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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr was walking down the ruined road and watched the destroyed buildings and the mourning citizens everywhere. Whenever some of them looked at her she felt the icy fury in their eyes and hatred towards her. She turned away her attention from them, knowing why they looked at her how they did. As she walked to a forsaken place down in the alleys she suddenly felt something flying towards her. Too slow to dodge it it clasped around her arms, making her unable to move.

In surprise and fear she tried to free herself to no avail. The next moment she saw several figures emerging from the darkness lead by a haggard, war-weathered dwarf who had a massive scar instead of his right eye.

" Lookie now, lads. " he said with his venomous voice " We have a guest. "

The others groaned in disgust looking at Nyr as she still tried to free herself from her bonds, but the dwarf laughed at her vain attempts.

" You won't be escaping any time soon, ye beast. " he exclaimed, cracking his knuckles " I be one of the best smiths of this kingdom, ye know? I created these manacles for mongrels such as your kind. And now... it is payback time... "
Rain stood up carefully, not moving her eyes off the dragon for a moment "Are you sure he'll be alright?" Cocking her head a bit she looked to Ward then back to the dragon, petting him gently again to make sure he's really okay.

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Leo watched as the lizard girl twisted and turned in the grass before him. He to thought the touch of the grass would be a relaxation he would enjoy. HE stripped his shoulders of his mantle and shouldered his robes to reveal his muscular, scared upper torso. He heaved himself backwards and thumped on the gras, staring up at the evening sky. He sighed as he placed his hands behind his head. "The mute is the biggest liar of them all. he says nothing to no one, and keeps his secrets to himself. The deaf who here the whispers are the ones you make the plans, and the blind who listen are the ones who ties them all together. Who then can you trust?"

(Its totally all good, thank you!)

Quincy quickly attached herself to Alexander, not straying more than a foot from his side. She bit back a territorial retort at the girl petting him, pointedly putting her arm around his waist. “Im so sorry. I shouldnt have jumped off. I couldve protected you." She whispered bitterlu, supporting him as they made their way to the healers. She wouldnt be leaving him again anytime soon, if she could help it.
((it was daytime, but I can cut to evening if you like.))

"He will be alright Rain, never fear." Ward helped the dragon as well and together with Quincy, Rain and Anya they managed to get him to the castle. The infirmary was beginning to empty and Ward lowered the dragon to sit on one of the cots.

An elf approached them and took one look at Alexander. "We will need a special healer then?" She asked.

"If you please." Ward answered her. He turned back to the others. "Dragon healers are skilled mages that specialize in dragon physiology and curing. In Branbern the most notable is Grenwin, the high wizard of Branbern."

As if mention of his name summoned him the squat little mage appeared, his face as usual concealed behind a pointed hat that looked much too big for him. His robes trailed on the floor, made of elegant silk and died a peackock blue.

"Wing wounds eh? Let me have a look."

From underneath the brim Ward caught just a glimpse of a scaled green face. He wondered if the others would be surprised to find that the old caster wasn't human. Grenwin set to work without another word, trailing the tatters with adept magic and allowing them to reattach.

"This is a lot of work. It will take some time."

Ward took this as a cue to bow and turn to go, leaving Alexander in the capable care of the mage and Quincy.


Alta looked almost hurt at the mere suggestion of Luness trading places with her mother.

"No parent should ever have to bury their pup." She said quickly, perhaps allowing a little more emotion in the statement than she had meant to, here eyes suddenly seemed foggy, her gaze distant as if she was glimpsing at unwanted memories, she shook her head to clear them. "You're right, no one deserves death like that. But if only one of you could survive, then she would have been glad it was you."

She went back to staring in the water. "Its not your fault Luness, not your mother, not even your father. We're not like others in FableWood. We carry feral hearts, and often we become slaves to them, and the witch that stole the chalice, she is to blame for any death that happened in the WinterWilds." The wind sounded softly through the trees and Alta closed her eyes and listened to it for a moment.

"Nothing you can do can change the past...but the future, now, that is something that you could find peace in. And this darkness that clings to you? Well, your mind is your own territory. It is trespassing."


Leia fell back a bit and let the ravens talk. It was sort of strange, they came from different backgrounds but they were a lot alike. When Achyls left she waved only to look around and find Nyr gone. She wandered for a bit, hoping to catch her round a corner but she didn't.

She asked her spirits to split up and search.

Lee broke away and soared high into the air, she spotted the raven and was about to go to her when suddenly Nyr disappeared.

