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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Elena knew she wasn't able to do much during this last fight. Her magic was no good. She could hardly help anyone, useless when Leandra and Ward were injured. For that, she stood on the sidelines as Leo's old mentor left them and the key fragment was theirs. Little Ward approached and Elena took his hand, glad to be back where she might feel stronger. She had regained a bit of energy. Maybe her magic will work now in a smaller degree like Leandra and Leia.

"Alwight. I'm sowwy.. I wasn't able to help you. I am glad we have such a family. In these states we wouldn't have lasted a minute alone." She said this quietly. As they walked back, she placed her hand on the nearest tree to feel any connection again. A small and simple group of images burst into her vision, not like usual but it was something. This was off though.

"I think.. The eawth heah is moving? No... It's mowe like something is theyah.. Alive."

She said slowly, unsure what she felt. It was harder without a clear image. So she looked up to Ward, sure she sounded a bit crazy, and clarified.

"We might be walking into an ambush, the gwound moving heah is nowmal... Ow my powah is on the fwits."
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Leo watched as Bruin revealed the location of the next piece of the key. He had never heard of The Sand Seas, but the prospect of desserts that stretched for miles and miles was not the move luxurious sounding thing. But when Bruin called Leo's name once again, he smiled for a second until he realized his time was nearly up. His eyes began to tear up a bit more as Bruin spoke, he did not wish to see his master go again. But as his master began to disappear, and the shadow of Caraboss's hold on the gem began to shatter, Leo reached out and took the pendant back. With a whisper from the wind Bruin disappeared once again and Leo couldn't help but utter a small choking noise. This child like form was beginning to take its hold on Leo's emotions and he very much wanted it to be over now. HE looked down at the pendant, the jewel in the center was cracked down the center, the jewel could be replaced but the person attached to it was finally gone forever. Leo looked up as Ward walked up to him and gave him a smile, "Yea, he was the best mentor I could have asked for. I will miss him." Leo wiped the tears from his eyes and looked down at the mantle on his shoulders. The pendant was completely disproportionate to the other on his chest, but as he placed the pendant back on its place on the mantle it was consumed by the youthful magic and shrank to the proper size. He watched as Ward led the others and he fell in line to head back to the entrance.


Otto followed closely behind Luness and Kallin as they made their way back to the group. Though he could not talk, Otto's mind was moving at a million miles an hour. the experiences in Luness's mind had left him with a better understanding of what Luness had been through. But it had also left him with several questions, questions that would have to wait until he was able to shift again.

When the reached the bridge that had been destroyed by some fight, Otto peared around Kallins childlike size at the events unfolding between the big Bear and Leo. Otto was concerned that the bear was about to hurt Leo but then he realized that they were speaking as friends. When the bear disappeared Otto looked up at Kallin with small whine and sat back waiting for the others.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Fulgrim had always wondered what The Whispering Isles were like, he had heard of them several times before, how they floated above FableWood and watched over the mainland below like silent specters. Rumours also said that the only way to get to them was through a waterfall cave, and Fulgrim had looked for it ever since he had heard a group had found it and went through it. It had taken him a long while before he found it, but he'd found it none the less. He'd grinned to himself before he stepped through it, following a cave through to The Whispering Isles. To his surprise, he'd become younger, becoming the age of 11.

(This went a lot on assumption on how you guys got there. I really don't know how you did so here's my guess.)
Leia held Leandra as still as she could while the girl worked. Lee added her power as well, lacing the healing magic to strengthen it, but letting Leandra do most of the repair. When she could stand and move properly again Leia relaxed her grip. Listening to Lee trill.

"Lee says you're going to be better than her." She said with a smile as they started on the long forest path back. She took the key fragment from her pocket and held it up for the others to see.

"And we got what we came for!"


It was then she caught sight of Leo's expression and her face fell. She gave Leandra a look that asked 'Will you be all right?' and then turned to walk beside him.

She said nothing for a moment, simply keeping pace with the guardian, trying to think of what to say. How did you comfort someone you thought so much of? Leo had always been there, protecting them, fighting for them, now when it came for Leia to do something she felt a bit useless.

"Hey Leo...you gonna be okay?" She asked softly.

