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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Kallin opened his eyes and looked straight ahead. His featureless, misty face hiding the look of hopelessness from those who didn't know him well. "I know Lune...and thanks." He turned his gaze on her, it was a kind one. "I know we haven't had it easy..with all the monsters, and minions of darkness, but I think I can say traveling with you has been the best experience I can remember...I'm glad I can hold onto that."

You can't get out of it Kal. You said, once this Spring business was done you'd tell her. That promise had seemed so much easier before.

"There..is something I have to tell you." There, I'm trapped now. No more lies. "But, let me wait till night, to get healed properly...I'd rather not be maimed and incapacitated for this.."

Just then a noise reached his ears and he raised an eyebrow at the young boy whom he didn't recognize, a gesture that basically involved one glowing yellow circle in his face flattening while the other grew taller.

"You're going to make the whole crew depressed if you keep sighing like that. Come over here and tell us who you are."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @Baconhands

Ward placed a gentle hand behind Elena's back to help hold her steady. "You need healing." He mentioned calmly, summoning the spell to his palm. He also offered her his pocket handkerchief for the blood on her lips. "I would like to know what happened, when we have a moment to ourselves. This has never happened before," here he meant the blood when she had tried to weave magic. It concerned him more than a little and he was determined to keep her safe.

@Bea Delaine
Arianne whimpered weakly as the fever became more powerful. She felt as if her entire body was being burned in fires and she was about to give up the fight.

But then something else happened.

She felt an another presence around her, one she cherished and loved already. In the distance a familiar, slender female figure appeared. Curiously she turned there and her heart swelled in love and joy as Leia appeared in front of them. As the spirit of the human girl landed on her overheated forehead Aeianna gasped in her dream before her breathing started to normalize as her body temperature dropped lower and lower. Then a smile appeared on her little angelic face as the room filled up with silvery, glorious light.

Something manifested within the room, it was barely visible and transparent, still it looked like almost as a person, who then turned towards Leia, reaching out with her hands. The ghostly arms caressed the face of the girl then a booming voice in the distance spoke in her mind.

" Thank you, Spiritbinder Leia.... I will not forget your kindness... "

And with that it disappeared and an eerie silence filled the room. Only the slow, rhythmic panting of Arianne was to be heard who now smiled and reached out with her small fingers, catching Leia's hand and her smile widened.

" Mother... " she whispered as she now finally drifted into the planes of sweet dreams.


Nyr chuckled at Ward as she saw how he and Elena bonded. It was not something that was a rare but ever time she saw the two of them she was overjoyed. Who would have thought that a powerful human girl and a human born gryphon wold eventually meet and fall in love? Patiently she waited for the two of them and only when they were done did she usher her companion towards the upper levels of the boat.

She did not speak at first, only watched Ward as their steps echoed in the halls of the mighty skyship. Eventually she smiled and nodded.

" Elena is truly a treasure. " she said, stating the thing Ward probably already knew " I am certain that at the end of our journey we will find a way for her to stay with us... with you. "

When they reached the top levels Nyr motioned for Ward to sit down and when he done so she followed the gryphon.

" I can't remember when was the last time when we had time to talk like this. " she mused, looking at the sky " Ever since we have met in that forest on that fateful day our fates were intertwined. The adventures we had together... the good and the bad... It makes our head dizzy when you would try to recall all of the crazy stuff that had happened to us, no? "

She turned to him, bowing her head respectfully.

" I want to thank you everything properly Ward. I may have lost my father in the battle and Mother may have vanished as well... yet you were always by my side, always helping. You brought our family together... and for that I will be eternally grateful. "

She placed her hand on her heart.

" The Isles have reassured me in my goal and I will not falter. I will take on the mantle I was supposed to, I will lead my people to prosperity once this is over... I will become the Prelate of the times of old. And when the time comes I will repay your kindness in more ways than one... I swear it. "

Elena felt the touch on her back, light but supportive. She took the handkerchief and dabbed carefully away the red, hoping that she wouldn't have to taste it again. Ward spoke and offered her healing magic, and Elena was at a small loss as to what she would say, or where the wound even was.

"I know.. I have some small idea of why, but it's not important right now."

She said this, contemplating the nature of the magic that she uses. Creation, construction, and manipulation. She feels she strongest when moving or making, and a jittery and uncomfortable energy when tearing apart. She was already running on fumes and she realized from the beginning her magic took a toll. Fire though, it was not bringing something to life. It was pure destruction and it felt as if a burn was left inside of her as well.

Nyrs words broke her thoughts, and she looked up, realizing she was walking. Nyr began to express nostalgia in their conversation and admitted to Ward something Elena silently believed as well.

"Nyr, we are your family as well. It might seem odd, as we are all so different in our stories and our kinds, but we offer one another solace. It's not a debt to repay, it is as family does."

