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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Anya watched the scene unfold but kept her silence. She didn't honestly know this man, nor the one others claimed would be bad for the kingdom. The truth was that she didn't belong here, didn't know the politics of the land, and had no place to say what she thought here. Instead she let others take over.

Alexander followed Quincy downstairs and also stayed quiet as he observed the situation- that was his best skill, after all.
Arianne watched as slowly but steadily the chaos was about to ensue. She was certain that the loyal subjects of Cedric did not plan this uprising, especially not on a glorious night like this. No, there had to be an another explanation to all this but she was uncertain what. Looking at Anya who was looking at the crowd in despair she decided that it would be the best to leave her be for now - she was but a little girl, she would surely not be suspicious enough for others to follow her.

Carefully she made her way through the jeering crowd and tried to find a safe spot near a window. When she finally found a somewhat concealed and secluded spot she breathed in relief as she tried to scour the room for anything suspicious - sadly in vain. If anything unnatural caused this ruckus it must have concealed itself well.

And then was when the idea struck her.

She crouched down, focusing her power and touching her hands together. The tiny globes of light appeared as they should and she was surprised how fast they assembled into a small group, ready to hear her out.

" Something is amiss. " she told the little light globes " Go and see if you can find anyone who would cause something malevolent like this. "

With that the tiny sources of light scattered, not to be discovered in the madness around the room. Arianne only hoped that they would be more successful in finding the culprit than she was.
Closing her eyes for a moment, Luness inhaled deeply, which was a bit awkward as a woman nearby thought Luness was trying to smell her and she scowled at Luness before walking away.

Yet, by doing so, Luness was able to catch a whiff of a trail of dark magic coming from a specific direction. Opening her eyes, Luness began immediately walking in this direction and her Alpha eyes soon were able to sight the hooded figure hiding in the back of the stage.

Pointing at the man, Luness then said to Kallin, who she assumed was right behind her, "There! That's who we're looking for."

Not waiting to see what Kallin would do, Luness quickly began shoving people aside and pushing her way through the crowd, as she neared the hooded man, her red, glowing eyes never looking away from him.

The hooded figure took a few moments to realize that Luness was moving toward him. When he realized it however a flash of surprise appeared on his face and was gone again.

"Stop right there!" Kallin cried, pointing a finger at the cloaked figure. The duke scowled.

"I know what you're doing." Kallin followed behind Luness, his staff held firmly in one hand. The hooded figure shifted to face him, eyes narrowing in what looked like a cruel grin. He clenched his fist and suddenly Kallin's chest constricted. Pain enveloped him and he fell to his knees as red electricity leaped over his body.

There were gasps of shock as people moved away from him, but the debate about the throne seemed temporarily forgotten.

How was this possible? Kallin forced himself to raise his head, meeting the figure's eyes with his own. The pain was familiar, he could feel the chaos energy coursing through his veins, trying to tear him apart...could this man control it too?

He gritted his teeth trying to rise. "S-stop him." He gasped.

Leia looked up when Kallin spoke out, watching him fall she was ready instantly, Tad at her side and Lee joining her moments later, a body made from the drinking water out of a large pitcher on the table.

Ward stepped forward when he saw Kallin fall. "You majesty! Behind you!"

Luness growled at the hooded figure when she neared him, pleased to hear Kallin was indeed right behind her and that Kallin saw who Luness had pointed at.

Yet, Luness suddenly heard the gasps of shock and whipped around to see Kallin on his hands and knees, red electricity lacing around him and on his body. What was going on?

Snarling at the hooded figure, Luness wished she wasn't in such restrictive clothing, as she sprinted towards him on her hind legs, unable to drop to all fours in the moment.

Hearing Kallin's shaky tone when he said for them to stop the figure, Luness merely narrowed her eyes and then leaped onto the stage before diving at the hooded figure, completely intent on tackling him to the ground and disrupting whatever foul magic he may be controlling, especially whatever he was doing to Kallin. Mid-jump, Luness shouted, "Leave Kal alone!"



Leandra's head swiveled away from Otto when Kallin suddenly shouted out that they'd found the bad guy.

