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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Takeo quietly followed the others as he observed everything going on around him from how his companions reacted with each other to how the towns people themselves acted. He was trying to spot the cultural ways as well as any thing odd when it came to speech. Though from what he saw there was little different from what he was used to and he started to relax. 'For a while I was worried about having to learn a completely foreign language, but looks like it won't be that difficult to fit in... Just have to make sure I don't become a hassle.' He thought with a grin as he looked up at the burning sands.

When they reached the gates his grin turned to a smile of joy. "I figured we would be ridding camels or some sort of desert vehicle, I didn't think we would be riding horses!" He walked up to one and petted it's snout as he kept his smile. "I hope this girl will be fine, don't worry I'm an experienced rider." He said to the horse before he placed his foot in the steppe and climbed onto the saddle. Grabbing on to the reins he adjusted them to fit his size before nodding contently. "Now I just need to be a long lost prince and my constant day dream will be a reality." He said with a small snicker as he petted the horse's side.

With a long slient yawn, Meril greeted the day wearily. Meril didn't get much sleep that night, she spent most of it worrying about her other friends. Word came from the others that water had been harder to find. Those in farther parts of the Sand Seas she fears are in even worser shape. She wished that she had the power of water rather than crystals. She walked out and looked at the others as they arrived. They all seemed very happy and she tried her best to hide her worry. She moved over to the others and gave a low and respectful bow to everyone who arrived. She decided to keep quiet for the time being and simply followed the others.

Meril glanced at the others and moved towards the horses. As she got closer she noticed a figure she didn't much like. She walked up to him and crossed her arms as she saw him,. She gave a somewhat angry glare and spoke in a serious voice. "Sinbad, it's nice to see you again." She really disliked him although his heroics are not something to take lightly.

"You wanna be a prince?" Leia asked with a smile as she continued to struggle with mounting the horse. Finally Bob took pity on her and used his thick stone body to give her a footing. Once she was up Bob promptly shed most of his stone body and leapt up to nestle himself next to Lee's flask, now about the size of a gerbil. Tad floated behind her. Leia wished she could say she was experienced, but despite all her wanting to learn, she had never lived in a place where it as possible.

"You should talk to Ward, he might trade you." The last time the issue had come up, Ward's newly discovered parentage had not really pleased him. She wondered how he was fairing back at Aerios..realizing Takeo had no idea who she was talking about she told him about their unsung leader, the gryphon-shifting, well-mannered blond gentleman who had first found herself and Elena wandering in the forest.

"Its still hard to believe they're engaged now, Ward and Elena I mean..." She mused as she waited for the others to be ready.


"Well if it isn't the diamond in the rough herself. Hello Meril." Sinbad flashed her an amused smile, as if catering to a small child. He loved getting under her skin, but in truth he had a healthy respect for her abilities...not that he would let her know it of course.

"You know how to ride yet or do you still need some pointers?"

@The Suspicious Eye
Achyls smiled once again at Nyr, bowing to her.

"I am well, sister, as it seems you are also," she said with a soft lilt in her tone. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Malachai, and so her smile grew. Turning to face him, she reached a soft hand out, wrapping his fingers in hers.

"This place brings only joy, even with dire situations. I wish to become positive in these circumstances," Achyls smiled, not sure whether to believe she were a genius or a fool for saying such words. She was about to try to correct herself when Scheherazade brought them all outside.

The faces of the people brought a sadness to a heart like a spear. Whatever joy she felt was gone, and replaced only with guilt and pity for the problems they faced. Unable to look, she brought her wings closer to her face, shielding her eyes from the horror around her.

Upon reaching the destination, she dropped her wings and looked about her. There stood a man she had not met, yet who's face seemed oddly recognisable. He did not appear all trustworthy, and Meril's glare told her this.

