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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

The young woman tisked as her gems nearly missed the evil queen. She jumped back as the ground began to shift. Knowing all to well about the shiftung of the ground. She pulled her dress back and watched as the evil queen turned into a beast. She heard the shouts of a basilisk and to avoid it's eyes. The woman turned around and used her gems as mirrors to watch the comotion. She took four gems and extended them as large as she could, to the size of a hand mirror. She meshed them together to create a larger reflective surface she sent the crystal mirror over to the girl who had mentioned a prisim surface. She gave a silent nod to the girl as if to assure her it would work. The woman then used the other two crystals to watch the battlefield ready to dodge a incoming attack.

Verasha had long since taken the skies once more - although the King hadn't been completely freed yet, Ward had been freed as he was much stronger than any mere human, but surely, it would only take a few more moment, the erosion between the ooze and winds would hopefully die soon and quick enough to completely free the king from the snares. Hearing warnings from the others about the dangers of meeting the Queen's - no, the foul creature's - eyes, Verasha was only doubtful for all but a second - as she watched Brenna swing her head away when the basilisk turned its gaze towards the great griffon. Before she could make another thought though, the winds shifted, a sharp whiz and perhaps a 'ping' rang in her ear and without a second thought, Verasha dropped.

Her wings stilled, then wrapped themselves around her as she fell backwards, dropping from the sky as the basilisk had shot off projectiles up towards the sky. As she neared the ground, the harpy's wings unfurled, giving her enough air time to do a backflip - and not the most graceful, she can assure you - and wobbling onto the pointed talons that kept her standing up. The shots of sharp spikes were definitely dangerous, most likely poisoned if anything - Verasha sneered at the thought. Either way, she was going to be practically useless. On the ground, she could only try her best to keep the others safe - redirect any misfired attacks. However, in the air, without any ability to properly see what was coming at her and from what exact direction, without the risk of turning into stone ...

Just then, someone else fell to the ground. Turning to look, Verasha saw .... one of the ravens, Achyls, was it? Either way the girl was in no condition to be battling the beast, swooping low, and taking care to generally avoid the beast, Verasha neared the fallen girl. Taking care to not puncture something important, she tucked the human in between her talons, and pulled [dragged] her away from the heat of the battle - placing her beside the girl Brenna had been with moment earlier. Leia, was it? Perhaps she was a healer, Verasha assumed as she finished rolling the girl over to the rest of her friends.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @everyone
Nyr noticed the new heroes appearing to help them and frankly she found their timely arrival as a sign of victory. Already they have proven how versatile and cunning they are, helping around the battlefield, trying to aid them as much as possible. But one among them truly peeked her curiosity: the human girl who had the audacity to attack the queen head on. Was it a foolhardy decision or a heroic act the raven could not know but the attack allowed her to fly up in the sky undetected by the basilisk.

Seeing that the girl was cooperating with her plan she raised her hands towards the sky. The dark and light energies started to amass between her fingers, creating a massive beam of shadowy light, coated by the silvery reflection of the moon. Channeling her strength into a powerful attack Nyr directed her blast towards the crystals of the human girl and hoped that this would work.

To her surprise the mirror the girl created was far more powerful than she anticipated. The item did not shatter on the impact, in fact it seemed to have absorbed the power of the blast, amplifying it greatly as the blinding light now headed towards the metamorphosed queen.

Nyr was impressed and bowed her head before her.

" She is strong, powerful and cunning. " she noted for herself " She would be a valuable ally... "

@The Suspicious Eye @SilverFlight
Malachai had been overcome with the food at the ball, the music had put him almost in a trance. When chaos broke out and the queen shifted he came to. He snarled when he came to and saw the destruction in the room, he growled when he noticed all the food destroyed. He turned to the others as the fight made it's way to the gardens. He leaped out after them, summoning his crystal to hand and shifting it to a large war hammer. He noticed Achyls' unconscious form on the ground and he felt something snap. He turned to the basilisk with fury in his eyes as he dropped the war hammer with a heavy thunk and it sank a little into the ground from the weight. He began stepping towards the beast as his body changed and twisted, taking his dragon form. He roared into the night as he let loose a a jet of green flame at the basilisk right before he collided with her. He wanted to wrestle her down, she was slightly smaller than him, but she was strong and dangerous.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Luness blinked in confusion, as she still felt pain for a wound that no longer existed. It was really confusing and she felt extremely dizzy in the moment.

