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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

After stepping back through the waterfall, Fulgrim felt... right. He had returned to his normal age and he had grew to his normal size. He looked back through, wondering about everyone else back there. He didn't know, but he felt that they could handle the two golems. He looked at the others that had already come through the waterfall, studying them with a keen eye. A voice in his mind started speaking to him, telling him about all of them. He sighed, trying to block it out again.
Luness let out a surprised yelp when she found out what Kallin meant by telling her that she could get back at him later for what he was about to do.

Becoming rigid with fear, eyes wide in terror, Luness was rushed past the waterfall and through the caves all the way to the path just beyond and landed in a heap, her fur sticking to her skin and resulting in her looking like some starved wild cat, as she was now in her adult form once more.

Infuriated by Kallin's actions, Luness hissed, but turned around to see that Kallin wasn't right behind her.

Frowning at this, Luness was about to head back into the caves to find what was wrong when she heard something looming behind her and whipped around to see yet another golem present.

What happened next felt overwhelming to Luness, as Achyls was knocked from the sky and injured on top of losing consciousness, Leia soon exited the caves with Malachai and rushed over to give aid to the injured raven, MAlachai charged into the golem on top of what appeared to be injuries from Achyls' magic resulting in it toppling over, Brenna came seemingly out of no where and charged the fallen golem only to find that the scroll within was already burning up and the golem soon crumpled to the ground.

Soon after all of this unfolded, the others exited the caves as well and it didn't take long for Luness' worried eyes to scan the group and locate the unconscious, and clearly injured, Kallin being held over the shoulder by Leo.

Eyes wide, Luness suddenly cried out, "Kal!" and rushed to Leo's side before realizing that there was nothing she could do for the mage.

Feeling terrified for Kallin's well-being, Luness quickly looked to Leo and asked him, "Leo, can you heal Kallin at all?"

Not too long after asking Leo this, Luness had already sighted Leandra nearby, who looked very surprised by the recent events, though she still was very weakened by everything and didn't seem capable of doing much.

Despite seeing and knowing all of this, Luness called out to Leandra, "Hey, Leandra, can you heal Kallin?"

Leandra shifted her dazed expression over to Luness and blinked before seemingly returning to the real world, as she then responded, "Sorry, Luness, I'm far too weak right now and will need to rest up before trying to heal anyone. Perhaps Leia and Lee can help?"

Still ignoring the looming threat of the two golems they left behind at the waterfall, Luness bounded over to Leia's side and asked her hurriedly, "Leia, can you heal Kallin? Even just a little healing would probably help in the long run."

Now standing on her hind legs due to being in her adult form once more, Luness met Leia's gaze evenly and bit her lip while waiting for the girl's response.

Stealing a glance back at Kallin, Luness felt her heart do a flip flop, as she again felt a growing concern for the mage's condition.

It was only after she'd rushed to Leia and asked her for help that Luness realized her mistake of rushing away before listening for Leo's response.

Inwardly face palming at this, Luness glanced back at Leo in case he had a response for her, though Luness wasn't really certain of Leo's healing capabilities now that Lilly was no longer present inside of him.

While waiting for responses from both Leo and Leia, Luness quickly scanned the group for Otto, feeling her heart beginning to speed up when she didn't sight him right away. Where was the pup?

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Feeling terrible for letting down Luness in such a moment of need, Leandra dropped her gaze to the rocky path beneath her, as she began trudging towards the Tenacity, with the intent of simply boarding the ship and trying to find her cabin to rest.

After all, an injured or weakened healer was of no use to the team. Leandra needed her sleep and probably a full meal once she woke up if she was to be at full strength again. That, or a good adrenaline boost would probably give her more strength, though once such a thing wore off, she'd probably feel ten times worse.

Yet, upon seeing the injured Achyls nearby, Leandra paused, as she felt her heart ache at the sight of the injured raven, but again, she knew that she couldn't do anymore healing for now. She'd only hurt herself in the process and probably heal only a tiny scrape for whoever she was trying to help. Her healing would be more detrimental than anything else at the moment.