"Hello Sinbad, sir," she bowed to him halfheartedly, just as the horses came into view. Her happiness returned momentarily at the sight of them, reminding her of the horses she would often see as a child.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight
Leo spent the night in scilence, keeping a special eye on Nyr while he reflected with the gardens. The gardens flora was so much differnet than he was used to that he spent a littl bit of extra time. By the time he had closed eye finally and returned his concious mind back to his body, he seemed to have missed everyone at breakfast as he saw a servant waiting for him. The servant informed him that the group was prepareing to leave and Leo made his way down to the gates. As he arrived, he noted the man that seemed to be this groups host for their journey. He seemed a bit impatient and was ready to get underway. Leo nodded to the group as he made his way over to the beasts that were a bit bigger. Leo marveld at these desert drakes as he slowly placed a hand on the creatures side. As the beast was saddled and prepared to go, Leo hoisted himself up onto the back of the creature and gave it a pat on the side of its neck. . He had not spent alot of time on horses, but he had learned the basics and was confident he would be able to handle the ride.


Otto had found himself a very strange meatish dish for breakfast while he listend to Liea and the others worry about Leia's spirit. HE hatted seeing the tiny little thing trapped in the bottle, it seemed very sad to not be outside flying around like it usually did. Before Otto could swallow down his food and comment, the empress came and told them it was time to move out.

Not ottow followed with the others towards the gates of the city to leave. He watched their newest addition come to their aid and the transportation was brought forwards. Otto went ridgid when he saw the horses, he didn't know how to ride a horse. He had never needed to learn how too, he could always just run if he needed to get somewhere fast. Otto sighed as he looked over to see the others getting ready, finding a barrel he sat down cross legged watching the others with a bit of a scowl.
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Takeo laughed a little as he listened to Leia. "This man from the sound of things is quite the spectacle, to be a griffin... I would be interested in meeting him one day. As for the engaged thing, unless it was arrange I wish him well." He said with a smile before he thought about her original question. "In all realism I wouldn't. In stories princes are amazing men who have adventures ever nook and carney and get all the ladies. But really being a prince is much more...honestly the adventures aren't even that grand. The most risk they take is when they eat every meal seeing as it could be poisoned, and honestly I'm not interested in being poisoned." He joked as he ran his hand through the horses soft mane.

His eyes soon moved from Leia and to a man sitting on a barrel. With a raised brow he looked back at Leia. "Isn't he coming with us? Unless that's a magic barrel I doubt he will get very far." He said in a joking tone.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Meril's cheeks flushed a bright crimson and nearly fumed with anger. She hated when people treated her like a child, even if she was only 15. It angered her more that he knew she hated being treated like that. "Yes I know how to ride Sinbad." She walked over to the nearest horse and put her hand on its side. She was actually always afraid of horses, but she had to adapt over time. As she touched the horse it shook it's body and reared it's head. Meril gave a small yelp of surprise, however quickly tried to hide it under a cough.

Kai followed behind Achyls. His fingers stuck fast to her's as he held his food sack over his shoulder. He nodded a greeting at Sinbad, and turned his head to the horses. He arched a brow at the creatures following and he smiled. "Cousin? Might we be related?!" He joked as one stepped close to him and nosed his sack. He frowned and growled momentarily, the Longma growled back and poked the sack with its snout. After a moment Kai smiled and opened it up, offering a piece of spiced meat then patting his new companion's neck."Have you ever ridden before?" He asked Achyls turning to her curiously.

The cat continued to devour all of the meat provided for him, as if he hadn't eaten much in a while. Perhaps his previous owner hadn't been able to feed him properly or had purposely fed him less than necessary. Who knows.

Upon hearing Kallin's question about the cat though, Luness finished off her last bit of bacon and then down her water. Once done with this, she stood from her seat and walked over to Kallin before pausing to think for a moment.

Letting out a small sigh, Luness then said, "No, you're right. He's better off staying here until we return." Glancing down at the cat, Luness then knelt down before saying softly to him, "Hey, little guy, sorry, but you're going to have to stay here until we return. You'll be taken care of while you're here, no worries. Don't get into any trouble though."

The cat glanced up at Luness, his gaze unwavering, as if he was understanding everything she said to him. When Luness was done speaking, the cat meowed at her before licking his lips.

As if understanding the cat without a problem, Luness smiled at him and then stood up before grabbing a plate and one of the pitchers of water nearby. Placing the plate on the ground, Luness then filled it with water before setting the pitcher back on the table.

Meanwhile, the cat began eagerly drinking all of the water on the plate.

Sighting a servant nearby, Luness pulled him aside and requested that he look after the cat for her, to which the servant was more than okay to do.

