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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The kelpie smiled as he rolled over and looked at her sleepily. She walked over, leaning down and pecking his cheek. "Come on, sleepy. We're going to be left behind." She said softly, her gray eyes dancing over his face. Quincy leaned in again, capturing his lips in a quick, gentle kiss. "I brought you some breakfast, so let's go." She said, pulling away and teasingly wiggling the plate. Her smile, once so scarce, floated easily onto her face.

Leia's smile broadened when Laikas said she could pet the ferret, She reached over and stroked the animal's head gently. "And who's this?" She looked up at the raven. "He's amazing!..Its a 'he' right?"

It was then Lucille called for all stragglers to come aboard and Leia smiled back at Laikas.

"We'd better get going!" She took his hand and led him to the ship. Lucille raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. She would permit him aboard.

@Aldur Forgehammer

The Tenacity spread its white canvas sails and pulled away from the docks, as soon as it was clear the engines roared to full power and Kallin found himself having to hold onto the rail to keep him from falling over, simultaneously he threw and arm about Luness to keep her steady, pulling her close (not exactly by accident). His eyes narrowed in a smile, if he had been in human form he would be grinning from ear to ear. He loved it when Lucille put the ship to full power.

@Lioness075 @everyone

((I'm sorry if I didn't respond to all who tagged me, I'm out of time...and battery life...)) I'll try and do better tomorrow, but these next few days are going to be crazy busy...I may not get to post everyday..but I will try my darndest!))
Laikas nodded when asked whether Croax was a he or a she, "His name's Corax and he craves way too much attention."

Corax shot Laikas a sharp glance and sighed, At least someone appreciates me. And funnily enough, it's someone that doesn't speak to animals.

Glancing aside at Corax, Laikas shook his head, "Don't praise him too much. He'll never let me rest." When Lucille called for stragglers, Laikas returned Leia's smile, and when she led him on board the ship, he allowed himself a slight grin.

Freya opened her eyes very slightly and looked at Laikas almost disapprovingly, I think someone was petting me. Why did they stop?

I'll sort it out, Freya, don't worry. Once on board, Laikas honestly felt a little wobbly; he'd never really traveled by ship or any means of transportation of than flying or walking. Man made transportation was unnatural and wrong in his opinion and honestly, he didn't remember why he was here again. He'd rather fly to wherever they were going.

Meril gave a light laugh and smiled as Otto asked her more excited questions. She was about to answer when Arianne came up to them. She turned to the young girl and smiled down to her. Giving a polite bow she spoke in a warm voice "Ah Lady Arianne it's nice to see you again." She blushed a little, and shook her head "I am not strong. If I were, I wouldn't have come here to ask for your help. I just hope that together we can save the Sand Seas."

@DawnAntalios @Hel @zCrookedz
Luness smiled softly when Kallin agreed with her while her stomach felt like butterflies had inhabited it. Why was she feeling this way around Kallin all of the sudden?

Not noticing the pained look on Ward's face since she hadn't thought twice to look back at him, Luness wasn't sure what Kallin was talking about until he mentioned Elena's name after asking Luness, of all people, and Vinter for advice.

Blinking at Kallin, Luness then furrowed her brows and said, "I may be a woman, but I'm far from knowledgeable in situations like this. I honestly haven't the faintest idea what to say to her. Heck, I don't even understand what those little metal rings were for or what the significance of that moment was."

Sighing, Luness was about to turn away and lean over the railing when suddenly the Tenacity unveiled its canvas sails and they rocketed forward. Had Kallin not wrapped his arm around her waist, Luness surely would've taken a tumble from sheer surprise. You'd think she'd expect that by now.

Shaking her head for a moment before smiling at Kallin, Luness then said her thoughts out loud, "You'd really think that I'd be expecting that by now."