She chuckled, and looked to Ward again, tired eyes bright.

"And you found us all. If anything, you are the glue which holds us together. I agree with Nyr fully."
Fulgrim chuckled slightly, looking over at the person who had asked him to move with a very small grin, "So... that may have been my plan all along." He shook his head and looked at them, "My name's Fulgrim."

A voice spoke quickly in the back of his head and Fulgrim cursed, muttering beneath his breath lowly, "I'll introduce you later."

Fulgrim shook his head again before looking at the person who had asked him his name, "And yours?"

Ward nodded, knowing it to be true. "More than a treasure." Ward said proudly. "A hero."

He laid a hand on her shoulder and focused his healing spell to repair the small internal injuries that had caused the bleeding. Beyond that, he could not do much but support her physically.

Nyr's words made him reflect on the first time they had met.

"It really was the three of us in the beginning. I couldn't protect Elena from the dangers that waited for her in the forest alone. I needed your help. It is hard to believe we have been through so much, but what I do believe is that we will stay friends when this is over. I know Briar would gladly offer positions to any who would stay in Branbern. Elena is right, there is no repayment needed Nyr. One request would have is that you allow me to be present when we open peace talks between Branbern and the ravens. I would see Branbern be the first kingdom to openly accept your people."

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios

Kallin tilted his wide-brimmed hat. "Kallin, Antorfell." He added his last name as an afterthought. The loss of his memory meant that the name held little value for him. He had not been able to find ant record of an 'Antorfell' in any book or record he checked. The name was most likely made up.

"Mage of High Tower...also, slightly cursed." He gestured to the black mist that served as his face. "I'm prettier at night. And this is Luness, and Otto. We're guardians I guess. We protect the real-worlders...as if they need protection most of the time..So, Fulgrim. This is a very odd place to find someone like you. can I assume you were looking for us?" The next question went unasked, but Kallin held the 'why' in his glowing yellow eyes.

Luness smiled softly at Kallin upon hearing his thanks and merely nodded at him until he began saying more and her brows furrowed slightly, as she silently listened to what Kallin had to say.

Mentioning how hard their travels had been, Luness shrugged before saying, "It certainly has been...eventful, to say the very least. But I can definitely agree that being with you has made it the best experience of my life."

Despite all of her dark moments since meeting Kallin, Luness still felt like he'd ultimately changed her for the better and he helped in a way that no one else had ever been able to. She'd never forget that.

Hearing Kallin mentioning that he had something to tell her, Luness immediately cocked her head at him while furrowing her brows, curious about what he had to tell, especially when her senses helped her take note of how uncomfortable Kallin appeared upon mentioning that he had something to share.

Luness grew even more curious and now slightly concerned when Kallin mentioned wanting to get healed first before he possibly got hurt again. What could he possibly tell her that would drive her to become so angry?

Uncertain of what was to come from whatever Kaolin would tell her, Luness decided to play it safe, as she simply responded, "I'm sure it can wait." Despite her slightly confident response though, Luness felt her heart flutter slightly, as she felt a bit nervous about the way Kallin was acting and such.

Not to mention that he had been keeping secrets from her...It's not like Luness had just confessed her life story and problems to Kallin or something.

Inhaling and exhaling calmly, Luness closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them again once she felt herself calm once more. She'd kept secrets from Kallin before. They hadn't known each other for long so it was a bit expected for Kallin to be holding back on telling everything about himself just yet. Luness hadn't wanted to share anything about herself right away either.

Luckily, ever since Luness had returned from the Springs, she hadn't felt any excessively dark emotions despite having spent most of her time with this group, scowling and almost always being irritated and angry. Thing was, Luness didn't entirely feel that way anymore. She felt more relaxed and calm in her current company than ever before.

Seeing Kallin's eyes shifting to someone else nearby, Luness followed his gaze to the new werewolf boy, who seemed to be a bit depressed, if his sighs were anything to go off of.

Raising an eyebrow at the boy, Luness then smirked at Kallin's comment, but remained silent, as she too was a bit curious about the new guy, even if she wouldn't openly admit to it. Did he have a pack of his own or was he in one back wherever he belonged?

Hearing the werewolf's name, Luness merely nodded at Fulgrim in response, not entirely keen on introducing herself to just any werewolf she'd met. She didn't know anything about him after all.

Cocoking her head at Fulgrim's small comment about not wanting to introduce someone else yet, Luness did have Alpha senses after all, Luness then raised an eyebrow and asked Fulgrim just after Kallin introduced their small party, much to Luness' irritation though she wouldn't voice it now, "And who do you not want to introduce to us, Fulgrim?"

Already suspicious of the stranger, as she always was thanks to her high level of distrust towards those she didn't know personally, Luness watched him closely for his reaction.

