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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Meril held back a sad smile and bowed deeply to the empress. "Thank you my empress. Your kind words honor me." She looked at her and gave a soft smile, before taking a few steps down towards the others. She silently worried about her family and home, then to the empress yet again. I hope she didn't take offense. I so do appreciate her kindness. Her thoughts were redirected to Leia. She turned to her and smiled at her, "sure I will show you some other time. It wasn't as hard as you'd think the Sand Seas are welcoming in time. I arrived here in the middle of the Sand Seas and was picked by a woman who helped me greatly in this world."

She was about to continue but Leo's question stopped her. She knew of the dangers in the Sand Seas all too well. However, she could see the light dim in Leia's and the other eyes. She looked at her giving a soft reassuring smile. She didn't realize there was something even remotely possible like that in the Sand Seas. She hoped that those with the woman who took care of her wouldn't try to go after it, they were dangerous to say the least. A artifact, I wonder what it is? She smiled at the queen and then nodded softly. She took a deep breath and bowed, "Thank you empress, I am sure that whoever he is, will teach us all new ways of survival."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Everyone else
Kallin was laughing even as he was shoved back into the water. The sight of Luness' fur standing up like that of a fancy dog made him helpless again. He surfaced with a look of mock-betrayal, climbing back up trailing rivulets of water from his soaking clothes. "I'm glad you're having fun." He said, grinning still, he spread his arms wide and ran at her, aiming to catch her up in a wet hug. For one wonderful moment, his curse was completely forgotten.


Upstairs Leia yawned and tried to stifle it, Bob and Tad, who had been watching her yawned too in quick succession.

"Um...I don't think I can stay awake much longer.." She smiled sleepily. The empress waved her hand once more and several servants appeared to take them to their rooms.

"I shall see you at the morning meal." Scheherazade said gently.

The tiger, who had been still and silent until this point rose and stretched, flexing its massive claws before hiding them again within innocent-looking paws. He stepped over to head butt Meril affectionately, which if she had not been prepared would nearly have knocked her over. The animal's head came level with hers.

@The Suspicious Eye @zCrookedz @andujarprime @SkywardSocks @ anyone else in the room
Leo bowed his head to the Empress as she instructed them to get some rest. The knowledge she had given them was indeed useful in many ways. If nothing else the information of the creatures they were to face gave Leo thoughts on what they would be up against. After procuring another of the immaculate goblets of wine and lifting from the cushion, Leo bowed to Scheherazade with a smile "Thank you for your hospitality my Lady, and the information is appreciated as well." Leo looked over to the others that had stayed behind and gave them a smile "Get plenty of rest. It sounds like we have quite the road ahead of us." Leo looked around and found one of the servant not to far off. He stepped close and gave the young man a smile "Would it be alright to place that cushion in the gardens?" The servant didn't even respond, he simply walked over to the cushion and lifted it over one shoulder and walked out of the room with it. Leo shrugged and gave one last look to the others in the room before following him. Leo followed after the the young servant as he made his way to the gardens. It was not to far off and when they arrived, Leo motioned for it to be placed in a small area surrounded by plants he had never seen before. The servant bowed once and then trotted off back into the castle. Leo chuckled, and as he sat down on his cushion, he noticed the sound of splashing and laughing. Listening closer it sounded like Kallin and Luness, this to made him chuckle. He had hoped to talk to Kallin about the Chaos Magic, and possibly the Djin, but it could wait till morning. Leo settled in to his sitting position, and closed his eye.

Otto bolted after the cat as it ran away from the palace and Otto. Yipping and howling as he ran after the fennic feline, Otto watched as the slink little cat darted in and out of areas that were obviously too small for Otto to fit. Otto looked around as he ran, he wanted to get the jump on this cat but It had the maneuverability that Otto couldn't manage normally. Otto's canine grin stretched across his face as he saw a stack of boxes approaching fast. Leaping into the air, Otto jumped from one box to the next until he was level with several stall canopy's. Thinking to himself that this would be perfect to view the cat and to get the jump on it, Otto lept from the box to the first canopy. With a loud RIIIIIIIP, the canopy fabric gave way under Otto's claws and he fell straight through the fabric and into a cart parked underneath. Otto popped his head out of the contents of the cart and looked around for the cat, but was immediately cut off by a very angry looking man holding a pair of round, leafy balls in his hands.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!!" Otto panicked and lept out of the cart pushing off one of the sides with his back paws. The sound of the cart tumbling over, the leafy contents hitting the ground, and the distinct yell of "MY CABBAGES!!", was all Otto heard as far away from the scene as he could. Once he felt he was a good distance from the angry man, Otto began sniffing around to try and pick up on the cats trail once again.

Takeo to the sword and looked at it a bit as he scathed his head. 'I know I need a weapon of some sort... But I have no clue how to use a sword. I might break it, lose it, hades! I may even fall on it!' he thought before he smiled and nodded. "If you are certain this is a good idea. I may not know how to wield this, but it's better than being completely defense less."

After saying this he turned his attention to the ruler also finding himself nodding off. 'This is what I get for running around the market all day like a hyperactive kid that was given a double espresso.' Putting his forearm over his mouth he let out a quiet yawn trying not to be disrespectful of the ruler by making it seem like she was boring him.

