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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

((Ack, sorry, don't know how I missed that. @Bea Delaine ))

Ward followed her without a second thought. He sensed that she wanted him near and stayed close, noticing a dull ache that had been growing in his chest suddenly evaporate.

"Brenna said I would not be in danger unless I revealed who I am, I believe her. The king however is still a target. You are right, let us find our masks and outfits.

The servants directed them to the same place as they had any of the heroes looking for formal attire. Ward waited patiently for Elena to choose her dress.

@Bea Delaine

((@Lioness075 You really going to make me choose? :P ))

He had hoped that picking pretty outfits was some sort of female instinct. "Um, you're asking the guy who's spent all his remembered time in the same moth-eaten mage robes...I dunno if I'm the best choice for fashion advice...just, pick something you like....it doesn't matter what it is..."

He leaned closer, ever so slightly. "You will look stunning in anything Lune. So it really doesn't matter."

He left her with that as he turned to gaze at the masks hanging on the wall. One caught his eye and he lifted it down, putting it to his face and turning around.

"What do you think?"


Nyr walked in the grand hall, happy that everyone was oblivious to her presence. She felt it somehow refreshing that nobody knew who she was - else it would have been really complicated to blend in perfectly since a dread raven was still not the most liked figures in Fable Wood. Enjoying this disguise she observed the people.

Many were laughing and cheering, truly celebrating this momentous occasion. It was clear to her that many expected this event, it was probably like the strange human even 'Christmas' she had heard about: people gathered together to be as a family, one night without the burdens of their souls, to have some good time together and observe the star fall. She wondered if the humans celebrated that event in such a grand gala like the people here did...

It was then when she spotted a familiar pair, the smaller one, a girl looking at her taller companion who was eating happily. Nyr smiled as she felt the resonance of shadow emanating from the girl, recognizing the familiar power of Achyls. Walking over to them she wondered if she could remain hidden for a little bit.

" It would appear that we are all concealed in this illustrious event, don't you agree? " she said, imitating a voice of a noble " Such splendid events should be more commonly celebrated in my opinion! It brings people together so easily! Don't you agree? "

@andujarprime @SkywardSocks

Arianne smiled and followed Leia into the great hall. She was very excited and she felt even more nervous as she and the spirit tamer entered the room. It was astonishing to se so many people this evening, the masked figures literally enveloped the entire castle. Men and women laughed and talked, knowing that their identities were safe. Some even turned towards the strange pair and she heard some commenting how cute they looked as sisters, while others mentioned how nice Leia was that she brought her daughter here.

She followed her to the two figures who she only assumed were Leo and Otto. Then two rather tall, slender figures appeared, a man and a woman, who then greeted the heroes. Whoever they were they must have been wealthy for their attire were rather expensive and they seemed to be some kind of royal blood.

When Leia decided to leave Arianne looked at her in panic.

" W-Wait, my lady! " she exclaimed " Don't leave me here! " but she was long gone. Now anxious of being with the four adults Arianne felt really embarrassed. She did not know what to say or how to initiate a conversation and she felt blushing under her mask. She just stood there silently, hoping that her companion would eventually return.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
"Oh, yeah. I was thinking about it, I've just been really..." She looked a bit upset, then shook her head and smiled at Leia. It was really nice of her to come and check on Anya. The other woman looked stunning, as usual, and Anya found herself thankful for the mask. She stepped towards the door and asked, "We should head down there, though. Huh?"


"Heck yeah! Everything looks fantastic, and I haven't even seen the gardens yet!" She turned to go and noticed Anya seemed a bit subdued. "Hey...you ok?"

((one liner...
. @Hel))
(@SilverFlight Lol, no, just having Luness expressing again how little she knows of common things in the world. :P )

Luness furrowed her brows at Kallin's advice, though she had to admit to herself that he had a point. He'd been in the same robes for as long as he could remember, plus he wasn't exactly a female. If only Leia was still here.

In response to what he said, Luness then said, "You have a good point, Kal."

When Kallin suddenly leaned in a whispered to Luness though, she instantly found herself turning bright red, as she stammered, "I-I wouldn't know."

When Kallin walked away for a moment, Luness began skimming the nearest dresses, not finding any to her liking just yet. This was difficult when Luness had never worn such an article of clothing before. She wasn't entirely sure what to look for in a dress.