Yet, Kallin was soon on his hands and knees with red electricity lacing around his body while his face contorted in obvious pain.

Eyes wide, Leandra began shoving her way through the crowd, as she rushed to Kallin, fully intent on healing him and preventing that bad guy from chasing him any further pain.

Skidding to a halt near Kallin, Leandra soon dropped to her knees, as she worriedly looked over Kallin's electricity-laced body and asked him, "Is it safe for me to touch you? I can heal you if so, Kallin."

Achyls had not fully recognised what her eyes were seeing until she witness Kallin falling to his knees. She let out a strangled gasp, energy building at an equal rate to her boiling anger.

"Manipulating one's own ability to harm them...cowardice," her mind spat, echoing in her head. A familiar darkness fell upon her face, her hands now enveloped in magic. She looked oddly like some kind of sorceress in her get-up now.

"And at the ball as well! How could they strike this occasion!?" she gasped in her own head, "And to think they could do that to Kallin!"

Her power built up with great force, and she accidentally let out a large burst of magic, sending the room into darkness. All she could see was the electricity that coursed through Kallin, illuminating him. Looking around, she caught Luness' gleaming eyes, feeling suddenly fearful for her actions.
Arianne saw that Luness had uncovered the dark mage and she saw how it turned Kallin's power against him. She wanted to scream and to run to him but the commotion made this impossible. The dark mage now seemed to wrestle with the might of her allies but she was determined that she must also help somehow...

But how?

It was then when she felt the dark, numbing magic approaching her as well. She felt her thoughts slipping away as the darkness crept up on her. Wanting to yell for help she realized that she did not even have the strength to do that so she embraced the shadow. However, things did not go as she thought they would.

The light globes, feeling their mistress in trouble, returned and fought back the shadow. Slowly and steadily they cleansed Arianne who now knew what had to be done. Raising her hand she yelled the command.

" Lumen! Abolish! " she said almost automatically, surprising even herself. The orbs of light immediately rushed out to carry out her orders and were now circling around the heads of few nobles. Eventually they could erase the power of the darkness and those who were liberated now scratched their heads in pain, not remembering what happened.

She knew though that she would be too slow to cleanse the corruption from everyone yet she pushed on. Pouring every ounce of her power into a cleansing light she let all the light around her free.

She had to help the others before it was too late.
The lights went out with a flash, but the mage had seen Luness coming, with one hand he summoned a shield spell to stop her. He was forced to release Kallin from his grasp.

Kallin got to his feet slowly. "How did you do that?" He demanded.

"You think that a failed experiment like you is the only one with the power to control chaos?" He hissed.


But the hooded figure was already on the move: he shoved hard against the shield with the intention of sending Luness flying back into the crowd. He followed through with a burst of fire magic straight at Arianne and Achyls, cursing as her magic undid his enchantment over the people.

The flames illuminated the space between them. King Cedric had left the elevated platform to usher his guests to safety.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
Luness gasped when she struck something that felt like a wall instead of the hooded figure.

Yet, before she could even react, Luness felt herself propelled backwards and she soon was windmilling her arms, as she was now airborne and flying with her back facing and aimed at Otto, who appeared to still be trying to enjoy his food.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra was relieved when Kallin was released from whatever that mage had been doing to him.

Standing up beside Kallin, Leandra then felt the urge to ask the same question Kallin had just asked.

Failed experiment? What was this stranger talking about?

Yet, her thoughts were quickly interrupted when Leandra saw the fire lacing through the air and heading straight for both Arianne and Nyr.

Eyes wide, all Leandra could do was shout, "Arianne, Achyls! Watch out!"

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
Leo looked down at Nyr, the worry on her face reflected his own. She was right, something was working its magic here. He nodded his head towards the king and the others that had gathered near him. Slowly Leo maneuver his way through the crowd, most of the onlookers shot Leo a somewhat annoyed look as he made his way towards the others. But when Luness began to shot across the ball room, Leo's eye instantly went to where she was pointing. He snarled at the figure as he repelled the first wave of attacks.