When the servants arrived he turned toward them and gave them a gracious nod before following one to his quarters.

Luness scowled at Kallin's laughter, irritated that he seemed to have found her little 'incident' with her fur to be so humorous. It was annoying to have to deal with, honestly.

Still, seeing Kallin resurfacing with his look of mock-betrayal, Luness found herself grinning again and then replied to him, "Yeah, well, a little payback always feels great."

Yet, when Kallin opened his arms wide and began to run towards her, Luness' eyes widened and she immediately dropped to all fours, as she turned around and made a break for it towards some nearby fruit tree, fully intending to leap up and climb onto the nearest branch strong enough to hold her.

@Silver Bell


Meanwhile back in the marketplace, the cat had climbed a nearby stall and was casually perched on the edge of it, peering down to watch Otto's incident with some vendor nearby.

Chortling at the sight of the chaos that ensued, the cat remained where he was and then quieted down when Otto appeared just below him, his head swiveling about while he seemingly was trying to locate the cat.

Grinning to himself, the cat quietly inhaled and then suddenly leaped off the top of the stall, landing on Otto's back. Not wanting to cut into Otto's back with his claws, the cat instead quickly leaped off of Otto's back and then onto the ground, keeping his claws sheathed, as he began bounding between people's feet in the marketplace once more. After all, this was just fun and games for the cat.

As the cat weaved about, he began making his way back to the palace.

The last rays of the dying sun painted the horizon in a crimson red color, creating a beautiful spectrum of light through the windows of the library. Nyr smiled as she finally closed the book she was reading, heading outside. It has been hours since she started her studies yet it did not feel more to her than a minute or two. In fact she was so lost in thoughts that she completely missed the further briefing of the empress and seeing how everyone retired to their rooms already she decided to take a walk outside.

The soothing wind now welcomed her as the temperature sank to a surprisingly low level. She enjoyed this warm welcome as she headed towards the gardens to walk peacefully. She did not take more than few steps when she felt a familiar presence outside and she smiled. It was so obvious that Leo would enjoy the nature rather than his room - yet somehow Nyr still wondered how the stalwart guardian could attune to nature so much that he enjoyed the outside more than the comfortable beds of the inside.

Her question was answered as she saw him on such furniture and she chuckled. Slowly and silently not to interrupt him she walked near the lion and looked at the sky.

" 'Tis the coming of the stars which heralds the death of the sun. " she murmured " But they are also the messengers of the mistress of the night, children of the moon, her playful subjects. They light the sky to guide and guard us all - just as you do. "

She smiled at Leo.

" Our hour of victory draws closer. With each passing day we are one step closer of defeating Caraboss and restoring order. I feel safe knowing that I will have you at my side when the time comes. "

'Of course I will accompany you, well, I'll watch you swim, anyway.' Alexander thought to his kelpie. He missed her, and felt as though they had spent very little time together lately- at least compared to how it was a short time ago. He went off to find Quincy, and took her hand as he saw her moving off to find some water.

"Don't leave without me, now," He said with a smile at her. He had listened to all that occurred and as was his usual had little to say about it. He did what he was told, nothing more, nothing less. Therefor he tried not to form any opinions.


(Gotta figure out what Anya was doing... hmm... I missed when new things started happening somehow (TAT))
Leo sat in his little grove for a spell, listening to the whispers of the garden. It was strange, the life here in the sands, as it was but a whisper compared to the vibrant colors and feelings he felt in more lush areas of Fablewood. The flora here was much more mysterious, conservative, and seemed to shy away from Leo and his touch. But none the less, he could still reach out and feel the garden much like the rest of Fablewood.

One thing he felt quite vibrantly was the shimmer of curiosity coming from an area where there was a bit more water. Leo focused in on that area, and could feel the excitement of the plants watching Luness and Kallin. Leo smiled to himself as he felt the flora's curiosity peak. Leo watched the pair and when Kallin had mad his way towards Luness with outstretched arms, Leo could feel the excitement of the tree she climbed into to get away from the contact. Leo smiled as he pushed his consciousness into the tree. Come now Luness. Don't play THAT hard to get. The thought crossed his mind as he moved the trees branched where it stood from his spot on the other side of the garden. The trees branches arched towards Luness and gingerly wrapped themselves around the werecats arms, lifting her from the branch she had found for herself. Slowly, the tree creaked and popped a bit as it lowered her back down on the to the ground. Leo sighed a bit as he returned the tree to normal and pulled away from the area.

As he returned to small area of the grove, he felt a tinge of excitement as another presence entered the area. He was wondering where his little raven had wondered off to, and as she entered gazing up at the stars, his head looked up from where he was sitting and smiled at her.
"I am glad I can bring such comfort to you my love." his voice a bit deeper and his eye still glowing bright green from his reflection, he raised an eye brow as he watched her "I hope your evening was fruitful? Surely in a place like this, they held tome that would assist your training?"


Otto yelp in surprise as the cat taunted him with his own tactic. He had to hand it to this cat, it was pretty resourceful. But Otto smiled as he watched the cat bound back towards the palace. This cat my have the trickery to get behind Otto, but Otto was surely faster than this little feline. Otto took off after the little booger, watching closely as the cat made its way through the crowds. He found that if he kept an eye on where the cat went, he could get through the crowds a lot faster than just jumping and trying his luck. A few times he had to improvise becuase the cat got through a hole that was much to small for Otto, but a quick adjustment had him hot on the cats tail in no time as the reentered the palace.

