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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Laikas sighed to himself, trust from them was something he needed and if he didn't have it, then he couldn't join them. He wanted to be on that ship, if not to be away from humans to at least protect his animals. He looked at Lucille, finding her accent slightly, before he spoke, "I've been living in the wilderness for the last three years of my life. Prior to that I lived here in the capital with a magician, who was unfortunately killed in a hunting accident, or so I've been told. I fled to the woods after he died, it was suspicious the way he had and I thought I would be a target too." His voice caught in his throat and he looked away.

Freya almost rolled her eyes, You know you're very good at this Laikas?

Laikas paused for a moment, still looking away, "I'm sorry, he was like a father to me. He taught me how to harness my powers to communicate with animals and how to become them in form. He was very knowledgeable." He looked up at them, "After his death, my animals became my family and friends."

Corax stood still, glancing at Lucille and his head twitched every time she spoke. Her accent was strange to him, as was the newcomer.

Laikas sighed, "I'm here on business, for what I'm not allowed to say."

@Aldur Forgehammer

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(Trying to stay caught up but it's busy)

Quincy stepped outside, finding a quiet spot in the garden to watch the Star Fall. It has been a long few days, and they had more ahead. She considered going to bed, but she couldn't afford to miss something as beautiful as this event.
After what seemed an eternity too short Kai put Achyls down and with a smile, he leaned into a kiss. It was then that the star fall began. The coming and fading lights in the garden played with the shadows across her features as he opened his eyes once more. And once more there was no one else but her, no one in the gardens, no one in the palace, even the familiar scent of meat that usually found it's way to his nose was insignificant right now, in this moment. After a short while, as the light from the most recent star fall faded he smiled again. "I really thought something had happened to you. Scared me nearly out of my scales woman." He mentioned as he pulled her in tight again. "But it's past now, you're alive. And you seem well enough, are you?" He asked her aloud, he could have communicated mentally, but his ears and heart were aching to hear her voice.

Nyr smiled at Leo and gave his cheeks a kiss each.

" May it be so, my beloved. " she said " I still miss her, she was always her and knew what she had to say... but hopefully her wisdom flowed into me somehow... "

She looked at Leo and thought how lucky she was. She had the best person at her side in whole Fable Wood, she felt her heart throbbing in excitement and love whenever she looked at Leo. Deep down, somehow she knew that no matter what would come they would face it and vanquish it together.

Looking at Leandra she smiled. She probably never told her the story.

" I refer to Mother Moon, the goddess and deity of the Moon itself. When I was but a hatchling my father disowned me and banished me from the dread ravens - now I know he did this to protect me. But I never knew my true mother: when I was dying in the wastes alone and was about to give up Mother Moon descended from the sky and adopted me as her child. "

She silenced for a moment, smiling as she remembered the happy days.

" She taught me everything I know, I am forever in her debt. She however... vanished as of recently, I can not feel her presence at all. I feared the worst but today during the battle I felt a strangely familiar power, one that must have originated from her. It is true that it was slightly different but it was her grace which touched me... So I pray for her safety and for her guidance. "

@zCrookedz @Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Leandra blinked when Nyr initially smiled at her and resolved to simply keep a neutral expression while Nyr explained Mother Moon to her.

From what Leandra heard at first, Mother Moon was a goddess and so Nyr's belief in her certainly seemed like a religion to Leandra. Hearing Nyr's origin story as well, Leandra wondered why almost everyone here seemed to have a dark origin story of sorts. It certainly seemed to be a theme among the group.

Not wanting to hear more about any kind of religion, especially since she was atheist, Leandra simply gave Nyr a small smile once she was done speaking and replied, "How interesting. I never would've known any of that about you or her."

Hesitating for a moment, Leandra then added, "Personally, I'm an atheist, which in the Real World means I don't believe in any god, goddess, deity, or anything remotely religious." Shrugging, Leandra then said, "But everyone's different, so whatever."