Even though Kallin had already questioned how and why the werewolf was with them now, Luness found herself more interested in this other person that Fulgrim apparently knew or something.

@SilverFlight @Baconhands
Leo smiled to Kallin and nodded. Though his decision seemed to be a bit stubborn, he would respect it and let him rest. Leo picked himself up from the floor of the deck and looked across at the group. It seemed that everyone was unwinding from the adventure in their own ways and Leo could feel the tugging of a little rest calling his name as well. He gave Kallin and Luness one last look as the new comer introduced himself and he went over to the mast of the ship and found a spot next to the large upright wooden beam and sat with his back to it. He reached up to his chest and grabbed the mentors pendant and with a c lick it released itself from the mantles adornment. Holding the golden pendant in his hand, it looked as if it had been sitting in a old library for some time. Leo reached into his satchel and fished out a rag and a small bottle. He tipped the bottle onto its side into the rag and then replaced the stopper. Quietly Leo began to polish the gold around the cracked emerald, relaxing and thinking back to having seen Bruin once more.

Otto sat there next to Luness and Kallin as the spoke, and was nearly sent into a shock when Luness leaned back and offered her lap to Otto. The little wolf wasted no time in hopping up into Luness's lap and laying down on his belly facing the front of the ship. As he sat there listening to Luness and Kallin talking, he couldn't help but feel his eyes beginning to get heavy. The adventure had been a long one and Otto had spent most of it running around as a little puppy. The mere thought of the time running around made his eye lids droop lower and lower, until finally he lay his head down on Luness's leg. With a sigh and one last shift of his hind legs, Otto let sleep take him.

Fulgrim glanced between Luness and Kallin; of course they had to ask two questions at the same time. It's very simple, he thought, Just answer the one that looks the scariest and go from there. He considered the question asked by Luness first, he honestly didn't like telling people about his 'other self' and the fact Kallin had asked him a question gave him an easy way to ignore Luness' question. He looked at Kallin, "Yes, I was looking for you. I went looking for you to help you, if you would be willing to let me do so." @Lioness075 @SilverFlight
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Achyls turned her head sharply to see Malachai. It hurt to move so quickly, and she clenched her fists as she felt a surge of acute pain running down her spine. Regaining her composure, she smiled at the dragon.

"You flatter me too much, Kai. I am reckless and mediocre at best," she chuckled, drifting closer to him. Her leg was fixed at an awkward angle wrapped in bandages, making movement appear clumsy and odd.

"But I appreciate your kindness," she placed a delicate hand on his forearm and looked up at him, the smile still firmly on her face. He seemed to bring with him an air of peacefulness that could stem any pain she had, though she could not understand why.

Nyr closed her eyes for a moment, frowning at what Elena and Ward said. She looked at the horizon as her joy turned into a serious expression. While she was turned away she crossed her arms and sighed. It was time for the truth to be known.

" I am no fool, Ward. As much as I would love to bring my people near Branbern and as much as I want the dread ravens to be accepted by everyone... It will not be so easy. "

She frowned.

" Back in the city after the siege I was kidnapped by some rebel dwarves. That wanted to kill me for I was a raven and their families were slaughtered by my kind. To my surprise I did not feel anger... only remorse and I would have perished if not for the intervention of Leia. As desperate as they were they were right about something: as long as my people are under Caraboss' command there will be no peace between our races. "

Nyr now turned to the pair, sitting down.

" The tome Leo brought back from the archives explained the history of my kind. Every cycle the dread ravens would succumb to corruption, their forces would join the shadow which would overtake the world. Then the shadow would be destroyed and so would my people die out again. Then the handful of survivors would once again make the raven name feared and we would rise again. The cycle continues. "

She bowed her head.

" I am the first uncorrupted dread raven since centuries, the first who can actually harness the darkness while retaining sanity - although you have seen the instances when even my resolve was not enough. I am glad that Achyls was fortunate enough to be born as a normal raven - still embracing the darkness but not controlled by vicious blood lust. "

She looked at the ground, contemplating for a moment.

" Am I really to be the one to break the cycle of hatred? "

She shrugged.

" I feel loyal to you. To all of you. I owe you my life. But I chase no illusions: my people will be hated in FableWood, just as they were before. Briar is a kind hearted person but even she fears us. Despite all this I will fight by your side until the bitter end, I will fight to end the reign of Caraboss... and perhaps free my people from slavery in the process. "

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Alexander stretched once he reached the ship, and listened to the conversations happening around him, there were several new people and that in itself made him a bit uncomfortable. He was used to watching, he'd spent most of his life watching and observing so it was perfectly natural to fall back into that state of observation.