Leo unbuttoned the couple of buttons at his stomach, and slid the coat off and lay on the floor. He watched as the hooded figure became preoccupied with his bout of fire towards the others and Leo too his chance. He pushed he way through the crowd until he was straight in front of him and then took an immediate turn. As the crowds began to thin from the king ushering people out, Leo dropped to all four and picked up a bit of speed. When he felt he was withing a good distance he lept from the floor, teeth and claws unsheathed with a roar as he attempted to descend upon the magic user.


Otto had been sitting on a table he had found towards the back of the buffet line and was enjoying some kind of meat pie. It wasn't until he heard Leia speak up and he looked up from his pie to her to realize something was going on. He wiped his mouth off on his coat sleeve as he watched the event unfurl before them. When the magic user was revealed Otto jumped up from the table ready to start moving. The moment he saw Luness charging in he was about head in her direction until he saw that the mage had launched Luness backwards towards him. Otto stuffed the piece of food in his hand as he watched Luness fly towards him. "OOOH CRAFF" He said through a mouth fool of food as she cane closer and closer. Otto jumped into the air as Luness's body made contact with his, throwing them both to the ground on their tails. Otto winced at landing on his tail as he looked at Luness with a smile. "Mamf, at wash clofe!" He said through his mouth full of food.

On the bright side, being a werecat, specifically a lynx, meant that Luness had only a stub for a tail and so she ultimately felt little pain from it when she landed on it. Regardless, she still landed with a gasp and then growl of irritation.

Scowling, Luness pushed herself up onto her hind legs once more, again irritated by her clothing. Would it be too much to ask everyone to pause for a moment so she could go change?

Pushing aside such thoughts, Luness held a forepaw out for Otto to take, as she rolled her eyes at whatever he said and responded, "Come on, Otto, this is no time to be sitting around and eating. We need to stop the bad guy."

Arianne was oblivious to almost everything that happened around her so concentrated she was on the task. She heard the mumbling of the dizzy nobles around her as the globes did their work and some shouting as well, probably the noise of the battle. But then she felt something warm approaching her and she raised her head to face the impending threat. Her eyes widened when she saw the blast of fire in such a close proximity to her... but it was too late to move.

A hiss. That is what left her mouth when the blast of fire hit the girl in the chest, forcing her to fall to her knees. She felt the burning pain coursing through her body as the smell of burnt flesh filled her nostrils. She felt agony she knew not existed but she suppressed her tears. It was not time yet to give up.

The globes of light immediately retreated and started healing the little girl who shook her head.

" No... no! Don't waste your power on healing me! " she called out " Many here... are great healers... your powers needed to cleanse the corruption. "

The orbs did not move but then Arianne's eyes flared.

" That is an order. "

Hesitating for a bit the orbs resumed their duty to abolish the curse and Arianne hoped that they would be fast. While she still had some energy reserves left she felt her power rapidly waning as she struggled against her injury. But she would not fail them...

It was in this moment when the moon seemed to glow brighter for a moment before the girl found her breathing to return to normal. Looking down on her chest she saw the wound rapidly closing and vanishing also replenishing her power. With renewed vigor - and a good amount of surprise she pushed on, now harder than ever before. They had to prevail.

Nyr saw Leo dashing away from her when the identity of the dark mage was unveiled. Feeling a strong, chaotic energy emanating from their opponent she saw fit not to intervene just yet - not directly at least. A foolish move and the dark sage could turn her own powers back against her - ensuring that chaos would follow her mistake. No, she wanted to seek a way to stop this insanity differently.

It was then when she felt a surge of power within her. It was somewhat familiar, she knew it from long before because it was the same power which she felt when Mother Moon granted the Moon increased power. She knew not how was this possible... but she now had an idea how to aid her allies.