Achyls nodded before standing to leave. She moved swiftly from the room and disappeared from sight almost instantly, spreading her wings and flying up to the top of the palace. Watching the dying light, she stared over the Sand Seas, trying to recollect what was scratching at her memories. She began to hum to herself a tune she didn't remember learning, one that was a lot softer and flowing. The gold of the dunes was illuminated by the sun as it began to vanish behind the horizon. Such a sight seemed so unique, yet she knew that sunset...somehow.
Amused that Otto was keeping up with him now, the cat immediately ran through the entrance of the palace, leaving the guards to shout in surprise at the sight of a wolf chasing after a cat.

Once inside, the cat bounded down several hallways before he ended up finding the back entrance to the gardens just beyond.

Unaware that anyone was nearby, the cat began weaving around exotic plants, even dodging one that tried to bite him. Sure enough, the cat shot around a corner and was surprised to see Luness sprinting on all fours.

Eyes wide and unable to stop himself mid-sprint, the cat dove to the side in an attempt to dodge a headfirst run-in with Luness, who let out a surprised yelp herself and began digging her paws into the dirt to stop herself. Luckily, the cat was fast enough and managed to dodge running into Luness while the werecat continued to struggle to stop herself.

Climbing the nearest fruit tree, the cat then sat down on the edge of a tree branch and curiously peered down at Luness, as he wondered if Otto was going to round the corner and run straight into her now.

Seeing Kallin in his peripherals, who apparently had been chasing Luness up to this point, the cat grinned in amusement, as he wondered what would happen next.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Kallin was grinning from ear to ear as Luness shot away from him, knowing full well he wouldn't be able to catch her. To his delight however the tree was seemingly on his side. He guessed he had Leo to thank for that, seeing as the big guardian always stayed in gardens at night. As Luness tried to avoid the cat he closed the distance between them and scooped her up, pressing against her as closely as he could as he spun her around. The fresh water soaked into her clothes and fur. He held her close, enthusiastically rubbing his wet hair into the back of her neck.

"You're right, payback does feel good once in a while." And then he laughed again, but it was a quieter laugh and it was brimming with joy. Luness had made him happier than he ever thought possible. Happy to the point where he barely recognized himself...and he loved it.

He opened his eyes and caught sight of Leo sitting on a cushion not far away. He gave the guardian a bright smile.

Being satisfied with his work Kallin released his grip slightly and let her back down, though he kept his arms about her, gazing at her fondly.

"I still have that gift for you." He had just realized. He walked over to his cloak, digging in one of the pockets and took the pair of daggers he had bought that evening.

He showed them to her, selecting one and offering it in his open hand.

Somehow I didn't think jewelry or perfume would really be your thing...or at least, not more than this. You keep one, and I'll keep the other." He gave her an embarrassed smile. "Hmm, it sounds sort of silly when I say it out loud..."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Leia shook her head as Takeo left, he didn't quite get it yet but he would. If the sword could teach her how to wield it, it could certainly teach Takeo.

She stood up slowly, thanked Scheherazade and Meril and wandered off to bed. Her room was magnificent; the balcony doors were fully open, blowing the gauze curtains in rippling waves over a wide cushion that served as the bed. The night air was cooler now and wonderfully refreshing in contrast to the day's scorching heat. Bob settled immediately on the cushion, but at the end this time. Lee settled in a stone basin set into one wall and Tad floated black and forth above her on the breeze. She wished them all goodnight and collapsed.

@Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye

((Time jump next post I think))
Otto shot past the shouting guards paying them no mind as he bolted past after the cat. Being so close to catching the little tabby, when Otto came around the corner and found the traffic jam of cats, he was nearly trampled by a flailing Luness as she pawed at the ground. Otto wasn't quite as agile to simply move around Luness, so he did the next best thing he could. He jumped high and with all his strength, clearing Luness and hitting the ground beside her with a thud. He rolled once and then stood shaking his head before catching sight of the cat once again. With a yip he bolted after it, not really paying attention to the others in the garden. The cat didn't go much further before it lept up into a tree. Otto saw his opportunity to get the jump on the cat, and headed for the tree at full speed. As he reached the base of the tree, Otto shifted onto his back human legs and lept high towards the branches of the tree the cat was sitting on. Arms out stretched and his goofy smile stretched from ear to ear, Otto yelled as he finally brushed the fur of the cat with an outstretched hand, "GOTCHA!!" With a rustle and a thud, the limbs finally stopped moving. Otto began to laugh as he had miscalculated his jump and crashed into a few branches of the tree right next to the cat and was now quite tangled in the branches.

Nyr smiled at Leo.

" Aye, my time in the library was quite fruitful. I have found what I sought and more. I have found out more about the past of my race... turns out we did have some thought behind those bloody rituals. "

She chuckled as she sat down beside the guardian.

" I was so wrapped up in the past and in my heritage that I forgot to live in the present. I now regret every moment I wasted this way but I had to find out everything I could before the coming storm. And now I stand ready. "

She looked at him.