Letting out a sigh at such thoughts, Leandra turned back to the Tenacity once more and continued on her path towards it, hoping that Lucille would bring it back up to the group so they could all climb aboard. Especially now that they had two injured.

Did the ship have any kind of healers onboard it? Leandra let her mind wander while she slowly walked towards the ship, as she wondered if the ship was equipped to help with injured members. Surely, they would think of such a thing ahead of time, right?

Leo waded through the waters of the fountain with Kallin across his shoulders slowly until they reached the waterfall. Once Leo pushed himself and Kallin through, he looked around to see that Otto was still paddling in his little wolf form over to other edge. As he paddled, he began to grow more and more until finally he was at his full form and he climbed out of the water as his human form and flopped over onto his back with a sigh of relief. "I hope....we never....have to come here.........again....." His words separated with breathe of exhaustion, Otto lay there on the bank and watched as the others came through the waterfall as well.

Once Otto was back on the bank safe and sound, Leo could feel himself growing and changing back to his normal size. This was the same for Kallin, however his small human frame was nothing for Leo to carry once he had regained his muscular form. Leo scanned the edge of the waters for a lush area and found a small patch of grass and moss next to the waters. He slowly set Kallin down on the bed and looked to Luness as she came over to them and began to plea for help for Kallin. Leo looked over the mages form, it was daylight so his black wispy form still loomed over his body. Leo was unsure of what he would be able to do but he would most certainly try anything. Leo placed a hand on Kallins chest and the other on the patch of green below him. He closed his eye, is left eye being taken back once again by his scarred face, and began to mutter a prayer
"Oh great forest, your humble servant seeks to heal and protect. Guide my hand so that this one may return to serve you." Leo felt the memory of the prayer reach out into both his hands and touch the power in the islands fawna. IT was a strange and wild power, but it was tame enough to understand the call of a Guardian. The power ran the length of Leos arm and straight into Kallins being, searching for any way that it could heal the damage done by the golem.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Malachai disentangle himself hurriedly. He looked down at the dark gryphon that had just appeared out of nowhere. As he turned his head back towards the cave he caught sight of the chaos around him. Enraged he looked past the water at the entrance to the cave, locating the earth golem as it was standing. The vines and wood still smoldering. With a glare and his returned power the fire clinging to the golem raged to life once more. Now spinning a circle pattern on the center of the golem's chest. It spun faster and began to burn brighter as it bore into the golem. Finding the scroll inside and consuming it as well. The golem began to crumble and fall apart now that it's life source was gone. The pieces falling into the pool.

Elena closed her eyes for most of passing under the falls, to deter the radiating pain through her. The blood which seeped from parted lips and her nose was slowing a bit to stop. She knew she was picked up and she felt Ward pass them through to the other side. And at such moment, she realized they were still children.

Dismounting sloppily, she moved to the ground and rested her back against a rock. Then she felt herself grow and slump slightly. The pain turned to a sharp throb and for the most part was manageable.

"That's better.." She chuckled at the older and more elegant sound of her adult voice.

"Thanks Ward."

She kept her eyes closed, and listened to the unfamiliar sound of another's voice. A girl who seemed to know Ward. Ward sounded.. Shocked maybe? She opened her eyes and looked to see a Gryphon, surprised herself.

"How do you know him..?"
Leia jumped down, running over to Kallin as Leo began to prey.

"Lee says Kallin's curse interferes with her healing magic...its really hard to fix him when he's like this..." But the energies of the forest seeped into the dark matter that made his body during the day and slowly Kallin's eyes opened. He tried to get up, pain lancing through his chest and he lay back down. "Ugh...I feel awful...but I think you just saved me from a punctured lung." he said gratefully. He caught sight of Lune, back to normal and standing near him and smiled at her weakly. "Sorry about your bath."

Lucille had brought the Tenacity in and it hovered by the edge now, the gankplank lowering slowly to admit them all.

"'Urry aboard!" Lucille called.

The earth golem went crashing to the ground and did not move after that. Water poured past it as the last golem rose out of the cave. The scroll was in a glass vessel in its chest, easilt seen when the creature stood still. It let out a roar that sounded like a waterfall and charged forward. Kallin cursed as the deluge came straight towards them. He couldn't move fast enough on his own.

