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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

(Time for Flutter to come out of lurking xD )

As the Star Fall continued, the kelpie grew tired. She stood and wound her way through the gardens, avoiding where Leo was working to give him privacy. His guardian ways were mystifying to her, and she did not wish to interrupt a commune. At last, she found what she was looking for. In a far off corner of the gardens, a small pool awaited. It had been too long since her last true slumber. Her form changed almost without a thought, and the long-legged white mare slipped into the fresh water with a grateful sigh. She settled down and fell asleep watching the beauty of the night.

The sounds of daylight awoke her, and she climbed out of the pool reluctantly. Shaking off the water from her coat, Quincy walked slowly back to the castle, enjoying the time spent in her true form. It wasnt until she reached the castle doors that she returned to a human appearance. She entered the dining room with a bright smile, feeling rejuvenated and joyful. The kelpie sat down next to Otto, thinking he would be a good companion for a good mood. "Good morning, Otto!" She said brightly, reaching for the nearest breakfast sweet she could find.

Laikas sighed and started meandering slowly to the castle, it was customary for guests to stay at their hosts' castle during or after a ball, and he passed several people on his way back. He said nothing to them, listening to the sounds of the night animals with a satisfied smile. He hoped he would be accepted by this band of adventurers; they intrigued him, and while he had a strong dislike for humanoids, he was interested in their behaviour, more specifically that of the were animals. After he got to his lavish room, he set his animals down and let them find a comfortable spot in the room before he lid down and drifted into slumber.
Nyr woke up under the tree where she decided to sleep and looked around. The sun had already risen on the horizon, its warm rays bathing everything in its glory. The raven girl stood up and yawned sleepily - she did not realize that you can have such a good night sleep underneath a tree but that is exactly what she had. Refreshed and determined she walked towards the castle to meet up with the others. Surely enough she had come across Leandra and Ward inside, so she waved at them, smiling.

" Morning, friends! Did you have a good night's sleep? "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075

Arianne dressed up rather early and dashed down to the dining hall, her stomach rumbling madly, demanding food. She realized that they haven ot eaten anything for at least a day - and now she had to quench her ravenous hunger. As she entered the hall she immediately noticed Leo and Otto. Waving at the two of them she walked towards the pair who were already feasting. She sat down beside them, eagerly awaiting her breakfast. Soon a servant brought her a delicious looking plate of snacks and she started to eat, looking at the heroes in the meantime.

" I hope you had a wonderful evening, my lords. " she said, eating her food.

Elena stayed with Ward until the end of the star shower. She was quiet and enjoying of his company, but silently worried. After this last fight occurred, she came upon more problems than before. What was she to do if anything happened to Ward, or anyone? She was... She was incapable of protecting anyone on earth. For now maybe her hopes would have to stay low. When Cedric pulled him aside to talk to him, Elena decided to think on this herself. She left to bathe and dress in her casual green hoodie with stalkings. She stayed up the night writing as well, remembering.

She returned to outside the Library nearly twenty minutes before Ward left. She herself was not tired enough to crash. She spotted Leandra as well and gave a short wave, then a very distressed looking Ward. lifted her brows with concern, she awaited Wards answer to Leandra and approached.

"What happened in there..?"
Leo was about half way through with his breakfast by the time the group started to trickle in. Otto was the first, and when he came in and was provided his favorite breakfast something about the little wolf seemed to be off. As Otto picked at his food, Leo nudged the young werewolf and smiled at him "I don't think I have ever seen a plate of bacon last this long with you Otto." Otto gave a weak smile as he listened to his friend. He popped a few pieces into his mouth as he smiled and then turned back to his plate. Leo's smile faded to concern as he watched him. However before he could push the subject another group member entered in the form of Quincy. As she joined them for breakfast, Otto shifted a bit as Quincy greeted him and began her breakfast. He did not want to off put any of the other group members, so he looked up from his plate and smiled at Quincy. "Good Morning Quincy, did you enjoy the Star Fall last night?" Otto gave her his biggest smile he could muster as he stuffed a bit more bacon into his mouth.

Leo watched the two of them as Otto put on a facade and talked to Quincy. Leo then heard yet another voice enter into the breakfast area. Turning to see the littlest member of their group, Leo gave Arianne a good morning smile as he dipped his head slightly.
"Good morning little one. I hope the Star Fall found you well last night."