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Leo sat and listened to Leandra and Nyr speak. The stars continued their decent to the world as Nyr kissed Leo. The warmth her affection brought to his heart always made him smile. He continued to watch the sky as he heard Leandra speak of her beliefs. The notion of not believing in something omnipotent was a bit strange for Leo after having seen some of the things he had seen through their journey. Having met Mother Moon himself, he believed in her as well as the power she held over the world. The thing that struck Leo the deepest though, was something that he had been thinking about for a while now. He looked at Leandra with a questionable look "Leandra, you keep calling the world you and the other humans came from the "Real" world. I am curious, do you not consider Fablewood to be real? As if you and the others will merely wake from a slumber with nothing but the memories of a bad dream?" Leo meant nothing by this in a aggressive way. In truth he was very curious as to weather or not she and the rest of the humans indeed thought that this was all "real" or not. For many who had lost and loved through this journey, it was certainly real for them.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Achyls kept her face nuzzled into Malachai's neck as he put her down. She only looked up when the dragon finally questioned her. Her eyes widened. Why did he not send it through thought? Not that she begrudged hearing his voice though, it was comforting to be able to hear him.

"I...I am fine." she smiled, "being knocked back and getting right back up is just part of what we do...isn't it?". She couldn't take her eyes off of him, analysing every line in his face, every furrow of his brow. He was an odd sight indeed. But she loved that about him. He was strange, like her. They worked with one another.

Leandra shifted her attention away from Nyr for a moment, as Leo then asked her a question. Cocking her head at the Guardian, Leandra didn't respond right away, as she pondered the question and what kind of answer she should give in response.

Leandra did consider the human world to be more 'real' than this one, but there was no doubt that this one was very real as well. Leandra could use all five of her senses here. She could count all of her fingers without there being an extra one or one missing. She could feel pain in a very real and very painful way and when injured, she didn't wake from a possible slumber of hers.

Looking at Leo now, Leandra then said confidently, "No, I definitely consider FableWood to be real. There are too many factors that prevent this from possibly being a dream. It's far too real. I suppose by calling the human world, the 'real' world, I just mean that it's more real to me. If we all were to go there, then you FableWoodians would all be at a loss for some of the technology and things you would see there. Much like when I first came here, I didn't understand a lot of what I was seeing. Do you understand what I mean?"

Furrowing her brows after saying all of this, Leandra hoped Leo understood her. It was a pretty hard concept to explain just like that after all.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Nyr nodded. Probably if they were to journey into Leandra's world they would be at a disadvantage at first it being an alien world. Thinking about it made her curious about all this.

" We were born here, thus this plane is the real world for us. Yet you who come from a different reality think it differently, but this is all right. I am sure that this human world of yours is interesting as well - although being surrounded by infinite amount of chosen ones could get boring I presume. "

Thinking about what Leandra said about Mother Moon she chuckled.

" I never thought about my connection with Mother Moon being a religion type of bond honestly. When I meant that she raised me from my infancy I really meant it: she took me in the Moonlit Glade, the place where she lived and there she nursed me back to life, took care of me. She was my mother instead of my real mother. "

She started to contemplate on what a religion could be.

" Worshiping someone or something that is untouchable sounds pretty strange to me - but understandable at the same time. If doing so grants you solitude and hope then by all means you should do it. But being a fanatic... well you see where that goes in the case of Caraboss' followers. "

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Kallin watched her cry. Her sobs cut into him like broken glass but he stayed where he was.

"Now you see? Why I didn't tell you before...with the demon's taint you suffered under...Skies Luness, you were ready to jump off the airship. How could I have told you?..I've spent two years, ever since I was cursed, searching for a way to reverse what had been done. Two years and nothing to show for it. If there is way, I never found it."

Part of him ached to hold her, comfort her, but he knew he couldn't, he was the damned problem.

"..When I joined the heroes I thought I had made my peace with it. I was going to die, at least maybe I could do some good with my power before it took me...Then things changed...I, I met you and suddenly...I was afraid again." He could feel fear and anxiety clawing at his heart even as he said it, suddenly that made him angry, frustrated at the injustice of what was happening to him.

"I should never have let you get close...It would have been better for both of us." His mask had been in his hand throughout the evening. He looked at it now and smiled sadly. The fool, how fitting. He'd been stupid, but so desperate for a single moment of happiness...stupid and selfish.

He moved forward, past Luness, not meeting her eyes. "Do yourself a favour Luness...move on." His voice was cold as he felt the familiar distance of his emotional armour come up once more.

As he made it to the steps he tossed the mask aside.

"I told you I wasn't worth it."

Kallin descended into the darkness alone, he didn't look back until he had reached the bottom of the stairs. Suddenly he staggered, leaning against the tower wall for a moment. He felt as if all the energy had left him. His eyes began filling with tears and he rubbed them angrily with a sleeve.

