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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

"My name is Morgrim" He said petting the shapeshifting cat. He liked her uniqueness, while everyone else in the camp responded with some level of hostility at least she was friendly, even if it was naivete. "As for the information it is really just common knowledge to me, I grew up in a town of necromancers, alchemists and farmers. You picked up on a lot of things when you live in a small town. While most of the books have been burned I retained my knowledge, and nothing will make me loss that. The trail has gone cold." A pun since they were in a desert, and they are known for their blistering heat. "But this desert used to be a lake long ago belonging to an aquatic nation, sirens and mermaids, that kind of thing, though there was a human tribe that used a bubble spell to create a vacuum of life underwater where they were protected from bandits. There were a city very intuned with magic and built many temples and stored their prised artifacts and treasures of magical nature. I bet the Puppet master has found one of these temples and is using the power of a magical device to transmit and enhance control of his spell. If I may make a suggestion we should split into expeditions of two or three groups and scout out the area for any of the ruins, and meet back at this location every few hours."
Quincy smiled bashfully, dropping her eyes to her lap. She opened her mouth to explain, well, to refute his kind words- she didnt deserve to be spoken of in such a way. Her hand went up to caress Lee again, but before she could speak, there was loud voices behind them. As Sinbad jumped up and drew his sword, She did likewise, knocking an arrow onto her bow and drawing closer to the stranger. As was her usual way, she listened and wait for what would happen, ready to either defend her companions are except this figure as one.
Meril listened to everything Leia and Leo said and it was amazing. She never knew that they all went though such amazing experiences, it amazed her. She wished she could have seen their battles they sounded fantastic. She thought for a moment and then closed her eyes as she slowly drifted into sleep. She woke up to the shouting and watched the events of the new man unfold. Apparently he was the living dead, a opposition to the Zombies that have taken over the Sand Seas. She didn't really react much so as prepare, as she formed two more gems hidden behind her for a sudden attack. However, as the creature spoke she knew that he was no ordinary zombie, he had inelegance and that made him different from the rest.
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"I am happy to see that you can see a reasonable plan when it is present. I do apologize for interrupting all of your sleep, but I had to catch up as soon as I could. I'll leave you all to your rest. I have a camp set out just beyond that sand dune." He pointed to a large hill of sand just a few hundred metres to where the sun had set a few hours ago. "If you have any more info that could assist us in finding the puppet master be sure to tell me, this will work much more smoothly if we all co-operate, now I will see you in the morning." He departed the group after finishing his meal, and he disappears over the hill and back to his own camp where he is well out of earshot.
Her smile widened. She tilted her head towards the curious werecat.

"Why... because I hadn't told anyone. And I greatly regret not telling him. I might feel about telling you.It depends on how much rum I have in me." Vinter chuckled at her last sentence. "Heck, I don't even know. He would've been a great agent to have along." She sighed. Smile faded.

Vinter took her arms and rested them on her knees. She breathed in and then out. "No, but right after we 'landed' the ship, I received a message via...bird." She grinned."Hence my disappearance for the past two days."

"Who do you think I met that evening?"

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Takeo blinked slightly confused as to what is going on. 'An undead stranger walked into our camp made his meal, talked about some puppet master before up and leaving again?? ...... Seems legit.' He thought before letting out a yawn. "This place get's more interesting by the cycle." He said before moving over to his bed roll. Feeling even more tired after that little...intrusion. He plopped onto his bedroll and placed his sword next to him. "Once again. Night." He muttered as he snuggled into the covers only to fall asleep in moments.
Nyr stood up and walked up to the undead creature. It amazed her how it walked - and even talked. She sensed great necromantic energies emanating from the being. They were not the ones which sustained it but it was still amazing to see and talk to someone truly... exotic like him. She bowed before him.