Yet, despite the slight ringing in her ears, Luness heard Kallin talking to her and weakly nodded before attempting to push herself up into a sitting position. While doing so, Luness said in a shaky tone, "I-I think so..."

Clutching at her head with one of her forepaws, Luness winced, as a royally annoying headache rushed over her at once, as well as her vision becoming temporarily blurry.

Leandra may have healed Luness' wound, but she couldn't heal the blood loss. That would take some time and rest to heal.

Due to her confusion and physical ailments, Luness was completely oblivious to the fighting around her and even the fact that the queen was no a basilisk. Not that it would matter with how poor Luness' vision was in the moment. Unless she looked at the basilisk without meaning to or even realizing it.



Leandra smiled at Kallin, but her smile quickly vanished when everything else unfolded around the trio.

All Leandra could do was remain where she was, as one after another, her friends were struck down and the queen continued to get the upper hand.

The moment the queen became a basilisk, Leandra recognized her from the Harry Potter movie and so she quickly looked away before she became stone.

Glancing warily back at the battle, Leandra's eyes widened when she first saw Elena drop and then Achyls. Luckily, both were brought to Leia and now in one area.

Jumping to her feet, Leandra then began sprinting towards Leia, while shouting to her, unaware that Elena had possibly already been healed, "Leia, I can help heal them!"

As she neared Leia, Leandra could only hope that the queen would remain distracted and not switch targets on Leandra.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @SkywardSocks
((Some people missed this: the queen and most of the fighters are out in the gardens, not in the great hall.))

Leia pressed Lee to heal as quickly as she could. The spirit still had power left but if they kept getting injured like this it may not be enough. A new face brought Achyls to her.

"Thanks...I'm not sure who you are but we owe you. Do you need patching up too?" She asked the harpy.

It seemed there were several faces she didn't recognize, the girl with the gems was awesome. She would have to talk to them provided they came out of this ordeal in one piece.

Lee combed the raven's wounds, healing carefully but quickly. It wasn't long before she was in good condition again.

Leandra appeared then and Leia gave her a relieved look. "Glad you're here. So, evil, giant eight-armed lizard doesn't phase you huh?"

@S N O W B I R D @Lioness075

Kallin put Luness' arm about his shoulder and lifted her to her feet, half-walking and half-carrying her away from the battle. He waved several servants over and after a bit of deliberation the bravest two ran from the great hall doorway out into the garden to help Luness inside.

"They still need me out here. I'll come back to find you when its over okay?" He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, shooting her a grin before he turned on his heel.


The Basilisk roared in pain as Leo's spear connected with the flesh just above her hind most leg. Her tail thrashed outwards, trying to slam into Leo and Otto as they came close. Suddenly she saw the dragon approach and tried to catch his gaze, it would turn him to stone. Failing that however she opened her mouth and shot a stream of poison liquid straight at his face.

Just then a flash of light fell over her eyes and she shut them with a squeal.

Ward and Brenna used Nyr's blinding light as a distraction, charging forward and flanking the beast, turning quickly to try and pin her into the ooze.

The basilisk growled under the weight of two gryphons, claws from her other legs came up and tried to slash at them. Ward caught a nasty gash on his hind quarter and the wound flared hot with pain.

"Her claws are poisoned as well!" He barked. Clenching his talons to hold her as she thrashed.

Bob tried to raise the earth to help pin her legs. Though it was slow, eventually the basilisk would be immobilized.

@DawnAntalios @The Suspicious Eye @andujarprime @zCrookedz
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"Poison, dirty trickery!!" Kai thought aloud as he shook his head, shaking off the spittle. He roared and spit back at the queen. What came out wasn't exactly fire, it looked like 4 green glowing embers the size of a small girls fist. They stuck fast to the queen as Kai took advantage of her momentary blindness and swung to land a hammer fisted blow onto the queens lower back, hoping to buckle a few of her legs. He was caught up in the fight, and didn't bother to notice the poison from the rest of the spittle sliding down his neck.