@zCrookedz @Lioness075 @SkywardSocks @andujarprime @Baconhands

Brenna looked from Ward to Elena as she answered. "I know that...because I am the one who delivered you to them...I know him...because he is my son."

Ward looked like he had just been struck in the face, but the recognition he had seen in her eyes...it held no falseness. She had seen him when he was young.

"But...how? My..my parents were human. I was born a human..."

Brenna smiled but it was a bitter one. "That is true. They were...one of them still is...There is so much I need to tell you."

Ward grabbed the cliff wall for support...it was a lot to process. Without warning the water golem burst through with an angry roar, snapping him back to the present.

"Get Elena aboard the Tenacity, keep her safe." He told Brenna before transforming. In his gryphon form he was easily a head taller than she was. He charged forward, feeling his full strength return and letting out a challenging eagle cry.

"Get the scroll in its chest!" Brenna called after him. "And be careful!"

Brenna stayed close to Elena, her tone gentle and caring. "Can you walk?" She asked. "I know a little healing magic, I was a soldier in the king's army before being a gryphon."

@Bea Delaine
Luness was relieved when Leo began the healing process for Kallin, though she felt her concern quickly return upon hearing what Leia said about Kallin's current state. Luness had forgotten about the curse and how detrimental it could be at times.

Seeing Kallin's eyes fluttering open, Luness immediately smiled down at him, relief flooding her. He was going to be all right.

Glancing at Leo, Luness then said gratefully, "Thank you, Leo."

Yet, seeing Kallin attempting to stand up in her peripherals and seeing him failing to do so due to immense pain, Luness' smile wavered and she was about to ask Malachai if he could give Kallin a ride to the Tenacity when she heard him make a remark about the 'bath' he'd given her not too long ago. Scowling at Kallin, Luness then muttered, "Consider yourself lucky that you're already injured. I hate water."

Sighing, as she quickly realized that some petty argument was really not worth it at the moment, Luness was again about to call out to Malachai when suddenly the golem made its appearance and let out a resonating roar, that oddly enough sounded like a waterfall.

Eyes wide at such a sight and hearing such a noise from a golem, Luness quickly knelt by Kallin and muttered, "Sorry ahead of time."

Without another word, Luness grabbed one of Kallin's arms and pulled him around to her back and draped both of his arms over her shoulders before using one hand to hold them together in front of her chest. She then dropped to all fours, simultaneously letting go of Kallin's wrists so that he was laying on her back, before she said hurriedly to him, "Hold on, Kal!"

Luness then burst forward suddenly, bounding across the open area to the gangway leading up to the Tenacity. She could only hope that Kallin would be just strong enough to hold onto Luness and not fall off while en route.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Hearing Lucille shouting for everyone to board the ship quickly, Leandra groaned and then did her best to at least jog to the gangway before she found herself breathing too heavily.

Slowing to a halt not too far from the gangway, Leandra doubled over and then resumed at a walking pace to the gangway, more than happy to finally climb it and board the Tenacity.

Once on deck, Leandra found the nearest railing to put her back against before she slid down into a sitting position and rested the back of her head against the railing. Hopefully the rest of the group would get on board safely and without further injury.
Arianne did not look back at the golems. She ran as fast as her tiny legs could bring her and she was desperate to get aboard of the tenacity. Her sight blurred as she felt the overwhelming weakness and fatigue overtake her body: she had consumed more energy than ever before and her water soaked clothes made things worse. She touched her forehead only to find it being hot as the sun and sweat dropping down on it. She felt a sudden cold run through her as she shivered - but to her relief she finally saw the ramp of the Tenacity and was able to get on board.

Walking past everyone she was looking for the room Kallin had offered for her. As she walked through the hallways she felt her strength fading rapidly as she needed to touch the wall in order not to fall down. Regardless of this overwhelming fatigue she pushed on and eventually she did find the door she was looking for. She searched for the tiny key in her soaking clothes, and when she found it she raised it to put it n the lock.

It was then when her vision blurred, then faded completely and the exhausted, drained girl fell on the cabin floor before the wooden door.