" Greetings Morgrim, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Nyr and I have to say that I have not seen one of your kind ever in my life. " she inspected the unliving figure with curiosity. As he spoke then wandered off she looked around, seeing others being mortified by the gruesome appiration... somehow she found the presence of the necrotic creature elevating. If even death fights at their side then truly they had nothing to fear.
"Thinking, my love. Just thinking, trying to understand-" When Achyls started up, Malachai sneered warily, throwing his mind out into the night. He swiftly located the presence of every one of his companions, lightly skimming past them mentally until he reached an unfamiliar mind. This one was curious indeed, it wasn't threatening at least not towards the group at the campfire. He shifted his gaze in that direction, squinting his eyes to better focus across the distance. He thought he saw something small but couldn't make out anyone besides the group sitting by the fire. He cast his mind slowly away from the group and found another unfamiliar presence. This one felt of dark magic and death. It made it's way towards the campfire and he could feel the others getting riled up. He was prepared to take off in the event of trouble but stayed himself besides Achyls. The others could handle a single death mage, he wasn't sure yet that it was the mage that Achyls had responded to. Soon the mage was leaving and out of site, and still he sat by her side. He would not leave her the rest of the night, he stood by her vigilantly as the night wore on. His green crystal in spear form staked into the ground at the ready.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Luness was rather confused by Vinter's response to her 'why' question, but decided that if she was going to get a cryptic answer then Vinter probably wasn't ready to share her whole story in one sitting. At the mention of rum, Luness raised an eyebrow, as she wasn't certain how Vinter would act if she were drunk. Drunk people always made Luness nervous since their personalities always seemed to switch gears so suddenly.

Further confused on how one could receive a message by bird (maybe it was a pirate thing?), Luness remained silent, as Vinter then seemingly revealed that she'd been with her lover at that time.

Blinking at this, Luness then said, "Oh." Uncertain of what else to say, Luness glanced over to see the others had gathered around some stranger, who then seemed to wander off after a few moments of brief conversation with a select few of the group.

Glancing back at Vinter, Luness then said, "Perhaps we should get some rest before tomorrow's events arise. I'm certain we'll be busy as ever or fighting as usual."

@Aldur Forgehammer


As she watched the zombie blatantly ignore everything she'd said and then only discuss things with a select few of the group, Leandra's eyes narrowed at the retreating zombie's back, as she then whipped around and looked at the first person she saw near her, Kallin.

Clearly pissed off, Leandra kept her arms crossed over her chest as she said, "That guy is nothing but trouble for us. We can't trust him. In fact, we shouldn't trust him...nor should we be even considering any plans to split up the group. Nothing good will come of us separating from one another. We're at our strongest when we're together and I have no doubt that we can find the place together."

Banba slithered away from the newcomer as he stood up and walked off. she sat, licking at her cat's paw and gazing about the group, ignoring any and all talk about Morgrim. her eyes fell upon the sleeping boy with dog ears, otto, and her eyes went dark, her mouth twisting into a hideously trouble making grin. slowly, she stalked towards him, only to run full speed after a few steps. when she was within distance of him, however, she slowed to almost a halt and carefully curled up on top of the sleeping boy. She continued to purr slightly, until it faded out and she was asleep.
(Apologies, ignore the irrelevant and non-lore friendly previous posts I have made.)

Morgrim had approached the camp and he could all ready tell they were disgusted by him, despite the fact he himself hand't done anything disgusting, but that he himself had a less than attractive appearance. As for the fact he had offended them that certainly wasn't his goal, but he hadn't exactly interacted with anybody for the past 16 years. He was lucky at all to still be able to communicate the same language, and not just a series of rambling ghoulish noises. "Forgive me, I will try to be a little more polite. It's easy to not offend when the only company you have is yourself." He was surprised though when Banba sat into his lap and made a purring noise, shrugging it off he placed his still human hand on her and pet the back of her head. "Thankfully the undead is easy to figure out, what I know is that zombies are controlled by a sort of puppet master, zombies are the husks of their former selves, reduced to base instinct and cannibalistic instinct. What I don't know is who is responsible for it. They are probably hiding out somewhere nearby, most people wouldn't be able to control such large numbers, and have a range farther than this desert. Assuming they are even mortal. My name is Morgrim, just so you can call me something other than zombie." He scowled at most of the others, specifically the ones that have been calling him and looking at him like he is a zombie.