@Aldur Forgehammer


Waiting for Elena to board, and understanding that she'd probably be pained to have to say bye to Ward after what he'd just presented to her, Leandra stood near the gangway and awaited for Elena to board the Tenacity along with everyone else.

Leandra could only imagine what she could say in the moment to cheer Elena up, but she doubted there would be any words that would be able to soothe her until Elena returned and knew that Ward was indeed safe and sound.

@Bea Delaine
The werecat creeped up on them. She replied to Vinter, making it clear that indeed they did not have the option to fail. Truly, the destruction of Fablewood did not ring as a positive outcome in Vinter's head. Though there was no telling what Caraboss would do if she ever achieved the power to fully change Fablewood and bend it to her command. The heroes have met Caraboss' minions and have so far defeated every single one of them. It felt good.

There was grumbling. Soon the ship would rise higher and be on its way. Kallin looked upset. The reason behind this was sighting Ward and Elena's painful expression as they became separated. Vinter did not understand that. The bond that they had made them weaker. She didn't like that.

The cloud of smoke soon turned around, as Vinter took a seat on a nearby structure, dangling her legs as if she lost attention. Kallin brought the two lovers up, mainly Elena, asking for advice. Really? Out of all the people you chose me? The irony oozed from her mind and found itself on Vinter's face. "I don't get this." She put it bluntly. "Why is she so... sad? She's gonna see him again, right?" Right? that echoed in her head for a moment. Luness brought up the rings. Vinter sighed audibly. "When two people love each other very much they use those two rings to...'get married'. They'll now spend their lives together, have kids, rule kingdoms..." Her tone sounded bored and it looked as if she wanted to roll her eyes. "Useless if you ask me. All in the name of 'true love'. As if...Don't get me wrong, I...nevermind." Vinter fell silent for a few moments, unable to make up her mind. She crossed her arms and lowered her head. The pirate took a deep breath and then let it all out.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
The little orb of light flickered and started to circle around Otto as he tried to touch it. It seemed to be curious and wanted to find out more about Arianne's companion. The girl giggled then turned to Meril as she spoke, her head turning red in the process.

" B-but Lady Meril! I am... but you... " she exclaimed, embarrassed. It was natural that she called others Lords and Ladies, that was how she was brought up - to be polite with others. Yet never before in her life did someone actually address her like this formally, which meant the acceptance of equality. To think that a hero like Meril treated as someone on the same level made the little girl blush - and smile gratefully.

"Thank you.... You are strong AND modest, Lady Meril. " she smiled finally " I am happy that you are with us. Worry not, together we will surely succeed. " she then looked to her right laughing as the little orb now tried to cuddle with Otto - as much as a globe of light could and it jumped happily around him, finally nesting itself on top of the werewolf's head.

@The Suspicious Eye @zCrookedz

Nyr said a silent goodbye to Ward, knowing that the parting was only temporary. She sighed still, a burden weighing down her heart heavily. Finally they will come face to face with all the abominations the dark human had wrought - including her own past. She was not afraid, not after the siege, not after the revelation. She understood the necessity of this task regardless how grim and gruesome it was... it had to be done and she was certain that when she will face her fallen brethren she will be swift - and painless.

With such heavy thoughts in her mind she watched as the ship departed from the dock. It sailed through the sky with ease, soon leaving Aerios behind. She knew that whatever lied ahead of them they had to face it with courage and determination. And she would not fail - never again.
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Meril blushed a little and twirled her hair in her hand. She didn't know if it was alright to call the girl a lady or a princess or something. She hoped she did it right, her only reference was preforming in plays and movies. She noticed Arianne's somewhat emotional tone, but just hoped she hadn't insulted the girl. She gave her a deep bow and smiled at him, "thank you Lady Arianne, I believe that the soon the San Seas will be returned to normal."

