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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr has spent the last two days meditating and honing her skills in the art of light and darkness. Merging the two elements was still a tedious task but with each passing moment she felt her power increasing. She was satisfied and soon she would be able to unleash her full potential upon their foes.

With this in mind she watched the rising sun on the horizon as they approached the Sand Seas. She had never favored the hot desert but she was still curious about the secrets it might hold. More importantly she was now determined to stop the darkness at all cost - knowing that the minions of Caraboss were marching to race with them was disturbing but she was sure that they would prevail. She saw the newcomers in the past few days strolling around and she was glad that they decided to join - with them at their side they would surely prevail.

Arianne played with the small globe of light which seemed to be her permanent companion. In fact, it appeared to have a friend as now a second one started to follow the little girl around as well. She was happy and curious what could have drawn such strange entities to her but she enjoyed their company. She observed everyone else and saw that all of them were ready for war.

She hoped that she would be ready as well.

Steeling her resolve she looked at the vast sea of endless sands. She was always curious how would a massive desert look like and this was a sight to behold - she awed at the grand scale of the place. But she knew that they did not come here to admire the scenery - they had a war to be won.

With that in mind she prepared her stuff - for when they landed she wanted to be among the first to stand against the dark tide.
Achyls had spent the last two days mainly up on the crow's nest, keeping one eye on the horizon and the other on the company. It was incredibly calming, but all the while she still anticipated adventure, and desperately wanted to be one of the first to see the Sand Seas.

Her wish came to fruition as the sweet smell of jasmine blossomed about her. She couldn't deny it was her favourite scent, and she took in a deep breath at the first sign of the delightful odour. Standing up on her tiptoes, she hung off the edge of the crow's nest, her body sharp and steady as if she were an ornament upon the Tenacity.

As the boat docked, she took off like a bullet, wings spread out, decorating the evening. She landed atop a little building, it's colour making that of the sand. Peering down, she watched as the people went about there business, all of them seeming not to notice her. That is, except, for a little boy who simply pointed and smiled while his mother hurried him along. Everything was bright and beautiful, the smells only aiding her view on the area. She could get used to this.
Takeo had spent the last two days coming to terms with where he was and what was going on. Really it only took him half a day before he was able to understand what was going on. And his first words after learning his situation his were "Awesome!" Once he got a grip on the new reality he was completely enthralled by everything.

When they land he rushed to the railings of the ship and looked out at the city. "Wow! This.. This is amazing!" He exclaimed joyfully as his excited eyes moved all around. He was about to jump off the ship and just go exploring but it occurred to him that wouldn't be in his best interest. Turning around still leaning on the rails he looked at the ones that were still on the ship. "Could one of you show me the ropes of this place? If its not a bother... I'm pretty sure if I'm alone I will get in all sorts of trouble." Though he said this in a joking tone he was pretty sure he would somehow get in trouble since he didn't know what provoked people here.

@Anyone on the ship
Topaz had walked around the ship, flying off sometimes but returning. That was what she did for the past 2 days, though she did sort of still feel out of place. She had explored around a bit, but felt she would break a rule or something while she did, so she had flown with the ship most of the time. She landed on the deck after a days flight around it today, and went to the railing. She saw a human who looked excited, and walked up to him. "I have no clue myself. I think we came the same day, yes?" She asked, tilting her head. "Oh! I'm so very sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I, am Topaz." She explained, bowing her head a bit by craning her long Wyvern neck.
For the last couple of days, Alexander had spent his time with Quincy, training with his brother, or off stretching his wings and flying alongside the airship. He hadn't mingled very much with any of the newcomers, and was honestly a bit slow to trust them.

Now, as they arrived at the city, Alexander looked out over the desert land and sighed. At least there would be no water on this journey. He heard the excitement of the boy beside him, then looked and saw the wyvern who landed and offered to show him around. He wondered at the wisdom of running off with a stranger, but then sighed and said nothing. He didn't really know the boy, either.

Anya on the other hand had found someone who would work with her on honing her skills. In the last couple of days her improvement with her daggers and teleportation was almost phenomenal- she could likely hold her own in a fight as well as the others now. Of course, take away the magic daggers and what was she left with?

As they arrived at the city, she looked out over it, eager to get started on another adventure.
Flashback for Luness and Otto

Luness nodded in agreement with what Kallin said and then grinned when he matched her sarcastic tone and replied to her.

Seeing the meeting was adjourned for the evening, Luness gave Kallin a fleeting smile before she glanced around the galley for Otto. After what she'd discussed with Alta before they all departed for the Sand Seas, Luness was desperate for a moment of privacy with the pup.

Sighting Otto in the galley, Luness walked up to him and then said softly, "Hey, Otto, can I talk with you for a moment? I'd prefer we discussed this in my room...where we can have a bit of privacy."

