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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Takeo was giving a few tips about riding to Leia, though he was cut short at the warning cry the leader shouted. Perking up his eyes widened at the sight of the creature that was hurling toward them. Knowing how to ride he remained on the horse as he gaped at the creature. He had no clue what to do, and he froze at the sight as a bit of fear built in him. The horse he rode sense the males distress and it also got a bit worried as it backed away from the charging creature.

However soon the horse reared up and almost threw off Takeo when a meteorite came out and slammed right into the creature. "What the Hades!!!" Takeo exclaimed as he calmed his horse down before she could bolt off in fear. "Did a meteor seriously just land on that thing? Talk about timing the impossible!" Holding the reins with one hand he placed his hand on the hilt of the sword just incase the strike wasn't enough.

Once the initial dust settled his eyes widened at the sight of the girl beating up the wyvern. "Wow.... Th-That's really awesome." He said as he once again gaped. "Hey, is it safe to assume she is on our side?" He asked Leia having not met Vinter yet. Though his time to be impressed didn't last long as he noticed there were more coming in. "Crap... Does slashing and stabbing work?!? Never fought these things before!"

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The blistering heat and the burning rays of the sun already put Nyr at unease - she felt the searing pain coursing through her body but she endured as she accompanied the heroes with Sinbad on their side. She did not realize how hard it was to think clearly in such warm environment, let alone fight if it came to that.

And it did come to that.

As the wyverns struck Nyr immediately lifted in the air, freeing herself from the reins of her mount. Then she felt a cool breeze in the air and felt her mind clearing up once more. Seeing how the others were in trouble she hurled blasts of light at one assailant and a ray of darkness on the other. Fortunately she became really apt at using the two forces separately - even if she did not want to combine them for an extended period of time just yet. Roaring, she hurled a massive blast at an unfortunate serpent which fell to the ground, whimpering. Still, there seemed to be no end of the monstrosities.

Arianne immediately called her light companions to her aid and the fae creatures obeyed. Extending their powers they tried to create protective barriers around anyone they could find and they blessed the others with an infusion of light to make them stronger. More and more of these light globes were summoned by the girl who sought to protect as many as she could while also launching a counterattack against the hellish fiends with blinding rays of light to disorient them.

She could only hope that they would prevail.
Seeing that Otto and Luness were on the ground and for now out of harm's way he spurred his horse towards the others who were already charging. Out of nowhere the sand exploded and Kallin had to hold on tightly to prevent from being thrown as his horse reared in surprise. "Is that..."

"Vinter!" Leia shouted happily, nearly catching her foot in the stirrup as she tried to climb down. "She's definitely on our side!" Bob leapt down with her, wrapping his body in sand as he did. The spirit grew and grew until it size rivaled that of the horse. A pair of curled horns sprouted from his stony head.

"Ready to bring the thunder bud?" Bob snorted, spraying sand in cloud before him. He reared, bellowing deeply in his new size and charged.

@Aldur Forgehammer @andujarprime

Kallin was certainly taken aback by Vinter's new display of power. When in all FableWood had she learned to do that?! He had little time to dwell on it however as more of the beasts surfaced. As Bob charged Kallin fell into his wake, the horse valiantly running toward danger without a second's hesitation. He held up his staff and summoned a charge from the air, gathering it at the tip before hurling it out to the creatures. The lightning coiled about one, stunning it long enough for someone to make a killing blow.

Leia saw Luness and Otto nearby and was about to call out to them when suddenly the sand erupted between them. A massive wyvern, old, gnarled horns curling about its head and scales scarred from a hundred battle appeared and turned its rage-filled eyes on the two werebeasts. In the next moment it attacked, sliding toward them to deliver a venom-filled strike.

Leia's expression hardened, she picked up a rock and started running.

"Swords are going to have to do Takeo, we can't let that thing eat our friends!"

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @Peaceswore

The light from Arianne's attack made several of the beasts flinch, one turned to her with an angry hiss and charged. Its speed was near blinding.

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While watching the others engaging against the desert wyverns, Luness stuck close to Otto's side, her head on a constant swivel to make sure nobody approached the pair.

Sure enough, the sand erupted not too far from them and Luness whipped around in time to see a wyvern that was far larger and older than the others they'd encountered thus far. Luness' heart began to race, as she realized that Otto and herself stood little to no chance in this sandy abyss, as they had little maneuverability and lacked their usual strength and abilities without their were-forms.