Putting her palms together she closed her eyes and concentrated on those who were fighting the mage. Kallin, Luness, Leo... they were before her now, seeing them as her precious allies. She uttered words known by the ancient times as a soft silvery glow started to form around her - and around the ones she sought to protect. The power of the Moon now once again flowed through her body - and as a conduit of her mother's blessed power she now channeled everything she had into her friends - in hope that they would prevail.
Anya saw the fight starting to break out and knew only one thing: She'll be terribly useless in this elaborate dress. Realizing this, she decided to help with moving other guests to safety, she knew that would be a better use for her now. Using her teleportation skills, Anya helped to speed along the relocation of the guests, hoping that they actually would be safe where they were moving to.
(Major writers block, not a ton of time)

As chaos began to take over, Quincy reached behind her back. The reach for her bow came without thought, but her fingers met only empty air. She huffed in frustration, once again finding herself unarmed and a little useless. Although on second thought, she realized it would not be a good idea to shoot in the hall anyway- too many bystanders. The kelpie rushed forward, doing the only thing she could think of; she dashed toward Arianna and Achlys as attack reached them, intending to help them if they were injured. Despite her lack of healing powers, she could at least offer assistance in getting to safety. "Arianne, Achyls!" She cried, dropping to her knees next to the little girl. "Are you alright?"
The hooded figure saw Leo's strike and leapt clear, taking a sword from his belt and slashing downward as the great cat came charging past him. Ward gave a growl as he changed, spreading his golden wings and casting a shield spell to protect the gusts from the flames. He drew in a breath and exhaled as he cast an ice spell, extinguishing the burning carpets.

Leia was half way to Arianne when she stopped, watching the girl's wounds heal magically. Bob came barreling into the room, apparently taking a little while to find some earth he could use for a body. As he ran in he ducked with a squeak, covering his head with his hooves as the guests ran past him.

"Give it up you jerk! You're outnumbered!" Leia threw at the figure.

He paused a moment and considered this. "It appears you are right." She could have sworn he shot a look at the duke.

"Looks like the game is up...I suggest you play your last card."

A glyph appeared below the figure's feet.

"Hold on! You're not going anywhere until you tell me what you meant!" Kallin slammed his staff tip on the ground, running a counter spell but the figure just laughed.

"You couldn't match me even if you had your full strength, 'little mage'." And with a cruel laugh he vanished, Kallin's counterspell shattering harmlessly into dust.

The guests that had not fled rose slowly. Ward gave a huff of frustration and looked up to the great chandeliers, lighting them again with a simple fire spell.

The king returned as the remainder of the guests began to peer back into the hall, he wore a grim expression

"Guards!" He shouted.

The duke remained quiet and calm...and confident.

"Well, that was a bit awkward." He brushed his coat lapel and gestured for one of his attendants to bring him a book.

"What is the meaning of this?! You bring a sorcerer into my court? On the Star Ball? And enchant my guests?! I'll see you in a cell Albert."

"Oh I doubt that." Ward narrowed his eyes, why was this man so confident in defeat? He looked on as the attendant that approached did not look anything like a servant. He worse elegant attire and a gold broach on his chest with the royal crest. Someone of authority then.

"You are a traitor to the crown!"

"I am the crown!..after you...I will be."


The duke just smiled and gestured to the gentleman behind him. The man looked uncomfortable, as if someone had forced him to swallow a slug.

"His majesty has cause for anger...more than most...but the duke has explored the ancient laws of the Whispering Isles...and found one that must make him your successor."

The king looked confused. "I have read all the books on ancient law and I have come across no such requirement."

"Of course, you made the assumption that you had access to all the books in your library." He held up the volume triumphantly.

The king's eyes widened. "You stole it."

"Regardless how it came into my possession, the law still stands. That is, unless you can produce an heir in the next few hours." He laughed, a wicked sound.

Ward's stomach twisted. Was this the only way? He looked for Elena, just meeting her eyes would help him through this.

@Bea Delaine @everyone
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Leandra stayed by Kallin's side once he was no longer under attack. She had seen Arianne injured from the fire spell, but before she could even make a move to run to the girl's side, her wounds had seemingly healed on their own.

Shrugging it off as no longer being a problem, Leandra returned her attention to the hooded figure just in time to see him dodge Leo's attack and strike out at the big lion.

