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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Malachai smiled as he squeezed her just a little tighter. "We don't always understand everything around us, at least not right away." He whispered as he slowly let her go, moving some of the hair from out of her face and gently placing his hand along her cheek. "I don't exactly understand why I feel about you the way I do. And yet I refuse to question it. To question the best thing to have crossed my path since reuniting with my brother. I refuse to doubt or question if what I feel for you is real. In stead I embrace it, I revel in the thought that I now understand what it is to care for someone so deeply you would will your life away so that they may see one more day with a smile on their face." He smiled at her now, not his toothy mischievous smile, or his longing ohmygawd give me food smile. But a secret loving smile that hadn't crossed his face in almost 1000 years. "I remember now what it is to love, truly and unconditionally. Because I love you Achyls, I love you in a way I have not experienced in all my life." His voice was a whisper now as he leaned close and pressed his lips to hers.

Alexander made his own way to where the party preparations were taking place, he looked around at all of the masked faces and wondered if he too should be masked. He honestly had no clue how to handle himself at all of these social events, and they had been doing so many these last few months. He himself was still in his formal attire that the sorcerer had forced his form to take before the last event.

Alexander found a place to sit and wait for the festivities to start. As he did, he fiddled with the fabric that was usually his tail, now wrapped around his waist.
Kallin did not look shocked, or surprised when Luness admitted to not knowing about the meteor shower. There was no judgement at all in his eyes, only happiness at getting to explain. "Its supposed to be incredible. The stars don't actually fall from the sky Otto, but a group of celestial rocks, hurtling around the heavens passes our world once ever hundred years...and it looks like they are...a thousand trails of coloured light, streaking behind brilliant glimmering sparks. There's a legend about it too; it's said that long ago its said that a sky spirit fell from the heavens, he was found by a spirit of the earth, who took him in and tended his wounds. They fell in love, but the sky spirit had to return home once he was healed, for staying away from the heavens too long would surely kill him. He promised to send her a gift when he returned and true to his word, he sent the very stars racing down to her, delivering letters from her beloved. One every day in a hundred years. And so it goes, the sky spirit sends letters carried by stars showering down from his home in the sky once every hundred years."

Suddenly Kallin clutched his side, wincing as his human form returned and the damage to his body became more solid. If it wasn't for the healing he'd had prior he may well have fainted.

"Um...don't suppose, Otto, you could find a healer? There's got to be one in the castle somewhere..."

Kallin swallowed, trying not to look like he was in too much pain. "Um, Lune...can I ask, well...I want to ask you something." He also tried not to sound too nervous, but fared much worse at that.

@zCrookedz @Lioness075

Ward looked stunned. His golden eyes shone brightly, surprise and joy both vying to be expressed at once. It was as if he had just been handed the entire world and now held it glittering in his hand. Suddenly all other thoughts melted from his mind and not a single thing beyond Elena mattered at all.

"You're right...it is customarily asked by men..." He knelt before her, taking her hands in his. "...but custom and tradition fall utterly short of anything you are Elena...I have a bit of a confession actually...I...I've been running circles in my head for days now...thinking about how to ask you the same question." He gave a small laugh at the irony, the happiness he felt spilling into it too.

"My answer is yes. Without any hesitation...You are my true love."

He bowed, touching his forehead gently to the backs of her hands, which he held still. "I humbly ask, to be yours, forever."

@Bea Delaine

As Leo held the book out to her she just looked at it for a moment, eyes wide. "You're giving this to me?" It hurt her a little when he told her why he wouldn't be needing it. She wished like crazy she could do something about Lily. "Thank you Leo...I...just, thank you." She gave him a bright smile as she clutched the book to her chest. Looking after him as he turned to answer Nyr's call.

Leia grinned at the small girl and her request. "I'd love that actually. You can keep an eye on me, make sure I don't embarrass myself at this super fancy party everyone's so excited about." As if to emphasize her point two servants went rushing out of a door, trying their masks while tittering excitedly. They stopped at the small group gathered by the Tenacity. They wore the same clothers, but the colors were inverted. They looked like twins to Leia, and that was without accounting for the matching masks.

"We are supposed--"

"To get you all ready for the ball!"

Leia couldn't help but grin as one girl finished the other's sentence.

"Please come with us!" They chimed together and lead the way into the castle.

The room they were guided to sat behind a set of sky-blue double doors. Behind these doors was the biggest wardrobe Leia had ever seen. She was sure at some point she was going to find a lamp post or something. There were outfits of all shapes and sizes, each one more elegant than the next. Dresses and suits, gold-trimmed coats and shining shoes, and against the far wall Leia caught her breath as she saw them. Rows upon rows of masks of every description. Suns and stars, peacocks and swans, representations of the four seasons, anything you could imagine. It took her a while to take it all in.

Lee and Tad floated about, investigating the room. "Lee, get water on any of these and I'll make you wait in my room for the party." The spirit kept her distance from the garments after that, Bob flopped lazily just outside the room, making an effort to look as bored as possible.

"You know.." Leia began to muse. "I haven't actually worn a dress since I was five years old..."

@DawnAntalios @Lioness075 @Baconhands ? @andujarprime ? @SkywardSocks ? ((I don't really know if any of you are hanging around the Tenacity or not ^^))
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Feeling more relaxed upon seeing Kallin was more than happy to explain things to Luness as opposed to lingering on her lack of knowledge, Luness listened intently to Kallin's story about the Star Fall.