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Hel
Elena placed the ring with a steady and cool hand and boarded the ship. Simple as that, she didn't say goodbye. She didn't even look back at him as he left. Having a bond with someone.. It's wonderful but why did it hurt? Why did it hurt when her brother and fathers plane didn't make it? She chuckled under her breath and shook her head, embarrassed by her worry. It wasn't like they would not see each other again. She spotted Leandra who looked fairly empathetic. Others seemed to look as well, she hated appearing weak. She smiled and pushed back those feelings.

"Alright. Ready to help us accident prone heroes?"

She said, trying to kill the subject where it stood. Her finger ran across the stone of the ring anyways, thinking about what she needed to do. She had to be strong, a pillar, protect everyone now, since she couldn't protect the most important one to her.
Otto watched as the little ball of light moved around. He was utterly amazed at the little orbs glow, it was so very warm and....glowy. Otto laughed as the little orb wove around him. Otto's ears perked up and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of pieces of bacon. After stuffing a few into his mouth, he held out the last piece in his hand towards the little ball of light. "What about you? Do you like bacon?" Otto had no idea what this little thing was, or if it was alive at all or merely a magic trick created by Arianne, but none the less he still wanted to extend the olive branch, or rather bacon strip, of friendship to the little thing.

@DawnAntalios @Hel @The Suspicious Eye

Leo watched as the crew members of the tenacity made their way and prepped the ship. As he glanced over the deck watching the group, he came across the young man and his animal companions along with Leia as the climbed aboard. Leo remembered seeing the young man a few times the night before, mostly with Kallin after the battle. Yet he had never had the chance to meet the young man. Leo smiled and walked across the short distance to the pair and bowed his head to both of them before addressing them. "Good Morning my friends." Leo gave the young man with his furry companions a sideways glance with his good eye, and a smile. "I don't believe we have had a proper introduction young man. I am Panthera Leo, but you may call me Leo as everyone else does." Leo glanced at the animals with him "Your friends are quite charming. I don't believe I have ever seen animal so comfortable with a human before."

@SilverFlight @Baconhands
Laikas returned the smile and nodded, "I would hope so." He looked down at Freya and smiled slightly, "She's like family to me." He paused for a moment and looked at Corax, "So is he." After a moment he looked back at Leo and bowed his head slightly, Corax and Freya mimicking his action. "My name is Laikas," he nodded his head in Corax's direction, "His name is Corax and this adorable little creature," he scratched Freya behind the ear, "is Freya."

Freya glanced at Laikas, Mind letting me walk around for a bit? When Laikas put her down, she started running around the deck before scrambling up Laikas' leg, up to his right shoulder where she perched herself.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
" Lady Meril... " Arianne blushed once more. She could not believe how kind this girl was to her, treating her as an equal meant a lot to her. " Please, I am no Lady... I am but a child, I just turned 11 recently. I thought it would be polite to call you by your title, just as I do with everyone... " she shook her head " I am sorry, this is just a bit new for me, that's all. "

Meanwhile the ball of light encircled the bacon. It did not know what it was but seeing how important it was to Otto it started to glow brightly. Moments later the piece of bacon lit up in a white light then returned to normal. Arianne chuckled as she watched this unfold.

" I am not sure it knows what a bacon is. " she smiled at Otto " In fact I am not even sure myself what this light globe is... it appeared not long ago after the ball and it follows me like a companion. But it seems to like you. "

In the moment the globe of light noticed Meril and now floated over to her. After it took some circles around the girls head it touched her cheeks gently then - just as it did by Otto - it nested on top of her head.

" I am really sorry, Lady Meril. I do not know why is it doing this. " Arianne blushed " But it seems to like you a lot too. "

She looked away for a moment then her eyes met with Meril's.

" Say... I heard you know the Sand Seas. Have you been there before? Or were you born there? If it is not too personal information of course. "

@The Suspicious Eye @zCrookedz
"Expecting what? Me to catch you?" Kallin shot her his narrow-eyed grin. Once the ship reached full speed and was no longer accelerating he let her go.

