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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls watched as her companions each disappeared through the portal.

"This is it, then..." she sighed to herself, knowing full well what her fate now was. With a deep breath, she walked up to the vortex, already feeling its pull. Stealing a final glance at the garden, she made her way into the portal. She felt as if she was gliding, reappearing on the other side in a flash.

She landed on the ground with both feet holding her perfectly upright. Happily, she found herself unscathed. Everyone else seemed safe too, thus filling her with an air of calmness and a complete lack of worry, even if she had no want for being here.
Leo watched as each of his friends went through the portal until finally, he was alone. He stared down the cyclone as he slowly walked up to it. He knew what waited on the other side, and it was time he faced it. He closed his eye and took the step into the whirlwind. The old familar feeling of the portal magic swept him off his feet only for a second, then gently set him back down. He opened his eye and the filter of the city game rushing at him. Like the first time he had come to the castle he marveled at the green architecture. Leo glanced around the courtyard and was releaved that their was no welcoming party. As Ward made his rounds Leo moved silently to the front of the group towards the door of the courtyard. When he finally spoke Leo continued to watch for any movment "Aye, i have been to these lands before. Long ago when i when i was very young." Leo turned to the party and gave them a weak smile "My friends, Welcome to Oz"
"Oz? Like the tale?" Achyls questioned, coming to realise the world she was now in. She had always enjoyed such stories, the ones the humans told each other. Never before had she seen such a majestic land, it truly was something out of a story book.

"Of course, the whirlwind...magnificent," she muttered to herself, breath-taken by the emerald architecture that stood beyond her. A child-like innocence swept her away, and she found herself giggling, humming an old human tune she had heard many years ago.
Nyr finally stepped out of the whirlwind, looking around. For a moment she had to close her eyes as the colors of this place vibrated so vividly that it made her head hurt. After few moments of acclimatizing to the environment she looked around once more and a sense of unease and a pinch of disgust filled her. Listening to Leo's explanation she now understood the place and what it was - still she did not lie it too much, it was too... happy, too joyful.

But she trusted Leo's counsel and she would have followed him even into hell itself.

" Oz... a tale of happiness paved with deception and illusions. " she murmured " I wonder if this happy sight is an illusion or not. "
Elena liked the whirlwind much much more than the pond. She figured that out right away. When she jumped through, there was a foreign but pleasant moment of weightlessness which brought her to the other side. That being a city or beautiful green. In her mind, it only took a moment to recognize.

"Oh... Emerald City. I know exactly where we are."

She chuckled to herself, despite her own bitter thoughts and would have remained doing so if not for a fainted Leia released from the whirlwind. Elena came over with eyebrows knit in concern and offered a hand.

"Are you feeling alright, Leia?"
Alexander had nodded to Quincy, and headed through the whirlwind. This portal, however, was not nearly as bad as the watery one. Once on the other side he brushed himself off and gazed around the place. He'd heard of oz but never nourished any desire to visit. But now that he was there, he realized how lovely the place was. Alexander felt his dragon instincts starting to kick in, the need to claim and protect- then he shook his head and tried to push it away.

Anya came through the portal as well, just before Leo had. Her eyes widened when she saw where they were. No one could get away without knowing the story of Oz in the human world- though she'd never read the book... Or seen the movie.