While looking, Luness then heard Kallin asking her what she thought about something. Turning around to ask him what he was talking about, Luness then saw the mask he had on and immediately found herself laughing. It looked ridiculous, yet Luness found it fitting for Kallin and his commonly joking manner.

Grinning at Kallin, Luness then said, "It's perfect, Kal."

Returning her attention to the dresses, Luness then came across one that stood out from the others.

Thinking for a moment, Luness then took it off the rack and held it up before repeating Kallin's question, "What do you think?"

Unaware that she should try it on first and then ask such a question, Luness anxiously waited to hear Kallin's opinion on her choice.


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Achyls looked up to see an extravagantly clad girl, looking very much like her sister. Narrowing her eyes, she became very sure of the identity of the girl. It was Nyr. She stifled a giggle and decided to play along. Getting to her feet, she held a hand out for Nyr to shake, bowing her head slightly.

"It truly is a wondrous occasion," she declared with the same noble lilt, "I must say, I have not in all my life attended an event such as this! Such mystery is often...calming,". With delicate hands, she fiddled with her mask, and smiled at her sister with a half knowing grin.

"Have you perhaps brought along a partner? Surely...there must be someone wishing to spend this evening with you,". She looked around for Leo, wondering why Nyr had not brought him over.

Anya smiled and tried to share Leia's enthusiasm as she spoke of the ball happening downstairs, but then she asked if she was alright. "Yeah, I'm fine, just missing my family, you know? Otto reminds me of my brother, and now I'm seeing my parents here and there." She said, shaking her head. "We should head back downstairs." She added, moving to head past Leia and go back downstairs.
Nyr's smile vanished when her sister mentioned the companion thing. She was uncertain about what to feel now that she knew about the intent of Leo and wanted to use this night to think. But now that such question was asked it was unavoidable to speak the truth. She frowned, crossed her arms and let out a long, drawn out sigh.

" I am afraid I am alone tonight. " she said silently " That is the main reason why I sought your company... being alone on a momentous occasion is a rather sad thing, thus I was hellbent on finding someone else. "

Looking at the direction where she last saw Leo and Otto she sighed again.

" Looking at all these different guests I have to wonder what brought them here together tonight. What could have been the reason that they joined together to celebrate this event? It is difficult to understand some decisions we make. I can not ask from anyone to fully understand my motives... and that is exactly why I can't understand the motives of others fully either. All we can do is accept that someone else can have a different priority list than we do... " she looked back at Achyls, now sadness in her eyes.

" Even if it pains us greatly... "

Quincy had a hard time find Alexander. Despite the feeling that he was nearby, she couldnt see through the crowd enough to catch sight of him. Even as he asked her what she was wearing, her eyes couldnt seem to find him. It wasnt until he recognized her and came up that she was able to see him. When she felt his presence next to her, she turned, a teasing smile already on her lips.

"I put on a fancy dress and mask and you suddenly forget what I look like?" She asked, squeezing his hand softly in hers, feeling his embarrassment. The kelpie turned her face up at him, her eyes framed by blue. "Upstairs, theres an entire room full of fine things like this." She gave his hand a small tug and started off, grinning at the thought of finding something for him to wear.

Alexander looked down, a bit embarrassed when Quincy called out his failure to recognize her immediately, and started to say something but when he glanced back at her, her eyes were captivating and he forgot all about it. With a shy smile, he followed her when she started leading him, and said, "Will you help me pick a mask?" He asked.

Leo and Otto stood in the entrance to the grand hall watching as people came in. The amount of people was beginning to become staggering and Leo wondered how many would actually fit inside before there would be no room. But recalling the actual hall itself, he put those thoughts to rest.

It wasn't until he heard the soft voice of Leia that Leo's looked away from the stream of people and looked to his human companion. HE smiled at her, the lovely dress and mask she had dawned fit her perfectly. "I believe they had a hard time imagining what mask would actually fit my profile. I doubt that they have very many Panthera come through these parts to model such pieces of work."

When he heard the soft, familiar voice also return Leias observations Leo looked surprised when he saw Princess Briar and Prince Fior. He accepted the princess hug graciously and shook Friors hand with a sturdy shake. It was lovely to see them here to enjoy the festivities.

