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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls was roused from sleep with a sense of paranoia. There was something watching them.

"Hello?" she called out, wandering over to where she thought was suspicious. Out of the corner of her eye, she swore she could see eyes, shining in the dark. It must have just been her mind playing tricks on her...but something didn't feel right even so.

Kai stepped out of the darkness. After the fight he had followed behind the group quietly, his fight hadn't ended the way one would expect. Before landing the killing blow on the wounded wyvern it had attempted to communicate with him he thought. He could feel it's mind pressing on his, but he had reacted defensively and fought back with a surge of mental strength the beast clearly hadn't expected. He effectively paralyzed the creature, right before he brought his spear to bare their minds touched once more. He felt the wild, frenzied mind of the scared creature. He also felt a deep intellect behind it, the scared look in the creatures eyes. For a moment he paused. For a few moments he had to ask himself, why? Why was it so easy for him to kill, why was it so easy for him to take a life when he had fought most of his life to protect. What kind of monster had he become that he so willingly killed his own kind, or even others that could almost be related to his race without hesitation? What made him any different from Caraboss' monsters? Those moments spanned an eternity in the mind of a dragon. So long in fact that his body had begun to relax, the wyvern shrugged off its paralysis and surged forward. Running from the dragon, shooting away in a hopping slither. It didn't get far tho, his Longma companion saw to that.

After the battle he stayed at the end of the group. Following until nightfall, keeping his distance and lost in his thoughts. He rode the Longma only for a short while before his thoughts forced him to walk. The heat of the sun kept him energized as most warm climates do. He muddled in his thoughts for the rest of the day and most of the night. And almost nothing seemed to make sense. Now here he was, in the darkness of the desert. He took anot her step forward towards the one thing that did make sense in his life right now. "It's me" He said to Achyls, his voice low and soft. He hadn't wanted to disturb her, but at the same time he needed to hear her voice. He needed something to make sense. " I'm sorry songbird. I didn't mean to disturb you, I just..." He couldn't bring himself to admit how much he needed someone else.

Leo looked over the group that had gathered around the fire. When Meril piped up asking about Leo's change he had to stop and think for a second. "Ah, I believe that when we passed back through the point that transformed us, we were transformed back." Leo sat and listened to Leia retell their adventure in the Winter Wilds looking over the group. As Leia's story went on, Leo thought back to the craziness that happened in the frozen land. He thought back to how scared he had been for Anya while the wizard held her hostage, and even more so when Banba sacrificed herself for the group. He looked over at the little dragon nestled in the flames of the fire keeping warm with a smile.

As Leia wrapped up Leo leaned back against the tree he had set his bedroll next to and stroked his mane a bit. "While we dealt with the wizard, others were dealing with the effects of the chalise being taken. Elena was able to smash the wizards orb of control which allowed us to leave." Then Leo furrowed his brow and looked over at Leia "I don't recall what ever happened to the Wizard."

@SilverFlight @The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore
Quincy nickered happily at the return of the water, sticking her nose in it and taking one long gulp. She stopped herself after that, knowing that she could drink it all if she wasnt careful, and everyone else needed the nourishment too. Once the sun sank below the horizon, she shifted to her human form. The chill of the air felt comforting on her fevered skin. She settled down in the midst of everyone, picking at a small portion of food. She felt sick, but forced herself to eat because she knew she needed the energy. The kelpie's foul mood was not due only to the adverse climate. A pit of loneliness settled heavily in her gut, unheeded. She reached out with her mind, but the distance was too much to cover in her fatigue.
Banba frowned at the mention of the chalice. She had not been thinking clearly, despite her sanity being returned to her. Growing restless, the little dragon moved around the fire, crawling under and over and around the logs and coals, until she found a red hot coal she could carry. Carefully pulling it out of the fire, she grew into a cat sized dragon. Finding the coal quickly losing heat, she swallowed it whole, coughing once to let out some ash. Then she scurried over to Leo, draping herself around his shoulders. And gazing out across the group.

"I only hope that he hasn't gone to the rainforest." She muttered, crossing her feet. "For surely then I'd have a frozen chest again."
Sorry this was due yesterday, I figure I'll have Morgrim know nothing of what happened to the other heroes despite being around their general area.))

