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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Topaz slowly opened her eyes, feeling very sore. Then, she noticed the person next to her. Her eyes widened in fear, but she calmed herself. This girl meant no harm, she could feel it. "Ngh... My head hurts..." She said, almost missing the girl's question. "Oh... I'm Topaz..." She replied softly, as she was still surprised as to what happened. Anxiety suddenly seized her, as she scrambled to look towards her back.

She sighed in relief, noting that the saddle had stayed on during the predicament. She faced the girl again shamefacedly. "Sorry. I was... Worried about something." She murmured, feeling ashamed that she even still cared about her petty goal. She used her wings to help her stand up, and then quickly recoiled as she saw the people of the ship. "Whoa. I didn't even realize... There were this many... People." She uttered with a shocked expression under her breath. She crouched, trying to hide a small bit from all the staring people.
"I'm not offering you sympathy." Kallin said bluntly. "I'm just letting you know its ok to miss him...I think I'm starting to understand what you two have, and just..." But at then moment Leandra grabbed him.

"Hey!" but he went quietly. The mage listened carefully, if he had eyebrows at that point one would have been raised in mild disbelief. Over his head indeed.

"I know a thing or two about keeping things inside, I've also learned enough to know that its not healthy." here he looked at Elena knowingly.

"We're all working together for the same thing, leaning on one another makes us stronger, not weaker."

He crossed his arms and turned. "Think about that," though whether his last statement was for Leandra or Elena it was difficult to say.

@Lioness075 @Bea Delaine

Suddenly a large shape plummeted out of the sky, Kallin had his staff in his hand in an instant and a spell charged to blast the attacker...only it wasn't attacking. He listened as the wyvern introduced herself.

He approached carefully. "You're not hurt are you? " His eyes flicked towards the saddle and then back to her.

"Did you have someone with you?" Not all together willing to relax around the stranger just yet he kept his staff in hand.

"She means no 'arm Kallin. The ship's shields are still active, anyone with mal-intent will be repelled...forcefully." Lucille, the ship's captain put a hand through her wavy red hair and watched the scene. Kallin lowered his staff after that.


Leia cuddled the ferret quietly and when the wyvern crashed onto the deck she clutched Freya to her chest protectively. Bob and Lee were at her side in an instant. "Its certainly never boring in FableWood." She said with a smile.


Kallin looked around for the new human that had joined them from the Sand Seas, Meril. "Right, I think its time we started learning what we're up against. Everyone, let's head down to the galley and the tables. We've got a long trip ahead of us."

He lead the way, going down the narrow steps that faced the stern of the ship and turned around at the bottom to walk past the cabins and out into a wide room lined on two sides with benches and long tables made of a deep red-brown wood. The ceiling today depicted a brilliant blue sky dappled with tiny clouds, reflecting the sky outside. A seagull soared lazily over the scene, gliding past the sun and vanishing into a wall.

Kallin sat and Lucille followed in shortly after. "I also know a thing or two about the Sand Seas, I will share with you what I know."

@The Suspicious Eye @everyone
Kai had a few peaces of bacon out to give to Otto when the ship shifted, seconds later a thud on the deck behind him and he jumped. He turned mid air to face the newcomer, his arms held protectively over his bag of bacon and a snarl on his face as an audible growl escaped his throat. After a few seconds he realized there was no imminent threat to his stash, instead a semi-conscious creature lay at the edge of the deck. He reached out mentally to try and feel the creatures state of mind, wanting to make sure it wasn't going to be dangerous to his friends, or his bacon. But Kallin was faster with his questions and Lucille even faster with her reasoning. He settled back and calmed, taking a few steps forward. "There's only one way to tell if it's friendly" He said aloud as he stepped closer, he held out a hand with a few pieces of warm bacon. "Bacon?" He asked the wyvern cautiously, recognizing it for what it was now.