"So... Are there wizards and witches here? Like the bi... Er, like Glinda and the Wicked witch of the West?" She asked Leo, turning to look at him, then realizing something else. Her eyes widened a bit in surprise but she remained silent after her questions.
Leo looked down at Anya, his eye fixated on her. "Yes little one, there are most definitely Wizards.... and Witches here in the land of Oz." The tone in his voice seemed almost sad. The courtyard seemed much smaller as he stood there. Until suddenly there was a large CLUNK and the great doors before them swung open. From the shadows behind the doors, the soft footstep of boots echoed from the halls beyond. A smaller figured man strolled out of the doors and into the light of the courtyard. He appeared to be an elderly man, close to his mid 60's. He was dressed in what looked like dark green robes with a dirty apron covering the front of it. On his head he wore a pair of goggles with different lenses crafted to them. Hie hair on his face and his head was a wispy emerald green as well. The old man looked over the company that had entered the courtyard "Oh there are witched and wizards to be sure. And little girls lost in the woods, and tin men, and scarecrows...." His eye shot to Leo and his expression turned to a scowl of detest. "And cowards who pretend to be kings of the forest." He spat the word coward at Leo as if it were a foul piece of bread he had just tried to eat. "But I'm sure you have already filled them in on that little detail haven't you Lion." Leo's rage began to rise when the little man spat at him, but was immediately quelled once he brought the subject of his tale up. Leo had been unsure how to bring the story up to his company after having pushed it behind him for so long. He sighed, his face returning to its resting air of sadness "Always a pleasure Wizard." The little man scoffed at him and folded his arms against his chest. "I figured as much. Well Lady Ozma may be aiding you and your companions by letting you be here, but I will not give you the time of day until you tell them. If you wont, i will. And believe you me, mine wont be near as sympathetic to you as yours will." Leo stiffened, he didn't dare call the old mans bluff. He turned back to the group and placed his hands behind his back, trying to look as dignified as possible.

With a deep breathe he began his story.
"Long ago, but only a short time after becoming a guardian, i was walking through my forest when i was startled by a small doe caught in a thick briar patch. I did not know how the doe got there, but i helped free it all the same. To my surprise however, the doe was actually a shape shifter named Ruby." He paused at the name, a faint smile eased onto his face before it vanished again. "She was very grateful the help. She said she was on her way to a different part of Fablewood to help a good friend of hers named Ozma. She began to explain how a witch in the lands had begun to terrorize and slaughter the people of the lands, and the princess was in desperate need of help. Now, i was young and still very much full hardy and when she asked me to lend her a hand, i could not tell her no. I left the forest with her, and we made our way to the wastelands. We traveled for many weeks, eventually even crossing a vast empty desert. Their were times i felt as if i was being led to my doom, but the more i talked to Ruby the more i understood just how kind, and selfless she was being to leave her home and help her friend. Finally after almost a month of travel, we reached the eastern edge of the lands. We were to report to the the city in the middle of the country and find the wizard who lived there." He gestured to the small man standing before them. "He would be able to help us with defeating the witch. It wasn't to long before we picked up our first companion, a werewolf named Otto. He was a strong determined young man, who was very eager to help Ruby after his home and family were killed by the witch. We also met an earth spirit who had taken up residence in an old abandoned fields scarecrow. And finally there was Tin, the spirit of a fallen soldier that had died by the hands of the witch. His soul was lost and became bound to a suit of armor wielding an ax. Each of us brought our own skills to help Ruby in her quest and became good friends. Ruby and I more so than the others." Leo paused, as if lost in his thoughts for only a moment. "Then the day came when we had reached the witch. The Wizard had given us all he could to aid us on our fight, and in the end we were able to vanquish her from the lands. At least....that's what we thought.... I later found out through a reliable source that the witch had been in contact with another named Caraboss, and she had become beyond death. When we thought we had vanquished her, we merely freed her from her mortal shell and provided her the means to join what they called the darkness. She used her new form, the jump into Ruby and devour her soul from the inside out. We did not realize it until it was too late. She used the witches powers, along with her own natural talents as a shapshifter, to rip the humanity out of each of my friends. She saved me for last. But i was able to escape" He moved his hand to the scar over his closed eye. "mostly intact. After what i saw her do to my friends i was devastated and terrified. I was quite young and inexperienced, thought that does not forgive me for my cowardliness i showed when my friends needed me the most. I fled Oz, ran as fast as i could back to the parts of Fablewood that i knew, and never turned back."