Hoping Otto didn't take it the wrong way, Luness quickly added, "You're not in trouble or anything, I've just had something on my mind for a bit and want to share it with you."

Otto had enjoyed listening to the others talk about where they were heading next, and was dutifully sitting and listening when he could smell Luness getting closer. He turned his wolf like snout towards her and cocked his head to the side as she mentioned leaving and needing to speak with him. He stood on his four paws and then jumped to the floor, shifting to full height once he had. He stood there, rubbing the back of his neck "Sure!! Lead the way." Otto gave her a big smile and followed her.

Luness was relieved when Otto, as usual, wasn't fazed by the fact that this discussion could potentially hold any bad news for him.

Walking out of the galley, Luness led the way to her room and then once both of them were inside of it, she gently shut the door and locked it to ensure nobody barged in on the pair while they talked.

Turning to face Otto, Luness then said hesitantly,
"So, you know how Alta and I were talking together before we all left on the Tenacity? Well, we kinda came to a realization together and I figured I should tell you it with just the two of us first before we made a big deal of it or anything..."

Trailing off, Luness took a deep breath and then said, "Otto, Alta and I believe that it's highly likely that Bigby was father to both of us. Meaning, we both had the same father. That being said...even with our mothers being different, that would ultimately mean that you and I are...well, half-brother and half-sister. We're kinda like half-siblings in a sense. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Cocking her head at Otto, Luness anxiously hoped he understood her so she didn't have to ramble again in an attempt to explain things to him in simpler terms. Though she had no idea how to simplify things any further.

Otto stood there in Luness room and blinked a few times. Luness's words resonated in his head, and like someone standing in a huge grand ball room, each time the words bounced off the walls of head they only seemed to grow more and more. So many things began to pile up, more and more questions that he just couldn't think clearly enough to answer himself. Most people would be pulling their hair out by this point, screaming and cursing trying to figure things out. Otto....just stood there, arms slack, head tilted, eye brow raised, and his mouth slightly open.

He simply stood there starring at Luness for the longest time as the questions slowly died away. Finally the only thing that he kept thinking about as he stood there looking at Luness was one word
"Sister...." His usually goofy smile began to creep across his face as he continued to think about having a sister. Finally, after a long moment of silence, Otto's hands shot into the air as he smiled big and began laughing triumphantly. He closed the short distance between Liness and himself quickly as his arms fell to the sides so he could wrap his arms around her. Once he had he continued to laugh as he hugged her tight "You just wait Luness, I'm going to be the best little brother any one could ever ask for!!"

Luness felt her anxiety only growing more, as Otto appeared to freeze entirely and she could only imagine what was going through his head in the moment. Problem was, Luness really had no idea what he could be thinking about. Was he excited? It was hard to tell in the moment...

Yet, the moment Otto's signature smile crept back onto his face, Luness felt herself relax, as she knew that meant that he was probably about to have some excited kind of outburst.

Sure enough, Otto was hugging Luness in a flash and she froze in shock at first before relaxing again and chuckling at Otto's behavior. Wrapping her own arms around Otto as well, Luness then brought one forepaw up to ruffle Otto's head just after hearing what he said.

Grinning at Otto, Luness gingerly separated herself from him before saying,
"I have no doubt that you will, Otto. And I'll do my best to be the best big sister anyone could ask for."

Shaking her head in amusement at such a comment, Luness then found herself letting out a yawn before she said sleepily to Otto, "Perhaps we should get some rest before we get to the Sand Seas and all. I don't know about you, but I've been through a bit lately."

Otto watched as Luness yawned. Sleep was the very last thing on Otto's mind at the moment. As they separated from one another, Otto took a few steps back towards the door still smiling at Luness. "You go ahead, I, uh, gotta do a thing..." Otto continued to beam at Luness as he opened the door behind him and shifted to his wolf form. He took one last glance backwards at Luness, his canine smile from ear to ear before he took off down the halls of the ship and began yipping and bouncing around, sharing his excitement with the rest of the ship.

The last two days had been both eventful and rather dull compared to the excitement that Leo had grown accustomed to since starting his journey. He had taken to splitting his time between the things that needed to be attended to most. One of those was to help Nyr with her efforts in continuing her training. he had done little more than sit and meditate with her most of the time, offering her small tid bits of advise here and there. The rate at she was going was incredible, and Leo was very proud at the progress she had made.

The rest of the time however, Leo divided between socializing with the newer members that had joined them in the past few days, and storing as much energy as he could hold for when the reached the desserts. He had found that even though the jewel was slightly shattered, that he was able to use the mentors jewel as a storage for some energy. He devised this was created for those who had mastered their abilities so that they could fight longer and harder if the need arrose.