Meanwhile, Anya headed up to the main deck and was surprised to find so many new faces. She looked around and tried to decide who to ask about these people. Leandra was asleep, and most of the others were talking with the unknown people. She saw Malachai and Achles and while she didn't want to interrupt, but it seemed their conversation was at a point where she could break in, so she did.

"Hey, how did the mission go?" Anya asked the two of them as she stepped over. She had paused for a few moments in case Malachai had anything else to say before she broke in.

@SkywardSocks @andujarprime
Elena blushed lightly when Ward and Nyr said kind things about her. She felt the healing touch of Ward sooth the burning sensation a bit. Usually she felt fine after healing, but now she was just glad to get some help.

"Not a treasure, or hero. I'm just human, I suppose."

She said this with a bit of humor. Nyr shared her backstory and Elena realized something quickly. A mirroring of stories between Fablewood and her own world exist almost perfectly for this instance. All that bigotry, all the feelings of being an outcast.

"In the country I spent most of my time in, we had a history of not reacting well to firsts. If that makes any sense.. Um... Say someone is different, and they come in masses with labels and prejudices assigned.

At first, you would be right Nyr. Acceptance was a dream for such a group. Eventually though, things improved. The alienated people had not needed to change, the world around them did, ever so slightly. And though it may never be that everyone is seen perfectly equal, it is imperative for the growth of any world, society, kingdom, that they have and take the opportunity to start breaking the prejudice.."

Elena smiled a little at the thought.

"I mean.. That's my thoughts. I believe in your power to change Fablewood for the better and break the bridges in so many ways Nyr."

(Public service announcement via Elena. Haha)
When Luness admitted (actually admitted) to enjoying the time spent with him Kallin's heart did a small backflip. he hope the expression on his face wasn't too stupid-looking. His fear receded deeper, over-shadowed by happiness. As he listened to Fulgrim he formed another question, which (he hoped) would tie into Luness'.

"I need to make sure you won't get killed. As you just saw, we go up against some fairly powerful beasts. What can you do?"

He took his staff gingerly in both hands, testing his chest to see if it would allow his muscled to contract and raise him to his feet. Slowly it worked...Leo's healing must have worked beyond the initial casting.

@Baconhands @Lioness075

"Sometimes I am really surprised you're not a princess." Ward wondered aloud. Elena's kindness and wisdom matched Briar's easily. If Elena had been born in FableWood she would have been one of the clever girls, who saved a prince from death, earned his love and rose to rule a grand kingdom, of this he had no doubt.

"Nyr, have watched you do incredible things, I have seen your heart and it rivals that of the most benevolent of FableWood spirits. If anyone can break the cycle I am sure it is you. But you must have hope. Hope that things will change and faith, both in yourself and your people. If you believe in yourself as we believe in you. You could accomplish anything."

He gave her an encouraging smile. "And Caraboss will be stopped before any talks of peace can be designed. So your people will be freed of that influence."

A moment's thought drew his attention down to the mess hall, where his mother awaited them. "I have to admit, what...Brenna might have to say, I think we should hear it before making any plans to visit the Sand Seas." it would be a while before he could bring himself to call her 'mother'..it was just too strange after all this time.

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios

As Ward offered to lead Elena below deck Kallin took a tentative step forward. "I want to hear what this gryphon has to say. based on what I've heard...I think she's connected to something quite mysterious here in the Isles...this should be interesting."

He wobbled and stood still, looking back at Luness with a slightly pleading expression. "Mind helping me get down there?"

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Brenna paced the open space before the tables in the mess hall. Lucille has leaning against a wall polishing the handle of her favorite dagger.

"It will not get easier with worrying lady Brenna, perhaps you should sit?"

The gryphon stopped pacing and instead just looked anxious. "How can I not be worried? He is the most important thing in my life...and I've already upended his by revealing who I am...what I have to tell him will change it even further!...he will never be as he is now...not after he knows."

"But it iz ze truth no? I think your son deserves ze truth. Zen he can decide whether 'is life has been upended or improved." Lucille was never really an optimist, she had always defined herself as a realist, but her heart went out to the mother, her task was not an easy one. Sitting still this time, Brenna waited the arrival of her audience.

((Having everyone gather only because I'm too lazy to re-tell it to the people who didn't hear it. :P ))
Anya seemingly wasn't going to get her answer about how the quest went, and headed over towards the second griffon. It seemed there was something to be told, so she awaited what would be told, finding a place to sit, crosslegged, on the floor to listen.
Achyls hadn't realised Anya was there, spending all of her focus on Malachai. Upon finally noticing her, it was too late to reply. Hobbling slightly, she pulled Malachai to where the main bulk of the group were, it seemed something special was happening. She hovered just above the group, looking down at the rest of them. Scanning the company, she realised...Brenna was back? Intrigued, she leaned ever closer, ready to listen.
Nyr smiled at the gryphon. For some reason Ward knew what he had to say to chase away the clouds of doubt from her.