@Flutterby @DawnAntalios
"I would deserve some sense lumps if I did anything like this again." He admitted happily. He let her pull him along and lay down beside her when she did. He put his hands behind his head, protecting it from the dew beginning to bead on the grass.

When she mentioned her fear of the darkness and being new to feeling safe outside in it he shifted close to her.

"I'm not letting anything threaten you." He gazed up at the stars, winking merrily in the clear sky. "Night or day."

Morning found him back in his mist form. He opened his eyes slowly as the sun shone on him. For a moment he imagined he could feel its warmth..but as he looked at his hand he could see an almost shape, carved out of pure black mist. Set his head back down with a sigh. For one swift moment he had dared hope that a kiss would lift the curse...no such luck. It wasn't going to be that easy...

He realized he must look a little strange, a misty wraith sitting inhumanly formless in the morning mist. Luckily his power had returned with the sun's rays and he cast a quick summoning spell to fetch his normal clothes. With another spell he changed in a blink. Not that there was much need for discretion with his ghost-like form. He put his hat back on and rolled his shoulders, feeling the familiar tug of the fabric over them. Luness was still sleeping peacefully and he removed his cloak and draped it over her, sitting down again and waiting for her to stir.


Leia had a wonderful sleep. Bob had slept on her bed, curled close against her chest. It was exactly like sleeping next to a pile of rocks, except every now and then the rocks would kick out in a fitful dream state. His little noises were adorable however and she stroked his head until he opened his eyes.

Bob rose and arched his back like a cat, his little hooves sinking deeper into the soft bed. He walked over and nuzzled Leia, his thick stone skin grating against her cheek.

"Ack! Bob!" She shoved him playfully, which made him attempt to sit on her lap. Tad and Lee were awake too and rushed about her head gleefully as she struggled to life Bob off her.

Eventually she managed to make it downstairs, dressed and ready to board the Tenacity to their next adventure. There were already a collection of people at breakfast and she smiled at them all.

Otto seemed to stand out from the rest however. He seemed much more...calm? Quiet?...completely abnormal.

"Hey Otto, what's bugging you?" She sat down next to him and helped herself to some fruit and...one slice of bacon from his plate. She wanted to see if he would notice.

Alta appeared not long after that, in her human form with a furrowed brow. It looked like she had been thinking.

@zCrookedz @everyone at breakfast

Ward stopped at Leandra greeted him, rubbing his eyes slowly. "Not at all. The king and I were discussing what I must do now that it is known I am his successor."

It was then Elena appeared and his heart caught for a moment.

"I hope you slept well." He began. "Please, let me change and I will meet with you and everyone at breakfast." He took her hand momentarily, trying not to let the sadness in his eyes show too much.

"I hope you can forgive me." He moved past her and continued down the hall.

@Bea Delaine @Lioness075

It did not take him long to remove his old clothes, the beautiful green tunic had been ripped and burned and he tutted at it with regret as he lay it on the bed and donned his fencing shirt and regular brushed leather coat.

The balcony where they had always been served breakfast was already occupied by a few. Across the way the Tenacity drifted peacefully, tethered to her mooring lines. Ward could already see the crew finishing up the preparations for launch.

He cleared his throat and addressed the group.

"Everyone...I have news that may change a few things in the nearing future...first off, you know I am soon to become the crowned prince of the Whispering Isles..." It was still very strange saying it out loud. "With that responsibility must come certain duties...duties that now seem to span further than the scope of governing a kingdom. King Cedric has had agents watch the dark forces Caraboss has been mustering...last night, he was informed that they have begun to move."

He paused for a moment, letting the information sink in. If the army was moving...it planned to be fighting, and soon.

"I found myself faced with a very difficult choice...but..as I believe I have come to the best course of action, it pains me to say..." Here he looked at Elena, a silent apology in his golden eyes. "That if we are to raise the forces necessary to counter Caraboss in time...I...I cannot accompany you to the Sand Seas."

@Bea Delaine @everyone
Luness smiled happily at Kallin's response to her darkness comment, her heart skipping a beat happily to hear such a thing coming from Kallin, who had completely stolen her heart at this point. Her eyes began fluttering shut though, as she found sleep overwhelming her before she could even stop it.