<The embers have a purpose, just didn't want to do too much in 1 post>
Vinter took a deep breath, before releasing all the air in an instant. She looked at the Evil Queen, now an evil Basilisk. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me..." murmured Vinter to herself. She turned around a corner and shot at the Basilisk while Ward, Brenna and the earth elemental kept it down. After the initial crackling of the shot, a second thud was heard. Vinter definitely hit her target, but as soon as that happened, she shifted her attention to traversing the ooze-ridden ground. "This thing smells!" She yelled. Getting around it proved difficult. However, she would soon reach her destination.

@SilverFlight @anyone who's willing
(@SilverFlight Welp, rewriting now)

Laikas couldn't help but grin; human politics always devolved into violence at some point, it was practically guarantee. Normally he'd find this fighting boring, typical scraps and the like, but this fight seemed to be extraordinary and it peeked his interest, he wanted to see the outcome of this. Maybe the winner was seeking someone for their employ; he needed a bit more excitement in his life.

Intrigued, Laikas followed the fight outside, but he stayed a safe distance away; no point in getting involved unless it was absolutely necessary. He'd rather others died instead of him. When the queen became a basilisk he was almost delighted; he'd never one before and he'd probably never see one again.

Observation was one thing he was proficient at, but nonetheless he wanted some of his companions to see this and he made sure they were nearby when he had come to this, albeit they had been hidden.

The first one arrived a moment later, perching on his shoulder and watching the ensuing scene. Laikas allowed himself a grin and glanced at the raven on his right shoulder, Nice to see you again Fulgrim.


The raven tilted its head before looking towards the situation, The others were scurrying around somewhere. I believe Freya managed to 'acquire' some 50 gold from some drunken nobles. His eyes a piercing and icy blue, the raven almost glared at Laikas, Why are we watching them fight?

Laikas' tone remained neutral, Intrigue and potential profit, my friend.
Achyls came to with a gasp, feeling as if she were still at the mercy of the basilisk. Her job was not yet done, and the healing process was working splendidly. She found no need to remain out of battle for any short period. When she rose, she fought her way up onto her feet before Lee could finish completely, and took to the skies once again.

"Up again?" she heard her voice echoing in her head, "You do have some nerve, Achyls. Isn't this getting a little repetitive?"

Pushing away her thoughts, she flew to Malachai's side, her wings beating at odd times, making her appear a little off kilter.

"Kai! How may I aid you?" she asked, half shouting at the dragon in order to catch his attention.

Leo felt the Ironwood spear hit its target, smiling as he prepared to reach into satchel to grab another seed. However he didn't have much time to react, the beasts tail came hurtling towards him. Leo was caught off guard a bit by the swiftness of the tail and it rammed into his shoulder with a fair amount of force. He began to tumble to the side of the attack until he stopped himself by gripping the ground. He looked back at the battle, the tail had knocked him more towards the front of the Basilisk and Leo was able to feel the others and their attacks.

When the Basilisk seemed to be blinded by Nyrs attack, Leo reached into his satchel and produced another Ironwood seed. By his count, this was his last seed so he new he needed to make it count. Once again the seed grew to a long wooden spear, this time however, instead of just randomly heaving the spear Leo took aim for the creatures face hoping the spear would find its mark in one of the creatures eyes.

Once he let the spear loose, Leo took a few steps back. From this point on he had now weapons other than what the gardens could produce. Leo knelt down and placed his hands on the ground. He funneled his energy into the roots to help them push up from the black sludge ground and assist Bob in holding the Queen where she was.


Otto had used the tail fighting at him to his advantage and latched on to the giant appendage when it came close. He whipped back and forth for a moment, his animal like claws and teeth slashing away. The longer he continued to fight, the more and more his animalist side took over and he continued to change. The last few bare patches of skin were covered in dark black fur that stood up on end. He grabbed the coat and white shirt and ripped them off revealing the pink scar across his chest that stood out against his black fur. He leaned his head back and released a howl of attack and began once again clawing and ripping at the Basilisks hide on its back. The creatures claws caught Otto a few times, sending fire like pain into his limbs. Otto's sense's where so clouded, all these did was make him angrier.
Seeing how the battle was turning in their favor Nyr enhanced the blast of light to be even more intense. She was not certain how long would the queen allow her this audacity and she was certain that the mad monarch would overcome it soon enough. Because of this she wanted to find a new way, a new tactic with which she could help in the assault.