" Your optimism is legend, Ward. " she chuckled before her expression returned to serious " But I hope that this time it will be more than just a dream. The reputation of my people have long been tarnished by their sinister deeds... I only hope that it is not too late to turn them around. "

Hearing that he wanted to go and listen to the last bits of Brenna's story Nyr followed him and Elena into the mess hall where she spotted Achyls. No longer afraid to meet her she smiled at her warmly.

" Asshul sar, nivier. " she said, bowing before her. Then she suddenly realized that she was probably the only one who learnt some of the words and expression from the ancient raven dialect so she blushed and cleared her throat. " I mean it is good to see you again, sister. "

With that she sat down next to her, subtly looking at Malachai in secret, smiling. It was so good to see that Achyls have found true love. Now as she spotted Ward's mother as well she turned her attention to her and listened.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @SkywardSocks
Elena choked a little when Ward said she was like a princess. Her cheeks burned red against pallid. She coughed into her hand, silently grateful there was no more blood, and looked up to him again.

"I am definitely ordinary next to someone like Briar or any other Fablewood lady, believe me. And Nyr, listen to Ward. He knows Branbern and the princess best out of all of us. She will see to your heart as well."

She listened to Wards statement about Brenna and nodded solemnly. She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave a light squeeze. She hoped Brennas news and information would be pleasant for him. He need not be shocked too much more than he was moments ago.

"Alright. But please be prepared Ward. I hope this will be easy for you."

She followed him, holding on with a tight and shaking grip, feeling ever so slightly like an invalid. Rest could wait though. Ward and his past, and being there when he needs someone is the most important thing to her right now.
Fuglrim looked at Kallin at spoke shortly, "I'm a werewolf. I can become a wolf, obviously," he added quickly. He looked around, glancing at the others. He looked at the other werewolf, Otto, and at the werecat Luness, "Although... some of us aren't as lucky as you two." He looked down, slightly ashamed. He chuckled slightly, "I guess I really am depressing."
Luness chuckled at the expression Kallin's eyes made when she mentioned enjoying the time they'd spent together. With his misty form, Luness had no way of hearing his heart rate, but she felt it was safe to assume that it'd be racing in this moment. His eyes sure did say a lot more than possibly Kallin was even aware of.

Hearing Kallin's question directed at Fulgrim, Luness curiously glanced at the werewolf, wondering what secrets he was holding back from the group. After all, everyone in the group seemed to be holding some untold secrets.

Glancing sideways at Kallin upon seeing him moving, Luness furrowed her brows when he slowly stood up with the aid of his staff, her body tensing for a moment in case Kallin needed her.

Yet, Luness looked down at her lap and let out a small sigh, as she remembered Otto sleeping on her lap. Moving wasn't going to be a good idea unless she wanted to throw the young werewolf off of her, which was definitely not something she wanted to do. He looked so peaceful and content in this moment and Luness found herself smiling warmly at the sight, as she'd been delighted upon seeing Otto's excitement to get to sit in her lap.

Maybe it was the harsh past that Luness had endured when nothing but a kit, but she found that she had some deeply ingrained motherly tendencies, though she'd never openly admit to them. She couldn't help it. She adored children, specifically young werebeasts.

Hearing Kallin suggesting that they join Ward and Elena to go hear what Brenna had to say, Luness nodded in agreement and said, "Sounds good to me."

Yet, glancing back down at Otto again, Luness frowned slightly, as this now meant she'd have to wake the weary pup.

Not wanting to go right away, Luness paused uncertainly until she heard Kallin directing a request for aid towards Luness. That settled that.

Gently shaking Otto's shoulders, Luness then said to him, "Hey, Otto, you gotta get up now. We're going to go and listen to what news Brenna has for us."

While waiting for Otto to wake up, Luness glanced back over at Fulgrim, who was now answering Kallin's question.

Raising an eyebrow at him, Luness then said, "Is there nothing else beyond your ability to become a wolf?"

Realizing how blunt and rude that question probably sounded, Luness then quickly added, "Sorry, didn't mean for that to come across rudely. I'm just curious is all."

Gesturing to herself, Luness then said, "Like for me, I can shift forms from human to lynx, but I can also stand and talk like a human while in this form, which appears to be rather unusual in most cases. I'm also an Alpha, despite being a werecat, and so I have my own pack to take care of back home. Being an Alpha also gives me increased senses, on top of the already increased senses, and it gives me increased strength and reflexes as well."

Blinking after saying all of this, Luness shut her mouth and was left wondering why she felt such a need to share her life story with this werewolf she'd never met or heard of.