Hanging onto every word with a curiosity and eagerness to learn more about the world around her, Luness found herself grinning like she was a kit again and her mother was teaching her how to pounce or something.

Chuckling at Kallin's response to Otto's comment, Luness' eyes shined with happiness while she listened to the rest of Kallin's story. How the air spirit and the earth spirit had fallen in love and continued to love one another despite their struggles. It was a beautiful story, despite the sadness involved. Luness could only imagine what it'd actually end up looking like.

Seeing Kallin wincing as his body became human again, Luness was on her feet in seconds and worriedly looking down at Kallin. Sadly, Luness wasn't much of a healer herself.

Hearing Kallin requesting for Otto to find a healer, Luness looked at him with concern and then said, "Please hurry, Otto." Even if Kallin wasn't in immediate danger, Luness couldn't bear to see him in such pain. Especially when they were supposed to be having some downtime now.

Hearing Kallin stumbling over his words, Luness furrowed her brows at him and then sat down beside him once more before cocking her head at him and saying, "Of course, Kal. What's on your mind?"

Was Kallin about to tell Luness one of the many secrets that she knew he was always hiding from herself and everyone else?

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra suddenly woke to the sound of someone knocking on her door.

Groaning at having gotten very little rest, Leandra slowly rolled off of her bed and then onto her feet before lumbering over to the door and opening it.

Rubbing her eyes, Leandra then blinked when she saw the dressed up and masked servant standing before her with a big grin on his face.

"Leandra! My lady, the ball will begin soon and you aren't even dressed for the occasion!"

Blinking again, Leandra then stammered, "Oh, w-well, what would you suggest I wear?"

In her mind, Leandra was already envisioning herself in a dress and she bit her lip in anticipation of that very thing happening. If there was one thing that Leandra greatly disliked in any worlds, it was dresses. To her, they limited one's movements and increased the rate of injury. Not something that Leandra was keen about having to deal with.

Much to her surprise, and delight, the servant produced a folded stack of clothes with a blue mask on top and smiled warmly at Leandra before saying to her, "Here's something similar to what you're already wearing. It's just been modified to look more formal. Oh, and it comes with a hood if you're interested in that sort of thing."

Taking the clothes from the servant, Leandra politely thanked him and then closed the door to her room before heading back to her bed and setting the clothes down.

After a couple of minutes of changing clothes, Leandra then walked up to a mirror and slowly put on her mask before pulling up the hood and smiling to herself. Not bad.

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Just imagine some light brown matching pants to go with it and some nice leather boots. ^^

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/10-Sets-per-Pack-Shiny-Crown-Shape-Masquerade-with-Flash-Gold-Powder-Blue-6342751085510237501.JPG.dd60aeaa8ec68aa2cfc88a4b60563ce3.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67182" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/10-Sets-per-Pack-Shiny-Crown-Shape-Masquerade-with-Flash-Gold-Powder-Blue-6342751085510237501.JPG.dd60aeaa8ec68aa2cfc88a4b60563ce3.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Achyls was shocked at Malachai's remarks. His confession almost moved her to tears, but she found herself more confused than anything.

"Kai...I-" she could hardly get through her sentence when the dragon's lips combined with hers. She melted. His touch filled a gap in her soul perfectly, like he was meant to be there.

After a moment, she drew back, eyes wide and staring with shock and wonder. She still could not decide what this feeling was. But if it was anything like Malachai described it...it was love. She was about to speak again when she heard the sounds of the ball. Letting out a gasp, she grabbed Malachai's hand, pulling him off the Tenacity and towards a group of maids.

"Lady Achyls! Lord Malachai! Quickly, we must find you something for the ball!" a small women squawked, taking Achyls by the hand and leading her away, into a small room filled with extravagant dresses.

The maid rushed about, searching through piles of clothing, all of what looked like very expensive material. Flustered, she threw a black dress at Achyls. It definitely caught her eye, and suited her perfectly. As she slipped it on, the maid clapped furiously, as if she had struck gold. Achyls picked up a matching mask, and found herself feeling oddly empowered with the mask on. It was much too ornate for her, but she enjoyed the brief moments she knew she would have with it on.

She left the room, and the maid scurried away like a flash, leaving her to wander around until she found someone.



Elena smiled slowly, her nervousness and fear melting away into a lightheaded joy. Hearing him out, she wondered slightly if she should have waited. He didn't seem to mind that she as a girl asked. It was a slight relief. She laughed quietly with relief as Ward placed his head on her hands and wrapped her arms around him tightly. She laid a kiss first on his cheek, and then passionately she moved to his lips. Every bit of anxiety left her, but with it, exhaustion fell heavy on her shoulders. She dropped out of it onto her hands and knees, head drooping just a bit.

"I.. Screwed up a little during our last fight and fire is too demanding, destructive, and not solid. I already had nothing but fumes to run on and I'm not feeling my best. Can you give me a hand? I'm going to see if I can get some sleep and get ready for the ball."

She confessed quietly, a little timid. She had to admit it was weird to her as well.
Otto sat by the window watching the sky as Kallin told them of the legend and the even that was to happen that night. He had to admit, it was a very interesting story. One that had him thinking of the spirits in the skys and what kinds of things the love letters the sky spirit would send to earth. Otto imagined that the letters were filled with mushy gushy things, which made Otto smile and laugh to himself a bit.