Kallin put a hand on Otto's small head, rubbing it as he tried to comfort him. "I guess there's some stuff we need to sort out once we get back on board the Tenacity huh?" At Elena's words he frowned.

"Moving? The earth is moving?"


As if to emphasize this Lee and Bob began to look about, as if searching or some kind of threat.

Ward took Elena's feeling very seriously. "Keep to the trees and keep low." He said quickly, his voice barely loud enough for everyone to hear. Like this he lead them on slowly.

It took forever to get back to the entrance, but eventually they found the clearing where the waterfall and its pool sat, still and empty as it was when they came...accept for a solitary figure with dark hair and olive skin.

"Is that what you sense?" He asked Elena. Bob came up beside them and growled, but when Ward followed his gaze it went beyond the figure.

@Bea Delaine

It was slight, almost unnoticeable but ward caught the faintest ripple in the earth...it was headed to the unsuspecting figure.

Immediately Ward dashed forward, skirting the hill so as not to give away their position and running into the clearing from another angle.

"Look out!" He yelled, transforming as he ran and hitting the ground on all fours as his scrawny gryphon self. What rose out of the earth however made him skid to a halt. A golem...and a well-crafted one. The falls did nothing to it, golems had an innate ability to resist all forms of magic. Whoever sent these had a deep knowledge of the island's defenses. Three guesses who that was. Its body was made of solid stone, wrapped in thick, growing vines. Two glowing green lights in deep wells on its face served as eyes. In another instant the water rippled and a second golem appeared, its body the rippling waves of the pool itself. The two creatures stood to face Ward and the new comer and then, they attacked without pity.

@Baconhands and @everyone
Elena looked to Kallin and then to Ward and shrugged. She didn't know what she felt. It was like the earth rippled as a predator hiding beneath the surface and waiting for its prey. Not like the ripples from footsteps or humans. Still, it wasn't an easy thing to explain so all the could say about it was something simple and not quite resolute.

"I don't know."

She saw the olive skinned figure and kept her hands to anything that touched the ground, to "see" what was watching them. Then another ripple came, a violent one. Elena got up and chased after Ward, ready to see the cause of her paranoia. The olive skinned figure had not been the one it seemed, as the well crafted and powerful looking golem rose from the ground, covered in vines.

She mentally went through a checklist of what to do. Defend Ward.. His gryphon form would still not cut it. Try to touch and overpower the earth spirit inside.. Unlikely to work and worth a shot. Fire might destroy the vines and crack the stone..?

"Wawd! Get back! If we have Fiah, maybe we can lowah it's defenses.."

She shouted as she felt its movement, before it could be seen attacking. The waves it's massive body created when moving just proved its strength. Elena stepped in front of Ward and ran toward the attack, hoping to grab hold of the Golem for at least a moment. Maybe she could distract it somehow.
Fulgrim glanced around him as the warning reached his ears. He stood in slight awe of the creatures rising around him. After a moment he regained his composure and he glanced over at the gryphon as it skidded to a halt. He swore under his breath, What a way to start. He looked for a way out; he didn't want to turn into a wolf, it would take too long for him to turn regardless.He looked for a way out. @SilverFlight
Leandra let out a sigh of relief when she finally got everything healed thanks to Lee.

Her vision had blurred during most of the healing process and she felt exceptionally weakened, but at least she no longer was sporting any serious injuries.

Hearing Leia saying what Lee said, Leandra grinned at Leia and then Lee before saying, "Is that so? Well, the more healers in this group, the merrier. We're all getting injured so often and such."

Hearing that they had found the artifact, Leandra smiled, more than happy to know their efforts weren't in vain.

When Leia gave Leandra a look, as if to ask if she could handle herself and Leandra mutely nodded at her.

Once Leia left Leandra to stand on her own, Leandra testily took her left arm out of her sling and stretched it a bit before putting away her sling and shouldering her knapsack.

Untying her staff and holding it one of her hands and at her side for now, Leandra then began quietly following the group, curious as to what was next.

Soon her thoughts were answered, as Ward warned everyone to be quiet and they went stealth-mode, as if they were expecting someone.

Yet, they arrived at the pool and waterfall to find that a young boy was standing just before it. He definitely didn't appear threatening to Leandra. Who was he?

