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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The raven tilted its head and glanced sideways at Laikas, Well, that was certainly quite the battle. Are you going to execute your plan?

Laikas sighed and started walking forward towards the group of heroes, slowly, almost cautiously, I'm not quite certain. They look exhausted, some are seriously injured, perhaps if I congratulate them they might appreciate it.

Freya studied the battle weary group and shook her head, I would doubt they would. They may have some gold on them if you'd like me to check, Laikas.

Laikas sighed; this was a good opportunity to steal some gold, in fact it was pretty much the perfect opportunity, battle weary nobles focused on healing and helping each other, not paying attention to a small ferret taking their gold. He pondered this for a moment, before another idea popped into his head; perhaps Freya could be a bit of diplomatic leverage. He looked around before glancing at Freya, That would be a little too cliche and boring. I would like you to run over to them. Act curious, cute, see what they're like, judge their temperament. See if you can't find those were-animals. Laikas stopped walking and looked at Freya, nodding slightly.

Freya sighed but she agreed nonetheless and Laikas picked her up gently and set her on the ground. As soon as her small paws touched the ground she scurried forward, following a scent towards the were-creatures.

Leo felt the spear dig deeper and deeper until finally with the combined effort of so many, the spear burst through bone and pierced the creatures heart. There was no time to celebrate as the energy of the creature erupted from her chest and sent them all flying backwards. Leo found himself sitting under a tree a few seconds later, his back a bit pained as he sat there breathing heavily. That had been a tough battle, and Leo wanted nothing more than to sit under the tree for a few more moments and let the pain in his back slip away and catch his breathe.

It wasn't until he looked up in the tree and saw something unusual. The blast had flung Otto towards the tree as well, however in a more vertical direction. The young werewolf was sitting nicely in a thick bed of leaves about 10 feet up. Leo looked over Otto carefully and noticed that he was loosing fur around his face. Leo had seen something or someone grab the spear that looked like a wolf, but never knew it was Otto. There was definitely something amiss with this new side to Otto that he had never seen before. After a few more moments of watching him in the tree, Otto returned to his normal self, completely passed out from exhaustion.
Elena put as much effort as she could pushing, feeling the toxins and the blood deprive her of oxygen by the end. Before the wave of dark energy pulsed, she was already going down. Getting tossed on her back with the evil woman's desperate last attempt, she didn't feel the fall much. Her arms clung to her stomach, and in hazy vision, she saw Ward cry over the lost Brenna. The woman she just met and already started loving more than her own mother. Then she saw a desperation filled Leandra trying to heal her.

Elena tried to shift over and get up to go to them and help clean up the damage. The moment she attempted to do so, she choked and coughed, more dark liquid coming up. She dropped her head back on the ground, eyes watering a bit. She wanted to cry for their loss, but what was the point? Would it have not been better to have been strong enough to stop the death? And she can't protect ward, or her newer friend Leandra or anyone. Not from everything. Not from grief.


She whispered quietly, not loud enough to be heard. Just an apology for letting Brenna down.
Leandra opened her eyes slowly to see her palms no longer glowing, as the last of her energy had been expelled through that last ditch effort. She had nothing left. She had failed Brenna, just like many before her.

Dropping her bloodied hands and arms to her sides, Leandra's facial expression glazed over and she became expressionless, as she mentally seemed to shut down in the moment, as she had always done every time she'd failed to save a life in the past. Some failures were just near impossible to deal with. When you saw as much death as Leandra did in the job that she had for the military, it was hard to deal with the large amounts of failure all around you.

Watching as Lee coiled around her body and healed her wounds, Leandra remained silent, even after Leia offered words of encouragement. So what if she'd tried her hardest? Her 'hardest' had failed in the end. Thus, she hadn't tried hard enough. She could've done more...right?

Feeling Leia's hand on her shoulder, Leandra continued to say nothing in return, as she shamefully dropped her gaze to the dirt beneath her, her arms and dress stained and coated in blood, both fresh and some partially dried now.

Hearing either King Cedric or Ward crying nearby, Leandra tightly closed her eyes while tears formed in them and began to roll down her cheeks. Why couldn't she get it right? Why couldn't she save everyone? Wasn't she supposed to be as powerful as a god here? What use was it to have such amazing healing powers, but to still be unable to heal someone? Why'd she fail as if she were still in the Real World? How was it that she still felt so helpless when she was supposed to have all the power in the world here?