As the wyvern rushed towards the pair, Luness shouted at Otto while grabbing his wrist, "Time to move, Otto!" Knowing the wyvern had far better maneuverability than them, Luness held her breath and waited until it was close enough to strike before she tackled Otto to the side and managed to just barely dodge the wyvern's initial attack.

As the pair rolled to the side, Luness could feel a gust of wind from the passing Wyvern. This was going to be a bit of a challenge without the ability to use her werecat form...

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra continued to stay with the line of horses and on the back of her own horse, as she watched everything unfolding from a safe distance.

When the sand erupted not too far away with the entrance of the elder wyvern, Leandra's horse whinnied in distress and partially reared before Leandra brought it back under control and quickly led it away from the attacking wyvern even when Leia charged after it with her spirits.

Yet, seeing Luness and Otto under attack nearby on top of others, Leandra quickly became uneasy. She wasn't used to staying out of the fight like this, but if she got injured then she'd waste most of her energy healing herself.

Frustrated with her inner battle, Leandra continued to have her horse pace alongside the other horses. This was going to be a tedious battle if Leandra couldn't join the ranks...

As Sinbad fell in beside her and began to speak, Quincy angled her ears with interest. As he offered her the necklace, she changed to her human form and took it gently, with the biggest smile she could manage. "A thousand thanks, Sinbad. Anything will help, I will be sure to get it back to you." Her voice came out soft, but very warm. His gesture touched her deeply, and it showed in her eyes when she looked up at him. The kelpie dropped the chain around her neck, surprised to feel the weight of the heat and arid climate lift a little. When she shifted back to her equine form, her relief grew, and she pushed on, blending in with the rest of the mounts.

She gazed around her curiously as she walked, startled only out of her thoughts as Sinbad called them to arms. She shifted quickly, drawing her bow and knocking an arrow swiftly. Her hand shook slightly as it drew back, but her aim stayed true as she fired at the beasts, trying to protect her companions.

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Achyls leapt from her horse at the first sound of attack, leaving it to run alongside it's herd. Her wings were strong enough to carry her, even at great speed. Luckily, she found herself able to keep up with the company, while conjuring a burst of dark magic to fire at the beasts. Pausing only momentarily, she forced her energy into the palms of her hands as the magic grew in pressure and size. With all she could muster, she fired the blast at a group of Wyverns, hoping to at least knock them back. The recoil brought her stumbling back to the ground, but that didn't last long. Almost as quickly as she fell, she returned to her horse, wings ready to fly if need be.

Takeo watched Leia charge with wide eyes. "Are you seriously going to attack that thing with a rock!!!????" He shouted before he jumped off his horse. He caught up with her mainly keeping his eyes on the wyvern. "Do you deal with stuff like this on a daily basis!?" He asked as he drew the sword ready to fight. "I really hope this thing teaches me fast, cause that creature is nothing to scoff at." He said honestly nervous and inwardly terrified. 'What am I doing??? I've never fought a thing like this! I should stay back and watch the others deal with them!' He thought as he started to hesitate in his steps but soon he picked up his pace again. 'Too late now! Let's just hope I don't get killed right off the bat!' With that he went quiet as he kept his eyes on the wyvern. He had ben in karate tournaments before and this isn't technically his first fight...just his first with a mythical creature. 'Weak points... I need to go for those... Eyes, heels, joints and the underbelly from what I understand.' He thought

With that he got in range he took a deep breath figuring he was about to regret what h was going to do. "Hey weakling with the ugly horns! I bet you can't even handle a noob! Hope your age doesn't make you turn to dust on my first strike!" He shouted to taunt the old wyvern with odd horns, whether the creature under stood human speech or not he didn't know, but it seemed to work. The wyvern looked at Takeo and letting out a roar swatted at him. Taking a deep breath Takeo rolled to the side getting slightly covered in sand he then got up and sword in his hand sent a slash to the wyverns front leg before backing off. He hoped to catch the creatures attention so Leia may be able to land a more deceive blow, at the very least distract it from the others that were busy,