This news of undead was certainly enough to peak the interest of Morgrim, especially considering he himself was halfway to being one of them. All the answers that could be unveiled with a little research and prodding, and perhaps a research experiment that would be co-operative. Oh how he shivered in delight at all the things he could learn. The desert though wasn't his forte for a setting. The dry heat and lack of moisture left him retreating to the shade as often as he could find it, taking the occasional drink from his water flask. He had been secluded most of his life, all up until about a month ago, there wasn't much he was able to learn about the vile evil plaguing the land, but the humans from 'real world' he heard that from what tavern conversation he could pick up on. He didn't like it, but he supposed it would be something he would have to live with, as would the other people inhabiting the land of fablewood. "Now, there is something controlling all these undead, but they must be somewhere close by, summons require a link, even as powerful as this mage must be, they can't be too far for them to be manipulating such a large number of undead." As he explored looking for any place that could be used as a base of operations he found a city in the desert, it was huge and magnificent, and they may not be responsible for the plague of zombies and skeletons moving about, but they may have some insight that seemed promising, so he approached, soon to be approached he was sure.
Arianne was exhausted from the journey and the expenditure of her powers so she fell asleep really quickly, not noticing what the others were doing around the fire. The little light spirits were floating around her head, playfully chasing one another. Only the biggest among them - presumably the "elder" light - stayed put and listened in to the tales of the past. Somehow it felt a connection between itself and these heroes - although what it could not tell.

Nyr wandered a bit alone then she decided to join the merry group. Now that Banba was once again with them she felt a little uncomfortable feeling churning in her belly. She remembered how inseparable she and Leo were in the past and it felt a little strange to see her old companion back - nevertheless she was glad that the riddle-speaking comrade of hers was back. Trying to find a spot around the cozy flame she sat down next to Leo, smiling at him, Banba and Leia as the girl enthusiastically recited the tale.

She touched the spot where her heart was and felt that strange, piercing feeling which lingered with her ever since she pierced her own body with that weapon. She still shuddered at the shocking memory - but that deed was a stepping stone for her to harness her power. How she eluded death that day still was a mystery to her but she was glad that she could live to fight an another day alongside her allies.

" It feels like we had that journey an eternity ago. " she smiled " How strange, time itself bends when you travel with those you love. " she looked at Leo now " And those who you wish to protect more than anything. "

Her gaze shifted to Banba.

" I am glad that you returned to us. You are both an invaluable ally and a dear friend - I missed you. "

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Jecklyn
Upon hearing Achyls call out the figures jumped in surprise.

"Quick! She senses us! Run!"

They vanished back into the shadows like ghosts, waiting, biding their time to act, but time was something they were rapidly running out of.


Lee peered up at the kelpie from her place in the shallow pool. She whined with a tilt of her head and crept out of the water to drape herself comfortingly about Quincy's shoulders. She could not speak, but the intent was clear. Suddenly twisting around Lee extended one of her paws to the pool and flicked water playfully at Quincy's face before diving into the pool again and racing to the other side, dipping the front of her body like a playful puppy.


"The Snow Queen took charge of that creep." Leia remembered out loud. "I don't think he'll be summoning anymore ice monsters." She looked back up at the stars and smiled.

"You best be getting sleep." Sinbad approached the fire, a warm cloak wrapped tightly about his shoulders.

"Tomorrow's journey will be harder if anything. You need your rest."

@zCrookedz @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye @Jecklyn

He turned then and went back to the edge of the oasis where Quincy sat.

"Funny little thing that water sprite." He said casually though he was scanning the horizon with a careful eye as he spoke.

"I'm not sure its that old...I saw one like it once, at a shrine by the ocean. It was massive, but peaceful...although behind that peace I also saw the power of an entire ocean. If this beast is anything related, then we've got a powerful ally."


Leia watched their guide go, letting out a sigh. "We've got a curfew...He's probably right though, the ride today wasn't easy; giant flying cobras excluded."

She rolled over and tucked herself under her thick, wool blanket. Bob took his lace at her feet and yawned.

"When all this is over I don't think I'll be afraid of going anywhere in the world." She mused sleepily. "I've already been all over this one..."