With the morning rays of the sun dancing upon her face, Luness slowly opened her eyes before shielding them with her hand because of how bright the sun felt upon waking up. After her eyes had adjusted, Luness began to push herself into a sitting position before she realized that Kallin's cloak had been draped over her. Remembering the last time he'd given his cloak to her, Luness smiled and then kept it in her lap while she looked sideways at Kallin to see he was in hist misty form once more.

Before she could even open her mouth to say anything though, Luness' stomach angrily growled at her and she immediately and quietly laughed at this. Shaking her head, Luness then glanced at Kallin and said, "Perhaps we should head to breakfast now. I'm sure everyone's gathered and someone is bound to announce something. That's how it usually goes with this group."

Standing up with Kallin's cloak draped over one of her arms, Luness then offered her hand to him and said with a smile, "Thanks for the cloak, but once I change back into my usual clothes, I really won't have much use for it so you should keep it. After I change, we should probably head straight for breakfast and figure out what's happening next."



Leandra furrowed her brows at Ward's response and how he spoke to Elena. Something was clearly on his mind and he was no doubt troubled by it.

Yet, Ward was on the move before either her or Elena could get any words in. Having seen Elena give her a small wave in greeting moments ago, Leandra then weakly smiled at her and said, "I'm sure whatever happens next is something you can easily forgive him about, Elena. After all, mistakes are rife with anyone who is even remotely human."

Deciding it best to head to breakfast, Leandra then added, "Come on, let's get something to eat before Ward makes his big announcement."

Walking past Elena, Leandra then made her way to the balcony and sat beside Leia before getting a plate full of mixed breakfast foods. Oblivious to Otto's uncharacteristically quiet nature, Leandra focused on getting a glass of milk and then settled in her chair for breakfast.

As she began eating a biscuit, Ward then walked up and cleared his throat to signal that he was about to speak. Glancing over at him with a mouthful of biscuit, Leandra then finished her bite before waiting to hear what Ward would say.

Once Ward was done speaking, Leandra furrowed her brows, as she didn't think it was too big of a deal if Ward stayed back. He had duties to attend to anyways and they could surely manage without him while they were at the Sand Seas, right?

Then again, Leandra realized that Ward was like the unspoken leader of the group. If he had to stay back, who would take charge now? Warily glancing around the gathered party, Leandra began to drink some milk, as she definitely didn't want to volunteer herself to take the lead until Ward rejoined the group.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Leo and Otto sat and watched as more of their friends came to eat breakfast. Leo nodded with a smile to them as they entered, glad to see that they had all been able to get sleep. Otto on the other hand sat and continued to pick at his breakfast. He was so deep in thought, when Leia took some of his bacon, it didn't even register on his radar. After a few seconds of silence he finally heard Leia's voice break through his thoughts and he looked up with a bit of a lost expression. "Uh, oh. Yea I didn't really sleep all that well. Sorry." Otto gave her a smile as he pushed the plate away from him a bit and laied his head on the table on his folded arms, ears folded back as he sat and began to ponder the dream again.

Leo placed a hand on Otto's back on hearing he hadn't slept well, patting him on the back once before turning his attention to a very tired looking Ward as he entered their breakfast platform. As he sat listening to their leader, the tone began to sound more and more as if the news was not going to be good. Then when Ward told them his plan, Leo sighed. He knew that it was Wards duty as Prince to help with the aisles and their armies he had to do everything he could. But that did not make him sit easier that Ward would not be with them. HE had been their leader for their little band of hero ever since Leo joined them. Leo looked up to Ward, and he would respect his decision to help the king ready the fight, but one thing keep tugging at him. Having finished his plate, Leo stood and looked to Ward
"Ward, what kind of forces are we talking about here? Do we have an accurate depiction of what Caraboss's forces look like?"

Elena didn't reply when Ward did speak. She noticed the sadness fast, his touch was not as effective as usual to make her happy. She have a polite smile back, then awaited him to talk about what was on his mind. It never came and she was about to follow them down to breakfast when Leandra spoke. She gave a noncommittal smile and shrugged, though she was secretly thankful for her friends comfort.

"Y..yeah. I know. I doubt what he has to say will be much to make me angry, though."

