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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Seeing the place that they were in, Ashley was already missing Fablewood. As she continued to follow the group, she really started wondering what this place would have in store for them. However, she was a little afraid of asking. With worry, she looked down at her protruding stomach. She wasn't getting any smaller. But then again, it wasn't like she was going to give birth midway through their adventure. Suddenly feeling a sharp wave of pain, Ashley would nearly lose her balance, but then grabbed onto Elena by the shoulder to keep herself from falling.

@Bea Delaine
In Raven form, Achyls followed behind, swiftly diving to meet them. The balloon was just as she had heard in stories. Mesmerised, she stopped in the air, gazing at the land around her. Below her, a strange shuffling caught her attention. Noting Ashley's pained expression, she shifted form, lowering herself so she could support Ashley's weight.

"Are you going to be alright?" she asked, snapping back to reality. She had a deep concern for Ashley, though knew not were it came from.
Ward smiled at Elena happily. "It would seem so. And if what Leia uncovered is true, it appears there is a way for humans to stay in FableWood." He was happiest about this fact and was about to voice as much when Ashley suddenly fell. His tuned reflexes served him well and he caught Ashley as she grabbed onto Elena, steadying her with the help of Achyls.

The look of concern was apparent on his face. He picked her up gently and carried her to a row of seats just in front of the wheelhouse.

"Are you all right?" He asked worriedly. Inwardly he prayed that she wasn't going into labour.

The wizard was about to lose the tethers, seeing all safely on board but he stayed his hand as the lady fell. "Good heavens! What is the matter?"
To answer both Ward and Achyls' question concerning if she was going to be okay, she took a deep breath as soon as Ward picked her up shortly after she grabbed onto Elena. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Perhaps I've been standing longer then I should." She replied. The Wizard also seemed concerned. "Perhaps I should rest until we land safely...At least for my child." she sighed. When she was put down onto a row of seats, Ashley just stretched out her legs and untied her ponytail, causing all her hair to go down to her waist. As she turned to her left side, she used her cloak to improvise as a blanket, and her left arm a pillow before drifting off to sleep. "Wake me...When its time to leave..." She whispered as she fell asleep.
Luness nervously shifted on her feet, still not keen about flying in the balloon contraption, though her eyes widened as Ashley fell. Yet, before Luness could react, several of the others had already reached Ashley first and aided her. Still not quite sure how to handle having someone pregnant on the team, and questioning why everyone seemed okay with it, Luness cautiously walked to Ashley's side and then raised an eyebrow at her. Looking back at Ward and the others, Luness said, "I'm not sure if I understand why we're letting someone who's pregnant join us on an adventure, quest, whatever, that could endanger their child."
Leo smiled to Nyr as he squeezed her hand gently. "Thank you Nyr, just knowing friends like you eases the burden." He was being as sincere as he could, but truthfully his heart had been carrying this weight for so long it now felt like a part of him. When she spoke of Ruby Leos felt his chest heave a little and with a painful air he simply stated "If only such a thing were possible." He watched the others board the ship until they were all aboard. Once they had settled in and the young mother had calmed, Leo began to climb onto the ship. Before the last tether was released The Wizard reached called out to Leo "I hope you remember how to get there! And this time bring my ship back in one piece!" Though the two did not get along, Leo nodded to the old man as he cut the last line and they began to float into the sky. Leo climbed the stairs to the wheel at the top of the ships body and pulled a cord that was attached to the flame emitting jet pointed towards the inside of the balloon. A hot jet of flames shot into the balloon and they began to rise faster. He did this a few more times before clearing the hole in the ceiling and pulling a lever that was mounted to the floor. He started off slowly, the balloon moving forwards a tad bit faster with each passing notch. Once the balloon was moving at a comfortable speed, Leo began to turn the wheel until a small compass mounted in front of the wheel pointed towards the S.
Nyr nodded silently as she watched Leo to board the balloon. The time was not ripe just yet to explain her plan to him... but for now she saw it fit to follow the leonine guardian as he prepared to take off. Flapping with her ebony black wings she lifted off into the air, following the aerial construct closely. The land below seemed beautiful first - until she saw the first sign of corruption below. As they soared through the sky she saw the land turning darker and darker and she could feel the land reeling from the darkness.