Malachai snarled as the wyvern ensnared him, tangling his feet. He swung his hammer to strike at his opponent, but it turned and took him off his feet. The wing coming in at his back missed as he went down. With a snarl and a thought his hammer flattened out and became a blade. He swung once, then again and traces of blood began to seep forth from the downed wyvern. It roared in pain and flapped furiously to fly away remove itself from the large human. But the wings just gave Kai a bigger target as he swung again, ripping through the wyverns wing with a now flaming scimitar. He rolled away from the snake as the second wyvern brought its gaping jaws down onto where Kai's head used to be. With a snarl the fire lining the tear in the wyverns wing flared up and spread to the rest of the appendage. The wyvern now distracted he turned to face the second one that was shaking the sand and stars out of it's head. He roared and his scimitar flashed green then split into two. A scimitar in each hand he lunged at the wyvern, a thrust from his left, another and a large step back. The wyvern easily dodged the thrusts then lunged to follow the backstep. Kai swung his right hand to slash at the wyverns face, sand flew up as the wyverns tail came around to strike the hand and blade. The tail whipped up and wrapped around his wrist and pulled him into the now biting jaws. Kai only smirked as he took a deep breath and let loose a jet of green flames into wyverns mouth. The beast snapped it's mouth shut with a look of pain and confusion as the flames burned through it's insides. The tail releasing Kai it turned to run away, dying a few feet away. A tail rose up and snapped in, slashing Kai across the back and making him stumble forward. The first wyvern loomed in on him, charred wing wasting away as it closed in on him. Kai brought both swords together, a flash of green and the flaming spear was back in his hand. He began to circle the wyvern slowly with a smirk on his lips.

Vinter's whole body snapped when Leia shouted her name. A wide smile formed on her face as she brought up her right hand to wave to the girl. As she was about to utter a friendly salutation, the wyvern threw itself at Vinter, catching her whole torso in its mouth. Fortunately, the serpent's fangs couldn't sink in Vinter's stoneskin.

With the right hand, Vinter grabbed the wyvern's mandible. She was frantically striking the creature's eye with her elbow, hoping it would let her go. Quite the opposite, the wyvern threw the captain to the ground, trying to wrap itself around her body and suffocating her. Vinter struggled, but at once she grabbed the wyvern's scaly neck with her enormous hand. She tightened her grip around the creature's body, hoping it would choke, but to no avail. Vinter then decided to force herself out of the creature's mouth, putting one hand on its mandible and one on its nose.

She pushed herself out of the wyvern's jaws, after which she mustered her remaining forces to try and rip its head apart, leaving behind a gruesome scene.

"Daily?" Leia thought as she ran. "Mostly, yeah!"

Despite herself she laughed out loud at Takeo's taunts, it must have been the adrenaline. She hurled the rock with them just as the creature was about to try again for Luness and Otto. The rock bounded harmlessly off of one of its massive horns. Leia paled a little when the creature turned around, fixing its turquoise eyes on them both. As Taleo dashed in Leia ran towards the creature's head, distracting it for just one vital second. It screeched as the sword bit into its leg and whirled around, whipping its tail across to catch both humans. Tad came racing in with a whistle and hit the beast with a huge burst of air. The creature was knocked off balance but not before the tip of its tail slammed into Leia violently.

The wind left her and she felt a searing pain in her chest. She had a vague sensation of flying through the air. The impact however would have made her scream had she had any breath left. The ribs broken by the impact of the creature's tail bent as she hit the sand, one cutting through her skin and staining her white tunic badly. She couldn't move, the pain was excruciating. With the strength of a kitten she tried to cover her injured his with a hand, shock creeping over her and fogging her mind.

The wyvern recovered and lashed out again, aiming for Takeo with its sword-like fangs and turning its tail on Luness and Otto.

@Aldur Forgehammer
"Leia!!" Takeo shouted as he saw her fly off and let out a scream of pain. Worried for his comrade he was about to rush over to help her, but he remembered his opponent. Looking up he froze as he saw the sharp teeth head for him. He didn't know what to do as his legs had frozen. Everything was seeming to go slow around him as the adrenaline ran to his head at this life and death situation.

He had to do something or that beast was going to rip him in half. Shaking in fear he gulped as the beast got closer, a million thoughts ran through his head as he started to think of all the things he regretted and everything he still wanted to do. The wyvern was now nearing him, the razor sharp teeth getting closer to Takeo's face. This is when all his thoughts just stopped and full on survival controlled his body.

