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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

As the wretched sun was finally sinking into the horizon so too did Erzaul, the arch demon command the forces of darkness to pause and halt their attacks. After a bit of confusion and surprise the army of darkness stopped completely, being only spectators in a battle yet to come. Even the accursed dread ravens and dragons watched intently what would happen - as their commander told them that the last defenders of Branbern wished to assault him personally.

" Let them come. " he ordered to the dark force " The Dark One would love sacrifices - and I am more than happy to oblige. "

Nyr armed herself with the coming of the dawn. This time she would fight with her friends and defend those she really loved. And with the army of the frost revenant behind them as well she felt her hopes rising. Somehow they will prevail, they will certainly find a way and she knew it. She stood ready and awaited the command of the royal duo, eager to charge forward.
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Elena was shocked by wards insistence in the situation. Usually nobody would say or do anything in response to her less healthy choices, but this was Fablewood, and Ward was in a way more protective than anyone she had met.

Elena took a seat and recieved her plate of food. Shyly, she took the fork. Feeling obligated to eat the full fork full, she started eating.

"This is good." She said between bites trying to fill her quiet. "I'm okay with resting.. Really. But I'm concerned we will miss our chance to join the battle, or mine if you aren't feeling well."
As time passed, Luness slowly woke back up with a quiet groan, rubbing her eyes before she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Looking around the infirmary, Luness felt out of it for a minute or two before she finally fully woke up.

Shifting her gaze down to the bandaged burn wounds scattered on her body, Luness was pleased to no longer feel pain from them. Taking all of the bandages off and unwrapping the bandages from both her hands and feet, Luness was pleased to see the injuries had healed everywhere. The only things missing now were her fur in the areas that were burned and her battle claws. While displeased with the lack of fur that made her look more human, Luness knew it'd all grow back in a day or two. The perks of being a magical being in Fable Wood.

Leaving her bandages in a pile on the bed she'd slept in, Luness got up and then began weaving about through the infirmary, looking for Falarion. When she finally found him, she was surprised to see Trindle just finishing up with some mechanical foot armor for Falarion's injured foot. It was a werewolf foot, but it was made of metal and looked like it may be heavy for Falarion to get used to. If it'd allow him to fight tonight though, then Luness wouldn't complain.

Looking at Trindle while he was finishing the last parts of setting up the foot for Falarion, Luness spoke up, saying, "Hey, Trindle, I need a replacement pair of battle claws and possibly some new armor." Looking down at her armor, Luness could see a couple holes where she'd received burn wounds. There was no way she was going to charge into battle with damaged armor. Remembering that Falarion had suffered the same burn injuries as herself, Luness added, "Falarion will need a new pair of battle claws and some new armor as well."

Falarion was clenching his teeth and letting out low growls while Trindle messed with his foot and was putting on the metal contraption that would apparently aid him in continuing to fight for now. The pain was immense, but Falarion could dimly feel the heavy medical herbs beginning to kick in, as some of the pain was beginning to ebb away.

Hearing Luness' voice, Falarion perked up and was pleased to see that besides some missing fur, she looked like she was going to be okay.

Falarion was about to nod in greeting to her, but instead let out a whine and tightly clenched the sides of the bed, beginning to leave a dent in the bed's metal frame, as Trindle tightened a piece of the foot shell.

Behind Luness, the pack began reassembling, sensing the growing unease in the area since the battle was about to commence once again. Double checking that their battle claws were all good to go and that they were ready, the werewolves then anxiously began shifting about on their feet, waiting for orders from their Alpha.

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Leo sat and watched as the others got ready for the battle. Nodding to them as he met their gazes he stayed at the gates at the ready for when they would move out. There as a subtle bristling of movement from a small crowd on one end of the courtyard as the head of Leos large dble bladed ax came bobbing through th door ways. Leo stood and saw the soldier he had talk to just after the generals death. HE struggled to heave the massive ax across the floor, attempting to not let the other sides blade hit the ground and mess it up. Leo smiled and walked over to the man meeting him half way. The man let out a huge gasp for air as Leo reached out and lifted the great blade as it were nothing. "My lord, i commend you and you strength for wielding such a fine blade. But try not to loose it again, i fear the other soldiers saw my struggle with the blade, and might leave it should you ask them to retrieve it next time." Leo laughed "I will try my friend. Thank you for retrieving it for me. I would be lost without it." The soldier bowed to Leo and slowly scuttled off. Leo balanced the blade in his hand and popped it up in the air a few times. He swung the blade around in a whirlwind fashion before stopping in an attack pose. HE smiled, it was good to feel his weapon again. He placed the blade on the latch between his shoulder blades and walked back over to the opening. He was finally ready to end this nightmare.