Leo placed his hands behind his back and
kept an eye on his surroundings. He watched as many of the others filtered into the hall as well, each and every one of the dressed for the occasion. He also watched Ward and the King enter together, which made him wonder how long before Ward would reveal his heritage to the king. But the thing that made his mind wander the most, was the familiar aura of Nyr and Achillies standing not to far away. Thought her wings were gone and a masked covered her face, Leo had familiarized her presence more so than anyone else in the group. Just being around her always made him feel so much more complete, and warm inside.

He was worried about what they had talked about before and how she had taken his information. He reached into his jacket and found a small pouch he had been able to sweep out of his satchel before leaving and plucked two small seeds from it. He gripped the seeds in his hand and excused himself from Otto and the others as he turned to see the sisters talking. As he walked across the short distance between them, a feint green glow began to emit from his palm that held the seeds until he was only a few feet from the girls. Leo bowed his heads to the two of them and smiled through his mask as he moved his hand from around his back and opened it. In the palm of his hand were two small, black roses. The stems had not grown their full length, but the buds had bloomed nun the less to their full bloom. "Good evening my ladies. The two of you look just as stunning as always."

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

Otto watched as the people entered into the grand hall, and began to grow very bored. HE had been happy to see Leia join them, even laughed with her when she mentioned Leo's obviousness of his mask. As she turned to leave however, Otto was once again bored and stood there with his hands stuffed into his pockets. It wasn't until a few moments later that Otto watched Leo leave him all alone standing in the middle of the entrance.

Otto pouted a bit and looked around. Then he felt his nose twitch. Something was picking up on his sense of smell. IT was something he had never smelled before, something interesting. Something......that smelled a lot like food. Otto smiled, he had hoped their would be food at this "party". Something tasty for him to munch on while all the adults went dancing and talking. Blech, Otto didn't dance and if he had a mouth full of food, he probably wouldn't have to do much talking either.

He stuck his nose to the air and sniffed, which was a little strange to see as most humans did not go around sniffing the air like a hound. So he backed away from the entrance until he found himself a hall way that he could shift into his wolf form and begin to sniff around. Funny enough, as he sniffed around, he noticed that his tie in his outfit had not shifted with him. He scowled, he hated shifting in cloths he didn't know.

So he kept walking and sniffing until he found himself right outside a set of double doors where all of the delicious smells where coming from. He smiled as he pushed his nose through and looked around. There were a few people here and there, most of which were incredibly busy with what they were doing. The problem came from all of the food being on top of the counters. So Otto had no choice but to shift back to his human self, unwrap the tie that had shifted around his chin, and then begin scowering for food. He zipped around the kitchen dodging cooks and sampling different plates as they made their way around. It wasn't until he found a plate of pastry looking delights that he stopped and plucked one form the platter. He stuffed the little pastry into his mouth and then stopped as he tasted something in the pastry that made him slowly turn back to the platter with gluttons eyes. The little pieces of bread were filled with bacon bits. Otto looked around the kitchen, most of the staff was super busy and so he began to stuff the pastries into his jacket pockets handful after handful.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat behind him which made Otto stop in his tracks. With only a few pastries on the platter left, Otto turned to see a man with a very large hat standing behind him, wielding a even larger spoon. Otto smiled at the man, who was not at all pleased, and slowly began to make his way back towards the doors. The man with the spoon took a few steps closer and Otto new there was only one way out. RUN. Otto ducked under the man as he lunged for Otto and slid across the floor of the kitchen. HE zipped around a few other kitchen workers as the chef called out to them, but finally made his way to the double doors. As he swung the doors open and ducked a flying pot, he began to zip down the hall, laughing as he stuffed another of his treasures into his mouth.
Achyls turned to see Leo, looking as proud and presentable as he always did.

"Good evening to you too," she smiled, bowing her head to him. She then turned to Nyr, her expression turning more sour.

"Dear lady, tonight is not the time to worry about our own problems, or the strains of others upon ourselves," she said, sounding very matter-of-fact, "We are joined at this ball because each of us have the same thought now running through our heads. It seems we each wish only to be jovial, to celebrate this occasion for it takes us from our normal lives, from whatever hurts us, from whatever lurks within our heads. We are free to be ourselves this evening." She stopped, looking around at the masked guests, "While we do wear these masks, it does not mean we have to hide who we are. I have chosen to take this evening as an opportunity to be as much myself as I see fit, and I suggest you do the same,".

She took Nyr's hands, looking at her with wide eyes, "You should not fret, sister. Tonight, be free from your worries," she half whispered, before turning to look at Leo.