" The situation is indeed dire. " she murmured to herself as she looked at the others anxiously. Suddenly she felt the strange energy resonating within her - probably in unison with the darkness of the land and she almost lost her balance in the air. Needing to dive down then up to regain her momentum she felt something amiss. She was afraid that soon something might happen to them.
Banba shot out of the portal and straight into a wall, stumbling around a bit before straightening on her feet. When the doors opened and reviled the wizard, Banba shot up to Leo's shoulder, her white furred form but with a tint of green now. She stayed like that until they reached the balloon, and she carefully slipped off Leo's shoulder, landing as herself. She slowly climbed over the side of the basket, ignoring any place that made it easier. She stood, gripping to rope absentmindedly.

"A city if red does not enrage bulls, but a city of blue does." She suddenly shouted it, letting herself fall backwards to worm around the floor of the basket, giggling madly.
Luness felt the lurch of the balloon vehicle, as it began to gain altitude. With her fur standing on end, Luness immediately dropped to all fours and then curled into a ball, closing her eyes and trying to ignore the feeling of her heart dropping into her stomach. If there was one thing Luness hated more than anything, it was flying.
Leia sat down on the deck, eyes shut tight. Suddenly something furry brushed her side. She looked over to see Luness in the exact same boat, figuratively of course.

"The next time we travel anywhere I'm putting it to a vote. No more flying!"

She watched Ashley sleep and thought about What the werecat had said.

"Because she's a good friend." Leia answered, then she whispered. "...maybe not the best parent though, but a good friend at least..."


Ward watched Ashley fall asleep then went to join Leo in the wheelhouse. He investigated the complex machinery, fascinated with how it all worked.

As the craft sailed on through the dark Ward felt a sense of peace he had not felt since the night he fell asleep on the roof of SnowHaven's great hall. He discovered that he liked this; traveling with friends, barring the constant threat of danger that was. The city shrank behind them, the last of the sun's light faded from its magnificent walls. before them lay a vast grassland and just beyond that Ward thought he could make out the tiny line of a forest. His keen gryphon eyesight it seemed had stayed with him...at least there was that. As they got closer the others would see it too. A thing dark tracing of trees against the golden grass. The moon had come out now too and spread her light over the deck, bathing everything in a cold, pearly glow.

"Tell me more about Glinda," He said finally, directing his voice to Leo. "How can she help us resolve the troubles of this land?"

Elena was becoming fairly happy again. Her smile was brightened when Ward mentioned the fact that a human might be able to stay here. She was about to continue on that topic when she felt Ashley knock into her.

"Oh, whoops! Here." She helped steady the girl and watched until she knew the other was okay.

"Yeah, you should rest up. Don't overwork the little one." She felt her voice grow softer and sweeter when referencing the future child. Being with child, Ashley was brave to undergo this journey. It was probably forgotten often that the woman might require anything extra.

Elena herself took out her book and caught up on her adventure. She drew the hot air balloon, including its functions and it's warm flame among the cool nights natural ones. Her ears were perked for whatever Leo might have to say.
Achyls sat protectively by Ashley, using her cloak as an extra blanket for her. She was indeed fearing for the pregnant woman and her child, unwilling to leave her in an unknown land, especially with such talk of darkness across the land.

"I shall stay and keep her company," she said quietly to Elena, sitting cross legged, pushing a hand through her own hair. She was happy to sit with her, watching the clouds of Oz float by like white stallions. Her head lulled forward, a smile forming on her pursed lips.
Leo felt the breeze of the moving air ship flow through his main and the cool night air felt amazing. Unlike his friends that could not wait for them to land safe and sound, Leo had found that he took to flight quite nicely the first time he got air born years ago. He kept his eyes on the horizon as Ward joined him up by the wheel. "Galinda is the only good witch in the lands of Oz. She is the protector of the Quadling country and has been around a very long time. When i was here the first time, she helped us several times before the end of our adventure. She is very kind and very powerfull, though she hides that power well." He was once again transported back to his earlier years and began to remember his adventure with his friends, but mostly Ruby. His face went stoick, but he never let his eyes fall from the horizon, "Ward, there is something i wish to discuss with you. As one who has felt the touch of love on his heart the way you have with young Elena." He paused to feel the breeze once again "When we reach Ruby, I will not be strong enough to do what must be done. She has been taken by the darkness for so long i am sure that she is gone completely. But the witch still wears her face and i will not be able to complete our task if it is left to me.Please......you must promise me that you will finish this mission where i can not." He fell silent once again, glancing around the horizon.
((The name Galinda comes from Wicked, and though the musical is great...I have a very strong dislike for the book....*begs* please don't make me call her that, its just Glinda X3 ))

Ward listened intently, looking a little shocked when Leo mentioned Elena. He rubbed the back of his head, feeling his cheeks colour. "Is it really that obvious?"

