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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo watched as the group disperced and began to make their way to the air ship. He gave Lucille a smile for their momentary back and forth, before looking down at Otto. The little werewolf had begun to eat his breakfast now with his usual gusto and was now reaching for a second plate of bacon. Leo gripped his shoulder, causing him to look up with a mouth full of bacon "Come on Pup, time we got going." Having relieved himself of the burden of his nightmare, Otto felt his old self beginning to return. He looked up at his Lion friend and smiled as he scooped up the last of his plate up and stuffed it into the pocket. He looked across the table to where Luness and Alta had chosen to speak and he jumped over the table. He padded over to them as they finished speaking and smiled at them before looking over at Alta and wrapping his arms around the old she wolf "It was good ti see you again Granny. I promise I wont disapear again. I'll come back with everyone else and tell you all about Oz and the crazy stuff I've seen since." He smiled again and released Alta before turning to Luness. "Ready to go Luness?" Leo watched as Otto said his goodbye's, before turning towards Nyr as she spoke. He walked over to her and gave her a smile "There is no other who would have better chance with the ravens than you Nyr." He smiled again as he continued on towards the ship. Finding his way onto the deck of the ship had looked over the heads of the group. Leo found Lucille on the ship ready and waiting, "We are just about ready Captain."

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Kai poked his head out from the kitchen doors, his mouth full of bacon. He took a large swallow before speaking up "I'm good to go, just let me grab some of this to go okay?!" He called out to the group before disappearing back inside the kitchen. A minute later he was out walking past them with a huge sack hung over his shoulder, it was lumpy looking and there was steam radiating from it. Steam and a very delicious aroma, he smiled at everyone as he hurried out of the castle and to the ship. Seconds after he disappeared out of the dining room, two cooks came out screaming, brandishing sharp kitchen knives and frying pans, their hats down around there necks with the tops broken. "WHERE IS HE??!! WHERE IS THAT BLASTED DRAGON??!!!" They exclaimed before going in two different directions.
Leia got up from the table, shifting the earth spirit off her feet. When Laikas appeared she gave him a friendly wave, she remembered seeing him when they battled the queen. Then she saw the sleeping ferret in his arms and her face lit up.

"Awwww! What a cutie!" The boy holding it seemed reserved, almost aloof, but he must be here for a reason. "Are you coming with us?" She asked in a friendly tone.

@Aldur Forgehammer

Alta drew her head around the boy's shoulders as he hugged her. "I'll see you when you get back then. Stay out of trouble." It was obvious she did not want him to go, but she also knew he had had to grow up much more quickly than he should have...he was ready to be treated as one of the heroes.

"You look after that boy." She told Luness firmly. "I won't live through losing him again...and look after yourself."

Kallin leaned on the railing of the ship, waiting for Luness as he watched her from the deck. If she looked up at him she would have seen him give her an impish wink


Lucille Nodded at Leo and bellowed out the last few orders to prep the ship for launch. Two members of the crew were already working to remove the hook for the gangplank.


Ward followed the group, stopping just beside it. The look on his face was near brokenhearted as it slowly dawned on him that he was saying goodbye to Elena, that he would have to be without her for who knew how long.

"I trust you." He answered her question quietly. "And I will..." He took her hands in his, rubbing the backs of them with his thumbs tenderly as he looked down. He knew he had to stay, this was what had to happen, but a part of him couldn't bear the thought of being away from her. He swallowed hard, the ache in his chest settling into a place. That pain would become very familiar over the next few days. Then he steeled himself, a better thought volunteering itself in his mind.

"I will think of the day we see each other again." He lifted a hand to cup her cheek gently, offering her a smile filled with love. That thought began to ease the pain of separation ever so slightly.

"Elena," He said, appearing to come to a decision. He glanced about at the heroes gathering. Suddenly self-conscious, but he forced it down. When he had gone to change that morning the box Trindle had given him had fallen from his pocket. Curiosity overcame him and he had opened it. Smiling now he produced the tiny wooden box, with its beautifully-carved and lacquered lid.

"My friends in Branbern know me perhaps better than I know myself, but that is not so relevant at the moment..." He slid open the tiny latch. "Last night you asked me a question. I answered it with more sureness than I have ever felt...In light of that...I have something for you." Slowly he lowered himself to one knee.