Just as the beast tried to eat him Takeo rolled forward right under the monster mouth moments before the teeth sunk into him. This move was extremely risky since the creature could easily crush him. Takeo not taking a second to breath tightened his hold on the sword before stabbing the wyvern in it's soft underbelly. Not letting go he dragged the sword deep into the monster before he started to move the sword to the tail of the Wyvren keeping the sword embedded in it's gut.

Arianne smiled as she saw their foes falling back. She felt the courage to press their advantage and she wanted to push back the vile creatures as much as she could so she summoned the full potential of power. Countless little light spirits appeared, bombarding the enemy where they could. Late did she notice the wyvern dashing towards her but with a speed surprising even her she dodged the vile creature and retaliated with the full force of her might.

Blinding rays of pale white light erupted from her fingertips, blinding the creature, making it scream in pain before it flew backwards. Surprised but not deterred from this sudden victory Arianne turned her attention to the leftover stragglers, trying to fend them off. She was smiling, seeing that finally she can be of use.

Seeing how Takeo dove in to save Leia but was called to arms to fight the wyvern Nyr quickly hurried to aid the two of them. Casting a barrier around the guy she trued to provide them as much protection as she could. Seeing how he bravely struck the wyvern she tried to push their advantage, joining the fray to attack the foul creature with a blast of shadow, trying to incapacitate it. Seeing that their opponent was likely subdued by Takeo she turned nodded.

" Keep the monster at bay, I shall return shortly after aiding Leia. " she said, dashing to the wounded girl.

When she finally reached the girl she smiled.

" Worry not, I am here. " she said, trying to heal her wounds with her magic. She was uncertain how much she could help her but she had to give her all - everyone else were fighting fiercely.

@Peaceswore @SilverFlight
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The wyvern screeched and writhed as Takeo's sworn cut it open. It hit the sand squirming, blood spraying in every direction. With one final effort it thrashed to try and strike at him. A large stone hoof came down brutally on its head as Bob growled savagely. The wyvern twisted and then lay still. Then the earth creature snorted and tossed its head toward Leia before turning in that direction.


Leia hadn't drawn a breath in a few seconds, the pain prevented it. A shadow passed across her vision and she looked up.

"N-Nyr." She smiled a little in relief, feeling something wet trickle down the side of her mouth. She could taste blood. She felt a tingling in her chest as Nyr cast her magic and she began to breath unsteadily. It was good to have air again, but Leia could still feel things horribly out of place...was the pain dulling or was it her senses?

Lee was frantic in her glass bottle, she threw herself at the cork embedded in the top, trying to push it out, to break free. Leia saw her struggle and gently put a hand over the stopper to keep it in place.

"Y-you...can't...Lee, you'll....die."

Luness' eyes widened when the elder wyvern began eyeing and preparing to charge at Otto and herself. Tensing to get ready to drag Otto away from the fight again, Luness was surprised to see Takeo, the new human, and Leia taunting the wyvern away from Otto and herself.

What happened next was not at all what Luness had expected to happen, as Leia was suddenly struck by the wyvern's tail and sent flying before she came crashing down. It wasn't hard at all for a werebeast, such as Luness, to hear the cracking of Leia's ribs or for her to squint and see the rib sticking out of her chest. Visibly flinching at the pain that Luness could imagine Leia was currently in, Luness nearly missed it when the wyvern whipped its tail towards Otto and herself, attacking them once more.

Gritting her teeth, Luness shifted in desperation to protect Otto after seeing what had happened to Leia. Instantly feeling the hot sand burning blisters into her paws, Luness launched herself at Otto while shouting, "Otto, watch out!", headbutting him in the chest and launching him nearly ten feet away to safety, though his landing no doubt would leave a few marks.

Landing on the sand only a foot or two away after doing this, Luness turned her head in time to see the tail within inches of striking her. Closing her eyes in lieu of the strike, Luness instantly felt her breath leave her, as she felt a bone cracking in her shoulder as well as it dislocating and something snapping in her hip, as she'd been on all fours just before the tail had struck her. Flying in the air like a rag doll for a few seconds, Luness then came crashing down on her other side, feeling a rib or two snap, as she then slid through the sand for a few feet before coming to a stop. Lying still, much like Leia was, Luness struggled to catch her breath with her eyes wide, as the realization of the pain from her wounds began to sink in. As she lay there, the sand began burning through her fur and leaving even more blisters in her skin as well.