@zCrookedz @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye @Jecklyn

((Little plot devo and intro for Ward for those who just joined))

Back in the Whispering Isles Ward was pouring over maps late into the night. A pile of treaties lay, signed and sealed by rulers from all Across FableWood. In just two days they had collected agreements from them, things were going well.

The first day his father, King Cedric had presented him to the capital's court. That was a mostly dull affair with elegant clothing and polite conversation. Ward's mind had been anywhere but there. The ache in his chest had become a familiar thing, thoughts of Elena made it worse. He was betrothed to her now, he should be with her. He should be with the heroes. Final point.

In the afternoon his father had come to him again.

"Come with me." He had said and led his son out to the castle gates. He had told Ward to come in a rough shirt and breeches not the noble, gold-embroidered garb he had put on this morning.

The king wore the same and as they made their way on foot into the town and through it they were both greeted with a mixture of reverence and happy waves. It reminded him of how Briar's people treated her.

"Where are we going?" He asked finally, breath rising in clouds as he breathed the chilled air.

"Not long now." Was all the king said, and so Ward had to wait.

Their destination was a small farm where an aged man greeted them warmly, his wife just behind him with a batch of fresh scones.

"How is your boy?" Cedric asked the man as he handed Ward a scone. It was warm and buttery and he finished it with great enthusiasm.

The farmer sighed. "Still bed-ridden. The healer says it will take time, but he'll be better again."

"Right, well, as promised, I am here to help in his place, and I've brought an extra pair of hands." The farmer looked past King Cedric and stared wide-eyed at the young man behind him.

"So its true then? You have a son! This is the prince of the Isles?"

"Not officially." Ward mumbled sheepishly, would he have to get used to this?

The son of the farmer--Ward later learned--was one of the king's elite guard and had taken ill just after requesting time off to help his father plow and sow the fields. The king had promised to help.

"Being a diplomat for Branbern probably never required you to do anything like this, but its a good exercise in humility." The king stripped off his shirt and grabbed a bucket and a pick axe. He bade Ward do the same.

"I don't understand." Ward said as the cold air bit into his skin. "We're trying to build an army in days...and plowing a field is part of it?"

"Probably one of the most important parts." The king said as he began picking out large stones from the hard earth. Stone would break tools when they tried to churn the soil for planting.

Ward looked at him in disbelief but did not question, merely fell into working quietly beside him. It wasn't long before a small crowd had gathered at the edge of the field to watch the king and his son work.

"You do this often." Ward observed, the expressions of the people were warm and approving, not surprised.

"As often as I can spare the time yes. It does no good for the people to have a ruler they cannot see, or one that does not understand their daily lives."

The stones were cleared in a matter of hours and at the end of it they were both sweating and dirty.

"The plowing is even tougher work." Cedric said. "Ah, I may be getting too old for this."

Ward frowned and looked back toward the barn.

"What about using that?" He pointed to a triangular wedge of metal set into two wood handles, straps of leather hung off it sullenly.

"That's a plow to be sure." The farmer answered him. "But its meant for horses, and we haven't got one anymore. Horses are a hard thing to come by up here on a floating island."

Ward brushed an unruly lock of gold hair out of his face, deep in thought. "Fasten me to it." He said finally.

"What? You?"

"Yes. I can fit in a horse collar."

The farmer looked utterly confused but king Cedric was smiling. Ward demonstrated his meaning by going over to the plow and closing his eyes.

The transformation lasted only moments and where a man had been a gold gryphon now stood shaking his hackles and flaring his iridescent gold wings.

The collar was a snug fit and earned him several exclamations and snorts of laughter when he walked out harnessed like a draft animal yet all fell into an impressed silence as the plow was set into the earth and Ward began to pull. The tool split the hard-packed earth slowly at first as Ward grew accustomed to the force needed, but soon the farmer nearly had to jog to keep guiding the plow from behind as the gryphon surged forward.

The earth grew soft under his talons and mud crept up his legs and began covering his feathers. In seemingly no time at all the work was done and Ward came to a halt, panting as the harness was removed by a tired but extremely happy farmer.