Yet, upon hearing Fulgrim muttering about how lucky she was, Luness let out a short laugh and then pointed out the scars lining her body and poked at her mangled ear before saying to Fulgrim, "I'm far from lucky. I've been to hell and back, and seen as well as done things that nobody should ever see or have to do. I'm pretty sure that nobody here is lucky. In fact, I don't believe luck exists. You make your decisions and, well, shit happens."

Shrugging after saying this, Luness then poked at Otto again, trying to wake him so she could help Kallin.

Glancing back at Kallin, Luness then said, "I'll help you, by the way, once I can get this pup off of me."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Baconhands


Leandra let out a low groan, as voices interrupted her sleeping and slowly brought her back to reality.

So much for finally getting the rest that she felt like she deserved.

Sighing, Leandra rubbed her eyes before slowly pushing herself up with the aid of the railing behind her so that she was standing.

Glancing over the group, Leandra noted that everyone seemed to be following Ward somewhere.

Unaware of what exactly was happening, Leandra figured she should follow Ward for now and then she could get her rest after whatever happened next concluded.

Walking up to Elena's side, Leandra glanced sideways at her before asking, "Hey, Elena, what's going on right now? I, uh, sorta just woke up from a power nap."

Though, Leandra had really wished that she'd woken up from a good night's rest instead.

Walking alongside Elena, Leandra frowned slightly as she twisted about to crack her back, which had grown a bit sore from her sleeping with her back against the railing of the ship. Maybe not the best place to get some sleep.

Just after doing so, Leandra's eyes widened for a moment before returning to normal, as she felt that beyond irritating itch returning once more. What in the world was going on with her back?

Scowling now, Leandra twisted her arm behind her back so that she could itch at it underneath her knapsack.

Did FableWood have anti-itch cream by chance?

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
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When they reached the tables Ward helped Elena sit, he decided he would insist she rest after this was over. Brenna looked like a cat in a dog kennel, but she stood straight. Their eyes met and Ward could see the love was still in them, but a sadness too, what on earth could she have to say?

"I don't know a thing about you yet, so I'm not about to call you names. that's for when we're friends." He gave the werewolf a teasing grin. "You're not doing a very good job of selling yourself though. I'd downplay the self-destruction if I were you. Nyr might get jealous." With that he slowly made his way toward the stairs. "Come on, let's see what this gryphon has to say 'that involves all of us'."

He looked from Luness to Otto and his heart went out to the slumbering youth. "Nevermind then, come when you're ready. I'll make it, and if I don't Lucille will help, right after she laughs at me."

Kallin settled only a bench and used the table to take the weight off his chest. Only slightly less painful. "You know...maybe spending the rest of the voyage in a bed...it might be a good thing." He thought out loud.

@Lioness075 @Baconhands

Brenna looked over the gathered group and sighed, resigning herself to the task at hand.

"T-the story I have to tell...its relevant to all of you...Someone is going to strike at the Star Ball this evening...and I believe what I have to say will help you prepare for it, but before I tell you this, I need to start at the beginning..." Here she looked straight at Ward, an apology in her eyes. He met her look with one of confusion.

Leia came into the room after seeing Arianne sleeping peacefully. She was a bit confused at first, but things started to become clearer as she listened.

"When King Cedric's father grew old and Cedric was preparing to take the throne a mysterious woman appeared at court. No one seemed to know where she had come from or who her family was, but she quickly charmed her way into the courts inner circles...as if by magic.

The prince himself became enamored with her and eventually, he asked for her hand. They were married soon after, but the prince did not seem the same after the event. He took the throne after his father passed of a strange and swift illness, but from the first day, he bowed to every will of the queen.
" Ward could hear the confusion in her voice...as if she had seen this event for herself, and was still trying to make sense of something.

"For three years things carried on, and the queen raised taxes so high the people could barely afford them, while she spent much on lavish decorations and possessions for herself. The now king was estranged from his friends, refusing to see any that knew him, until one day, when an uprising in a small village to the East summoned the king's soldiers, the queen sent the king with them. Secretly, the captain of the guard followed, disguised as a simple foot soldier. The Captain did not trust the queen, and thought that she might mean to put the king in harm's way, so the captain summoned the fastest riders and with them traveled ahead to the village, calming the anger of the people. When the king arrived with his men there was no reason for them to draw their weapons. On their way back, the captain was attacked by a fearsome basilisk who had come under the gold sickness."

Ward frowned, it was what he had suffered before Briar had found him...Once afflicted the only way a creature could be rid of its burning hunger for gold...was death. Somehow he had escaped that...since learning of it he had always blamed it on his human origin.

"The king fought the monster and slew it and the captain was so moved by this act of bravery, she stepped forward and gave the king a single kiss."