" When I first came contact with the members of this group I thought that we would perish right after the first encounter with darkness incarnate... yet we prevailed. We triumphed even in the eye of our greatest challenges. No more do I think us to be adventurers - we are family, saviors if you will. I want us to be together, forever. "

She touched his hand gently.

" I will go to search for my people when this is over. But I will never forsake you, Panthera Leo. I will return for you always, for you have changed my life. "

Luness let out a surprised yelp when Kallin suddenly picked her up from seemingly out of no where, relentlessly hugging her and forcing her to get wet all over again. When he began rubbing his wet hair against the back of her neck, fur or not, Luness yelped again in surprise and then while laughing, she tried to push him away, but was laughing too hard to do so successfully.

After a few more seconds passed, Kallin put her back down and Luness rolled her eyes at him, but she couldn't erase the grin from her face.

Hearing the mention of a gift, Luness cocked her head curiously, her eyes instantly shifting to Kallin's pocket that he was digging in. Seeing the daggers that Kallin pulled out, Luness' eyes widened slightly, as she admired how beautiful they were and how intricately they had been designed. Seeing the cat, Luness' grin widened. Of course they had reminded Kallin of her.

Taking the offered dagger from Kallin, Luness gingerly looked it over, even testing its weight a bit. It was exceptionally-balanced for a dagger and Luness wondered if she could even use it as a throwing knife perhaps.

Hearing Kallin's thought process on choosing out the gift, Luness grinned in amusement and waited until he finished speaking before she responded, "I love it, really, Kal. And I love the idea of one of us keeping one of the pairs each. It may sound silly, but it's also a bit..."

Suddenly, Luness heard a crashing sound nearby and she whipped around quickly just in time to see Otto tangled in some branches of a tree and laughing with her cat sitting on a branch of a tree nearby.

Chuckling at the sight, Luness then excused herself from Kallin for the moment, as she walked up to the tree that Otto was stuck in and looked up at him with a grin, "I wasn't aware you enjoyed climbing trees, Otto."

Meanwhile, the cat grinned at Otto's misfortune and nimbly jumped down from the tree it'd been nestled in, having not been fazed by Otto's near capture of the cat. After all, the cat wasn't fazed by much these days.

Padding up to Luness' side, the cat then sat down on its haunches while it cocked its head up at Otto, amusement glinting in its one eye.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Lets go then, and then we should both sleep. Quincy thought back quickly, and took his hand to guide him with her. The call of water was so very faint in a place like this, but after winding their way through the garden for a while, she had traced it to its source. The kelpie heard others nearby, laughing and having fun, but she ignored the sounds. The magically-lit, clear water was all she could hear inside her mind. Quincy changed into her equine form and slid into the water, pacing for a few moments before settling down with her head resting on the bank. Tranquil, albeit slightly sad, eyes looked up at Alexander. I may have to stay in this form as much as possible in this climate, to save my strength, she told him, with a soft nicker as her silent sentence went to his mind.

A bit what? Kallin was curious as to what she was going to say, but the sight of Otto in the branches made him snort with laughter.

He walked over too and began untangling the poor werewolf.

"Give it up Otto, cat's are always going to get the better of us." He shot a wink at Luness as he said this.

Once his friend was mostly free he stood back to allow Otto to climb down slowly, ready to help more if needed.

"We should probably get some rest. I don't think this desert is going to be a very nice trip."

There were several servants waiting by the entrance to the palace and he flagged them over. Saying goodnight to Quincy, Alex, Leo and Nyr he followed the servants up to the second floor.

@Lioness075 @Hel @Flutterby @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios

The rooms were extravagant to say the least, cushions and carpets all intricately woven with unique designs, gauze curtains fluttered in the evening breeze and on a marble table there sat a bowl of exotic fruits and nuts. He made up his mind that he was going to taste every one of the exotic delicacies before dawn, while he actually had the ability to taste. To this point none of the rooms they had been offered on this journey had been anything less than elegant, but this was the first time Kallin began to feel like royalty.

"They certainly spare no expense in this land..."

"It is a custom." One of the servants answered behind him and he jumped, not meaning for anyone to overhear. "It is how we show respect and honour for our guests, and those important to us."

Kallin nodded, it made sense.

He stood in the doorway to his room, waiting to say goodnight to Luness before he turned in.


Morning found Leia on the floor. She had rolled off the cushion during the night and now lay on a plush carpet, curled happily about Bob, whose stone body was warmed by the light of the morning sun. She rose groggily and stretched, going to a mirror on the wall and using an ornate gold comb to try and tame her defiant white-blonde hair. Tad awoke soon after and spun about her, blowing her hair in every direction again.

"Thanks bud." She said in a deadpan tone. Then something struck her as odd. She hadn't heard Lee's happy trills this morning. Looking to the basin she nearly dropped the comb in surprise. Lee was still there, lying on her side, eyes closed and only the size of a kitten. The dry air had evaporated most of her body during the night and she did not look well.

Looking around frantically Leia found a small pitcher of water, it too had nearly vanished, but she tipped the contents of it over the failing water spirit. It seemed to do something as Lee rose, shook herself and looked up at her forlornly. She couldn't fly. Her ability to do that relied on the water in the air Leia guessed and right now, there just wasn't any. Rummaging around a bit more Leia found a small glass flask tied to a belt.