While she was concentrating she looked up in the sky and saw he shooting stars racing across the night sky... in the human world - from what she heard - one would pray to such a meteorite and their wish would be granted. She shrugged at this thought - wishes are dangerous, she wanted nothing but help right now.

But then she thought of actually using the power of the stars to aid her allies further.

Trying to maintain her previous spell she started to flap with her wings harder and harder, making the wind to heed her command. Sending the small gust of wind to her direction she commanded it to form a small protective barrier around her. When she was done she looked up in the sky, praying to the stars. Slowly and steadily the light of the million burning comets joined in her cause, the shooting stars adding their last, dying breath into hers. The wind around her changed, the barrier transforming into a tunnel of wind which brought the power of the stars with it to amplify her light even further.

This would not only hinder the basilisk from seeing her foes but it would also allow her to assault the beast as well. She hoped that they would prevail...
The basilisk writhed under Ward's grasp. Kicking up black ooze and earth. A crushing blow from Malachai's hammer maimed some of her limbs on one side and Vinter's shot pierced the soft flesh under its chin and she roared.The light became more intense and suddenly the creature gave a great heave and threw her attackers away. Brenna hit the ground and landed badly on her wing while Ward managed to keep his feet, struggling when covered in the sticky substance. Slowly the poison began sapping his strength, his flank throbbed...they had to end this quickly. The basilisk jumped out of the beam of light, only to collide with the spear Leo had thrown. Because she had moved it pierced the base of her chest but stopped at the bone and stayed there, dangling in flesh and armoured skin. The basilisk rolled like a crocodile, intent on crushing the young werewolf. Then she rose to shoot a stream of poison at Nyr.

Finally, her eyes burning with rage she turned to Ward. Her body was weakening, but so was his, he knew she would be faster than him now. The creature advanced and he stumbled back. Struggling he summoned and ice spell, sensing razor sharp shards of ice which shattered against her thick, scaly skin. He shut his eyes quickly and dodged as he heard her charge, but she caught him in the chest and sent him hurtling back.

"I shall take great pleasure in killing you." She snarled. She approached him, raising one claw to bring it down on his head, he could feel her hot, foul breath. Without warning something rushed between them. Ward heard the rustle of feathers and his eyes snapped open as Brenna locked talons with the beast, actually managing to force her back. They pulled away from Ward as he struggled to stand. Then everything seemed to slow down. King Cedric was charging toward them, sword raised to strike. The basilisk had twisted, pushing Brenna to the earth and as she pivoted to strike, without meaning to, Ward's mother caught the creature's eyes.

"NOOO!" He yelled as he watched her body go rigid, stone sprouted from her eyes, running along every feather, trailing down the curves of her body and encasing her entirely. Brenna had fallen.

The creature snorted in triumph as she let the stone figure fall back, turning to the only gryphon left.

@Aldur Forgehammer @S N O W B I R D @The Suspicious Eye and everyone else
Surprised to hear Achyls' voice Kai turned momentarily, at this point the basilisk had pushed everyone away, catching him unawares he stumbled back. The commotion from Brenna and the queen brought him to his senses as he turned back to them. " your darkness, cover my hands with it!!" He thinks out to her as he makes his way to the queen. He stopped short when he saw Brenna petrified, with a snarl his eyes flashed green, the embers on the queen flared up in response and began to move, leaving a scorching, crackling trail along her hide. Two of the embers moved quickly up her back, around her neck then up onto her face. They made their way to her eyes and burned brighter as they began to burrow into her eye sockets. The other two foring new paths up the beasts belly and chest in case the first embers we're somehow dislodged before their work was done.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Luness let Kallin help her along, her mind muddled in the moment. Were they winning the fight against the evil queen?

When the two servants rushed to Luness' sides and helped her along, Luness worriedly glanced back at Kallin just in time for him to tell her that all was well and then he kissed her on the cheek.

Immediately blushing after such an action, Luness found herself at a loss for words, though she didn't really trust herself to make any comprehensible words or even sentences in her current condition.

Yet, before the servants could help Luness inside, she felt her heart begin to race and, like a sixth sense, Luness pushed away one of the servants and struggled to turn around just in time to see Otto in his raging werewolf form, wildly attacking at the basilisk with everything he had.