But they couldn't let their guards down just yet, as two golems suddenly came through the waterfalls and then attacked the group.

Leandra immediately sprinted to the side to avoid the fight, as she knew she was still weak from her recent injuries and heavy healing. Sure enough, Leandra was soon out of breath and leaning against a tree nearby while she did her best to catch her breath.

@SilverFlight @Baconhands


Luness overheard Kallin speaking to Otto near her and she curiously looked his way, uncertain of what he meant by that.

Yet, Ward was soon calling out for them to be quiet and sneaky on their way back, which brought a grin to Luness' kit face, as she was more than excited to do such a thing.

Bounding into the vegetation nearby, Luness then followed Ward's lead until they made their way back to the pool and waterfall.

The moment they walked into the clearing, Luness smelled the scent of a werewolf, but it wasn't Otto's scent or the scent from anyone from her pack.

Frowning at this, Luness padded out until she sighted the young boy standing not too far from the waterfall. So, he was a werewolf, huh?

Curious about who he was and what he was doing here of all places, especially as to how he even managed to get to this floating island on his own, Luness began to approach him to get some answers.

Yet, she halted the moment the first golem made its appearance.

Eyes wide, Luness gaped at the construct, as she'd never seen one before and felt her heart racing in fear at the sight of the thing.

Folding her ears against her head, Luness soon was bounding away from the golems when the second one appeared.

After all, what could a small kit like her do to a large, stone golem like those tao constructs?

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Leo followed the group towards the entrance slowly and without words. He had a lot to think about and with the return of the mentors pendant, it meant a few things would need to be addressed once they had a moment to sit back from this latest adventure. Deep in thought, it wasn't until the small voice of Leia pipped up that Leo returned to his own and looked over to her. "Ah yes, I will be fine. This adventure was not what I expected, and with these developments I have a lot to think about moving forward." He tried to give her the best smile he could muster as he spoke. "Don't worry though, once we get back to the castle we can put this whole thing beh....." His sentence was stopped short by Ward calling out to them. His attention was immediately drawn to the shifting earth under them and the golem that rose up from the ground and the water. Leo frowned, as if fighting a corrupted spirit hadn't been enough now they were starring down Golems. Leo grabbed his ax's and spun them around before looking back to the others hiding in the tree's. It seemed that Lee had been able to patch up Leandra nicely so the only injury was now taken care off, even if she was still a bit weak. He watched as Elena was the first to make a move against the constructs and was impressed by the girls tenacity. He too ran forward with his ax's raised to his sides, leaping into the air and throwing his weight behind his attack towards the stone and earth golem.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine

Otto looked up at Kallin and closed his eyes at his touch. He liked Kallin, he was a good guy even if his puffy face tasted kind weird when he liked it. He stuck close behind Kallin and Luness as they walked, mostly just watching the little bugs and grass bend away from them as they walked. He was watching Luness carefully and felt a small inclination to pounce forwards and try and see if he could rouse her into another game of chase as they had earlier. His little puppy smile widened and he was about to crouch down and attempt his pounce, when he smelled something on the air that made him curious. It smelled like an animal, almost like another wolf. It wasn't until he noticed Luness perk up at the scent as well that he realized he wasn't imagining anything. He picked up his head and looked around to see the wolf sitting ahead of them. Otto wasn't sure how to respond to this new comer, his instincts telling him to keep his distance, while his childlike nature wanted to go and meet and play with the new wolf. But before he could make a decisions, the constructs began to raise out of the ground and water. Otto wasted no time following Luness into the forest and ducking behind some tall grass.

Kai followed the group to the pool of water with the the falls. He had the same idea as Elena when he saw the earth golem. "Push through the falls, getting back to the other side might break the spell!!" He shouted. He had turned a boy again to walk beside Achyls, now he shifted back to his juvenile dragon form. With a roar he let loose a bright green flame at the golem as he entered the water rushing the golem. Trying to push the giant back through the falls.

