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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Restless Ward went to check on the infirmary, looking in on the sleeping Leia and Leo. They looked much better than they had on the battlefield he had to admit.

Wandering further into the city he saw a wall go back up and his mind instantly turned to Elena. It did not take long to find her. She was sitting with Banba in the grass and Ward came to sit with them.

"I am glad to see you in good spirits Banba." he had worried when the shifter had disappeared for so long during the battle, but he had done so for no reason he was glad to find.

"Tell me more about what you saw?" He asked Elena.

@Bea Delaine @Jecklyn
Nyr looked the new girl to leave and decided that the best she could do was probably go for a walk as well. Hugging Ashley close she touched her belly again with a smile.

" I think I need some fresh air. " she said with her fake smile " I am glad that you are with us. "

And with that she walked out, barely able to hold back her tears. Seeing how everyone was busy with healing or being healed she did not want to disturb anybody. They had their woes of their own, she did not want to share her burden. She headed to the ruined outskirts of the town, flying up to the wall, trying to get a spot where nobody could see her.

Then she broke down. Tears fell from her eyes like a river as all the anguish and pain flowed through her. She could not stop it, no matter how hard she tried: she was like a fountain of sorrow, letting everything out. Her family was now dead and for the first time in her life she felt alone.

Truly alone.
Banba rolled over, licking at a drop of blood on her cheek.

"The blood is not mine, but in fact my failures." She stated, sitting up when Ward approached. She grinned to him, head twisting unnaturally to watch him walk by and beside Elena. She stayed silent as the two talked, however, pulling Leo's axe closer and fiddling with the blade edge and grass she picked. She almost hummed as she experimented with how sharp the blade was, pressed upwards between her feet.
Achyls heard the dark sounds of torment and despair emanating somewhere not too far from her. Curiosity got the better of her and she flew over to investigate the source of the sadness. Upon reaching said source, she noticed the girl she had seen before in the infirmary, tears rolling down her face...why? She shifted back to her normal form and sat by her, looking at her with confusion.

"Why do you cry?" Achyls asked calmly, her soft, silky tone making her seem more like an angel than a witch. Something utterly terrific must have occurred to cause such sorrow to flow as they did.

Leia woke slowly, rubbing the pins and needles out of her arm. Tad and Lee were right there waiting for her and greeted her with wet and gusty hellos. She thanked the healers kindly and went out. The roads were littered with rubble still, but some places were intact. One section of the outer wall still had the battlements and stone creatures intact and continuing their eternal vigil. Leia frowned as she heard something, someone crying.

A quick thought to Tad and she was slowly lifted to the top of the wall.

Nyr was there, in the place most were unlikely to find her. She probably did not want to be found. Leia felt guilty for intruding, but she couldn't leave her friend in pain. She said nothing, knowing words were probably going to sound cheap. Nothing could be said that would ease her pain so Leia stayed, still and silent and slipped a hand onto the dread raven's shoulder, squeezing it in a gesture of support.

Leo stirred in his subconscious. He sat in counsel with Lily once again. Her formless spiritual essence all around his mind giving the empty white space a green hue. She had been lecturing him for hours about using her like he had to power the lantern. He could feel her running out of steam to berate him and thought she would soon release him back into the waking world. Suddenly he could feel her go quiet. He looked around, she was up to something. Finally he felt a hand touch his left shoulder. He slowly turned his head and could see the dark read fingernails of a woman's hand. Terror gripped his mind as he continued to turn and see the silhouette of a woman behind a blood red back ground. Then, the icy chill of her words rang through his head "Leo, don't forget me..." He yanked his subconscious from Lily's grip and came back to his body. With a jolt he shot up from the cot, starring at the world around him. He chest heaved, and he felt the pain now of where the assassins knives had sliced through his flesh and muscle each heavily bandaged. Someone had removed his mantle and his dagger, placing them together on a small stool a few feet away. He relaxed as he began to comprehend his surroundings. He was in the infirmary, a logical place to take one who falls unconscious. He swung his legs off the cot and stood making his way to his armor. In a few short moments he was re equipped and heading out the door of the infirmary. He had to go and find his ax before anything else. He began to make his way through the town heading for the battle field. As he rounded a corner, he happened apon Banba, Elena, and Ward. He smiled at them as he glanced down at Banba and his ax "Ah, glad to see so many make it out of that battle in one piece. And it looks like i have you to thank for finding my blade little one." He smiled down at Banba.