"Get in here, it'll protect you from the dry air."

Leia was dressed and ready soon after and was lead down to a large, wide room with a low table ringed with cushions. She waited for the others as food was laid out, a grave expression on her face. Tad and Bob sat quietly beside her. Lee seemed to be slightly revived in the flask, and paced its narrow space, flicking her tail impatiently.

Otto chuckled as Kallin and Luness came over and eyed his placement in the tree. He watched as the cat left him there, scowling a bit as he tried to untangle himself from the twisted branches. Finally after struggling for a good 2 mins, the branches gave way of his form and he fell to the ground, head first of course. He sat up on his hind quarters as he shifted back to his wolf form and bounded up to lLuness with a croocked smile. He suddenly felt the weight of the days activities weighting on him and the run through town had zapped what energy he had left. Watching as Kallin head off to bed, Otto yawned and gave Luness nudge with his head, a way of telling his big sister good night, before padding off back into the palace and searching out a room that did not smell quite as bad.

The next morning, Otto roused himself from the pile of cushions that he had pulled into a giant pile. Pushing his head from underneath a cushion, Otto looked about the room and pulled himself out of the pile and stretched. Smacking his jowls a bit, he padded out of the room and followed the smell of something that smelled like food. As he entered, he looked over at Leia who had beat everyone. He shifted af he walked into the room and he plopped down on a cusshion across from Leia. "Morning Leia. You look down in the dumps. Didn't sleep well?"


Leo smiled at Nyr as she touched his hand. He lifted his arm and placed it around the girl "HEritage is important, and you should never forget your past or where you come from. It is what has made you, you. Though it may be painfull to think about at times, its still an important part of what who you are. And I would not change a single part of you." He pulled the little raven close to him, his soft glowing eye fixated on her. "And you mine my little raven. I will be here for you and will return to you always." He leaned into her and kissed her passionatly. As he pulled out of the kiss, he felt his conciousness slipping back into the garden. "You should get some rest my love, we have quite the adventure tomorrow." He would not have minded if she stayed with him during the night, but he could feel the night air beginning to get brisk. It would not bother him to much, his fur was quite warm, but he would worry about Nyr and the cold.


((Ill put Leo at breakfest after Dawns next post.))
Luness laughed at Otto's dismay and shook her head, wholly amused by the whole situation.

Hearing Kallin's remark about cat's, Luness grinned and then said to him, "And don't you forget it." After saying this, the cat padded away from Luness' side and curiously followed after Kallin while Luness remained waiting on Otto.

Watching Otto disentangle himself and then fall from the tree unceremoniously, Luness grinned and shook her head before seeing Otto bounding up to her. Raising an eyebrow down at the pup, Luness was about to ask him what was on his mind when he let out a yawn and nudged her with his head. Smiling softly at him, Luness then said, "G'night to you too, little brother."

Watching Otto pad off, Luness then sniffed at the air to find Kallin's scent before she began making her way to where everyone's private quarters were for the night. A servant soon latched onto Luness and led her the rest of the way.

Once Luness was shown to her room, she nodded at the servant in a manner of dismissing her before Luness turned away from her room and spotted Kallin not too far away, standing in his doorway.

Smiling at him, Luness then walked up to him and said, "Well, I suppose we've had enough fun for one day. Who knows what'll happen tomorrow."

Suddenly feeling a bit uncertain of what to say next, Luness found her gaze drifting away from Kallin and then focusing on her cat, who had just walked into Kallin's doorway. The cat then sat down on its haunches by Kallin and curiously peered up at him before letting out a small meow.

Blinking and then grinning at the cat, Luness said, "I suppose he wants to sleep with you tonight. Perhaps you should give him a name considering how much he appears to like you, Kal."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra had spent most of the evening wandering the halls of the palace and wishing she'd had her Polaroid camera handy. She could only imagine how amazing all of her photographs would've turned out while here in FableWood. The memories would be forever, too.

Sighing to herself, Leandra ended up spending the rest of her evening on a bench in the gardens, drawing some of the exotic fruit trees around her and even part of the palace so she could remember how beautiful it all was.

After several hours of drawing and perfecting her artwork, Leandra was finally done just as the moon was rising in the dark sky above her.

Putting away her sketchbook and pencils, Leandra rose from her seat on the bench and wandered back in the palace just in time to hear a servant call out her name with the title of 'M'lady', as it seemed rather customary to be called here in FableWood. Following after the servant, Leandra soon was shown to her private quarters and she politely thanked the servant before entering them and setting aside her gear before settling for the night. As the main healer of the group, Leandra knew she needed all the rest she could get before whatever tomorrow brought for the group.

Now if only that stupid, irritating itch on her back would finally go away. Why couldn't she have enjoyed her time in FableWood without whatever this was? Was it some weird allergy or something?

Deciding to ignore it as usual, Leandra soon drifted off to sleep with exotic fruits in mind.

Waking up the next morning, Leandra was relieved that she hadn't suffered through a nightmare for once. She supposed that maybe she just had too much on her mind to really think about any of the horrors of her past for any nightmares to surface as usual.

Gathering her gear again, Leandra then cleaned herself up a bit (considering they were going into the desert, Leandra figured it wouldn't hurt to be clean before the sand got everywhere on her and in her clothes). Once she was done, Leandra exited her room and was pleased to find another servant waiting to lead her to breakfast.