Nyr was surprised how her gust of wind was able to stall the golems even if momentarily. She tried to maintain her spell as long as she could before she decided to flee towards the waterfall. As she jumped through she felt a strange, tingling sensation as the water touched her body as she felt the feathery wings on her back growing, eventually returning her to her original size.

She took a moment to smile at the satisfying sight. She did not only feel relieved that she returned to normal but the powers laying dormant within her seemed to have changed as well. As her conviction grew so did her control over her abilities. Playfully she summoned a bolt of shadow then a ball of light at the same time - to her surprise she did not feel disobedience. The two sources of power, although they were complete opposites of one another, obeyed her commands without question and they felt to have grown in power as well.

Satisfied with the results she took wings and headed back to the Tenacity, waiting on the board for everyone to return, hopefully safely.

Leo looked down at Kallin with relief, he was very glad he had been able to do something about the mage's injury. Though he was still not at 100% Kallin struggled to try and move. Leo would have advised against this but the ships captain was calling out for them to leave. Leo watched as Luness took over the situation and picked up Kallin to get him aboard the ship. Leo stood and looked back towards the entrance of the cave. Then Leo could see the water golem return to the fight. He looked to Otto and pointed at the ship, "Otto get aboard the ship" The little werewolf was up and on his four paws before Leo could finish. He scurried across the gangplank and immediately turned at the railing to watch.

Leo wielded his axes and met Ward at the waters edge as he transformed.
"I am with you my friend." As Ward bolted forward, Leo joined his battle cry with his own roar and dashed towards the golem, ax's poised to slice at the scroll embedded in the creature when they reached their target.

Fulgrim glanced between the ship and the group, seeing the gangplank between them. Initially, he hadn't even noticed the werewolf bounding around, but he saw him run up the gangplank. Perhaps he could go with them? Maybe not, pirates were never really welcoming in his experience; he didn't know if they were pirates he was just making an assumption. Fulgrim glanced aside at the golems, he wanted to help, truly he did, it would just take him too long to transform and be of any use.
Elena listened as the Gryphon revealed her relationship. She looked to Ward with concern and felt a desire to hold onto him. Try to figure this out. Once aboard the tenacity, she would do so. Still, if she was his mother, why was Ward left for less than caring humans? Why did he have to lose memories of being with someone he loved? Her eyes shifted to Brenna with a mix of confusion, suspicion and curiosity. She started to stand up slowly, to join ward, when a golem crashed into the land. She stumbled back on her knees and Ward transformed to join the fighting. She wanted to do the same. Keep him safe, make sure this news wasn't going to distract him.

"Ward!! Be careful! I want you back safe, you hear me?!"

Honestly she didn't know if he did. Coughing a bit, she tried to clear away whatever made its way up during the fight. She looked back to Brenna and stood up, nodding reluctantly.

"I.. I am fine. Thank you... When Ward gets back, I will leave you two to sorting out all of his questions. I don't need healing but I will hold you to that."

She followed the Gryphon closely and slowly towards the Tenacity, hoping to avoid the fighting.
Anya had been waiting back at the Tenacity the whole time, now she was exploring some of the areas below deck to discover any secrets it may hold... though, so far it had seemed fairly ordinary, everything looked just as one would expect. She had been a bit disappointed, and wished she had gone ahead with the others but at the time she hadn't been feeling too well.

Alexander followed along from behind, thankful to be his rightful age again. He had said very little and done next to nothing in the fight- a tiny lizard is not much use in a fight, of course. He said nothing to the new faces, not really being the social type. He stuck close to Quincy and his brother, and simply watched and listened to what happened around him.
The earth golem fallen Malachai turned back to where Achyls unconscious form lay. He heaved the large rock that had her leg pinned to the ground, and with a huff picked up her limp body and flew up towards the tenacity. His fire wouldn't do much good against the water golem, and they needed to get gone, and fast. He looked around relieved to see his brother had made it out. He knew that the others weren't too far behind. He hoped they weren't going to stay and fight the golem, it was much more important to get away alive. As he reached the tenacity he managed to hand Achyls off to one of the crew so that he could turn back and see if anyone else needed help. "I'll be back sweet songbird, stay strong" He thought to her as he headed back down

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @zCrookedz @Hel @Lioness075

<back to work, any1 that needs to ride back to the ship feel free to board the dragon express>
((I highjacked Vinter to get her onto the ship, hope that's okay @Aldur Forgehammer ))

"Lucky? To be backhanded by a giant stone monster?" The look he gave her held no ill-will however, only affection. Suddenly the golem apeared and Kallin faintly heard Luness apologize.