As Leo finished his story he did not dare look the group in the eyes. By keeping the truth from them he did not feel he deserved their companionship, let alone their friendship. The little man stepped forward and continued to glare at Leo
"You disappeared and left them all behind. You are a coward and a fool for returning to Oz." He turned back to the group with a matter-of-factually type of attitude "Now then, the princess has instructed me to aid you anyway i can to get you to your next destination. If you will all follow me to the lab we can prepare your departure." He turned on his heal and headed back out the doorway which he came.

((I have a picture for the wizard, but its on my laptop. I'll get it to @SilverFlight asap so he can post it where it needs to go.))
Luness slowly opened her eyes when she felt stone underneath her paws. Blinking, she looked around to see green nearly everywhere. Raising an eyebrow at this, Luness then looked away to find Ward checking on everyone. Looking herself over, Luness shrugged, her way of saying she was fine. Other than having some of her fur sticking up on end from the wind current, she was perfectly okay.

Sitting down on her haunches and beginning to lick the fur that was sticking up, Luness flickered her ears forward when she heard the door opening. Pausing in her grooming, Luness peered up to see some wizard-like man appear. Leo and the man had a short, yet emotional, back and forth and then Leo began to tell a story. While Leo spoke, Luness continued to calmly groom herself.

While Luness had heard very little of Oz, she knew at least the bare minimum details of the tale, and found herself rather surprised upon hearing that Leo was the lion from the tale. The cowardly one at that. He was hardly cowardly nowadays, but Luness couldn't blame him for running the way he had. After all, Luness had run away after her mother's death. At such a young and vulnerable age, it did make sense even if it was an extremely guilty thing to do.

Sighing, Luness stopped grooming, not wanting to think of such things right now. Focusing on what was being said, Luness then stood up on her hind legs and, walking like a human, Luness began to follow after the wizard, not a word ever escaping from her lips. After all, Luness wasn't even sure what to say in the moment anyhow.
Nyr listened to Leo's story closely and the more she heard the more she realized the burden the elder guardian had. She walked up to him and once more she stepped before him. Then with a venomous look she turned to the wizard and her hands began to crackle with a sudden energy of thunder as she looked at the pompous wizard with anger.

" A coward? " she hissed at the wizard, her rage intensifying " Do you even know the meaning of that word, wizard? Do you even comprehend the weight of your accusations? " she pointed at the guardian behind her " Would have you preferred Leo dead? To sacrifice himself for nothing, leaving your kingdom to rot? "

She stepped closer to Leo.

" If anything then it was wisdom and instincts that drove him away from this accursed place. He - the only one - was wise and had the foresight to leave this place to make himself more powerful - to train and become infinitely stronger than what he was! To gather allies and friends! He alone was the one willing to do the ultimate sacrifice - something that people like you would never understand. "

Once again she raised her hands.

" I do not know who do you think you are but you will not besmirch the honor of Leo. He is more brave, loyal and powerful than you ever will be. And if you dare to insult him one more time then I shall run you through! "

With that she backed off and stepped near Leo, putting her hands on his furry arms.

" You did what you had to, there is nothing shameful for not being a martyr. " she said, now looking at him. " I shall stand by your side - now and forever. "
Elena looked to her companion, Leo with sorrow. He didn't deserve any amount of ridicule for being with them, being mostly safe. The wizard seems to think his story is complete though, but no matter how sure he seems or in the right others may believe him to be, ignorance is vice. Elena came ahead a bit to see the small wizard, frowning but being respectful enough.

"Im sorry sir, but is not not the story of Leos role in oz just a single story?and stating that he has no right to be alive Or in Oz is undermining the story in which Fablewood is saved from the darkness, because we need the Leo that stands before you to do so. The story of saving Fablewood from the darkness is one which requires a fully intact Leo to be fulfilled. Are you stating that Oz outways the continued existence of the world it resides in? With all due respect, the past is of no concern to me at the moment, and for the good of Fablewood, should be left in the past." Her tone was polite and sweet on the surface but had a cold undertone.
Anya watched and listened to everyone. She did not want to be rude, but the little man had started out rather hostile to those who were only here to help him. She had been about to throw her own two sense in when Elena said what she was thinking. Instead, Anya simply nodded, and touched Leo's other arm with sympathy before moving to follow the rude little man.