Luness was knocked backwards when the basilisk finally fell and dark energy sent her flying onto the dirt a few meters away, sliding to a stop.

When she let out a low groan and pushed herself up so that she was standing on her hind legs once more, damned dress was getting in her way yet again, Luness looked around herself for Otto. Last she'd seen him, he'd mostly returned to his usual self, but his physical body had still remained altered. What was happening to him?

Yet, before Luness could sight Otto, she smelled an incoming creature...and it was a ferret?

Confused, Luness turned to look at the small creature, which seemed to be rapidly heading straight for her.

Not wanting to deal with anymore potential dangers, but also not being certain of if the ferret meant any harm, Luness dropped to all fours and snarled at the small creature, her eyes glowing a dark red while she flexed her paws and extended her claws in a way of saying go away now.

Luness still needed to find Otto and having a random ferret interrupting her was really pushing her patience. Unless it went away now, Luness would most likely pounce on it and make it go away. Her pack came first and the ferret was in the way of said objective.

Lioness075 said:
Leandra opened her eyes slowly to see her palms no longer glowing, as the last of her energy had been expelled through that last ditch effort. She had nothing left. She had failed Brenna, just like many before her.
Dropping her bloodied hands and arms to her sides, Leandra's facial expression glazed over and she became expressionless, as she mentally seemed to shut down in the moment, as she had always done every time she'd failed to save a life in the past. Some failures were just near impossible to deal with. When you saw as much death as Leandra did in the job that she had for the military, it was hard to deal with the large amounts of failure all around you.

Watching as Lee coiled around her body and healed her wounds, Leandra remained silent, even after Leia offered words of encouragement. So what if she'd tried her hardest? Her 'hardest' had failed in the end. Thus, she hadn't tried hard enough. She could've done more...right?

Feeling Leia's hand on her shoulder, Leandra continued to say nothing in return, as she shamefully dropped her gaze to the dirt beneath her, her arms and dress stained and coated in blood, both fresh and some partially dried now.

Hearing either King Cedric or Ward crying nearby, Leandra tightly closed her eyes while tears formed in them and began to roll down her cheeks. Why couldn't she get it right? Why couldn't she save everyone? Wasn't she supposed to be as powerful as a god here? What use was it to have such amazing healing powers, but to still be unable to heal someone? Why'd she fail as if she were still in the Real World? How was it that she still felt so helpless when she was supposed to have all the power in the world here?



Luness was knocked backwards when the basilisk finally fell and dark energy sent her flying onto the dirt a few meters away, sliding to a stop.

When she let out a low groan and pushed herself up so that she was standing on her hind legs once more, damned dress was getting in her way yet again, Luness looked around herself for Otto. Last she'd seen him, he'd mostly returned to his usual self, but his physical body had still remained altered. What was happening to him?

Yet, before Luness could sight Otto, she smelled an incoming creature...and it was a ferret?

Confused, Luness turned to look at the small creature, which seemed to be rapidly heading straight for her.

Not wanting to deal with anymore potential dangers, but also not being certain of if the ferret meant any harm, Luness dropped to all fours and snarled at the small creature, her eyes glowing a dark red while she flexed her paws and extended her claws in a way of saying go away now.

Luness still needed to find Otto and having a random ferret interrupting her was really pushing her patience. Unless it went away now, Luness would most likely pounce on it and make it go away. Her pack came first and the ferret was in the way of said objective.

Freya tilted her head and stopped moving, Why was the creature snarling at her? Had she done something wrong already? Was she was the creature just simply aggressive?

Regardless, Freya nodded and backed off a couple of steps, but she stopped, continuing to study the creature in front of her, wanting to see why she was being so unwelcoming.

Laikas watched the almost stand-off with slight trepidation and started to walk forwards to go and collect Freya, noticing she was, potentially, in mortal danger. It would devastate him if any of his animals were harmed, such was his nature. He glanced aside at Corax and shook his head slightly as the raven spoke.

Would you like me to help her?

No, were-creatures won't understand you as far as I'm aware, we collect her and we see if we can't communicate with the creature.

He thought for a moment, On second thoughts, let's see if we can't find someone a little more human. He said the word human with slight distain, It might be a bit easier to do.