"In all my long years! Never did I imagine I would ever see a sight like that! A gryphon prince plowing a field like the humblest nag." Ward saw then the admiration in the man's eyes and he understood. He gazed out at the massive crowd that had now gathered and saw similar looks in the eyes of all. This wasn't about looking like a good king, this was about being a human one.

Bathed and rested he now sat in the library, surrounded by his maps and papers, struggling with the names of each kingdom and the specialties of the forces they'd offered. A knock at the door made him look up. Iona, former captain of the guard and his mother stepped into the room. Her golden hair was done up in a tight bun and she wore a soldier's tunic and breeches rather than the court dresses that had been made for her.

"Trouble my son?"

"I'm no good at this." He admitted with a sigh. "I wasn't part of organizing the troops for the siege at Branbern, Fior and Halbred did most of that."

"Well, its a good thing you have me then." Iona came over and hugged Ward, it was still strange for both of them, but his mother's love had not wavered a moment in twenty-three long years of separation and Ward felt it.

She sat beside him in a wood chair and took one of the maps. "Yes, we can use these units to flank. Eastern cavalry is the fastest, and they actually have mounted archers that can hit things from a fair distance...you know, I think I can handle this. You've done more for this war today than I think you could do if we gave you another week."

"You mean plowing the field?"

"And appearing as you did at court...and defeating the sorceress at the Star Ball. Word spreads fast in FableWood. We now have offers for troops...Personally...I don't think you need to be here anymore."

Just then, for all the things that had happened that day, for all the approving looks and awed praise...that was the best thing he had heard.
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Morgrim hadn't been given many answers from the city, but he did get a lead. After the whole incident with the guard, and freaking him the hell out with his appearance, he was greeted into city. The lead was a group of adventuring heroes who also seemed to be looking into the necromancy mess mucking the world about. He ventured after the heroes, and while they travelled the same speed as him they did eventually stop to make up a camp, and after a few short hours he would be able to meet up with the group. While it looks like most of them may be asleep at the moment there appears to be one or two that are still awake. Well there was no real good way to introduce himself, especially given the fact that by appearances alone it looks as if he was the one responsible for the undead roaming the lands. Thankfully they have never been an actual problem to him, more of a scientific curiosity. "Hello there, adventurers, mind if I take a seat by the flames?"

(I stupidly posted this in the OOC chat by accident.)
Achyls jumped upon hearing Malachai.

"I'm here, dear Kai. It's okay," she thought back, momentarily forgetting about the strange figures she thought she had seen. Turning back to where they were, it had appeared they had vanished. She took a moment to look confused before addressing the dragon once again.

"I have not seen you all this trip! Where have you been?" she stumbled over her thoughts, sending them sounding watery and full of jumps and holes. She couldn't multitask in her head like this!

It was then she heard a small whisper, and snapped her body round to another set of rocks.

"Who's there?" she called out, slight anger in her tone now. She was prepared to fight anything if the need came, and these voices were no exception.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight
Leo watched as Banba made her way over to him. Curious to watch her pick up the coal in her mouth, for a moment he was uncertain what she would do with it. But once she swallowed the thing, it became clearer. As she scampered up onto Leo'd shoulder he lifted a hand and patted her on the head, "We wont let you have a frozen chest again little one." Leo was very happy to have the lizard girl back with the group.

After a few moments he felt Nyr's gentle touch and he smiled at her. He lifted his arm and pulled a wool blanket out of pile of things he had acquired from the pack horses and draped it over her. He placed an arm around her and pulled her in for a side hug as Sinbad approached and gave them their bed time warning. Leo chuckled "Perhaps we can regale our companions with more tale tomorrow night Leia. For now, Sinbad is right. We should all get our rest."

As Leo began to settle himself into his comfortable position for his nightly ritual, he heard the strange voice of someone he had never heard before ask to join the camp fire. Leo lifted his eye brow looked as the human figure approached, causing him to stand to his full height and reach of one of his ax's he had placed beside his bed roll. He glared down at the man garbed in robes. His sight was not as strang as the smell that materialized with his appearance. Leo keen sense of smell was a bit over come by the man, be he did not wish to offend if this man was an alley. Still he clutched his ax and gave the man a look over before answering him "Only those loyal to Fablewood may share in our camp. If that is you, than you are welcome to it. If not, you must know that you have stumbled into your end."