When Scheherazade appeared and announced that it was time to go, Luness sighed and then followed the group, glancing one more time back at the cat, who was busily drinking all of the water given to him.

Stubbornly ignoring most of what the empress said, Luness did here what Kallin said and she hoped that the group would be able to complete everything within three days. Luness didn't exactly want to return to a city that was dying off.

When Sinbad was introduced, Luness crossed her arms over her chest and openly scowled at him. He sounded arrogant and Luness loathed people like him. Without hardly explaining himself or who he is, Sinbad had already earn himself a position on Luness' 'hate list'.

When the gates were opened and the horses made their appearance, Luness found herself relaxing, as she always did in the presence of peaceful creatures. Dropping her arms to her sides, Luness then tensed again when she saw the servants with the saddles. Were the heroes expected to ride the horses?

Having never learned how to ride a horse before, Luness hadn't the faintest idea how to approach any of this and thus, she felt rather uncomfortable. Especially with the idea of riding another intelligent creature's back.

Yet, seeing everyone else mounting the horses and Kallin approaching her with a horse, Luness realized she'd have no choice.

Deciding that her claws on her fingers and toes could possibly bring harm to the horse and that her werecat form may make the horse uneasy, Luness stepped up to the beautiful one that Kallin had brought to her and then shifted into her human form.

A slight breeze danced through Luness' shorter hair, further highlighting it in the moment, though she seemed rather oblivious to it.

Hearing Kallin's offer to help her up, Luness gave him a faint smile before dismissing his offer while saying, "No, I'll be okay. Thanks though." With how Sinbad had reacted to the group earlier, Luness didn't want to appear weak before him.

Having seen how Sinbad had mounted his horse, Luness placed one of her feet, which had gained some nice leather boots when she'd shifted forms, into one of the stirrups before she hefted herself up with ease and then settled into the saddle.

Picking up the reins, Luness then glanced past the horse's head to see Kallin standing where he'd been before she'd mounted her horse. Grinning down at Kallin, Luness then said, "Well, this isn't too bad, yet."

Overhearing Takeo's remark about someone sitting on a barrel, Luness raised an eyebrow and then shifted her gaze away from Kallin to see Otto sitting on a barrel not too far away.

Blinking at this, Luness then gently pulled on the reins of her horse to have it walk way from Kallin and towards Otto. Once she was within about ten feet, Luness pulled back on the reins to bring the horse to a halt. Riding a horse seemed to be a rather natural idea to Luness, surprisingly enough. Though, she hadn't ridden it at a fast pace yet.

Looking at Otto, Luness cocked her head at him and then asked, "What's wrong, Otto? We need to go soon."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Leandra nodded sadly at Leia, feeling her heart ache at the sight of the poor Lee and hearing how the only real solution seemed to be solving the water crisis.

Once Scheherazade appeared again and made the announcement for them to leave, Leandra stood to join the group, though she stashed some extra fruits and breads into her knapsack before joining them. Luckily, the servants provided them with some provisions anyways, but Leandra wanted to be safe, not sorry.

As they walked through the city, Leandra felt her mood being really dampened, as she saw the fearful looks from the citizens, especially the ones from the children.

Yet, as she saw more and more fearful expressions from the children, Leandra suddenly felt flashbacks threatening from her deployment in the Middle East back in the Real World.

Wincing in pain from the headache that always came from such flashbacks, Leandra gritted her teeth and placed one of her hands against the side of her head. She continued to do her best to follow the group though, as she didn't want to be left behind nor did she want anyone to know she was in pain so she stayed to the back of the group.

When they met up with Sinbad, the headache had mostly left Leandra and without any children around, she felt much better, too. Letting out a sigh of relief, Leandra then raised an eyebrow upon hearing Sinbad's observation of the haggard group. He had no idea how powerful they all were, did he? That, or he was just an arrogant fool. Whatever.

When other help was mentioned, Leandra glanced around warily, uncertain of what Sinbad meant by this.

Yet, when the gates opened, Leandra felt herself tense up, as she didn't see anything at first. Her hand naturally went to her staff, which was tied to her knapsack currently, as she wanted to be ready in case a fight were to break out.