He looked up into the night sky, searching for a sliver of good in the swirling torrent of misfortune he felt himself drowning in, but the meteor shower was lessening even as he watched. Fewer and fewer stars danced across the inky abyss. Not even the stars would give him hope it seemed. Slowly he began to walk away from the tower.

His wish hadn't come true tonight, but It was better this way...for her at least...it had to be.


Leia watched the StarFall ease up and stifled a yawn. "I'm not sure I'm going to stay up that much longer." Tad yawned too, going to coil gently about her neck. "But that was beautiful."

She turned to her friends and gave them a smile. "I'm going to go get some sleep...then try and wrap my head around fighting zombies...and I don't even have a shotgun."

She bid them goodnight and made her way slowly back to the castle.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Lioness075

Ward shifted slightly against Elena as the rain of stars began to dissipate. A wonderful peace filled his heart, even now, with the added responsibility of his new station.

"I can't believe it." Briar said as she came up behind them, her tone was excited. Fior grinned broadly. "But in another way, I can. Ward, you always conducted yourself like a prince. I think The Whispering Isles are very lucky." Ward rubbed the back of his head with one hand.

"I suppose we will see." He shook Fior's offered hand...an equal now, though it still felt strange.

"Briar is right, I hope you'll still have time to help me work on my sparring though."

Ward smiled at the familiar task. "Always Highness...er..Fior." The prince nodded with approval. he felt a sudden sadness however at the realization that he would not be going home, his new home...was now here, in the Isles.

"Elena," Briar addressed her in a kind tone. "You'll take care of him won't you?"

@Bea Delaine
Listening to Leandra answer his question, and then Nyr. Leo sat and contemplated what the two of them said, and they both shared good points. Leo had never thought about how different it would be if one of them had been transported back to the human world. It would definitely be a shock and he might consider his own world to be the "real" one. In the end Leo smiled at Leandra and nodded. "I do understand. I suppose it is possible for both worlds to be "real" depending on how you look at the situation." Leo sat and watched as the sky began to return to its normal state, and the falling stars began to slowly diminish. As he watched Leia prepare to turn in for the night, Leo too stood and examined the garden. It was in a bit of rough shape, claw marks and black ooze still covering portions of the ground. "I believe I will spend the evening here in the gardens. They could use a bit of rejuvenating after what the queen did to them." He said his good nights to Leia and Leandra as he left, and gave Nyr a hug and kiss before turning from the group and walking towards a small pathway leading a bit further into the gardens. Leo did not go to far before he found a nice spot in the grass to sit and begin his meditation.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Luness' bottom lip quivered, as she did her best to contain her crying. Crying wasn't going to solve anything in this moment and it would only end up exhausting her. She would know after all the years of crying when she was younger.

Listening to what Kallin said at first, Luness shifted her gaze to her paws, furrowing her brows in the process, as she knew Kallin was right about holding off from telling her right away. It certainly wouldn't have ended any better than this if she'd been told before the taint had been cleansed. Still though...

Hearing how long Kallin tried to search for a cure or answer, Luness found her heart aching for him. She'd almost immediately given up on herself when she was younger. She'd seen herself as a lost hope, empty vessel, nothing more. Kallin had actually tried to save himself, help himself.

Keeping her gaze on her paws, Luness sullenly listened to Kallin, as he explained how he'd felt when things began to, well, happen between the two. Yet, instead of saying how he'd felt happy or perhaps his hope had been renewed...he'd been scared. Afraid. What?

The moment Kallin said that he should have never let her get so close to him, Luness' head shot up and her eyes were wide with fear and pain, as she realized what was happening now. He was leaving her.

Seeing him smiling sadly at his mask, Luness began to feel desperation rising up in her, but she could hear and even see the resolve and determination that Kallin held in him. She wasn't going to be able to change his mind. Not now, probably not ever.

When Kallin began to walk towards her, Luness at first thought perhaps he would offer her some kind of apology, something, anything. Instead, he told her to move on. Just like that. As if it was as simple as that.

Luness could literally feel the last few shards that remained of her heart shatter into such tiny fragments that it would be near to impossible for it to ever be fixed again. Somehow, Kallin had managed to break her again.

Not moving an inch and not even bothering to turn around and face him, all Luness did when Kallin spoke again was flick her good ear backwards to hear his last remark. He wasn't worth it.

And just like that, he was gone. Nothing, but a whisper in the wind.