Alexander, on the other hand, was not as good at holding his tongue. "If you're so brave, why aren't you dead, little man? Too scared to fight the witch yourself in the first place?" He scoffed, and stopped there. The wizard had enough verbal assaults to account for, after all.
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Leia looked at the wizard, and at Leo as he spoke, her face a picture of awe. This was Oz, and Leo was the cowardly lion. "You look so much cooler than Bert Lahr." She said, but as Leo's tale continued she clammed up. This was nothing like the books or the movie. When the story was done Leia was at a loss for words. She was angry, angry enough to yell like Nyr, this was some scary stuff! Forget coward, any normal person would be terrified. Poor Leo, he spoke of Ruby with fondness and Leia could only guess how he had felt about her, and then she was ripped away in a fate Leia couldn't imagine in her darkest nightmares.

Ward stepped to Leo's side. "My friends are right, whatever Leo's passed transgressions were he came here today of his own accord, and has shown incomparable bravery since traveling with us. Whatever may have happened in the past he is here now and we should look to the future."

Ward followed after the wizard quietly. The halls were just as green as the outside. Ornate decorations hung on the walls and blueprints to gadgets and structures sat in frames. This was certainly an interesting place.

"Who is Ozma if I may ask? And where are we going?"
Quincy found the portal much less agreeable than the last. It's wind was only the beginning of another drying adventure. On the other side, she landed a little clumsily, stumbling over an emerald cobblestone. She stared around the area, not recognizing it as the others did. With Leo's story, it became a little more clear, but she sensed the others had a little more knowledge than she. The exchange between the strange little man and the others in defense of Leo made her a little uncomfortable, but her resolute face showed she would speak to defend him as well, if needed. She followed the group silently, taking in all of the sights with awe. The green bit reminded her of the sea- it was like walking through the depths of a loch, frozen in time. The things hanging on the wall held no interest for her. She was too engrossed in admiring the architecture to really notice them, or much of what was being said.
Leo's smile returned to his face as he listened to the others talk so highly of him. The comfort of his friends trust in him reassured his part in this tale and bolstered his spirits. The Wizard was less than amused as he stopped and listened to the hero's words. He absorbed their words towards him but made no rebuttals to them. That was until he heard the dragons snide comment about the witch. He stopped and turned back to the adventures and fixed his eyes on the dragon "This castle, and all of its inhabitants within it. Is the only place left in Oz that isn't overrun with Darkness that the witch has cast upon the land. Care to know the reason for that? Its because of myself and others are the only thing keeping it at bay behind our walls. Of course this wouldn't be necessary if this thing" He thrust a finger towards Leo "had returned to the Emerald City instead of disappearing into Fablewood." The Wizard retracted himself and began to walk down the hall once more. He ignored all of the other questions, to furious to for coherent words. Leo then cleared his throat and began to answer Wards question "Ozma, is the princess of Oz. She has had first hand experience with the witch and was a close friend of Ruby's." Leo was cut off by a picture that hung on the wall as they passed through the halls. He stopped and let the others pass him. The picture was of two young women standing very close together. It was an older picture but never the less Leo recognized the face of Ozma, and that of Ruby. The Wizard looked back and saw Leo captured by the painting and stopped as well. His voice transformed into a less spiteful hatred "I am taking you to my workshop. Where i have had my balloon prepared and ready for your departure since we received the message from lady Briar. However she did mention something about you master griffon. Something about a problem you were having?"

The dragon listened to the man meet his challenge and decided not to respond. He supposed that was what he deserved for making accusations without knowing the whole story, but still... He refused to say anything else because his pride demanded so.

Anya, too, followed along in silence, nearly watching everything happen.
"About me?" Ward's curiosity flared, "Yes, I was told that you might know how to help." It was hard to keep the eagerness out of his voice.

