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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo face became contorted with the strain of the darkness. This is not good. He thought to himself. The power was much more intense than he imagined it would be. He could feel the malice creatures smile from across the field as the darkness grew and grew on his spirit energy. Just when it all seemed lost The magic wavered. He stared down his opponent as Wards attack tore through the creature. Seeing his window, Leo pushed through the dark magic, and once Ward added his strength, the powers against the darkness overcame it. The power shot through the ground like a lightning bolt, the darkness the creature emenated the lightning rod. It directed itself straight for the assassin until it encircled the creature in a about a five foot diameter. A beam of light, a mixture of the Light magic and the Spiritual energy, shot towards the sky in a brilliant green and white spectacle. Whatever was left over of the husk, Leo could not see until he released the flow of energy and the beam around it dissipated. He glanced at Ward "Thank you my friend. I was almost done for there." Not knowing what kind of resistance the corpse would be able to obtain against such attacks, Leo readied his ax.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
The moment Urgash fell onto his back, the pack was on top of him, tearing what little flesh was left on him and breaking his bones with their battle claws.

Then Luness walked through the smoke, appearing at Urgash's head. Peering down at him, Luness said nothing and remained expressionless. Shifting her gaze to Falarion, Luness nodded and then stepped aside, as Falarion walked up to Urgash's head. Raising his metal foot up into the air above Urgash's face, Falarion then drove it down harshly, aiming to break Urgash's skull, ending the fight between him once and for all.

Nyr was reluctant at first to leave Leia alone. The painful memory still lived vividly in her mind and did not want her to succumb to anything. Sighing in relief knowing that her familiar would take care of her she still placed her hand on the wound, trying to cleanse the poison and ease her pain. Then, without a doubt she darted away and headed to the foe she desired vengeance upon: the dark demon Urgash.

The dark visage of Nerzyyl distorted in pain even more as Ward and Leo infused her with their power, causing pain beyond imaginations to the corpse. Even if she would technically not be able to feel the pain her very being was torn asunder, she felt the darkness burning bright within her as she tried to resist and looked up where her general, her ally resided only to see nothing: no hope, no help, nothing. She was forsaken once again.

His head ached in pain as Falarion bashed it with all his might. He tried to get up to enact vengeance on the audacious wolf but he could not: not only did the remaining members of the pack prohibited him in this but now that Nyr had arrived and bombarded him with both thunder and gale winds he surrendered to his fate. He had failed his creator, but he still struggled to make things right one way or another.

Erzaul grinned as he saw his two creations almost defeated.

" It is nearly time... " he said when he noticed the battered raven falling down before him. Truly surprised, he walked up to the wounded creature and but his shadowy fingers on her neck, lifting her by her throat.

" So eager to witness the destruction of your precious allies? " he grinned as he tightened his grip on her neck " Very well then, you shall be among the first who will see my plan come to its fruition. "

His eyes lit up in purple flames.
Ward grinned back at the lion man nodding. "We are all in this together my friend."

He looked up and furrowed his brow, there was another figure, there in the shadow with the evil force behind this war. She also appeared to be in trouble. Cursing the fact that he couldn't transform he looked around desperately, the only thing he found was his ruined sword. Picking it up he darted around the suffering corpses and ran straight for the heart of the trouble. Drawing back his arm he cast the sword as far as it would go, aiming to distract the dark figure from killing the woman.

"Leave her!" He commanded, surprised that he sounded much braver than he felt.

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @zCrookedz

Leia felt better for Nyr's healing. Most of the bleeding had stopped now and it hurt a lot less, just a dull throb more than anything. She patted Lee's head gratefully, water soaking her hand. "Now, lets finish those demons." She said and rose, but suddenly the world began to spin and she fell again.

"..Maybe I'm not so fine..." Lee mewled frantically. "Relax, I'm not dying." She hoped, "I just need rest." She was still shaking from the ordeal, adrenaline coursing through her veins, but her legs felt like jell-o. She could only watch as her friends fought on.
Leo walked over to the corpse as it stood there staring at the dark figure. Leo felt pity this time for the assassin. Before, when she had been so entent on killing his friends, he let himself shrink away at the mere mention of the others, this time he would not waver from his duty as Guardian. With his ace gripped in both hands, he placed the shaft of the blade to his nose, the blade running parallel to his arms. He closed his eye and bowed his head slightly "Great forest spirit, i condemn this soul of darkness to the afterlife as your loyal guardian. My it rest in peace." Leo swung the blade over his shoulder and brought it down across Nerzyyl's neck. Once the dead was done, Leo turned his attention to Ward has he chased after the figure holding the girl in the air. He sprinted after him, blade in hand and ready to strike once it released the girl.
Achyls was unable to struggle, the power of Erzaul's grip tightening with every breath. She scrambled for words, battered and bruised beyond compare.