Thought that smile did not last long as Kallin began to experiences the pain of his human body sustaining the damages he took in his non-human form. As he called out to Otto, he was quick to leap for the door and shift into his little wolf form. bounding down the halls barking for trouble, it wasn't until he came around the corner and familiar figure yanked him up off the ground and held his squirmy little wolf form. The short, stout little servant who had taken his cloths from him earlier held his little wolf body close to her bussom cackling as Otto shifted back. "GAH!! Let me go evil cloths lady, I have to find a healer for my friend!!" The little lady stopped laughing and grew much more serious. Otto watched as she nodded to two of the other servant with her and they ran back in the direction Otto had come. It did not take them long to fetch two healers and bring them to Kallin and Luness's aid.

The short servant looked down at Otto, who she had yet to release and smiled.
"Don't you worry worry about a thing little one. The healers will take care of your friend. However, I have to take care of you. You cant go to the ball looking like a scraggly mutt." Otto huffed at being called a mutt as he was whisked away by the womans surprisingly powerful grip, towards a room that Otto could vaguely smell clean soapy water being drawn.

Otto endured the bath and the scrubbing with ditest, but what came next was possibly the worst thing that he could think of. Two of the sevant held Otto down whilel the shorter woman, mangled Otto's hair with pair of sheers. Otto had not had a hair cut in so long, he forgot what it felt like to have shorter hair. After a while, he gave up, the servants where very good at dealing with those who wished not to be bathed and Otto let them clean up his hair and make him more presentable. By the end of it, Otto was once again given new cloths while his old ones were taken to be washed, and even given one of the silly masks that he was told was for the ball that night. Otto adjusted the cloths he was given to his likeing before the short woman shoo'd him out of the room so they could clean up the hair and the water mess. Otto made his way back down the hall holding his mask wondering if he should go back to Kallin and Luness's or try and find the others.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight

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Arianne's smile grew wider and her eyes glimmered in the moonlight from the joy when she heard Leia accepting her request. Deep down she had already hoped for this result but she could not believe her luck when she actually said yes to her. She however decided to conceal most of her joy, it was not advised to act childish in the presence of a great hero after all.

Just as she was about to thank Leia for this opportunity she saw two of the king's servants approaching them and then they were guided to the dressing rooms. On their way there Arianne tried to explain as much about balls in general as she could.

" I have only limited knowledge on this topic but in short you need to be charming and mysterious, that is what a masquerade is all about. " she looked at her companion " You need to radiate beauty and confidence but I am certain you will not have issue with either of these traits, my lady. Oh and of course you should enjoy the star fall, that is the main event after all. They say that it is wonderful. "

When they entered the room she could hold back her excitement no longer as she spotted hundreds of wonderful clothes. Running to the wardrobe she touched almost each and every one of them, trying to imagine herself in those fancy dresses. It took her a good minute or two until she realized how uncivilized she must have been and she coughed as a sign of apology.

She finally chose a white dress with a matching mask and immediately went to dress up. When she emerged again she felt a bit awkward.

" Well now... I am supposed to show you how to act like a lady during a ball like this... " she blushed and her entire face turned red which was visible despite the white mask covering it. " The truth is that this is my very first ball as well... And I am nervous. Very. Nervous. "




" It might be. I am uncertain about this to be honest. " Nyr said when Leo suggested it was actually a fragment of Mother Moon's power which granted her the ability to command light as well as darkness but since she had read the tome she was becoming more skeptical about this. Even when she was born she was treated differently because of her unique powers... and the description of the prelates suggested that they can wield two powers at once instead of one...

But her thoughts were interrupted as Leo started to speak. The mention of Bruin's downfall and the death of Lilly made Nyr sad as she remembered how much hardship did they weather together... but when the veteran guardian mentioned that it was his duty to the forest her smile vanished.

" I think I know what you are going to say. " she said " You will return to the Forest of Reflection after we are done here, will you? "

The realization was more dreadful than she thought. She did not think about the future, of what will happen to all of them when this was over. The present threat clouded her sight so much that she did not even notice the obvious: that they will have duties and roles to fulfill after the shadow of war recedes.

She turned away with a sardonic smile on her face.

" Perhaps it is for the best then. " she said finally " I will return to my home to herd the dread ravens together once more and you return to the forest once again... "

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden arrival of the king's servants and she was glad for once for this distraction. Turning to Leo she pointed towards the castle.

" Let us move, beloved. We should not keep the others waiting. "

In the dressing room Nyr stepped out from the shadows, wearing an ebony dress which was as light as a veil yet still was marvelous to look at. It almost rivaled with the works of the branbernien tailors and she adored it very much. Holding her mask in her hands she hesitated to put it on. For tonight only she would be not Nyr, just a normal person enjoying this occasion. Of course she will have to pay attention to the attack Brenna warned them about but still.

" Tonight all our troubles shall vanish. " she muttered to herself as she put on the ebony mask, walking to the others.



Leo watched as Nyr took in the information he presented to her. He began to think about what all he was saying and what it meant and he to realized that once Caraboss was defeated, he wasn't sure what would happen. He did not want to leave Nyr, she had been there for him ever since Oz and he did not want to imagine his life without her. But as a guardian, his life was required to take on certain "conditions" where relationships were difficult to maintain.