Without even realizing she spoke out loud, Luness then whispered, "But you saved me from the void."

Yet as the silence of the night became her companion, Luness found herself shaking from head to toe, but it wasn't from fear or even sadness. No, it was from pure rage, anger.

Was she cursed as well? Cursed to always be left alone? Cursed to live as nothing but an empty vessel, meant to kill her enemies with her ability to shift? Was she just a monster? Was love not meant to be for her? Was she destined to become nothing more than her father? Did she really mean nothing to anyone in this world?

While these thoughts raced through her mind, Luness angrily paced back and forth along the tower's roof and suddenly began shifting into her werecat form. Except this wasn't her normal form, not at all.

Her forepaws clenched tightly at either side. Her eyes quickly became bloody red, as her anger began to subtly change her appearance here and there. Her claws became far sharper than normal, her fangs elongated, and she soon was on all fours, as her body manipulated into that of an actual lynx and not that of a werecat. Her human features all faded away and she suddenly stopped at the edge of the tower, as she let out a ghastly howl, that despite her lynx appearance, actually sounded like a wolf's howl and was chillingly similar to Bigby's own howl.

Without realizing it, Luness' anger was changing her into more of what Bigby was. She could almost swear that she heard a distant whisper in thewind, saying, "That's my daughter..."



Leandra grinned at Nyr's initial comments and shrugged before saying, "Honestly, we have way too many gods, goddesses, and deities in my world. I'm pretty sure a majority of them are completely made up, too."

Listening to Nyr's explanation of Mother Moon, Leandra merely nodded to be respectful, even though she hated religious talk more than anything, regardless of how it was perceived.

Hearing Leia's comment about not wanting to stay up any longer, Leandra immediately jumped onto the idea and agreed with Leia, saying, "Yeah, you guys seriously require a lot of healing. I probably should rest up before someone else gets injured tomorrow."

Nodding in agreement about the meteor shower being beautiful, Leandra then laughed at Leia's mention of a shotgun. Grinning, Leandra then added, "Yeah, if only my combat shotgun was with me now. I wouldn't fear a single zombie that crossed my path."

Hearing Leo's agreement on Nyr's and her own explanations for their perceived 'real' worlds, Leandra smiled nicely at him and nodded. She was even more pleased when he said that he understood what she meant. It had been rather hard to explain so she was pleased that everyone else had ended up understanding her in the end.

Once Leo announced that he was going to head out as well, Leandra gave him a short wave and then said to Nyr, "Well, g'night, I suppose."

That being said, Leandra let out a long yawn and stretched a bit before she began wearily heading back into the castle, fully intent on getting a good night's rest finally.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @zCrookedz
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"'Not allowed to say'? my, zat is curious. Because I thought you just told us you 'ad been orphaned. Who decided you are 'not allowed to say'?"

The tears were moving, but Lucille had been playing similar games for far too long to be caught off guard by them.

"You are not making a very good case for yourself mon petit." She looked at the night sky for a moment.

"'owever I do believe it is quite late. Perhaps you will 'ave a better answer for me in ze morning. I wish you a good night, Laikas. I do 'hope we can be friends when ze sun come up."


Leia made her way up the broken stone path. They had certainly did a number on the garden during the fight, she recognized Bob's handiwork in this and shook her head at the little earth spirit. "We've got to work on your style bud." She almost didn't see Kallin, making his way slowly from a part of the castle.

"Whoa, you look terrible." She said. He barely seemed to notice her.

"Not now Leia."

Her jaw nearly hit the ground. It was the first time he had willingly called her by her name...something had to be deeply wrong. She watched him go, wandering into the orchard that lay next to the gardens, not sure of what to say or do, but her heart went out to him. He looked like his world had just come crashing down about his ears.

Suddenly a bone-chilling howl broke the silence of the night. It had come from a tower, sitting still and dark against the star-studded sky. With one look back at Kallin, Leia turned and headed for the tower.

The steps were swathed in darkness black as pitch and her footsteps echoed as she felt her way along the wall. Not long after she could see the faint light of the sky above her.

"Hello?" She called. Wondering if the howl had come from here after all.

Laikas allowed himself a slight smile, "My friend, your trust would be most valuable to me." He looked her in the eye before bowing his head, and the two animals on his shoulders mimicked his action, "If you say so, good night." He sighed, she would be a tough person to convince, even though he had thought he had convinced Kallin in some way to allow him to go with them.