Upon arriving, it didn't take long for Leandra to realize that something was amiss with Leia. Even Otto noticed it and voiced his concerns for the girl.

Joining Otto's side, Leandra then said with a worried expression, "What's wrong, Leia?"

Quickly looking around, Leandra soon noticed that one of Leia's spirits appeared to be missing. Lee, her water spirit. That, and the other two spirits seemed really down in spirits as well. That was definitely not a good sign.

Eyes wide at this realization, and the fact that the river had been drying up yesterday, Leandra quickly added, "Where's Lee?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Takeo opened up his eyes and looked around the room slightly lost for a moment. His eyes moved all around the room before he let out a satisfied sigh. "That....was a perfect night." He muttered as he hugged a pillow and curled up in a half ball. "A full night by myself... This place is the dream!" He exclaimed as he grinned broadly unable to contain his happiness. After sleeping in one room with ten siblings for years on end, one night alone in a huge room like this...is complete heaven. "I...I can die happy now." He joked as he nuzzled the soft pillow not wanting to get out of bed for some time.

After about of hour in bliss he finally decided to get up. With a sigh he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed as he hummed a small delightful tune to himself. With a push he got off the bed and went straight to getting dressed, after he cleaned himself he strapped the barrowed sword to a newly required belt he found in his closet. 'I hope they don't mind if I use this... If they do I'll just return.' He thought with a shrug. Stepping in front of the mirror he braided his hair in his usual manner. When he was satisfied with how he looked he did a small stretch before heading out of his room.

He got slightly lost as he walked around the castle but once he decided to listen to his empty stomach he found his way to the dining room rather quickly. Seeing three people already there he gave them a charming smile an a nod. "Morning." He said as he made his way to sit next to Leia. When he heard Leandra's question he raised a brow. "Who's Lee again?" He asked as he scratched his head as he tried to remember everyone's name.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @zCrookedz
Kallin raised an eyebrow at the cat as it sat itself down beside him.

"Well, I know I can be pretty charming, guess that works on cats in general, not just you." he shot her a playful grin. "I'll think on a name." He said thoughtfully before turning his full attention back to her. "Sleep well Lune."


That night Kallin slept fitfully. Strange dreams perforated his conscious thoughts as he slipped in and out of sleep. A red desert, beings wreathed in flame. He could feel the chaos energy pulling at him, stretching his essence. Finally he could sleep no more and in the darkness of predawn he rose, his human body felt cold and clammy. The cat had long ago had enough of Kallin's tossing and chose a more peaceful cushion, but seemed to stay close, watching him through its one eye with a placid expression.

The mage stepped out onto his balcony and put both hands on the stone rail, looking out onto the gardens, he tried to stifle the fear growing in him of what lay in store...and how long he had left. The air even now, before the sun's light felt parched and as light trickled slowly over the horizon Kallin shuddered to see its colour was a deep, blood red.

"Ominous." He mumbled as the cat leapt onto the rail beside him.

When the sun came up fully Kallin actually felt better. His daylight form dulled the sensation of the chaos magic, or gave him more control of it. He wrapped his scarf about his neck and put on his cloak and hat despite the oncoming heat.

A servants was waiting outside his room to take him to the others.

At breakfast Kallin took a small plate and some dried meats, breaking them into small pieces and setting them down for Luness' cat to eat. Then he noticed Leia and waited for her to respond to the others.

Leia frowned at Otto's question. "No, I slept fine...its not me, Its..." But Leandra has finished her statement by asking her.

"Lee's my water spirit...she's here." Leia answered Takeo and held up the glass flask and Lee, only a fraction of her normal size. The water spirit stared back at them through the glass, her ears drooping sadly.

"I found her like this this morning...whatever's happening to the river, its affecting Lee too. We've got to solve this...and fast." It was the first time Leia felt genuinely scared for one of her spirits, so far they had seemed practically immortal, as long as she didn't overuse their powers, but Lee's condition also meant they were down one healer. Without Lee's magic Leia felt vulnerable. She voiced as much to the others and then added: "What's worse is I think Lee was sort of a balancer between Tad and Bob...now that she's weaker, they might start fighting again..."

She realized Takeo and Meril wouldn't know what she was talking about.

"When I found Bob, my earth spirit he and Tad, the air spirit really didn't get along. They settled eventually, but I think that was really only because of Lee's presence..." She eyes the two spirits carefully, who for now seemed content to ignore one another as per usual.

"The only time I've seen them work together was when they all combined to find the heart of the Ethreal Mountains and reverse the ShadowWood." It was a really useful trick, it took all of the heroes to reverse the darkness spreading over the land, but now with her spirits, they could find the centers of the taint and deal with it more quickly.

"We found out we can get rid of the ShadowWood, the darkness that's consuming FableWood, but we have to get to what's called the 'heart' of the area first. My spirits can find it somehow and bring it to us."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye

It was not long after that then two lines of servants appeared and parted for the empress Scheherazade.

"I wish a good morning upon all of you." She said softly. "Preparations are complete, when you have eaten your fill I will escort you myself to the edge of the city."

Leia bowed as the empress came in, as did Kallin, who seemed content after that to prepare more meat for the cat.