@Jecklyn @SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Startled, Nyr looked up at Achyls and then she felt Leia's hand on her shoulder. Panicked, she looked around for an excuse.

" M-Me? Crying? " she asked, fear in her voice " It is nothing I just... Something just... "

She gave up on the excuses and bowed her head in shame.

" I am fooling no one, do I? " she asked with a sardonic smile " I have had a father I hated in my whole life. And it turned out to be a lie: he loved me more than I have realized. And now he is gone... my family is gone. "

She fought back her sorrow and smiled.

" I am pathetic. I should remain strong and smile with everyone. This is a victory, I should be happy. "
Banba shot up, dropping both the blade and the grass she was currently trying to cut. She wandered a few steps away, looking up at the sky, refusing to meet anyone's eye as if ashamed to be caught with the axe. She suddenly dropped, rolling to a stop before sitting where she was, putting her feet together and pulling them closer to her body, grinning around.

"Grass is strange. It serves no purpose other than a soft bed for deer and a jungle for bugs."
Achyls did not respond. The mention of a father figure only brought back memories she was forced to crush.

"I know how you are feeling," she uttered quietly, trying to feel like she belonged. She didn't want to feel like the monster people believed she was. "My father was hunted for my actions...I will never not blame myself. You must dry your tears,". It sounded almost like an instruction. She had never shared personal stories before. Silently, she looked at Nyr, trying to feel empathy when there was not yet any.
Elena smiled sadly at Banba. She understood what the other girl said, and felt it before.

"Then when it heals, might the scar give you future strength and understanding." She said, laying a light hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see ward approach. Of course he knew where she was. He knew her desire to fix the city. The vision was brought up again.

"When he attacked me, I saw a dark murky water.. Like in my dreams. Then after the water cleared I saw my home city, but it was in ruin and black and white. There were no people. I went back under the water.. And saw you all dead in a forest. The Arch demon stood above you.. He looked different. Bigger."

She paused, chuckling nervously.

"it's probably not anything. "
(Soccer tonight)

After being healed Quincy was placed in a deep bath of salt water. She fell asleep at the body, allowing her dehydrated body to fully recover.
"Perhaps." Ward said, a bit seriously. "The portal opened to a land of nightmares, it could have been one of your fears you were seeing, or the dreams of those foul creatures we sent back into the void."

He moved closer, daring to rest a gentle hand under her chin. "It was only a vision. It doesn't mean that it will come to pass. For now, we are all very much alive." He smiled at her and gestured to Leo and Banba behind him.

@Bea Delaine

Leia frowned. "Well that's stupid." She said flatly. "You shouldn't have to feel anyway. Of course you'd be upset. I'd be devastated if it were me." Her expression softened and she pulled Nyr into a tight hug. "You're so strong...you've always been so strong and selfless. You've saved us so many times...Me, Ward Elena and the others, we're kind of like your family now."

Luness continued to wander the hallways for a bit, finding no comfort in the silence. She used to cherish the moments of silence, but now they haunted her with dark memories.

Wandering into a nearby bathroom, Luness quietly shut the door behind herself and then walked up to the sink, splashing some water on her face. With her eyes closed, Luness then blindly grabbed for the nearby towel and dried her face off. Just as she was about to move the towel from her face, Luness suddenly heard someone whisper nearby, "Lune..."

Luness' heart nearly stopped at the voice. It was Larassa's. Looking up sharply, Luness saw a dark figure looming behind her. Feeling as if she were paralyzed, Luness watched with a look of absolute terror as her mom walked up to her in the mirror, but this time it wasn't her mother that she heard. It was Bigby.

"Luness, why'd you do it?" Bigby appeared on the other side of Luness and walked up into view, his eyes full of sadness.

Luness then felt tears staining the fur on her face as she whispered to both of her parents, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

Whipping around, Luness saw that she was still alone. Nothing had changed. Her heart felt like it had been shattered from the inside out though.