Freya kept her head lowered, She's going to be difficult. I don't like it when people are difficult. The ferret gritted her teeth slightly, Perhaps it would be better if we spoke with the others. Or went to sleep! Do you know the time?!

Corax shook his head, It is late, Laikas, perhaps some sleep will do us good.

When she finished howling, Luness began angrily pacing along the rooftop once more.

It was as if her reasoning was no longer present, as Luness just angrily growled to herself and glared at the ground before her.

Suddenly, Luness shifted her attention to the summoning sigil and let out a curt snarl before she leaped at it and began clawing at it and breaking it down.

By the time Luness had completely broken the sigil so that it couldn't be ever fixed again, she heard Leia's voice coming from the stairs.

Letting out low and threatening growl, Luness froze in place near the destroyed sigil and glared at the staircase, her bloody-red eyes warily eyeing it. Her fur stood on end and she looked more demonic than anything in the moment.

Had Kallin returned?

The moment this thought entered her head, Luness snarled at whoever was coming up the stairs, more than ready to lash out if it was Kallin coming back.

Leia froze at the feral snarls, but they sounded slightly familiar. Tad and Bob stepped in front of her protectively as she climbed the last few steps. If Kallin had looked bad, Luness looked ten times worse. It was as if she had almost lost herself in the form of an animal. Her eyes fell on the claw marks that ruined a casting sigil, and then back at the werecat's glowing red eyes.

"Luness?...I saw Kallin.What the heck happened?"

Growling again, Luness began to pace where she was, straining with everything inside of her to not lash out at Leia. With the fiery rage inside of her, it was really hard to resist lashing out at Leia or her spirits, but Luness knew she couldn't bring herself to harm any of her friends. Not after what had happened in the Winter Wilds.

Keeping her eyes on the ground while she paced so as to not be further encouraged to attack Leia or her spirits, Luness then spoke up in a dark and almost demonic tone, as she said, "What do you think happened? He left me! Like that, as if I had never meant anything to him to begin with!"

In a flash, Luness' head shot up and she glared at Leia before she paused in her pacing and said in a slightly saddened tone, "He left me just like everyone else has in my life. Everyone always leaves."

Despite her heart continuing to race, Luness' anger began to dwindle a bit while she spoke, as if the rage had been nothing more than a temper tantrum.

Her physical features began to soften a bit, as she began to return to her normal werecat form, all the while she asked Leia in a soft and depressed tone, "Why does everyone keep leaving me? What did I do wrong? What am I doing wrong?"

Leia started at the dark tone Luness used, but she refused to let her fear show.

"He what?!" She couldn't believe it. Kallin was a jerk sure, but she had also seen his true nature. His heart was good. As she listened she could feel her own anger flare. What right did he have to put her through this? What in the world could make it feel justified?

"I...I don't think he wants that." She ventured tentatively. What was she saying? Did she really even know him that well? But she'd watched him, she couldn't believe he was that heartless.

"Look, Kallin's got his share of demons, maybe that's what made him go this far...but.." She recalled the look on his face as he walked into the orchard, "...but I think he's hurting too...whatever he said, I don't think he meant it...He needs you Luness. He wants to be with you, it was so easy to see on the Tenacity...but, something's in the way...if you know what it is, and it doesn't change how you feel...you should go find him." Her voice grew slightly more confident as she spoke. "You're not doing anything wrong Luness. You did everything right. I think you should go and keep doing it."

She took a deep breath, letting it out silently and watching her friend in the gloom of the night.

Luness felt the rest of her body return to normal while she listened to Leia's reasoning, even her eyes shifted back to the usual glowing green and golden eyes.

By the time Leia was done speaking, Luness had slowly pushed herself back up into a standing position on her hind legs and was giving Leia a look of uncertainty.

Playing with her claws a bit, Luness then said tentatively, "I guess I should at least try..."

Nervously, Luness looked up to meet Leia in the eye, as she then said anxiously, "Thanks, Leia. This really means a lot to me, and I don't say these kinds of things often."

Luness then did her best to feel remotely confident, as she walked up to Leia and then past her to make her way down the stairs of the tower.

By the time Luness had exited the tower, she realized with a start that she had no idea where Kallin had wandered off to.

Remembering that she knew his scent, Luness inhaled deeply and soon had his scent, which led her out of the tower area.