At first, Luness felt confused by Otto's behavior until she realized that he'd most likely seen her injured earlier. He had to be reacting to seeing his Alpha injured, which meant he was in grave danger since he wouldn't be thinking rationally.

Realizing everything that could go wrong in this moment, Luness pushed both servants away, as she felt a sudden burst of energy and adrenaline.

Stalking towards Otto and stopping at least a hundred or so meters away, Luness then suddenly dropped to all fours and stared right at Otto when she suddenly snarled loudly, her eyes glowing red as she attempted to bring him back to reality through her Alpha Call.

With her mind solely focused on Otto in the moment, Luness didn't realize the basilisk was making any moves until it began rolling around.

Eyes wide, Luness launched herself forward on all fours, injuries temporarily forgotten, as she began struggling to transverse the ooze around the fighting area in an attempt to find Otto and see if he was okay.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz

(Will post Leandra in a bit)

Leandra grinned at Leia and said, "I just keep telling myself that it's all just a dream so that my brain isn't overwhelmed by the lack of knowledge behind all of this. Lying to yourself is far easier than trying to face the truth sometimes."

Looking over Achyls, Leandra was pleased to see the young raven already back on her feet and rejoining the fight.

Shifting her attention to Elena, Leandra sighed, as she recognized the look of blood loss all too well. There was nothing she could really do for Elena now.

Yet, upon hearing Ward shouting no, Leandra whipped around just in time to see Brenna completely turn to stone.

Eyes wide and brimming with tears and having to witness such a foul thing, Leandra rushed away from Leia, struggling through the ooze until she was standing beside Brenna's stone body.

Putting her shaking hands onto Brenna's shoulder and wing, Leandra closed her eyes, her face tear-stained now, as her palms began to glow deeply and brightly while she attempted to bring Brenna back to life despite there being no known cure for stone petrification, at least not one that she was aware of.

Blinking at the girl who addressed her, Verasha gave her wings a small shake before taking just a few 'steps' back, landing on the ooze-free ground shakily. Assessing herself for a few seconds, she turned back to the girl - healer - and shook her head. Opening her mouth, her voice came out slightly raspy, but loud enough to be heard, "No. Save your strength for those who may need it soon," she suggested, watching another join in before she turned her head around - back to the flashing lights, and flying weapons. Poison was released through the foul creature's claws, as she feared - and the fight seemed to be escalating, victory seemed possible at one moment, then gone in another. It was hard to wrap her mind around it, but as long as the others were still standing, fighting, there had to be chance. Point in case, the raven who had stood and returned back to battle.

As the battle raged on, and the harpy unable to find a clear opening, and she doubted the airs were any safer. That tail of the Queen's was a menace, not to mention the spikes, and the stone-turning risk. Oh, but how she itched to return to the skies, and actually tear out the beasts eyes for herself. A shiver ran through her entire body, and then suddenly, she heard a rather loud ... if not whiny, sounding voice around the corner - and not to mention a crackling shot that came from the same direction. Again, everything shifted, the ground shook and the Queen was on a roll, intent on taking out anything seemed to be moving.

While the sounds of the battle momentarily overwhelmed her, that small moment was all that mattered though. The two griffons, now one, was tackled aside, poison was running wild, spreading, in the area. While the one began running fire through the creature, and another foolishly ran over to the now stoned griffon, Verasha took her chance and dived forward, leaving the healer and injured behind. Rolling and diving over those who stood near the evil Queen, Verasha began beating her wings once more, this time there was no slow build up. Her eyes held a hot anger, and in turn, the storm she brew under her feet was quick to gather, and take shape. While it wouldn't harm anybody too badly, this storm was much bigger, covering much of the ooze and ground under the heroes. With one last beat of her wing, the winds shifted, and almostly violently tore those who were stuck in the ooze to the side, especially those who were much closer to the Queen. Brenna and the ... foolish one [Leandra] were pulled back beside Leia and the unconscious Elena.