On the second day of the trip as the reached the city, Leo was front and center on the bow of the ship as they pulled into the cities port. It was amazing to watch the Tenacity achive both sea and air travel, and Leo felt like he was viewing the ship for the first time as he watched them lower the gangplank to leave.


Otto had not been able to stop since he and Luness had their discussion the few nights prior. During the times where he was able to concentrate and think back, Otto had come to the conclusion that the last few nightmares he had where the result of seeing Bigby for the first time in years when he had accompanied Luness and Kalin to the spring of inspiration. His mind had repressed his encounters with Bigby and now that he new the truth, they were slowly coming back to him. But he continued to look forward, and each day he spent asking Luness any questions he could think of trying to help piece together the missing parts of his memories.

Once they had reached the city, Otto was bounding across the deck looking around at the group as the gathered to leave. He did not see Luness yet, but he did spy Kallin standing by the railing and he made a little yipping sound as he bounded towards him. As he got closer, Otto shifted mid stride and tripped over his now bipedal form and began to tumble across the deck head over heal. He finally stopped when he ran into the railing of the ship and lifted himself up next to Kalin, trying to make it look like he meant to do that. He looked around at the port and the incredible place they were at now,
"Whooooaaaaa, this place is neat looking."

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Leia leaned over the rail excitedly. The city was stunning. Lee plunged over the side and disappeared into the river.

From the docks three well-dressed representatives awaited their descent. Two were young men, wearing vests over their bare chests and baggy pants that were bunched at their ankles. The garments were light-coloured and trimmed in gold. One woman stood between them and she wore more slender pants and a short-cropped shirt, her midriff exposed. A head covering was draped loosely over her jet-black hair, the fabric slightly translucent and the colour of lavender. Her garments too were trimmed in gold.

"I wish you a thousand welcomes from our wise and kind ruler." The woman spoke as she bowed from the waist. The men mimicked her a moment later.

"Lady Scheherazade wishes to speak with you imminently, however other matters will hold her attention until this evening. We are here to accompany you until then."

Leia listened carefully and made her way down the gangplank. "Can we go explore the city?"

The woman smiled. "It would be a pleasure to accompany you." She waved a hand and one of the men stepped forward. He was tall and barrel-chested, the vest he worse probably had to be let out to accommodate his muscular form. His eyes were dark and serious, but not unkind and his skin was as dark as rich coffee.

"Yousuf will stay with you."

Leia had to crane her neck when standing next to the man to see his face. "I need this guy when I walk home from the movies at night." She turned back to Takeo, glancing briefly at Anya, Leandra and Elena. "We have to explore this place. You in?"

@Aldur Forgehammer
Takeo smiled at the wyvern named Topaz and nodded at her. "Sup! I'm Takeo." He said in a cheerful tone before his attention was taken by another female. At the offer of exploring Takeo grinned broadly and climbed up so he was standing on the railing. "With out a doubt! This place looks amazing!" He exclaimed unable to contain his excitement.

He jumped off the rail and gracefully landed on his feet as he looked around. He almost ran off to explore on his own, but he stopped himself. "Right... For now I don't want to cause a fight, get lost...or find a restaurant without someone with money." He mumbled before turning around to face the ship. "I'm ready to explore whenever. I'm just going to do follow the leader for today."

@MoltenLightning @SilverFlight
Laikas glanced over at Leia, overhearing her request to explore the city. This would provide him with opportunities to learn about the layout of the town, where he could get food and what animals were here. He was half expecting to find Rachnos here too, and exploring the city would help him find his companion. Corax would most likely find them soon as well. He approached Leia and spoke almost sheepishly, "Mind if I join you guys? It'd be a chance for me and Freya to stretch our legs."

Freya was perched on Laikas' right shoulder, glancing down at the city; she felt there was a large amount of gold here. She allowed herself a small grin; easy pickings.

Arianne marveled at the architecture of the city. It seemed to be wonderful, nay, amazing, something she had never seen before. The structures were indeed had the mark of arabian architecture, they were unique and beautiful in their own right. She looked at the buzzing crowd as they went up and down, mindind their business, smiling, laughing and talking with each other. It almost seemed like they did not know how war torn the world was.

As they docked and the woman offered a tour her eyes lit up, jumping next to Leia immediately.

" Yes, YES! Please let us go immediately! " she said with joy in her voice. She wanted to explore this entire city if she could.


Nyr smiled as they arrived to the wondrous city. It was interesting to see how people lived in these trying times - they seemed to be joyful and strong, much like the stories told about them. As she heard the servant's offer she shook her head.

" I would rather visit the palace, to meet with her majesty. Or, if possible, to visit the library of the palace. I have... an interesting research I wish to conduct. "

She smiled at Leo. Knowing how much he aided her already. She wanted to repay his kindness somehow... but she also needed to focus on their task ahead. She leaned closer to him, smiling.