"Well, it seems you have company," she said to Nyr, "I shall leave you be,". Chuckling to herself, she sat back down on the chair, returning her attention to Malachai.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz
Arianne's eyes widened in fear as she watched how Leo and eventually Otto have left her completely alone with the two newcomers. At least she had someone to talk to who she knew at least from travelling together with but now she was left with the strange couple. To her they looked to be out of place, somehow they were different from the others in this ball but she could not say why. All she knew that they had to be very good friends with the other heroes if the woman treated them like almost family members. Turning to the two of them she blushed again then bowed before them.

" Greetings, my Lady, my Lord. " she said, finally mustering the courage to speak up. " This evening is strange: all of us have gathered here to have fun yet we know not who the others are. Something tells me however that the star fall is the main reason people are here - including the two of you. "

She hesitated a bit.

" I assume you know Lady Leia and the others from somewhere then? You are perhaps their mentor of some sort? "


Nyr was a bit distracted and did not immediately notice the guardian walking up to them. Upon hearing the familiar voice though she shivered then slowly turned around, her expression being stoic, trying to conceal the sudden panic that enveloped her heart. She bowed courteously before Leo then replied.

" You flatter us, noble sir. " she said, her tone being rather cold " Many look beautiful tonight, I think we are just one of many. You look also like a true gentleman. "

When Achyls turned to her and spoke what was on her mind she sighed. She wanted to share her optimistic point of view but somehow it was difficult to do so. However when her sister told her that she was going back to check on Malachai Nyr gasped and then gulped. She wanted to beg for her to stay but she was already gone. Sighing reluctantly she turned back to Leo.

" I do not wish to discuss the topic we talked about earlier. " she said " Let us turn our attention to something else tonight... I do not have the strength to face the truth just yet. "

(Ahh!! I'm so sorry! No alerts! )

Elena nodded slowly as she made her way down to the dress area. She knew he was relieving her concerns little by little, but something in the back of her mind kept nagging at her. She quietly shifted through dresses for a minute while remaining on this thought. Something more. Old for her land but probably fitting for here caught her eye, as well as a matching mask. She grabbed them and replied to Ward before slipping into another room to change.

"I know. But don't feel like it dictates your choice.. I feel like I'm nearly back in working condition should anything threaten you."

She came back out after another moment wearing a long green and gold dress with exposed shoulders and pale white skin fully revealed down her back. At the edge of the lining revealed a whiter star shaped scar, fairly large but usually well concealed in what she wore. The color of the dress was deep and made her hair seem a bit more red than usual.

"This works, I think. Your turn Ward."

She said, as she went to a made to help her fix her hair into something manageable.

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"Beautiful... but its missing something...its missing you in it. Try it on." He shot her a teasing grin. It was a while before he started to look about for his own clothes. Finally he found something that would suit the dress she had chosen, and stepped out before her in a deep blue tailed waistcoat, trimmed in black and gold. His trousers and boots were black as well and he worse a gold belt to match the button that trained down the front. It felt a little odd wearing clothes that hugged his body, they also showed off his broad shoulders.

"Take a good look, because this will not be happening often." He said, pulling at his high collar. He waited to see her in the dress.


"I miss my brother too." What's yours like?" Leia followed Anya back to the great hall, waving at Arianne as she returned. her eyes lit up at the sight of Briar and Fior.

She hugged the princess happily, grinning at Arianne.

"Briar was the one who send Ward to find me and Elena. I guess you could say she started this whole thing."

Briar put a hand up politely. "I was only a small part in what brought you here. But I was Ward's mentor for a time. We are here at a personal request of the king. The Star Ball is not just any ball after all. I bet if you look you may find the rulers of almost every kingdom in FableWood." She answered Arianne's previous question.

Leia gave a quick scan of the crowd for danger. there were a lot of people, but so far nothing to make Leia suspicious.

@Hel @DawnAntalios

Ward stared. He couldn't help it. Elena was a vision in the gown she had chosen and she captivated him all over again. This coupled with her strength and concern for him...he loved her so. As she turned away from him he continued to look after her. A polite cough at his side made him turn his head and blush.

"We may have something that will compliment." The servants giggled between them. Ward accepted their help sheepishly and followed.