@MoltenLightning @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @everyone else around her
Laikas grinned, "I wouldn't have it any other way." He glanced over at the wyvern and he tilted his head, he'd never seen a wyvern before and he had become extremely intrigued. He glanced at Freya, almost worried, Are you okay there, Freya?

Freya offered a slight nod, Although this grip is a little bit tight. Can you get her to loosen it a bit.

Laikas nodded and glanced at Leia, "Would you mind loosening your grip a bit. She's a bit uncomfortable."

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Ottos mouth was watering as Kai handed over the bacon slices and he scooped them up and bolted across the deck. The tasty meat was very tasty and Otto found himself a nice little bare spot to inhale the bacon nearly without chewing it. Otto licked his canine muzzle as the ship suddenly shuttered and a creature fell from the sky and landed on the ships deck. Otto's ears perked up as some of the others readied for something bad and made their way over to where the creature fell. Otto bounded across the deck finding the creature crouched and watching as the others got closer. Otto watched as Malachai offered Topaz some bacon, which he eyed momentarily with jealousy before bounding a bit closer and sniffing at the creature. She didn't smell to out of the ordinary, in fact she smelled a bit like Malachi and Alexander. Otto sat back on his haunches and cocked his head to the side as he watched her curiously. But once he heard Kallin speaking, Otto was hot on his heals bounding down into the galley of the ship after him.

Leo had pulled his hand back from the ferret as soon as the ship was shaken and readied his ax's expecting a fight. When the creature landed on the ship, Leo wasted no time in running over to the deck and watching as Topaz introduced herself. Leo did not feel as if the young girl was a threat, so he returned his weapons to their homes and knelt down as to not tower over her. "Good Day Topaz, you took quite a nasty spill there. I'm Panthera Leo, you may call me Leo. You've landed on The Tenacity, which is taking us to The Sand Seas. If you feel like you need it, I can take a look at your head to make sure you did not injury it during your flight." Leo smiled and did his best to try and not frighten the girl who seemed a bit out of sorts.

Topaz was completely stunned by everything happening, the before she knew it a large crowd of people were around her. She snapped back into reality, and looked at them. "Uh..." She stammered, not sure how to answer. Then, when the Mage asked if someone was with her, she looked away. She was sad obviously, trying not to remember.

However, as bacon was offered, Topaz took a few pieces and nodded towards Leo. She got up tentatively, and used her wing to touch her noggin. No major damage, but it still hurt. She was thankful for all of the caring attitudes of everyone here. She looked at everyone in return, and bowed her head. "Thank you for... Ya know, caring. It's... Been awhile." She replied finally, feeling grateful. She said the last part with a solemn note, adjusting her saddle a small bit as well, as it was bothering her.
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Leo watched the young Wyvern nod towards him and he smiled stood and got within arms reach of her. He knelt down beside her and closed his eye, tapping into his reserves. As he opened his green glowing eye he took a hand and hovered it above where he had seen her rub the spot on her head. Leo did not want her to feel uncomfortable from his touch so he kept his hand hovering just over her head. He concentrated on the energy as it covered the small space between his own hand and her head. After only a few seconds he closed his eye again and withdrew his hand with a smile. "Nothing more than a very large bump. But you wont bruise and the pain should be gone. If you feel sick let me know, it is always possible to miss something, even with the help of magics." He stood back to full height and looked back to the stairs of the ship. He turned back to small group and motioned towards the opening. "Alright everyone, you heard Kallin, lets proceed to the galley." He turned back to Topaz "You are welcome to join us Topaz. We will need all the help we can get in the days to come." With that, Leo turned towards the stairs connected to the deck and made his way to the galley. Once inside, he found himself a place at one of the tables to sit and observe the meeting.

@MoltenLightning @SilverFlight
'I don't want to go with them.... Have I ran enough?' A brown haired boy wondered as he stood in the middle of the woods in the dead of night. HIs eyes looking everywhere as he tried to figure out if he was followed. However all he heard was the sound of nocturnal animals chattering nonstop. The idea of continuing did cross his mind, however he had been fleeing for who knows how many hours and his body was down right exhausted.