He became serious when Leo mentioned Ruby. When he heard the request Ward's pained expression was quite apparent.

"I...I cannot refuse a friend." He said sadly. "But I swear if there is anyway to reverse what's been done...I will find it."

They stood together in silence. Leo dwarfing Ward's human form. He looked on Elena fondly, not even being able to fathom the pain his friend was feeling as having to ask him this. He felt more than a little conflicted about it all.

Suddenly something caught his eye in the distance. He squinted to see what it was.

"Are those...birds?" He asked, but his question was answered soon enough as the shadowy figured approached. They were bats. Giant ones, and they looked fairly hostile.

"It appears our enemy already knows we are here." Ward said grimly. Praising the wizard for his good thinking he helped himself to a bow and quiver which sat in a small store closet next to several others.

He strung the bow deftly and notched an arrow, waiting for them to come within range.

"Be on your guard everyone! Don't let them get neat the balloon!"


((Last post for tonight, please feel free to continue @zCrookedz ))
Luness opened one of her eyes to peer up at Leia when she responded to Luness' question. Doing her best to ignore the fact that she was very high in the air currently, Luness said in response to Leia, "Well, if she's not a good parent then her child may not live very long. Good friend or not, she needs to focus on her child right now. We handled the demons in that battle without her."


Huffing, Luness closed her eye again, hoping she'd made a point. It was true after all that they didn't necessarily require Ashley's aid, at least in Luness' eyes. Luness found it irritating that Ashley would put her child in harm's way to help her friends. Moms were supposed to do everything in their power to protect their children and Ashley didn't seem to be too keen on doing that for hers.

Upon hearing Ward's shouting about enemies approaching, Luness shot to all fours and then stumbled to her side, as she found it difficult to keep her footing on this flying machine. Looking around, Luness realized that she had no idea how to shoot a bow. Unless the bats landed on the ship, Luness would be of no use in this fight. Therefore, Luness stayed by Ashley's side, swiveling her head about to look for any enemies that got close enough for her to strike.
Banba sat up, moving once again to the edge and resting her head on it, feeling the breeze tickle her nose as they moved away from the city. She closed her eyes, barely opening them when she overheard Leo mention Ruby. Sniffing, her nose twitching and moving, she settled down again. The shifter wasn't sleeping, but she wasn't awake, either. More in a meditative state, aware of the going ons around her. When the call about the approaching bats came, she opened her eyes fully, looking out into the dark. With one movement she was over the side of the balloon, her skin stretching from under her arms down to her hips, so she was flapping towards the creatures. She let out a cry, fierce and animalistic as she brought her feet up, digging her claws into the face of the nearest bat.
Achyls heard Ward's cry, knowing what had to be done. She put a hand on Ashley's shoulder, whispering a phrase for good health in some archaic language. The incoming bats were too large a group to take on in one charge. The company would surely be swamped. She had to distract them and pick them off one at a time. She immediately took to the skies, swooping and diving between many of the bats. She distracted a portion of the enemy, clawing and screeching as they dropped one by one out of the sky.
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Leo smiled as he caught Wad of gaurd with the comment about Elena. Leo was old enough and had been around enough to know when he saw the spark between the two. He let out a sigh of relief when Ward agreed to aid him. Now Leo just had to focus on getting them there. HE saw the flapping figures just after Ward announced them and began to panic. The balloon had no defenses and part of the team wouldnt even be able to fight on the balloon. Leo grabbed the throtle lever and pushed it in. The airship lurched forward towards the bats. When the ship was within a few yards he pulled hard on the rope, igniting the jet into the balloon pulling them upwards over the bats.
Achyls' screeching would awaken Ashley. Her eyes shot open as soon as she realized that they were under attack. By...Giant Bats!? Of things...If only she wasn't afraid of heights, but she couldn't let all of her companions do all the work. She watched as Achyls and Banba got aggressive with their foes and knocking them out of the sky. Now would be a good time to join the fray. Nap time can wait until they are NOT getting attacked possibly getting killed. She drew her Bow and, with her precision, opened fire on them with her Arrows, making each and every shot count, especially after Leo decided to go towards them, but then pulled them upwards. It didn't really matter how many bats she took down. Making sure that Banba and Achyls weren't getting hurt were her primary worries besides protecting herself and her unborn child.
Nyr looked at the bats and tried to blast them with a gust of wind but they did not care about it at all. Desperately she hurried towards her allies but was caught off guard by an another flock of the little fiends and she was thrown back. She felt the sudden urge of power flowing through her but thus time she finally decided not to fight it any more.