Unable to see if the strike made its mark, Leandra pushed past a few guests and got to the stage just in time for the hooded figure to vanish despite Kallin's attempts to keep him here.

Climbing onto the stage, Leandra ignored the bickering between the royalty, as she tried to find Leo, calling out to him, "Leo! Where are you? Were you injured?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Luness swiveled her head about the ball room, as one thing happened after another. First, the hooded figure countered Leo's attack, then he was able to escape despite Kallin's attempts to keep him here and the interaction between him and Kallin was unsettling to say the very least, then the duke produced a stolen item and now claimed to be able to take the throne unless Ward came forth and declared himself to be the rightful heir?

Rubbing the side of her head at the many thoughts rushing through it, Luness came to the realization that there shouldn't be anymore fighting at least.

Thus, Luness shifted back to her human form, looking down at her ruined dress in disgust. There were a few stains from Otto's food on it as well as a few tears along the edges and on one of the sleeves now. She didn't appear to have her shoes anymore either so she was now barefoot. Oh well.

Looking back up to the king and then glancing over at Ward, Luness wondered what she should do now. There wasn't any fighting anymore and now it was really just up to Ward to make the call.

Leaving Otto's side, Luness walked up to Kallin, nervous about touching him after the red sparks incident from earlier so she kept her distance a bit, and tentatively asked him, "Kal, are you okay? What did he do to you with the red sparks from earlier? And why did he call you an 'experiment'? A failed one at that, too..."

Trailing off, Luness then cocked her head at Kallin, anxious about what all had transpired recently.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
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When the final curse was broken and the dark mage fled Arianne finally stopped channeling her spell and leaned against the wall, panting heavily. She felt completely exhausted, a spell of this magnitude drained all her energy and now she was on the verge of collapsing. Still remaining conscious she looked outside, up at the Moon and she said a silent prayer. Not knowing how or why but it seemed that the celestial body had lent her its strength against the struggle of the darkness and for that she was eternally grateful.

" Hallah shal thi - The Silver Moon shines brighter than ever. " she whispered and smiled, turning her attention to the ruckus and the chaos that ensued in the aftermath of the battle. It appeared that the duke was not about to give up his greedy crusade for the throne.

She wanted to stand up to go to the others but her legs disobeyed her. Even her voice faded as she could do nothing but to let out a sigh. She was glad that this was over...

Nyr finished her spell as she felt the power of the Moon receding. Bowing her head in respect before the might of her mother she turned her baleful gaze towards the cackling duke as he pompously grinned, full of himself and believing that he had already won. Seeing Ward becoming tense the raven now walked over to him, putting her hand on his shoulder, looking deeply in his eyes.

" You know what has to be done. " she told him with certainty " I understand that this is a hard choice... but you can not let the duke to overtake Aerios. You have to unveil the secret. "

She squeezed his shoulder.

" No matter where you go or what will you become... I will follow you to the ends of the earth. "

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Achyls had flown up to the top of the room, hiding, embarrassed for her actions. As the fire came closer, she knew she could not let Arianne get hurt. Diving down, she realised no matter what, the poor girl would get hit...and now so would she.

"Arianne!" she yelped, as the fire blasted at them both. She tried to put up a barrier to protect them, but her powers were not working with such fear running through her. She felt herself being forced backwards, colliding with the ground, a burning in her chest. Or more specifically, on her chest. Her head hit the ground with great force, but it did not seem to do any proper damage. Instead, all the pain she felt was where the real attack hit. It wasn't unbearable, but it sure was by no means pleasant. Seeing Quincy run over filled her with relief, but to sigh would hurt too much.