Shivering slightly from the night chill he silently climbed a tree and found a good secure place to lay down. 'Damn it.... I didn't plan a thing... What am I going to do about food? I should have brought a few things with me... I'll sleep on it... Hopefully I can think of something.' Letting out a yawn he closed his eyes and fell fast to sleep.

What felt like moments a loud crash rang through his ears making him jolt away and panic a bit. "I swear I AH!!" He shouted as he fell out of the tr-... Wait hammock? Laying on his stomach on the hard wood floor he let out a slight pained groan. "Wha?........ Where... Where am I?" He mumbled as he placed his hand on his gut and slowly stood up.

Shaking his head he looked around as he tried to figure out the answer to his question. Glancing around he noticed this looked like a place for storage. 'Did I get caught and sent here??? No that doesn't make sense.' He thought as he spotted a door. Hesitantly he made his way over to the door and opened it.

Still highly confused he walked on till he found some stairs that lead upstairs. 'What building am I in? Is it.... Moving???' Quietly he went up the stairs and opened the door. Placing his hands over his eyes as the sun glared down into them he squinted as he moved onto the deck of a ship. Looking around he rubbed his eyes hoping to get used to the sun soon as he saw others there crowded around someone.

'Maybe they know whats going on... Wait... What if they are the ones that kid-..... Wait.. They look...different?????' He silently moved closer to the group his eyes finally adjusted to the glare. However his eyes soon widened when he saw what lay before him. 'Monsters?' He thought as he backed away. "What the hell is this??????" He asked allowed rather frightened by the sight.

@Not Sure who to tag... (I hope this works if you find any problems feel free to tell me :) )
Laikas sighed and shook his head when told to head to the galley, "I'm not entirely confident being inside. If it's something important you can take Freya and she'll tell me what went on." He glanced at Leia, "If that's going to be okay with you, of course." Laikas was a little claustrophobic and he had been since a very young age; there were too many places for an assassin or a spy to hide in and he'd rather be in the open, in the day time. Plus it meant he could go flying with Corax or just simply run around the deck a little bit. Considering he had missed the hunting earlier, he thought the former would be better.

Corax allowed himself a grin and looked at Freya, almost sneering at her. She didn't show a reaction. He hopped off Laikas' shoulder and flapped his wings a little and perched himself on the side of the ship. He had been idle for a little too long and he wanted to go flying for a little bit.

Achyls let loose her wings after Lucille called. She was excited to learn about the sandseas, and even more so what she could find there. On her tiptoes, she fell from the edge of the crow's nest, to be swept up by the wind like a kite. She took this time to complete a few laps about the ship before diving into the galley.

When she touched ground, her hair was ruffled and messy, but her smile overshadowed that. She had not felt the wind on her back like that in a long while, normal flight did not replicate such joy. Once in the galley, she took a seat on a wooden stool, primed to listen to anyone who had information.

Leandra furrowed her brows upon hearing Kallin's response and then opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by his side comment at the end.

Immediately growing uneasy at the realization that she may not have handled that situation well, Leandra blinked and then stammered, "I get that, really." Dropping her voice to a whisper, Leandra then added, "But Elena handles it differently, okay? Talking directly to her about stuff doesn't work, it makes it worse instead. She...she's opened up a little to me, okay? I didn't ask her to, she just felt safe in confiding in me. Talk less about her feelings and her problems and more about the situation at hand. You won't get anywhere with her if you keep trying to talk with her about what's bothering her."

Bringing her voice back to a normal volume, Leandra then added, "Sorry if I offended you or anything, Kallin...I was just trying to help."

Rubbing the back of her head, Leandra then wondered what to say or do next, but her thoughts were interrupted by a rather loud entrance by some winged creature that she'd never seen before.