The surge of dark energy flowed through her and she felt the pain jolting through her as she opened her eyes - now burning in a dark emerald flame.

" OBEY! " she bellowed with a voice not entirely hers. Some of the bat like creatures stopped and looked at her questioningly while most of the other fiends still assaulted the balloon. She pointed at the miserable creatures and the mesmerized bats hurried to bite their own allies.

Infused with power she now called upon the lightning to strike down some of them. Empowered by the dark power she was able to vaporize the fiends, yet their flock seemed to be endless. As the fight grew desperate so did she as she embraced it more and more. Zealously she hurled her dark lightning against the endless swarm of bats.
Achyls could only watch as Nyr became something likened to a demon. Flustered, she half shifted, now in her witch form yet still with the wings of a Raven. She continued to battle, all the while concerned for what Nyr was becoming. Blasts of dark magic erupted from the witch, destroying a stream of bats coming her way. The onslaught was waning on her part, soon she would be able to aid the rest of the group. A storm of creatures fell like hail at her hands, crashing to the ground below, dismembered.

"Nyr!" Achyls yelled back to her, keeping away from the bats, "Nyr! Be cautious!". She feared for Banba, who could just as easily be struck down by Nyr as she could. Carefully, she dropped in front of her, desperate to call her back to reality.
Nyr did not hear Achyls first and she was still bombarding the nefarious creatures with no heed to the cost. When the ravenborn girl flew next to her an instinctive reaction kicked in and she raised her hand to blast the girl with dark energy.

" Out of the way! " she roared and tossed the spell right at her.

Or she would have.

Suddenly, in a moment of clarity, images filled her mind - their talk about their common past, their kindred souls. She remembered the cheerful, happy face of Achyls as they inspected the clothes in preparation for a future ball. The dark haze seemed to recede as the green flame died away from her eyes.

" Achyls... " she whispered as she saw her hand directed at the girl right in front of her. Quickly drawing it back she flew further from her. " No... get away! You are not safe here. " looking at the direction of the others she said " Protect them! They need your help. "
Elena was becoming fairly calm, listening to Ward and Leo's conversation with some interest. We worried for Leo. This situation and emotional resurfacing a might be too much for him, though she wasn't sure of Leo's limits. He was strong and though maybe once a coward, now a very brave lion.

She lost herself to her thoughts for a moment. Then the sound of wings flapping and Wards cry snapped her out of it. She got up quickly, rebalancing on the balloon. The winged monkey like creatures were very familiar from the original story. Without time to reflect, she leapt off of the balloon basket. A gargoyle materialized beneath her and she landed on the beast, more following in suit. She brought out her sword and fought off any that got too close to the hot air balloon, other gargoyles guarding uncovered sides.
Leo braced himself as the ballon climbed a good distance before he let the go of the cord to the burner and let the ballon level out. Still traveling at a good pace, he looked around at who was left on the balloon. As he looked around there was a screatch and a flap of wings. A large bat creature swooped in from below the air ship and pearched itself on the ledge of the boat. It screamed at Leo and looked up at the balloon attached to the boat. Leos eye hiddened and he let go of the wheel. The ship wheel began to spin to in the oppostie direction of the creature. Everything on the boat learch towards the oposite side, everything except Leo. He planted his claws in the wood of the ships deck and reached for his dual axes. When the bat creature lurched towards him, he swung his axes in an X pattern. The bats head went rolling to the other side and then over the ledge, its body simply falling backwards off the boat. Leo sheathed his axes and grabbed the spinning wheel, rightting the boat and setting them back on course for the forest ahead. He looked over the deck and grimaced at the ones stuck on the boat 'Terribly sorry my friends!!"
Luness kept her eyes on the deck of the ship, refusing to look out and see just how far up they were in the sky. The moment she felt the ship lurching under Leo's control, Luness yelped and dug her claws into the deck, holding on for dear life. While Leo engaged the bat creature that had landed on deck, Luness gritted her teeth and folded her ears against her head while closing her eyes. Just let it be over already, please. Luness definitely put flying at the top of her fears list.

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