After a few moments, Laikas was standing about a metre behind the ferret.
(No need to quote our posts or anything. Just tag anyone you interact with at the bottom of your post like we do. It looks better that way in the long run)

Luness relented when the ferret backed off, but then it stopped again.

Deciding that a ferret was the least of her concerns for now, Luness turned away from the ferret and sniffed the air before standing back up on her hind legs and sprinting in the direction of Otto's scent.

Luness soon arrived at the tree that Otto had landed in, noticing Leo sitting with his back against the trunk not too far from Otto himself.

Despite Leo potentially being injured, Luness wasted no time in leaping up into the tree and climbing to here Otto lay, unconscious.

Patting him down real quick to check for any injuries and listening to both his heartbeat and his breathing to make sure he was truly okay, Luness then finally let out a breath of relief.

For a moment, Luness was still, as she simply watched Otto's rhythmic breathing while he was unconscious.

Yet, the next moment she smelled another new scent nearby. A raven...and a human was it? It was hard to tell and so Luness dropped out of the tree no that she was satisfied that Otto was safe and unharmed.

Before checking out the new scents though, Leandra knelt beside Leo and looked him over real quick before asking him briefly, "Are you injured?"

@Baconhands @zCrookedz
Ward's heart ached more than the wounds on his body. The longing he had held with him all the years he did not have a mother now came crashing back down upon him. He watched as Cedric's tears darkened the stone of Brenna's face and that's when he saw it; the faintest spark light up from where his tear had landed. A thin tendril of light trickled down the stone, creeping its way along the back of Brenna's neck and down to her shoulder. When it touched the place where Leandra had held her hand, trying to heal the gryphon it suddenly blossomed into a circle of light. The light grew brighter until it drew the king's attention too. He shielded his eyes, falling back in shock. The stone began to crack and fall away. Ward could not believe what he was seeing. As the stone broke away so did her feathers, revealing light, soft skin. As it continued to crumble the fierce features of the gryphon fell away with it. Beak and talons were there no longer and her great wings dissolved into sand. In he place of a beast, lying amid dust and rubble was a woman.

Ward caught his breath as she stirred, pushing herself up on her hands. Her delicate blond hair was beginning to grey and she wore only a thin, blue tunic.

Before Ward could think to act Cedric was helping her sit, awe and wonder and a mix of other emotions apparent on his weathered features.

When she spoke her voice was the same, gentle but strong. It was Brenna.

"The curse...its been lifted." She met the king's eyes then and smiled and he smiled back, wrapping his arms about her tenderly.

"Iona..." He whispered.

"Iona?" Ward asked curiously.

She looked at him then. "Iona was a my name a long time ago...When the curse changed my form, I changed my name with it...but, I may decide to take it back."

Ward dabbed his eyes with the back of a hand. "So long as I can call you mother." He said, smiling despite the tears that threatened. She held out a hand for him and he took it, before he knew it he had been pulled into a hug. He felt the thick arm of the king fall about his shoulder as well. Shifting slightly he reached out for Elena, catching her eyes with a look that was overflowing with happiness.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin recovered from the blast slowly, finding Luness was the first thing on his mind. She was fine, growling at a...ferret? Where had that come from?

"Lune, did it bite you or something?" Without warning a figure suddenly appeared behind it. Kallin made his way around him to Luness. he raised an eyebrow at the stranger, Apparently this man had been watching, but had not lifted a finger to help those who risked their lives to defeat the monster.

"Who are you?" Kallin said, not bothering to hide the distrust in his voice. This man could easily have been in league with the queen. Something drew his attention however, up in the sky. He held his breath. Suddenly another shot past, a thin thread of golden light, flashing into existence and winking out just before it hit the dark horizon. The Star Fall had begun.

@Lioness075 @Baconhands

Suddenly a cloud 'hurah' sounded from the doors of the great hall. The guests had watched the battle and had seen firsthand how the heroes had defeated the basilisk.

One voice turned into many and before long there was a joyous cheer that echoed through the night. Shouts of praise fell upon the heroes of FableWood and for all who had helped vanquish evil.
(Thanks for telling me)

Laikas watched the creature run off towards the tree and sighed, glancing down at Freya with a slight frown, Well, that was good!

He knelt down in the grass and put his hand in front of the ferret and after a moment she ran up his hand, up his arm and onto his left shoulder, perching herself there.