Instead, Leandra dropped her hand to her side and grinned when she caught sight of the approaching Arabian horses, beautiful as ever. When servants approached the horses with saddles, Leandra felt herself becoming giddy inside. After all, she'd learned how to ride horses through the military since the base she stayed in while in the United States had a stable and riding area. She'd have weekends off quite often and had spent most of them at the stables, learning how to efficiently ride horses.

Once the horses were all saddled, Leandra approached a horse with a misty coat. Holding out her hand so that the horse could smell her first, Leandra grinned when the horse snorted and then pushed his muzzle into her hand. Rubbing his nose or a moment, Leandra then walked to his side and deftly mounted him before settling into the saddle, a grin on her face the whole time.

Waiting for the others to mount up, Leandra absentmindedly used her free hand to itch at her upper back, while she began to wonder what they'd encounter first.

Otto watched as the others got ready and a few seemed to notice his dismay atop his barrel. When Luness called out to him Otto tilted his head to the side at the dramatic change Luness had undertaken. She was in her human form, which in and of itself was surprising, but the biggest shock was her hair. Otto could still smell Luness's scent, so he knew it was her, but this new look was surprising to say the least. After taking a few moment to take in his sisters new aperance, he smiled up to her "Wow Luness, you look great!!. Suddenly one of the horses made a baying noise and the sound snapped Otto back to original conundrum. He did not want to admit his short comming but if he wanted to go with the group, he would have to fess up. "I don't know how to ride a horse Luness. I've never been on a horse before, never needed to." Otto kept his eyes down, kicking at a rock that was partially burried in the sand.

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Achyls smiled a little, looking up at Malachai.

"No...but I have seen many soldiers riding up in the Winter Wilds during my time there," she said, recalling her past. She blinked hard, removing the image from her mind, and turning her attention to the stallion before her. Reaching her hand out, she pressed it gently to the horse's side. Surprisingly, it did not squirm at her touch, instead it did not move, craning it's neck to look at her as she petted it.

Luness blinked at Otto's exclamation of her new appearance and even blushed slightly, though she had no idea how to respond to him. Or compliments in general.

Upon hearing the mention of Otto not knowing how to ride horses, Luness faintly smiled down at Otto, as she then said, "Neither do I, Otto. I'm learning now."

Realizing they may not have the time to wait on Otto to come comfortable with riding a horse on his own, Luness then added, "Y'know, if you don't want to ride a horse on your own, then you could join me."

Glancing behind herself and at the saddle she was sitting in, Luness knew that she'd have no problem making room for Otto to join her. While distractedly looking at her saddle, Luness' horse nickered softly and whipped his tail to the side while pawing at the sand underneath him.

Shifting her gaze back to Otto, Luness then asked him, "So, want to join me or learn how to ride a horse on your own, little brother?"

Sinbad nodded his greeting to those that gave it. Smiling kindly at Achyls.

"No fear for those that can't ride." He said loudly. "We can't ride fast in full sun, you'll have plenty of time to get used to the saddle, I'll give you some lessons on the way."

"Oh thank goodness." Leia breathed, grinning at Takeo. Sinbad seemed gruff, but he also held a strange charisma, the confidence of someone who has survived the impossible.

When Otto had admitted he couldn't ride Leia thought about offering as well, she wasn't very big and her horse might support two, but she also had no idea how to ride, and if Otto slipped off she would probably fall just trying to catch him.

"He could also ride with me." Kallin offered. "I know how to ride...." He trailed off when Luness changed forms. She was usually so uncomfortable in her human form she only used it when she was alone with him...and that usually only happened at night. As her short hair caught the sun he found himself groping for words.

"I..er, Lune...I like it." He finished lamely and suddenly found that the girth on his horse's saddle needed adjusting.

@zCrookedz @Lioness075 @Peaceswore

Scheherazade went over to Meril, taking the girl's hand gently. "Please be safe my friend. I have become quite fond of you over the time since we found you at the edge of our city...and protect the others. Sinbad is good as what he does, but he is mortal, and will never admit it, but he needs you."

@The Suspicious Eye

When all were on horses Sinbad whistled once. A short, sharp blast made with two fingers. He reigned his horse and nudged it up to the front. "We travel in single file, and you guide your horses exactly where I walk...if you don't you could break legs falling down the dunes.