@SilverFlight @Jecklyn @DawnAntalios @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye @Morgrim
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Takeo had listened to Leo's tale feeling slightly jealous that he had only joined now. Sighing he unbraided his hair and took off the sword belt before getting in the bed rolls. Letting out a yawn he set his sword within reach of him before getting comfortable in his bed roll. "Probably for the best to go to bed anyway. I'm burnt out from that fight...and I did volunteer for second guard shift." He muttered letting out a yawn as he started to close his eyes.

"Hello there, adventurers, mind if I take a seat by the flames?" Hearing this Takeo's eyes shot open as he didn't recognize the voice and his hand instantly moved to his sword as he sat up. Seeing the figure approaching he got out of the bed roll and stood up. The sword still sheath as he saw no reason to attack just yet. "Who are you?" He asked being careful seeing as he wasn't completely sure who this man was. None of the others had greeted him or from the looks of things even noticed him just yet. "Friend or foe?" He asked letting a small chuckle leave him. 'I have been dying to say that!'

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
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Quincy smiled faintly as Lee whined and came to her. "Hello dearest." She said softly, reaching up and giving the spirit a gentle scratch. It was surprising that they had never interacted much before, but shared misery was incredibly binding. She saw the spirit move just a heartbeat before the water splashed onto her skin. The kelpie laughed, the high, clear sound ringing softly through the chilly air. As the spirit raced away, clearly wishing to play, Quincy's laugh turned into a soft giggle. She glanced at Sinbad for a brief moment, then turned back to send a small shower toward Lee. "I have never encountered a water spirit, in all my travels. I suppose that is due to the nature of my kind. We dont usually get along well with others." Her smile twitched, fell, and then recovered. Looking back at the rest of the group, she spoke again with a fond tone. "We have many powerful allies in this group. Fablewood is in good hands. I often feel honored just to be with them." She said softly, as her calm gray eyes shifted back to his face, then to the other end of the horizon.

Luness overheard Kallin offering for herself and him to take the second watch and didn't mind this, though she was a bit distracted in the moment to properly respond.

Furrowing her brows into her typical stubborn expression, Luness replied to Kallin's question with, "I'm fine, honestly. Just a few cuts is all..." Yet, she trailed off when Kallin took the bandages from her, as she knew she did in fact need some help with at least wrapping her feet.

Sighing, Luness leaned back to let Kallin wrap her feet. Hearing what Kallin said next, Luness furrowed her brows again and said, "I'm fine, really, Kal."

When Kallin mentioned making things difficult for herself, Luness frowned and was about to protest when she realized that he was merely teasing her.

Letting out a small sigh and then thinking of something witty to say back, Luness then said with a slight smirk, "Well, I did manage to get you over here, didn't I?"

Suddenly uncertain of whether that even made sense, Luness blinked and then blushed slightly before focusing on her feet, which were wrapped now. While they were stinging and throbbing a bit under the bandages, Luness wasn't about to voice any pain she was suffering through. Stubborn as always.

@Aldur Forgehammer


Leandra was settled under her blanket with her back against her horse, as the others conversed around her.

Before long, Leandra had nodded off to the sound of the crackling fire near her...

Yet, upon hearing someone calling out to another person, Leandra was wide awake and already struggling to get her boots back on.

Having grown up the way she had, Leandra never fully slept. She always slept partially awake so she could react quickly if she ever needed to.

By the time Leandra had gotten her boots back on, the new guy, Takeo, had asked the mysterious figure who he was. Well, at least if he was an ally or an enemy.

Standing up and wielding her staff just to be safe, Leandra soon joined Takeo's side and narrowed her eyes distrustfully at the figure, who she was struggling to make out since he hadn't gotten close enough to the light coming from their fire yet.

Speaking up instead of silently standing there, Leandra then asked the figure, "Better yet, what is your name and why are you just randomly approaching us in the middle of the desert of all places?"

@Peaceswore @Morgrim
She hunched over, resting her jaw on the palm of her hand. Vinter smiled faintly. She didn't look at Luness, but instead her glance was pointed at the sand. Her smile faded. "I've never actually finished telling you the story about my apparent lover, have I?" Her tone was light, barely audible, but Luness could definitely hear it.