In what seemed to be an unspoken agreement, the patients in the infirmary that were fit to fight started to stir. “The storm is approaching." Quincy murmured, humming a sad, haunting melody for a few moments. The kelpie withdrew her hands from the basin, letting them drip as she grabbed her bow and strapped her quiver around her. It was time to stop this.
"Are you certain that you are ready?" Alexander asked watching her worriedly. He knew it was time that he headed out, too, but he didn't want to see quincy hurt.
Quincy paused, turning her head to look at him. “Of course not. But this is what I came to do." She stated, taking a moment to braid her hair. It fell straight down her back when she released it, stepping toward her beloved friend. “I'll be fine. Besides, you won't be far." The kelpie gave half a smile, running out of words as her mind whirled into battle-readiness. Instead, she put a hand in the basin behind her and flung a little water at him with a smirk. “You have bigger things to worry about than me. Let's go."
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Trindle finished tightening the leather straps of the metal foot. He stood back and nodded his approval. "That should serve for battle." A horn sounded from the front gates. The dwarf frowned grimly. "Speaking of which. We should get down there."

@DawnAntalios @KattRai @Flutterby

((Ahahaha! I fixed my internets!!! Also the site's back up :) yey.))
Rose had been walking around the castle. She came into the infermary and found Ward and Elena there. She walked up and asked smiling " Is anyone else nervous, excited and mad at the same time? "
Falarion growled sharply when Trindle finished tightening the straps, but restrained himself from lashing out. Furrowing his brows, Falarion looked over the metal boot, unsure of what to say or how to feel about it.

Frowning, Falarion slowly sat up and then swung his legs over the side of the bed. Carefully standing up, Falarion winced at the aching pain, but was relieved to feel the strong herbs doing their job and taking away most of the pain.

Luness warily watched Falarion, not feeling too comfortable about letting him join the battle. If he went in already injured, then it was only going to be more likely for him to get injured in the midst of everything.

Looking away from Falarion, Luness looked at Trindle again and said, "I'd really feel much safer if Falarion and I could get a new set of battle laws each and some new armor. Our equipment was damaged in the last skirmish."

Turning around for a moment to address her packmembers, Luness said briefly, "Go join the others in the battlefield. Don't go charging recklessly into anything, but help keep the enemy forces at bay. Falarion and I will be joining shortly."

The pack all nodded at Luness and then dropped to all fours before sprinting out of the infirmary, the sound of claws scratching against stone echoing inside, and then beyond the open gates to join the growing forces to help defend the city.

Meanwhile, Falarion noticed Luness' look of unease and said gruffly,
"Alpha, I'll be fine. I can handle myself out there."

Nodding absentmindedly, Luness let out a small huff and then looked back at Trindle, waiting for his response.

"I wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun."

Elena finished her last couple bites and just in time, heard the horn sound off. She smiled affectionately at Ward, comforted by his dedication. She felt content now, even not having an answer to her old confession. She took the hand and answered,

"I'd love to."

She got up with her resolve for battle steeled over once again. On their way out, she saw Rose. Elena smiled at the other and replied,

"I'm not so much mad as ready to finish this battle and glad we are moving it away from Branbern. I don't want more needless deaths and injuries."
Even though there was a Battle raging on, Ashley was unable to participate in the latest adventure with her friends. She was...Advised to stay behind and rest due to her condition since she didn't really rest in between conquests previously. Ward did not seem comfortable with her Fighting, and she could understand his concern, same with everyone else. However, even though she was not fighting by their side, Ashley could only hope and pray that they'd return safely. But that didn't stop her from having bad dreams...While her companions were away, despite the Raven's Blessing, she was having recurring nightmares, mostly revolving around her pregnancy, which worried her greatly. In the latest nightmare, it was almost as if she wasn't pregnant at all. That was worrisome.