She followed to breakfast and watched the others get food. She stayed back and was quiet when Ward spoke again. He gave her an apologetic look and she dropped her gaze, not wanting him to apologize for anything. She couldn't make sure he is okay this's way. And what if this continues? What if his new duties means she has to nice on?

She stayed back behind the crowd and listened to the concerns of the others.
When morning came, Laikas was already awake, staring outside at the courtyard. He was waiting for Corax to return, he had went off to find himself some breakfast, and, while normally Laikas would have gone with him, he thought it was too suspicious for him to go. In fact he didn't want to miss anything that group of "heroes" was doing. Alas, his animals meant more to him, and while Freya was curled up in a small ball of fur resting, and Corax was out hunting, Laikas waited patiently in his room to know they were okay.
"Don't apologize." Leia tried to smile, though nothing worried her more than Otto not eating bacon. "Hey, I think you need to talk about this. What kept you up? bad dreams?"

"Listen to her pup." Alta's kind voice sounded behind him. Her pipe was in her mouth and she puffed on it thoughtfully.

"I want to hear what you were dreaming about." It looked like she had more to say, but it was clear she would keep her peace until he had opened up.

Kallin walked back to the castle with Luness and waited patiently outside her door while she changed back into her travel clothes. Breakfast was just as it had been the day before. Kallin chose a seat at the table just as Ward came in to deliver some rather troubling news.

"Where is it moving to?" He asked after Leo had asked his own question.

The gryphon shook his head. "Every creature imaginable seems to have gathered under her banner, from all across FableWood, however, there are a number of demons in their ranks. We knew she had an army, we just didn't know it was this large. As it stands now they are moving out from the North, just East of the ShadowWood's deepest center. They will reach the Border of the Sand Seas within three days if they are not hindered, or, there is a portal pool one day's march from them. The portal pools cannot be used to transport large forces however, so if she sent anything after you that quickly, it would be a small force. I think Caraboss knows what we are looking for. It is possible she will try to take the desert capital before you arrive...I will not let that happen."

Lucille came to listen, her arms crossed. "My ship can make it to ze capital in two days if we push ze engines to zere breaking point." She said, and it was a fact.

"Hindering Caraboss' progress would buy you more time. But I may not be able to stop her from using the portal."

"Do you really have to stay?" Leia said, her brow deeply furrowed. Sure he wasn't the strongest, but he was the one with the plans most of the time. He told them what to do.

Ward looked at her sympathetically. "King Cedric says I must make myself known as the future of this Kingdom, then rally our forces and urge the neighboring kingdoms to pledge troops under a collective banner."

Leia looked quickly at Elena, worry crossing her face. "Shouldn't Elena...you know, stay with you?" Ward closed his eyes at that, acceptance already in his eyes. She could tell he had thought about that...a lot.

When he spoke, it was to Elena directly. "Nothing would make me happier...but if Caraboss is sending an army to prevent us from getting that last relic piece, it is imperative we get it...The heroes need your power."

It was true Leia thought. Elena was by far the most adept at using her gift, she was afraid of facing a legion of zombies without the other girl's magic.

Ward addressed them as a group one more time.

"I know you will succeed. I will do everything in my power to make sure you are not hindered or surprised while you get the relic."

Ward sat down again, imagining that the mood had just got a bit more serious. He helped himself to a little food and went to stand by Elena. "I know I promised...that I would never leave your side...physically at least...I must beg you to release me from that promise. If this is the best chance I can provide for you. Then I must do it."

After Ward's address Lucille spoke up. "As soon as you are finished here ze Tenacity is ready to depart!"

King Cedric appeared then with Iona at his side. Ward's mother was wearing her captain's armour, apparently wishing to be reinstated into her old position at once. She wore the armour proudly, a gold gryphon emblazoned on the gleaming silver breastplate. Her flaxen hair was braided and bound behind her head and she cut a striking figure in the morning sun. Ward felt a flash of pride.

They had come to wish the heroes luck.

@everyone @Bea Delaine
Luness didn't take long to change back into her assassin-like attire and she soon exited her room with her hood resting gently against her upper back as opposed to being pulled up and over her head.

While the pair made their way to breakfast, Luness shifted back into her werecat form, feeling far more comfortable in her travel attire than her formal attire, which she'd vowed to never wear again after last night's events.