Leandra's eyes nearly bulged out of her head, as she witnessed Leia going airborne before crashing down with several sickening cracks.

Kicking her horse, Leandra suddenly shot forward until she guided her horse in a gallop around Leia and then yelled out, "Woah!", while pulling back on the reins to bring her horse to a halt, thus avoiding kicking up any sand on Leia's open wound.

Dismounting in a hurry, Leandra rushed to Leia's side before dropping to her knees and grimacing at the sight of her mangled chest, which clearly had several broken bones inside of it on top of the one sticking out.

Inhaling slowly, Leandra then said quickly, "Leia, take a deep breath. This is going to both hurt and feel amazing once it's done."

Glancing up at Nyr, Leandra then said to her with a tone of urgency, "Nyr, just keep helping the others! I can handle it from here!"

Gingerly, Leandra moved Leia's hand away from her open chest wound before she hovered her hands over Leia's chest and closed her eyes so as to better focus in the moment. Not too long after doing so, her hands both began to glow brightly and then anyone nearby could hear the sickening sounds of her innards and bones being moved back into place and healed, as Leandra's power began to work its magic.

After a couple minutes of these sounds shifting about, Leandra's magic began to wane, as the only wound left in Leia's chest was the gash from where the rib had been protruding a few minutes ago. It only took a few seconds before the skin and muscle weaved itself back together, leaving a faint scar where the rib had been sticking out before.

Done with her healing, Leandra's eyes shot open and she gasped before doubling over while still on her knees, her hands on the burning sand in front of her while she struggled to catch her breath. While she still had more magic to use, healing such extensive injuries had already began to kick in the fatigue that her magic often left her with. Hopefully nobody else would be seriously injured during this fight.

While struggling for breath, Leandra was temporarily oblivious to Luness' peril and the injuries she'd sustained moments ago.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
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Takeo who was soaked in the creature blood had moved away form it as soon as he had gutted it to make sure he didn't get hurt. When it stopped squirming he gasped for breath momentarily forgetting out to breath. Falling onto his knees and dropping the sword he grabbed his heart and took deep breaths. "I-I... H-Holy Hades...... I.... I fought that...that monster... A-And killed it... I...................... Wow." He gasped as he tried to calm his nerves but was having trouble with all the adrenaline flooding through him.

When he was able to calm down he wiped some of the blood of his face before he grabbed the sword and stood up. Placing the sword in it's holster he took a deep breath and looked over to Leia. Seeing she seemed to be fine he noted the other girl was in pain, but his attention was taken by the cat girl that had been hit by the wyvern. He wasn't sure if he could handle any of the other Wyverns since his adrenaline could only do so much. So he ran over to the werecat. "Hey! How badly injured are you!" He shouted before he kneeled down next to her. He noticed it was probably bad, he knew basic first aid, but he didn't know how to help extensive injuries. "Basic first aid won't work....You need a healer.... Oh okay... Crap..." he muttered as he looked around. "I need a healer! Luness is pretty hurt!!" He shouted as he looked for anyone that was a healer having yet to remember everyone's powers.

@Lioness075 @Anyone
Otto felt like he had been pummeled left and right throught the duration of the battle. Luness had dragged them both out of harms way several times now, and Otto was still spitting out sand when he looked up to see her being thrown about by her attacker. "LUNESS!!!!!" Otto's eyes began to well up with tears as he watched her fly through the air like a rag doll. He looked to where his sister had landed, then back at he the creature which had attacked her. He felt the slow churn in his gut of the darkness that he had felt the night he watched Luness get thrown out the window. It happened a bit quicker this time, his arms and legs began to change from flesh to fur and contort into a more canine form. His face once again elongated into a muzzle, and his body began to become slightly more muscular. The sand began to burn at the paws the his feet turned into, but by this time, Otto had already gone feral and no longer cared. He pushed off of the sandy dune beneath him and ran towards a Wyvern as it climbed over the corpse of the elder Wyvern. THe serpant launched his snake like head at Otto, but his speed out weighted the creatures and he used its stricking neck as a place to land when he launched himsef at it. His elongated claws and teeth found the scales of the beast and dug in like finely sharpened daggers, producing blood as Otto tore at the creatures vitals. Even after the creature shuddered and fell to the ground from the missing pieces of its juggular, Otto's anger did not quell and he continued to hack and slash at the creatures mutilated form.