Vinter had asked why Elena was so upset. Perhaps a short while ago he may have wondered the same thing. Now he shook his head sagely and said in a mock-patronizing tone. "Oh Vi, so much to learn about love..."

He hid a laugh when she tried to explain engagement rings. "You're getting flustered!" He pointed at her, not bothering to hide his amusement. "Why are you getting flustered? Don't tell me there was some deep and tragic romance in your past? Of which you never speak?" Kallin could always do with more ammo against his old friend. She one-upped him a bit too often it seemed. He was enjoying this.

@Aldur Forgehammer

Leia was still beaming at the ferret, slowly she reached out an arm and put it level with Laikas' shoulder to allow the ferret to climb onto her if she wanted. Bob, the earth spirit at her heel barked jealously.

"Well, maybe you should actually let me pick you up once in a while." She told the spirit, who sat down in a bad temper. Tad, the air spirit began swirling curiously around Laikas and his animals, but Lee found Meril to be absolutely fascinating. She sat on the floor (which was odd for her as she could float just as easily as tad could) and watched the human girl with great interest. Lee trilled curiously at her, glancing at Arianne as well.

"I think she's curious about where you've come from. She says you smell like 'no water'." Leia shrugged. "That's the best translation I can give anyway."

At length Kallin decided that they shouldn't just leave Elena be, he made his way over to where she stood.

"He'll be fine you know." He said, inspecting the clubbed end of his staff casually. "And so will you...you'll be back with him before you know it." He tried to give her an encouraging smile, which he hoped she would see through his fairly expressionless features.

Tilting his head at the spirit he looked up at the new girl. "I think I overheard you came from the Sand Seas? We should call a meeting and have you tell us what you know about them. I'm not sure if anyone here knows anything about the deserts."

@Dawnantalios \[uSER\=20431\]@The Suspicious Eye @Bea Delaine[/uSER]
Freya glanced aside at Laikas, looking and waiyting for approval. After Laikas nodded, the ferret ran across Leia's arm and perched herself on Leia's shoulder. She nuzzled her gently.

Corax sighed and shook his head, Damn it Freya, you are being way too friendly.

Laikas shook his head and lowered it when she asked about where he was from, "I guess you could say there wasn't any water. But there's not much water in cities anyway."

Meril looked at the young girl surprised that she was so sweet. She wondered what her backstory was, and how she ended up here. From what she could tell from the battle she must be some kind of royalty here. She smiled at her and knelt down to her level. "Well if you just turned eleven then we're not too far apart in age. I turned fifteen, two days ago. So since we're both still kids why don't we call each other lady. It's only fair since we're equals and all." She gave a bright smile to the young girl hoping that she dint insult her. She was just a simple preformer, she didn't know how to treat royalty other than her time with Scheherazade.

She looked up as Otto began to try to feed bacon to the orb of light. It looked familiar to something she had seen in a story book, but couldn't place it. 'Of course here it is real I suppose, but what story was it?' She pondered to herself. She watched as the orb flew around her and kissed her cheeks before landing on her head. Meril gave a light laugh and slowly got up. "I think it's adorable." She gently touched the small orb, feeling the warmth eminating from it and smiled.

There was a small moment of silence before Arianne spoke up again. Meril was a little surprised by the question and scratched her head. "Well I wasn't born there but..." Suddenly a strangely intimitating man spoke to her. She didn't really know what to say so she just nodded stammering out a odd, "a-alright."

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @Hel @zCrookedz
Leo watched as the little ferret ran around and settled himself on Leia's shoulder. He smiled as he brought a hand up to Leias shoulder and shelf out the end of a claws finger towards the little creature. He did not wish to harm the little ferret, merely scratch his little head. When he heard Leia and Laikas talking about the creatures talking, Leo admired their abilities. "It is truly an amazing thing to be able to speak with another living creature. When I speak with the flora of the world, it is more of colors, sounds, the feeling or the wind; not real thought. But for the two of you, to speak with sentient creatures, truly a marvelous gift to be sure."