Sitting beside Kallin, Luness began wolfing down some bacon before her sixth sense told her something was wrong with her pack, specifically Otto. Shifting her attention away from her food and swallowing her last bite, Luness then quietly excused herself from sitting beside Kallin as she walked over to Otto and Alta, her eyes warily watching both of them. Upon reaching Otto, Luness glanced over at Alta and then back to Otto before furrowing her brows and asking him, "What's troubling you, Otto?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz

Overhearing the news from Ward and then silently listening to the added information, Luness found herself unsure of what to even say to Ward in the moment. He seemed troubled enough and Luness felt like Elena would probably be the only one to soothe any troubling feelings of his.

Still, the idea of the group being leaderless upon entering the Sand Seas made Luness feel a bit uneasy. If they were too caught up arguing over what to do next without a leader then they could end up failing the next adventure altogether. Someone was going to have to stand up and temporarily take over the leadership.

Yet, the minute Luness even considered herself for that position she remembered what happened last time she took charge in Wonderland and how she'd led the whole group into a trap. Feeling troubled by this, Luness shifted her attention back to Otto and focused on him for the time being instead of worrying about who would be their temporary leader for the next adventure.


Leandra continued to enjoy her breakfast, silently listening to everything Ward said. With their leader staying behind, someone would no doubt have to take charge for when they traveled to the Sand Seas. With her still feeling somewhat like a newcomer to the group though, Leandra immediately dismissed the thought of herself taking charge. Not everyone in the group knew her that well and she felt like they all wouldn't want to follow her lead if given the choice.

Sipping at her water, Leandra then glanced around the table to gauge everyone's reactions. Most everyone seemed to be troubled by the news that Ward wouldn't be joining them.

Upon hearing the suggestion for Elena to stay back with Ward, Leandra nearly spat out her water. If Elena stayed behind as well then the group's strength would drastically drop and they may not be able to take on whatever they encountered in the Sand Seas.

As much as she didn't want to sound like a downer to Elena, Leandra glanced over at the girl and then said sheepishly, "Elena, Ward's right. We really do need you with us. You're one of the strongest in the group and if we leave without you then we may very well not succeed in this next adventure."

@Bea Delaine
Elena listened quietly and with intent when she heard about Carabosses plans and how close they were cutting it. Ward could most likely handle himself and though it pained her to be strong without her source, she knew she had to put as much effort and calculation into this as ever, no. She had to put in more than she ever has. She straightened up a bit when she was mentioned, and her eyes shifted downward, to avoid Leias concern. She understood where the other was coming from. Ward and Leandra said that the team would need her, and she became a bit more embarrassed.

"If.. If its up to me, I still think that I should go with you guys. Ward and Leandra, you are most likely right, but not because Im strong. Its because Ward can work on Diplomacy to gain allies, and if we arrive and are able to figure out where Carabosses forces will arrive should we arrive first, my skills could easily be used in ambush or as a distraction. And should they arrive beforehand, I can hold the forces off, as well as anyone who is able to preform any sort of combat from a distance."

She spoke, trying to leave how she felt behind for what was true. What worked. She wasnt a child anymore, while she stayed up that night she realized this. It wasnt age or maturity that changed. It was her tattered comfort zone and new found responsibility for those she cared about. She looked to her new friend before she spoke again.

"If Leandra is able to take care of everyone when things go wrong, It will be up to me to get everyone in and out without giving her too much of a job."
Arianne listened to what Ward had to say and she was a bit sad hearing that the gryphon would stay here while they were to race to the Sand Seas but she also understood the reason why did they have to make such sacrifices. But as she was thinking an idea popped in her head, putting down her snacks she hurried to Ward and Elena.

" My lady! My lord! I think I have an idea what you could do! " she said, excitement burning in her eyes. " Lady Elena is the master of creating special items, yes? Rumor has it that few hundred years ago a loving pair was separated due to duties both needed to attend to. The girl carved out a wooden mirror for both of them to remember each other, the glass being the condensation of their tears they cried at the departure. It is said that one fateful day when they wished each other to be seen the mirrors lit up and from that day forward they could communicate with one another, they could see the other in the mirror! "

She realized how overly zealous she was about this idea so she calmed down.