A sudden cheer rose from the gates as the people of the city flocked to wish them well. Leia found her horse automatically falling into line as Sinbad had instructed, good. The horse knew what it was doing.

Kallin moved his horse to Otto's side and offered him a gloved hand. "I'll teach you what I know." He glanced at Luness again, trying not to look too stupid. "I can teach both of you."

@zCrookedz @Lioness075 @everyone
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Takeo gave Leia a kind smile though at the same time I small laugh left him. "I guess you don't know how to ride a horse either? I'm just assuming this since you look like a ton of weight was lifted off your shoulders. I would off to help, but it looks like that man beat me to it." He said keeping his smile. He honestly like the idea of helping her or one of the others learn to ride a horse, that way he wouldn't feel like the dead weight he thought he was at the moment.

Before Leia could answer Sinbad let out the whistle an Takeo's horse got into line right behind Leia. "You are really well trained, I'm Takeo by the way." He said to the horse not finding it even slightly odd he was talking her in a normal way. After all he did that all the time with his horse Flare...who was still in the human world. Letting out a small sigh he smiled once again as he kept petting the horse already knowing a spot most liked to petted. "Well girl, I promise to do my best to get you back here, I hope the heat wont be too much for you."

Quincy spent as long as she could in the cool pool. But she knew that the longer she stayed, the more water she was using up, and she couldnt bring herself to deprive others of something so very vital. It took all the effort in the world for the kelpie to draw herself out of it and head back into the palace with her dragon.

After a fitful, uncomfortable night, Quincy woke feeling sullen and fatigued. But she readied herself for the day despite it, eating silently at breakfast with sadden eyes. When they left the palace and began walking to the edge of the city, she changed into her true equine form. The relief, although very small, was immediate. She would definitely need to be this way as much as possible. She gave Sinbad a nod of greeting, deciding against trying to greet him mentally. With the appearance of the horses, she gave a nicker, greeting them all as they would be used to. They were a friendly bunch, but they could sense she was not a normal horse and were cautious. She understood completely, and fell in line with them when Sinbad whistled, ready to get a move on. Hopefully, the other horses would fare well and she would not be required to carry a rider.
Otto looked from Luness, to the man with the thing wrapped around his head, then to Kallin. He was glad to see that so many of them where willing to help him out in his time of need. He looked up at Kallin and his outstretched hand, and then to Luness "I think I'm gonna ride with Kallin if your alright with that Luness. After all, I should probably get to know him better if he he's gonna be part of the family someday." Otto laughed and smiled at Luness as he reached out and grabbed Kallins hand and hopped onto the horse. Otto may not have the best attention in the world, but he would have to be blind, deaf and stupid to not have noticed what was between Luness and Kallin. Which was fine, Kallin was a funny guy, and he made Luness happy so he liked him already. But Otto had never been able to do the annoying little brother thing yet, so what better way than to start by hanging with older sisters boyfriend.

As the group saddled up and got ready, Leo looked towards the one the Empress had identified as Sinbad. "These mounts are quite interesting. Do they have names?"

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Luness was pleased to hear Kallin offering to help Otto as well, though upon hearing him trail off, she shifted her attention to him and furrowed her brows in confusion. Seeing the expression on his face, Luness immediately blushed, as she realized he was at a loss for words after seeing her in her human form and her recently cut hair.

When Kallin stumbled across his words to express how he felt about her hair, Luness found herself shyly smiling and looking down at the reins in her hand while she nervously fiddled with them.

Knowing how badly she was blushing in the moment and that she didn't currently have any fur to hide it, Luness then said back to Kallin, "Um, t-thank you, Kal. I, uh, figured it'd be safer if I rode the horse without my claws so..." Trailing off, Luness continued to fiddle with the reins while absentmindedly wondering why she was struggling so much to suddenly speak.

Hearing the whistle from Sinbad, Luness was surprised when her horse suddenly lined up, as if of his own accord. Raising an eyebrow at this, Luness glanced back in time to see Kallin offering his gloved hand to Otto while telling Luness that he could help teach both herself and Otto.

Grinning at this offer, Luness did her best to recover from her stumbling words, as she said, "I...I'd really like that, Kal."