Eyes wide, Leandra remained where she was while both Nyr and Kallin approached the creature and then said creature began speaking in response, though she soon became terrified at the sight of everyone gathered on the deck. Leandra couldn't possibly imagine why (sarcasm).

Hearing Lucille mentioning that the creature meant no harm, Leandra at least felt a bit better in the moment, though she still felt nervous around the creature. What exactly was she?

Not too soon after, introductions were quickly brought to an end, as Kallin now suggested they all head down to the galley to discuss their plan of action for their next adventure. So basically, a SITREP, which was a commonly used military term in active duty, especially when deployed.

Following after Kallin and giving the new creature a wide berth just to be safe, Leandra called out over her shoulder, "Come on, El!" before she soon was inside the galley and sitting down and grinning at the sight of the seagull flying along the ceiling and then disappearing into a wall. It was truly a remarkable piece of art, especially with its ability to have the artwork moving and looking so realistic. Magic at its best, in Leandra's opinion.

Hearing Lucille mentioning that she knew a bit about the Sand Seas, Leandra soon wondered if she should've brought some pen and paper along with her to take notes. She felt like she might need to write everything down after it was all said. Then again, they hadn't had much trouble with remembering everything in the past.

@Aldur Forgehammer @Peaceswore
Of course they knew they had feelings for each other. Neither was blind nor stupid. Vinter was going to give away more of her story to Luness, had she not been interrupted by a loud thud. This didn't as startle her. Quite the opposite, making Vinter a little frustrated. Luness took out to see what the fuss was all about, Vinter followkng behind her. There was a wyvern on her ship. One giant flying lizard. The other people next to her could swear her left eye twitched involuntarily. She took a deep breath in and then forcefully exhaled. "Shiver me timbers! Would anyone care to explain what this bilge-sucking lizard is doing on my ship causing such a stir?" She exclaimed, seemingly angered by the whole altercation.

@everyone next to the wyvern
Malachai smiled at Topaz when she took up the bacon. maybe she could be trusted he thought to himself. He stood and began to walk away towards a new scent snd voice when Vinter's comment caught him off guard. His eye twitched ss he turned back to her, she was visibly annoyed but he just shrugged " Careful with the lizard jokes. you never know when you might run into one big enough and of s mind to have you for lunch." He teased as he walked away, his sack of bacon over his shoulder. He was a few feet away from Luness and a new human now, smiling at her game he thought hed join in on scsring the seemingly clueless human. He focused on his face and his features contorted, leaving his face scaley snd reptilisn looking. his eyes glowing green snd his teeth sharp snd pointed. the hulking barbarian made his way to the stairs and growled. "sssomething ssmells tassstyy around here" he spoke aloud to Luness and gave her a slight wink then turned his attention to the human child. "Oohhh, I sseeee what it could be"

@Aldur Forgehammer
Leia loosened her grip on Freya, letting the small animal climb where she willed. "No worries Laikas, I'll keep Freya with me if she wants." She scratched her behind the ears

When she heard Vinter's exclamation she gave a laugh and then covered her mouth with a hand.

"You did not just say 'shiver me timbers'." She was grinning. It was the most cliche phrase she could think of for a pirate.

@Aldur Forgehammer @Baconhands

Kallin sighed. "All right, consider that the last time I bring it up. Let's get downstairs."


Lucille excused herself from the gathering long enough to see the young boy emerge from his quarters. "Ah!" She said, holding her arms out in welcome. "Our new passenger awakes. C'est un veritable plaisir, I am Lucille, captain of ze skyship Tenacity. And zese," here she gestured to those people the young boy could see, "Are ze 'eroes of FableWood. N'inquiéte pas petit, you are in good 'ands."

She motioned for them to follow her back to the galley where everyone was gathering.


Leia took a seat, her three spirits choosing space about her feet to lie. Lucille went to the front of the benches and cleared her throat.