"I was..tricked," The words were hard to say with the memory of his failure pushing on him. "And poisoned by a demon blade. I cannot transform into my true shape. I was told that if I could not reverse the effects by two dawns from now, they would become permanent."

The passed into a wide hall with ribbed columns lining the room. The archways above their heads were carved in such intricate detail, a vast forest canopy, cut into the stone. Ward could make out songbirds, fruits, flowers and insects all frozen in the sculpture's scene. Before them, at the head of a hall Ward expected to see a throne, instead however there was a great structure made of metal and glass. it looked for all intents and purposes like a dramatic mirror. Ward could only guess what it was for.

Leia marveled at the detail and stayed silent for the most part, taking in the reality of what she had only seen in her mind's eye. She stared into the frame of the old portrait, recognizing the dark braids of a familiar character. She assumed the other girl was Ozma. She was very pretty. They both were.

When she caught sight of the large structure at the end of the hall she knew immediately what it was. The contraption the wizard used to project a more terrifying version of himself, striking fear and wonder into the citizens of Oz.

"A good man...but a terrible wizard." She muttered to herself absentmindedly. Her brow furrowed and she walked quickly to catch up to the wizard.

"Hey...I had a question. So, in the story...you're from Kansas...so does that make you human? Like, human from our world?"
Nyr's hands were forced into knuckles as she gritted her teeth not to hurl a ball of lightning at the ignorant, pompous wizard. She finally restrained herself, knowing that her outburst would probably be blamed on Leo again for making such volatile and aggressive friends. His honor was tarnished already even though his deeds were justified so she did not say a word and walked with Leo and the others, following the ignorant mage.

She looked at the marvelous columns in the hall they just entered: the architecture and the inner decor were truly breathtaking. If anything then these things were the ones which made the citizens of Oz to be at ease even despite the corruption. She, however detested such false illusions and comfort. Even though they might have felt safe here the truth of the matter was that this mirage was so easy to destroy by any force willing that she wondered how could such deception be kept up for so long. Not trusting the wizard's talents she suspected that something more was going on here.

" I am sorry, Leo. " she said abruptly " About this hostile reception. About the pain you have to endure for reliving such dark memories. " and after a short pause she said, only in mere whispers " I am sorry about... Ruby. "
Luness remained silent while listening to everything. She noted Leo's sadness, but Nyr was already attempting to comfort him. Brushing past the pair, Luness followed after the wizard and Ward, who was speaking about the poison that prevented him from shifting. Upon hearing the potential chance that he could not shift back, Luness' eyes widened. Luness would have been devastated if she had learned that she could not shift back into her werecat form and that there was the chance she may never get to again. Knowing how much bird creatures loved and cherished flying through the air, Luness could only imagine how painful and difficult it was for Ward to deal with this news.

Still, Luness knew not what to say in this moment and so she simply followed after Ward, listening to what he said and then wondering if the wizard had a way of aiding Ward. Pausing when Leia approached, Luness raised an eyebrow at her, not sure what this Kansas place was that she spoke of. Then again, Luness didn't know the fable or story very well, so it was difficult for her to understand regardless.
Achyls had been lost in the majesty of the Emerald City. Upon hearing Leo's voice, she turned and simply listened. She knew the story well, but the dialogue now was worth listening to. Unaware they were leaving, she turned to her Raven form, flying overhead, carefully listening without making a sound, she was far too enthralled in the beauty of the land. However, she could feel the looming despair, even in such a peaceful looking place.
Leo tried to tear himself away from the painting. His heart skipped a few beats as a lump began to rise in his throat. Only when Nyr began to speak did he quickly turn away and continue to follow the rest of the group. He was able to bring himself back to a normal speaking tone before adressing her. "Thank you Nyr. I am sorry for a great many things as well, but the pain is my chain to bear. I will wear it till the end of my days, and i will bear it with any dignity i can muster."