Hearing Otto responding to the offers of aid, Luness found herself blushing as red as a tomato when Otto bluntly mentioned Kallin being a part of the family one day. Opening her mouth to say something, Luness found herself at a complete loss for words.

Shifting her attention away from Otto and Kallin so that she was looking forward and away from them, Luness did her best to calm her racing heart and reduce just how red her face surely was right now.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Achyls grabbed the saddle of the horse, and tried to pull herself up. Her legs may have been strong, but her arms not so much. After a little while of trying, she unfurled her wings, and flapped them with enough force to propel her onto the horses' back. Stunned, she assessed the situation, eyes wide. The horse didn't seem to mind too much, it remained as still as ever. Gently, she reached for the reins, setting them in the 'correct' position. She looked around to check if this was how she was meant to be poised. As she turned, she heard Leo's question about names, and her curiosity too sparked.
Leia laughed at Tekeo's accurate guess. "You kidding? I think I'll need all the help I can get!" As if to emphasize the point she nearly slipped out of the saddle. Bob squeaked as he was nearly sent hurtling earthward but Leia caught the hamster-sized earth spirit before that happened.

"Maestro, begin your teaching." She told Takeo, putting on a funny accent as she said it.


Kallin moved his horse closer to Luness, a bright smile dancing in his glowing, yellow eyes. She was captivating, and listening to her fumble over her words made his heart melt. As he helped Otto up however it nearly stopped at what came out of the young boy's mouth.

"Wha? Well, I...er.." He trailed off as his awkward feeling was stabbed through by a pang of sadness. He looked at Lune, suddenly subdued. Kallin hadn't told them what he had told Luness...about his time limit.

"I...I'd like to get to know you better too." Was all he said on the matter after that.

@zCrookedz @Lioness075

Sinbad turned at Leo's question, placing a hand on the rump of his steed for balance as he answered it.

"The animal you're riding is called a Longma, most of them are in the East now, but legend says they crossed this very desert to get there. Whatever they are they're good for long, hard trips on the dunes. The horses are special too, these are the first sons and daughters of the desert wind. They all have names, but they haven't told us what they are. I think its best if you call them something yourself."

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks

As they rode Sinbad noticed Quincy. He had been told about the water being and had prepared something that might help. Moving his horse over to her he produced a small pendant on a chain.

"This was given to me by a sea spirit. No matter where I am the power of the ocean flows through it. Its nowhere near as effective as real ocean water...but I'm told it might be useful to you." He offered the gem to her, holding it out on its long silver chain.


The first leg of the trip was seemingly uneventful, Sinbad told them to put on the white cloaks and head coverings that were packed in each bag as it would keep them cool. Leia wondered how putting on more clothes could possibly keep her cooler but she did as he instructed, finding the light and airy fabric allowed the breeze to filter through, and the white colour of it reflected a good deal of the sun's heat. She guessed that was also why the horses they rode were all light in colour too. Even Kallin picked up on this trick, changing his robes from deep brown to white to fend off the heat. He couldn't feel it, but that did not mean his body would not suffer heat exhaustion if he did nothing.

Kallin's mind was absorbed with how precisely he would tell the group about the worst part of his curse. He could not think of this without feeling the familiar clawed grip of fear latch onto his heart.

Relax Kal, he thought to himself, This is probably the best place to start looking for answers...keep hope, there might be something here.

After that be busied himself with showing Luness and Otto the first things about a proper seat, and how to control the horses with their knees instead of the reigns, but the something that appeared was not remotely what he had hoped for...

The dunes were high in this region, rolling like waves on a rough sea. The horses were lined up on the crest of a large dune and they could see for miles around it. The city was just a spec on the horizon now, but Kallin was looking the other way. A cloud of dust rose from a distant sand hill and when it cleared...the hill was gone.

"Sinbad...what is that?" He pointed, his tone laced with foreboding. The turbaned hero removed a spyglass from one of his saddlebags and cast its vision towards the cloud. He didn't even lower it before drawing his sword.

"Something bad. Arms at the ready!" He bellowed. "Those who can't ride its best you get off the horses now!

Kallin acted quickly, grabbing Otto about the waist and lowering him beside Luness' horse. "Be careful, the ground's much too loose to get a good footing." He cautioned.