"No doubt you know ze nature of a desert, zis one is vast beyond your imaginations. Ze largest city is just on ze edge of the dunes, before ze sands begin rolling like an ocean frozen in time. Before this ze desert is quite manageable. Zere are oases and ze city itself iz built directly onto a river...but where you must go mes amis, iz far into the Sand Seas, out onto ze dunes and beyond...it iz very dangerous, even without ze stories of ze dead rising from the scorching sands. Fearsome creatures roam ze desert, always on ze lookout for easy prey."

Kallin sucked in a breath. "It sounds like we're better off just flying over the dunes, we do have an airship." Lucille smiled at him sweetly, but her meaning was more along the lines of 'poor ignorant mage'.

"Ze monsters are only part of ze danger, ze other is ze sand itself. Desert winds pick it up and create terrifying sandstorms, storms which would shred even a splendid ship like ze Tenacity to toothpicks in hours. I am afraid you are walking. Taking ze ariship guarantees a very unpleasant end."

"Walking through a monster-infested, sandstorm-ridden desert towards a place where the dead rise...just another day for the heroes then?"

"I will be taking you to ze city at ze edge of the sands; it is ruled by a very wise empress, she takes ze title: Mistress of a Thousand Tales."

"A thousand tales? Like, the thousand Arabian nights? Weren't there one thousand and one?"

Lucille raised an eyebrow knowingly. "I shall let you discuss zat matter with her."

Lucille then looked to Meril, offering her the floor if she had anything else to add.

@Everyone @The Suspicious Eye
Nyr said nothing as she observed the wyvern joining the others. As Kallin stepped forward and urged them to go and meet him in the hall to discuss things she knew immediately that there was no time to waste with pleasantries. She heard Lucille speak and the tale sounded familiar to her... yet she did not know from where. Regardless of that she nodded and prepared for the departure.

" There aren't many things in my room, I can share it with someone who needs it. " she added.

Meanwhile Arianne remained silent, seeing that they were rather preoccupied and focused on the journey. Instead of interfering with the others she walked silently to the room Kallin offered her and decided to rest before the long road. She wanted to be prepared, fully ready for the challenges ahead of them.
Takeo looked around shocked at the sight of the creatures. Still extremely confused he turned around and his jaw dropped. 'I'M ON A SHIP??????????????' He thought in genuine shook as he moved over to the railing. 'This... I'm on a ship... With... With whatever does things are...... I am dreaming.... That would make a ton of sense in this senseless moment! Wait...... If I was in a dream why did it hurt to fall out of the hamo-' Before the teen could finish his thought he heard something that made him jump. "Boo" True, it didn't sound scary or even threatening, but he wasn't expecting it so his eyes widen and turned around. "AH!" He exclaimed as he tried to back away only to have the rail blocking him from going overboard.

His eyes remained wide as he looked at the feline and tried to comprehend what was going on. He opened his mouth to ask her something since despite how she looked, he figured she wasn't an enemy since she didn't attack him. Just as he was about to a lizard approached and made him clamp his mouth shut. 'T-Tasty?? What type of d-.... Actually... Now that I think about it... It's not a dream. I'm hallucinating! I thought those mushrooms were okay, but I guess they weren't.'

"..... Never again will I eat any mushrooms I find in the wood when running away.... Though... This hallucination is very, very vivid." Takeo said with a small laugh as he rubbed the back of his head.

When the captain came and introduced herself in her rather odd accent in his opinion he smiled and waved at her. When she motioned him to follow he shrugged and walked after her. Before looking over at the cat and lizard. "Badace armor by the way. And nice fangs. I did not know hallucinations could be so detailed." He said with a small smile before walking off.

When he arrived at the galley he leaned against a wall close to the door and listened to what was going on. "........... What?" He asked thoroughly confused as to how he seemed to jump into the middle of a hallucination. "Those mushrooms were really effective...."