"Some years ago, I believe, I met a man. He possessed a number of abilities that happened to be of very good help to my cause." She paused for a moment, the smile returned. "So I hired him, and he became loyal." Vinter now shifted her gaze towards Luness. "So loyal, in fact, that we became close." Her head leaned towards the left, eyes wandered away from Luness again. The smile was gone.

"We'd meet whenever our time allowed it. Outside of that, he was out collecting information and I was busy doing much of the same."

She looked back at Luness, trying not to sound as if she was upset, therefore, she began smiling again, more expressively this time. "Only once had we went out to have a good time together."

"But then, I had to disappear. All on my own. Without telling him. 6 months later, I landed on Lucille's very ship and met all of you. I haven't heard from him ever since."

"What do you think happened afterward?"

Leia looked up at the strange voice, the others certainly seemed on edge. As she rolled over on her bedroll however she caught a glimpse of the man's partially-decayed face and blanched.

Leia prided herself on not freaking out. She had been through many situations where normal girls her age would have gone ballistic, and she kept her cool...but this time Leia screamed.

"ZOMBIE!!" She shot out of her bedroll only to have her feet tangle in the blanket and drag her back down into the sand. So quick and extreme was her reaction that poor Bob was rolled head over tail and landed face-first in the sand beside her.

Leia tried to think, tried to form an attack but her brain wouldn't function, so her spirits did nothing; Tad wasn't sure whether to try and help her up or defend her against the stranger and Bob was busy trying to pull his head free. So she could only stare wide-eyed and horror-struck at the new stranger.

@Morgrim @zCrookedz @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye @Lioness075

"Don't get along well? I find that hard to believe. You've spent more than an hour with Meril and she's still in one piece." He chuckled, hoping the girl wasn't close enough to over hear.

"It takes more than strength to be a hero, bravery is a big part of it among other things, and you being out here? In possibly the worst sort of place for your kind...that is brave."

Lee trilled happily as the water hit her, then trotted back and climbed onto Quincy carefully, draping herself around the woman's shoulders. Suddenly her sail-lik ears twitched and she looked back toward the campfire and growled.

Sinbad noticed the figure too and drew his sword. "Some damned watchman I am!" He grumbled and strode with purpose toward the stranger.

@Flutterby @Morgrim
Takeo kept his guard up as he looked at the stranger waiting for an answer to the questions he and the others bombarded onto him. When Leia let out a scream about a zombie Takeo jumped a bit and looked over to a girl. "So he is not normal for a fablewooder?" He asked before going over to Leia, confused at how the girl that attacked an elder wyvern with a single stone was afraid of something that is as easy to kill as a zombie. "Hey are you alright?" He asked as he kneeled next to her with a concerned look on his face. "Unless your version of zombie is different then the my world, I don't think he is one." He said in a soft and calming voice as he helped the horror stricken girl up.

Banba coughed at the scream of zombie, the coal forcing its way up her throat and onto the cool sand where it quickly burnt out. Leaping off of Leo's shoulder and landing as her normal self, she went right up to the man, undisturbed by his rotting features. She growled, baring her teeth.

"You who goes the way of the lamb should also head the way of the ewe." She said, surprisingly menacingly.
"My my... Such excitable young ones you are." he shuffled in place, though slowly made his way to the camp fire despite the blades and staves pointed at him. His movements weren't all to fast, more like that of an old man hunched over. He seated himself on a log and let out a sigh. "It is not quite so simple, though I may share some characteristics with those mindless cannibals I am not one of them, do you really treat all strangers this poorly? When I was a child respect was something that was taught and earned, not blown to the wind." He reaches into a rucksack slung over his hip, and produced a salted piece of meat and a cooking spit and rested it over the fire by spiking it in the ground. There was a soothing sounding pop and crackle of fire as it comes in contact with the meat that is being prepared. "I believe you are the group that meet the princess with the hard to pronounce name." He said scratching his head in thought. His right hand as revealed is completely skeletal, missing all flesh and muscle, but somehow still functioning.