Thought before Leo could continue with what he needed to say to Nyr, he noticed the servants coming towards them. Before they had a chance to sweep Nyr away Leo lend down and gave her a kiss on her cheek and gave her a smile "It is not quite as bad as you think. There is more, but lets try and enjoy tonight." As he watched Nyr away, Leo noticed a familiar face standing in the door way to the castle. The gental man who had been so kind to help Leo the first time around was standing waiting for Leo to follow him to get ready for the ball. As leo aproached the little man turned away and threw his hands in the air. "I don't supposed you know exactly how much the suit that you ruined by ripping apart and burned, do you? Well in any case, we had another made and it is waiting for you upstairs. We also had a mask made for you as well. Just leave your cloths on the bed and we will have them cleaned." The little man wasted no time and when he was fininshed he turned down a hall pointing towards the room. Leo found himself heading for his room and found everything just as he was told. The mask was interesting, and was definitely something he would not typically wear. But for the occasion called for it, so Leo placed the mask on and headed out to find the others.


Kallin tried to shift on the bed, which made him wince. He felt a bit silly. Too late now though...just jump Kal.

"The Star Ball...its a huge event, I know you don't go in for any of that...neither do I, usually...I mean, we have to be there anyway...another assassination attempt and all...I guess what I'm asking is..." Why in all skies was this so hard?

"Arg! Will you go with me?" There. Said it. During the entire endeavor he never took his ice blue eyes from her. Now they held an even mix of hope and worry. He had entertained the idea of sneaking in, a long time ago, when this sort of event was as far away to him as the the stars were, but now that he actually had an invitation he found himself wondering what it would be like to actually be apart of it...he wanted to share that now. Just then the healers knocked quietly on the door. Kallin had half a mind to dismiss them before he had heard an answer. Luness would probably not allow that however so he told them to come in.

Healing did not take long. The injuries hurt, but were not that serious. In very little time he was standing as they told him to remove his shirt so they could deal with the cuts and scrapes he had gotten as well.

"I really don't think that's--" Too late, the older healer wasn't having any protest and pulled the fabric up over his head. His robe fell away as he struggled to pull the shirt the rest of the way off and turned as they cleaned the wounds on his back. The fine contours of his muscles were easily seen, even in the dim light of the lamp that had been lit on the desk and his shoulders were broad and sturdy.

His cheeks coloured a little as he felt somewhat exposed. He was not used to people seeing him without at least three layers on, or even as a human. The fact that is was Luness amplified the feeling. He focused on the floor intently as the healers finished and took their leave. If Kallin thought it couldn't be worse he was wrong. The silence that followed their departure made him clear his throat awkwardly. So...humiliation it is then...


Ward raised his head, laughing too for the sheer joy he felt. When she kissed his cheek he kissed hers, and he met her lips with a kiss that reflected an ardor he had never felt before. He caught her up in a tender hug and reveled in the heated emotion that coursed through his entire body.

When she pulled back he had to stop himself from leaning to follow.

"It was my fault for asking you. I shouldn't have pressed you when you were already drained."

He gathered her in his arms, getting up without a hint of trouble. "A hand?" His smile was playful. "I have pledged my entire self to you, heart. body and soul...to the end of my days."

He carried her to her room, lying her on the bed carefully and leaning down to kiss her again. As he drew back he let out a sigh, her beauty was unfathomable.

"I do not think any being in FableWood has ever felt as much happiness as you have just given me." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I love you Elena, with all my heart."

He stood then, stepping back to the door. She needed rest for now it seemed.

"We can fetch our attire when you are feeling well. For now, try and sleep a little."

@Bea Delaine

((Sorry @DawnAntalios. I ran out of time this morning, I'll post Leia tonight! ))
Seeing Kallin wince again, Luness furrowed her brows, but otherwise remained silent. Otto had left to find them a healer so all they could do was wait for now.

As Kallin stammered with his words, Luness raised an eyebrow, as she had no idea what he was getting at. Yes, it was a ball. Yes, they had to be there in case an assassination attempt was made again. So what?

Yet, the moment Kallin asked Luness if she would go with him, Luness blinked in surprise and then found herself unable to form words right away. Was this a normal thing, to ask one another to the ball? Why did Luness suddenly feel so nervous and anxious because of such a simple question?

Still, despite how she felt, Luness knew her answer without a doubt.

But before Luness could even open her mouth to say her answer, the healers had arrived and she instead remained quiet, as they entered and did their job of healing Kallin.

Yet, when Kallin was standing and the healers requested he remove most of his clothing, enough so they could assess the cuts upon his upper body, Luness found herself turning bright red, as if she were a tomato. Eyes wide, Luness blinked quickly at the sight of Kallin without any tops on before she averted her gaze to her lap and began fiddling with her claws out of sheer embarrassment.

When the healers cleared out and Luness was left alone with Kallin once more, and he awkwardly cleared his throat, Luness felt her heart pounding in her chest, as she slowly stood up and then tried to find something, anything to say in the moment to try and ease the tension, at least the tension that Luness felt.

"I-I'll go with you to the Ball, Kal." The moment the words left her lips, Luness felt herself shifting into her human form, as she'd realized that her mangled and scarred werecat form would most likely scare people away while they were at the Ball. Despite her dislike towards her human form, she'd found that she felt a bit more comfortable in it now that they'd visited the Spring of Inspiration and Luness had been able to deal with her inner demons and the darkness within her was now vanquished.