In moments Ward stepped out, he was dressed in a sleeved doublet of the finest, deep green velvet, the front of the garment from neckline to waist bore thick bands of green silk that matched Elena's dress flawlessly, trimmed in gold embroidered vines that trailed down the edge of each piece. The collar stood up, it too embroidered with gold silk and hugging his neck delicately. Triangular epaulets sported embroidered patterns of vines which covered them thickly. The hem of the doublet went past his waist and ended in a V front and back, traced in more gold thread. The breeches were a light cream and tucked into deep brown, knee-high buckskin boots. A matching belt coiled about his waist. He chose a mask of simple design, green with gold patterning about the edged, only large enough to cover his eyes and cheeks.

He waited patiently for Elena and when she had finished her hair he extended an arm to her in a courtly fashion, keeping one fist at the small of his back.

"The stars may not appear tonight, for they may be ashamed in the face of such beauty."

As the entered the great hall Ward saw Leo and the others and lead Elena over too them. He was overjoyed to see Briar and she and Fior hugged him happily. Briar was in a light peach ballgown with silver lace and crystal toggles decorating the sleeves and body. Fior was wearing a deeper orange tunic likewise trimmed in silver. Their masks were small, each sporting stylized wings horses in flight about the edges.

"Ward, would you be kind enough to fetch Trindle over?" Briar asked him, "He's been standing by the doors looking uncomfortable for the last twenty minutes. Ward was surprised to learn hat the dwarf actually agreed to come. He was much happier at his forge among his tools and weapons than interacting with actual people. As Ward approached the dwarf however he broke into a wide grin.

"Lad! Thank the stars you found me in this mess. I have something for you." He produced a small, intricately-carved box that fit into the palm of his hand. Ward accepted the gift with a gracious thank you.

"Briar said you may have a use for these in the near future, so I crafted them myself. Open the box later."

Ward nodded to him, pocketing the small box before returning with him to the gathering of friends.

As they returned several more musicians joined the small quartet and in a moment they struck up the sweeping three-beat movement of a waltz.

Ward smiled, bowed ad offered a hand to Elena, his warm eyes holding the request for a dance.

@zCrookedz @Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios
Luness furrowed her brows when Kallin told her to try it on first, as if such a thought hadn't crossed her mind to begin with.

Seeing Kallin's teasing grin, Luness narrowed her eyes at him, but said nothing, as she turned on her heels and then entered the first side room she could find.

Soon, Luness was wearing the dress and she scowled, as she tried to pull it a bit further down her body, only to find that it wouldn't stretch any further.

Sighing, Luness exited the room just in time to hear Kallin's remark and to see what he was wearing.

For a moment, Luness appeared surprised, as she took in the sight of Kallin in formal attire without the robes. She soon was smiling though, as she said, "Looks great to me, Kal."

Thinking for a moment, Luness then quickly added with a grin, "Put on the mask and the outfit is complete."

It was only then that Luness remembered what she was wearing and blushed slightly, as she nervously glanced down at her dress and then tugged at the edge of it. She hadn't even found any shoes yet and was currently barefoot, since she couldn't wear shoes while in her werecat form anyhow.


Suddenly, Leandra was interrupted from admiring her clothes, as a servant abruptly knocked on her door and said, "Leandra, the ball has already begun!"

Sighing, Leandra walked over and opened the door to find a young and flustered male servant, who quickly added, "We must leave at once!"

Raising her eyebrow at the servant, Leandra decided to not argue, as she followed after him and swiftly pulled her hair up into a ponytail while she was at it.

Yet, before either could reach the great hall where the ball was, they both came to a halt in surprise, as Otto suddenly came rushing out of the kitchens with a pot flying just past him.

Giggling, Leandra then began sprinting after Otto, as she shouted, "Otto, wait up!"

The servant was left gawking at both the retreating wolf and Leandra sprinting away. It was then that he noticed Leandra was still wearing her boots from her usual day attire, but there was nothing he could say since she was already gone.

Leo watched the two ravens for a moment, smiling and nodding to Achyls as she left Leo alone with Nyr. He could cut the tension coming from Nyr with his ax. He listened to what she had to say and became a bit annoyed with her reluctance to talk. But she was indeed correct, this moment was not the time to have such discussions. Leo only hoped that she would be a bit more willing to talk about things soon.

HE smiled to her under her mask and dipped his head in agreance. "Of course M'lady." He looked back around and saw Ward and Elena joining the group. As the band began to pick up Leo closed his eye and swayed slightly to the tune. He was not much of a dancer, blaming his clumsy clawed feet for that inability. But he wanted to enjoy tonight, so he glanced back at Nyr and held out his hand to her. "Would you care to dance m'lady? I do not believe we have ever had the pleasure of dancing together."