Falling to her knees, Luness began weeping quietly, shaking on the floor of the bathroom with her hands covering her face. What had she done to deserve this kind of fate?
Leo smiled as Ward gestured to him. He moved closer to the group "Ward speaks the truth Elena. Nothing in that battle should be taken to heart. Those mosnters played off our fears and used them against us. But we proved that we are stronger than our fears." Leo turned and bent down to pick his ax up off the ground. He placed a soft hand on banbas head smiled at her as he wiped the blood from above her eye. "Thank you for finding this for me." He stood, placing the ax inbetween his shoulder blades. During his time being scolded by Lily, he came up with something he would need the castle dwarfs help with. He began thinking to himself where he might find the dwarf.
Nyr eyes opened wide from the response. Was that true? Did they truly feel like that way? Or were those just words of comfort. She looked at Leia in almost disbelief. She needed to know the truth.

" Family? " she asked but she did feel that she meant what she said, puzzling her " I thought we were together to face a common goal... to aid each other in the time of need but... "

Her words died on her lips, bowing her head once again.

" To be a family. To be bond together by ties stronger than blood... I have never thought about it. "

She felt a strange fuzziness within her chest.
Banba squeezed her eye shut when Leo went to wipe the blood off her face, but she didn't stop him. She did, however crawl her way up his arm, elongating and becoming thin, until she was a snake wrapped around the handle of Leo's axe, head peering out over his shoulder. She didn't stay like that for long, however, and let herself uncoil and fall to the ground, growing legs until she was an iguana, walking off in a random direction, happening to be towards the castle.
Leia's smile turned into her signature grin. "Sure we're working together. Saving your world is important, now its just as important to me as it is to you, but we've gotten to know each other, sometimes I feel like I know you guys more than I ever knew my own blood. That goes for you too Nyr."

She held up her hand as if challenging the dread raven to an arm wrestle, waiting for the other girl to grasp it.

"I'm sure I speak for the others when I say that we love you, you've been there for all of us...you've always been there...So what do you say?" She asked, "Sisters?"


((On more post for me and then I have to sleep ^^'))
Her tears dried up as she looked at Leia. She was so wise and kind... she knew not how and why did she deserve such kindness and love... but she longed for that. She was unsure how to respond to this so she reached out with her hand and grabbed Leia's.

For a moment she felt the warmth of her hand, the hope which radiated from her filled her with hope and joy. She smiled and nodded at her.

" I shall do my best not to fail you... sister. " she chuckled as she smiled at the cheerful girl.
Mary opened her eyes slowly, only seeing blurry flashes around her. The unfamiliar smells, her pounding headache and ringing ears reminded her that she wasn't in Neverland. She slowly sat up on her cot, dangling her feet over the edge, trying to remember exactly how she got here. She placed her head in her hands, rubbing her temples as she remembered what had happened: the faeries of Neverland had told her of a great commotion far away. Never being one to turn down an adventure and being ever-curious, Mary had flown to the new land to see for herself. After she had learned about the battle firsthand, she had joined in, fighting as valiantly as she could. Now here she was, in the infirmary of the castle. After briefly going over her body, she came to the conclusion that her wounds were simply superficial. They would heal soon. She quickly made sure all of her effects were in order, making sure each of her daggers were in their proper places. Slowly, she stood up and noticed a few familiar faces around her, those who she had seen in battle. She was glad to see that they were okay. She briefly wondered why the world always seemed to be at war, wishing that everyone could simply be at peace with each other, and be satisfied by playing and going on adventures.

She wandered around, not quite sure what she was going to do next. She could always simply go back to Neverland, but another adventure was always preferable to Mary. Besides, Neverland wasn't going anywhere, and it wasn't like she was getting any older. Maybe she should find a traveling partner, or perhaps someone who needed her help. As she was walking, she happened upon a friendly-looking group.

"I do hope I am not interrupting anything. Might your group be in need of another member, once everyone is healed and you begin back on your way?"

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @Jecklyn @zCrookedz
(Oh my. Try to sleep for thirty minutes, fail, miss a page.)

Elena nodded, reassured. She was sure it was a nightmare.. But still it felt so real. It was as though it would actually happen. She was however, no as reassured her old world was alright though. Something told her it was also in danger, though she had no way of being sure.

"I'm sure you are right." She replied, trying also to convince herself. Leo approached just then and put in his own two cents. Being surrounded like this was very comforting. Usually, they were either so together during battles or celebrations. This was simply down time. She felt included, happy to have Leo and Banba. Elena chuckled and nodded.

"I know. I'm still working on being stronger than my fears I guess."

A younger looking girl with a boyish build and pixie cut approached. She seemed sweet and friendly, but offering to join them.