She sighed and looked over at Laikas, She was instantly aggressive. All I did was walk towards her. Did I do something wrong?

Laikas shook his head, Honestly I wouldn't blame her for being like that. They just got out of a fight, maybe we should be waiting for them to recover.

Corax snapped his head to the side, You said you might join the winner. They are the winners, go and join them.

Here's me thinking you had no honour, Laikas said with a smirk.

The Raven grinned, I try my best, Laikas.

Laikas sighed and considered following the creature for a moment before stepping slowly after it. He stopped after a moment; it was definitely not a good idea.

As the figure appeared in front of him, Laikas tilted his head before shaking it. He glanced at the two animals on his shoulders, It's begun.

He looked the figure straight in the eye, a slight panic in his voice, "I don't mean to panic or hurt anyone I just kind of wanted to congratulate and thank you guys. By defeating... that... that creature you probably saved the lives of many people." He bowed his head slightly, and Freya and Corax copied his actions.

Laikas lifted his head and fished out a gold coin from his pocket, much to the horror of Freya. He offered the coin to him, "My name is Laikas. I don't have much but take this regardless."

Elena managed the strength to sit straight up and watched the sad scene grow still for a moment. Her watered up eyes pooled over and she cried silently. Then something miraculous occurred. The watched the stone began to crack away and transform. Before she knew it, she saw a beautiful older blonde woman, a lot of her features both regal and delicate. She looked like Ward. Was this the affect of killing the evil queen, or simply an unquestionable miracle?

She sat and looked with wonder for a moment before slowly getting up and approaching the now complete family. She felt her gut twist in knots, more than her injury. She was witnessing something she had spent her whole life craving and when Ward motioned her over, she just stood there in wonder.

"I'm pleased to properly meet you, Iona.."

She said softly wiping her eyes.

"I'm.. I'm so glad you're okay. All of you."

This was general to the family. She didn't get closer though. Some part of her feared one would disappear if she did.
Suddenly seeing a bright flash of light nearby, Leandra looked up sharply, fearing that someone else was about to attack the battle-weary group, but it was instead Brenna's stone falling apart and breaking down. In fact, the bright flash started where King Cedric's tears began and then it shot towards the exact spot that Leandra had attempted to heal Brenna from.

Upon seeing the human taking the place of where the gryphon was not too long ago, Leandra felt her heart skip a beat, especially when King Cedric called Brenna by her true name, Iona.

Still, the after effects of what she'd felt from the initial failure prevented Leandra from being exactly overjoyed in the moment. Her mind had been overwhelmed by her past and now she felt sullen despite the joyous moment. She had been successful in the end, yet also had failed before being successful. It almost felt like a paradox of sorts to Leandra.

Not wanting to rain on anyone's parade, Leandra forced a smile in the moment before she let out a weary sigh.

What an eventful day it had been.

Yet, before Leandra could think of what to do next, she heard the cheering sounding from the great hall and echoing into the gardens beyond.

Glancing over at the cheering people, Leandra found it hard to share their enthusiasm. Her emotions conflicted with one another, as she still felt the sense of failure despite the fact that Iona was alive and well again.

Absentmindedly scratching at her back yet again, Leandra furrowed her brows and kicked at a nearby weed in frustration.
Achyls dropped to the ground, watching the scene before her. She couldn't believe her eyes, which were beginning to brim with tears of triumph. The beast was slain, and Ward was returned to his mother and father at last.

Turning around, she could hear cheering from all angles, and she too joined them. She clapped with the rest of the crowd, applauding the champions for all they had done.

"Your strength in the face of death is truly admirable, Bre-...Iona," she smiled, stepping up to the now happy family. No more would they be targeted, she would make sure of that. She bowed to them all, an overwhelming respect for all of them.

When the queen finally fell Nyr felt a sensation of relief overflowing her. One less insane monarch to deal with - that was all she could think about. But deep down she was glad that this was over. From a safe distance she watched as Brenna now returned to the realm of living - as Iona. She wanted to go there to congratulate like the others did... but something did not allow her to share the joy of others. Something did not allow her to cheer as they did.


She knew of course that this was selfish... it was incredibly so. Yet despite how much did she concentrate on how happy Ward must be right now she felt this dark emotion filling her mind and body. Clenching her hand into fist and mustering all her remaining strength to smile she walked over to the group.