The creatures racing toward them were much closer now, and Kallin did not need a spyglass to make out what they were.

"Skies." he breathed as he caught sight of the first beast skimming over the sand at a break-neck speed, long and slender, and as thick around as his horse.

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Kai followed along the group, riding beside Achyls. When they paused momentarily his vision was drawn by the movement in the distance. He had spotted the sand Wyverns as Sinbad was still looking through his spyglass. He wasn't sure of what the enemy was called, but he knew they would be trouble. He patted his Longma lightly and mentally promised him another piece of meat if he would brave the enemy with him. The beast shifted it's feet happily and sent a thought back, to say it had no intention of running. His crystal was out and glowing as a long green spear, it's bladed head on fire by the time Kallin was able to make out the Wyverns body. His muscles were eager for action as he surged forward, "YYYAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" A thunderous cry loosed from his lips as he let the flaming spear fly, with incredible strength and speed towards the first of the wyverns.
Leo stuck towards the front of the group as they made their way into the desert. After hearing the legend of the mounts, Leo had a very healthy respect for the creature that was carring him through this harsh wasteland. It was a strong, magnificent creature and Leo got the feeling the it was highly intelegent. As they crossed dune after dune, Leo continued to think about what to call the creature, but there was only one name he could think of to that he felt would do honor to the great beast. "Whoa Bruin." Leo called to the drake as the group slowed. The white clothing billowed off of Leo, which he had dawned at the request of Sinbad. Upon hearing the call to arms, Leo looked over the group as he reached to his sides and eqauiped his ax's. He placed the buts of the axes together and gave them a click creating his war ax. Taking Bruins reigns tightly, Leo readied himself for the battle with the desert creatures.

Otto bounced along with Kallin as they made their way through the desert. After Kallin had changed his cloths color and the others had dawned the clothing that Sinbad had requested, Otto tried his best to get the sstrang cloths where they were ment to go, but eventually ended up with himself wrapped up in the cloth, looking like he had just rolled around in the sheets. He kept looking around at the scenes of the desert as they made there way over the dunes. His head whipped back and forth hopping to see something different then a big pile of sand, but it never happened. Finally he gave in and sat there listening to Kallin exsplain how to ride horses. IT was interesting, Otto never thought of horses of a good mode of transportation so he never felt the need to learn. Listening to Kallin, Otto looked back to Luness every now and then seeing how she was farting with learning to ride. But when the group stopped, Otto looked over to SInbad and followed his order to dismount and jumped down for the horse, landing on the sand on four paws. The sand was hot underneithe Otto's feet, and then it got hotter and hotter until Otto yelped and shifted back to his human form. His shoes in his humand form were not burning, but when he raised his hands to look, little heat blisters were lined on his fingers. He looked back up at the others, a painful smile etched on his face as he tried not to shed any tears from the pain "The sand is REALLY hot.."
Deep breath in...

Her knees arched. Her right fist all the way back. She soared through the sky, the speed violently pushing her red hair behind. All that could be seen on her face were a manic smile and madly arched eyebrows.

As she advanced, her fist increased in mass and looked as if it was made of stone, being comparable in size to the head of a desert wyvern. Minus the horns. She braced for the impact. Vinter threw her fist in front of her exhaling and delivering a powerful strike to one of the wyverns' head. A loud thud could be heard followed by Vinter's audible and excited laughter.

Her fist returned to its earlier size as she slung the right side of her body to keep her momentum going. In her fall, Vinter noticed another one of them charging towards her. She extended her arms, the red scarf tied to her left bicep was flapping violently. The front of her body constantly faced the ground, her knees bent once more.

The wyvern flew rapidly towards Vinter with its mouth open. She caught the horns protruding from the serpent's head, dragging the ugly creature down with her. Vinter rotated her body putting the wyvern between her and the ground. Before crashing, she shifted her weight to the lower half of her body, trying to cause as much damage as she could to the creature.

In the blink of an eye, both Vinter and the wyvern hit the ground, disappearing into a mist of sand. After a few moments, the victor emerged from the cloud, revealing itself to be none other than the second captain of the Tenacity.
As the group began its journey, Luness became unusually quiet, as all she could think about now was Kallin's limited time thanks to his curse.