Unsure of what else to do in the moment, Luness picked up Kallin's shirt from the ground nearby and then walked up to his side before holding out the shirt and blushing once more, as she said, "H-here's your shirt..."

"Im sure I would have tried it at some point. Ill try fire again when Im more prepared. Its been a while since I properly practiced as well."

She said, ready to take a hand but ending up getting picked up as well. It was a familiar scene. It happened fairly often, before though it was more necessary. She chuckled at the idea that ward just liked to show off and be the strong caring one now. Not that he wasnt always. Wrapping her arm around him for support and laying her head into his shoulder, she allowed him to show her to her room. She listened to the sound of his voice as he spoke lovingly to her, and she contemplated seriously for a moment about something she hadnt realized or really thought hard on before.

"I think I know why that one book in the library trusted me when the spinx didnt.I think I also understand why Kallin changed his mind about our choice. If I came to Fablewood and kept my bitterness, or never met you, I would be no different from Caraboss. You give me a reason to fight, somewhere to be. I hope I dont sound selfish, but I want to never lose you... and whatever choice you make, I want to be there to help uphold the responsibility of the choice."

When she Was laid down, she followed Wards lead and kissed him again, addicted to the warmth it brought. She the rubbed her temple and curled into the comforter, mind racing but body asking for her to sleep.

"Now Im just excited.. I want to tell everyone. its strange."
Kai growled as the servants interrupted them and dragged them away to change. He let out a resigned sigh as he was led to his own changing room. He found himself clothing that would fit, drawn to green and gold colors as usual. He tied his hair back and into a long single braid that hung down his back. His pants We're a dark green silk with a single gold stripe down the side. A black belt with a gold buckle fastened to his waist. He had on a white button up shirt and an emerald green overcoat with gold buttons. He had a gold chain that hung from the collar of his coat to his right shoulder where a cape was draped covering his arm and leading to his back. The cape was a dark green outside and gold on the inside. When he stepped out of the room he found a servant waiting for him with a silver tray. A mischievous smile on the maids face as she held the tray up to him with a green and gold mask on it. He took it up and smiled at her placing the mask to his face he began to search for Achyls once more.

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"Charming and mysterious." Leia repeated studiously, trying to keep her attention on the little girl all the while gaping at the fine clothes. That would be hard...charming and mysterious, Leia was normally blunt and open.

"I think I can do the confidence part..." Honestly Leia had always been more of a baseball cap and shorts kind of girl...dresses, beauty...she never really thought of herself as beautiful. Leia was the girl who'd threaten to beat up the prissy girls if they picked on anyone. She was the girl who struck a home run in every baseball game, the girl who always played forward in soccer.

She was brought back to reality when Arianne admitted to it being her first ball.

"Hey, if you had to pick a ball to be your first, it sounds like this is the one to pick."

She browsed through the clothing, feeling less and less comfortable with the idea of the entire ball. She looked at her simple white tunic...a man's outfit, but it suited her and she liked it. Just then she happened to look up and one dress in particular caught her eye. It was a deep blue velvet, light shimmering off the folds The lining on the chest rose and crossed , folding behind the neck to hold it in place. This and the lining on long flowing sleeved was black velvet embroidered with silver thread. Without even realizing it she reached out to run a hand down the smooth fabric. It was so soft it made her hand tingle. She took it down from the rack. Next were the masks. There were so many! Leia browsed through a few of them and chose one in simple silver with a diamond pattern. She took the dress and the mask to a curtained alcove to try them on.

The dress fell onto her as if it had been made for her shape. The cloth hugged her form without pulling. The sleeves felt unnaturally heavy and the draft was certainly different from wearing pants. "This is more fabric than I've ever worn and I still feel naked.." She mumbled to herself. She fumbled with the clasp, failing to do it up by herself and in the end asking Lee to do it.

"Ok, don't you laugh...I'm coming out."

A pair of matching black velvet shoes had also come with the dress and she looked at those intently as she stepped from behind the curtain.

"W-what do you think?" She asked, holding the mask in one hand as she gave a half-turn.



Kallin shut his eyes, waiting for the inevitable decline. Of course she wouldn't be comfortable with this...what was he thinking? But as she answered him his eyes snapped open.

"You will?" Relief flooded his tone, followed by a look of pure happiness. "That's great! I mean...it's...thank you." He smiled at her then, but it was no joking grin or confident smirk. This was a genuine smile. If it was possible it widened as she changed to her human form.

When she picked up his shirt he suddenly remembered he wasn't wearing it and took it from her, putting it on quickly, his cheeks taking on a new shade of red.

"In that case I um...I have something for you." He tried to move past the embarrassment and knelt to get under the bed, pulling out a box with both hands.

This he offered to her.

"Apparently the mask-maker in the village has been asked to stay at the castle...I asked a servant, who passed the message on for him to make a special commission...I hope you like it."


((@Lioness075 You can totally change it if you want a different one xD ))

"You won't lose me Elena, ever. Love is the most powerful magic in FableWood. Even Caraboss knows that, and she fears it...and...whatever happens tonight, I will remain by your side." And he meant it. He couldn't help but smile at her excitement, again she voiced what he had felt.

"There will be plenty of time to tell them." He said warmly. "Come find me when you wake, you can use the pendant I gave you."