(Oh god...lame post, can't focus)

@DawnAntalios @Flutterby
(I feel your pain)

Quincy watched with relief as Arianne began to heal, as if by magic. Not enough time to question it. She moved to Achyls, crouching next to the fallen raven. The ornate dress she was wearing made moving swiftly a little difficult, but she managed. "Achlys? Can you hear me?" She asked, lifting her head off the ground. She had bashed it pretty well, but that was secondary. What worried the kelpie more was the burn on her chest. She didnt have much experience with fire outside of Alexander's dragon flame, but the injury did not look good at all. "Leandra? Ward? Someone?" She called over her shoulder, but she didnt look away from Achyls. "Dont worry, they'll fix you right up."
Laikas knew he shouldn't have gotten involved in royal and political affairs; he knew it would only end badly. Yes, the idea of manipulating those with 'blue blood' was certainly enticing, incredibly so, but they always tend to end badly. He had honestly been surprised when one of the nobles approached him with a proposition, but intelligence got the better of him and he refused, instead using his animals to keep an eye on royal affairs. His curiousity drew him to the Star Ball, despite the fact he was extremely uncomfortable in human towns and cities, his brain told him to go, and so he did. He chuckled to himself when he realized what was happening; he could have had a major role in this betrayal but alas he was 'sensible'. What a shame, he thought.

As was sensible, he acted like the other nobles, shocked and confused over what was happening, while in reality he was honestly finding this challenge extremely entertaining, he didn't want to miss a moment of it.

(Hope that's some kind of relevant @SilverFlight )
Elena had stayed close to the king, in order to protect him from anything or anyone who might attack him. She watched the fight pan out and felt fairly useless. She watched it pan out, then looked at Ward with concern as well. She knew it probably would not be worth sacrificing his future, but things were desperate and if he wanted the responsibility he should take it. She motioned Ward over and spoke quietly so no one else could listen in.

"I will stand by any choice you make ward. But for now... I can stall..?"

She returned to stand protectively by the king. She watched the crowd start to bleed away, so she spoke out but icily.

"Duke, if you would be so kind to, I believe evidence should be shown and read aloud. If you must work so hard to discredit the king to appear even mildly like able, than he is entitled to an equal level of defense. Oh, also any trials you yourself would require an heir to pass should also be taken upon by you. As a person loyal to King Cedric, I believe these requirements are just as wanted by anyone else."

She gave a polite smile but her words were sharp and cold. Mentally, Elena was only worried about stalling but a no bs attitude seemed to show a little.
Anya moved back over towards all of the others and couldn't help but posture a question quietly to those standing around.

"Does he still have claim to the throne without his head? Where I'm from attempted assassinations and unwilling enchantment casting on a large crowd would be punishable by death." Her voice was harsh and cold, she believed in the death penalty, and his enchantment was worse than drugging someone. That was abhorrent.

Alexander meanwhile remained lingering in the background, watching, curious if Ward would share his secret. In all truth he had no obligation to, who ruled this place was none of their concern, and Ward could always head back to Branburn after all.

Verasha mentally applauded the young human, the one who stood by the King amidst the chaos that ultimately 'ruined' the evening's celebrations. Such a shame too, as the harpy had been looking forward to seeing the ball, and shamelessly helping herself to the exquisite foods that had been laid out on the table. Of course, she took care to stay close to the shadows, away from the lights, and out of sight. Surely, the one who had sent her here wouldn't mind if she fell back to some of her basic needs? The band of heroes were present, so it's not like things could go totally wrong - or so she initially thought. As much as she would have liked to drop in and assist, she had her orders, and only remained in the shadows casted by the now-lit chandelier.

Her eyes slowly trailed over what was left of the party, those who remained, and overlooking the rising tensions between each party. The duke's actions were disgusting, but most human faults were, and Verasha was no stranger to the depths of human greed, and hunger for ... glory? power? And when one girl spoke up, with a voice that carried the harshest and hardest of tones, Verasha let herself smile - as she, herself, would like to see such a fate befall the one who threatened the king's life. Alas, the humans were a ... complicated bunch, it was unlikely that they would choose such a path, to allow one of their own to be slain, even after all that has been done. But how, exactly, would they proceed? Her only instructions were to watch and protect, executing was never part of the deal, and Verasha was certain that she was not to leave the palace with anyone's blood on her hands.
As Leo watched the mage dodge his attack by jumping up and out of the way, Leo was going to immediately dig his claws into the floor of the ballroom stopping his sliding and leap up and after the mage. However he had not counted on the blade the the mage produced from his belt which reached him before Leo could reach the mage. Luckily enough, someone had been looking out for him and the sword glanced off the shield that Nyr had produced. The force of the attack did however throw Leo off balance and he ended up toppling over the edge of the stage and onto the floor below. His head spinning as he tried to focus on the mage before he disappeared into thin air. Leo sighed, as he watched the nobles begin bickering once again. The tumble had taken a good toll on his head when he landed on it, and when he heard Leandra calling out for him, he simply lifted his hand to her while he kept his eyes closed. "I'm ok I think. Just took a nasty fall to the head is all."