" I am glad that we are all all right. " she said, concealing every venomous feeling she had. She then followed everyone to the main hall, waiting for the events unfold.
Again the earth shook, but this time, the vibrations didn't spur on the dread that gathered throughout the chaotic battle. Instead, relief was quick to flood through her veins, working and battling against the adrenaline and rush that had lied underneath muscle and wings. Left and right, people and shifters alike sustained injures, those lucky enough to escape with minimal scratches were still on high alert, wary of newcomers and the honestly, the oncoming crowd of humans didn't look to appealing to the harpy. Praise, gratitude and cries were all tossed at them, and yes ... there were many reasons to celebrate. Even Verasha herself felt the corners of her lips curling up, into a ... smirk, or perhaps a grin, as she watched tears of joy being shed amongst the heros. That, and the rather touching family reunion that was being held off the side, the slain beast momentarily off of everyone's minds - mostly everyone's.

"Weclome back, Iona," the harpy offered from her side, having grounded herself further away from the crowd and the mess that was left behind - least she smack some unfortunate person with her wings. Her words may have been washed away with the commotions made from others, but it mattered not, she supposed. Tilting the back of her head, Verasha smiled softly as the first sightings of the stars were made.

Now ... these humans should start preparing some sort of feast, she reckoned silently, only chuckling quietly to herself as she settled herself against the trees - to properly watch of course.
Leo watched as Luness climbed the tree and checked on his injured friend. He was glad that Luness had accepted Otto into her pack, it had been very good for Otto be among those of his own kind so that he could learn and get stronger. Now it seemed he had picked up a new trick, thought Leo wasn't so sure it was coming from a good place. Where ever this new ability of Otto's came from, Leo would be there for him to help him through. But he suspected that Luness would be much more help than he ever would be.

Leo placed a hand on the tree trunk and lifted himself up from the ground. He looked on at the scene of Ward and his family reuniting for the first time, and Leo could not help be feel his emotions for his friend building into a tear on his cheek. Before he new it, Luness had jumped down and was now expressing her concern for him. Leo smiled at her and placed his hands on the bottom of his back and stretched. "Ah, I am fine. I have been hit harder by fouler things." Leo looked over Luness and saw that she herself had been seriously injured. "You however have sustained considerable damage. My I help you Luness?" Leo had learned enough times that when it came to the werecat, it was indeed better to ask permission, or else end up with a few new injuries yourself.


Otto stirred a bit as Luness inspected him, but it wasn't until she jumped down that he began to wake up. His eyes fluttered open gently, his brow began to furrow with the realization that he was currently watching the nights sky with little streaks of white lite shooting across it. He lifted himself up and pointed at the sky
"Whooooa. It does look like the stars are falling." Otto sat there, mesmerized by the sky display until he finally looked back down and realized he was sitting in a tree. "Heeeeeeey!! How the heck did I get up here?" He wasn't particularly calling to anyone, but if someone would shed some light on what had just happened to the little werewolf, he would be most appreciative after he figured out how to get down from the tree.
Luness was pleased to hear Leo was fine, but was taken aback when he mentioned healing her. She was injured?

For a moment, Luness appeared entirely confused by Leo's question. It wasn't until she looked down and saw her swollen ankle and then remembered her blood loss from earlier that everything suddenly hit her at once.

Stumbling to the side, Luness quickly caught herself on the tree trunk while her vision blurred out of focus for a moment. Shaking her head, Luness then tried to look at Leo with her eyes going in and out of focus while she said shakily, "I-I'm fine, really. I think Ward is considerably injured...Elena as well. Focus on them, not me. I...just need to rest for a bit."

That said, Luness then rested her back against the tree trunk and slowly slid down until her legs were splayed out in front of her and her head was resting back against the tree trunk.

The moment she leaned her head against the tree trunk, Luness began to see distant blurs in the sky. It wasn't until her vision came back into focus that Luness realized it was the Star Fall, which Kallin explained to her and Otto earlier.

Just as she was letting herself relax and enjoy the moment, Luness suddenly heard Otto speaking above her in the tree.

Rolling her eyes at Otto's seeming lack of memory in arriving in the tree to begin with, Luness then glanced skyward in an attempt to see Otto while saying, "Otto, you can jump down. You're not that high up there."