The wizard continued on past his large optical illusion. Listening to the griffons words he shrugged his shoulders, "Unfortunately i don't have the means to help you master griffon. However, there is someone in Oz who can, though we have not received any word from her in some time. Galinda the good witch would be able to set you straight if any in Oz could.". When the young girl came trotting up beside him he looked her over and gave her a deceptive smile, "You shouldn't believe everything you hear in stories. However, that little detail was narrated truthfully. I came here long ago, much like the rest of you. Princess Ozma's ageless spell has kept me from aging properly, so i can not even tell you how long ago it was." As they reached the other side of the room he used for his illusions he placed a hand on what seemed to be a flat wall. Suddenly the wall cracked and began to fold inwards like two doors. The room was lit by a giant opening in the ceiling, the only entrance or exit for the massive air ship that hovered only a few feet from the ground. Tethered down with tight ropes the giant ship like body made of wood and iron floated gently awaiting its passengers. The balloon attached to top of it look as if it were a giant emerald egg. It was well built and very sturdy looking.The wizard stood in front of his machine and smiled "I doubt the stories got every little detail correct."
Nyr put her slender hands on the big paw of the aged guardian, smiling at him.

" Such burden should not weigh your shoulders alone. " she looked at Leo with a serious expression " I trust you Leo with my life - in return I only ask you to trust me as well. I will be here for you, I will protect you as you did protect me. "

She looked away, thinking for a moment, then back at him.

" Mother Moon is powerful you know. She can do many miracles... " she blushed at the thought then whispered at Leo " If there is any chance that we find Ruby... and I presume she is really, really important to you... then we might be able to save her from the darkness together. "

It surprised her that she made such a bold statement but she knew it could be done... even if the price was great. But if that would make Leo happy then it was worth it.
Ward nodded, glad at least that he had a lead to tracking down an antidote. When the wall opened he stared in awe at the wondrous contraption. He had never before seen the like. Truly Oz was a strange and fantastic land. He trailed a hand over the railing, lined with burnished brass. The balloon had been filled already, bursts of flame every now and then keeping it inflated. Taught rope tethers held it in place and prevented it from escaping upward through an open roof. The first stars could be seen winking sleepily up in the sky beyond.

Leia was impressed too, even if it meant more flying.

"Yeah, 'm just going to it in the middle and pretend I'm on the ground." She said, approaching the basket cautiously, as if it might bite her.

Ward got in without a fuss, still appreciating the amazing craftsmanship. He desperately wished to know how this strange invention flew.

"Its nothing short of wonderful." He said, excited that he would be flying again, even if it wasn't by his own power.
Luness followed after everyone, rather amazed to hear that the wizard was in fact a human from the human world and had come many years ago.

Walking into the revealed room, Luness halted when she saw the balloon prepared for the group. Flying, again? Seriously? Warily, Luness walked up to it, but she stopped short of it before glancing around the group, wondering if anyone else was as concerned as she was. Once in the air, Luness wouldn't have too much control in a fight and if she fell, well, there'd be no stopping her from instant death upon impact. The mere idea terrified her and she was really hoping there was a second option for travel.
Quincy moved with the group, lost in a world of confusion. Apparently, the others knew the tale of this land of Oz and the wizard, but she had not. There must not be any good places to swim in this land, she decided. The flying contraption was unlike any she had seen before, leaving her more than a little skeptical. It was supposed to fly with just that pouch of air? I don't think so, she thought, but the group was boarding, so she couldn't protest. The kelpie was one again being confronted with her ignorance of the world outside of Fablewood's secluded waterways and was slipping into a disgruntled frame of mind, plodding along with a confused, annoyed expression.
Elena followed from then on wordlessly. Her major concern was with Wards time limit to find an antidote. Since the wizard himself wasn't of much help, she figured following the lead they got was essential. She followed and looked to the balloon with wonder and realization. The wizard was a human. His powers were the inventions of modern technology. Or at least that seemed to be the case. The was less familiar with this story.

Unsure if she was in the right of doing so, she climbed aboard the balloon and smiled at her companion.

"Ward, it will be alright, right? The person we are looking for is in Oz?"

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