While the fire attack was ongoing, she turned to Ward, speaking quickly and sharply, "Can you fly?" She knew she was a little heartless at this point, treating him like ... like some soldier, brushing away the tragedy of her friend's petrification ... but she would not fail her friend today, no, she would keep both the son and king safe, and having the Queen's head mounted on a spike was going to be a very nice bonus when all of this was over.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight @basically everyone?
The woman watched at the action unfolded behind her, she waited for a opportunity to strike. She took the opportunity of the basilisk's movement to break the prisim she had made for Nyr and sent the shards underneath the basilisk's foot. She intended to protect the werewolf, but if the creature made it out, stepping on her gems would be a great cause of pain. The crystals gems formed around the wolf and pointed togeather like a pyramid sharp side up.

Hearing the screams she watched as a woman was turned to stone. She couldn't understand the pain of seeing that, but understood that the beasts eyes must be removed. Clutching her fist sbe used the two spare gems she formed sharp spikes. She shot them towards the basilisk's eyes. If they made contact they would burrow into the eyes and into the brain.

Corax tilted his head and glanced at Laikas, The basilisk is slow and sluggish, Laikas. She could kill all of them but she is clearly not used to that form at all. The raven glanced upwards at the figure flying in the sky, And the group of half-humans are flying too...

Laikas glanced at the bird on his right shoulder and sighed, I guess we're going to try and join them. Where's Freya and Rachnos? You said they were near.

As he was communicating with the Raven, something began tugging on his leg as small claws dug into the clothes he was wearing, scurrying up his leg until it was perched on Laikas' left shoulder. It looked at Laikas with a small grin and Laikas held out his hand as the creature dropped fifty gold into it. The ferret spoke quickly, I'd say I performed pretty well. Drunk nobles are very easy steal from.

Laikas returned the grin and looked over his left shoulder at the small ferret there, Nice to see you Freya. And good work! He brought his left hand up after dropping the coins into a small bag he had on him and scratched the ferret behind the ear gently. He seemed completely oblivious to the fight that was going on, about 30 metres away from him.

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Otto fell from the basilisks back as she rolled over and threw him from her. He slid a bit across the grass and hit a tree. He stood and shook the pain off and made to lung back into the battle when he heard a noise that cut through the darkness in his mind to the little bit a humanity still there. He turned back and saw the werecat watching him. He stopped, his breathing rough and ragged as he called himself. He turned back to the fight and saw the griffon sacrifice herself for the other. Otto turned back to the gift, shaking his head as he felt himself coming back to his senses. He dropped back to all fours and ran across the field of black goo and threw his strength into pushing the spear. It did take Leo long to also get moving and threw his armored shoulder into the end of the spear like a giant hammer.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Luness ignored Kallin's warning, as her sole focus was getting through to Otto and protecting her pack.

Yet, before she could see if Otto had recovered, the basilisk reacted to everyone's attacks and retaliated in full force.

Luckily, Luness was far enough back to avoid the basilisk's initial attacks, though one spike landed near her and made her jump slightly in surprise.

Luness heard Ward's cry for help and narrowed her eyes, as she rushed forward, joining Otto's side while she grabbed a part of the spear with her forepaws and dug her heels into the black goo and dirt beneath it, struggling to keep her balance while she pushed against the spear to force it further into the basilisk's body. She could only hope that the armor would cave and they would be able to get the spear through the basilisk's collar bone and into it's body so that this fight would finally be over.

While tightly gripping the spear, Luness felt it shift further and her eyes widened when some poison spittle flew towards her, only for it to stop before it could hit her and drop to the ground just before her hind legs. It looked like Kallin's shield was protecting her...for now.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Elena was in and out of consciousness for a bit. It took a bit to hear the shouts and thumps of feet lower in pitch and become distinguishable, but when they were, she shot up as fast as she could. She first saw Brenna turned to stone, then ward in mortal danger. She stood so fast, her head spun. Regretting the motion, she gripped her stomach. Her insides felt scrambled and held in by healed flesh. Blood streamed down her lip, but she bit it back for now. Ward was in trouble.

She watched him get stabbed, as he dug the spear into the monster. She missed the part where it showed up but it's voice reminded her of their enemy. She took a deep breath to ignore the pain and pushed herself to run forward. She rose the earth beneath her steps to avoid the goo.A sword materialized in her own hand and she came beside Ward to sink the blade in with one hand, the other touching Wards spear. She attempted to extend the length of both weapons inside the beast instead of using force to kill.

