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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The light haired elf approached and used water to heal her arm. She flinched before the water was even that close in fear of touch. It was a relief to not feel the pressure she expected. If anything, it was easing. She smiled graciously at the elf, cheeks reddened by his comment about recklessness.

"Thank you. Sorry to take up your time." She said as she got up and started out in the direction which the other group went but stopped to wait for Ward.

"Are you all ready? Are you sure you don't want to get healed first?"
The dark shadow emerged from the castle, hiding in the darkness to avoid being detected. It looked around for its targets when it noticed the two prime targets. This was to be more difficult than it supposed to be... It was then when it noticed the gryphon and the human. It seemed that they had a special bond between them.

A bond it could exploit.

It smiled and waited patiently until they parted... it was then when it intended to strike.
Luness nodded in thanks to the centaur near her and was helped by her packmembers into the wagon. While Luness had burn wounds, her packmembers had mostly just suffered under the suffocating tendrils of darkness. Other than needing a rest, they would be fine by the night.

Letting the centaur take the lead, Luness' packmembers trotted on all fours alongside the wagon until they arrived at the castle. From there, two packmembers helped Luness off of the wagon and then inside. It didn't take long for Luness to see Alta berating Falarion over his injuries.

Smirking at the usual antics of Alta, Luness then nodded in Alta's direction to guide her packmembers. The other member not directly helping Luness milled about, staying near since she was unsure of what to do.

Luness noticed the unease among her pack and said to them, "Go rest. You'll need your energy tonight." The packmemberthat had accompanied Luness and then the two that had helped Falarion all nodded and then went to the gardens to get some rest since they felt uneasy inside a building.

Once her packmembers had all left except for the two holding Luness up, she shifted her gaze back to Falarion, frowning at his injuries and especially his messed up foot. That injury worried her the most since any beast needed all four feet to fight properly and to survive.

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Anya nodded, and had followed Briar, still a bit worried. The truth was that she had done remarkably little fighting against that demon, but she also felt as though she had no choice, that is where she was being pulled. Along the way, they passed a couple of werewolves from Luness's pack. Anya left the small group for a moment, and gestured for one or two or all of them to come with her. It seemed that if the fight followed them, it could not be bad to have a few werewolves with them to help fight.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075

Alexander listened, and watched Quincy, unsure of what to do or say. He had many things he thought of saying: reassurances, complements, questions. But it seemed to him that this was not the time, more fight was to come and they should get back to the others. Instead of words, he offered a simple gesture. He hoped it would not be unwanted. When her hand touched his cheek, he reached to move it away and bring it instead to his lips. He'd seen others kiss the hand of their desired woman as a sign of compassion, and sweetness, so he thought it was an appropriate action here. After a meaningful look at her, his attention returned to the other matters at hand.

Rose got up when the fuzziness wen away and walked up to Ward. " Do you need me anywhere? " she asked and fixed her hair she was tired from the battle, but still had enough energy to work where she was needed.
Ward rolled his shoulders, testing the joints. "Nyr's magic has seen to me properly." He said. "I need your help rallying the others, I will head into the gardens after the prince and princess." Just then Rose appeared by him. "Rose! Just in time, we think one of the demons has infiltrated the castle grounds. I am heading to protect princess Briar, come with me?" Ward changed back into a gryphon and bounded for the garden entrance. With a moment's thought he turned around. "Be careful Elena! Stay safe!" with that he vanished into the gardens.

((@KattRai awww Alexander, I'm dying of cuteness again. Also last post for me tonight. @Wild Born ))
Rose walked after him and chuckled. At least she had something to do now. Jogging into the gardens she looked around and followed Ward to help protect the Princess. She knew there was danger about but she decided to save her energy rill she needed it and kept the necklace on.
Cursing in itself the shade could not get any closer to its victim... until it saw the three wolves heading to the gardens. Not letting such an opportunity go to waste it quickly dashed after them to set its plan in motion. Carefully following them, making sure to remain hidden it went from bush to bush until it finally stopped and its body started to change. Its dark forms took form and its hands transformed into paws.

Few moments later the exact clone of Luness stepped out from the bushes, heading towards her pack.

" Wait! " she exclaimed to them so they would wait up " We have a change in the plans. Ward has ordered us to go and speak with him in an urgent matter. I know you must be tired but we can't let him down in times like this when demons are everywhere. We need to head back to the infirmary immediately. "
(( Oh. My. Gosh.))