" If you want to join me later after you marveled in the city please do so. "

She then turned to Achyls, connecting their mind briefly. She only wanted to tell her this privately.

" Sister, I will research about the darkness as well, tomes of untold power are held within libraries - if you know where to look. If you wish we could read them together later. "

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Skywalker
Luness walked up onto the deck of the ship just in time to feel the ship easing to halt upon them docking and then the crew mooring it.

Luness had spent the past two days enjoying a bit of solitude, as it was a natural desire for her, and even messed around a bit on her guitar, which she had kept stowed away in her cabin on the Tenacity. She trusted it would never be displaced or lost as long as it remained on the ship. Mostly though, Luness had found her mind wandering to Kallin. She worried that his curse was only worsening and they still had no idea how to cure it. Her heart ached every time she thought about it, but she couldn't even read yet. How could she possibly figure out a cure for Kallin?

Glancing warily around herself, Luness soon found herself staring in awe at the desert city surrounding her. The air was considerably more stale compared to the humid air they'd been breathing back in Aerios. Still, the desert city felt just as beautiful, even if it were lacking in vibrant colors of nature.

Inhaling deeply with her eyes closed, Luness smiled faintly, as she got the various scents of the city. Her good ear twitched about, as she also took in the city sounds. Bartering could be heard nearby from one of what was surely many markets within its city walls.

Opening her eyes once more, Luness skimmed those gathered on the deck of the ship and grinned when she sighted Kallin near the railings.

Without wasting a second, Luness briskly walked over to him and then excitedly said, while leaning over the railing to admire the sights of the city, "I've never been to a desert before...or a city as busy as this one is."



Leandra had spent the last two days enjoying the magical view of the galley as well as wandering the Tenacity's deck and admiring the view around her. Everything in FableWood fascinated her and even if she wasn't a werecat like Luness, Leandra often found she had the curiosity of a cat.

Soon though, the day came for their arrival and Leandra was among some of the first to watch as they came into the docking area. Leaning up against railing eagerly, Leandra's eyes swiveled about, as she took in the sight of everything and everyone in the market just beyond as well as the architecture of the city itself. She felt like she was in the Prince of Persia movie or something. Maybe more so like Aladdin. Where was a handy magic carpet for touring when you needed one?

Hearing people exiting the Tenacity via the gangwalk, Leandra immediately followed suit and stayed by Elena's side before hearing Leia suggesting they all explore as a group.

Grinning at this idea, Leandra then said eagerly, "Sounds brilliant to me!"

Wondering if her British accent would stand out among the desert locals, Leandra curiously looked around them and then found her attention was pulled ay from such thoughts upon seeing Yousef approach the group as their bodyguard.

Grinning at what Leia said, Leandra then quipped in, "Yeah, I think we should share him. He could just look at someone and they'd decide against messing with any of us."

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Quincy, as they flew toward the desert for two days, tried her best to stay relaxed. Time with Alexander helped, but the impending arrival still made her nervous. With each mile they traveled, she could feel the call of the waters lessening. The kelpie was afraid to be in the desert, so she hid below deck until they docked. She emerged to watch the diplomats greet them, but her mind was not on the beautiful city or the chance to explore. Instead, she was preoccupied by the disturbing feeling of the world around her. Even the air was thirsty. With a worried sigh, she stepped off with the others, eyes down cast. Quincy would need to safe as much of her energy as possible if she was going to be of any help. Rest would not come easy in a place such as this.
Kallin's expression brightened instantly when he saw Luness come over, though it was still hard to tell on his dark, misty face. "Let's follow the real-worlders then. They should probably have more than one guard anyway." He offered her a hand.

"Come on Otto, let's see what this place has to offer...I have a feeling there won't be much bacon though."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Leia led the way for the small group as they entered the city. Everywhere coloured silk banners hung, each depicting a stylized animal, weapon or desert scene. The scents and sounds were all new and Leia found herself in awe of almost everything. Many of the women covered their faces and regarded the group with elegant yet mysterious, dark eyes. At every stall they past men and women were calling to passers by, holding silver pots or necklaces or fruit. The street they started down was busy, but not overly crowded. Every now and then, between the buildings they would stumble upon a small public garden lined with palms and exotic flowers. Sometimes a fountain sprouted up from the center, spraying clear water which split the light of the setting sun into a dazzling rainbow.

Kallin took the time to browse the market stalls, shifting his gaze over jewelry, straw baskets and other items. Just then he caught sight of a stall selling small blades and one set in particular caught his eye.