"What fo--OwOwOW!!!" Kallin wailed as he was manhandled onto Luness' back and clung on for dear life as she dashed back to the ship. He barely managed to hang on until they were safe aboard and tumbled onto the deck unceremoniously with another yelp and a curse. "Skies Lune! If that was revenge, you may have punctured my lung after all!" He clutched his stomach with a wince.

"'E always did like to whine." Lucille mentioned casually, a smile playing on her lips.

"Whose side are you on?" Kallin shot at her.

Vinter made it on deck as well and clapped him on the shoulder (an act that sent more pain lancing through his chest) before disappearing below deck.


Brenna helped Elena as she needed it, nodding at the girl gravely as she said she would hold her to her word. Brenna wanted nothing more than to tell the entire story..whether or not Ward would be pleased with it...well, they would all see when it was told.

@Bea Delaine

Vinter made it below deck and as she turned to her quarters notice the young girl passed out in the corridor. Frowning she opened the door to the room and tucked the girl safely in bed.

"You better not get us charged with kidnapping." She said to the unconscious figure before closing the door and letting her rest.


Ward felt his chest swell with pride, charging side by side with Leo. As the Lion aimed a strike Ward summon a powerful wind spell. The magic cut through the distance between them and the target, shearing straight through the water to leave the scroll exposed for just a moment. Leo's axe came down, shattering the frame of the paper and breaking the spell it was enchanted by. The golem roared again, flopping back over itself and melted into a giant puddle.

Ward came to a halt, standing in the receding water and shook himself like a dog. The ruins of the golems lat strewn about the green and he and Leo were in the center of it.

"Well. That takes care of that." He said with a flick of his tail.


The top deck of the Tenacity was a welcomed sight after all the adventuring they had gone through that day. Ward sailed over it once and came to land just by Elena. Brenna sat a little ways away, scanning the faces of the heroes slowly, feeling a little out of place, but the look of longing in her eyes when she fixed them on Ward softened his heart, it also made him hope...perhaps it was true.

As a gryphon he went to sit before her, tilting his head with curiosity, trying to see if there were any other intentions behind the confession. "Are you really...are you really my mother?"

The Tenacity launched as soon as everyone was on board. Kallin propped himself up against a crate and waved off any attempts of help from the crew. He had heard Ward's question and his interest was peeked. Leia stood by too, her spirits coiling about her, satisfied with themselves and a job well done.

Brenna stood up then and closed her eyes. "I've been hiding many things...for far too long." As she wove a spell her black feathers began to glow, suddenly the colour started to drip off, as if it were wet paint, then with a great shake of her entire body the black was flung from her, turning to dust and carried away by the wind. Ward looked on in amazement as underneath the stark, plain black her feathers shone gold, as brilliant as the sun. Gold feathers...and gold eyes.

Brenna's ears folded back, she was ashamed. "I never should have left you." She whispered.

"So...why did you?" The belief was settling on him, and then came the hurt...why had she given him up?

"To protect you! The one who cursed me with this form...she was not satisfied with that, she wanted you...your life. I couldn't let that happen so I...I hid you...it worked, she didn't find you...but oh, if I'd have known what would have happened! If only I had gotten to you sooner..."

Her eyes were filled with such regret and as Ward looked on her he started to see resemblances. His form had darker feathers, like tarnished gold, but the shape of her wings, the shade of her eyes, they were so like his.

"You're here now." He said quietly, acceptance settling on him like a comforting hand. The grateful look she gave him made him smile and she stepped forward and folded her wings about him, pushing her beak through the feathers on his neck.

"I am...I...thought you were dead...but here you are!..I can't believe it!"

Ward pressed his face into her feathers, the scent sending him reeling back through his memories. He knew her scent.