In the midst of everything having happened so fast, Luness had never even heard Kallin speaking to her to begin with. In fact, she wasn't even thinking about the ferret anymore.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
(Sorry for being absent, not been a great week)

Quincy tried desperately to get through the crowd, but the prime just kept pushing her back. By the time she was able to get clear and back to her companions, the fighting was over. She stopped at the edge of the garden, surveying the situation from side as everyone began to recover from the attack.
Leo looked back to Ward, Elena, and their small family reunion and then back to Luness. HE rolled his one good eye as he watched the stubborn werecat lean against the tree and then sit on the ground. He knelt down next to her and placed a hand just above the wound that looked to be the most grievous and said a small pray while his hands began to glow. "I do not wish to disturb such a happy moment for Ward and Elena. I will help them soon enough, but for right now I would like to help keep you from passing out." Leo continued to heal any of the other wounds she might have had while also glancing up at the sky from time to time to see the stars had begun their decent to the earth.

Otto continued to watch the sky even while Luness was talking to him about being so high. He leaned his head and body back slowly expressing his interest in the event with a simple
"Woooooah!" Not paying attention to how far he was leaning back, Otto suddenly felt his back side begin to slip further and further backwards until the branches he had been siting on gave way, and the ground came to great him very fast. He flailed a bit, grabbing a branch that was a bit closer to the ground, and then finished his decent out of the tree right next to Luness and Leo at the base of the tree. With mild shock, Otto looked at the two of them and smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck. He leaned against the tree with Luness and felt himself getting tired again. Slowly he eased his head onto Luness's shoulder as he continued to watch the Sky Fall through openings in the trees branches. Before silence could take the moment however Otto perked up, "Hey guys. What happened to my fancy cloths? The mean cloth lady is gonna be real mad that they got all ripped up." Otto wasn't sure if he was actually going to be awake if an answer was given to his question as he could feel himself drifting off slowly.

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With the beast slain, Kai was calm once more. He turned his attention to the stone gryphon to witness her release, both from the stone prison and her curse. He roared in triumph above all the clapping, letting out a jet of green fire into the night. Soon after he turned his attention to Achyls, relief flooding through him to see her standing. He quickly shifted back to his human form and made his way through the bit of crowd that had spilled past the doorway, parting them easily with every step. "Songbird!! You're okay!!" He thought out to her before he reached her, seconds later he was picking her up and hugging her tight. Not wanting to let go too soon.


<Be back later, work beckons T_T>
Arianne finally regained her consciousness and managed to stand up only to hear ovation and cheer in the great hall. She smiled as it appeared that the others finally managed to vanquish the evil queen. With a sigh of relief she dusted off her clothes and looked out of the window to inspect the damage. It seemed that the seething anger of the queen was enough to tear the gardens asunder but even now the loyal servants of the kingdom were working on rebuilding what was ruined.

Strangely everyone were celebrating a woman who now walked at the side of the king... she could have sworn that she had seen her before but could not remember when and how did they meet. It appeared that she was the rightful queen, Cedric's beloved - and Ward's mother.

Smiling she crossed her arms and watched as the heroes were bathed in the glory and joy they deserved. Once more a kingdom was safe.
Luness let out a small sigh while Leo healed her wounds, slightly irked that he wouldn't just let her be even though she knew that she needed to be healed regardless.

Hearing Leo's words, Luness then shifted her gaze to him before saying, "I suppose I'd rather not pass out. Still, it might be wise to check up on Ward and Elena before one of them passes out in the middle of their moment. They've both lost a lot of blood..."

Yet, before Luness could continue, she was interrupted by Otto crashing down from his perch in the tree.

Raising an eyebrow at the pup, Luness then said smartly, "Good to know you seriously lack proper balance, Otto."

Seeing Otto sitting down beside her, Luness thought nothing of it and merely returned her attention to the Star Fall.

Yet, the moment Otto's head was resting against Luness' shoulder, she went rigid for a few seconds and found herself at a complete loss for words. A few more seconds passed before Luness finally relaxed, her expression softening, as she realized just how happy she was that Otto was safe after everything that had happened.

Hearing his question of his clothes and such, Luness scoffed and rolled her eyes before saying, "I think nice clothes are the least of our concerns right now. Mine are ruined too, you know." She then gestured at the front end of her dress, which was stained with blood and had numerous tears in it. Luness was definitely never going to wear a dress again. Far too dangerous and not enough mobility in one.