He picked up one of a pair of daggers, the sheath was leather, stained dark red and imprinted with a hot iron. Deep twining curls of black laced their way around the sheath. Kallin drew the blade experimentally. This was also intricately decorated, a slender desert cat, rampant with claws outstretched and head curled elegantly toward the dagger's tip. What was better in Kallin's mind was that it was thick, folded metal, strong and well-made. This, decorated though it was was made to be used. The second dagger was made much the same, only the desert cat and the curve of the blade faced the other way.

"How much would you like for these?" He asked the shop-keeper, who had his back turned at the moment. When he saw Kallin he jumped. "Ah! Djinn!"


"Desert spirit! What on earth is a Djinn doing in the city?"

"I'm not a Djinn." Kallin replied flatly. "Though I am cursed." Hmm, that probably wasn't the best thing to say.

The man's expression did not change with the knew knowledge.

"W-what do you want?"

"These daggers mainly. Though ending Caraboss' evil is a close second." The shopkeeper blinked, then took a look behind Kallin at the heroes milling about the market.

"You are a mage?"

"Now you're getting it."

"A thousand pardons...its just, with the strange things happening in the desert, everything has been turned on its head."

"That's why we're here. Now, how much?" He held the blades up politely.

With the daggers safely tucked away he went back to the group. Their guard was following silently, but seemed amused when a group of children began to crowd around Leia's water spirit. The creature was playing in a fountain and spraying mist at them playfully. Leia laughed as she watched.

"So, do you know what sort of powers you have?" She asked Takeo, as if it were a normal question. "I mean, it took me a few days to figure out that Tad was following me." She gestured to the air spirit who drifted lazily over her head, barely visible in the fading light. "Now I have three spirits."

She glanced casually back, looking for Laikas. "What do you think? This place is fantastic isn't it?"

@Peaceswore @Baconhands @everyone following Leia

It was not terribly long after that, when the sun had just finished its descent when something happened.

Kallin was alerted to the trouble when a man came running down the street crying at the top of his lungs

"Disaster! Terrible Catastrophe!! The River! The River has stopped flowing!!"

Kallin exchanged worried glances with the rest of the party and raced forward.

"What do you mean? The river was full when we arrived not an hour ago!"

The man led them back to the water, wringing his hands anxiously as they approached the bank. To Their utter shock he was right. The river was now only a thrid of what it had been and getting lower. The largest ships leaned morosely to their sides, stuck in the sandy quagmire that was the river bed. When Lee saw the damage she gave a small trill of dismay.

"This...is very bad."
Laikas smiled slightly at Leia and nodded in agreement, "I will honestly say that I've never seen a city quite like this. The architecture's nice but it doesn't have the same attractiveness as the forests." He sighed and shivered slightly, he hated being in cities in truth; there weren't any animals here, at least proper ones. Laikas glanced at Kallin when somebody had mentioned the river was not flowing any more. Laikas rolled his eyes, human problems with human solutions. He looked at the group; he supposed he should do something.
Otto's ears perked up when he hear dKallin calling to him. When he turned back he saw Luness and gave her an excited smile as he followed close behind the small group. Leo looked over at Nyr as she spoke and nodded to her. "I will do so my love." With a quick kiss he to followed the group out into the city, though stayed more towards the back.


As they walked through the streets of the city, Otto was amazed at the sights, sounds, and the smells of this place. He was particularly fixated on the the interesting looking people, mainly the ones that were garbed all the way up to their eyeballs. While Kallin was inquiring about something at a shop, Otto scooted closer to Luness and nudged her in the arms with his as he kept looking around at the people surrounding them.
"Psssst, Luness. Whats up with the people covered up to their eyes? don't they know its hot out??" Otto's head whipped around as another passed by their group. When Otto turned his head, his nose caught the scent of something tasty. Before he could get a response from Luness, his attention was fixated on the stall a bit further down where billows of steam and smoke were being emitted from a cooking area much like a grill. Otto smiled and trotted over to the area as he sniffed at the air.


Leo watched the area as they passed through the city. Just like the rest of the group, he was amazed at the sights and sounds of this new place he had never even heard of. Even as the sun was beginning to set, he could feel that this place was not going to be relaxing just with the heat alone. None the less, Leo continued on with the rest until he over heard one of the citizens in distress. Leo followed and when they reached the river, was disturbed by how much water had been taken from the flowing river. Leo knelt down next to the bank of the river and reached down to touch the bare part now exposed.
"Could it be that something upstream is blocking the flow?" Otto came up to the side of the river, his mouth filled with little sticks that had contained his delectable treats he had found. "Mayfe, it waf desert beavers?" He swallowed down the mouth full of food and stuck another stick from his hand into his mouth.

Luness glanced sideways at Kallin with a smile and took his offered hand before saying, "This is true. Wherever our group, especially the humans, go, trouble is sure to follow."