@Lioness075 @andujarprime @SilverFlight
When Freya felt Leia's grip loosen, she scrambled up to her shoulder and perched herself there, Yeah, I'm happy here. When she sat down, Freya ran down and curled up on her lap, her ear twitching occasionally. She listened to every word Lucille said, making a note of it in her mind. She was sure somebody else would tell Laikas about what was happening but that was beside the point. As was her nature, she started checking Leia for pockets. @SilverFlight

Laikas watched everyone go into the galley and sighed. He glanced aside at Corax who was waiting patiently for him and Laikas smiled to himself, We can't go too far today, you realize this?

Given that Freya is here, I wouldn't have it any other way. By the way, when you going to master that other one?

At some point, we don't need to worry about it now. He looked away from the raven and breathed out slightly, moving to the edge of the ship and standing on it. He put out his arms and grinned slightly, falling backwards off the side and plummeting to the earth. Closing his eyes, he turned over and he thought of flight and at one moment, he looked human, and the next, he was an eagle. He spread out his wings and with a few powerful swings from his wings, he was flying by the stern of the ship.

Corax watched his friend fall off the ship and waited for a moment before launching himself off the side of the ship to join him. It only took a few seconds and he was flying next to Laikas. It was a shame you missed the hunting this morning.

I'm not going to leave Freya by herself. At least in a human palace. I have too many enemies among their kind. Which reminds me, he glanced sideways at Corax with his yellow, piercing eyes, You didn't bring me a response for Jymena's.

The Raven looked back at him and shook his head, They spat on your kind offer and didn't reply. Nothing else to say.

Laikas rolled his eyes, Take a note to Fenris when you get the chance. I believe they will have to be dealt with soon. He groaned, Why are humans so devoted to their collection of shiny things? Get Rachnos to meet me at the largest city in the Sand Seas with their money.

Corax merely nodded.
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Topaz followed the others, staying a Wyvern form as she was not that big. When she noticed the man's face morph into that of a lizard, she gasped, walking towards him when she went towards the stairs. "Are you a Dragon?" She asked, clearly intrigued. As she came to a table-like area, she went immediately to the windows.

Then, as the conversations carried on, she shot back into reality and listened in. She sat down, yawning, then faced the lizard-man/Dragon again. "Oops, sorry. I saw a window and just went for it." She explained with a small giggle, feeling incredibly stupid. Suddenly, she realized she might have been intruding. "Is it alright if I'm here right now? I just came unexpectedly, and I'm sorry for that. If it was rude, I mean." She explains, feeling moderately pressured. She looked out the window again, wanting to fly and feeling the wind on her wings.
Malachai looked at Luness a tad confused. "Mushrooms?" He asked her quizzically as the human followed Lucille back down below. He shook his head and his face turned back to normal. He shrugged as they headed to where everyone was. The new comer made her way over to them and walked alongside him. Asking a question. He smiled to see how easily she was distracted, it reminded him of his brother when they were younger. Even of himself when food was present. "Yep, big, bad dragon in the flesh." He said to her with a smile. At her later remark he just laughed mostly to himself. "A surprise guest, nothing more. It isn't rude, in truth everything we do will eventually affect every being in fablewood. So it's more than alright for you to be here, we might even need your help if you would be so inclined to offer it to us." He said calmly as he propped himself up against a wall. His sack of bacon falling to the floor at his feet. "Where'd you come from anyway?" He asked curiously as he waited for the meeting to begin.

She sat next to him, sighing. "I came from the Wilderness originally, but at some point, I was found by a man. He raised me, fed me. Then, he'd given me the joys of the wind as a gift. In return, he wished to ride me. I accepted, of course, and we flew around for a ages, laughing our heads off in glee. Those were the good ol' days. Seventeen years later, I came to him in his cottage one day after noticing his disappearance for several days. His face was twisted in a malicious grin when he faced me. I tried asking what had happened, but... He became this close to casting some sort of evil magic on me. I could feel it. So, I ran..." She replied, feeling a sadness wash over. She adjusted her saddle a small bit, almost longingly. She sat there in silence for a moment.
Chuckling at the human's reaction to her and then his reaction to Malachai, Luness watched the human begin to stumble back down the stairs with a glint of amusement in her eyes.