Luness was still rather baffled by Otto's transformation in the middle of the fight, but that was something they could deal with later. Not now.

While watching the Star Fall, Luness suddenly remembered Kallin and wondered where he'd run off to. Furrowing her brows and frowning at this thought, Luness looked around the gardens and soon spotted Kallin seeming to have some kind of stand-off with a stranger, who had that ferret on his shoulder now along with a raven on his other shoulder.

Scowling at the fact that someone was holding Kallin back from enjoying this time with his friends and...closer friends, Luness became hesitant, as she wondered if she should stand and help Kallin join the trio by the tree or if she should simply wait for him to jin them. Problem was, Otto was clearly comfortable in the moment and Luness didn't want to ruin it now by trying to drag Kallin over to the tree.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight

(Not really sure what to do with Leandra for now so...yeah)
Ward watched Elena, and gave her a knowing look as she tried to stay distant. He stood slowly with the help of both his parents but it was Iona that stepped forward and pulled her into their tight hug.

"Cedirc, Ward and I, we've never been a family until now. I see no reason why you can't be part of it too." She stroked Elena's hair as she spoke and Ward slipped his arm around her waist, pressing his face to the top of her head in a loving gesture.

King Cedric smiled his approval, no words could describe the joy he felt.

@S N O W B I R D

When Achyls addressed her shook her head. "I recall seeing you fight as valiantly as anyone here. Give yourself the credit my dear."


She released her family at length, but kept a hand on Cedric's back. He was no keen to leave her side either, but turned to address the cheering crowd with a triumphant voice.

"Our heroes have vanquished a grave threat to our kingdom. Let the celebrations continue!" There was a louder cheer and the musicians took this as a cue to begin playing once more.

"But, before any of you leave," he said quietly to the heroes gathered. "I will send for the healers."

As he gave the order Ward swallowed a wave of nausea and had to sink back down to his knees. His right side was dripping now, slick with blood that soaked through his elegant green coat.

"As good as your healing power is my love...I would spare you the exhaustion. Let's wait for the healers."

They did not have to wait long. A trail of seven robed men and woman came dashing into the gardens, each equipped with their own channeling staff.

Ward allowed them to work and took a deep breath as he felt the pain subside. They made him drink a rather unpleasant concoction to clear the poison from his system and cut away the cloth on his leg to treat the angry claw marks.

"I'm afraid these will not heal...they were made by the creature's poisoned claws." Ward looked to his father and to the white scars on his face.

"I am happy to be in one piece." He replied. "Three lines on my leg won't hinder me too much. I thank you for your assistance."

Ward watched the healer move off to attend someone else, looking over to see how Elena was doing.

The feelings of joy and peace that had settled on him were still there, as strong as before. He had a family! A mother and Father, and they were better than he had dreamed. He wanted nothing more than to share every ounce of his happiness with Elena, so he waited patiently for the healers to finish.

@Bea Delaine

Leia watched Ward group-hug his family. If Iona hadn't grabbed Elena then she would have pushed the girl into the hug. She deserved to be there. Leia made a mental note to bombard Ward with questions about the proposal later.

She caught sight of Leandra, still looking a little melancholy. Sidling up to the girl she threw an arm about her shoulders. "What on earth do you have to be sad about right now? Look around you...we did it. And don't think I didn't see the magic really kick up when it his the place you tried to heal her from. because I saw that. Keep working on it...I think if we really can learn to change things here, your gift will be crucial..."


A soft tug on Nyr's dress alerted her to something. Bob, the earth spirit was standing by her, the hem of her outfit in his mouth. He wagged his short tail and gave her a questioning look.


Kallin relaxed a little, maybe he had misjudged this character, after all, there were many here who couldn't fight. Helping would be suicide. He glanced down at the coin and shook his head.

"What sort of heroes would we be if we took gold for our work?" He replied. "Keep it, and nice to meet you Laikas, I'm Kallin." He dipped his head politely.

"Looks like there's plenty of the night left to enjoy. I suppose people have been waiting a hundred years for this night, they're not going to let a monster ruin it." The stars began to trail down more frequently now and soon they gleamed in subtle but different colours. First a blue star, then green and purple, all the while being interspersed with bright gold.