Hearing the mention of bacon to Otto, Luness quietly chuckled. Knowing Otto though, the pup would find some way to get food in the city regardless.

Following after Leia and the small group that had gathered thus far, Luness' head was on a constant swivel, as she took in the sight of the market all around her. Her good ear was constantly flickering about as well, as she heard many things at once. It sounded chaotic, but Luness kind of liked it.

Hearing Otto's question, Luness shrugged and then said, "I have no idea, Otto. Maybe its just the way they live here." Yet, the moment she said this, Luness saw that Otto had already wandered off.

Shifting her attention to all of the stalls around them, Luness soon became curious when she saw one tucked away that had several caged animals.

Veering away from the main group just as Kallin wandered off to a stall of his own, Luness soon found herself peering into the cage of what looked like a young cat. It had a primarily bronze coat of fur as well as numerous black spots and lines mottling its fur. Its piercing green eye stared back at Luness while its tail flickered about behind it. Luness saw right away that its left eyelid was shut, as if something were wrong with its eye.

The stall merchant was soon at Luness' side and grinning eagerly, as he then said, "One of the famed heroes! Just for you, you can choose one pet of your own!"

Blinking at the man, Luness then furrowed her brows. She didn't like the idea of having a pet...but the cat certainly looked miserable in that meager cage. It didn't really have any room to move around and it looked far skinnier than a normal cat should be.

Unsure of how she'd even take care of a cat on her own, Luness shifted anxiously on her feet until she heard the man shouting in the distance about a disaster with the river.

Realizing she no longer had any time to consider her options, Luness immediately pointed at the young cat and said, "I'll take this one."

The man grinned at this, seemingly oblivious to the disaster shouting, as he then said, "Good! Good! He's a bright, young one, that one is. He'll serve you well, werecat." Hesitating, the man then added, "Alas, he was born a runt in his litter and he was born without his left eye. Are you sure you don't want another one, hero?"

Shaking her head at the man, Luness then tentatively opened the cage door for the young cat and watched it, as it calmly jumped down from the cage and then curiously peered back up at Luness.

Pleased that the cat wasn't going to just run off, Luness then turned on her heels and said, "Come on, little guy. Sounds like our next adventure is about to begin."

Grinning to herself when the cat began obediently prancing after her, perhaps it had to do with Luness being an Alpha or something, Luness soon arrived at the edge of the group just in time to follow them to the river's edge.

Frowning at the scene before them, Luness glanced around and then nodded at what Leo said before adding, "Leo's right. Something is most likely clogging up the river. I doubt the water just vanished on its own."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra followed the group through the market and stalls as well as past a few, small gardens. The city was immense and beautiful in its own way, though it really made Leandra wish she had a camera handy. She could only imagine how much money she could potentially sell such pictures for. Especially since they'd look so 'real' to humans back in the Real World.

Watching a few of the group wander off to browse some wares, Leandra found herself glancing around at the stalls as well. Problem was, she only had human money and not whatever they used for money here. She might be able to convince someone that her money was really nice, but she didn't want to rip someone off. Plus, she couldn't really find anything that stood out to her in the end. Perhaps they'd have more time to browse another time.

Hearing the man shouting before she saw him, Leandra frowned. The river had depleted? Just like that?

Following after Leia and the rest of the group, Leandra soon was blinking at the sight of the depleted riverbed and the lurching ships. What in the world had happened here?

Of course, the first thing that came to Leandra's mind was that Caraboss was already up to something.

Thinking over what could possibly be happening, Leandra's strategic part of her brain soon came up with something and she said loudly, so everyone could hear her, "Perhaps this is Caraboss' doing. She might be trying to keep us from using the Tenacity in defense or as a means of escape."

Kallin thought for a moment, suddenly missing Ward's calm authority and his quick thinking. What would he do?

Then he looked around. "Someone with wings, fly upstream a little ways, but only a little, then get some height. See if you can see anything."

"The river's source come from within the desert." Yousuf said with a deep voice. "If evil is indeed at work, then you will have to travel far into the desert to solve this."

Kallin was so deep in thought he almost didn't feel himself transform. That is until the chaos magic surged again and he crumpled to the ground. Thankfully he didn't cry out this time, just knelt there, arms crossed over his gut as sparks flew from his coat. He held up a hand for anyone running to help, a gesture that told them not to touch him.

Yousuf seemed worried. A fact that scared Leia, if this huge guy looked worried it must be serious.

The big man looked like he wanted to ask something, but decided against it.

"We must go to the empress now. Affairs have just changed."

As soon as the pain subsided Kallin gave a nod, using his staff to help himself up slowly.

Their guard waited until all were ready before leading the way up the sloped city mainstreet towards the gates of the palace.