@SilverFlight @Baconhands

Otto watched in aw as the little ball of light began to make his piece of bacon glow. Otto continued to watch the piece of back as if he was expecting for it to start glowing again even after the ball of light had moved on to Meril. He poked at the strip, but it seemed to be a normal piece of bacon once again just cooked meat. Otto smiled as he tossed the bacon into his mouth and ate it. "Glow bacon tastes just like normal bacon." His wolf like ears on the top of his head drooped a bit as he said this, but they perked back up when he heard someone approaching. Turning to see Kallin, Otto smiled and shifted back to his wolf form as he bounded and yipped around Kallins feet. When Otto looked behind Kallin expecting to see Luness, but instead saw Elena, he cocked his head in curiosity. He padded over to Elena, and sat down on his haunches looking up with a curious head tilt along with his goofy canine smile.

@The Suspicious Eye @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @Bea Delaine
Arianne's eyes lit up in in a childish glee as she looked at Meril happily. She was excited to meet someone this polite yet this kind as well. The light globe on Meril's head seemed to resonate with the little girl's feelings as it started to glow brighter, bathing Meril in its silvery light for a moment. Somehow Arianne felt comfortable near this person she had only met - the others treated her with respect for sure... but Meril was somehow different, she could not explain why.

She nodded, her partner now being the first she did not refer to as a Lady - and then she saw Kallin coming close to them alongside with Leia. When she saw that Meril was slightly intimidated by him she stood between the mage and the girl, the little globe of light flying back to her shoulder.

" Hold on now, Lord Kallin. " she said with a smile " First we should properly introduce to one another no? Do not rush her down with questions immediately. "

She looked at the girl with a radiating smile.

" Besides, I did not see her at the breakfast... she is probably hungry still. How about we discuss things in a friendly manner together? "

@The Suspicious Eye @SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Upon hearing Elena's question and noting her avoidance of talking about Ward, Leandra merely grinned in response and then leaned against the railing before saying back to her, "God knows you all need my help. Not that I'm religious or anything, but you get the point."

Cocking her head at Elena while still grinning, Leandra then added, "Would it kill all of you to learn some defensive moves or something? Spells, perhaps?"

Seeing some movement just beyond Elena, Leandra pushed off of the railing and looked behind Elena in time to see Otto sitting down with a goofy grin on his wolf face. Rolling her eyes and grinning at the pup, Leandra then said to him, "So, Otto, what's one of your favorite games to play? Tag or maybe even fetch?"

Having realized that Elena wouldn't want to talk about Ward with anyone, Leandra figured if she got Otto excited about playing something and all, then everyone would be too distracted to question Elena to begin with.

Yet, Kallin came over just after Leandra asked this and immediately began talking to Elena about Ward. Face palming at this, Leandra then raised an eyebrow at Kallin before shifting her attention to Elena with a quirky grin, as she simply said, "Boys." They had a knack for being oblivious to certain things.

@Aldur Forgehammer
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It was infuriating. Not being able to make up your mind. When Kallin gave his witty reply Vinter slowly looked up with her right eyebrow arching like a fully drawn longbow. The timing wasn't very good on that one, as it harmed Vinter still. She decided against replying to him. Kallin then walked away to console Elena. The werecat then peered in. She was curious. Did Vinter have any story of romance to tell? The pirate hesitated. She was clueless. Did she really want to share it with another she met just a few days ago?

Vinter turned to Luness and looked her straight in the eyes. Her expression wasn't as confident as usual. "If you must really know..." She hesitated once more and looked away. "Something did happen. And it was not pleasant. Also, I can tell you two have feelings for each other. He's not fooling anyone...I've known the prick for too long." Vinter tried to change the subject. Further questioning may be needed to crack the outer shell.