Leo had been busy keeping the outer part of the battle under wrapps as he could move on his mount a bit more with ease. He was not sure how well he would be able to mfight in the shifting sands, so staying on his mount was the best course of action. Bruin moved flawlessly over the sands as he charged at one Wyvern after another, allowing Leo to slice through scales, wings, and flesh. After dispatching on of the Wyvern, Leo looked across the battle to the others. Several were down, while others where taking care of the remaining. It was then that Leo's ears perked up to the sound of a cry for help. He looked over to see a Wyvern with a wolf like creature atached to its neck. Below that, he could see the newest human addition huddled over a crumpled form of a werecat. Leo's eyes widdened, "Bruin, there!" He pointed his war ax at Luness and Takeo, but the drake was already on the move. Leo was off of Bruin and running towards the pair before Bruin had even stopped. He knelt down in the sand on the oposite side of Takeo and looked over Luness. Her injuries where bad, Leo could see just from the blood and contorted forms of her body. He placed a hand on her head, and the other on her abdomen before closing his eye. He knew that she did not like to be touched, and normally he would oblige with merely hovering his hand. But he needed to check for internal damage, and it cost alot less energy with physical contact. He opened his glowing eye as he tapped into his reserves of power and began to channel it into her body. He whispered to himself, mostly out of old habits, his prayer of healing as he channeled the power from on einjury to the next. The broken bones would pop and shift under her skin, and in some places it might ffeel like there was something tugging on the skin and organs that were mending themselves. The pain would get worse before it got better due to the extent of the injuries but the energy was working, and slowly but surely, Luness would begin to feel the pain slipping away.

@Lioness075 @Peaceswore
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Leia whimpered, wincing agiants the pain as Leandra healed her, once her body was repaired she breathed deeply, echoes of the pain fading and at the same time, her muscles tightened as if she was still injured. It was the oddest sensation she had ever felt.

Must be in shock or something…thank you.” She mumbled, trying to sit up. A deep grunt and hot breath told her Bob had appeared beside her. He and Tad tried to go to her at once and bumped against each other. Something flashed between them as their eyes met but they remained calm for now.


With the wyverns on the run at the bottom of the dune he turned back to follow Bob, only now seeing what had befallen his friends. Leia was being helped by Leandra thank the skies but…Luness!

He spurred his horse back up the hill as fast as it would go, leaning back in the saddle and swinging one leg up even as he pushed off its back. He landed in the sand, stumbled and made it to her side just as Leo had finished his work. He let out the breath he didn’t even realize he’d been holding. It was the savage growl that brought his attention round to Otto.

The boy was consumed with rage…and his form it looked worse than it had back in the Isles. “Otto!” Kallin cried. “Otto its over! They’re dead! They’re all dead!” He approached him slowly, hands up and in front, staff lying on the sand behind him.

Otto…I know you’re angry, but I need you to look at me okay?” He tried to meet Otto’s gaze and spoke softly. “Come back to us kid.

Luness faintly heard Otto's cry over the ringing in her ears, but she soon felt her vision fading away and then returning momentarily, though it was too blurry for her to focus on anything. With her ragged breathing, Luness found herself wondering why she seemed to always get injured like this when fights broke out.

Despite the agonizing pain she was in, Luness still flinched when Leo toucher her head and abdomen, her good ear folding against her head in protest, as she was too focused on her breathing to actually make a sound.

Soon, Luness began to feel the effects of Leo's healing, as her bones began to move back into place and fractured pieces shifted about, as if someone were solving a jigsaw puzzle. What innards had been injured from the broken bones also began to mend themselves. All the while, Luness let out a whimper and feebly pushed against the sand to try and get away from Leo since despite his healing, it was only increasing her pain in the moment. Alas, it was impossible for Luness to get a grip on the sand, and she instead collapsed back down with a yelp when her dislocated shoulder first struck the ground again and then suddenly popped back into place.

By the time Leo was done healing her, Luness was still breathing heavily, as the whole event had brought fatigue upon her.

With her hearing having return back to normal, Luness' good ear flickered about once she heard Kallin's horse approaching. She knew it was his horse because she could smell him riding it thanks to the desert wind.

Yet, he didn't remain at her side for long, as Luness soon heard Kallin approaching Otto and seemingly attempting to calm her little brother down. What was wrong with him?