" Now I know not if it is possible, but we have quite a few magic users here, they might be able to replicate the feat if we try hard enough! "

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine

While the little girl was making suggestions to the pair Nyr was thinking about what she could do to aid the others.

" Hindering the forces of Caraboss should not be an issue once they enter the Sand Seas: at least me and Achyls could create gigantic sand storms to impede their movement. " she was thinking out loud.

" Preventing them from entering the Sand Seas however will be much more difficult, especially now that I know that she still has dread ravens at her disposal. Having them at her side could nullify our edge and jeopardize the entire mission as well. " she walked up and down before reaching a conclusion.

" I am certain that we can hold them at bay while Lucille transports the others into the desert... but I think we need a decoy. " she paused. " I am responsible for the crimes my kind have wrought and I volunteer to stay back and hold them at bay while you slip through. If Mother Moon wills it I would follow you as soon as possible. "

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Achyls had left Malachai to find the others, leaving him with a tender hug and a delicate smile.

Once she reached them, she heard Nyr speaking about her and...the next mission?

"I...uh...um," she stuttered, unsure of what to say, "I am willing to do whatever is asked of me,". Bowing her head, she looked to Nyr, addressing her head on.

"However, sister. You are not responsible for the actions of your species, you are one of us, a champion,". She took hold of her hand, looking her in the eye. There was a great determination in her speech, though was still collected and soft.

"I shall follow Nyr into battle, it is my duty as a raven," she declared, sounding much too lawful for her liking.

Ward smiled at the tenacity of the two young ravens.

"Your courage is inspiring Nyr, Achyls, but even powerful magics like yours cannot hold an army at bay alone. Your talents would be better used against the enemies our friends will face, because I am certain you will not find this relic unchalleneged." He held them both in a serious gaze. He said nothing more, but the look told them enough. I am asking you to protect Elena.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios

Kallin would have made a face, had his face been capable, "I don't like it...but it does make sense. Don't worry feathers, we'll get the relic and be out before Caraboss can blink."
Leo sat there an listened to the news of the forces that aposed them. This was more than troubling, this was a nightmare. To think of so much of Fablewood, his home, having turned against their own home to help the likes of the witch. The thought both pained him and infuriated him. But this was not a time to let emotions take the better of him. So he sat and listened while some of the others began to think out the situations and possible solutions. Leo stood from the table once Nyr and Achyls had spoken and he gave them a smile "As noble as it is for the two of you to volunteer for such a task, I don't think splitting up is the best course of action. The Captain says we can make it in two days time. Ward is going to take care of the portal, it is up to us to get the second piece of the key. We might need every single one of our abilities to get to it. Besides, if the Captains boastfulness is anything to go on, I have every bit of confidence she will get us there before Caraboss and her forces even have a chance." The last bit, Leo had turned to Lucile with a smile. He knew the ship was fast enough, but anything to lighten the mood and the spirits as the group prepared for battle would help now.

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @SilverFlight

Otto sat there as Leia, Luness and Granny seemed to be concerned with his nightmare. He did not wish to make his friends worry about him, but keeping the dream bottled up was not helping him at all. He sighed as he pushed himself up from the table and looked to their concerned faces. "Well, it was kinda like the dream I had a few days ago. The one about the pack and mom..." He closed hsi eyes for a second and then opened them again "Anyways, it was like another memory. But this time it was one I had never seen before. I was watching the same yellow eyed shadow attack a pair of wolves for letting him down...or something. And then it turned to me, and attacked me." Otto's hand made a move for the shirt on his chest and rubbed at the scar beneath it. The pain had stopped hours ago during the night, but now a tingling sensation covered the mangled flesh. "It felt so real, and when I woke up my chest hurt really bad. I didn't go back to sleep after that." Otto did feel a bit better talking about the dream, even going so far as to bring his plate back to him and begin munching on the cripy bacon once again. He looked across their faces, hoping he was not worrying them to much. With a piece of bacon hanging out of the side of his mouth he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled at them, "I'm sure it was just another weird dream. I'm ok now anyways,"

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Luness listened intently to everything Otto said about his dream. Hearing the mention of the yellow eyes and being attacked on top of seeing Otto rubbing his scar, Luness immediately began connecting the dots. But it still made no sense to her. If Bigby had attacked Otto as a pup, then what had their relation been? Had Otto simply been a part of Bigby's cruel pack?