<break over, will respond again after work.>
Fulgrim glanced aside as the two newcomers arrived but soon turned his attention to the two golems. He saw one of them, a small kitten as far as he was concerned, dash to the side. Fulgrim felt as helpless and moved as quickly as he could away from the conflict zone, although slightly in awe of the others there. Once he was a safe distance away, he turned to watch the conflict, slightly interested in watching the group attack the golems.
"Malachai is right! We can't fight them as children, we must make it back through the falls!" As Elena charge the earth golem Ward ran beside her.

"If I set it ablaze can you control the flames?" He asked. As they reached it side by side Ward leapt up, latching onto a vine with his sharp talons and casting a small fire spell, enough to burn hot cinders from the wood. The golem seemed not even to feel it, instead it drew back its arm to swat at the pair. Just then Leo's axe appeared and lodged itself (with Leo attached) into the hard wood of the golem's other arm. The second golem sent a stream of white water rushing at them and it was all ward could do to shield the embers of the fire before he was flung off.

He hit the water in a spectacular fashion and rolled to get up, but slowly. The embers were still there however, if Elena could use them, she may be able to gain the upper hand.

It was Leia's turn, she dashed forward with Kallin right behind her.

"Ice!" She called and together with Lee Kallin used his magic to freeze the water golem's base. It paused, seemingly unable to move. For a moment Leia let herself smile, but that faded as the ice began to crack and shift, changing into two solid legs.

"Oh, it can control ice too? Fantastic."

Kallin looked for Luness and Otto, seeing them peeking out from the underbrush he called out to them and the new boy.

"We'll distract them! Get through the falls!"

@zCrookedz @Bea Delaine @Lioness075 @Baconhands @andujarprime
Elena was able to get close, she stayed close to, following as the golem was pushed back a bit. She held her ground and managed to evade most of the golems retaliation. She listened to Malachais idea and silently agreed. Though, they would need an opening to change form. She was swatted. It didn't seem like much, but her small form flew into the trunk of a tree.

She hugged, once the wind made it back into her lungs. She held her ribs and saw the embers. No time to feel pain, she got as close as she could to the embers.

"I've nevah contwolled fiah befoh.. But it may wok."

She focused on the embers and put all the focus and magic she had into them growing and burning white with heat. She had them climb to burn away the vines and snake up to set fire in the golems face, though she shook from effort and her small body was not meant to feel the stress of magic use. A warm trickle of blood lowered from her nose to her chin. Fire.. Burned? It wasn't something her powers liked, but she kept trying.

"Wawd.. I don't think I can. Is it woking..?"
Achyls picked up the pace, shaking the excess water from her wings and taking to the skies. Much to her surprise, the golems were slower enemies, meaning she could perhaps get on top of one. She was just about to begin when she heard Kallin call for them to return through the falls. Looking down, she caught sight of a newcomer, and was not sure what to think. He seemed helpful enough, but now was not the time for introductions.

Hurrying on, she became as streamlined as possible, zooming through the falls like a bullet. In front of her eyes, her form changed once again. A feeling of great relief spread across her back, her wings had properly unfurled and her body returned to it's adult state. She let out a sigh and spread her wings, outstretched to double what they were in child form.. An incredible feeling of freedom and power rushed through her, she almost forgot about the rest of the group. Turning back to look at the waterfall, she tried to bring the others through.

"Quickly!! Through the waterfall!" her now deeper, more elegant voice spoke out, calling to the others.

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"Is should be able to, even in this state." Malachai thought to Ward ad the embers glowed. He focused on the fire and in seconds they flashed to life. Fire roared in lines from the coals to envelope the golem'so arm and part of his shoulder. The vines and moss steamed and smoked as the fire burned through. He continued to push, trying to topple the creature and keep it off balance. "GO!!!" He thought to everyone nearby as he roared
At first, Fulgrim was almost mesmerized by the conflict and for a few moments, he simply watched, interested. However, when one of the fighters shouted at him to get through the falls, he seemed to come back to reality, realizing what was happening and that he couldn't do anything to help, not here and not now. As he was told, he headed for the waterfall, trying to steer away from the conflict as he went.
Leandra inhaled deeply and did her best to stand straight when Ward shouted for everyone to run past the golems and make it to safety.

Deciding her best option was to do as she was told, Leandra sprinted forward when the golems were distracted, diving to dodge when one of them swung at her.

Scrambling back onto her feet, Leandra then jumped into the pool and hurriedly swam to the waterfall before climbing out and passing through it.

