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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

When the large and imposing man gave the word that it was time to travel to the palace, Leo was a bit reluctant at first to follow. The disappearance of the water was troubling to say the least. His concern was mainly for the people of the city, without the water they would not survive long in the barren desert. But he new to find answers he would need to go with them to the palace. Standing and giving Otto a pat on the head from his comment, Leo followed in the back of the group.

Otto went straight to Luness and Kallin, his mouth still full of the succulent, but very strange tasting meat he had got from the shops. As he walked up behind Luness Otto smiled and held out a stick of meat to his sister "Hey Luness, the guy at the stall gave me some meat. Wanna try a piece? Its really tender, but kinda smells like a ........................shoe...." As Otto came up beside Luness he looked over at the small tabby that he had never seen before. His eyes were fixated on the cat as they walked towards the impressive looking building, Otto leaned over a bit closer to the cat and sniffed at the air a bit. It smelled a bit odd, but then again the only cat he had ever smelled really was Luness, and she smelled fine. After a few moments of walking, his eyes still fixed on the cat, he piped up "Sooooo, is the cat going to be coming with us?"


Leo stood before the queen as they entered and like many of the others, bowed to her out of respect for the authority she imposed upon them. Leo was quite impressed with her highness to be sure. To be so beautiful and yet so powerful at the same time, it was a rare pairing of gifts to be sure. Princess Briar had been one of the few he had seen to weild such gifts, but she was only truly imposing when she was clad in her armor and leading her forces to battle. Still, Leo stood and listened to what the queen had to say. When she had finished and once again pleaded to the group for help, Leo straightened and looked over the group before returning his gaze to the queen. "My Lady, we will do everything in out power to help you and your people in this hour of need."

Kai rolled his eyes and shook his head as his companions reached him and he heard Kallin's lizard comment. "Took you guys long enough" He said aloud as he turned and followed them. He managed to keep from gawking at his surroundings. He smiled and bowed politely to the human empress. He nodded along with the others as they agreed to help, his mind and nose were elsewhere. Sniffing out new foods from far reaching corners of the palace. He shook his head and brought his attention back to the matter at hand. "We will do the best that we can, as we usually do."
Achyls listened intently to the conversation, marveling at the woman's beauty. She almost lost herself, staring off at the company without so much as an expression or word. As soon as she heard Leo, she snapped back to reality with a small jump.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, a little flustered, "There is nothing we will not do for someone who deserves our help, dear lady,". Bowing to her, she kept her head up, looking every inch of the queen up and down. She truly was stunning, but terrifying,

"Good" Scheherazade smiled at Leo, Malachai and Achyls in turn, as if she had known the answer already.

"You can count on us empress." Kallin said definitively.

"My servants will take you to your rooms, it will require time to prepare what you need for the journey, we will have everything ready for you first thing tomorrow. Until then, you have access to every wing of my palace."

Though she said this she did not dismiss them. If they had questions or wished to speak to her she would gladly oblige. Scheherazade turned to Meril as she approached and gave her a confident smile.

"Well done my friend. I think you have brought our needed help just in time. I fear to think what would have happened if they had arrived even a day later."

@The Suspicious Eye @everyone

It was then she gave a second look at Achyls and her head tilted ever so slightly, as if she was trying to understand something she saw.

"You are quite a powerful caster are you not? Have you ever been to the Sand Seas before esteemed hero?"

There was a sigh of relief as the others agreed to help. Meril smiled and bowed to her queen, "Thank you, but I do not deserve such praise. They had already set a course to assist you." She looked up and smiled, scratching her head. "I really didn't do anything." Her mind wandered to Morgiana and her troupe, she hoped that they were all safe. Meril drifted off in thought as Scheherazade spoke to Achyls. She looked at her curious if she had been here before, she certainly didn't look it to her.
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Achyls blushed, then furrowed her brow, genuine thought could be seen on her face.

"Me?" she stammered, looking up at Scheherazade with the utmost interest, "I...I...um," . She took a good look at her surroundings. It did all appear familiar, but the question is, how?

"The Sand Seas do bring familiarity, though, I cannot recall just why at this moment, dear lady," she bowed once again, all the while thoroughly wracking her brain for answers. Upon standing, she realised what the queen has said before the question. Again, she bowed swiftly to her compliment.