@zCrookedz @Jecklyn @Everyone who called him zombie

"Ah yes, the empress did make a mention of the water problem, I'll be honest I know absolutely nothing about that, I'm afraid I am here for the zombie problem, nothing more or less. I do wish you the best of luck in aiding the town, if not I'm sure I can put what remains to good use." He had told them that last bit in a almost sinister fashion, as if the death of thousands wouldn't bother him in the slightest, truth is it wouldn't. He had no connection to those people other than that one of them lead him in the direction of this group of heroes whom had so far treated him mostly poorly. Though what he would do to the city, and quite possibly remained of the inhabitants will remain unknown to them. "For their sake you may want to hurry, even if they have reserves of water it wouldn't be able to last more then a week at my guess, you should look into that problem first, the zombies can wait, besides I'll be doing what research I can into it."


"Now what might I call you ferocious little one?" He said petting Banba again, slim, narrow fingers running through her dirty fur, treating her as if she was a beloved pet rather than a quirky shapeshifting lizard, that not seconds ago was a disembodied head poofing into a cloud of smoke. "You posses a very odd ability, shapeshifter I presume? I've never meet one of your kind. What else can you turn into?" Morgrim had rather liked this one considering she was the only one to approached him and not say something entirely offensive to him.


"As I said my human friend my name is Morgrim. I am here researching the zombie threat, something that it seems you people are having some difficulty with." He had smiled, though it turned into a frown. "Sorry, that must have come of as rude, let me rephrase. I am here to offer my assistance, given my nature, and ability to blend in seeminglessly with them I may be able to help provide insight, and a certain tactical advantage should you need anybody to get a further look in on them without arousing suspicion. Now i do hope you and your friends will lower their weapons, I would like to solve this peacefully." Morgrim said, and meant it, he wanted this to go as smoothly and without any bloodshed if at all possible. These people could help him, and he could do the same should they trust him.

"Thinking?" Achyls turned and spoke out loud as Malachai stepped up to her, "Thinking is a dangerous thing, Kai. Especially for someone such as you,". Tentatively, she pressed a hand to his forearm before looking out again, behind the rocks was where her vision lay. Wanting to investigate, she took Malachai's hand, leading him towards the voices. She wasn't entirely sure what she might find, but with Malachai at her side, she didn't feel so wary.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight
Kai roused himself and smiled. "What do you mean? Why is thinking any more dangerous for me than it would be for anyone else?" He asked as he let her guide him into the night. His spear was in his hand again, resting up across his shoulder, the blade on fire looked like an odd shaped lantern the way it emitted the light around them.

It took Leia a while to get used to the zombie-man being there, but he was civil, and knowledgeable, she couldn't really fault him beyond the smell.

Wishing the others a good night she rolled back over and tried her best to sleep.

Kallin took in Morgrim's information with an interested expression. "I think we could really use your help." He said finally. "Get some rest...that is, if you need rest, and we'll find you a horse tomorrow morning."

Sinbad nodded. "All right, if you're sure we can trust him."

"We'll have watch shifts all night. Besides, I think if he were going to do something, he would have done it when he snuck past you." Kallin meant for the comment to hit home and Sinbad frowned. "That. Is not going to happen again."


Sinbad returned to the pool and to Quincy to take up his watch, and when the moon was half-way across its nightly sky voyage he woke Kallin and Luness for their turn.

Kallin yawned and stretched and tried to shake the sand out of his pants as he stood up. The night was still, but its was freezing. He took an extra blanket and wrapped himself up in it just like Vinter had done, appreciating the fact that she wasn't awake to see him.

As dawn began to lighten the eastern horizon Kallin took in the new view the coming light permitted. The sand began to sparkle and in the distance the cliffs loomed like giants, shadowed in deep blues and purples. Something flickered at his feet and he looked down, but there was nothing there. He shrugged and turned back to the horizon when it happened again.

"Lune?" He wondered if she had seen it too.

Then, without warning the sand erupted under his feet, sending him sprawling backward and a being made entirely of a bright orange mist appeared before him, weapon pointed expertly at the mage's chest.

A second mist figure appeared close to Luness, her weapon likewise trained on the hero. Each had an extra set of arms that were ready to draw still more weapons at their belts.

"Chamions of FableWood!" The first boomed formidably. "You will yield and come with us!" Kallin tried reaching for his staff, but that earned him a prick from the blade at his throat.