Flexing her paws and legs to be safe before she tried anything, Luness grunted at the feeling of her joints seemingly snapping back into place, as she worked to stretch them out after the abrupt healing.

Not too long after, Luness slowly and a bit off-balanced pushed herself up to all fours and then shook her head before turning around to see Kallin attempting to approach...Otto?

Eyes wide, Luness saw that he had become that odd feral version of himself again. And just like before...Luness had been injured when this event occurred. Was Otto experiencing some strong sense of revenge or something for someone close to him being downed? Whatever the reason was, they definitely needed to calm her little brother down before he made any mistakes that he might regret.

Padding up to Kallin's side, Luness looked directly into Otto's eyes before she said, "Otto, calm down. The fight's over...and I'm okay." Tentatively, Luness added the last bit about herself, as it might help if Otto was enraged by her injuries to see that she was indeed okay now.

If it were to come to it and Otto wouldn't calm down, Luness might have to resort to her Alpha abilities to force Otto to calm down, though she didn't want to unless it was absolutely necessary.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


By the time Leandra had caught her breath and could focus again, she heard Leia's mumbling. Upon hearing the mention of shock, Leandra's eyes widened and she quickly grabbed one of Leia's arms to steady her before she tried standing up or anything else.

"Leia, you're right, you're probably in shock, which means you need to rest a moment and let your muscles relax before you try anything. Else, you'll just end up injuring yourself again."

Hearing Bob's arrival, Leandra glanced over at him in time to see Tad collide with him and the two to give each other rather dark glares. That wasn't a good sign.

Leaning closer to Leia, Leandra then whispered, "Hey, might want to watch Bob and Tad carefully. Those two look like they were just about ready to start a brawl."

Leaning back, Leandra then glanced around the group to see how everyone had fared. Seeing Luness sprawled out nearby, Leandra's breath caught in her throat, though she relaxed once she noticed that Leo was beside Luness and most likely aiding her in her recovery. One less person to heal for Leandra, which meant more energy for down the road.

Hearing Kallin speaking to Otto nearby, Leandra shifted her attention away from Luness and Leo and soon gasped at the sight of the feral Otto, who seemed beyond pissed off right now.

Knowing very little about Otto or how to calm a pissed-off werewolf, Leandra remained at Leia's side, giving her support so she wouldn't slump onto her back in the sand from her tensed muscles.

Blood splattered his eyes as Otto continued to rip apart the Wyvern that had long since died. Now the gouged out crater in the creatures neck was barely connecting its head to the rest of its body. Otto's mind was so focused on killing the beast, that the events of Luness being healed, the last of the Wyvern fleeing, and Kallin aproaching on his horse we drowned out completely. It wasn't until Otto to a moment between slashes that he heard Kallins voice break through. The young werewolf turned his head towards the mage slowly, his teeth bare and stained red. The puils in his yellow eyes were contracted to near pin pricks making his eyes seem almost empty. He watched Kallin as he aproached with his hands raised up. Otto could feel what little of his humanity was able to influance him try to pull him out of it, but it wasnt enough. Otto stepped up and flexed his claw like hands as he released a feral growl at Kallin. His mind was set on attacking, on ripping apart the man infornt of him until he was nothing more than a pile of raggs in the sand. But when another voice cut through his mind, he stopped mid stride. His eyes flicked over to Luness as she came up beside Kallin. His chest heaved back and forth with the exhaustion of his rampage as he lowerd his shoulders and his claws. Slowly, steam began to curl off of Otto's body as he began to shrink. His fur fell off to reveal his smoothed skin, and his legs and arms turned back into his human apendages. Slowly his face returned to normal, all but his ears, which still retained thier wolf like apearance. Once he was back to normal, Otto looked backwards at the Wyvern laying on the ground and then back to the others. His face looked pained and confused, like a lost child. He did not meet there gaze as he whipped the blood from his face with what little remained of his sleeve. "I'm sorry...." He whimpered as looked down at his crimson hands. Leo strode past Luness and Kallin, un wrapping his white clothing from himself and drapped it on Otto. His little transformation had destroyed a good bit of his clothing mostly the edges of his sleeves and pant legs. Otto looked back to Kallin and Luness with a concerned exspression "We should get moving before those things come back.."