Arianne nodded as the empress dismissed them. She seemed to be quite a ruler - she was strong willed and determined, someone nobody wanted to trifle with. Under her guidance her people prospered and stood strong with a reason and now even the little girl knew why. She allowed to be lead to her room as she explored the grand palace. It was a wonderful experience to travel with the heroes, to experience things as they did...

The tiny globes of light followed her vigilantly but it appeared that the servants could not see them, Arianne was uncertain why was this the case but she giggled as her fae companions followed her around. There appeared to be more and more of them by the day, this probably signified something... She felt a presence growing within her so she assumed it had to do something with her powers. Regardless of the explanation she was happy that her power started to grow - this way she would be of great use to the others.

Nyr felt rather annoyed when she was summoned by the queen to meet with the others but she went nonetheless. The archive could wait while they were briefed on the next steps of their mission. As she listened to the enigmatic woman she found herself admiring her. It was rare to meet with someone as powerful and headstrong as the mistress of the sands so she drank her words in before she bowed courteously and allowed the servant to accompany her to her room.

When the man went away Nyr threw what little package she had to the bed and hurried back to the library. She had found many ancient texts which intrigued her - more mentioning the dread ravens surprisingly. She had found tomes of the sinister deeds of her kind just as her expected, but she had dug up something interesting as well: some of them were actual paragons - or prelates as the texts mention them - who were able to wield powers like her. Although this much was already revealed from the grimoire Leo brought her she found interesting data on rituals and on the motives of her kin.

She was close to solve the puzzle once and for all.
Luness rolled her eyes at Kallin's remark and then said under her breath after she began following him, "But I do..."

Still, seeing Kallin holding the cat, who seemed more than content to just sit in his arms and look around, Luness found herself softly smiling. Hearing Kallin talking about a fish stall, Luness chuckled and then said, "Nah, he rubbed up against you so that means he really likes you." Pausing, Luness then grinned and added, "Well, it technically just means that he sees you as his property, but close enough."

Following after Kallin, Luness heard the people around them expressing concern and fear for the river's depleting waters. Furrowing her brows at this, Luness wondered what they could even do to help in this situation. Powerful magic was at work here for sure.

While en route, Otto approached Luness with the offer of some meat and she immediately smiled at him before saying, "Yeah, sure, thanks."

Taking some meat from Otto, Luness chewed on it while Otto seemingly trailed off upon noticing the cat in Kallin's arms. Grinning at this, Luness then heard Otto's question and finished off her meat before saying, "Yeah, I guess so. It's his choice anyways, but he seems rather keen to stay with us."

Approaching the palace entrance, Luness found herself swiveling her head about, as she took in the sight of the architecture before her. It was so large and ornately decorated.

Following Kallin and Yousef into the palace itself, Luness' first reaction upon entering the hallway was to inhale deeply and to take in all of the foreign scents. The plants smelled so oddly and unique.

Hearing a peacock cry out nearby, Luness stopped mid-step and cocked her head in its direction with her ears pricked towards the peacock before realizing that the group was continuing without her. Huffing at this, Luness jogged back up to rejoin Kallin's side before she continued to admire everything around her in silence.

Entering the large room, Luness blinked and then furrowed her brows at the carpets and rather rich-like furniture and items everywhere. Why would anyone decorate their own home in such a lavish manner? It was a waste of money in Luness' opinion and it was just a way of showing off that you owned more than another.

Yet, a scent soon reached Luness' nose and she halted mid-step, as her gaze quickly shifted from the furnishing to the large white tiger lounging on some of the cushions. Narrowing her eyes at the tiger, Luness scowled and then wondered why such a fierce and wild creature was in the home of a clearly rich person. Was the tiger a pet?

Shifting her accusing gaze to the woman nearby, Luness opened her mouth to openly complain to her when the woman suddenly stood up and then shifted her gaze onto Kallin, who Luness was standing beside. Cocking her head at the woman with an expression of curiosity, Luness then looked sideways at Kallin and upon seeing his expression and reaction, Luness narrowed her eyes and then in a swift movement, she swiped the cat back from Kallin. Luness would've hit Kallin had they not been in the presence of some unknown ruler and all.

The cat let out a surprised mewl, but soon settled in Luness' grip and even twisted about until Luness let it climb onto her shoulder. The cat then settled down and Luness raised an eyebrow at this before looking back at Kallin with a silent look of what could be jealousy if anyone were able to interpret it.