"Please, accept it as symbol of that answer, and of my love." He opened the box.

Inside, its bottom half hugged tightly by a blue velvet cushion was a ring.

The band was made of a silver-ish metal that glinted and shimmered in all seven colours, smooth to the touch and exquisitely fashioned to depict the tiniest leaves and vines which seemed to move and coil when turned in the light. A gem was set into the top of the ring, embedded in the band itself and spreading in an oval shape with the longest edges parallel to it. The gem also shimmered, but its true colour was a deep azure, like a pool of the purest water.

This he held out in both hands as he looked up at her, his golden eyes shining brightly.

@Bea Delaine

Leia looked around at that moment, saw Ward on one knee and both hands clapped to her mouth.
All but complete chaos found itself roaming about the night prior. Masquerading Balls, Epic fights, and a beautiful Star Fall. This morning had been quiet and a needed break from the now ordinary events that surrounded this group of heroes. Vinter had been pacing through the ship for a while, not quite finding a place to settle and begin her daily routines. She was on Tenacity for the very first time in quite a lot of time and wanted to examine the ship, see if she remembered everything correctly. Indeed, nearly everything was where it was supposed to be. All the sounds, oh the thuds and screeching of the doors, the magics that make the cannons go boom boom pow! A true delight to Vinter.

In her journey of rediscovering the ship, she caught a glimpse of her dark cloud of a friend Kallin. A grin crept up on Vinter's face. This was amongst the very few times she could catch him off guard. Yet, she decided against pulling a silly prank on the smoky entity and instead approached him. "I don't suppose you're looking for food, are you?" She asked.

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Kallin blinked at the words, turning towards Vinter with a curious look, his eyes holding a smile. "Was that supposed to be funny?" She knew he couldn't eat in his current form, he wondered if she'd picked up that he was watching Luness, glad that no one would see him blushing.

"What were you doing out in the skies by yourself? Before you met up with us?" He had wondered that since she had joined them, but it also helped him dodge potential questions about the himself and the werecat.

@Aldur Forgehammer
Kallin's reaction was nothing unexpected. "You don't know what you're missing. There are some very humbling delicacies out there just waitin' to get in yer belly." She sighed. Kallin further asked her about the reasons behind her sudden appearance. Her grin slowly died, leaving a neutral face in place. "Information. What else?" She took a large breath in a subtle manner. "The ship's crew, the one I was on, was rumored to know of some troublesome plans of hers. But they were just that...Rumors. We didn't have any other leads and I felt like we needed to take that risk. My gut's betrayed me, and here I am."

Vinter smiled, shifting her weight on her left foot and resting her left hand on her hip. "Besides, I think you need all the help you can get to bring down that wicked witch, don't ya?"

Laikas smiled to himself and looked down at Freya, They think your cute. Stay asleep if you want, we've got a long journey ahead of us. He looked at Corax who was perched on his left shoulder before turning his head to look at the girl and nodding slightly, "If I have permission to, yes. I'd like to." Noting her previous reaction, he moved close to the girl, "She doesn't bite if you want to pet her. She's quite friendly, and playful."

Corax sighed, Why don't humans react like that when they see me for the first time? I'd say I'm pretty cute for a raven.

Laikas chuckled slightly, Maybe in the future they will.

Smelling Otto's approach before he even arrived, Luness stepped back a bit from Alta just in time for Otto to give her a hug. Hearing what Otto said next brought a small smile to Luness' face, as she glanced at Otto with what could easily have been mistaken for the proud look of a mother if she were to look at her child growing up.

Hearing Otto's question of whether of not she was ready, Luness simply nodded at him and suddenly reached out with her forepaw and roughed up Otto's hair for a moment before grinning and saying, "I hope you stocked up on some bacon, as we have at least two days before we even reach our destination."

Hearing Alta's next words, Luness blinked and then smiled confidently at Alta before replying, "I wouldn't worry too much about him. Otto can more than handle himself in a fight. Plus, he's got me to watch over him now on top of Leo, who I'm pretty sure already is looking out for the pup."

Hearing Alta's concern for Luness, she shrugged it off and said with a glance towards the Tenacity, specifically Kallin, "I think I can handle myself now. If not, I've got others looking after me as well."