"Drop me...and...I'll follow," she gargled, a tinge of metal growing on her tastebuds. She was pleading. She was never one to plead. Every breath was rasped, followed swiftly by the spitting of blood. As his grip on her neck tightened, she felt her muscles contract, then, relax, as if accepting death if it were to come to her. Her eyes glazed over, the usual piercing white replaced by a dull, lifeless grey.

Falarion wordlessly raised his metal foot once more and then slammed it into Urgash's skull, feeling his metal boot shattering the bones underneath.

Pulling his foot from the now lifeless general, Falarion then limped a few feet away before doubling over, gasping for breath. The metal casting was heavier than he'd expected and he was slowly realizing just how much excess energy he had to expend to keep up with the added weight.

Luness saw Falarion and quickly approached him, but he waved her away, muttering that he just needed to catch his breath.

Nodding, Luness left a packmember at Falarion's side and then led the rest, as they dropped to all fours and quickly joined Ward's side near the archdemon. Standing back up on their hind legs, Luness and her pack all warily eyed the archdemon and some raven-girl that none of them had ever seen before.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
Erzaul grinned as he felt the life force of the two generals ebb. He turned his attention once again to the raven girl in his grasp.

" You are lucky, girl. " he said " Your allies demand my attention and actually are fighting for you. "

He released her from his shadowy grasp and turned to the others, spreading his arms.

" You have come far, heroes of Branbern. But you have no idea who you are toying with! "

He raised his hands to the sky and once again the earth started to tremble. In the next moment the bodies of Urgash and Nerzyyl twitched as an immense dark power released from their corpses, flying towards the arch demon. But then in the next seconds the demons beside the slender caster screamed and collapsed. Its soul, its power - its very being was consumed and added to the power of Erzaul. The entire demon army started to roar in pain and collapse on the ground as their essence floated towards the demon.

And then the trees and bushes followed from the nearby forest - then the slain bodies of the defenders of Branbern - all of their power, all of their essence floated into his hands, focusing into an immense blast of power.

" I am the right hand of the Dark One! " he bellowed, focusing his powers " Born from the primordial essence of darkness, witnessing the very first dawn - and now you shall know the meaning of true power! "

Consuming all that energy even the air vibrated around him - then he blasted at the sky with all his might. The very air twisted and shattered, opening up a rift, a powerful portal of endless darkness. Slowly but steadily, malicious shadows poured through it into the world - nightmares and horrors unknown by anyone in the waking world. Menacing creatures who wanted only one thing: the end of the world.

" The Dark One shall come! The end shall come! " he said as he focused his powers on the portal.
Luness hissed at one of her packmembers to catch the falling raven-girl and then she was on all fours, sprinting straight for Erzaul.

With Falarion on her heels, Luness then jumped into the air, boosted up by Falarion, as she went flying at Erzaul, her battle claws fully extended while she snarled and aimed to tackle Erzaul and distract him from the portal.

On the ground below, the packmember caught the raven-girl before she crashed on the ground and then began running away with her, making sure she got to some city soldiers that would help her to the infirmary inside the castle walls.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios
Achyls dropped, muscles contorting as blood seeped from her mouth. The impact was softer than she had first anticipated. Looking down through blurred eyes, she caught sight of the creature, carrying her to safety. She was sprawled over the back of the beast, bounding at a great speed before reaching the castle walls.

"Halt!" a soldier declared, inspecting Achyls and her saviour, At the sight of her injuries, the guard exclaimed, "Dear woman! Please, in, in!". He ushered them inside and guided them to the infirmary camp.