"I have been looking into this whole zombie problem, and it's lead me here, the princess said that you were looking into it as well, really quite fascinating if I do say so myself. Now if you'll all take a seat, take a breath, and use your words like adults I believe we can pool our notes and come up with something more promising." The entire time he was completely unphased by the many weapons and angry looks. He was either brave or crazy, or perhaps a little bit of both, but most of all he was hungry. Taking the meat from the spit he tears it off in junks, devouring it hungrily. This revealed to more character 'flaws' a long serpent tongue in his mouth, and sharp looking canine like teeth. "So who's in charge?"
Leia wasn't sure which was more unbelievable: the fact that the walking dead had come into their camp site and sat down or the fact that this rotting corpse was actually giving her lip.

'Treat all strangers this poorly'?

"Uh, I do when they're zombies!" Once Takeo had helped her untangle herself she scooted further away, and when Morgrim's skeletal hand reached out from under his robe she pointed to it, glaring at Takeo with a tight-mouthed frown.

She listened carefully however, rolling her eyes at his patronizing gibes. "First: she's an empress. Sha-hair-a-zaad. Second; its not just the undead that we have to solve. Somehow the river feeding the city had dried up completely. If we don't get the water back in two more days people will be in deep trouble." She spoke as he ate, trying her best not to make a face as he devoured the meat and suppressed a shiver at the long snake tongue that flicked from his mouth. This guy was all kinds of wrong...and how was he even eating?! He was dead!

Kallin spoke up at this point. The dark-haired mage had remained thoughtful as soon as he knew the stranger didn't pose an immediate threat.

"Our de facto leader is not with us right now." Kallin was referring to Ward here. "I suppose we've all been making decisions. But if you have ideas on how to overcome an army of the undead, I'm all ears."

It was too bad he wasn't however, for the smell (thought he tried not to show it) was beginning to get to him. It was one of the very few times he wished for his cursed form again, which would only take him at dawn.

"It seems like you'd have a bit more authority on the subject that we would." He added as Sinbad arrived, sword still drawn. Kallin raised a hand to the sailor to let him know everything was all right.

"I'm Kallin. Sinbad here is our guide. The skittish one is Leia."


"And this is Leo, Takeo, Meril, Leandra, Nyr and...Banba was it?" he had only just met the shapeshifter and as she glared daggers in her tiny dragon form he tried to hide a smile.

@Morgrim @zCrookedz @Peaceswore @Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @The Suspicious Eye @Jecklyn
Luness blinked in surprise at the mention of Vinter's love story. She was actually going to tell that story to Luness?

Confused on how she'd managed to convince the pirate to trust her like that, Luness remained dumbfounded and silent, as she listened to Vinter share her story.

Listening to what Vinter said, Luness wondered if she'd here further details, as Vinter seemed rather vague on the details themselves. Regardless, Vinter was confident enough to share details to begin with so Luness wasn't going to question her further.

Despite Vinter's best attempts to not sound upset or saddened, Luness' senses were all sharpened as a werebeast and it wasn't very difficult for her to discern Vinter's feelings in the moment. Any sad love story was hard to tell without showing emotions. Luness would know since telling her family story was always a painful and difficult thing to do. Not that she'd shared it with anyone except for Kallin and Otto though. Trust was very difficult to earn from Luness.

Yet, once Vinter finished her story, Luness couldn't resist asking about the last bit.

"What do you mean when you say you 'had to disappear' and 'all on your own'? Why couldn't you tell him?"

The minute she asked these questions, Luness blinked and then met Vinter's gaze, as she waited to see if the pirate would share further details.

Yet, before Vinter could answer, Luness overheard a commotion nearby. Well, by commotion, she meant hearing Leia screaming a word that she didn't recognize. What in the world was a 'zombie'?

Upon hearing calm voices talking after Leia's screaming, Luness presumed that nothing was happening and shifted her attention back to Vinter while she continued to wait for the pirate's response, if she'd even get a proper one.

@Aldur Forgehammer


Leandra wasn't sure what surprised her more. Leia's sudden screaming at the sight of the zombie or the zombie himself.

Leandra's first reaction upon seeing the zombie was to raise her staff and thwack it aside the head, but surprisingly enough, it began speaking coherently and moving about without too much difficulty despite it being, well, dead. Maybe the zombie should look into some prosthetic limbs. It could become a cyborg...zombie. Now that she thought about it, that sounded like a horrible Hollywood rip-off or something.