"She? The captain was a woman?" Kallin asked. Realizing how that sounded he made a face...of course it was no oddity in FableWood, it just managed to surprise him.

"Yes, the captain was a woman, but the important thing was, that after that innocent act the king seemed to awake, as if from a trance. From then on, the moment he returned to the palace he worked to reverse what the queen had done, he fought her at every turn, slowly, inch by inch restoring his kingdom to what it has once been. The captain feared that one day, the king might lose his will, just as he had done when he had first seen the queen, but he never did."

Brenna paused, letting the story sit between them for a while.

Finally Ward could no longer sit quiet. "You said this had to do with me specifically...why tell a story about a cruel queen?"

Brenna blinked, as if continuing were physically painful. Ward caught a mix of emotions appear on her face, but he was unused to reading the expression of a gryphon, having only encountered very few other than himself.

"Two years after the king had changed, began standing against the queen's tyrannical proclamations the queen learned something that made her fly into a deep rage. The king was to expect a child, which would put end to her plans to rule the Whispering Isles."

"But I don't understand." Ward interrupted, "They would have had an heir, why would the queen be angry about that?"

Brenna could not look at him. For Kallin, the point of the tale was beginning to sink in and his eyes went wide before he covered his face with a gloved hand. "Oh skies."

"It was never the queen's intention to have an heir...and it was not the queen who carried him."

Ward looked confused for just one more moment before realization dawned on his face. She had said 'him'...It was a good thing he was already sitting down. He slumped against the table, one hand rushing to the side of his head. He settled into a stunned silence, only after a long while did he speak.

"...You were the captain."

Brenna said nothing, but the answer was clear.
Once Elena took a seat, she noticed Leandra enter and take her seat as well, asking her what was going on. Elena have an exhausted but good humored smile at her friend and gestured towards brenna.

"She is wards mother.. I guess she has some news?"

She noticed Leandras discomfort and looked at the girls back with some concern.

"Are you okay? Want me to take a look?"

Then the gryphon spoke and she was nothing but silent and entranced in Brennas story. She at first did not see the relevance. But as it unfolded, she did begin to have her suspicions. She remembered confronting the king about his Heir and son, thinking of Wards unknown origin. She had never known she would be right. Now she wasn't even sure she wanted to be right. Does that mean that Ward will have the responsibility of upholding a kingdom? Was he even willing? What would the king say?

Ward spoke again and concluded her suspicions. She reached and took his hand in hers, giving it a light squeeze.

"Ward.. I had my suspicions upon hearing the kings story.. I never even imagined though.."

She trailed off and looked into his golden eyes. She felt the strong urge to protect him from this new reality until he had a handle on things, but that was impossible.

"Are you alright?"
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Leo continued to polish the pendant as the others around him talked and discussed what was on their minds. He paid especially good attention to the newest member on the boat, a young werewolf that seemed to have some kind of problems shifting. This was very interesting ad he had never heard of a were beast having such problems. He looked down at the pendant and smiled, the gold was now sparkling clean and the gem shown like a star, even with the large crack in it. HE smiled and thought of Bruin, then something odd happened. As he starred at the gem thinking of his mentor, he could have sworn he saw something flash in the gems fractured surface. The flash almost looked like something moved inside the gem, which made Leo very curious.

However before he could inspect the jewel better, he noticed that Ward and the others where heading towards the galley to meet with the griphon from earlier. He looked back down at the gem and then flipped it over and clicked it back into place on his mantle. Standing he stretched his arms and legs before following behind them and found himself a seat to listen to the griphons tale. And what a tale it was, Leo sat there in aw of the story the giphon spun. When she reached the end of her tale and Ward filled in the last bit of the information, Leo felt a twang of pain for the Gryphon. His ears perked up and he looked to Ward and then Brennan "Did the queen curse you?" Leo was not 100% sure, but someone with that much hatred would want to hurt the people around her any way possible. What better way to curse the woman the king loved, and the child.


Ottos dreams swirld around him in an endless void as he lay in Luness's lap. He was very comfortable, Luness made him feel very safe. But something felt strange as he slept, his dreams began to swirl into life and he was suddenly sitting on the floor of his den with his mother. He was older, about the age when he first entered Oz with Leo and Ruby. He was sitting on ground helping his mother patch a few pairs of pants for some of the pack when there was a chorus of howls at the edge of camp. Otto's human ears perked up and his mother stopped what she was doing. She rose to her feet and looked to Otto "Stay here Otto."