"Cooperate or these two die!"

@Lioness075 @everyone

She spent the rest of the night investigating, and found herself horribly fatigued as the sun rose. Never before had she looked so thoroughly for something she knew might not be real. As the light grew, her body felt heavy and she began to lose hope.

That was, until she turned around. Achyls dashed back to the camp, not hearing Malachai, as the sand erupted not too far from her. Adrenaline replaced tiredness, and she found herself sprinting across the sand as if it were stone.

"It's them! It must be!" she yelled, catching herself from hurtling into the figures that had hold of the company. Her eyes widened, taking in the Djinn's odd forms.

"Who are you!?" she questioned, her tone strict. She had to have seen these creatures before, or heard them.

Takeo was fast asleep his hair in his face moving away for a few seconds every time he exhaled. He had wrapped himself tightly in his covers from the freezing night that had already passed. He had no plans waking up anytime soon as he was in the middle of a magnificent dream. However his plans came to a complete change when the booming entered his ears. His eyes opened immediately and he untangled himself from the covers the sword in hand already. Brushing back his hair he looked at the two with blurry vision as he had just woken up and it was a bit on the bright side. "What the? Who are you and what in the hades are you doing?" He asked in surprise his sword still sheath. Seeing that the two had weapons pointed at his companions throat he got even more on guard.

Morgrim was slightly taken aback by the friendliness of Kallin and Sinbad, most people were happy to neglect anything he had to say partly for being a necromancer, and mostly for being a living corpse. "Thank you, though if you don't have any spare horses you need worry not, I can summon a steed if need be. If I may suggest it may be best to head out in two or three different groups, and meet up every few hours. The desert is a big place, and finding our antagonist may be difficult. Also shouldn't you be looking into the water problem first? I mean even I need water to survive." Morgrim had his own supply of water, but if they were going to be searching an entire desert for one person they would have to restock at some point, and helping the city seemed the best bet for that, though he was completely without a clue of how to solve the missing water crisis, in fact he didn't even know where the city found enough water to supply itself for all this time.

Morgrim was barely awake even as everyone else was getting up screaming at the strange beings. His camp was just yonder over the sand dune, but he could hear the noise, sounding more like the sounds of a distant alarm clock then shouts of surprise. As he rose up most parts of his body popped and cracked out in rebellious frustration. How he would have loved to sleep and ignored all the problems in the world, but they would continue to spin on if he didn't try to stop them. Relying on others yielded little to no results for him. "Damn kids and all their noise. Someone outta smack them upside the head." He pulled back the flap of his tent, and grabbed what few supplies his needed like healing water, his staff and a notebook. His mind was often scattered so he always kept his notebook around to keep track of important facts and events, he had long since forgotten the date though so he numbered the event in numerical order of which took place first and last. His latest entry was the group of heroes he had met just last night.

Step by step he made his way to his new companions camp, though his vision was still blurry from sleep. How odd he thought, there were more people there then last night, and though their faces were blurred to him they seemed to be angry. Lazily he stumbled over to them, trying to get them to lower their weapons with his hands, but he only succeeded in accidentally poking them both in the face. His tone of voice sounded slurred and drunk. "Hey... hey now. We're all friends here, come on put the swords down and lets all have a drink, we have important things to do." Morgrim said on the verge of falling down.
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Malachai followed Achyls back to the camp. Things had taken a turn for the interesting that's for sure. He skidded to a halt a few feet behind Achyls, sand spraying up at his feet. He frowned at what he saw before him. Kallin and Luness, both half awake it seemed, with blades pointed at them by two new comers. Strange creatures made almost entirely of mist brandished the weapons. Not sure of what they wanted he spun his spear in hand bringing it to a ready position. "What in the crook of the elder's scales is going on here??" He asked to no one in particular, yet to everyone present. He shifted once more when he noticed two more newcomers, the being near Otto that he figured was the presence he felt last night, and the undead man that walked into the camp shortly before him. He erached out with his mind once more, this was the death magic that he had detected last night. he eyed both of the warily before refocusing his attention on the more immediate threat.

The figures were tense as the heroes began to rouse to the danger. When Morgrim stumbled forward the orange being blew him back with a fierce wind attack.