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Leia gave the two spirits what she hoped was a disapproving look. They turned sheepish gazes on her (bob shrinking back down to actually look like a sheep again) and slowly they helped her stand. "Are you ok Leandra?"

After the battle the horses slowly began to return, each finding their chosen rider and standing close, more than willing to move.


Relief flooded the mage's eyes when Otto changed back. After Leo had draped the white cloak about him he placed a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Its alright Otto, everyone can lose control...you just do it with more fur." A part of him wondered if now really was the time for humour, but with the threat of danger gone it seems like the best thing to do was keep spirits high. He motioned for his horse who hesitated, turning a sideways glance at the werewolf. it took a moment of coaxing before Kallin could get it to come and stand by them.


Sinbad pulled his scimitar out of a wyvern corpse and flicked blood from its tip. He had been fighting too and hard, his jacket was ripped and his turban had come off at some point in the fight. He climbed the dune to the others and surveyed the damage.

"Its a good thing we have such talented healers." He nodded to Leandra and Leo. "You were wise to stay back Leandra." He then addressed them all in a loud voice. "There is an oasis at the end of this day's travel. Good place to make camp provided this water crisis hasn't taken it too."

"What are the chances of that?" Kallin asked, going over to Luness for a moment just to make sure she was actually all right.

"I thought you were going to try and avoid getting crushed by giant lizards huh? You scared me." There was a smile in his voice, though tomes with a little worry. "Can you stand?"

"Not great." The sailor admitted. "Mount up! We continue."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @everyone
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The mist dispersed as Vinter paced forward. The white fabric covering her torso had been torn by the beast's fangs. How unfortunate. They hanged off from Vinter's belt. She sighed in regards to that.

An interesting character caught the captain's eye. It was Sinbad, looking like he went through the apocalypse and back. His garments suffered a lot more punishment than Vinter's it seemed, and so did the one who wore them.

She saw Kallin, approaching Sinbad, worried by his state. His answer wasn't reassuring, but he gave the orders to everyone to get back on their horses. Vinter raised her hand up.

"Quick question, o, great one! Where's mine?" Her tease might have seemed rude, but aggravating Sinbad's status wasn't her primary objective.

Takeo had moved away from Luness after she was healed and made his way over to Leia. Seeing that she was okay he let out a sigh of relief. He saw her take a hard hit and he knew she was human, so he had no clue how good her resistance was to pain and hits. "Are you two okay?" He asked as he stood close to Leia and Leandra. "Not to pry since you are in obvious pain... But why are you in pain? You didn't get hit..." He asked Leandra, not trying to be rude. He took off the canister on his hips and handed it to Leandra. "Do you need a drink?" He offered trying to help out.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
With each arrow that landed, the kelpie felt a rush of satisfaction. The heat of the fight kept her from really feeling the tangible heat around them, but as soon as the battle was over, it settled on her like a vice. She whimpered softly, touching the gem hanging lowly on her neck. It comforted her to have it there, despite the fact that it's magic could only do so much. She changed forms as soon as her bow was secured and returned to the herd with a snort. She wove in and out of the others, trying to get familiar with them. As the others mounted up, she drew away, finding her place in line.
Leo nodded in agreement with Sinbad as he called for them to get moving. He placed a hand on Otto's back and smiled at him "Come Otto, lets get moving. You will ride with me the rest of the way." Otto shuffled along with his head hanging low, even as Kallin encouraged him he still couldn't draw his eyes away from his hands. As they passed the two of them Leo looked to Luness and Kallin a bit more solemn "I'm going to have Otto ride with me till we get to the oasis. He's pretty shaken, and I would like to spend some time trying to figure out what is going on with him." He finished off by looking to Luness who he had no doubt was worried for the pup, with a smile "Don't worry, he will be ok." As he finished and turned back to Otto, Bruin came trotting up to Leo. The drake had held his own and Leo gave him a pat on the side of gratitude. He lifted Otto up onto the saddle and then followed as he pulled on the reigns and lined up with Sinbad and the others to head out.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Achyls was already upon her horse, and far from the others at that. She had continued forward until she could no longer hear the sound of hooves. As she turned, she saw the calamity that had ensued behind her, and thought it'd be best not to get involved. Instead, she waited, tending to her steed until the others followed. She had not realised the weight of the situation, it had not occurred to her to wonder.

As the others finally neared, she mounted her horse once again, and continued with the rest of the company.

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