Arriving at the edge of the orchard area of the gardens, Luness froze in place when she saw Kallin. He looked like he'd just lost everything, not too unlike how Luness had probably looked when she'd lost her mother and been banished from all packs by her own father.

Feeling her heart racing inside of her, Luness desperately tried to think of what to do before Kallin possibly noticed her.

It was then that Luness realized what had always truly pulled the two together. Their singing.

Biting her lip, Luness tried to think of something to sing, but nothing came to her mind.

Suddenly, Luness remembered the song that Kallin had tried to sing to her that one night. She hadn't recognized it and so she'd veered away from it. But maybe...


Inhaling deeply, Luness closed her eyes and then took one step toward Kallin before she began to quietly sing the beginning of the song, "Anywhere you are, I am near, anywhere you go, I'll be there, anytime you whisper my name, you'll see. How every single promise I'll keep, 'cause what kind of girl would I be, if I was to leave when you need me most..."

Trailing off, Luness then tentatively opened her eyes to see if Kallin was going to join her or if she was going to be brushed off again. In this moment, Luness felt her heart in her throat, as she feared what Kallin may do next.


Nyr smiled and happily hugged and kissed Leo back as she watched all her companions leave to rest. She however decided to admire the scenery before she would go to rest. Taking flight she once again soared through the night sky, looking at the Moon happily, knowing that somewhere, somehow her Mother watched over them even now. She put her hands together as if she was praying then whispered her plea.

" Mother Moon, guide us, for our path will become even more dangerous than before. Shine and grant us the strength to banish the evil. "

She felt the celestial body shining brighter as she smiled at this sign. She was certain that wherever the deity was she heard her and would protect all of them. With this done she flew to the palace gardens, found a comfortable tree to sleep under and relaxed for now. Soon enough sleep would claim her, at least she wanted to spend her last waking moments with observing the stars.

Arianne saw that their new companion did not want to go with her meeting the others. She did not know whether it was due to her being to intruding or otherwise she did not want to push the topic. In stead she excused herself and headed towards the upper levels where the king has granted her a temporary room. She was so grateful for this soft, welcoming bed that the moment she fell on it she also fell asleep immediately.

In her dreams she bathed in the light of the stars falling outside, making her smile happily. She was glad that this battle was over... but she knew that they would face new trials soon enough.
Leia gave a smile as Luness thanked her. "Hey, I stick by my friends...good luck." She watched the werecat go, a strong sense of accomplishment followed her as she slowly made her way to bed.

Kallin tried to push forward through the rows of trees, but every now and then he stopped, putting a hand over his eyes and biting back the pain. The beauty of the orchard was lost on him. He no longer had the will to move forward...he had nothing left now. So imprisoned by dark thoughts was he that he didn't even hear her approach.

When she began to sing his eyes shot open, complete disbelief flooding out despair. He raised his head and saw her and an awestruck look appeared upon his face. It was the look of someone who had spent their lives in darkness, and suddenly been given a light. He couldn't stop tears from resurfacing once more and as she sang he let her approach.

"What are words

If you really don't mean them

When you say them...

His voice was small as it fought through the ache in his heart. He took a few timid steps toward her.

"What are words

If they're only for good times

Then they're done

When it's love

Yeah, you say them out loud

Those words, they never go away

They live on, even when we're gone...

He stopped in front of her, disbelief, surprise, a rushing joy and the crushing feeling of unworthiness all piling on top of him, it was suffocating, he couldn't breathe. He had said such hurtful things...how could she forgive him just like that?

Kallin didn't speak after their voices faded, couldn't speak. He simply stepped forward and threw his arms about her, holding onto her as if she was the only solid point in an ocean of chaos. Tears ran freely down his cheeks as all of his fear, all of his sadness and self-pity melted away like snow in spring.

Luness was more than relieved when she saw the look of, well, surprise on Kallin's face. It was certainly better than him immediately trying to send her away.

When he began to cry, Luness was surprised herself and she didn't know what to do or even say in the moment. Yet, the moment quickly passed, as Kallin began to continue the song.

Not moving an inch from where she was, Luness let Kallin approach her while he sang the other lines to the song that she still didn't fully know.

Hearing what he sung though brought silent tears to Luness' eyes. Smiling softly, Luness gingerly wiped a tear away from her cheek while Kallin's voice grew in confidence and soon he was standing right in front of her with a look of many mixed emotions, though Luness' senses told her just how conflicted he was feeling in the moment. His racing heart was evident enough of that.