@Bea Delaine

With that he closed the door carefully, making his way back to the main hall.

The center of the castle was alive with activity. Ward passed the kitchens, where steam billowed from an army of pots and pans. The scents that reached his nose teased him with promises of the most delicious foods. It occurred to him that Brenna had not left the ship. He returned to the Tenacity finding her watching the festivities from the deck. Her expression brightened when she saw him.

"You're not dressed for the ball?"

"Not yet." He said softly. "There were...more important things."

Brenna did not need an explanation.

"I would like to get to know Elena."

Ward smiled at this. "I am most certain you will, and you will love her."

Brenna looked back across the docks, over to the gardens half-concealed behind the castle.

"You are worried about the king." It was a statement, not a question.

Brenna sighed. "It was my job to worry about him, being captain...it became less about the job...I am sure I don't need to tell you what I feel."

Ward nodded. If Elena's life was threatened he would not leave her side.

"Why don't you go?"

"There won't be any gryphons attending, I don't want to give the queen any reason to suspect you."

Practical and calculating. Brenna still acted like the captain of the guard, he respected her for that.

"Then I had better go find him." He moved to go, pausing, then turning back to hug her about her feathery neck.

"I will keep him safe, I promise."

Brenna closed her eyes as he hugged her. "I know you will."

A string quartet had just begun to play in the garden when Ward approached, looking for the king, or any of the others, it looked like they were not there yet. The guests were just arriving, each in finery beyond anything he had seen at Branbern. The masks were all fantastic, it filled him with excitement and he tried to picture what sort of mask Elena would choose.

Some of the servants shot him scrutinizing glances as he was not yet in his own formal attire. He grinned at them sheepishly.

Not finding the king out with his guests yet Ward headed back inside.

He found the king in his library, the book they had retrieved fro him open on a table. Sword and scabbard were in his hand, the gem in the pommel glowing gold. He set the weapon on the table and released it, the gem faded back to blue.

"The gem changes colour whenever a rightful ruler of the Whispering Isles holds it." He said this without looking up at Ward.

"This is a start...but how long would it take to look through all of the islands?" More time than he had was his fear and Ward knew it

He felt his heart twist, now knowing that this man was his father and saying nothing.

The king ran a hand through his hair, much like Ward did when he was anxious about something.

A part of him wanted to tell the king, tell him everything, about himself and about Brenna, and the fact that she still had feelings for him, even after 23 years. But something held him back. Admitting to everything would make him an heir, and that battle still carried on inside him.

"I think we should focus on tonight, majesty."

King Cedric smiled. "I'll tell you again, just Cedric, please."

Leo, dressed in his fancy suit once again, meander through the halls towards the main hall of the castle. He had yet to put the mask on as his suit was once again making him itch and med him feel so very uncomfortable. With the sleeves covering his arms he rolled his shoulders trying to make himself a bit more comfortable, but it wasn't working. As he walked he noticed a younger gentleman standing down the hall. He was in a nice jacket and shirt and his hair was shorter than he had last seen, but the pointy wolf ears and unforgettable tail gave him away instantly. "My, my, Looks like someone finally got a hold of that head of hair you had. It looks good." Leo ruffled Ottos head as he looked up at his friend. "Heh, Yea the clothing lady had me cornered. Couple of big guards held me down and sheared me. It was a pretty epic battle." Otto looked up at Leo and then back down the halls to make sure the clothing lady wasn't in ear shot. Leo smiled at the little wolfs jest, he placed a hand on his shoulder moving them towards the main hall. As they walked, Otto played with his own mask until he stuck it to his face and the looked up at Leo smiling. Leo chuckled at him and placed his own mask on his face, he looked down and growled at Otto, who intern growled right back at him. Otto began to laugh at Leo as they walked. Leo pulled his friend close with a chuckle and smiled. As the pair walked the hall they rounded the corner and found the main hall. It seemed that they were the firsts to arrive.
Arianne gasped as she laid her eyes upon Leia. The girl was truly an enigma: she radiated the beauty of the sun yet also the calmness and serenity of the night. Well, maybe not the latter since it was obvious to the little girl that her companion was even more nervous than she herself. Chuckling, she stepped closer to her and bowed before the spirit tamer.

" You look wonderful, my lady. " she said " It is as if you were destined to partake in such a masquerade. Worry not, for tonight is not about fame and heroic deeds... "

She put on her mask and smiled.

" It is about the dance of the unknown guests. You are not the hero of Fable Wood now and I am not your little girl companion. We are but strangers, souls behind a concealing mask which protect us from unwanted eyes. We are one of many... we can be anyone we want to be. "

She laughed.

" Of course this will help us as well. If what Brenna says is true they will certainly try to strike at the king. And we can prevent it without prematurely blowing our disguises. " she looked around and shrugged. " And well... I think it is awesome to partake in such a momentous event. "

She extended her arm towards Leia and smiled again, her eyes staring at the girl from the refuge of her mask.

" Shall we, my unknown lady? "


Nyr stepped out from her dressing room, placing the mask on her face. This was one of the rare occasions when she made her wings vanish temporarily to blend in the crowd. As she walked on the corridor her steps echoed in the silence - and so did the words of Leo. She should have expected that his duties would call him away from her and she was not about to stand in his way. As much as she wanted - selfishly - for them to be together she did not want to threaten the balance of nature because of her selfish wish.