Otto felt anxious as the noises began to grow louder and louder. More howls, barking, yipping, and even screaming, all began to get louder and louder. Finally his mother came bursting through the entrance and looked down at Otto. "Otto, come on. We need to get out of here!" Otto jumped up from his spot and followed his mother to the back of the hut. She shifted into her wolf form, dark black fur silky smooth from nose to tail, and ripped through the back of the hut with her claws. Otto jumped through the hole and shifted, he turned back to see his mother make it half way out of the hole. Her eyes were wide and she looked like she was in a panic "Run, Otto, run and don't stop." His own eyes widened as he watched his mother yanked back into the hole. There was shouting and yipping and the sound of flesh being torn with claws; and then silence. He was frozen in place until finally a glowing eye peared through the hole. The eye ripped thought the hole towards Otto, but before he could see anything else he felt his body being shaken awake.

His eyes shot open and he jumped up from Luness and bolted across the deck. His heart was racing and it took him a few moments to realize where he was and began panting as his adrenaline began to were off. HE looked up to Luness, his eyes full of fear as she mentioned heading down with the others. After a few more seconds Otto shifted back to his human form and began to rub his chest, the scar across his torso had begun to itch. Looking back to Luness he tried to muster a smile "
"O-ok, sorry. Lets go." Otto didn't give Luness time to question anything, he simply turned towards the stairs and went and found a seat in the galley to listen to the tale.

Luness furrowed her brows, making a clearly concerned facial expression, at Kallin when he shrugged off her help and said that he could manage on his own.

It never ceased to amaze Luness just how stubborn Kallin was and how alike the two were in that manner.

Watching Kallin make his way into the galley with the others, Luness was at least relieved that he truly could manage.

Suddenly, Otto was awake and leaping out of her lap and bounding across the deck in a flash of blurred fur.

Surprised by this, Luness let out a small yelp and then shot to her hind legs, watching Otto's actions with wide eyes. What in the world had brought the pup to awaken in such manner? He must have had a nightmare and Luness hadn't been paying much attention to him, otherwise she probably would've noted his racing heart or something that would give away the pup having a nightmare to begin with.

Listening to Otto trying his best to shrug off the whole matter like nothing had happened to begin with, Luness crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at Otto, who was clearly upset by something and was now itching at his scar across his chest.

Had he dreamed of the cause of the scar? After all, Luness had never believed his story of falling off a cliff and receiving such a scar.

Yet, before she could even say anything to the young werewolf, Otto had turned away and headed straight for the galley.

Sighing, Luness dropped her arms to her sides and then followed after Otto and said to him before she went to join Kallin, "We'll talk about this later, Otto." She wasn't about to leave any room for discussion so Luness immediately left Otto's side and soon was sitting beside Kallin while Brenna began her story.

It wasn't until Luness had sat down that she'd realized with a start that they'd forgotten the new werewolf on the deck. Whoops. Well, hopefully he'd follow the crowd and join all of them...and not cause any trouble for them.

Listening to Brenna's story, Luness was both amazed and shocked at the news. Ward was the rightful heir to the throne, Brenna was the captain from the story (despite Kallin's initial surprise, which Luness would definitely get onto him later for acting in such a manner), and supposedly this evil queen had possibly cursed both Brenna and Ward to be gryphons.

Shaking her head at this news, Luness looked sideways at Kallin before saying softly, "Well, that was shocking to say the very least."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Fulgrim glanced aside at Luness; he'd never seen a werecat before and he found it strange he hadn't asked her anything yet.

Fulgrim responded to her question quickly, "Telepathy, in the wolf form. It's something I'm adept with and it's... very helpful with communicating with others. Somehow makes passers by a little more afraid though." He grinned slightly, "I wonder why."

He stood, as Kallin did, looking at Luness and Otto before they started walking and followed them, keeping a fair distance from them.
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Leandra trailed in after the group and took a seat along the bench near Elena, as she slumped forward with her chin in her palm, struggling to stay awake.

Hearing Elena's explanation, Leandra let out a small yawn and then quickly said with a sheepish grin, "Sorry about that. I'm a bit tired from the recent events and all."

Upon hearing Elena's concern for Leandra's back, she merely shrugged in response and said with a slight grin, "Well, unless FableWood is stocked with anti-itch lotion, I'm afraid we're all out of luck."

Shifting her attention back to Brenna once the gryphon began her story, Leandra stifled another yawn, struggling to remain awake.

Yet, being so shocked from the news unfolding before her, Leandra soon was sitting upright and she covered her mouth with her palm, as everything began to sink in.

Ward was...the king's rightful heir?

This news was beyond shocking and meant that everything was definitely going to change from here on out. How could the group continue to combat Caraboss if Ward had to take over the kingdom and rule it?

Taking in a deep breath, Leandra soon dropped her hand back to her side and glanced around the group, as she noted everyone else seemed about as shocked as Leandra currently felt.

Hearing Elena's concern for Ward nearby, Leandra curiously glanced over at Ward to see how he was taking in such news. What would he do now that he knew all of this?

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine

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