The moment she got on the other side, Leandra felt herself growing taller and returning to her normal size once more.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Leandra relaxed for a moment before she felt that irritating itch hurriedly returning to her upper back.

Sighing in frustration, Leandra itched at it for a moment before she decided that she needed to seriously move on before a golem found her standing about idly. Especially when her only power was healing and her staff would probably just break upon striking one of the golems.

Looking at Achyls, who was standing nearby, Leandra then said to her, "Hey, we should probably head for the Tenacity now. There's not much else we can really do here."

Turning away from the waterfall and Achyls, Leandra began sprinting out of the cave with the full intent of boarding the Tenacity ASAP.

Leandra still felt weak from her recent injuries and healing, but as an adult, it was far easier to handle and she knew she could at least make it to the Tenacity from the cave.



Luness perked her ears forward when she heard Ward shouting for everyone to head through the waterfalls.

Liking this plan, Luness then shouted to Otto nearby, "Come on, Otto! We gotta go!"

Bounding away from her hiding place in the vegetation, Luness deftly dodged between a golem's legs before she skidded to a halt at the edge of the pool leading to the waterfall.

Eyes wide and fearful, Luness looked back behind herself at the group still beyond the waterfall and shouted out, "I-I can't!"

Not wanting to admit that she'd never been taught how to swim and that she was scared to even try, Luness anxiously waited at the pool's edge for someone to possibly aid her.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @andujarprime @Baconhands @Bea Delaine
Fulgrim stopped before he headed into the waterfall, hearing a voice call out. He saw the kit at the edge of the pool of water, and seeing her eyes were wide and panicked, he cursed beneath his breath. He started wading through the water, glancing between the figure at the edge of the pool and the golems. As he reached the edge, he looked the figure in the eye, "Need a hand there, friend?" @Lioness075
Ward cried out as Elena was struck, watching as she recovered and pressed the fire to life. With Malachai's help the flames consumed the woody part of the golem's body and it let out a low, grinding moan. In an instant however the water golem lurched forward sending a burst of water at the dragon. Kallin ran to Malachai's aid while Leia with Tad and Lee distracted the water golem. Ward dashed to Elena.

"It worked!" He said, offering his shoulder for her to lean on.

Kallin saw Luness pause at the pool's edge. He cursed. She was an easy target standing there! "Lune! I'm sorry in advance!" He yelled as he began weaving his magic, the new boy had also stopped, seemingly to help her...too late now. The water behind them began to swell.

"You can get me back later!" With that he lifted both hands and pushed them forward, the wave mimicking his motion and sweeping the young werecat off her feet and carrying her through the falls and to the safety of the rock path on the other side. The wave would drench her, perhaps fill her lungs with water, but she would be alive, and safe. When the wave disappeared through the waterfall he turned his attention back to the golems...and was hit by a fierce strike from the rock golem's now burning arm.

"Kallin!" Leia screamed as he hit the earth by the pool and rolled to a halt. He didn't try to rise.

Lee's head snapped round, filled with her master's growing rage. At once the entire pool seemed to bend to her will, converging on the burning stone golem and wrapping him tightly in churning water. Tad whistled his emotion too, racing at the water golem and severing it in a hundred places with sharp blades of air. The golem fell into the water, seeming to take a moment to reform.

"Go now!" Leia yelled. "Get Kallin out of here!" She raced to put herself between the golems and her escaping allies.

Ward checked Elena over quickly. "You're still drained from last night, you're in no condition to fight these things as a child. We must go."

@Lioness075 @Bea Delaine @Baconhands

Outside the caves Lucille swore colourfully as the golem hurled another rock at the Tenacity, which had now retreated into the sky, hovering in the air just out of reach. A large hole in the hull dripped pieces of wood still where the golem had managed to break the barrier, purely by bombarding it in the same place over the course of an hour. The magic that powered the ship's offensive elements was completely absorbed by the blighted thing. The canons were useless against it.

"Cap'n! Movement in the cave!"

"Not now! Blast it! We can't get to zem!"

She watched as the cave's mouth welled with water and in the distance saw movement, then Achyls flew out into the sunlight. The golem roared.