Meanwhile, the cat cocked its head at the large tiger nearby and Luness could hear it sniffing at the air around them, probably just as curious as Luness was about the tiger, though the cat didn't dare climb down from Luness and approach the tiger. Luness even saw the cat cock its head at the tiger so it could see it better through its one eye.

Seeing the tiger going to move in the corner of her eye, Luness looked away from Kallin with a clearly irritated expression, but the tiger didn't end up doing anything. Crossing her arms over her chest, Luness found herself strongly disliking this ruler after seeing the reaction she'd gotten from Kallin.

Hearing the woman's name, Luness blinked and then silently tried to sound it out, but found herself failing to do so. Hopefully she wouldn't have to directly speak with the woman and need to know her name. Not that Luness wanted to talk to her anyways.

When those around her began bowing to Scheherazade, Luness remained where she was, not too keen on respecting all authority until they gained her respect. She'd seen too many rulers gone wrong and wasn't about to give respect to one she didn't even know yet. This woman wouldn't make Luness do anything she didn't want to do herself.

Hearing the mention of the river, Luness remained silent, as she had nothing useful to add to the conversation anyways.

Upon hearing the mention of where they'd no doubt be headed next, Luness was left wondering why Scheherazade even bothered asking if they'd help. Knowing the group as they were, they'd no doubt agree immediately to aid this annoying woman, who seemed to enjoy having tigers as her pets even though they didn't belong outside of the wild. At least the cat on Luness' shoulder was domesticated already and was used to being around humans.

Once Scheherazade told them that they would be able to take shelter in her palace, Luness turned on her heel and briskly walked out of the large room, rather disgusted upon hearing Kallin's seemingly eager response that the empress could count on them.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra was quiet for the most part, as she followed after the group to the palace. Hearing the shouts of the frightened people, Leandra felt herself worrying for them. No water meant these people wouldn't last longer than a few days. After all, your body was 90% water.

Upon seeing the palace entrance though, Leandra found herself gaping in amazement at the design and how immense everything felt compared to herself. It certainly made her think of India or even the Middle East back in the Real World, even if she'd never to India. Though, she had been to the Middle East on deployment, she'd never seen a palace like this one.

Once they were walking along the hallway and Leandra heard the peacock nearby, she found herself smiling, even more so at the exotic plant life. It was a truly beautiful palace, especially for the first one she'd ever seen.

Once they were within the throne room (was it considered that in a palace like this?), Leandra continued to remain silent while the empress discussed the matters at hand. The whole time the empress discussed things, Leandra's eyes remained on the large white tiger lounging about on the cushions nearby. He was a truly magnificent beast and Leandra feared what he could do if the empress were to feel threatened by any of them.

Once their destination was revealed, they were all given quarters for the night and the empress dismissed them, Leandra wandered out and fast walked around Luness, as she eagerly wanted to explore the palace. It was a beautiful place and now Leandra was curious to know where that peacock had been.

Entering the hallway, Leandra began wandering about aimlessly, admiring all that she saw. She could check out her private quarters later.
"The fact that you were willing to travel for days to find strangers to help more strangers is worthy enough of praise." Scherherazade said to Meril gently. She knew very well Meril had not been in FableWood terribly long. "What you have done will be remembered. Meril...the road ahead is dangerous, I implore you to be careful." She said this with genuine concern, the young human had come to be somewhat of a favorite in the palace, well-known by many and well-regarded by all. The empress caught the distant look in Merils eyes. "I have faith that you will be allowed to return home soon."

@The Suspicious Eye

She turned her deep gaze back to Achyls. "Do not fret fair one, I am sure there are answers for you, perhaps they lie within the dunes." If she knew more Scheherazade would not say it.

"Please rest for now, and enjoy the palace."


When Luness snatched the cat back from him Kallin looked utterly confused. He could tell she was upset, but when she stormed from the room he had to stop himself from throwing up his hands in exasperation. He followed her out, catching up to her in the hallway and making sure they could not be overheard.

"Okay, what is it?" It was slow, but piece by piece he was beginning to understand. "This isn't the first time you've acted like this, you wanna tell me why?" His tone held no impatience, more a desire to understand, and to hear the explanation in her own words.

When Kallin approached her in the hallway, Luness stopped in place and kept her back to him for a few seconds while she thought up an answer for him.

While thinking though, Luness was interrupted by Kallin, as he then seemed to realize that this wasn't the first time Luness had become jealous. Even if he didn't realize she was feeling jealous.