Yet when Kallin suddenly lurched forward and brought Luness in for a hug, she was beyond surprised and found herself stiff as a wooden beam for the first second or two. Soon though, she relaxed and smiled warmly, as she hugged Kallin back.

In the middle of the hug, Luness willingly shifted back into her human form before she gingerly pushed Kallin back just enough so that they were face to face while also holding onto both of his hands with her own hands.

Smiling while tears rolled down her face, Luness then said softly, "If you're wondering why I didn't just let you go, it's because you wouldn't let me go when I needed you most. Now...now, you need me the most. Nobody was there for me while I grew up and nobody cared when I suffered. Maybe you grew up the same way, but that doesn't matter now. Because I'm never leaving you, Kal. You can't get rid of me that easily."

Cocking her head at Kallin, Luness then hesitantly let go of one of his hands before raising her hand up to his cheek, uncertain at first, but then she softly brushed her fingers over it, as she wiped the tears off of it. Furrowing her brows at Kallin, Luness then whispered, "Nobody wiped my tears for me. But that doesn't mean that I can't do it for someone I truly and deeply care for."

Pausing, Luness then looked Kallin in the eyes before she said in a soft and confident tone, "I'm never leaving your side, Kal. No matter what happens next. I'll be by your side 'till the end."

Kallin listened silently, relief filling him up close to bursting. He had been alone with the knowledge of his death for so long, finally sharing it with someone who was still willing to stand by him...it was overwhelming, like being swept up in a riptide of feelings that he had locked away for two whole years. She told him she would be by him until the end. He gave a laugh and tried to dab at the remaining tears. He recovered enough then to give her one of his signature grins, offset by by his blue eyes, still a little red from crying.

"Then from this moment on, every second I have left...its yours Lune."

It was a promise, one he wouldn't break, and to seal it he pulled Luness close and kissed her, laying a gentle hand on the back of her neck as he did. His heart raced, his many thoughts melted into just one single truth: he loved her, and not the curse nor anything else in the world could change that.

Drawing back at length he found himself slightly breathless, but a new light danced in his eyes. "I'm not going to just let this happen...I won't lie down and let the curse take me. I'll keep looking for a way to lift it...now I have something to live for."

The night could wear on until day and he wouldn't care, not now. He wanted to spend every waking moment with her.

@Aldur Forgehammer @Baconhands

((This is basically a summons. We're time jumping and starting the new arc, Everyone please come back!))
Luness grinned at Kallin's laugh and found herself smiling widely upon seeing his grin. He looked so genuinely happy and relaxed in the moment. She couldn't recall a time she'd ever seen Kallin like this. It truly warmed her heart in a way that nothing else had ever really done before.

Hearing what Kallin said next brought an even wider smile on Luness' face and she found her smile reaching her eyes for what felt like the first time in her whole life.

Yet, what Kallin did next took Luness entirely by surprise. When Kallin brought her in and then kissed her, Luness' eyes were wide at first and she didn't move. Yet, she seemed to melt, as she relaxed and gently wrapped her arms around Kallin's upper back while leaning into the kiss and closing her eyes for the whole duration of the kiss.

When Kallin finally pulled himself back, Luness found herself feeling breathless as well, her breath both literally and metaphorically stolen away by the moment and Kallin's actions.

Listening to Kallin's words, Luness smiled warmly at Kallin and then said teasingly, "Good, I don't want to have to hunt you down again and possibly knock some sense into you next time."

Getting an idea, Luness grinned and grabbed one of Kallin's hands before leading him out from the orchard and to an edge of the garden, where they'd have a clear view of the still and starry sky above them.

Once they reached a clearing, which was a small hill among the garden, Luness stopped and then looked up at the sky before saying softly, "I never knew just how beautiful the night sky could be growing up. I always feared the darkness...but now it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Sighing happily, Luness then let go of Kallin's hand before she sat down and then lay onto her back, fully expecting Kallin to follow suit, while staring up at the night sky and saying, "Y'know, this would be my first time ever sleeping outside and not feeling threatened the whole time..."



Leandra woke the next morning with a quiet groan, as the sun wafted through the slits of the curtains to the windows in her room.

Slowly pushing the covers off of herself, Leandra blinked at the sight of her damaged dress still on. Whoops.

Moving to the wardrobe, Leandra found her daily attire, fresh and clean, so she quickly changed back into it and felt more than relieved to be back in her comfortable attire.