Upon the water spirit's urgent call Leia sped to the scene.

The dwarf who was advancing on Nyr found himself instantly frozen to a wall from the chest down.

"Anyone else want to make me angry?!" Leia barked, Tad whistled behind her, flaring his fins and sending a strong wind down the alley.

The dwarf was caught by surprise as he was frozen and now stared at Leia in anger. The others backed away from her, clearly afraid from her power.

" Stand back, human. " he barked angrily trying to free himself. " This be not ye battle, I want to avenge my family! I want revenge on the fallen! "

He tried to free his arms to point at Nyr but instead he just spat at her feet.

" This be a monster you are protecting! These abominations struck down me wife and children with cold blood... this one would to the same! "

Struggling even more to release himself he yelled in frustration.

" Ye should be on me side human! Release me and let us punish this fiendish creature. "

Nyr bowed her head in sadness upon hearing these words. Her kind damned her to what others think about her - maybe to her friends she was like a family member... but everyone else saw only the abomination and the demon in her. The plight for who she was now made her realize how hard will it be to wash away the blood from her tarnished honor.
"Enough!" Leia yelled. "Are you that blinded by hatred that you can't see past your own fat nose?" She threw an arm in Nyr's direction, "Nyr isn't the the who attacked you, or killed your family. She's been fighting to save you all! So what if she's a dread raven, just because we're born to something doesn't mean its who we are!" She stared the dwarf down angrily. "Nyr rejected her family, everything she knew to help you, because it was the right thing to do! And this is how you thank her sacrifice?" She threw her arms up in exasperation. "Well I'd be ashamed."

Leia looked at them all in turn, questioning them, and their actions, making them feel judged. "Is this really what your friends and families would want? For you to lash out at the nearest thing that looked like a target? That's cowardly. personally I expected better from the people here."

Leia stayed between the angry townsfolk and her friend, refusing to give them so much as an inch.

"This isn't going to bring your loved ones back anyway. You want to do something? Then help rebuild. Then we can show the real enemy that they haven't won. The best thing you can do, is help Nyr and I defy the darkness."


((Hurrah righteous tirade!))
From just outside the town, Achyls heard shouting from inside the walls. Intrigued, she took flight, stunned at the events going on beneath her. Nyr was being targeted, and someone she'd never seen before was protecting her. She landed gracefully a few paces behind the group, staring at the small people who were obviously causing trouble. Achyls said nothing, but watched intently.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
The dwarf silenced for a moment then eyed at Leia and the raven before he turned to the human.

" Can't ye feel it human? " he said with doubt in his voice " It be not who she is what makes us afraid or how she guises her true demonic self - it is the darkness in her heart. Maybe her intentions are right as ye say... but how can ye trust such an unstable abomination? How can ye believe that she will not turn on ye? "

He looked away ashamed.

" I made the best magic restraining armors in the kingdom... now I have nothing left - no wife, no child, no forge - no life. " he looked at her " Ye be a great hero and a powerful sorceress, me lady. But what do we have? "

The others mumbled silently.

" We be no heroes, no fighters - we be mere workers who have lost everything. We only see what we saw in the past - and knowing what the darkness is, I only know fear when I sense something like that. "
Achyls scoffed, insulted by the dwarf's words, even though they were not meant for her. A dread raven is still a raven, and harassing someone of her species could not be stood for. She shifted into her raven form to get closer to the situation. She hovered above them, her blue wing tips giving away it was her. It was incredibly difficult to keep in one position, so she began circling to listen properly to the conversation.
"Like I said," Leia answered, "Rebuild." her voice was calmer now, she had a million regrets. If anything they should be blaming her. Humans were the reason why the darkness was so intent on taking Branbern, she was sure of it.

"I know you've lost a lot. And I know I can't bring it back. But Princess Briar hasn't abandoned you. She'll help you put your lives back together. And you let us take care of the darkness. That's what we're here for."

Lee took this as a cue. She frosted the lock so it became brittle and cracked. It may be easily broken with the right force.

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
Luness intently watched Alta when she spoke, hearing the pain behind her voicing that no mother should ever bury their pup, or kit in Luness' case. She saw the temporarily glazed over eyes and knew that something terrible had happened in the past for Alta. had she lost a pup?

Listening to everything Alta said, Luness lowered her head and then began pawing at the weed in front of her again.

Hearing that the witch was to blame for what happened in WinterWilds, Luness frowned. No, she'd killed her own father. She'd inflicted the wounds to protect her friends and as a result, her father had died at her hands.