Uncertain, Luness walked up to the sitting Otto and put her forepaw on his shoulder before saying, "Otto, I have a feeling that was a memory, not just a dream. You might be remembering some stuff that you forced yourself to forget years ago. I don't know why you're remembering now, but you shouldn't dismiss all of it as just dreams. Let me know whenever you remember something else. Maybe you're remembering it now because there's some connection to be made, though I have no idea what it would be."

Smiling down at Otto, Luness then took her forepaw back and walked over to Alta before whispering to her, "Hey, can we talk for a moment? About Otto?"

Unsure if the old healer would know anything about it, but knowing that the two had a history, Luness was hoping that Alta may be able to shed some light on the situation.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Rolling her eyes and grinning at Kallin's nickname for Ward, Leandra then quipped in encouragingly, "Yeah, no worries here, Ward. We've got this all under control and I can heal whichever idiot gets hurt first. God knows all of you are injury-prone here."

Chuckling, Leandra then added, "Even I'm injury-prone it would seem. But seriously Ward, we'll be okay."

Glancing over at Elena, Leandra then added with a bigger grin, "Oh, and I'll make sure Elena doesn't listen up to her 'hero complex' and throw herself in front of any of us to take hits for us. Plus, we've got some epic adventurers on our sides so what could possibly go wrong?"

The minute Leandra asked this, she felt like face palming, as everyone who ever said that in any movie always ended up having a hundred different things go wrong for them. Oh well, too late.

Quincy listened to everything quietly as she ate, taking in the details as much as she could. The good news was that it seemed the struggle for Fablewood was coming to a close. But even that was troubling, because Caraboss would not go down without a fight. It would be the fight of their lives, all of them. The kelpie frowned, but she didnt say much as the others talked. At the end of Otto's explanation, and as Luness walked away, she glanced at him with a smile. "Its okay, Otto. We just want to be sure youre alright. Cant have our most cheerful friend feeling down, now can we?" Quincy held her smile on him for a moment, before returning to her own food, and sending a glance around the room to see if her dragon had arrived yet.

((Hel hasn't answered my Pm yet. Do you think she'd mind if I hijacked Alexander? Just to help give Quincy some ground?))

Before she turned to speak with Luness Alta shifted. In her wolf form she stood eye to eye with Otto sitting down at the table. She leaned forward and drew in a breath through her nose, scenting his hair gently. Without a word she walked away with the werecat and performed the same action on her.

"Hmm." She growled quietly. She made sure they were out of Otto's earshot before she began. "I've been thinking a lot about how Otto first came to my pack...and about your father Luness...Werewolves are often rash, instinctive creatures...but brutality does not run through our veins as most people would believe..Its rare." She turned away, her eyes thoughtfully resting on the sky. "What I learned just now confirms it I think. You are not a wolf, yet your father was one...you and Otto share a similar scent..very faint, but the resemblance is there. Luness, I think you and Otto may be related."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

"Flattery will get you nowhere lion." Lucille replied with a coy smile. Boastfulness indeed.

Leia polished off her breakfast and stood. Bob who was sleeping at her feet roused himself slowly.

Ward bit his lip when Leandra asked what could go wrong. He could think of a million ways it could, but it was also best if that was not focused upon.

"I will see you to the ship." He said with much chagrin, wishing there was a way in which he could solve the army problem and accompany Elena to possibly their most dangerous quest yet. The desert was a very harsh environment. It was always ruthless, especially to those who did not know its secrets.

"Take them straight to the capital Lucille, do not deviate from the safest route."

"But of course mon oiseau, I would not risk them or my crew on ze sandstorms and wild beasts...so, if we are soon ready? I shall be waiting on ze ship." She strode away then, leaving the heroes to say their goodbyes and board after her.
Corax had finished his hunt and it was largely unsuccessful. A worm is all that he found; why was there no life around here? He wanted to go home, but he didn't want to leave Laikas; he was like a brother to him, and he was honestly disappointed that he wasn't hunting with him like he normally would. The raven sighed, flying back to the castle, and spying the small group of heroes. Were they leaving already? He started flying as quickly as he could back to the room Laikas was in and informed him that the group might be going.

Laikas sighed and turned back to the door and Corax flew to his shoulder, Was it a good hunt?