Quincy was unable to move for a long moment. His movement played through her head again and again, turning her cheeks pink. “Alexander.." She said, half a gentle murmur and half a groan of mild despair. She looked at him for a long moment before standing and focusing back on the fight. Th kelpie stayed right next to Alexander, more unwilling than ever to be separated.
(I think ward just left the infirmary?)

Elena tested her arm, hissing as any pressure was placed on it. It was better than before though. She could sort of move it. She smiled at Ward as he group with Rose to head out.

"You as well! Be careful I mean."

Elena headed out, searching for Quincy and Alexander, sure that they were together. She left the castle walls to find them still in the chaos of the ruined city. She hesitated, turning bright red. Clearing her throat with a heavy blush and an awkward air, she spoke timidly.

"H-hey umm.. Quincy? Alexander? I uh.. Everyone is heading out to the labyrinth in the gardens. I came to get you."
The three werewolves froze in shock in the gardens, their hesitance and uncertainty clear in the air. They looked between one another, wondering how Luness had been healed so quickly. She'd just arrived at the infirmary moments ago and Alta had been busy.

Shifting uneasily, one of the werewolves then voiced his confusion to Luness, saying, "Shouldn't you be resting, Alpha?"

Her eyes shifting she nodded.

" Yes, I should be. " she said, walking in front of them " But not when our allies are in need. I know not why were we called but if I could lend my aid to the wounded then so shall I go. "

She turned her back as she slowly headed back to the infirmary.

" So I ask you again: will you come with me to help the others? "
Quincy turned bright red at the sound of a throat being cleared. She turned to find Elena looking at them with an awkward stance. “Sorry." She said quickly, blushing even more. “We're coming." She said, ready to follow the girl.

(Will be slow with replies for a while)
One of the werewolves let out a confused whine, while the other two frowned at Luness.

The same werewolf spoke up again, saying, "Why are you speaking so oddly, Alpha?"

The other two werewolves began to feel anxious, but hesitantly took a step or two towards Luness. She was their Alpha despite her odd behaviors. Perhaps she was just exhausted and needed some proper rest?

She let out an annoyed sigh. These wolves were harder to convince that she had anticipated.

" If you question my will or who I am then I am ready to fight. " she turned back, growling angrily " If you do not like to follow my commands or how I act then you are free to do so. Otherwise follow my lead. "
(Lolz, totally was doing a Little Red Riding Hood thing there. xD )

The werewolves all insantly bowed in submission to Luness, rolling their faces in the gardens' spil and rolling their eyes while letting out small whimpers. They continued to do the typical wolf's posture of submission, waiting for Luness' indication that they were forgiven.
Elena smiled at the two apologetically, knowing she was interrupting their moment. She started walking towards the gardens.

"You two are very sweet.."

She said after a moment. Her eyes tracing the two for signs she was crossing a line.

"It makes me happy, in a fight like this seeing two people enjoying each others company." The last phrase was ended with a chuckle. As they walked, she saw Luness and her clan. Her brows rose with concern.

"Luness, how are you feeling? And your pack.. Shouldn't you be recovering?"
Leo sat, soaking in the sun the poured into the garden much as the plants did and turned some of it into energy. However he gained the biggest advantage of the energy from the forest itself. Being connected to the garden he was able to absorb some of the energy the plants created from the suns beautiful rays. He sat there for some time before something caught his attention. An area of the gardens plants had grown silent, almost like they were scared. Plants not having actuall emotions, this struck Leo as odd. He searched through the garden until his senses reached the area. A dark blackness, almost like the shadows one would cast on the ground, hovered over the plant life there. They did not move, they did not absorb the sunlight, he could almost feel them shiver. Leo retreated back to his own mind, his now bright green eye fading back to its usual color. Something is wrong... He stood, his bones somwhat stiff from the beating he had jumped into earlier, and began to move through the forest quietly. He was only a short distance away before he heard the conversation of what sounded like Luness and a few of her pack. Unaware of the the others where about, Leo did not find this odd, but the plant life surrounding Luness was defiantly what he had sensed. Moving through the brush, Leo approached the others just as Elena and her companions did. "Yes" he added to Elenas quarry, "We should all be resting for the night.
Her eyes lit up in excitement and glee... All those who were in her way were here. The greatest opportunity she could have gotten. Her eyes flickered in the darkness as the shadows slowly started to take form and became demons. They lurked behind until she gave them the order to attack.