Watching the stars Kallin suddenly thought of Luness. She was fine, sitting against a tree with Otto against one shoulder.

"You have a good evening." He said distractedly and made his way over to the werecat and her young charge.

Originally he had hoped to steal Luness away for the meteor shower, but seeing the content look on Otto's face he felt the idea dissolve and sighed as he watched it go.

He said nothing, but went to stand behind them, looking up at the stars.

"Is he ok?" Kallin asked Luness at length when it seemed the werewolf had begun to doze off.

@Baconhands @Lioness075
Freya relaxed a little when Kallin refused to take the coin and lifted her head slightly, glancing aside at Laikas. Watching Kallin walk away, Freya spoke, He's gone to talk with the were creatures.

Corax looked to his left at Laikas, I would guess you're following him. He sighed and glanced down, Human affairs are boring and are too easy to break and mess up. We should be heading home. We've done our bit.

Laikas shook his head, placing the coin in his pocket, Too easy that. I think we might join them. He started following Kallin slowly, keeping a respectful distance. He had noticed the change in Kallin's mood and noted it, before he eventually stood behind Kallin, about a metre behind. He glanced aside at Freya and nodded slightly.

Freya returned the nod and ran down Laikas onto the grass again and started running forwards, stopping next to Kallin. After a moment she glanced up at him, studying him for a moment before looking over at the were creatures.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @zCrookedz
A warmth spread through Achyls as Iona complimented her. The respect she felt for the gryphon was immense, and to get such words made her unimaginably happy. Nodding, she let her take her leave.

Achyls smiled as Malachai's thought reached her, catching her by surprise however. She turned to try and find him, only to be scooped into the air by none other than the one she was looking for.

"Kai!" she giggled, startled at his advance, "You're safe. Thank the stars,". Wrapping her arms around his neck, she burrowed her head into the crook of his neck, a great joy overtaking her. She hadn't even seen his face, but she knew whose arms she was in. It was a familiar feeling, a homely feeling.

Elena was taken aback when Iona pulled her into the group. A loving touch through her hair, kind words. Someone there to hold onto her. It was difficult to bite back all tears. Some escaped and slid down her cheeks as she didn't have the energy to maintain a calm expression.. And she was so happy. She gently laid her hands on wards shoulders and her head into her clavicle.

"Thank you so much.. Thank you."

She said this quietly, to whatever deity of fate would allow her such redemption from where she started. She pulled away after a moment, stifling a cough. Something warm was on her back as well and she realized the wound was deeper than she thought. Looking at Ward, he seemed worse for wear. Before she could even offer healing, he told her to wait for the healers to come instead. She couldn't deny that sounded like a better idea, so she slowly settled back down to sit and wait to get the burned out hole taken care of.

By the time healers arrived, her head was lowered into her arms which rested rather limply on her legs. A cool and unfamiliar hand pressed lightly on her back, and a cloth handed to her to clean up. More painful but quicker than usual, she was fixed up.

Her eyes went straight to the beaming Ward and she smiled herself, chuckling a little under her breath.

"Everything seems to honestly be looking up.. Right? And the night is beautiful."

Both had ruined clothes, and looked like they could clean up for a few hours, well, everyone did. Despite the heavier events and the state it left them in, something light and happy seemed to float, intangibly, invisibly, yet very real.
Leo finished up with Luness quickly. Luckily nothing had been to severe and the wounds were nothing more than a memory now. After he was finished with her, Leo turned to see that the king had summoned more healers to help with helping everyone. Leo smiled and sighed, the fight had drained a good portion of his power and some fresh healers would be better to help the others than he. Thought he did turn back and find Otto had passed out next to Luness. He smiled as he made his way over to him and looked over his wounds as well. The basilisk had given him a few newer open wounds, some of which Leo could only heal up to a scar. He over heard one of the healers mention the attack on Ward and he sighed. The scars where not bad, small cuts compared to the one across his chest. Leo looked up as Kallin made his way over to them "It would seem that young Otto has worn himself down with his little stunk he pulled in battle. I am not sure what happened to him, but it troubles me greatly." Gently Leo reached down and releaved Luness of Otto and held him cradled in his arms. "I will see to it that he makes it to bed. The two of you should enjoy the evening." Leo bowed his head a bit and turned back towards the castle to head inside.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight

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