Turning to face him while the cat curiously looked between the two, Luness then said in an irritated tone with a rather irritated expression, "Why? Maybe because you looked like you were mesmerized the minute the empress, of all people, looked at you. What was that about? Are you going to react that way every time you see someone who is remotely attractive?"

Seething now, Luness stopped her rant, as she now glared at Kallin and waited for his response. It might've helped in the moment if she'd explained her feeling jealous to him, but right now she was too irritated by his reaction to Sheherazande to care enough to explain herself.

Kallin nodded quietly, his suspicions confirmed. Oddly enough however there was a faint smile playing on his lips, even though she seemed furious with him.

"She is beautiful, if I said otherwise I'd be lying, but Lune, you don't really believe I'd be swayed from you that easily do you?"

He moved past her slowly. "You should give yourself more credit." He gestured for her to follow. "Come on, there's something I want to show you."

He made no move to push her, simply walked ahead and looked back to see if she followed.

The gardens behind the palace were even more extraordinary than the ones in the courtyard. Orange, lemon, mango, nutmeg and a myriad of other fruit and spice trees grew on a forest-lined path. The scents of a hundred exotic flowers filled the air and Kallin found himself taking off his hat and cloak to combat the dry heat of the evening. He continued down the path, in his light fencing shirt, breeches and boots. It was not long before they reached the pool Kallin had seen from one of the open walkways they were lead down to get to the empress. A faint glow made by magic crystals embedded in the rocks illuminated the water in a brilliant ocean blue. The pool was only half full now, but the water was still deep enough to submerge a full-grown person, the bottom of it would not interfere with the reflective elements of the water. He gestured to its surface.

"Change back and look." He said simply.


Leia stayed with the empress for a moment, regarding Meril with a new respect.

"It must have been hard being the only real-worlder in the Sand Seas. How exactly did you find yourself here? I was wandering in the woods near my house, and suddenly I didn't recognize the forest."

She thought of more questions, and decided to ask one more for now. "Also that gem, thing is wicked cool! Can you show me how you do that?"

@The Suspicious Eye
Leo smiled and bowed to the empress when she acknowledged his and the others replies. Leo looked around as the servants entered the room, but Leo was still very curious about the task at hand. As Leo watched some of the others disband to find their rooms, he took another look around the throne room. Seeing Meril, Leia and Achlys with the Empress, he took a few steps closer with a smile. Though he only caught the last little bit of what the empress was saying to them, He could figure out the gist of it. Once she had finished addressing Achyls and Meril, Leo bowed to her once again, hoping she would have time to answer a few questions. "Your highness, I was wondering if you could tell us a bit more about the surrounding area. Possibly something a bit more detailed about what we are up against other than living dead and possibly djin?" Leo knew nothing of this land, and the more he could learn about possible dangers or help, the better.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @The Suspicious Eye

Otto stood, finishing off the last of his food he had acquired while he listened to the the fancy lady's words. Eventually though, everyone seemed to be going their own directions and Otto watched as Luness seemed to storm away with Kallin hot on her heals. Otto tilted his head a bit out of curiosity, but he decided not to follow after them. Instead he shifted into his wolf form and began to trot down the halls of this palace. He simply padded along, his noise switching from the floor to the air as he looked around out of curiosity. the smells of this place where playing with his nose something fierce. Everytime he took a breathe it seemed like he was smelling something different. Smokey, spicy, fruity, sweet; all of smells and more waffed past him as he explored. Eventually he had to make it back outside, letting the hot air cleanse his sinuses before he was overcome by all the different smells.

@anyone :P
Seeing the faint smile on Kallin's face, Luness scowled and was about to say more when Kallin cut her off.

With her heart racing from the initial anger, Luness felt it skip a beat when Kallin merely countered her suspicions with his remark and then told her that she should give herself more credit. Furrowing her brows at this, Luness then said quietly, "How can I give myself more credit when scars cover most of my body?"

Sighing, Luness felt herself relax a bit, as the tension of the moment began to fade away when Kallin gestured for her to follow him and she did so without question.

Following Kallin outside and into the gardens behind the palace, Luness soon was feeling the heat weighing down on her body, what with the fur and assassin-like attire. Unbuttoning her jacket and then taking it off for now, Luness then followed after Kallin while she admired the various fruits and spices throughout the garden. Her nose was constantly under barrage from the varying scents, though they all smelled great in their own way so Luness was more than content to handle the smells.