"Ward! I have your back!"

She spoke, then choked a bit, feeling as though she is almost suffocating. It was hard to tell if it was from internal bleeding or the poison, but anything she could do to save Ward and the others was worth it. She watched Leo make a move as well and then Luness. She had an idea.

"This might feel weird.. But hold on!!"

She remembered the feeling of the metal of the gate, hard and strong. She tried to recreate it to spread where her hands touched. Maybe a metal spear would be enough to break bone.
Leandra felt tears welling up in her eyes again when her healing only partially healed Brenna and then her feathers and body returned to stone once more.

Yet, before she could do anything else, the basilisk raged and Leandra shielded her face with her arms only to feel a searing pain in both her arms and her abdomen, as several red spikes impaled her.

Gasping, Leandra dropped her arms and then fell to her knees in the black goo with it spraying up slightly around her.

Leandra remained beside the petrified gryphon, as she shakily raised one injured arm and brought her shaking hand to one of the spikes in her abdomen.

Closing her eyes and inhaling deeply, Leandra then quickly grasped it and yanked it out. Her eyes shot wide open and she gasped when the spike dropped from her hand and into the black goo before her. Blood began to ooze from her abdomen while she gritted her teeth and shut her eyes once more, as she began rhythmically yanking out each spike from her abdomen and then working her way along both arms.

Once all of the spikes were surrounding her in the black goo, Leandra fought back tears at the sight of the blood sliding down her arms and dripping off of her fingers. The abdomen spot of her chest was stained with crimson blood and it was beginning to soak through the bottom part of her dress as well.

Despite all of this, Leandra pushed herself back onto her feet and put her blood-covered hands back onto Brenna's shoulder, as she closed her eyes once more and her palms began to glow under the blood that covered both of them. Willing her healing powers to work once more, Leandra struggled to break through the petrification spell that held Brenna prisoner and would do so for eternity unless someone was able to break through it.

Leandra had failed the specialist from her squad in the real world and many others throughout her military career. She couldn't fail Brenna. She couldn't fail another person. Failure wasn't an option for Leandra.

Leia couldn't believe her eyes. Brenna lay there, unmoving where just moments before she had been speaking to her, telling her to look out for Elena. After that moment everything happened so quickly.

Leia was surprised to see Elena get up, but the urgency in her eyes was apparent. She rushed forward and Leia tried to stop her, missing her arm by an inch.

"Elena! You're still hurt!" She cried, but as she saw the other girl helping press against the spear Leia summoned Bob. The little earth spirit stamped the ground and a pillar of stone appeared, wrapping around the spear and forcing it forward with the rest of the heroes.

The creature tried to rise but the combined strength of the heroes kept her pinned. Ward was suddenly aware that Elena was beside him and he gave a cry. The basilisk screeched under the spear's tip as the combined strength of the gryphon and the others splintered bone and drove the shaft home.

A blast of dark energy erupted from her body, knocking all who were near back.

Ward hit the earth and lay still for a few moments, the silence slowly receded as the others recovered. He rose, looking to Elena before glancing back at the creature's lifeless form. A few more moments and he allowed himself to breathe. It was over. They had won.

He winced as he tried to walk. The spike in his side was lodged deep and blood dripped from the wound as he made his way to Brenna. The king was already at her side, kneeling in the remnants of the sludge with a hand on the stone feathers of her head. He could see tears in the old king's eyes and limped over to him.

"What a fool I am." He heard him whisper. Ward opened his beak, he wanted to say something but no words came. Through watching he could tell that he loved her...Ward felt the twisting pain of loss flow over him. He had finally found his parents...and lost one in the same day.

"I should have protected her..."

The gryphon closed his eyes, wrapping a talon over the spike in his side and pulling it free with a gasp as he shrank back to his human form. He put a hand on the king's shoulder. "We should have." He said quietly. They knelt in silence together for a long moment. Suddenly the king laid his own hand on Ward's and clasped it firmly. He could not stop tears from flowing.

Some hit Brenna's stone cheek and the stone darkened where they fell.

*edit* @Lioness075

Leia came up behind Leandra, saying nothing at first. Lee coiled herself about the girl, healing the deep wounds in her body. Leia put a hand on her shoulder.

"You did what you could." She said softly.

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