@S N O W B I R D
Kallin tried to shake off the buzzing feeling that clung to his entire body. He looked equally nervous of having Luness touch him, so he stood where he was massaging his arm to try and get it to stop tingling.

"I-I'm ok...I don't know what he meant...I have no idea." The statement was genuine, the figure's words had confused him, but it also made him think. This mage knew about him, and knew enough about the curse to turn it against him.


Ward took a breath as Nyr spoke. He gave her a grateful look as she squeezed his shoulder. She was right of course. And Elena, his heart swelled when she offered her help.

The duke's eyes turned to her coldly as she spoke. Some of the guests nodded in approval. It seemed that now the spell was broken they didn't like the idea of the duke being king anymore than Cedric did.

"We are not obliged to follow suggestions from foreign peasants." The duke spat.


The crowd looked surprised, for it was not the king who had spoken. Ward gave Elena a look filled with love, then set a determined expression and stepped forward, changing back to his human form as he climbed the shallow set of stairs.

@Bea Delaine

Brenna had heard the commotion and rushed inside unchallenged during the chaos. She stood at the back of the room and looked on with shining golden eyes.

"King Cedric did have a child, twenty three years ago, but that child was lost to him." The king looked utterly baffled, knowing he had not told anyone exactly how long ago that was.

"King Cedric, your sword as we discovered has the ability to recognize members of your bloodline. If anyone does not believe it let the book be brought forth, and...if you do not believe it duke Albert, take the hilt yourself."

The duke looked livid, but when King Cedric offered him the sword he stepped back nervously. "I-I believe it," He said begrudgingly.

Leia thought that was a bit strange, but kept her mouth shut and watched.

"Then watch." Ward stepped up to the hilt and with a nod from the shocked but silent king he steeled himself and grasped the handle. A few moments passed and the hilt's gem remained still and blue. Ward's courage began to melt. Fear rose up in him not for himself, or for the embarrassment he might have caused, but for the chance to save the kingdom, slipping through his grasp. He lifted the blade up, pointing the tip down and suddenly a blinding light flashed. Ward shielded his eyes and when he looked back he could feel a gentle warmth radiating from under his hand. There was a unified gasp from the crowd as the gem now glowed a soft, solid gold. A stunned silence fell over the room as Ward held the blade, the gem visible to all. Then someone shouted: "Hail the prince of the Whispering Isles!"

"Hail!" The call began to spread throughout the room, getting steadily louder. Ward returned the sword to the king. That moment of distraction made him too late to realize what was happening. The duke moved with the quickness of a snake, grabbing Ward's throat with him hand.

"You!" He snarled, but his voice seemed different.

"Twenty three long years of searching for you and your wretched mother..." He squeezed harder and lifted him off the ground. His strength was impossible. Ward grabbed his arm, trying to keep him from crushing his neck. But the duke wasn't the duke any longer. His disguise had melted away to reveal a completely different form. Some of the servants screamed and King Cedric was struck with absolute shock. Before he could turn the blade to help, this new form threw Ward like a rag doll and sent him crashing through the window out into the gardens.

Ward felt himself sailing through the air, most of his reason had been choked out of him, but he fought the panic long enough to transform and flare his wings, cushioning the fall to prevent any broken bones. He landed in a spray of dirt and flowers, claws and wings flying as he rolled. The figure rose into the air, seeming to float there as she followed him through the hole he had made.

Brenna's eyes widened she rushed forward, reaching Elena and the others in a split second.

"Everyone! Ward is in mortal danger! That's the queen!"


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