Upon arriving at a glimmering pool, Luness furrowed her brows and then glanced at Kallin curiously just in time to see him gesture towards the pool just before her told her to shift and look at it.

Confused and uncertain of what was going on, Luness hung her jacket off of a strong tree branch nearby before she tentatively walked up to the edge of the pool just before she shifted into her human form. Glancing back at Kallin curiously, Luness then looked down at the water's surface, her own scarred face looking back at her. Was something supposed to happen?



Meanwhile, the cat quickly disliked the close proximity to the water's edge and so he expertly leaped down from Luness' shoulder and scampered into the gardens. Anywhere but the water's edge.

It also didn't help that the cat's nose was being constantly barraged by overwhelming scents and so it too soon appear just outside of the palace.

Noticing Otto nearby, the cat curiously, and tentatively while crouching, began to approach him, as it sniffed at the air and its unblinking eyes never left Otto's face.

(Curse my laziness TT-TT)

Takeo watched Lee for a moment and let out a small sigh. "I may get magic? I know you and the others have told me this, but I still can't believe this isn't a dream... It just seems way too good to be true." He said with gentle smile before his eyes went back to browsing the items the vendors were selling. 'Wow... These things are something else, I've seen celebrities where these in their movies... But to actually see and feel them, now I'm jealous of them.' He thought with a small chuckle.

After some time he followed the group to the castle and following their lead he bowed to the women as well trying his best to hide the small blush that decorated his face at her beauty. He kept his head down and listened to what was going on. When he finally got his face under control he looked up and waited for a chance to ask his question.

Looking at the group he scratched his head and let out a nervous laugh. "Not to sound like a weakling or anything. But am I expected to come along with you guys? I don't have any magic... I don't even have a weapon. If this quest is as dangerous as you make it sound... I would likely just get in the way." He said his voice going quiet near the end. Obviously he wanted to go, but at the same time he didn't know a thing about this world so as independent as he is, he wasn't so foolish as to think he could actually be of great use on this mission.

@SilverFlight @Everyone with the queen
Achyls nodded and bowed yet again as Leo stepped forward. The queen was much kinder than she had first hoped, a truly benevolent ruler. As she stood, she listened to Leo, he raised an important question. In fact, what the fair lady would next say may next have jogged her memory. She had contemplated leaving once she was bidden farewell, but the guardian's curiousity made her stay, hopefully for the better.

(short lame post, sorry)

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Kai took a step towards the exit as he was getting ready to walk out and find food. However Leo's questions sparked some interest in him. He turned and came closer, standing now directly behind Achyls, his bulky figure was towering over hers. He reached down and gently placed his hands to her shoulders in a comforting touch. Letting her know he was still there, it had felt like forever since the night of the banquet and his fright at her near death.
Leia noted Takeo's uneasiness and gave him a sympathetic smile. "With the evil that's after every real-worlder, the safest place for you is probably with us." She knew that with them about to head into a zombie-infested desert, this probably wasn't very convincing. Leia then snapped her fingers as she thought of something. The cavalry sword buckled at her waist was still sheathed in its leather hilt. She undid the belt and held the sword out to him.

"This was made by a dwarf I met, back at Branbern. If you let it, the sword will teach you how to use it." She smiled. "Take it. I've got my spirits to protect me, you can have my sword."


Scheherazade acknowledged Leo's question with a nod and then gestured to a servant to bring in food and wine. With this several more servants brought large cushions to seat the guests.

"The Chaos dunes are a challenge in themselves. Great sandstorms shift the landscape constantly so it cannot be mapped. Not many creatures inhabit the dunes for they are completely inhospitable to almost any living thing. To get to the Chaos Dunes however you must go deep into the Sand Seas. The seas are home to fearsome monsters, some unknown even to our traders and explorers. I will warn you against the worst my men have encountered: The land Kraken. This is a giant beast that rises from the shifting sands to strike at travelers caught unawares. It is easily the size of four elephants and has tentacled arms ribbed with spines. Its mouth is at the center of the body, and though it lives in the burning sand, it is not invulnerable to fire."

Scheherazade must have seen Leia's face for she changed the topic.

"A land squid? Are you serious?!" She whispered to Leo.

"The Rocs are not as likely to attack you, however they are quite numerous as you travel into the desert."

"I think we can handle a few rocks." Leia said, though she felt as if she was missing something.

"Rocs. They are giant birds, capable of flying off with a full grown bull elephant."