Kallin moved to follow, but when he saw Luness with the cat he raised an eyebrow. "Aw, he's much cooler than what I got you."
The moment Kallin crumpled to the ground, Luness rushed forward with a worried expression, but stopped herself when he held up a hand to stop anyone from nearing him.

Biting her lip with concern for him, especially after seeing the red sparks dancing off of his body, Luness waited until the moment passed before she took a step back and watched as Kallin helped himself up.

Furrowing her brows at him, Luness then heard Yousef's suggestion for them to change their plan of action and she nodded at him before glancing back at Kallin upon hearing his comment about the cat.

I wasn't really specific on the breed when I first described it so here's a picture to go along with the description. It's an Egyptian Mau.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/REMGRCHBWRWRamahMauTanMan.jpg.2b49a081c19d45c267bc8de419b8d240.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/REMGRCHBWRWRamahMauTanMan.jpg.2b49a081c19d45c267bc8de419b8d240.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Suddenly, before Luness could do anything about it, the cat bounded forward and then halted just at Kallin's feet. Tentatively, the cat leaned forward and sniffed at his robes for a moment and then paused before walking up to his side and purring while rubbing its side against his leg.

Grinning at this, Luness then said, "Well, I think he likes you more than he likes me. I didn't get that kind of reaction when I first got him." Shifting her attention to Kallin, Luness then said, "Anyways, I'm sure whatever you got for me is something I'll love. I've yet to receive something from you that I've disliked."

Pausing, Luness then added with a small smile, "After all, it's the thought that counts, right?"




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Takeo kindly smiled at the girl before shaking his head. "I don't have an powers.... Unless I got some without anyone telling me. It may not be a power, but I am skilled in martial arts, and I know how to wield a spear." He said before his eyes move to the variety of stalls that littered the market place. "This lace is fascinating! I'm lucky I don't have any money with me... Or I swear I would have bought almost everything I have seen." He said enthusiastically. Even though he kept a calm look on his face it was taking everything in his power not to run off and look/touch all the magnificent items that lay on the booths.

Arianne walked silently after the group, observing the city in its glory. No matter how many times she glanced left and right she always saw something new, never the same architecture - every house, every building seemed to have their own personal stories, memories from the past which told about good and bad alike. She was intrigued about this kind of history - but she did not want to disturb the others with such thought so she shadowed them silently.

It was then when she had heard the distressed call of the citizens and the dreadful news about the river. Looking at the small group she noticed Kallin writhing in pain. Worry appeared on her expression and then vanished as the dark mage raised from the ground, seemingly unscathed. If this was the curse he described then there was little she could do to ease his pain. When he told them to head back to the palace she nodded - it was time to face the pressing matters ahead of them.
After they had arrived in the city Malachai found himself right at home near stalls of roasted meets and casks of whines. He hadn't gone out with the others, instead he waited for them to come back with news. He saw a group of them run off, but decided against joining the already unusual group in the new place. Besides, there were foods to be tried, and whine to be drunk. After long he found himself lazing about near the palace, waiting for the others to return.

<Lame I know, just trying to insert myself somewhere.>
In an effort to move past her discomfort, Quincy joined the others exploring the market, taking in as much as her eyes would let her. Everything was so exotic and new, that she almost forgot about the drying heat. Stalls of food, drink, weapons, trinkets, pottery, and even pets decorated the street. It was enough to inspire awe in anyone. She was about to step away from the group to peek at a glinting, iridescent object when there was a cry behind them. The drying of the river was cause for panic to everyone, but the kelpie felt particularly fearful at the new development. Too worried even, to spare worry for Kallin at his collapse. She followed eagerly back to the palace, her heart racing uncomfortably. If the river was dry, what would she do? There may be no water to spare for a bath. How long can I last?
(missed so many notifications, sorry)

Achyls jumped when she heard Nyr's voice through her head, and even more so when she looked over towards the dock. From her viewpoint, it looked as if she were watching some kind of film being played out to her, the whole thing didn't look the slightest bit real. Stunned, however, she jumped up and followed the last few members of the company into the palace.

Once inside, she contacted Nyr.

"Library? What is it you wish to share, sister?" she asked, hoping the dread-raven would get her message.

Kallin tilted his head with a smile as he bent down to stroke the cat. "Nobody really thinks that, let's be honest." He looked up and grinned at Luness, lifting the cat into his arms gently.

"Ah, I probably just walked to close to that fish stall, that's why he's like that." He said with a smile.

He began to follow the large guard down the sandy main street in the wake of the city's people exclaiming in shock about the river. There was no doubt, these people would die without the water it gave. They had to bring it back.


"Well don't worry Takeo, you'll get them eventually. We all did." For emphasis Lee came to perch on Leia's shoulder, giving her a worried mewl about the receding water. She then hurried on to Quincy and draped herself about the Kelpie's shoulders quietly, as if seeking comfort with a fellow water creature. He wet form soaked through Quincy's clothes.