Grabbing her knapsack with her staff attached to it, Leandra then exited her room with a yawn and began making her way towards where she remembered breakfast being served the last time they'd been here.

Yet, along the way there Leandra noticed a very weary-looking Ward ahead of her.

Curious what was wrong, even though she was uncertain of if it was her place to ask, Leandra walked up to Ward and then tentatively asked him, "What's wrong, Ward? You look, well, in rough shape. Did you not get any sleep at all last night?"

Leo had spent the night in the garden, silently channeling energy through its many roots and stems to the places that the battle had taken part in. He mended branches and replanted torn up grass, with the help of some vines and roots of the local trees. The places where dirt had been raised to try and hold the creature down had not been easy to move. Once or twice Leo had to break his commune that that he could move the earth and stone by hand. This was nothing to out of the way for the finished product. Luckily the garden was extremely healthy, Leo was even able to restore his own energy after everything was said and done. The garden slowly but surely began to return to the way it was before, and by dawns first rays, the garden looked as if it had never been touched by the foul beast. When the sun finally reached over the horizon and touched Leo on the brow, he bid his good by to the garden and returned tot he world. As he returned to where the battle had ensued, Leo smiled at his work . This was why he did what he did, why he was a guardian. To repair the damage done to the world, to bring balance back to the world. After admiring his work for a few more moments, he continued on his way into the castle where he could here the sound of a breakfast being put together. He found his way into the dinning area with ease, greeting the staff as he did with a smile and good morning as he made his breakfast and sat down to eat.

Otto could vaguely remember being moved out of the garden the night before and into the room filled with plants. It gave the room an earthy smell, which made Otto comfortable. Thought during the night, something broke through his restful sleep and began to make his dreams spiral out of control. A howl, one that was both strange but familiar to him brought him in his dreams to a memory.

Otto had been sitting in some kind of dwelling, gnawing and playing with a bone his mother had given him. She had gone somewhere and left Otto alone with...someone.... He could not remember. Was it Granny? No this was before Granny. Otto was sitting on his haunches in the dwelling listening to the howl which had made its way into his dream. The howl seemed to be coming from behind a door across the room from Otto. The door was slightly ajar and Otto could faintly hear voices coming from behind it. The voices were angry, and yelling.

Otto dropped his bone and slowly made his way over to the door. He peeked his head around the corner, the room seemed to change color almost instantly to a darker shade of red. Otto didn't remember walking into the room, but there he was watching as a black shadow loomed over a cowering pair of shadows. The Shadows voice was dark, and menacing as it lectured the two cowering shadows. "How could the two of you loose them! This insolence will not go unpunished!" The dark shadow raised a paw like appendage into the air and brought it down on one of the other shadows, which let out a whimper or pain and then evaporated. The darker shadow then lunged at the other and it to evaporated with a whimper.

Then the dark shadow seemed to be getting bigger, no, Otto was walking towards it. He tried to get his legs to stop, turn around and run away, but the memory was playing itself out. He made a whimpering noise, and the dark shadows head slowly turned to look at Otto. Once again, Otto was starring into the face that contained the yellow eyes he had seen in his prior dream. Otto wanted to wake up now, he wanted to go away from the evil eyes. But it was to late, the shadow lunged at Otto, causing Otto to rear back on his hind legs to try and get away. But he was too late, there was a sharp pain across Ottos body, and a splash of red, before his eyes snapped open and he left the dream.

Otto shot up in the bed and starred into the darkness of the room, gasping for air as he did. He was alone, he could smell that over the earthy plant smell. Ottos eyes weld up with tears as he pulled his knees up to his chest, clutching his scar with his hand as it burned his flesh as if it had just happened. He pushed his body into the corner the bed sat in placed his head on his knees. He sat there, not sleeping anymore only weeping silently until dawn broke through the darkness and he could hear footsteps outside his room. Otto had quit cringe during the hours before dawn, but his face was exhausted from the lack of sleep and the emotions. He slowly made his way out of the bed and found his cloths the lady had taken the day before. Changing and leaving the room, Otto followed his nose and the sound of people to the dinning hall once again. There he saw Leo and made himself a seat next to the Guardian. A servant came out of the kitchen with a big smile and placed a single plate full of bacon in front of him. Otto gave the servant a faint smile and a weak
"Thank you." before she returned to the kitchen and Otto began to pick at the plate.

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