"You'll keep back if you want your friends to live!"

"Don't try anything!" Kallin shouted, feeling a drop of blood slide down his neck. "For now just...do as they ask."

Leia was awake now too and glaring daggers at the two spirit-beings. Suddenly the blue being saw Achyls and her eyes widened.

"Aliphas! Look!"

The being called Aliphas then caught sight of Achyls as well and gave her a puzzled look.

"It cannot be...where did you come from girl? Who was your father?"

@SkywardSocks @Morgrim @andujarprime
Morgrim landed with a loud thud, quickly followed by the sound of bones cracking and popping. He let out a loud roar of pain as this happened. Morgrim's body was very frail, and even a semi-weak attack could snap a bone, and that's exactly what happened. He pushed himself up with his good arm, and had to snap the other back into place. He took a swig of his healing water, and the bone mended itself back together. Potent stuff that drink was. The only upside is now that he is fully awake, but in a foul mood. "The hell should we co-operate with you? You just broke my arm to prove a point, you dear sir owe me an apology, I mean you could've seriously hurt me!" Morgrim was tempted to attack them, but half of the people they were holding hostage was polite enough to respect his opinions and not call him a zombie. "Why don't you just say sorry, let those two go, and talk like civilized creatures?" Morgrim wasn't too keen on bloodshed, and when given the chance would rather use his words if they deserved it, but those two sand creatures, whatever they may be was slowly draining his patience.

Achyls' heart stopped. What were the creatures talking about?

"Where I reside is none of your concern!," she snapped, before hesitating, "....my father?"

She furrowed her brow, taking a step closer to the Djinn, prepared to fire her magic if need be. Her eyes were shadowed from searching, making her appear more intimidating and maybe even insane.

"He...was a shapeshifter...as far as I remember. Why?" she demanded an answer, why would these creatures ask about her father if they had nothing to say?

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"Oh look, it speaks." Malachai said sarcastically,"Why don't you let them go and we can talk all nice like. Or I can show you first hand how glass is made, sand demon." He sneered as he took a protective step forward and positioned his large frame before Achyls.He squeazed his hands around the spear shaft as green fire began to creep it's way up and down it's length. At this time his ride and companion nosed itself between the others and appeared near his leg. Kai's sack of meat now nearly empty hanging from it's mouth. At the touch and smell Kai frowned and looked down. "I told you some, not all of it!!" He exclaimed to the Longma who gave him a sheepish look and dropped the sack.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight
Luness groaned when Kallin woke her from her slumber. Her feet and palms ached all over and she didn't have too much fun when she finally stood up and draped a blanket over her shoulders before joining Kallin's side. Unlike Kallin, Luness held no shame in burrowing herself in one of the warm blankets. Especially now that she was in her human form until they left the desert.

Once they'd settled for their watch, Luness sat down again, frustrated by her injuries and wondering if she should ask for someone to heal them or not. Stubborn as she was though, she kept her mouth shut and continued to stare out at the horizon, bored by the lack of action.

Seeing Kallin looking down at the sand in her peripherals, Luness raised an eyebrow and turned to look at him just as he said her name out loud.

Yet, before Luness could even react, the sand erupted underneath Kallin and he suddenly went flying backwards.

Eyes wide, Luness let her blanket drop to the ground, as she quickly reached for her dagger but stopped short when a mist figure appeared and its weapon was trained on her.

Gritting her teeth and narrowing her eyes, Luness could still see Kallin in her peripherals and, despite being in her human form, let out a growl when Kallin was further threatened.

Looking back at the figure before her, Luness then said evenly, "Don't you dare hurt him. Any injuries you give him, I'll double the pain for when I inflict the injuries onto you as well."

When Luness smelled Kallin's blood, she tensed and was more than pleased when both of the figures were distracted by Achyls' appearance, though Luness hadn't the faintest idea why. Quickly jumping back a pace to get the weapon off of her, Luness then unsheathed her dagger from her hip and wasted no time in turning to face the figure that was keeping his/her (Luness couldn't tell what the figures' genders were) weapon trained on Kallin. Hoping she wasn't going to miss, Luness then whipped back the dagger and threw it at the misty figure, the dagger flipping through the air, as it quickly neared the figure.