She stopped in the hallway, frowning.

" If only there would be an another way... "

But then sighing again she resumed her journey towards the hall. This night she was not Nyr. Tonight she was but a dancer behind an ebony mask, someone who came to enjoy this event thoroughly. She then opened the doors of the main hall and entered - tonight she would forget the woes of the world and would do something she could never do.

Feel free from all burdens.
Seeing Kallin's smile upon hearing her answer to his invitation to the ball, Luness blushed a bit before returning the smile, as she found Kallin's smile rather contagious...and very cute.

Watching his reaction upon getting his shirt back, Luness found herself giggling, much to her own surprise, as she'd never really heard herself giggle before. Covering her mouth in slight embarrassment, Luness was relieved when Kallin changes the subject, though she wasn't sure what he could have for her.

Seeing the box handed to her, Luness took it gingerly, her eyes looking at Kallin with curiosity for a moment before she carefully opened it.

As she opened the box and pushed aside some tissue paper to reveal the mask, Luness listened to what Kallin said about the mask-maker.

Surprised that Kallin had given her a gift of such value, Luness carefully set the box down on the edge of the bed before pulling out the mask and slowly running a finger over it. It was beautiful and thoughtfully done. On top of this, the mask was that of a cat, Luness' true form.

Smiling softly now, Luness shifted her gaze back to Kallin and said, "It's beautiful, Kal. I love it."

It was then that Luness realized that her current attire probably wouldn't sit well with the upcoming ball. Nor would Kallin's for sure.

Feeling a bit nervous at the idea of having to wear a dress, Luness still decided to bring it up, as she said, "Um, Kal, I don't think either of us are exactly dressed for the occasion..."

Elena only offered a nod before becoming a lump in the covers and falling asleep. She felt the layer of sweat on her hairline and the discomfort in her head slip away completely as well. And within moments she was dreaming.

All Elena saw was a pale green light at first. It soon grew into a forest scene though. Elena made the trees and flowers move and grow, peacefully. Then dark figures ran out of the forest. Her mind interpreted it as threat. The branches shifted to near iron spikes as she was attacked, they sliced through monsters and they went limp. Getting more and more into the motion a final figure escaped the thick. As the spike slid effortlessly into the form, she heard a familiar cry of a man and saw his lithe form carrying a blond head.


She screamed as she thrust herself up in bed. The air was vibrating with her own energy, so she supposed her power was restored. In fact, almost to the point of giddiness. Apprehensively, she stepped off of the bed and slid her fingers around wards carving. She felt great concern for him after the dream. Fear as well. Feeling the pendants tug, she shook off her sleep and took off down the halls to find him. The music could be heard beginning and it seemed many guests were already dressed.

(Lame post, late and exhausted.)

Quincy walked slowly down to the ball, feeling just as uncomfortable as ever in a fine dress. But the mask on her face made her feel a little better. She felt as though she could blend in a little more now. With her hair twisted up elegantly, she felt truly beautiful. The kelpie reached out mentally for her dragon, wondering where he had gotten to.

Alexander had been lingering off to the corners of the ball room, watching all of the others sway back and forth elegantly and wondering how in the world his life had led him here of all places. As more and more people began filtering in, Alexander began to realize that he should have, in fact, found a mask, but he had no clue where everyone had gotten them from and no one had told him to get one, so he figured it was fine.

Quincy called out to him with her mind and Alexander straightened up. His Kelpie was calling. He followed the feeling of where her mind had pulled from, but didn't immediately recognize her under her mask and elegant dress, instead, he was left looking around those nearby Quincy, trying to determine which of them were her- maybe this was the purpose of the masks? Anonymity?

'Quincy, love, what are you wearing tonight?' He thought at her, but as he did he realized that the one in the blue dress was her, and she looked exquisite. He stepped over and took her hand, whispering a soft 'never mind' as he did. He was a bit embarrassed to have had to ask the question at all.

"Where did you get your mask?" Alexander asked her.


Anya, meanwhile, hadn't yet left her room to go to the ball. She wasn't honestly sure that she really wanted to and she was certain that no one would miss her or notice if she didn't attend. It was, after all, a masquerade. She looked through the dresses and masks that had been left in her room once more and sighed. Tonight, for some reason, she was particularly homesick.

The choice of what dress to wear seemed fairly easy to her. The others were a bit more extravagant, and some had fairly ornate jewels decorating them, but she settled for a relatively simple dark purple ball gown, it was smooth over her torso, but down in the skirt the fabric was bulled here and there to make a nice textured effect. the bottom was lined in a strip of black silk. She decided to go ahead and pull the dress on, it was better to show up than have someone notice that she was missing and start bothering her about it.


Achyls soon found Malachai, looking utterly dapper in his ball attire. She couldn't help but blush at the sight of him, holding out her hand to him. Much to her satisfaction, he seemed to take hold of her with glee, and together they entered the ballroom. With all the masks on, it was hard to make out who was who, though height and hair seemed to work for identification.

"Take this as a chance to really relax, Achyls," her voice appeared in her head as if out of nowhere. It was back? Though, her voice was not malicious, in fact it was completely the opposite.