After a time, Achyls was placed on an animal skin hammock, a strange looking medical professional staring over her. She grimaced as he checked her over, analysing her wounds in detail. Her head was then forced back onto the hammock, a strange leaf-like substance placed over her nose, forcing her to breath in whatever chemical on the material. A weariness flooded her, and she soon found herself losing consciousness.
(I think I just found a way for Ashley to make herself useful)

Because there was a battle raging on outside of the city walls, Ashley decided that it was too dangerous for her to be out on the battlefield in her state. Despite being armed, she headed for the Infirmary Camp to help tend to the wounded, since that would help and not put very much strain on her. She saw another Raven-Girl (@SkywardSocks ) among the wounded, but it wasn't the one that blessed her. She walked over to where the girl was being treated. Ashley would make it just in time to see her lose consciousness. The injuries looked terrible too...
In her state of sleep, her wounds were clear to see. Two large burn marks covered her face and part of her collar. Cuts were bleeding profusely all over her body and her mouth had only just stopped spouting blood. Achyls was painfully pale, though seemed half content in sleep.
Banba jumped along the edges of the battle, taking down outlying demons and ravens. She was distracted up until the portal was opened, her enemies falling on their own. She sprinted to Leo's side, skidding to a halt as she knelt down, staring up in a crouching position.

"Tadpoles do not know of the world of air until they leave the world of water." She shouted over the noise, standing up properly as she watched the shadows escape the rip in the fabric of space.
Leo tightend the grip on his weapon as the demon began his dark deads. the power flowing from the creature was unbelievable. Was this the power of the darkness? the thought came to him as Banba apeared by his side. He looked down at her words and then back to the portal as it erupted across the sky. "But what happens if the tadpoles want to go back to their world of water." He nearly whispered the phrase to himself. Gripping his ax tighter he let the spirit inside him begin to fuel his body with what was left of its power. Still fixated on the portal and its shadowy excraments "Banba, can you fly us up there? We need to destroy that abomonation..." He trailed off as he tried to divise a way to take out the portal.

The wounds on Achyls made Ashley want to cry...Maybe throw up too. Even though she could stand large amounts of blood, this wasn't exactly a place for a pregnant lady. But she wanted to make herself useful. Ashley then started cleaning the poor girl's wounds, starting with the cuts that riddled her body. The girl was pale too, which left her concerned. It was going to take a while to clean off all the blood as well, but she had to do something, not let her bleed to death. She then grabbed some cloth, soaked them in Herbal Medicine and started cleaning the cuts on Achyls' body so that she can start dressing the wounds so they do not bleed much further.
Banba nodded, her form growing. When she was big enough, she shook herself, scales being replaced by feathers until she was a giant eagle. She snapped her beak once, waiting for Leo to climb on before spreading her wings and flapping, navigating through the chaos of the sky.

Ward paled as the demon rose, absorbing energy from the fallen. The portal contorted the very air around it...and he had no idea how to stop it!

Luness and her pack stopped beside him and they could see the look on his face.

"We need a counter-spell, but my white magic isn't nearly strong enough!" He had to yell over the high wind that had picked up.

As if on cue a bright light flashed on the horizon. Ward squinted to see the figure, approaching rapidly on horse back...no...on the back of a unicorn!

Briar was coming! As she drew closer he could see her armour was damaged and stained, August had lost his own helmet and was bleeding from a bad cut over one eye but he flew like thought, racing over the planes, clearing piles of demon corpses in great leaps. Briar held a lantern, it had been fashioned specially by Grenwin the mage before the battle, in preparation for the worst. Suddenly out of the corner of one eye Ward saw something stir. A demon not yet dead had crawled out from under the bodies of its brethren, an arrow notched to a thick, black longbow.

Time seemed to slow. Ward cried out, turned to run to Briar. His eyes grew wide, he wasn't going to make it!

The arrow flew and its aim was deadly. August saw the shaft, heard the snap of the bow string, there was no time. The unicorn exhaled and pushed up from the ground, lifting Briar out of harm's way.

Time sped up once more. Ward's cry turned into a roar as the arrow struck August in the heart. He fell, collapsing in the grass and Briar was thrown from his back, shaken, but unharmed. The lantern clattered to the ground before her, completely forgotten.
Elena had not been of much use throughout the fight so far. She was unable to do much when the demon generals were revived, but luckily Leo and Ward were very string and skillful, along with the others. She stood ready for her main target to make its move, when she watched his power put to use. She stood disgusted and disturbed by the portal and it's cruel use of its own comrades lives. Dark monstrosities seeped from its opening. Elena watched Luness and her pack move and she decided she would join.