Letting out a small whine, Luness then said, "But I was the one who had inflicted the life threatening wounds to him. It's my fault."

Luness' ears folded aginst her head and then she looked at the ground, feeling her eyes watering up.

The dwarf felt the ice weakening and he shattered it easily. Moving his arms to clear the numbness of the cold out from his limbs he looked once more venomously at Nyr and Achlys circling above before he let out a heavy sigh and removed the manacles from the dread raven.

" Ye be brave, human. " he sighed with a tired voice " I still do not like your trust but I respect yer judgement. I - we - owe you that much at least. Yer friend is free to go for now... "

He looked once more at Leia with his somber gaze then motioned the others to walk away with him. Before he vanished he looked at her once more.

" The darkness is a volatile ally, my lady. " he said " The best friend of yours be a threat to us all - especially to you. I be careful if I were ye. "

Then they disappeared in the darkness.

Nyr looked bitterly at the ground as she heard the bitter judgement of the dwarf. What if he was right?

" I... thank you for rescuing me again from this mess. " she said with a sad smile " All you were doing recently was to protect me from my own dark past and my mistakes. I do not deserve such a caring friend... a sister. "

She sat down on the ground.

" What if he is right? What if I am the same as those beasts? "
"Beast?" Achyls squawked, "You do not know the beauty of your heritage...". She dropped in front of Nyr and Leia, highly insulted. Her eyes had a sharp glint to them as she glared at Nyr. The witch then realised the mistake she had made by being so rude and took a step closer to Nyr, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder as consolation.

"My dear you need to cherish who you are...you are a Raven, not a beast," she murmured softly, trying to sound sincere.
"Is Ward a beast? Would you believe that of him?" Ward had struggled with the same thing in the Forest of Reflection, haunted by what he was and he had actually succumbed to it. An act that had tied him in service to the princess here in the first place. But Leia had seen Ward's darkside and once he overcame it he was just the same old Ward. Leia didn't fear him, and she wasn't afraid he would lose himself again either.

"Ward's a gryphon, but he's not a monster. You're a dread raven, but that doesn't make you evil. Heck if I was like what I was 'supposed' to be I'd be on a couch at home spam-watching Big Bang Theory or something. I wouldn't even be here to help you."

Leia knelt beside her and put her arms around the dread raven again. "It may be hard to believe in yourself right now. So let me believe in you. I know you're going to help us stop this crazy...sorceress." Leia remembered the feeling that took the air when she had said Caraboss' name out loud, it was strong enough that she didn't want to say it again in a hurry.

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

"If it weren't for the witch Bigby would not have been there, in a state where you would have had to go as far as you did. This darkness you are facing, it would delight in what you are doing to yourself right now. Don't give it the satisfaction." Alta was quiet for a long moment, visiting memories again but she soon roused herself. "Well, you've heard what an old fool wolf has had to say on the matter anyway." Suddenly she seemed older than she had a moment ago.


Ward looked longingly up at the castle roof. He remembered sleeping up there, just above his bed chamber. For some reason he always felt better sleeping in his gryphon form. "Perhaps I'd better get used to sleeping in beds." he said to himself, wrinkling his nose at the thought. He wandered for a bit more until he came to a familiar tree in the gardens. The tree was massive, with a low branch as big around as a horse cart. Ward remembered sleeping there many-a-time too, it was the only tree large enough for him to sleep comfortably in and give him a decent view of the castle. Luckily the big branch was not to hard to climb to, though he wished for his claws after more than one slip. Eventually he was leaning against the trunk, on the branch he favoured.

Sleep caught up with him in no time and it wasn't long before he let himself be pulled away into dreams.
"She is correct," Achyls said bluntly, gesturing to Leia. "Though, I do not know what such Big Bang Theory is...".

The witch shrugged and looked at Nyr, analysing her face to detect any uncertainty of her power or ability. Her touch was cold but she tried to console the girl with a hand daintily on her shoulder.
Tears filled Nyr's eyes as she looked at the two girl before her.

" I don't know what to say. " she whispered, fighting back her tears of joy " I will never understand this - how can you have more trust in me than I have. You always help me, always make me feel worthwhile while I am nothing more than a mere girl. "

She looked at the two of them, smiling.