Rolling her eyes and grinning at Kallin's cat remark, Luness then said teasingly, "I guess you can be charming sometimes." Hearing him mention that he'd think of a name, Luness smiled and then said, "Whatever name you think of, I'm sure he'll love it."

Glancing down at the cat, Luness raised an eyebrow and then grinned when he meowed back at her.

Hearing Kallin wishing her a good night, Luness glanced back up and smiled at him before saying, "G'night to you too, Kal."

Once she was back in her room, Luness made her way to the bathroom, shifting into her human form along the way.

Standing inside of the bathroom and warily eyeing herself in the mirror with slight disgust, Luness realized that she'd let her hair grow so wildly over the years and it just looked like a tangled mess at this point. That, and it was annoyingly long.

Pulling out the dagger that Kallin had given her earlier, Luness eyed it for a minute before she clutched her hair behind herself and then swiftly swiped her dagger through it.

Blinking at her new appearance in the mirror, Luness then began to grin, as she was quickly falling in love with her shorter hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/mikasa_by_overweight_cat-d6hs7s7.jpg.d2d1c9360748ab477c87aa0e8abfc90e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73738" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/mikasa_by_overweight_cat-d6hs7s7.jpg.d2d1c9360748ab477c87aa0e8abfc90e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tossing aside her cut hair, Luness then bathed for the first time in a while, loudly sighing in relief at doing so after having missed so many days of getting such a chance.

While enjoying her bath though, Luness noted that it had taken a long time for the basin to fill for her. That was definitely not a good sign.

When she was finally cleaned up, Luness went to sleep in peace, content with how the day had played out and a smile on her face upon remembering her time spent with Kallin in the gardens earlier.

Waking up the next morning, Luness ensured her dagger from Kallin was on her before she shifted back into her werecat form, her hair fading back into fur as usual. Unless someone were to see her in her human form, nobody would even realize she'd cut her hair to begin with.

With her nose, Luness easily found her way to the breakfast hall, noting that Leia, Kallin, Otto, Leandra, and one of the new guys were all present. What was his name again?

Shrugging to herself, Luness snagged a few pieces of bacon and joined the small group just in time to hear that Lee, Leia's water spirit, seemed to be suffering with the lack of water. Furrowing her brows at the tiny spirit while chewing on some bacon, Luness felt bad for the little creature, as it often reminded her of an animal.

Still, Luness knew nothing of spirits and wouldn't be of much use to the poor thing.

While finishing off the last of her bacon, Scheherazade entered the room and announced that once they were done eating, they would be off and onto their next adventure.

Still strongly disliking the empress, Luness turned away from her and found some more bacon as well as some water and settled down in a seat nearby. If this was going to be their last meal for a while, Luness wanted to make sure she ate her full. Glancing back at the water pitcher she'd filled her glass from, Luness sadly wondered just how much water was left in the city now.

While Luness enjoyed her breakfast, so too did her cat. He was more than grateful for the plate that Kallin had offered him and he was now devouring all of the meat in front of him.

Not too long after, the plate was empty in front of the cat, who then sat on his haunches and peered up at Kallin while meowing at him and even lifting one of his paws while cocking his head in a begging manner.

Luness heard the meow and glanced over to see Kallin feeding the cat. Grinning at this, Luness didn't say anything and instead continued to enjoy her breakfast while watching Kallin feeding her cat, who was being beyond adorable with his effort at begging for more meat from Kallin.



Hearing Takeo's approach, Leandra glanced over at him and nodded at him when he mentioned 'good morning' to her. With everything going on though, Leandra didn't exactly feel like it was much of a 'good morning' for the group.

Suddenly, Leandra audibly gasped and brought a hand to her mouth when Leia showed Lee to the group. Eyes wide, Leandra slowly dropped her hand before glancing fearfully at Leia and asking her, "What could we do to help Lee?"

Just then, Scheherazade appeared and made her announcement to the small gathered group.

Leandra inhaled slowly at the mention of their next adventure. It definitely sounded like having a full stomach and perhaps some fresh water ahead of time would be a good idea.

Yet, Leandra was still waiting on a response from Leia and so she continued to standby until she got any kind of answer from the girl.

@SilverFlight @Peaceswore



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Achyls woke in the place where she spent her evening. She had simply fallen asleep atop a spire, wings strewn lazily across her to keep her warm.

When morning broke, she woke slowly, shaking herself off to unfurl whatever feathers were oddly placed from sleep. She got to her feet and made her way inside the palace, looking to find the company. Just as she did, she caught the last of what Scheherazade was telling them. An excitement washed over her, so much so that she didn't feel any need to eat, only to sit and bubble silently. Taking a seat near Nyr, she gave a small smile to her sister, before looking up at the decor of the room.

Kai had wandered off in the night. He spent the night atop the roof of an innovative with a plate of meats and a cask of whine. When he woke the next morning he didn't remember much of how he got to where he was. He wandered the streets and found his way into a bazaar. He haggle and traded gems and coins for different delicacies as he slowly made his way to the emlress' palace. He found his way to the others with a large sack loosely resting atop his shoulders. He smiled a greeting at everyone gathered and made his way tout a seat. He looked around and smiled once more seeing Achyls, he could feel the energy coming off of her. "Well aren't you just brimming with energy" He thought out to her as he pulled a plate over to him and began filling it with the contents of his food sack. "I like it!" He thought to her again.