Otto laughed as he bolted down the hall way away from the kitchen doors. His pockets lined with his sweet delectable treats, he only stopped when he finally heard someone calling after him. Ears perked up he looked behind him to see Leandra running towards him. He stopped and smiled at the girl as he tried caught his breathe. "Hey Leandra! Whatever you do, don't go back through those doors. The man with the big hat is not very nice." Otto smiled as he pulled a couple of pastries out of his pocket and stuffed one in his mouth. He held the other out to Leandra for her to have as he began to walk back towards the entrance way to the big party room.

Laughing at the commotion that Otto had caused, Leandra then slowed to a walk and caught her breath as well just before she joined Otto's side and took the offered pastry from him.

Taking a bite from it, Leandra then said with a grin, "Will do."

As she followed Otto back to the ball, Leandra soon found herself feeling a bit antsy. She'd never been to a formal event like this before. Was there a certain expectation for the females?

Arianne listened to Briar's words and she nodded. This event seemed to be very important indeed. She crossed her arms when she mentioned that all the rules of Fable Wood would be here participating in this event.

" Most of the kings and queens are benevolent and look after their people that is for sure but I do not really envy them. Their lifestyle sounds... rather dull. " she said as she looked across the room, trying to spot some royalties but she failed to do so. Instead she turned back to the small group " There are always exceptions of course, for example the rules of castle Branbern. I have heard how fiercely did they charge into battle when their city was besieged... they sounded so heroic! Few people would dare to muster such courage: they took the fight to the enemy themselves, bolstering the morale of the troops while most other rulers would have rather cowered behind their walls. They are truly an example to us all - and our heroes. "

She clasped her tiny hands together in excitement.

" I can only imagine how the two of them rode into battle, side by side and fought back the army of demons. It must have been so awesome... and romantic! I could only put the story together from the fragment of information which reached Aerios... still it must have been a much more important occasion than this ball. "

She sighed.

" Alas, I can only wish to meet them one day. Monarchs would not likely to speak to a little girl like me anyway now would they? " she chuckled. Then she listened as the waltz started to play in the background.

" Oh they will dance now! " she said with a hint of envy in her voice " This must be wonderful, we have to check it out! "


Nyr felt how anxious Leo was about this. She did not want to press the matter too much tonight though, but now she realized how selfish she was. This possibly hurt Leo as much if not more than her... she should have considered how the guardian felt about all this and she turned to him, gently caressing his furry face with her hand.

" No matter what will come in the future, it can not stand in our way, dear Leo. " she said silently " I will stand by your side, no matter where your duties call you. "

She then heard the music in the background and took a few steps back when Leo extended his arm towards her.

" This... might not be the best idea... " she said, a bit shaking " I... I can not dance. At all. Even back in Branbern when we celebrated I did not want to embarrass myself and that was a private party. This... is one of the most royal balls, I would surely make a fool of myself. "

She looked at Leo, seeing the determination in his eyes. Even though she was uncertain in this she felt that the guardian would somehow grant her the courage to dance with him. Slowly, hands still shaking she reached out for his paw and gently placed her hand on it.

The kelpie looked back at him over her shoulder as they walked, her grin still a little teasing. "Of course, dear dragon." She said in a soft voice, her grip on his hand unwavering. "What color do you fancy? I think it is traditional for couples to coordinate, but I would understand if blue isnt your liking." She liked blue because of its association with water, but maybe he had a difference preference.

"I think blue is a good color, especially on you." Alex said with a smile, "Why don't we match each other?"

Anya smiled when Leia mentioned her own brother, and took a moment to decide how to describe hers. "In a word? Youthful." She said with a bit of a smile, she thought to elaborate more but then Leia seemed to spot Briar, Fiore, and the little girl she had yet to really met. She stood with them and listened to the others speak, nodding where appropriate.

"They were very brave." Anya said with a pleasant nod, throwing just a touch of her own input into the conversation before an idea struck her.