(If anything, after you guys finish your battle and return home, perhaps one of you can calm her down when she wakes up ^^)
"I've sent the rest of the equipment down to the weapons tents on the plains by now. Ye can test that leg out while we walk to them." Trindle replied. His own armour was already on, thick metal with celtic knots trailing over the surface, tangled amongst stylized animals. His war axe was as long as he was but he hefted it without much thought.

"Let's get down there before the fun starts!"

@Wild Born

Leia was among the rear infantry, she could see the princess ahead, sitting atop a unicorn in armour. Now that she was right in the middle of it she felt nervous, borderline terrified. it was so hard to believe this was even real. Something cool brushed her leg and she was reminded of why she was standing there. Because she could make a difference, together with the spirits that found her. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. A friend would really help right now, she scanned the area for Leo or Ward or Rose...or anyone from their party.

@KattRai @Flutterby
The eye of the storm flashed with a bright light as dark thunders escaped from its domain. In the next moment two figures emerged from it, a feathery one with burning eyes, clad in black cloak and the other is a slender one with a shadowy form and gleaming twilight purple eyes.

As both of them levitated towards the ground the army of shadow fell to its knee, recognizing and fearing their mighty leader and his second in command. Even in the distance Erzaul could see the valiant defenders approaching... and he also saw the fear in their hearts.

Smiling evilly he stopped before touching the ground, levitating mid air. He waved with his arms, increasing the size of the storm almost tenfolds so it would enshroud Branbern and everything in the night sky.

He was waiting.
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Anya appeared beside Leia, looking worried. She had no interest in fighting a war, yet here she was. At least in this war they were sort of the defenders, rather than the aggressors or invaders. "So, do you think we're really ready for this?" She asked, skepticism was obvious in her voice.

Alexander had almost laughed, and flinched away from the water droplets Quincy sprayed at him. He stayed with Quincy, not daring to stray far as they headed out to the plains for the coming battle.
Luness nodded at Trindle and then looked over at Falarion, eyeing him warily since he seemed to still be in pain.

Falarion felt his Alpha's gaze, but ignored her for now as he focused on walking.

Joining Falarion's side, Luness stayed beside him as he first limped down towards the battlefield.

Soon though, the medicinal herbs began to really kick in and Falarion's pain was temporarily forgotten, allowing him to walk normally again.

The pair soon arrived on the battlefield, heading straight to the weapons tent, where they both fitted themselves with similar styles of armor for themselves. They both then also found similar battle claws, to the ones they'd destroyed earlier, and fitted themselves with that.

Once the two werebeasts were ready for battle once more, they dropped to all fours and trotted out to the join the ranks of the army, allowing Falarion a chance to test his metal foot casting a little more.

Once Luness and Falarion had settled in the ranks, Luness let out a caterwaul, calling her packmembers to her. Within seconds, the pack converged on Luness and they all, minus Luness who couldn't actually howl, let out howls in anticipiation of the upcoming battle.
Leo followed the herd of Fablewood troops down to the battlefield. Eyeing the plains, Leo began to worry about any type of large siege equipemnt. With the fields being so open, if the enemy were to deploy siege equipment against them, they would stand a chance. The thought was brushed aside quickly however, they had not seen any type of siege equipment as of yet. Leo then focused on the help that had arrived from the other parts of Fablewood. He felt a sense of pride seeing so many different Feblewoodians joined together to protect Branbriar. As he approached the battle site, Leo looked over the company to take a head count of his compainions. He was able to put eye on just about everyone. Where is Banba? He spied Anya and Leia very close to where he was standing and made his way to them. "Have either of you seen Banba jumping around? I havnt seen her since the hedge maze and i am begining to worry." Only after he possed the question did he hear Luness and her pack, and the see the sky erupt with destructive storm overhead. The battle was about to begin.

@KattRai @SilverFlight @Jecklyn
Elena continued on, walking down to the battle field. An ominous storm cloud loomed over the plain as allies set up their weaponry and magic. The stagnence of the soon to be battle was energizing yet uncomfortable. She was ready though. Her armor was adjusted and placed back on, her leather pouch with the book was concealed by the metal gaurd protecting her waistline. With a lift of said book, she created a metal gargoyle with a large wingspan and a blank face from thin air.

"Yeah, is it bad that would prefer the storm now?"

She joked to ward, and was about to continue on down to the battle field. He stopped her before she could get any further though. Elena looked back at him to ask what was wrong, as he looked nervous.