Elena chuckled dryly at Leandra an threatened to flick her on the top of her head. Her thoughts were far away but an easy conversation was the best thing to draw her back. Keep her from losing trust and being cold. She raised an eyebrow about her defense moves comment and gave a half hearted smirk.

"I know defense.. Sorta. I just have to cover reckless butts every fight. Can't have someone dying on me and I can't heal them."

Remembering how sad Leandra got when Iona turned to stone, she included,

"It's not all up to you, anyways. I've got to lighten the load."

She saw Otto and Kallin arrive and became a bit more uncomfortable. Why couldn't she just turn off in piece? She was a better fighter without remorse after all. That's all that should matter, not her feelings. At Kallins statement, the guardrail that she gripped seemed to start warping a bit. She quickly remembered he was the one who called her out for her issue with anger or fighting, so maintained control again. Her expression hadn't changed.

"I'm fine. It's fine. Everything will be fine. I know, I.. I don't feel as bad as you are acting and I don't need sympathy. I just want Carabosses head on a stick."

She spoke quietly, and not too harshly as she didn't want to disregard their kindness. That would be worse.

"I have you guys to watch out for so I can't afford to be distracted."
Kai smiled at Achyls as he looked up once more along the horizon. He heard everyone gathering below, on the deck. He peered over the basket of the crow's nest curiously as he heard strange voices. He smiled to himself as he saw Otto's familiar form bouncing up and down. With a bright look on his face, he smiled and jumped out and onto the thick braided rope that hung across the main mast. He climbed to his bag on the post, grabbed it up and dropped down with a "WOOHOOO!!!!" He landed with a loud thunk right next to the werewolf pup. "WHO WANTS SOME BACON!!!!" He laughed as he took his sack from his off his shoulder and shook it up, letting the aroma of bacon drift from the now open sack.

@zCrookedz and everyone else nearby
Otto sat and listened to Elena. He could smell he nervousness which is what had attracted him to sit in front of her to begin with. But as she talked the smell disappeared and Otto's attention was taken over by another talking. Leandra seemed to want play something, and Otto was all to happy to oblige with that. As she mentioned tag, Otto perked his ears up and dropped his front paws to the ground while he back paws were ready to go at the first sign of movement from her. However Otto was thrown off when a massive thud landed beside him. Otto darted away from Malachi, not sure what had just landed at first. But when Malachi held out his sack of bacon, Otto's eyes were glued to it. He could smell the sweet aroma of the cooked, crispy meat. The smell made his mouth water, and Otto crouched down to the ground with his eyes stuck on the bag unblinking. All he could think was "Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon..."

@Lioness075 @andujarprime
Luness took note of Vinter's initial hesitation in responding to Luness' inquiry. The pirate clearly didn't want to share her thoughts and Luness didn't exactly feel comfortable pushing it.

Sure enough, Vinter only gave Luness vague details before changing the subject to Luness and Kallin. The moment Vinter mentioned the pair, Luness in turn became hesitant and uncertain in her own reply.

"I, um...okay?" Unsure of how to even respond to what Vinter said about Kallin having feelings for her, especially since Luness was already fully aware of this, Luness rubbed the back of her head before shifting her attention away from Vinter and instead out at the scenery around them.

Letting out a small sigh, Luness then said to Vinter, "I already know Kallin has feelings for me. We both have feelings for each other. From what it sounds like, you probably felt the same way at some point in your life. Even if you don't want to talk about it."

@Aldur Forgehammer


Leandra smirked at Elena when she threatened to flick Leandra on the head. Leandra couldn't help it that Elena was just so much fun to tease.

Shrugging at Elena's response to her defense comment, Leandra then said, "Yeah, well, the whole lot of you are reckless one way or another."

Hearing Elena's added comment, Leandra blinked and then went quiet for a moment. With her experience as a combat medic in the real Army back home, the lives of her soldiers had always weighed heavily on her shoulders. Here, she instinctively felt that weight back on her shoulders while being around the group and being probably one of their most adept healers. She could only guess that old habits didn't die hard. Still, Leandra appreciated Elena's comment and so she said softly to her, "Thanks, El."