"Mother..." His voice broke on the word and his eyes welled. Years of longing, wondering, worrying seemed to break apart like sand in the waves. For a long while they sat there, soaking up every bit of the moment.

When she finally let him go she blinked back her own tears, wiping his away with a gentle talon.

"I still owe you the entire story." She stood and stepped away to address all aboard the ship. "Get some rest, recover, all of you, for what I have to say will probably affect you as well."


She turned to ward once more. "I will be waiting below deck. Come to me when you are ready." With that she padded away below deck.

Ward drew a deep breath, transforming back into his human form and finding Elena.

"I...I don't think I know what to say.." He said quietly, grateful for her presence, and the constancy of it in the face of such a huge development.

@Bea Delaine
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Luness looked down at Kallin with concern-filled eyes at first when he tumbled from her back, but she soon was chuckling and grinning at him upon hearing him complaining to her.

Rolling her eyes at him while smirking, Luness then said, "Well, I do feel a bit better now. Plus, if your lung really had been punctured then you wouldn't be talking so I'm sure you'll be all right."

Shaking her head in amusement as she stood up on her hind legs, Luness then overheard Lucille's comment and laughed before grinning mischievously at Kallin and saying, "I can see that."

Overhearing Brenna speaking to Ward nearby, Luness looked away from Kallin for the moment, as she listened in on their conversation and was soon surprised to hear that Brenna was supposedly Ward's mother. Was that really true?

Yet, not a moment later, Brenna changed her appearance and she became a brilliantly golden gryphon, who looked very much like Ward.

Surprised by such news, Luness remained silent while the two embraced one another and Luness shifted her attention back to Kallin when she noted the tears forming in Ward's eyes. She didn't really know the gryphon too well and felt like she may be overstepping some boundaries if she tried to involve herself in his private affairs.

Seeing Kallin propping himself up against a crate and waving off all aid, Luness rolled her eyes and then walked up to him before saying, "Y'know, those injuries are going to be tenfold worse once nighttime rolls around. You probably should be in bed by the time night falls, else I'll be having to drag you to bed."

Having temporarily forgotten that Kallin had given his room to Arianne, Luness waited for Kallin's response.



Leandra remained in her seated position with her back against the railing of the Tenacity, as it began to head out with everyone now on board.

Sighing, Leandra closed her eyes and felt herself beginning to drift off when she suddenly heard Brenna conversing with Ward nearby.

Despite how weary she felt, Leandra opened her eyes and shifted her gaze to the pair, as she was curious about what they were discussing.

Upon hearing Ward asking Brenna if she were his mother, Leandra's eyes widened and she felt her heart skip a beat. While she hardly knew anyone besides Elena here, she still felt strongly for those around her, as they had all proven that they cared deeply for one another.

Listening to the conversation going back and forth and then seeing Brenna and Ward hugging one another, as best as a gryphon can hug anyone, Leandra found herself smiling, as the sight was a warm and beautiful one. Seeing a mother reunited with her long lost son definitely brought warmth to Leandra's heart.

Ignoring the ache she felt inside to see her own mother again, Leandra dishearteningly reminded herself that her mother had died several years ago and there was no changing that.

Letting out a sigh, Leandra then closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the railing, as she began to drift off once more.
(( Hi everyone :) ))Aelin had been flying for 6 hours straight, and her whole small body ached as if she'd just stabbed herself a million times, but she knew the pain was worth the spectacle she was about to behold. She'd heard of Aerios and its beautiful castle. To say that she was curious was an understatement.

She had a newly woven dress under her arm, it was made out of the most beautiful blue flowers she could find and it had turned out beautifully.

As she finally reached the edge of the damned high island, her eyes widened in wonder. This place truly lived up to her expectations. The epic city made her feel even smaller than she already was, which ,needless to say, was impressive.

After the initial amazement had faded, the little fairy closed her eyes and tried to sense any water nearby. She was weak and she didn't like it. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and flew up until she caught sight o a waterfall. The beautiful water caught the sunlight and she laughed as she dived into it. Oh yes, this had definitely been worth the flight.
Elena boarded the Tenacity and slid down against the railing to sit an rest. She waited quietly for Ward, hoping all was well with him. Such a development would reveal dark eases as well as closure. She wanted to be beside him when all was bad, as well as when things were well. She wanted to protect him somehow, but she knew all that there was to do is be there when he needs someone.