Just after letting her dagger fly loose, Luness shouted, "Let Kallin go!"



By the time Leandra was awake, getting proper sleep didn't seem to happen with this group, the group was already beginning to surround the two misty figures who were holding both Kallin and Luness hostage for the time being.

With her own staff in hand, Leandra walked to the edge of the group, but didn't get any closer when the zombie was suddenly launched backwards upon getting too close.

Closely watching the interactions, Leandra was surprised when Luness suddenly made a bold move and attempted to attack the misty figure holding Kallin hostage. Great, now a brawl was most likely going to break out. Which meant Leandra was going to be exhausted by the end of this due to her being the main healer of the group and all.
After returning to his seat, Leo listened to the other talk for a time before turning in for the day. The information that their undead companion seemed to have sounded just, and when Kallin gave the approval it settled Leos nerves a bit. After everyone had turned in, Leo to let himself slip into his Reflective state. Thought the plant life here was meager, it was still something he could reach out to and commune with. His consciousness probing the nearby trees and small shrubbery, Leo was able to keep an eye on the surrounding areas along with those that were staying watch.

The night was peaceful, albeit a bit cold, but peaceful none the less. A bit towards the sunrise, Leo felt the trees shift a bit nervously. It only lasted for a second, so Leo put it off as the flora excited for the suns rays. But when the chaos of their Oasis erupted, Leo snapped himself back to his own mind and grabbed his Ax in preparation for battle. The Dijin were fierce looking, and while holding Kallin at knife point Leo did not wish any harm to come to him so he relaxed and placed his ax back on the ground. He looked around the camp to see if anyone else was in trouble and realized the pair of Dijin where very interested in Achyls. Leo waited and watched patiently, hoping that no one would make a brash move. Unfortunately the person Leo was afraid would, did. "Luness, calm yourself!" But it was to late, she had already released her weapon. Leo winced a bit and was ready to intervene should it be needed.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075

Otto never stirred during the night. The cold air brushed his face a few times, but the events around him never bothered him. At one point he was dreaming of a sea of foul smelling meat, which he actually didn't mind to much. But the dream quickly faded and he slept soundly until the morning when the sounds of something exciting made his eyes fly open. He shot straight up and quickly realized that something had curled up on top of him and had been sleeping. He looked at the cat "What tha..? Another cat? It wasn't until he heard Luness shout that he whipped his head around to see the creatures hold Kallin hostage. Otto growled as he shifted to his wolf form and padded across the still cool sand over beside Luness. Hair on his back raised and bearing his teeth, Otto was very displeased that someone had take Kallin hostage and was growling at them ready to strike.

@Jecklyn @Lioness075
Vinter had let Luness process all the information that she revealed. The werecat looked confused, before uttering an "Oh" in response to Vinter's question. She grinned devilishly in response to that, her eyelids were as close to each other as they could be without completely impairing Vinter's vision.

After a moment, Luness returned her gaze to Vinter, Luness stated that it would be better if they rested now, for tomorrow they would need to press on, advancing towards the temple. Before Luness could finish her sentence, Vinter began snoring, audibly, but not awfully loud. The pirate's sleepy head leaned forward, brow hitting her forearms. The snoring had stopped.



Daylight had fallen upon the desert. Waking some that were asleep and refreshing the eyes of those who weren't. The morning sun caught Vinter bathing in the sand. The way she laid on the sand implied a good night's sleep. There was a subtle smile on her face. A smile and a dream that were interrupted by the loud bellowing of two Djinn followed shortly by more shouts, a gust of wind throwing sand on Vinter's face and more bellowing.

Furious, she rose. "Shut...UP! I'm not done yet, you pricks!" Her whole upper body tilted to the general direction of the two beings, one blue, the other one red. Kallin had a blade held at his throat. The action triggered a rapid reaction from Vinter.

She picked herself up, shaking off the sand from her garment and her hair, the rest of her arms from the elbow down increased in size progressively. Vinter was about to yell back at the opponents, but she grew quiet once the Djinn had mentioned Achyls, one of the heroes. Her fists were up and ready if they would be needed.

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