"Be yourself, behind the mask you do not have to hide,". It filled her with an immense joy to hear that from herself of all people, even though the statement itself was contradictory. Either way, it was right. Tonight, she could forget about everything that she was burdened with, and spend her time with the ones who care most for her, and those she too cared most for. Sighing gently, she led Malachai to a set of chairs by a large buffet of food. He seemed to have a large appetite, and who was she to stop him from being a glutton this evening? She chuckled to herself, scanning the rooms for the others.

@andujarprime @anyone who wants to join us
As Leia listened she fastened the mask about her face. It was true, it was very mysterious, no one could see her face. The thought was liberating in a way. She smiled.

"Of course Tad, Lee and Bob will peg me as a tamer right away..." The three spirits exchanged glances and suddenly Tad vanished, Lee raced to a potted tree and vanished too, soaking the soil and Bob dissolved into a neat pile of rocks. Leia blinked and then smiled. "You know, I keep forgetting you guys only possess your element, you're not actually made of it. Problem solved! They can follow me invisibly."

"My lady, if you will allow it, may we fix your hair?" The servants seemed eager so Leia let them. They wover her long silver hair into two braids, laid tight against her scalp. These they took and pinned in a large coil behind her head. With her hair up her neck and shoulder looked much more slender and delicate. She admired her appearance in the mirror, replacing the mask on her face. "Not bad...I guess."

She bowed to Arriane, then remembered you were supposed to curtsy in a dress and did that as well. "Let's go."

The great hall was decorated in complete splendour. Golden banners were hung on every wall the checkered floor was so clean you could see the flawless reflections of the first dancers sweep effortlessly across it. The ceiling had been enchanted to reflect the night sky, where the first signs of the shower were beginning, streaking periodically across a vast field of deep blue. The entire scene took Leia's breath away. She caught sight of Leo and Otto (which wasn't hard, seeing as Leo was the tallest guest present)

"A lion mask...never would've guessed you were under that." Leia teased him.

"Ingenious isn't it?" Leia turned to see princess Briar and prince Fior approach them. Briar had a warm smile as she lifted her rose mask.

"Its good to see you again my friends!" She ignored formalities and gave them each a hug. Fior was content to shake hands, but he looked equally pleased to see them.

"Hey, I'll be back in a bit." Leia said, doing her best to excuse herself politely.

She realized she hadn't really spoken to Anya much at all since they came to the Isles. Finding the girl in her room she leaned against the door frame.

"I was afraid you weren't going to come tonight." She gave the other girl a friendly smile.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Hel

Kallin practically glowed at Luness' response. "Right! Clothes." He made his way out of the room and flagged down a servant, who directed them to the very same room Arianne and Leia had found. When he opened the door He had to do a double take.


She whirled around.

"You look good." She gave him a suspicious look.

"That's it?..No hidden gibe, or double-edged compliment?"

"Oh, sorry, you look good, princess."

Her gaze switched to a nearby pair of shoes, as if she was contemplating throwing one at him, but he slipped past her before a decision could be reached.

Leia left with Arianne, a grin spreading over her face.

The servants remained in the room, eager to help the new guests find attire.

"I think, traditionally, you choose the colour of your dress, and I'm given a matching suit." He gestured towards the racks. "Go ahead."


Ward accompanied the king to the great hall. When he appeared at the double doors a servant signaled the quartet to stop playing, and a trumpeter blew an announcing note.

The king was introduced to the crowd, and it seemed as an afterthought so was Ward, as the emissary of Branbern.

Someone waved at him and he broke into a wide grin. Briar.

He was about to go to them when he felt a tug at the back of his mind, guided there by Elena's pendant.

He turned swiftly and went to find her.

She was still in her room, having just woken up it seemed. He went to the bed and sat down close to her, concern filling his golden eyes.

"You called me, is everything all right?"

@Bea Delaine
(Elena went to find Ward, she left but I know you are probably really busy so I will work with it.)

Elena paced a bit in her room about to leave an find Ward when she saw him come in instead. She took a seat again and sighed with relief upon seeing him after such an awful vision of him in her dream. He sat beside her and looked at her with worry, so she felt guilty for possibly making him on edge when she was really just wanting to see him alive. It made her feel a bit selfish.

"Sorry.. I just.. I wanted to make sure you were alright. I guess your predicament has me a little on edge myself. Let's.. Go greet the others? I'm going to find some attire."

She sighed an stood up, making her way out of the room, but stopping for a half second to touch his shoulder. She decided there was no reason to say more about it.

"I'm looking forward to seeing others as well."
Luness rolled her eyes at Kallin's excitement for finding their attire. Why again was this such a big deal?

Sighing and deciding to put up with it for Kallin, Luness followed after him and was soon surprised when Kallin called out Leia in her ball attire.

Seeing Leia in her dress and with her mask, Luness silently agreed with Kallin that she did look amazing, though Luness was still struggling to find all of this to be appealing to her.

At least Leia had been distracted by Kallin's teasing and didn't seem to have noticed Luness was in her human form. In fact, it was highly likely that Luness wouldn't be recognizable while in her human form and wearing any kind of dress. Though, her cat mask might give her away unless anyone else attended the ball with a cat mask on.

Slinking past Leia and sticking to Kallin's side, Luness warily eyed the many dresses hanging around her until Kallin suddenly stopped and told Luness that she was to pick first.

Suddenly feeling a bit nervous, Luness glanced sideways at Kallin and then said softly, "I've never worn a dress before, Kal. I'm not sure what to even look for."


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