original self.

" Why thank you, my dear. Such a kind gift. " she whispered before she vanished again, jumping in the air where she prepared her small, shadowy daggers to strike. Then after a brief moment of preparation she threw all of her little weapons on her enemies then landed next to them, resuming her assault in a flurry of blows.
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[QUOTE="Wild Born]Rose was just behind Ward she noticed he didn't really seem comfortable in the tight space. Sincebshw was in human form it was not that bug of a deal for her.
When they got to the center she saw the big chess board and looked around.

(I don't know where everyone is)

((Oh we haven't reached the board yet. This is important ^^ I think the rest are in the gardens but not yet in the labyrinth.))
(Hey, @SilverFlight don't forget Luness, Falarion, and Alta ^^ ;)

The werewolves quickly backed away in confusion when 'Luness' changed into woman, an assassin by the looks of things.

Shaking their heads and snarling at her, the werewolves charged at her from three different sides, only to find that she was far faster than they had anticipated.

While the werewolves had been able to take down one of her clones, they couldn't bring themselves to get any strikes on the assassin herself. Though they each let out a surprised yelp when they in turn felt themselves receive small cuts from the assassin's daggers.

Back in the castle, Luness suddenly stiffened at the sense that her packmembers were in danger. Whining since she knew she was in no condition to go to them herself, Luness anxiously looked to the gardens while the two packmembers on either side of her shifted anxiously as well.

Falaroon instantly saw Luness' concern and let out a low growl despite his foot being too badly injured for him to go check on things either.
DawnAntalios said:
" Come now. " she said as she lunged forward " Let us dance the dance of death. "
She moved with swiftness unparalleled, dashing through the battlefield and while the others were preoccupied with her clones she made some small cuts on their bodies ash she dashed around with her blurring speed. The wounds were little more than scratch... but she needed no more, only a little infection so that the poison could make its way into their veins. It would not damage them... but would make them susceptible to her continued assault.

" Magic is futile, my dear. " she chuckled " I feed on such sorcery, not weakened by it. " with an acrobatic jump she launched herself into the air, jumping down behind Elena. Swiftly her demonic fingers grasped her shoulder and in a split second her body flinched taking on the form of the girl before shifting back to her original self.

" Why thank you, my dear. Such a kind gift. " she whispered before she vanished again, resuming her assault in a flurry of blows.
(What does the last sentence mean? It was well written but I don't understand, does she disappear and attack Leo or attack Elena?)
Sensing that the assassin was not going to cooperate, Leo pushed his blade through the things neck. However to his surprise, his dagger and almost his whole arm went completely through the thing with no resistance. The shadow disappeared through the wall of bush before Leo could make any kind of secondary attack. He looked around the now cut off area he was trapped in. With a mighty leap he jumped over the wall and landed over the edge in the area with Elena and the others. He felt a sharp pain as one of the shadows knicked him with a dagger. He twisted around and caught the shadow in the head with his blade. It was right after that he saw one of the shadows behind Elena, and then jump into the air. What the hell is this thing doing?

(( HA!! i got the color to work)
Elena attacked the clones as much as she could, sword wielded by both hands but the right was failing her from the strain from attacking and the fall. After a night of fighting, she was too worn out to keep up for too much longer. All her hits landed just went through the clones.

A cold and spindly hand touched her shoulder and she heard the original day something to her. Didn't pay enough attention before the sharp pain hit her and she stumbled, unsteady and not expecting the blow.
Quincy attacked as many of the clones as she could, desperate to find the real one, but she kept feeling the small nicks from the poison blades. She backed away from the clones, this time nocking an arrow as the demon moved swiftly around the group. The kelpie watched her path, then shot an arrow aimed several yards in front. If it went as planned, she would run into the path of the arrow with her unbelievable speed. Quincy turned and blocked a stray shadow, slicing at it with the bowstring and it disappeared.
((@Wild Born @DawnAntalios

((Just giving a bit of background info on the labyrinth))

(( A-ha! ))

Nerzyyl smiled as she was satisfied with the result of her attacks, although it took her a surprising amount of energy to dodge all the incoming blows. Temporarily shifting herself into shadow form was taxing and she certainly did not expect such resistance. Nonetheless she had done her work and was now grinning.