Elena charged forward, slipping to the side of the demon, hand shooting out and a piece of metal appearing and growing into her giant gargoyle. Without hesitation, she slipped to the other side of the demon and created her sword, extending it and attempting to get a strong cut at it's other side.
Erzaul was drunk with his success as he saw the portal widening allowing more demons to pour in. Everything have now fallen into its place, the puzzle has been solved - this was his hour of glory and the last moments of the defenders. Seeing the feline warrior jumping at him he raised one hand, stopping her mid air, temporarily taking his gaze off the portal.

" Enough of this farce, wretched insects! " he bellowed, his calm expression gone as his true colors showed. His eyes now burned in the dark flame he used for his spells and was intent to burn the interloper. " I have offered you a chance to join, to bask in my glory - yet you refused... and now will pay the price. "

His fingers slowly clenched into a fist, increasing the shadow energy which kept Luness captive. With the same motion he hurled the fierce warrior towards her allies. He then turned to them, his hands flaring in the dark fury and he released a burst of wind to knock Banba and Leo back away from his precious creation.

" You have thought that your pathetic light would protect you? " he cackled menacingly, hurling dark energies towards the defenders. Seeing how the unicorn sacrificed itself to defend the monarchs he laughed again " Pathetic! You can not even defend yourself, your majesty! You rely on your underlings to protect you! Who is the monster now? "

With a sleight of his hand a couple of dark tornadoes emerged from the ground - now big ones, barely able to suck in anything, but they were the perfect distraction - few minutes later the portal would be stable and his plan would succeed.
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Just as Leo was about to jump onto Banba;s feathered back, he turned around and saw the gleam of the princesses armor. He squinted his eye, trying to make out the glowing object she carried. He was so focused on it he did not see the demon reading his bow until Ward made the motion to stop him. As he watched the arrow fly through the air his breathe was taken from him by the wind. As the arrow pierced the heart of the unicorn, Leo was already in motion to try and make it to the stead and try and save him. As the unicorn finally stopped, Leo stopped a few feet away. He could tell from where he stood that the mighty creature was already gone. Briar did not hesitate to leap to her feet, "GO, Take the lantern and destroy the portal!!" Leo hesitated for a moment before scooping up the Lantern and returning to Banba. He lept to her feathery back as she flapped her mighty wings and headed to the portal. The winds like a cyclone pulled towards the rip in the sky, while continuing to spill the contents of the nightmare realm into their world. He gripped Banba when he felt they were close enough. He raised the Lantern high towards the portal, "Im not sure what to do with this thing, but i shall try everything i can to finish this." He reached out with his mind and attempted to tap into whatever magic there was in the device, and push any power he could into it.
Ward was running to Briar when he saw Leo snatch the lantern, heading for Banba who was now a great bird. They took off and Ward raced along the ground with them. Suddenly he broke away, summoning orbs of light and hurling them at the demon lord. They exploded as they drew near, flashing with bright light. No matter what, Leo and Banba had to make it through! Tad rushed down beside Ward and whistled in a determined manner.

"Help Banba!" he cried and the spirit shot off, flowing underneath the shifter's wings and speeding her forward.

@zCrookedz @Jecklyn
After cleaning off the wounds, Ashley gently started bandaging them up before they would start bleeding more and even started stitching up the more severe ones. The piece of cloth she used was now soaked in blood. Achyls was still out cold, unfortunately. Now that her wounds were properly treated, Ashley turned her attention the burn marks on the poor girl's face and collar. She took a new, clean piece of cloth and soaked it in herbal medicine in addition to cold water to help cool down the wounds, as warm water would more then likely make it worse. She neatly folded the cloth and started with the girl's cheek. She frowned until she felt her baby kick against her stomach, which told her not to give up hope.
(Jumping in, please ignore the break in continuity)

Quincy transformed, a bright white streak thundering across the battlefield toward where the princess had just fallen. Once at her companions sides, she heard Ward shout to help Banba, who was charging to the portal with Leo and the lantern. The kelpie become human again, sending arrows at the demon to either distract or wound him, whichever happened first.
Banba almost shreiked when she felt the extra wind under her wings, but she straightened out quickly, using the help to get right up to the portal. She had to dodge the creatures coming out of it, but she did her best, snapping her beak at passing shapes, desperately hoping to slow their descent into the world. She looked back at Leo, eyes glistening from the wind.

"Frogs and tadpoles are the same thing!" She shouted shrilly, before snapping at another demon. "But frogs and toads don't get along. So toads stay out of the wet lands, the frogs staying inside." She shook her head violently, letting out a frustrated groan, dodging more shapes and demons.

"Use the sun to take the toads land back."

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