"Now, I have said that the chaos dunes are inhospitable and they are, however the djinn and ifrits, chaos spirits of the desert usually call them home."

She looked at them all seriously. "These spirits usually do not interfere with the affairs of mortal creatures, however, with the darkness that has befallen the Sand Seas, I believe they may have been affected." She gave a quick glance to Achyls, "These spirits can be cunning and devious. They will try to trick or lure you into traps. You must not rise to their tempting...if you are lucky you may not even have to face them."

"Oh?" Leia asked hopefully.

"If you are lucky, they have left the region dominated by the undead."

"Oh..." She finished as her heart sank.

"As for the undead themselves, I know nothing about where they have come from or why they have come, I only know they destroy everything in their path. They seem to be most dense around an ancient ruin deep in the heart of the chaos dunes, or that was the last message my hunter sent me...we have heard nothing from him since."

Leia grimaced. That was ominous to say the least.

"I will have my best explorer prepare your supplies, and teach you about desert travel in the morning."

@SkywardSocks @zCrookedz @andujarprime @Flutterby @The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore

Kallin only smiled at Luness, moving closer to peer at her reflection with her. "Scars and all you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He whispered softly and turned her to him.

"But I'm not just talking about the way you look." He played with a wayward strand of her hair, tucking it gently behind her good ear. "You never give up, no matter what you always find a way to fight forward...and, you didn't give up on me, even when I gave you a reason to." He took her hand gently in his and placed it on his chest. "Whatever comes Lune, you've got me...even if maybe you didn't quite know what you were getting into." His gentle smile suddenly turned devilish and he folded her in a tight embrace and tipped backward into the pool.

He was laughing as he surfaced, making sure he guided Luness to air as well at the cost of his own buoyancy for a moment. Helpless with mirth and weighed down by his clothes he began to tread water and realized he was completely at her mercy now...but it was worth it.

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Luness blinked at what Kallin said next, the compliment taking her unaware and leaving her unsure of how to answer.

Looking at Kallin now, Luness let a faint smile play on her lips, as he then continued to talk to her while tucking an annoying strand of hair behind her ear. Maybe she should cut the hair or something.

Listening to everything Kallin said, Luness soon was shyly smiling, as she never had been one to receive compliments and felt a bit awkward when the time came to do so. When Kallin placed her hand against his chest, Luness blushed and then grinned sheepishly when he mentioned her not giving up on him.

Yet, she was not at all prepared for what Kallin did when he finished speaking. Eyes wide and an expression of pure surprise was on her face, as the moment Kallin embraced her tightly, the pair were both falling into the pool together.

When Kallin led her back up to the surface, Luness broke it while spluttering and gasping for air, back in her werecat form after being surprised in such a manner. Quickly climbing out of the water and onto the bank, Luness turned to glare at Kallin, her fur completely soaked everywhere and clinging to her body as well as her assassin attire looking less intimidating now that it was soaking wet and sloppy. With everything seemingly clinging to her body from the water, Luness looked as if she'd lost twenty pounds or more.

Hissing at Kallin, Luness then stammered, "W-What was that for, Kal!?"

If Kallin were to approach the bank at all, Luness was more than prepared to shove him back into the pool again, though she'd purposely let him climb out before she shoved him back into it again.

Leo watched as the servants brought in seats for them and refreshments. Leo found himself a sizable cushion and sat himself so that he could listen to what the Empress had to say. Which of course, was troubling in more ways than one. The desert sounded like a place that none of them should be jumping into period. But to through beasts called "Land Krakens", and Chaos spirits, it only made Leo more and more troubled. He looked down at Leia when she spoke and gave her comment about land squids a chuckle. As the Empress moved on to the spirits, Leo's attention was caught by the Chaos in their names. Purhaps this is something I should confer with Kallin about before the nights end. He might know a thing or two given his dealings with Chaos magic. He stored the thought away for later and returned his attention to the Empress.

When she brought up the undead, Leo stiffened a bit. He was very unsure of this undead situation, the thought of something that was once a living breathing creature, now with no heart beat fighting them made his fur stand on end a bit. Life was not meant to carry on like that after death, and all he could do was think back to bruins tormented spirit.