Of course, Otto couldn't have known about it, but still.

Hearing Sinbad's instructions to don some white articles of clothing, Luness did so without protest, as she assumed Sinbad knew far more about the desert lands than she did herself.

With her white cloak dancing about behind her and the odd head covering on, Luness glanced about at the others amusingly, as everyone looked rather odd in this attire, her thoughts on Kallin's curse temporarily forgotten.

As Kallin began showing Luness how to sit properly in her saddle as well as how to control it, Luness relaxed even further and even faintly smiled here and there, as she quite enjoyed earning how to properly ride a horse. Though, being around animals in general was always a sure-fire way to relax Luness.

When Kallin's attention was diverted, Luness shifted in her saddle to look in the same direction as Kallin. Seeing a cloud of dust a bit aways, Luness frowned and then blinked when the cloud of dust vanished along with the hill. What in the world?

Hearing Kallin asking Sinbad about it, Luness looked away to see if the desert man knew what they were about to encounter.

Seeing the man drawing his sword, Luness immediately tensed and then quickly brought her horse to a halt when it was announced that those who couldn't ride should probably get off their horses.

Dismounting, Luness then witnessed Otto's failed attempt to shift with the hot sands all around them. Deciding against shifting herself, Luness then approached Otto and tore off some cloth from both of her sleeves before quickly grabbing Otto's hands and wrapping them while saying, "Don't worry about these blisters, you'll heal from them soon enough. We can have Leandra look at them once this is over with, okay?"

Quickly looking back in the direction of the dust clouds, Luness' eyes widened at the sight of the approaching beasts.

Hopefully Leandra was ready to heal because Luness had now doubt they wouldn't be walking away from this without some kind of wounds.

Pulling out her dagger from Kallin, Luness prepared to attack one of the beasts when suddenly Vinter made her appearance and grounded one of the beasts into the ground like it was nothing.

Staying by Otto's side to protect him if it came to it, Luness readied herself to defend instead of outright attack any of the beasts. After all, she was in her human form right now and not her werecat form.

@Aldur Forgehammer


While Sinbad began to lead the line of horses further into the desert, Leandra inwardly groaned, as she already felt the heat building up while beads of sweat dripped down the side of her face. This was going to be a really long trip.

Hearing Sinbad's instructions for some clothes they needed to wear, Leandra wasted no time in retrieving the cloak first and putting it on. Watching it billow a bit behind her, Leandra grinned. Donning the head covering next, Leandra raised an eyebrow, as she could only imagine how ridiculous she looked right about now.

Oblivious to what Kallin and Luness were seeing, Leandra continued onward with the group, thoroughly enjoying riding a horse again. Even if it wasn't a horse she was accustomed to.

Yet, upon hearing Kallin asking about something, Leandra frowned and tried to look back at whatever Kallin was asking about. Yet, before she could see anything, Sinbad made his announcement.

Feeling safer in the saddle, Leandra veered her horse away from the line and to the backside, as she aimed to stay out of the fight unless provoked. After all, she was the team's main healer.

Untying her staff from her knapsack, Leandra kept it in one hand while the other continued to control the reins, as she kept her horse trotting back and forth along the line so as to prevent herself from being an easy target for the beasts. If one were to get too close to her, then Leandra was more than prepared to thwack it on the head with her staff.

Kai heard a war cry to match his own as he looked overhead to see Vinter shooting past him, large fist leading. The lead wyvern crumbled crumpled behind her fist, he angled his spear to hit a second one charging in. Impaling a second wyvern as Vinter battled a third. He smiled at the reckless pirate as he spurred his mount forward. He rose an open hand in the air racing towards vinter, in a swift motion he leaped out of his saddle, landed and rolled behind her, his spear in hand was no longer a spear but a large war hammer. He brought his arms in a downward swing. A thunderous clap filled the air along with a huge outburst of sand. Another sand wyvern lay at his feet, death throws tossing up more sand around it. "Don't go celebrating just yet." He said to her as he looked around, keeping his back to her he could hear the hissing and snapping of jaws as more wyverns joined their fallen comrades, beginning to spread in an attempt to circle their new prey.

@Aldur Forgehammer @SilverFlight

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