Not a moment after she said this while looking at Kallin, Luness saw him wink at her and she instantly blushed, though her fur luckily hid most of it. Quickly glancing away from him, Luness then began making her way towards the Tenacity while saying over her shoulder, "Come on, Otto! We can't have everyone waiting on us!"

Yet, before Luness could even make it to the Tenacity, she saw Ward getting onto one knee out of the corner of her eye. Stopping out of curiosity to see what he was doing, Luness then furrowed her brows upon seeing he small metal ring in the box being offered to Elena. Seeing Leia's reaction made Luness think that this action was somehow significant, but she hadn't the faintest idea what it meant.

Shrugging, Luness decided to get on the Tenacity and leave Ward and Elena to do their own thing, as she felt a bit as if she were intruding on whatever kind of moment they were supposed to be having.

Upon walking along the gangwalk and then stepping onto the deck, Luness glanced around for a moment before she saw Kallin nearby with Vinter. Raising her eyebrow at this, wondering what they could be talking about, Luness then casually walked up to join Kallin's side before looking over at Vinter and silently listening to the last bit of what she'd just said. Something about rumors and then them needing all the help they could get.

Deciding against intruding in the conversation itself, Luness merely nodded and then said, "We certainly need any and every able body for the upcoming fight. Losing isn't exactly an option for us."

@Aldur Forgehammer
Meril had stayed hidden after the party. She had no place to call home in this strange kingdom so she sleep outside on the roof. It was normal for her, but she missed the heat and warmth of the Sand Seas, and the cool comfort of her home back on Earth. She had made a promise to herself that tomorrow she would approach the others and ask for their help. For Scheherazade who had done so much for her.

As morning came Meril returned to her normal clothes which were her cirque costume. She had always felt comfortable in the butterfly styled clothing. It made her feel apart of the world, and not just a observer. She hopped down from the roof and entered into the castle unseen by the others. She listened to the griffon's speech and was relieved when he told them of their new mission. She decided to accompany them back seeing as Scheherazade was expecting her to bring them.

She decided to meet them on the ship, not wanting to intrude on their breakfast. She made her way to the airship and jumped up to the deck, she hid from the crew and watched as the others arrived. She looked up at the sky from the deck as the wind caught up her hair. She smiled, being on a airship was like her third home.

@Anyone near the ship.
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Anya turned as she heard someone approaching the ship and watched as another girl got up onto the deck and enjoyed the breeze.

"You're home is in the clouds, too, I'm guessing?" Anya asked with a smile. It was a total shot in the dark, but seemed a good conversation starter. She stepped over and offered a hand, her own blond hair blowing freely back behind her as her blue eyes looked the other woman up and down.

"Cool outfit, by the way! I'm Anya." She added, putting on one of her 'sincere' smiles.

@The Suspicious Eye
Meril turned to follow the voice and saw a young girl. Meril looked down at her and smiled, "Yes, it's a home away from my home. Thank you for the complement. I am Meril, Meril Almas It's a pleasure." She ran her fingers through her black to blue hair and smiled at her. Matching her blue eyes to Anya's, she took a step forward to her. "It's alright that I'm joining you on this quest right? I'm sure Scheherazade will appreciate your help."

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"I'm sure that no one will mind your joining us. It seems the more of us there are the better. Besides, we're fighting a whole army, right?" She said, when she said it like that she realized how huge their task really was. At the same time, however, she realized that they had already completed such impossible tasks.

(Sorry, this post was awful.)
(Sorry I'm late.)

Meril nodded, "yes a very large army. The world there has gone dark. The dead have arisen. The Sand Seas are in great danger." She looked at the sky worriedly and sighed. "I hope in my absence it hasn't grown worse. I can't believe it the living dead. This stuff only happens in movies." She looked at Anya and gave a stained smile, "sorry, I should know by now that all this is real. It's just nothing like earth. I love living with all these amazing people. It's a honor and a dream..."