He landed and she sighed with relief, though she stayed quiet to let Ward and Brenna talk. She watched its dark color melt away to gold. Lit lighter than wards own, his mother was beautiful. She left to go down to the lower decks and Ward returned to her.

Immediately she leaned into him and wrapped her arms around him to give comfort.

"You don't need to say anything, if you don't want to.." She whispered before pulling back. Pale brown eyes met gold ones and she smiled affectionately.

"I trust her.. She looked at you with love. Ward, you have a family. A real one. I really want that for you.. Even if it's weird at first."
Arianne started to sweat in the bed. She breathed heavily and felt heat creeping over her. Nightmares started to fill her mind as her heart started to pump faster and faster as she felt a searing, strange energy inside her. Frowning in pain she turned left and right in the bed, trying to find a way out of her nightmare.

She was trapped in the illusion of light. But the light burned with such intensity, with such force that she literally felt her skin burning. She screamed in her dream, trying to find a way away from the overwhelming power surrounding her, unable to flee anywhere. Usually she found the brilliance of the light beautiful but this was different - she found it painful, cruel.

" Lady Leia! " she screamed in fear " Lord Leo! Lord Kallin! Anyone? "

In the waking world she tossed around in the bed, mumbling helplessly as her sweating intensified. She felt incredibly sick as something inside her was swelling and getting stronger. But now that he was alone in the room it was unlikely that anyone would hear the little girl's words. Her hands were shaking as a shed of tear rolled down on her cheeks.

" Please... let it stop... too hot... "

Nyr listened to the sudden development. Ward was going through lately - and these news were momentous. She felt a slight jealousy as she looked at the overwhelmed gryphon - she never knew her mother and now that Ward had found his she felt happy for him: being able to be reunited with your beloved family is something that everyone should be able to do and now that he was together with Brenna Nyr felt joy flowing in her body.

Walking up to him she put her hand on his shoulder.

" This day is fully of surprises it seems. " she chuckled at him " I am so happy for you Ward. You deserve to be happy. After all you have done for everything it is only natural that you also have some enjoyment. "

She walked up to him.

" These islands have changed many things. I am glad that we have weathered it together. " she looked around and had an idea. " Do you want to come to the starboard observation deck with me? We could talk about things to soothe your soul. "

Achyls woke when she felt smooth wood on her back. Her leg burned and her body was aching. Looking around, she realised she was now back in the Tenacity, with a few of the crew looking at her quizzically. She moved to get to her feet, but a crew member stopped her in her tracks.

"Lass, we're gonna have to ask you to stay put," he said, gesturing down to her leg, "it looks to be healin' proper, but we need to wrap it up,". She nodded out of respect, but was highly aggravated inside. All she wanted to do was stretch her wings, as quickly as possible. The crewman seemed to notice the annoyance and got to it with speed, using odd enchantments to heal her joints and tendons, and bandaging up any wounds on her body. There were more than she first anticipated, looking like a lazily bandaged mummy. Thankfully, her wings were working fine, and so she didn't have to use her leg so much.

Once free from checkups, she made her way out into the open, floating just above the deck, surveying the area.

(lame post, sorry)
Leo watched as the water golem splashed down around he and Ward having sliced through the scroll with his friends help. Leo slid the ax's into their homes and turned to wards, giving him a smile and a nod at his words. As he watched the griffon take off towards the ship, he to slowly pulled himself out of the pool, shaking as much of the water from him that he could. Once aboard the ship, Leo found his little werewolf friend sitting at the edge of the boat, his eyes glued to the scene before him. Leo watched as the griffon revealed Wards heritage and the mother and son were reunited. Leo felt his heart swell with this news and very happy for Ward having found a piece of his past that was lost for so long.