Completely distracted by her side thoughts, Leandra didn't realize the zombie had made himself comfortable until Banba suddenly appeared and was doing her best at attempting to intimidate the zombie, though he seemed completely unfazed by her presence.

Finding Banba to be highly amusing despite her attempt at intimidation, Leandra sidled up to her and then said with a grin, "I'm sure you'll be plenty intimidating next time, Banba." Leandra hardly knew the shapeshifter, but she already liked her. Especially her natural randomness.

Listening to the zombie, Leandra slowly lowered her staff, though she kept it at the ready if the zombie tried anything.

Walking up to Leia's side, Leandra then frowned when the zombie pulled out a slab of meat and then proceeded to casually eat it. If he was rotting, then did he even have a liable way to digest what he was eating? Would it just fall back out of some hole in his rotting body? Ew.

Hearing how the zombie spoke quickly put Leandra on edge though. He sounded arrogant and like an absolute prick to her. What was his problem? Well, besides the whole rotting body thing and all that.

Scowling at the zombie, Leandra stabbed her staff into the sand in front of her and then crossed her arms over her chest before saying, "If you were taught respect at a young age, then you haven't retained that knowledge very well yourself."

Hearing Kallin casually introducing everyone to the zombie of all people, Leandra's scowl deepened and she said, "Yeah, don't expect me to be any ally of yours until you drop that attitude of yours, zombie. If you want respect, then you gotta earn it like you've already said, and you're doing a horrendous job of that right now."

@SilverFlight @Morgrim
When the man had gotten closer Takeo was just now seeing his actual features instead of some shadow figure. When Leia pointed at the mans hand Takeo nodded. "Yeah... Just noticed. And I have no clue how I should react..." He said in a calm tone he started to relax a bit at how causally another man was talking to him. Takeo kept his hand on the handle of his blade and shook his head. "Go ahead make yourself at home would you like my bed roll as well? Geez I have more manners and with my upbringing that's a shocker" He muttered before scratching his head. "So... I guess it's safe to assume you won't be trying to zombiefi us?"

@Morgrim @SilverFlight
"Don't be ridiculous, even if I could zombify you, what could I possible gain from it. No you'll all be much more useful in this cause if you retrain triple digit IQ's. Now I may have different reasons, but I would like to see an end to this little blight as well. It may not affected me, but there are lives at risk, and I certainly don't want to take the chance of becoming anything's thrall." He took another few bites, he would have felt uncomfortable around them, but in the past few months he's been exploring the land he has gotten very much use to the stares and bigotry that most people held towards him for appearance alone, which would explain for his grumpy behaviour. "I assure you there is no reason to keep your weapons drawn, if I wanted any of you dead I would have tried to do something much more subtle like poison you all. I promise not to be a threat. Now the thing about zombies is that they originate from the underworld, a realm of things dead and demonic in nature like yours truly, the original zombies with have a link to their summoner, if we can find any original zombie we may be able to track the link back to it's master. As for the water problem I know not a solution."
Banba let out a little groan, furrowing her brow.

"Intimidate... him?" she questioned, genuinely very confused. as far as the shapeshifting madwoman was concerned, she had given the man solid advice. but, as usual with the girl she let out a giggle, clumsily making her way to the newcomer. leaping at him as her fully formed self, she landed as a head on his lap, grinning with dead eyes. before he could react, however, the head quickly burst into smoke, the particles refoming as an old and dirty tabby cat. it curled up on his lap, purring slightly.
Leo eyed the man as he sombered into the camp and made himself comfortable. Leo sighed as the man seemed to give just about everyone lip as he talked, but for the moment the only thing dangerous about this person was the smell emanating from him. Leo listened to the others talk to the stranger, and when Leia mentioned the zombie name, Leo understood a bit more what he was looking at. A swelling feeling in his abdomen made him uncomfortable being around that which was dead but still animated. But he would treat this one just as he had with the others, and when he herd the reassurance of the undead man that they were safe Leo put his ax back on the ground with ease. Leo watched as Banba warmed up to the man and he smiled at her innocence before he returned to his bed roll and smiled at the man. "Do you happen to have a name sir? And where did you acquire so much information about the undead we are bound to face?"


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