Nyr smiled an nodded.

" I shall do so, my love. " she said, finding a comfortable place next to the guardian. She did love the comfortable beds of the palace - but she loved Leo much more. To that end she decided to spend her night out in the open with her beloved. As she had found a comfortable tree to sleep under she immediately closed her eyes and drifted to the plains of dreams immediately,

The first rays of dawn illuminated the horizon and she opened her eyes to see the rising sun in the distance. She smiled as she saw Leo still be sleeping and she woke up, stretching her arms and yawning sleepily. She felt a bit dizzy after the long sleep but she felt rejuvenated - the power of nature was stronger than she anticipated, her entire body felt renewed. Blowing a kiss to Leo she walked to the dining room where she sat down and waited for the food.

Noticing Achyls approaching and her smile she smiled back.

" Good morning sister. I hope you slept well. "

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks

Arianne slept peacefully, not even getting up in the early morning. The light familiars encircled the girl, looking puzzled at their mistress' deep slumber. Then after few minutes of silent vigil they darted away from the room, heading down into the dining hall to fly around and discover everything.
"I wish there was something we could do to help her." Leia answered Leandra sadly. "I thought about leaving her here...but it'd be just as dry, and I wouldn't be able to watch over her. The glass bottle seemed to help, but I think solving this water crisis is the best way to get her back to normal."

Leia caught sight of Arianne and waved at her, trying not to let her worry show too much. Now that they were on the brink of heading out to face the undead Leia felt much more nervous...it all seemed a bit more real.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios

Kallin fed the cat a few more pieces of the food. "Take it easy buddy, or you won't be able to walk if you eat much more." He looked at Luness, "You're not thinking of taking the cat with us into the desert are you?" Kallin could only imagine what the monsters lurking in the sands would think of a tiny creature like him.

Before long it was time for them to leave. Scheherazade lead them to the gates of the palace and gently declines the palanquin her servants had prepared for her. "The people must see a ruler willing to sacrifice in times of need. I would like you to ration the palace's water stores to my people as well."

"But my lady, the water will only supply the city for three days..."

"That will be enough." She looked back at the heroes with confidence.

The walk through the city was a hard one. Not for the dry air and blistering heat already leeching strength from them, but for the fearful faces and desperate looks of men, women and children as they passed. The river was completely gone now, its bed a tangle of cracks lined with dust. Kallin's eyes narrowed as he passed.

"We'd better hurry...you're sure the water in your palace will keep everyone alive for three days?"

"Very sure, but..beyond that, it may be difficult...so please try to return the water by then."

If she was worried it didn't show. Her people took it as a sign and some of the faces began to brighten.

"They really respect you, don't they?"

"Respect is earned, young mage. I would die before I abandoned those who place trust in me."

And if the story of this woman was true, she had already offered her life in that way.

The Western gates loomed before them, the snarling cats rearing over their heads in silent fury. A figure waited for them in the shadows, his hair and beard dark as coal and an elegant scimitar tied to his belt.

"Its about time you all appeared." He said gruffly, his voice was deep and worn, though sounded like it belonged to a man no older than thirty.

"So...these are them huh? They don't look like much."

"You will have to forgive him," The empress said patiently. "He is a bit of a hero also. My friends, I would like to introduce you to your guide...Sinbad."


The man stepped from the shadows and nodded. His head was wrapped neatly in a cloth turban and his leather jerkin was studded. His eyes held the controlled ferocity of one who had seen many battles.

"So here are the heroes, now, where is the other help you promised?"

Yousuf, who had accompanied them as the empress' body guard frowned at the man's impudent tone.

Scheherazade held up a hand however and then gestured to the gates. The guards posted in each turret turned a wheel and the massive doors swing open. Leia craned her neck to see past them out onto the dunes. At first she saw nothing, but as she watched a far-away figure, dove-white came galloping over a crest. This was followed by another, and another...they were horses!

A small herd of elegant Arabian horses pranced through the sand, coming closer and closer. Several servants stepped forward, carrying light saddles and bridles, light-coloured leather studded in gold.


Behind them came several more creatures. It seemed that Scheherazade had taken note of Leo's large size and prepared a special mount. One for Malachai also followed. These creatures were equine in form but thicker, stronger and larger, with iridescent gold scales and serpentine heads and tails. Their manes were leathery sails instead of hair, but they took saddles and bits as the horses did. The spare creatures were loaded with water, food and sleeping rolls.

@zCrookedz @andujarprime


It was not long before all was ready. Leia stared wide-eyed at the horses as they were saddled. They were beautiful. Tentatively she reached out her hand and one as it saw her broke away from the others to touch its nose gently to her palm.

"Wow..." Was all she could say.

Sinbad chose a light grey stallion and leapt into the saddle with a frown. "Horse is no way to travel..." he mumbled to himself. "Give me a ship any day..."

Leia watched what he did and put one foot in the stirrup, jumping up was harder than it looked and the horse stood patiently as she struggled to climb onto its back.


Kallin took the reigns of a white mare and walked her over to Luness. "Need a leg up?" He asked, smiling his mouthless smile as his glowing eyes glinted under his hat.

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