Upon seeing Elena's reaction to Kallin's comments, specifically the guardrail seemingly distorting itself, Leandra shifted her attention to Kallin before making a quick decision to dissolve the situation before it either got really awkward or worsened.

Before she made her move though, Leandra saw how excited Otto had become at the idea of playing a game with her, but Leandra had to dissolve this situation before playing with him so she smiled apologetically at Otto before turning away from him.

Walking up to Kallin, Leandra then said softly with a strained smile, "Hey, mind if we talk for a minute?" Before Kallin could respond though, Leandra grabbed one of his shoulders, more so his clothing than anything else since he was made of mist again, and then she led him away from the main group just before Malachai jumped down and landed near Elena and the others.

Steadying herself after Malachai made his entrance, Leandra decided that Kallin and herself were far enough away so she then turned to him and crossed her arms over her chest before saying evenly, "Look, it probably went over your head, but Elena really doesn't want to be talking about Ward or any of that. It makes her extremely uncomfortable to talk about herself and whatnot like that."

Softening her gaze, Leandra then relaxed a bit while keeping her arms across her chest before saying, "I wouldn't sweat it too much, but I felt it best to warn you for next time. She clams up whenever anyone tries to talk to her about that stuff or even tries to comfort her."

Leandra had always had a knack for observing people and learning more about them than others would realize.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @zCrookedz
Topaz, taking her daily flying routine, was having a peaceful, casual day. She was in human form, which she was weird for her as she normally never changed. But, she wanted to try something relatively new, so she had made it so. Once half-way done with her flight, she changed into her Wyvern form again, closing her eyes and feeling the wind whip around her playfully, as if it were enjoying itself as much as she.

At one point, she was going so fast and not entirely looking where she was going, the sunlight was disrupted by something. She frowned, her eyes still closed. "Huh..?" She uttered, slowly opening her eyes. A large, bulky, and terrifying 'creature' had blocked out the sun! "OH GODS!" She exclaimed, but not before hitting the bottom of the 'creature' (A.K.A Ship) with a loud, cracking thud in her panic.

For a moment, there was only silence. Then, with a shrill screech that cut off, Topaz dropped like dead weight, falling unconscious. The blaring speed she had been going had made the 'thud' more like a jet to the face. As she plummeted, the winds, feeling her in danger, shifted her trajectory, shoving her onto the ship's deck. Landing with a racket, she tumbled onto the ship. She lay there, unconscious, with her saddle oddly still intact. Luckily, she had landed on the edge of the deck, so she didn't crush or get in the way of anyone.

(Hopefully its cool if I just jump in here xD )
Nyr contemplated about the past events. She wanted to believe that they were ready for the final confrontation... but she also dreaded the moment when this would all end. She loved everyone she traveled with, they were more than her friends or allies - they were her family. But knowing that many of them had an important job to do - like Ward ruling Aerios, Leo going back to the Forest of Reflection, and Nyr herself needs to find her people - she dreaded the moment when they would part.

She knew that she should savor this moment, that she should live in the present rather than fearing the future - still she could not help it.

While she was caught up in these thoughts she had heard a very loud 'thud' then nothing more. It appeared that something or someone had boarded the ship without an invitation. With determination and readied magic Nyr headed out to check on the sounds.

When she appeared at the scene she was rather surprised. She expected a servant of Caraboss or some other shadowspawn to intrude on the ship - but it was just a girl. A rather pretty girl. Kneeling down she confirmed that she was not hurt but unconscious. Her hands started to glow with soft, white light as she tried to rejuvenate the exhausted wyvern and smiled at her.

" Well now, you are someone I certainly did not expect to see. Who are you, stranger? Worry not, you are safe here. "


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