Achyls found her way onto the ship, her body feeling light under the breeze. She found her place atop the crow's nest as she often did, looking down at the others congregating below. It brought a smile to her face to see them all together, especially with the addition of newcomers. It felt as if they were already part of this great company she had come to know. Quietly, she began to hum to herself, pacing like a strange circus performer on the rim of the nest, high up on her toes. She looked as if she were dancing, and probably drew too much attention to herself doing so. Even if that were true, she did not care, it felt homely up so high, watching over the others.
Elena first gave Leandra a scolding look, but she couldn't hold the setiousness behind it. She was actually thankful that someone was willing to be there for her now, and knew her well enough to say such things. It has been only Fablewood which gave her this luxury.

"Bold? Sure.."

She looked towards Ward again as her spoke. They were close to each other. The sadness she was biting down rose back up into her chest, but she continued to keep a straight face and be as strong as she could. He bent down on a knee and pulled out the box, and a tear slid down her cheek. It was bittersweet. And she couldn't help it. Timidly she reached towards the box, and knelt halfway to kiss him.

"I accept, of course.."

She whispered as she came in, then when pulling away she added.

"It will be so much harder to leave you here now, but I'm so happy."
Otto reached into his pockets and waved a hand full of bacon he had snatched from the second plate he had been brought. He smiled at Luness as he popped a few of the pieces of bacon into his mouth before giving Alta one last smile and bounding after Luness. As he did he shifted to his wolf form and padded over to the plank to the ship. Once on the plank he lifted his nose high into the air and sniffed, he could smell something delicious. He shot past Luness as she made her way over to Kallin and began to sniff the deck over and over. Something on this ship smelled delicious and he was determined to find it. Nose to the wood of the deck, Otto wasn't paying attention to where he was sniffing and eventually found himself running head first into a leg. He took a step back from the leg he had just run into and looked up to see it belonged to someone he had never seen before. A girl, dressed in a very colorful outfit who seemed to be talking with Anya. Otto sat back and looked up and the strange girl with a cocked head and then back to Anya before letting out a yip of excitement at the both of them.

@The Suspicious Eye @Hel

Leo looked over the deck as the last few trickled in. Apart from the gentleman with the animals they had met last night, the only truly new face seemed to be a young woman who he had never seen before. Looking back over to the gangplank, he saw Ward and Elena. He hated to take away from their good bye, but they needed to be underway as soon as possible. Instead of interrupting them, Leo turned back to the captain "Seems we are all accounted for Captain."

Kai found himself high up off the deck, sitting atop the main mast. His sack of bacon hanging half emptied now, he watched in curiosity as the others began to board, old friends and newcomers alike. Achyls caught his eye, as usual whenever she was near. He smiled at her as she paraded around the crows nest. "Ready for the next adventure?" He thought out to her with a mouth full of bacon. He swung himself back over the beam and hung by his legs, his long blond hair falling down towards the deck. He smiled at the odd change in his view point, then once his hands were free of bacon he grabbed onto the netted rope and swung and climbed his way across to the crow's nest. Hopping over the side to stand next to her, a snug fit considering his large size."Have you ever been to the sand sea's? I've been to many places, and had many foods. But I have never had reason to visit the sand seas." He said aloud as he looked out onto the horizon

As the others began to head toward the ship, Quincy gathered a few food items and stood, slipping away down the hall. She had no idea where Alexander had spent the night; finding that pool had been the only thing on her mind the previous night. Thankfully, she could almost feel his sleeping mind and reached his door momentarily. "Alexander?" She called as she pushed the door open, holding a plate of his favorite foods. "It's almost time to leave. The others are already boarding the Tenacity." The kelpie said, standing calmly by the door. When he was ready, they would join the others on the ship. Even if they pushed off before they got there, she had no doubt he could catch up with the air ship.

"It's okay, honestly I have a hard time believing it all too... I'm sure that we can help out there, even if we can't undo what's been done" Anya said trying to be reassuring. Then there was a little yip.

Anya smiled at Otto and said, "Hey pup! What's up?" She emphasised the fact that it rhymed, even though she knew it was super lame.

Alexander rolled over as Quincy's voice filled his ears. He was still soundly asleep but her voice began to bring him out of it.