" I was just about to report back to Ward when... " she said as one shadow jumped at them. She dodged it with ease and commanded silently the others to join the fray. She had to keep this charade up for a bit before she could move on... After all she did not wish to do a job without finishing it.

(( I am really sorry it is 2 a.m. here and I am really tired. Have fun tho guys!))
Elena was pleased to see Leo doing alright as well when he entered. She shook her head and chuckled.

"You look better Leo. You should rest up but I'll be fine. One of the elves was kind enough to patch me up."

She was completely off guard and unprepared for what happened next. Not expecting the attack, Elena took full blow from a demons attack. A slice from her collarbone to shoulder was landed, not terrible but the force knocked her over. Catching herself, a jolt of pain went up her previously broken arm and she realized what the elf meant by "anything reckless".

Without missing another beat though, Elena summoned her vines from the gardens, stabbing through demons in her way and dragging them into the dirt. She brought out her sword and with a shaky grip, struck any that were near her or Leo.
The werewolves all shot to their feet, eyes wide at the sudden appearance of the demons.

Snarling, they launched themselves into action, biting and slashing at the demons to defend their Alpha. No time was left to question the oddity of Luness' behavior or speech. They needed to defend their Alpha now.

Within seconds, the werewolves had taken down one of the demons. They swiftly moved to the next, working as a unit like Falarion had taught them.
Banba sat up when Leo left, debating if she should follow him. Her thoughts were broken when an elf healer approached her, and she frowned deeply and angrily, raising her foot again. The elf rolled his eyes, sitting on the floor in front of her.

"Shifter." She started, curtly. "I know you don't remember it, and didn't think about it then and don't think about it now but you're more of a nuisance than youNd believe." Banba visibly relaxed, shoulder drooping and eyes flicking upwards.

"A butterfly remembers its time as a Caterpillar. Do you think a chicken remembers its time as an egg?"

"Just let us heal you. You're leaving a puddle of blood. I don't wanna catch your crazy."

Banba moved her eyes around his face, then to her foot, where she stroked the scar. Letting out a growl, she turned around on the cot, crossing her legs and gripping the edge.

"I think it best if the egg doesn't remember its time as a chicken."

"Good. Sit still."

It took longer than it probably should have to get Banba healed enough to be put back into the fray. Multiple times she slapped the elf's hands away or stood up, breath fast and shallow. It got so bad near the end a second elf came to hold her limbs in front of the shifter, immobilizing her. Finally, the first elf tapped her shoulder, standing up.

"There you go, you brat." He said, wiping his hands on a rag. "You've been sitting long enough even the worst shift won't open it." Banba shot past him, only to fall on her face, rolling around the floor as she tried to lose the bandages now wrapped around her chest.

"No, bad shifter." The elf dumped a bucket of water on her, speaking sarcastically. "Those bandages need to stay on for the scars to heal completely, or you'll get a repeat on your foot, however that happened."

"Probably refused help. Looks like it had been infected." The second elf chimed in, watching the dripping shifter grinning. Banba hissed at them, bounding away into the gardens on all fours.
Leo was uneasy. It was like the forest had begun to scream at him, but without being in his meditative state he couldn't make heads or tails of it. IT put the hair at the base of his tail on edge. It wasn't until he saw the shadows began to spring up that he was able to put two and two together. In a quick single action he grabbed his dagger from his belt on his back and swung it around behind his back, cutting through the shadow demon before it had a chance to fully materialize. The walk over had prepared him for whatever would have happened, and the gardens warning gave him the edge on the shadows surprise. He sliced through several more demons before turning back to Luness. "You!!" The shadows had not be an accident. They needed to be quarantine coordinated and directed, and there was only one dark spot when he first arrived at the clearing. He had thought the conversation between Luness and the pack had been unusual. Before she had a chance to make another move Leo sliced through a few more of the shadows before twirling around in the spot he stood and brought the blunt of his blade down on the back of the neck of the werecat. "Now then how about enlightening us, shadow demon."
The werewolves swiftly ended another demon's life and then saw Leo's actions against Luness.

Snarling, they quickly formed a semi-circle in front of him, remaining on all fours. Folding their ears against their heads, the werewolves bristled and growled at Leo, not willing to let him bring harm to their Alpha.

(We should probably wait until @DawnAntalios responds in the morning before we go too much further)

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