" You make my life worth living. "

With that a drop of her tear fell to her clothes and she was enveloped in a bright white aura: her clothes, eyes and hair all slowly transformed into the color of pure white as she hugged the two of them, holding them tightly. She was filled with love and joy and she radiated happiness as she wanted to give them what they have given her so many times - hope, love and happiness. Her hands burned in the faint white light as she tried to channel everything she felt into them.

For a moment she was the true daughter of Mother Moon.

Startled by the sudden change she pulled back momentarily as the glow dimmed - she was now back to her own old self. The previous transformation puzzled her for a moment but for now she did not want to care about it - so she hugged Achyls and Leia once more.
Luness huffed, finding all of this to be highly difficult to deal with.

"I...don't like losing. Not after what happened to my mom. I...just don't know how to make it all stop. In my head. Everytime I'm alone, the voices start and then I see things, people."

Looking down, Luness began shaking a bit as quiet sobs escaped from her and tears stained her face.

"You are definitely more than a 'mere girl'." Leia said, accepting the hug gratefully.

"I'm sure Briar will want to speak to us soon. Do you want to head back?"

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

Alta eyed her calmly. "The task set for you won't get done overnight, but eventually you must accept their deaths, and acknowledge that you were involved, but that it should not define you. Try instead to live as they would have wanted you to live."

Alta had very little knowledge of Luness' father, but her mother she knew: "Your mother would have wanted to you be strong and happy. Try to imagine what she would think of your new band." Alta would have used the word pack...but the mismatch of creatures made her wonder if the group of heroes should be called that.


((I apologize for the short posts X( ))
She awkwardly accepted the hug, a sad smile etched on her lips. Achyls then looked at Leia and bowed her head as if to say goodbye.

"I shall leave you to speak to Miss Briar...she would not want to see my face" she uttered before turning to Nyr, "As you know. I wish not to interfere any more than I already have".

Uncomfortable, she drew back and began to head back to the gate, remembering the guards' orders, images haunting her brain.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Luness continued to quietly cry for a minute or two and then she took a deep, shuddering breath and looking back up at Alta, her face stained by tears and her eyes slightly bloodshot now.

Slowly nodding at what Alta said, Luness then replied, "I-I'll try. I've been strong for so long though. I'm getting tired of all of it, and I can't get any sleep. I always wake up with some new terror in my mind."

Frowning, Luness then lay down on the ground with her ears pinned to her head, hating this feeling of helplessness, like she was a kit all over again or something.

Nyr looked at Leia with gratitude and nodded. Then she saw Achyls wanting to leave and she quickly grabbed her hand, her eyes glinting in fear and joy ant the same time.

" Achyls wait! " she told her as she stood up and stepped closer to her. " Please... I wish you to come with us. You feel like a sister to me too, I wish you to properly introduce you to the prince and princess, you deserve at least that much recognition. "

She then looked in her eyes, now smiling.

" You are the kindest raven I have ever met. You belong here with us, among the others. We are - " she looked at Leia in approval and smiled " - your family. "
Achyls looked at Leia, pained to deny her of what she wanted.

"That may be so," she stated quietly, averting her gaze, "But the royal family know me only as a devil, whose father was a monster. They know I do not belong here," She tried to snatch her hand back, but found it firmly held by Nyr, she was never going to let Achyls leave. She let out a sigh and submitted to Nyr's wishes.

"As you wish...though I wish not to see the outcome," The witch looked back to Nyr, a blank expression was all she wanted to show.
Nyr smiled at the witch and place her other hand on the heart of Achyls. She closed her eyes as she listened to the rhythmic beats and then she placed Achyls' hand on her heart. She waited for a few moments then looked at her again.

" Can you feel it? " she asked " You have taught me an important lesson about embracing who I am. Our hearts beat as one - we share a common burden but a common joy. "

She flapped with her wings joyfully.

" You are maybe hunted by the past like I am. You maybe feel that people would look down on you like I do. But in my journey with the others they taught me an important lesson. " she stepped closer to her once more " Others may judge you for who you are, for what heritage you carry - but a true friend, a true sister would accept every flaw and every talent you have. I told you: you are a treasure and let no one convince your otherwise. We are here for you... sister. "
Achyls shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. She was intimidating by nature, but felt weak and kind around Nyr. She was right though, she needed to embrace who she was. That may have been a struggle around those that wanted her dead.

"I know. I trust you. I do," her throat closed up as she swallowed her sadness,"But they do not want me, and more importantly alive. If you take me there, I do not know what they would do,"

She removed Nyr's hand from her chest and set it back by her side, forcefully stopping sorrow flowing from her eyes.

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