"Hi.. I um... You would like to join us?" It was odd. A human looking youth asking to take part in battles.
Everyone seemed to be in bad shape and not in such a good mood. That did kill it for Ashley, but she can understand their feelings of distress. After a long and hard battle, she'd probably feel the same way. When Nyr touched her belly, she didn't seem to mind all that much. That's actually something she missed before her spouse got killed. Plus, some found baby kicking inside of her to be adorable. At least she did. Though it would seem that very few of her party members have seen a pregnant woman up-close, let alone one that is willing to jump into battle. While some did make her feel insecure about her pregnancy, she did find comfort in those who were happy for her. She decided to go see Ward shortly after Nyr and Achyls departed.

The kelpie woke slowly, opening her eyes and feelings the soothing presence of water all around her. She propelled herself upward, breaking the surface almost silently. Climbing out, she dried off with a towel and changed into a clean set of clothes: black breeches and a royal blue, flowy top with sleeves to her elbows. Quincy sighed softly, letting her hair drip as she left the room. She had lost track of time while soaking, so when she stepped into the hall, she realized that she had no idea where anyone was. Her boots clicked softly down the hall as she began looking for her friends, a certain dragon on her mind most. Alexander.. where did you sneak off to? She slowed to a stop when she heard an odd sound behind a door. With a concerned frown, she tapped on the door. “Is everything alright?" She called softly, worried for whoever was on the other side.

@KattRai @Lioness075
Jolting upright at the sound of someone knocking, Luness quickly scrambled back to her feet before hearing a muffled question that rendered any recognition impossible.

Shifting on her feet, Luness then quickly moved to the sink and turned it on before saying over the noise, "Is privacy too much to ask for around here?" Hoping to come across as rude enough to push whoever was out there away, Luness returned her attention to the sink.

Splashing more water on her face, Luness quickly dried it before anymore voices or dead people decided to show up again. Turning off the water flow, Luness then clenched either side of the sink and let out a frustrated sigh. Her mind felt like it was an ocean of mixed emotions and thoughts that would appear just as quickly as they would disappear. Sharp and painful memories would surface for a moment and then something else was on her mind. It was confusing and painful, and Luness had no idea why it was happening to her.

She could feel the voices building inside her head. Her parents, the dead packmember, children crying in the streets of Branbern, soldiers from the city falling all around her and crying out for medics and aid. Just as the voices reached their peak, all of them shouting at Luness at once, she suddenly brought her fist up and back before she thrusted forward, shattering the mirror in front of her.

Broken glass flew all around Luness and she slowly pulled her fist back to look down at it and see fresh, crimson blood trailing along her knuckles, a few small shards embedded in them. Looking up at the broken mirror, Luness inhaled sharply and froze, paling at the sight of Erzaul standing in the mirror, looking at Luness through the broken shards. Without a word, he smiled at her and then in a blink, he was gone.

Luness took a staggering breath and then stumbled backwards before catching herself on the wall. Her facial expression was that of someone who had just seen a ghost, and the fresh blood began to drip off of the tips of her claws from her hand, which was hanging limply at Luness' side now.

Quincy drew back, recognizing the sound of Luness's voice. Her rude tone made the kelpie begin to mutter an apology, but the sound of shattering glass stopped her. Trying the knob, she was surprised and relieved to find it turned easily. “Luness?" She said, opening it to find the werecat looking frightened and pale, with blood running from her hand. The mirror looked like it had been punched. “Are you alright?" She asked, looking around the room. “Id ask what happened, but I dont think you and I have that kind of bond. However, that needs to be looked at." She said, pointing to the injury.
Luness' eyes remained wide, as she nearly jumped out of her skin upon Quincy barging into the bathroom.

Inhaling a shuddering breath, Luness didn't trust herself to speak so she simply nodded at Quincy. Her hands were shaking at her sides and she anxiously clasped them together behind herself, in hopes of hiding the shaking.

Looking back at Quincy again, Luness bit her lip and then anxiously took a step forward, silently telling Quincy to lead the way.

More than anything currently, Luness just wanted to get away from mirrors in general. Nothing good was coming from them currently. Terrified of what she may see, Luness purposely kept her gaze away from the mirror, not wanting to see anyone in it at all.

She could feel the darkness nipping at her ankles metaphorically though, the mirror had only encouraged its presence to return. The sooner she got to some healer, who would hopefully be Alta, the sooner Luness could try to relax. If that was even possible anymore.


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