He sat up groggily and looked at her, sleepily asking "Quin...cy?"
Meril wasn't very confident, but she smiled at Anya anyway. "Thank you, that is reassuring to hear. I consider the Sand Seas my home and the people there, my family. I just want to keep it safe." Suddenly she felt a force collide with her leg, it wasn'tsting enough to knock her down, but random enough to startle her. She looked around and the down to the werewolf she had seen the night before. She Meril glanced at Anya as she gave a quirky little rhyme. Holding back her laughter she looked down at the puppy and smiled. Extending her hand for him to sniff she spoke in a soft voice. "Hello there, who are you?"

@Hel @zCrookedz
Otto sat there, his goofy little canine smile with his tongue hanging out as he looked back and forth between the two girls. When the colorful one reached out Otto stuck his nose out and sniffed at her hand a bit. This was not the source of the good smelling food. But none the less he licked her hand once before he jumped up onto all fours and yipped at Anya after she greeted him. He ran around them with a short little lap before hopping up onto a box residing next to them and then jumping off it into the air. Otto shifted from wolf to boy with ease, having his correct cloths on now made shift so much easier. He landed on his feet, his tail wagging back and forth still as he stood on his two legs and smiled at them with his arms resting behind his head. "Something smelled really good over here. But I can't seem to find where its coming from." Was his response to Anya, looking around the ship for anything that looked like food. He looked over to the colorful girl and reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of bacon he had stashed from breakfast. He held out the bacon to the girl with a grin "I'm Otto, werewolf of Oz. Did you come from the real world like Anya? How long have you been in Fablewood? Do you like bacon??" Each question seemed to excite Otto more and more as he continued to smile happily at the girl. Otto was always happy to meet new people, but sometimes he can get a bit carried away.

@Hel @The Suspicious Eye
Meril giggled as the puppy licked her hand and pulled it back as it ran around them. She watched it playfully run around and have fun then shift into a human. She knew the small pup was a werewolf, but the sudden change shocked her. She blinked dumbly for a moment, the shock evident on her face. She tilted her head at Otto curious to what smell he smelled. "I'm Meril, and yes I cam from earth with the others. I've been here for a month and a couple of days (spit balling how long you guys have been here.), but I spent my time in the Sand Seas. And no, I'm a vegetarian, but thank you for offering." She liked excitable people and rightly so, Otto was just as excitable as a puppy.

@Hel @zCrookedz
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As Arianne wandered the ship she heard noises coming from a direction. Some of them sounded familiar so she gathered her courage to go and check out who were actually speaking. When she spotted the little group she immediately recognized Otto and Anya... and a newcomer girl. But somehow she felt so familiar... it took her a few moments to remember her from the ball and her smile widened. With glee she decided to walk up to them.

" Good day everyone! " she smiled, bowing before all three of them, then she turned to the girl " We meet again, Lady Meril. I am sorry, I could not help but to overhear your conversation, I wanted to properly welcome you. I really hope you join us on this quest to the Sand Seas - I hear it is a dangerous environment, we could definitely use a strong hero like you! "

She then remained silent, observing the group of heroes she was amazed how all of them could work together in harmony, how powerful all of them were... she admired all of them. But somehow, after all what happened she hoped that she could prove herself as a worthy ally and capable fighter. The small globe of light, now her constant companion since the ball sat on her shoulder, its light humming softly with a silvery glow just like the moon. She now curiously awaited the answer of the others.

@The Suspicious Eye @zCrookedz @Hel
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"The sand seas..." Achyls muttered under her breath, "I have heard of such a place...maybe I have been there once before,".

She looked up with a smile, giving him room on the crow's nest by fluttering in the air before him.

"What about you, dear dragon? Surely a creature such as you has had many adventures!" she giggled, circling him in the air. A new adventure was exciting, and she hoped Kai knew enough to share his travels with her. If he didn't know, then it would all be a surprise. Not that she didn't enjoy surprises, but she often found over-excitement spoiled opportunities.

Otto cokes his head as he took the bacon back and popped it into his mouth. "What's a vegamatarian? Is that a disease? Does it not let you eat bacon!?" Otto took a step away from the girl and towards Anya. It wasn't until he moved that he saw Arianne. He was immediately taken by the small glowing orb as she aproached. He leaned in close and stretched out a hand and finger to attempt to poke the little orb. "whoooooaa pretty.

@Hel @The Suspicious Eye @DawnAntalios

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