"What is it?"

She heard the loud clap of thunder and was tempted to turn back around but refused to do so until he said what was on his mind.
Anya shook her had no, she hadn't seen the shifter in a long time, either. "Maybe she went to help out somewhere else?" She suggested. "She doesn't seem the type to tell people where she gets off to.
Leia shifted underneath her armour. "Personally I don't think I'll ever be ready to face a demon horde...you ok?" She was relieved to see the other girl, and that she wasn't the only one with doubts.

"Listen, if things get bad we should find the others. Perferably the bigger ones." She tried to smile. At that moment Leo approached them.

Leia looked concerned. "Banba was hurt pretty bad by the fight last night. Maybe she left for a while? Or she could be here, she can change into anything right?"

Even so Leia still worried for the shape shifter. This was no place to be lost.

@KattRai @zCrookedz

Ward would allow himself no quarter. "Back in the labyrinth...what you said to me...well, it made me happier than I've ever felt before and..." lightning flashed again in the distance. He was running out of time. "I feel the same way!" He blurted out, his face quite pink at this point.

"It shouldn't have taken me this long to realize it...but now that I have...I want to stay by your side, and not just for this battle or the next or however many after that...but...as long as you wish me to be..."

He was quiet after that. He could almost feel the wind, cool on the heart wich he had laid bare, which before now had been locked safely away from most of everything. He stood there, nervous and vulnerable, waiting for her to say something... to tell him he was being silly, or selfish or to say that he had completely misread her words. This wait seemed ten times worse now than waiting for the war to begin.

@Bea Delaine
Nyr walked silently towards their destination. She knew that this would be the battle which decides everything and she wanted to be in the thick of it. Leaving the blushing Ward behind she went forward. Ignoring the demons on the side who were eyeing them intently she pressed on... fear and hatred burned within her, she wanted to show them that she did not fear the unknown, that she would fight back the darkness even if it is the doing of her own kin.

She would redeem herself.
Leo nodded to the idea. "Should either of you get into any danger, do not hesitate to call for me. I will be there for you. The more loose hairs in Leos main fluttered in the wind of the storm. The air smelled of tension, anxiety, and most of all fear. He could tell the fear was coming from his side of the battle, but it was only because of the darkenss's influnce that the other side didnt know how affriad they should be of the ferosity of the Fablewood army.
Elena smiled warmly, color coming to her cheeks as well. Wards confession was sweet, and satisfying. The battle didn't feel as scary anymore, but suddenly she had something she could lose. Something to protect, and a reason to stay alive through this.

"If that is true, then I'm so glad. I would like to talk to Princess Briar after this battle is over about staying in Fablewood. Thank you, Ward."

With that, she reached down, giving his hand a light squeeze, and materialized her sword, walking down with her gargoyle in tow.

Briar gripped her reigns tighter, feeling the sweat between her fingers. Fior rested a hand on hers. A look was all they needed to communicate.

They could see the demon army now, it had appeared, dark and fowl and thundering with the voices of thousands.

Briar drew her sword and raised in skyward, she urged August forward and turned sideways to gallop in front of her warriors.

As she passed there was a raucous cheer from the ranks. Her armour glinted in the last light of the dying sun. She galloped the length of the line and back to its center, waves of noise following her as she did.

when the troops had settled she grasped the pendant about her neck and began to speak, her voice amplified by the magic she invoked.

"Today we find our home threatened! Today the forces of darkness rattle the gates of our houses and they think themselves better!" An erruption of shouts and boos from the army.

"But one this same day we will show them how wrong they are!! We will show them that every warrior standing here today is worth a hundred of them!!" The princess' voice was nearly drowned by the cheers.

"So to war! My friends! My family! And let us show them what the forces of good are tuly capable of!!"

August reared and Briar stabbed her sword at the storm above them, uttering a battlecry that rattled the earth.


the soldiers echoed her cry, louder than the thunder raging above and as one, they charged.

((Edit for @Bea Delaine))

Ward felt like a chunk of lead in his gut had suddenly turned into feathers. Relief washed over him and joy made him want to shout. He felt a new thrill at her touch. He retained his composure as best he could, for the moment there was somwthing slightly more important about to happen. Ward saw the princess gallop past the ranks.

"We'd better hurry." He said and side by side with Elena he moved toward battle.
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