"Look out!" Lucille cried as it turned it's attention to the raven and the other emerging behind her, gathering a rock in its hand to hurl at them.

@SkywardSocks @Lioness075
Arianne followed Leia, now she felt as she was being her shadow. She almost forgot everything else - she just wanted to go after the warm hearted hero of hers, she wanted to follow and learn from her as much as she could... but she also felt something strange within her. It was like a heartbeat... faint and silent at first but ever since she being rescued it increased and now she felt its power increasing again and again. She knew not what this meant... but she was certain that she would find it out sooner or later.

As she walked with the girl she also noticed the massive golems ahead of them. Immediately she wanted to volunteer stopping the menacing machines but then she felt a sharp pain in her mind, reminding her that she should not try to prove herself. Instead she silently ran with the group, trying to escape the hellish minions of darkness.

Nyr eyed the monsters with calmness on her expression. She should have expected that Caraboss or some other dark lord would send minions to deal with the heroes in their weakened state. She knew what has been explained to them: they stand no chance against the monstrosities in children form so they needed to depart with haste through the waterfall. The problem was to actually stall the golems themselves but Nyr decided to help the others trying to stop them. She noticed by others' failed attacks that they were immune to magic so once more she called the gale winds and they heeded her call. She raised her hands, trying to find something to enhance hr powers with. From massive trees she was able to get leaves, quickly transforming her wind attack into a blinding swirl of leaves. This was all she could do as she backed towards the stream of water to hopefully regain her powers.
Fulgrim watched the water move pass him as it picked up the figure in front of him and carried her back through the waterfall. He hated being in the water here, he could only imagine how horrible it felt for the creature being carried by the water. He decided to follow it through; he couldn't help at all now, it would be better for him to wait for them, he thought. Something tugged at the back of his mind and, with a shrug, he ignored it, wading through the water back to the waterfall. He paused for a moment before going back through.
Achyls couldn't hear Lucille calling, she was being much too reckless soaring about using her adult wings. It was only upon hearing a deep crunch and whoosh that she turned, just as a rock flew from the sky. She tried to dodge, but it was no use. The rock collided with her at full force, knocking her from the sky like a loose stone from a cliff. Letting out a strangled yelp, she hit the ground, the rock forcing her leg into the ground, her head slamming down at great force. As she fell, however, the fear struck a chord within her, causing a large beam of stored energy to fly towards the golem, though she did not have the time to see if it did any damage. She was rendered unconscious almost instantly, her leg contorted in some odd shape by the rock that fastened it into the soil.
Leos baldes bit into the wood of the golem which made him smile in triumph. He was going to start hacking away, when he saw the water golem begin to move towards an attack. Leo pulled at his ax's until the rush of water hit him and flung him off. The now drenched little leo looked over at the others who were making their way over to the waterfall. Leo looked back as he heard a small yip and saw the little black wolf of Otto standing in the grass. He sheithed his blades and sprinted over to the grass, picking up the little puppy and tucking him under his arm. As the chaos of the battle raged on, Leo was able to manuver his way around the Golems and over to the waterfall once again. As he aproached the water fall, he could see Kallin taking the force of the rock golems attack. "Kallin!!" Leo reached the edge of the pool and looked across. He looked down to Otto and pointed to Luness "Swim to Luness Otto" Leo tossed Otto across the small space of water towards the falls and turned back to the golem and Kallin. Leo pulled his short sword out of its sheath and used what strength he could muster and hurled the blade at the golem, hoping to hit it and distract it long nough for Leo to rush to Kallin and throw him over his shoulder to get him out of harms way and back across the falls.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Elena waited a little longer for her job to be done. By that time, she doubled over, coughing with a red speck long her lips and the ground. Black lined her peripheral vision when Ward ran up and gave her a shoulder. She leaned in on him and wiped the blood away weakly, and followed him to safety. No.. Fighting wouldn't be good. Running wasn't something she does either though.

She looked up at Ward, then the water Golem with worry, but also resigned. She wanted to get out of there, and also wanted to help. There was no way her body could cooperate.

"I know.. But I want to help somehow. Will they be alwight?"

She asked, then in a smaller voice as she winced, she mumbled,

"It Huwts.."