The thought of Bruin made Leo reach up and scratch his main under his chin a bit before replying to the Empress "Before we came here, we were told of an artifact that will help us defeat Caraboss. It is very likely that they Ruins your are referring too might be where it is hidden. These undead creatures sound very much like a tool of the evil witch." Leo reached over to servants tray and lifted a ornate goblet filled with a sweet smelling wine. After taking a sip of the fruity spiced wine, he lowered the goblet and looked up to the Empress once more. "Your highness, these Roc creatures. You say they can lift large objects. Has anyone ever tried ridding one?" Leo knew the idea sounded ludicrous, the thought to him even sounded like it was incredibly dangerous. But, it could be a means of transportation to avoid some of the more dangerous aspects of the groups journey.

@SilverFlight @The Suspicious Eye @SkywardSocks @andujarprime @Peaceswore

Otto sat there for a moment of time listening to the sounds of the palace and breathing the fresh air, when a rustle made on of his ears swivel around. He blinked towards where the sound had come from a few times before standing and walking over to where he thought he saw something. As he bent his head down to get a better look, Otto spied the cat that Luness had brought with her to the castle watching him. Otto's brow furrowed, something about the cat seemed off. Otto growled a bit at the feline waiting to see what it would do. Thought Otto was not the biggest of Werewolves, he was still bigger than this cat and he wanted to chase after it very badly.

The moment Otto growled at the cat, it arched its back while hissing at him and swatting at the air, as if warning him.

Yet, not a moment passed before the cat was almost grinning before it turned on its paws and began all-out sprinting away from the palace, headed straight for the market area.

While sprinting away, the cat glanced behind itself to make sure Otto was following it before it continued sprinting into the market area, immediately causing a ruckus, as a woman screamed in surprise and then others began exclaiming while the cat expertly weaved itself through the many people crowded in the market area.

Having been bored earlier with Luness and Kallin, especially when the pair began arguing, the cat now hoped for some real fun in having Otto chasing him through the market area. The cat had done this before with some stray dogs and he'd never failed to outwit them. Why not try with a werewolf?

Achyls was watching with wide eyes as the conversation unfolded, she was unbelievably intrigued by it all. That was until the lady threw a glance at her, causing her to jump a little having lost reality for a touch.

"Devious spirits? Powerful birds?" she muttered to herself, loud enough to only just make out what she was whispering. It did all sound so awfully familiar, when did she come here? When she was a child surely...surely.

Lowering her head, she deepened her thought, though still listening carefully for more information to help her remember.

Kallin brushed sopping wet ebony curls from his eyes and grinned up at her from the water.

"For fun?" He answered with a question, swimming to the edge and pulling himself up after her. The look he gave her as he sat beside her was one of absolute adoration. Would she really push him back in?

"Don't ever doubt yourself." He said finally, and with a small wave he summoned a strong current of warm air to dry her off.


Scheherazade raised an eyebrow at Leo's question. "They are not tame by any means...there is only one man I know of who has tried and succeeded. You shall meet him tomorrow, if he agrees, I would have him accompany you. Journeys of this nature are...his specialty. Now, I think you should soon get some rest. Your journey tomorrow will nit be an easy one."

Struggling to keep her tough face on while Kallin grinned at her and looked like a complete dork in the moment, Luness then decided to get a little payback.

But not before Kallin decided to blow-dry her, which resulted in all of her fur temporarily puffing up. Blinking at this, Luness shook herself and then her fur settled back down.

Smirking at Kallin, Luness then said, "This is a bit fun." Then she suddenly lunged forward, as she put her forepaw onto Kallin's face and then quickly shoved him back into the pool with a laugh.

Bounding a few feet away from the edge of the pool, Luness grinned to herself, as she watched the water's edge for Kallin to resurface.

At Lee's touch, the kelpie relaxed a little. She reached up and stroked the little spirit sadly. "I know Lee. We will be okay." She said softly before following the others quickly. The palace would have awed her, if she had taken the time to notice. But the disappearing water weighed heavily on her mind. Quincy doubled her efforts to pay attention as the empress spoke, and she tried her best to retain what was explained. For the first time in a while, she wondered if it would have beenbetter for her to stay behind. The journey sounded long and grueling, even to those accustomed to the dry heat and endless sand. But a water creature? The kelpie began chewing on her lip nervously. She might have to revert to her true form, to save energy. Quincy just hoped she would be able to do at least something to help in their quest. With relief, she realized the queen was dismissing them. Perhaps she could wander off and find some place to soak, one last time before they embarked. She could try to convince Alexander to accompany her, for the sake of good company. Care to join me? I know you dont enjoy the water, but I need some time before we go without.

@SilverFlight @Hel

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