Hearing Malachai's question of what the human meant by mushrooms, Luness could only shrug in response. She hadn't the faintest idea what he was talking about, but whatever. As for hallucinations, Luness was amused to hear that the human was trying to convince himself that none of this was real.

Hearing the humans compliment to her armor, Luness grinned at him with her arms crossed over her chest. Yet, when he complimented her fangs, Luness blinked and then gave him a rather confused look. Why would one compliment her fangs? That made no sense.

Following Malachai downstairs, Luness soon spotted Kallin and walked over to join his side just in time to hear that they'd be transversing the Sand Seas by foot. Brilliant.

Sighing, Luness glanced sideways at Kallin and said sarcastically, "Well, this outta be plenty of fun then."

@SilverFlight @Peaceswore @andujarprime
Achyls beamed as Lucille explained the situation. Her readiness for battle made her giddy, and she could hardly keep herself steady.

"A thousand tales..." she muttered under her breath, "a prestigious title, indeed,". Her mind was buzzing full of blissful expectations of battle and meeting this empress for herself. She ended up sitting on her hands, the way a child would. Looking around, she hoped nobody would notice her outburst of excitement, it was not like her to be so childish.

Meril smiled at Arianne, but shook her head. "I do not eat breakfast at this time, but thank you for offering. I am happy to help on any way I can. She looked at the others as comotion ensued, Otto was running around new friends others were chaining in a more serious note. She followed in slice nice taking in. Everyone's personalities and quirks. She wanted to study them, more than interact with them. It wasn't until she noticed that she was being stared at when she spoke up. "Oh ummm, I was just thinking oooooffffff...... a battle strategy? Yeah a battle strategy." Felling as though she saved herself she cleared her throat and spoke clearly, "yes, the Sand Seas are based around the fables of the thousand night and the great woman who told them. These fables are much different from those of the western world. They have death, betrayal and greater use of magic and mystery. It is a very dangerous place if you are not careful. And now it's even more dangerous. The desert has suddenly be overrun by the undead, they are coming from a place called the Chaos Dunes, where an Ifrit King is said to live. I was sent here by the Queen's of the largest city in the Sand Seas to ask for your help to stop this once and for all."

@SilverFlight and everyone.
Kallin listened intently. "It sounds like we should get to this city first, we can talk strategy with this empress." he glanced at Luness as she commented on their task. "Oh barrels and barrels of fun to be sure." His tone matched hers.

@Aldur Forgehammer

((I'm sorry if I missed anyone!))
Laikas spent the majority of the two days introducing himself to everyone and trying to learn as much as he could about them. The teaching he lived his life by was 'Knowledge is power', so the more he knew, the more powerful he felt. While talking with the group of heroes, he found out about their enemy, Caraboss. The name intrigued him more than anything, but what else intrigued was the potential to make a little bit of profit. How much would Caraboss pay for information about the heroes and where they were? Laikas could only imagine, he cared very little for the affairs of humans and human creatures, maybe Caraboss could guarantee the safety of his animals.

When they arrived, the sun was beginning to set. He glanced over the side of the Tenacity and, despite his attitude towards humans, he couldn't help but feel awe when he was looking at the city; the fantastic architecture wowed him and he felt a strange excitement he had never experienced before. He allowed himself a grin, I'm pretty sure there are some nobles here we can exploit. Let's see what animals we can find.

Freya spent a lot of time with Leia on the journey, although she explored whenever she wanted to, finding a few stowaways she could sleep in. Occasionally, she would bring Laikas a gold or silver coin.

Corax had flown off the ship and hadn't been seen for the last two days.

(Not much to say for the animals =/ )

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