She surprised herself. Never would she just complain without pestering, or verbally. Right then it seemed accurate, as her head burned and blood ran from her nose.
The earth golem reared and swung in it's panicked state. Kai took this time to roll out of the way of it's flailing limbs. Kallin was not so lucky, he felt the cave fill with power as Leia reacted to the downed mage. He sent another jet of green fire at the golem, racing along the surface of the bubble constricting it. He let out a roar as he dropped to all fours and rand past the golem, he bumped it's legs in the hopes of putting it further off balance, hoping to knock it down. He reached Leia and without hesitation scooped her up in his arms. "Time to go!!" He thought to her on the way out. It wasn't difficult given her child like state, he jumped and let loose his wings, forcing himself into the air and through the waterfall. As they passed beneath the falls Kai felt his strength returning, his body growing to what it was supposed to be. The large dragon bolted out of the cave and collided with the Golem outside just as it let loose another boulder. He dropped Leia at the edge of the pool as his body shook with the impact. He had to shake the bacon and roast out of his eyes, so that he could properly disentangle himself from he golem. He definitely wasn't expecting the crash, and he was beginning to get madder by the second.

Leia saw Leo run for Kallin and watched as Nyr assaulted the golems. The leaves were blown with such force that they sliced the water golem up again, forcing it to remain down. Even the earth golem who by now had broken free of Lee's water prison was struggling under the torrent.

"I'll cover you! We have to get our full power back!" She cried as Lee, Tad and Bob all launched attacks to keep the golems at bay. Suddenly she was grabbed by Malachai and carried to safety. "Hey!" was all she had time to yell, but with hindsight, the dragon was probably very right. She watched the earth golem stumble and fall from Kai's attack.

Ward bit back panic as Elena confessed her pain. She never did that! He tried to hide the twisting worry he felt at seeing her bleed.

"I can carry you." He said, kneeling down and using his little wings to hold her against his back when she sat. At least they were good for something.

When he was sure she was holding onto him tightly he struck out for the cave, reaching it drenched and hauling them both up onto the path. He dipped his head at the water fall swallowed them and then began to gallop forward.

@zCrookedz @Bea Delaine @andujarprime @DawnAntalios

The burst of energy from Achyls as she fell hit the golem full in its chest, leaving a gaping hole as stumbled back. Malachai and Leia came shooting through the cave mouth just then, Kai smashing into the golem and toppling it to the ground. Lucille whooped in triumph and was about to order one of her crew to rescue the young raven when she paused, utter disbelief crossing her face. The creature was getting up!

Just then a black shadow shot out of the sky and went careening into the golem.

Brenna had arrived, exhausted from the flight but driven onward by urgency and conviction.

"In each golem there is a scroll, hidden deep within their chests, destroy them!" She cried. As she said this she went to reach for the one in the golem she had landed on, only to see it was already burning. Achyls' attack had seen to it. The golem finally fell and Brenna leaped off it, running to check on the fallen raven. Brenna cast a small healing spell, hopefully it would be enough to cure any serious wounds and revive the poor hero. "Help me hero!" She yelled at Malachai, standing over Achyls' unconscious form.

@SkywardSocks @andujarprime

Ward stumbled out of the cave's entrance, he still hadn't changed back...the magic was taking its time to wear off. He had heard a strange voice, but remembered the important bit; how to kill the golems. Seeing one lying defeated he let out a breath, kneeling for Elena to dismount and rest before changing back into a boy. He looked up and caught sight of the gryphon, and she saw him. The gryphon's golden eyes widened and she stood as if stunned. Ward gave her a curious look, was that...recognition in her eyes? Slowly he could feel the youth spell wearing thin and closed his eyes as his adult body returned to him. He stood there now as a man, looking back at the gryphon who was still staring at him.

"It...cannot be." She whispered.

"I'm sorry...I don't think I have met you before."

Brenna's eyes saddened at those words, but the surprise remained through it. "You were given to a woodcutter and his wife when you were just a babe...you were safe...cared for, but it never felt right for you..did it?"

Ward frowned, his mind struggling with a recently-won memory...the golden eyes that watching him from the forest when he was growing up...before he changed into a gryphon for the first time and had run away, been driven away.

"How do you know that?"

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