"Say, Arianne, right? Do you want to dance, too?" She asked with a smile.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Quincy pulled him to a stop in front of a door, and turned with a pink blush on her cheeks, still unused to his casual compliments. “I think thats a lovely idea." Her voice was bright and cheery; it was clear that she was enjoying the occasion. With that joy bubbling just before the surface, she opened the door and lead him in to find a mask. There were so many to choose from that she didn't even know where to begin with suggesting. For a moment, she was too absorbed in looking at all of them and forgot they were looking for something specific. “They're ask soo beautiful." She murmured, brushing a finger over a deep red mask.

Elena managed to get her loose curls collected into thick but maintained ringlets. When she turned around, she gaze upon wards attire, turning pink at a maids giggly words. He looked regal, like a prince. She went quiet and contemplated what to say. Luckily Ward spoke first with a very ward like compliment. She chuckled and joined him, staying close.

When they met back up to see the others and were at the ball, she noticed the familiar faces. She gave Briar a grateful bow and stayed quiet as she addressed Ward. She looked at the boxes and rose an eyebrow.

"What did he give you?"

She asked. Then she decided time would tell and took his hand to dance
Kallin did not reply with anything articulate. He was speechless. He knew he had a rather stupid look on his face, he didn't care. Luness was beautiful, and the dress presented that with elegance. Smiling he slipped his mask over his head and exaggerated a courtly bow, much like a jester would in entertainment.

"The ball might be fun and all that, but the real event is the StarFall. That's happening in a little bit."

He offered her a hand, taking his staff with the other. "Shall we?"


As Arianne spoke of the Battle of Branbern Briar's face fell. The memories of the fight, losing so many friends...and August, her unicorn attendant whom had been almost like a brother to her. Fior squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.

Briar smiled at the young girl, but the smile did not reach her eyes. "Battle is never romantic dear one. I hope you never have to experience it."

She closed her eyes, seeming to push the bad memories away. "But it is also behind us. Go and enjoy the evening. We can speak about anything you like later."


Leia bit her lip, wanting to comfort the princess but not quite knowing how.

As she watched Ward lead Elena onto the dance floor she couldn't help but smile. They looked like something out of a fairy tale, which, given where they were...was that so hard to believe?

Watching them made her feel strange, as she stood on the sidelines gazing at the dancers step onto the floor, Leia fiddled with her mask uncomfortably, wondering what it would be like...

The king was politely declining dances and Leia looked out the window, she could see small lights on within the Tenacity and although she couldn't see Brenna, she knew the captain was watching.

From the gardens a form emerged from the shadows of the trees. She had been sitting there most of the night, her yellow eyes watching the festivities with mild interest. Upon seeing the small form of Otto race past a window she frowned. Suddenly people noticed her, a large wolf with sleek, shining fur. Briar had insisted she wash and adorn herself with a gold mantle carrying the crest of Branbern, but Alta had come to see Luness mostly. She was concerned about the werecat. Last she had seen her Luness was plagued by the taint, and the boy that had started spending time with her made her suspicious.

She followed the young werewolf curiously, stepping in to the great hall, all the way there getting slight looks of surprise. Briar had been right though, put a bit of gold on and suddenly you're accepted as civilized, but Alta wasn't about to go about in her human form here, she felt much too vulnerable as an old woman.

@zCrookedz @Lioness075

Ward shrugged slightly at the question about the box. "I'm not sure, Trindle told me to open it later." The music slowed its introduction, allowing the piano to trail a simple melody and invite the guests to the dance floor. "I am glad Briar is here, but it does make me worry a bit if we're to expect an attack." Though perhaps that was a reason why she was here.

A solitary violin joined the tune and both instruments paused for just a moment before the others joined into the elegant three beat melody. Ward took Elena's hand, putting one of his own around her waist and lead her into the steps. Suddenly the room was a merry-go-round of bright fabrics and jewels, which faded into the background. Now it was just him and her, in their own world of music and closeness.

"I noticed the scar...how did you get that?"

@Bea Delaine
Blinking at Kallin's expression, Luness found herself blushing a bit more, as she felt scrutinized in the moment.

Yet, she felt a bit relieved when Kallin finally smiled and slipped his mask on, as she took such actions to mean that he was pleased. Seeing his bow though brought a few giggles from Luness.

Letting out a small sigh of relief, Luness then followed suit in putting her mask on before she heard Kallin's comment and smiled. The StarFall had sounded brilliant from what Kallin had told her and she definitely didn't want to miss that.

When Kallin offered his hand, Luness didn't even hesitate, as she put her hand in his and smiled before saying, "I look forward to watching the StarFall with you, Kal."


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