" Well heroes? Who can you trust? " she asked mockingly as she summoned a ball of green gas in her hand, the same color as her mind numbing poison was. " The enemy is among you! Try to strike me down if you can! "

With a menacing laugh she threw the ball to the ground which now in turn enveloped the small area in a gas which now reacted with the poison she used earlier. She vanished to the shadows - but now everyone who suffered her poison tipped blade now would see everyone around them as the demon assassin. They would strike at each other while thinking that they are fighting the enemy and her clones.

Now that this step of the plan was complete the assassin slipped away and headed towards the maze to find the so called " Ward " the personal favorite of the princess. Once he was out of the way her way would be clear.

" An easy task... " smiled now the demon with the charming face of Elena. Now with her transformation complete the disguised marauder headed to dispatch the last target in her way.
Luness flinched under Alta's lecture, her attention changing from her unease about her other packmembers to the terrifying and angry Alta in front of her. While Luness wilted under Alta's angry tone, both of the werewolves beside her were mentally thanking anything and everyone that they weren't under Alta's withering gaze.

Helping Luness over to the nearest bed, the packmembers made sure she got onto it securely and then Luness said to them, "Figure out what's wrong with the others, now."

The packmembers nodded and then dropped to all fours before racing outside and to the gardens.

Watching as the poultice was made, Luness then involuntarily shrunk away from the healers, her thoughts going to her battle claws that had melted slightly and were now basically fused with most of Luness' hands. If they removed the battle claws then they'd surely be removing skin and fur along with it. That was going to hurt. A lot.

Yet, Luness' ears perked towards Alta upon hearing her apology for the death of Luness' packmember. Luness' eyes welled up at this, but she quickly bit down her emotions. Now really wasn't the time to grieve. Yet, Luness heard Alta's tone upon her muttering of another statement, but with one of Luness' ears permanently damaged as it was, her enhanced hearing was more like a human's hearing now. She was unable to understand what Alta had muttered, but Alta's expression seemed to say more than her words anyhow.

Frowning at this, Luness decided to try and talk to Alta about it later, once they had finished this battle for the city.

Falarion was quietly released upon having Alta's attention shifted to Luness though. He could've sworn that his ears were already bleeding, but he seemed to be all right for now. His concern was for his Alpha primarily right now, but he was having doubts in the back of his mind about his foot.

He'd been mostly out of it when it had been worked on and now it was bandaged up. On top of this, Falarion was too exhausted to sit up and look at it, so he had no real idea if he was going to be keeping his foot or if they'd be looking for some prosthetic to replace it.


Outside in the gardens, the other two packmembers skidded to a halt upon seeing the heroes and their other packmembers under attack in the distance.

Dropping to a crouch while on all fours, the two packmembers crawled through the vegetation to get a closer look while hoping to stay out of sight from whatever, or whoever, may be the danger in the area.

Yet, what they ended up seeing was the last thing they'd expected. They saw their fellow packmembers were panting in the middle of the garden area, some small cuts on their arms. But what they saw next surprised them entirely.

Some evil being above produced a ball of green energy and then threw it on the ground, some gas enveloping the heroes and their fellow packmembers. Listening to the speech, the two packmembers exchanged a worry glance and then looked back at the garden with wide eyes to see the three packmembers snarling and wrestling one another, fighting like feral werewolves would.
(I don't see it as mind control personally. It's not like she's going to be forcing their hands on one another. Leo in fact could use his guardian powers to sense that something was amiss before he harmed anyone. Some could be hesitant too, because they would know that where the assassin now stands, their friend used to be standing there too)

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