Leo looked across the deck and found Luness and Kallin siting. He looked to Otto and motioned towards the two of them and headed for their little spot. Otto beat him over to them and bounded over to Luness and jumped up with his front paws on her side. He had his funny little canine smile as he looked over at Kallin. Leo knelt down next to the little group and gave them a smile as he listened to Luness's concern. "Luness is correct Kallin. You will be in a great deal of pain once your curse has run its course. I would be willing to try and make you more comfortable if you would like. The least I can do is give you the room that I do not even use."

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
"We'll be back in Aerios by the time night falls." Kallin replied, not really feeling much like trying to move. "At least once the sun goes down they'll be healable by conventional spells...I bet Nyr could at least get me standing again..."

He thanked Leo for his offer. "No need, I'll be ok..."

He sighed and sat back, watching the clouds roll past the deck. Now that they weren't in imminent danger he had time to reflect on what happened to his spell back at the spring...and it filled him with a cold dread. It was already starting...he thought he would at least have another half a year. With all the magic he was using recently however it may have just accelerated the process. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, trying to suppress the fear growing inside him.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Ward sat beside her and held her close as she hugged him, the familiar warmth of her touch calming his racing thoughts. He listened to her quietly and after her words kissed her cheek.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked softly. "No matter what I discover, you are first and foremost in my heart."

When Nyr approached Ward was gladdened by what she said. "I am happy you were with us for all of it." When she invited him to walk with her he rose, offering a hand to Elena as well, not terribly happy to leave her side. There was little that could sooth him better than Elena's presence.

"What would you have us talk about?" His curiosity was woken at her offer.

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios

Leia ventured downstairs, Bob slipping on the top step and nearly bowling her over as he fell to the bottom. It was then she heard a faint voice coming from one of the rooms.

Upon finding Arianne weak and fevered her brow creased with concern. She called Lee who shrank herself down and became a living cold compress on the girl's forehead, also delving into her ailment and beginning to heal it slowly. The goal was to encourage the fever to break.

Leia adjusted the covers to make the girl more comfortable, all the while humming a soft melody to help ease her out of her nightmare.

Luness frowned at Kallin's response, finding his stubborness to be highly irritating despite knowing that she probably would be acting the same way if in Kallin's current position. At least they had plenty of healers at the moment, though Leandra was too weak right now and Leo seemed to need plant life to perform any healing.

Letting out a sigh, Luness then joined Kallin's side, as she sat down beside him.

Glancing sideways at Kallin, Luness' eyebrows creased with concern, as she saw Kallin close his eyes and lean back, but she could tell, thanks to her Alpha senses, that something was amiss.

Smelling Otto approaching, Luness glanced over and grinned when the young werewolf jumped up at him.

Patting her forepaws against her lap, Luness then said, "Want to lay down for a bit, Otto?"

Glancing back at Kallin, Luness then leaned over to him for a moment and whispered, "You know I'm here for you, Kal. If something's on your mind, then you know you can tell me...right?"

Leaning back so Otto could jump onto her lap if he still wanted to, Luness then glanced back at Kallin once more, cocking her head at him while waiting for a response.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Fulgrim sighed, initially unsure of what to do. He merely sat against the side of the ship, glancing at the others. He studied them, the ones catching his eye particularly was the werecat and the werewolf. Looking away after a moment, he sighed, lowering his head. He almost envied them, there weren't many were-animals in Fablewood, that he knew of, and he was sure there weren't any like him. He sighed again, lowly.
Malachai found himself on the deck of the tenacity, staring at the clouds as they moved by. He was exhausted and could only imagine what the others were feeling, especially with their injuries. He smiled as he felt a familiar presence when Achyls came up on deck. "Well look who's awake again" He thought to her as he turned to face her. His back and elbows resting on the railing. "Your a cute child, and a beautiful woman, it's good to be back isn't it."

"I hope whatever you discover is wonderful.. And when it isn't, I will always be here to give you what you need to move forward my love."

She said, voice low and sweet. Slightly too pallid complexion began to tinge rose, and bloodstained lips curled into a sweet smile. She looked to Nyr and nodded to her as well. Taking Wards hand and slowly standing with the other lithe appendage curled around the guard rail for support, she was ready to follow them.

"Nyr.. Thank you for being here for us at such a time. I believe we are becoming a bit of an unconventional family ourselves."

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