Hardly. One worm, there's no wild life around here at all. It's depressing.

Laikas shook his head and moved over to the sleeping ferret, and, not wanting to disturb her, picked her up gently and carried her as if she was a baby. She stayed asleep and he started to walk down to the group. He was looking for the ship Kallin had mentioned before.

@SilverFlight @Anyone
Elena reddened at what Leandra said about her so called hero complex. She shot her a look, then immediately lost the playful moment after a what could go wrong was thrown out. 'A lot', she thought to herself, before heading towards the ship. She didnt need anyones protection though. Her lack of fear was one of the only things she had that kept her distant from reality and what could actually happen, not that she didnt know.

"Alright.. ready?"

She looked at the group and then at Ward. This was going to most likely be the most dangerous fight yet. She was well aware. But still, nobody needed to watch after her. They needed to help themselves.

"Ward, nobody needs to protect me but me.. and I want to fight as hard as everyone else. Just.. trust that I will be okay because I have something to return to, and then I ask you do the same."
Luness furrowed her brows when Alta scented Otto and then blinked when they walked away and Alta did the same to Luness in turn.

Cocking her head at Alta, Luness was about to ask her why she did that when Alta began speaking before Luness had the chance. Listening to everything Alta said, Luness furrowed her brows again and thought it all over. It did make sense though. Otto being physically and emotionally scarred by his father, much like Luness was. The harshness of how he appeared to have been treated as a pup. His mother was brutally murdered too, wasn't she? Everything was adding up and it did make sense to Luness, no matter how far-fetched it possibly could be.

Luness knew for sure that they didn't share the same mother so they had to share the same father. That meant that Otto was technically Luness' half-brother.

Blinking at this realization, Luness then slowly smiled, as she said, "I like the sound of that."

Luness' eyes dampened a bit, as she realized that if Otto was truly her half-brother then that meant her family wasn't as messed up and dark as she grew up believing it to be. Otto was a bright light among the darkness of her own family. A very, very bright light at that.

Glancing over at Otto, Luness then said to Alta, "I probably should tell him when we can get some privacy. I'm not sure if I want an overly energetic werwolf running circles around me when we're all trying to head out on the next adventure."



Leandra decided that she'd had enough of her breakfast and downed the last of her milk before wiping her milk mustache off of her face and standing up from the table.

Walking over to join Elena's side, Leandra then glanced back at Ward with a teasing grin, which was mostly directed at Elena, while she said, "Don't worry, Ward. I'll heal Elena when she becomes rash during a fight and makes one of her signature bold moves."

Winking at Elena after saying this and still grinning, Leandra then walked past Elena and led the way onto the ship, being the first of the group, minus Lucille, to board the Tenacity with the growing feeling of anticipation for their next adventure.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Alexander had disappeared after the Ball and still lay asleep in his room.

Anya, just now decided to come downstairs, but rather than go to breakfast headed straight out to the tenacity after getting herself ready for the day. She decided that she didn't need to eat this morning, since she started this journey she'd eaten so much more than she had before she'd gotten here. Either way, she arrived shortly after Leandra, and went over to the far edge to look out over the sky.
Arianne silenced and stepped away from the others as they discussed the plan what they were needed to do. They did not respond to her idea - they did not say it was bad or was good yet their silence was a sign that she should not press this matter too much. Her smile vanishing from her face she took up a serious expression and nodded.

" I will be on the ship should you need me. " and with that she left the room.

On her way to their transport she cursed herself for being so childish, bringing up stories like this. But alas she could not help it - after all she WAS a child. Still she wanted to believe that she can be as mature as the others, that she could help them in everything, but to reach that goal she needed to step over the boundaries of her young mind and see things as they did.

If only there would be an easy solution to this.

Hearing Ward and Leo's response Nyr frowned. It was true that she did not know the full power of the dark army it still bugged her that she could not confront them head on. But somewhere she was relieved as well since she did not want to drag her sister into this in the first place - her original idea was a mistake as she later realized and was quite satisfied how the plans have changes.

Crossing her arms she grunted.

" Very well. I shall be on the ship then with everyone else. But I still insist being in the front lines when we face my fallen brethren. I want to give them one last ultimatum before we battle: they could either submit to the will of the light or they can die. This is what I request. "


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