@Peaceswore @Flutterby

Kallin saw Malachai waiting for them as they approached the palace and waved him over. "Hey lizard, I was wondering where you ran off to."


The gates stood tall and ornately decorated as were the bulb-like turrets on either side of them. The walls were made of a smooth, sandy stone and beyond the main gates more turrets could be seen, decorated with colours just as the ones in the city were.


Yousuf gave a firm wrap on the door and an armed guard looked over the ramparts and waved at the gatekeeper. The great palace doors swung open onto a modest courtyard, filled with exotic plants. Orange trees flowered in the earth on either side. At their base a small angled channel flowed, carrying fresh water past them, but even that water level looked low now, it was no doubt connected to the river system. A peacock cried somewhere nearby and suddenly one of the birds erupted from the underbrush, perching on a styled fountain to one side. The smell in the air from the trees was fragrant and gentle. They were led to the main part of the palace and down a splendid hallway. It seemed everything here was done to the finest detail. Overhead intricately-carved wood panels were draped between sloping archways. The columns were red stone marbled with orange and each tile under their feet was carved with an animal or a flower.


A set of stairs guided them to a large set of golden double doors and it was on these Yousuf knocked again, much more gently this time. Two women opened them and allowed the visitors entrance to a large, open room. From the doors a set of two steps led down to the floor. Elaborate woven carpets were draped over the tiles and down the steps, some almost completely covered by the most exquisite and plush cushions Kallin had ever seen. The other side of the room opened through several evenly spaced doors out onto a wide balcony. Flowing silk drapes rippled in the faint, hot desert wind.

At the far end of the room Kallin's gaze stopped. Lounging on the largest cushion was a huge white tiger, and beside the tiger was a beautiful woman.

Her skin was a deep copper, and shimmered in the light of the candles that cast the entire room in a warm glow. The light also caught in her raven hair which cascaded down a shapely, elegant form. The modest, purple robe she wore did nothing to hide her generous curves, but it was her eyes that were the most alluring, dark and intelligent and commanding. Those were the eyes of a leader, someone whose power lies nowhere in physical strength, but something far greater: The power of a fantastic mind. When she stood the fabric of her clothing fell into place about her. Traces of the cloth were sewn onto the bangles about her wrists and attached to the main garment at the shoulder, giving the appearance that her sleeves had been opened and now hung from her arms. When she looked at him Kallin felt his legs weaken. She was stunning...and terrifying.

The tiger moved to rise with her but a gentle gesture from this woman kept it still.

"So...you are the heroes of FableWood? Welcome my friends. I am Scheherazade."

Yousuf bowed his head and Kallin followed, Leia bowed too not long after, even Bob, Tad and Lee mimicked her in respect. Her commanding presence it seemed affected them as well.

"I have only just heard of a new disaster to rear its ugly head in my realm. Tell me Yousuf, has the river truly run dry?"

"As if by magic, my lady."

She frowned, and even that was beautiful. "I must implore you, the trouble as Meril had no doubt mentioned lies in the Chaos Dunes, deep within the Sand Seas, but that us a place of darkness now, and of chaos. The realm used to be governed by powerful desert spirits, but something has begun driving them mad...travel in the Seas is no longer safe for mortals...I am afraid only the heroes stand a chance against such power...so my question now is...will you help us?"

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks @andujarprime @Flutterby @Hel @Lioness075 @The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore @Baconhands
The past few days on the ship Meril kept to herself. Of course she interacted with the others and tried to be helpful when she could, but being around the others made her feel somewhat lonely. Hearing the others speak about earth only made her miss it more. Being the only earthling in the Sand Seas, she never really talked about in great lengths. It hurt and she grew more homesick with every mention of it. She would spend her time practice if her swordsmanship and magic skill. She had learned how to make various weapons by watching a dragon with similar skills practice. As they arrived to the place she called home, Meril told the others that she had a detour to make and she would meet them at the palace.

She hopped off the ship as it arrived and went down the streets looking for a friend. She walked down the streets before she found him, well actually his pet. She caught the monkey and tickled it before handing him a letter. She whispered to him, "give this to Morgiana. Not your master understand." The monkey nodded and scurried off, the shopkeeper shouting at the beast as it ran off. Meril couldn't help but laugh a little at the little troublemaker as she left.

She made her way back to the palace just in time as the others arrived to meet Scheherazade. She walked in quietly and bowed before her queen before taking her position, beside her. Meril glanced over to Yousuf before looking back at the others hoping that they were still true their word. If not the Sand Seas are in grave trouble.

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks @andujarprime @Flutterby @Hel @Lioness075 @Peaceswore @Baconhands


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