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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr listened to the story carefully and she turned her head left and right. The queen sounded awfully similar to Caraboss... maybe she was one of her servants, or perhaps the dreaded witch herself she knew not but this did not seem to be important right now so she continued to listen to the story of Brenna. Then she explained the captain part and before Ward even reacted to it Nyr already knew what her answer would be...

So Ward was of royal blood then. Would be considered as a bastard unless the king marries Brenna it is true but he is still the heir of the isles. She expected to be shocked, to be astonished by these news and she wanted to believe that she was ecstatic from these sudden development - yet somehow the surprise did not come. Some way, somehow deep down she always felt pride, power and elegance radiating from their enigmatic leader... and now that it was confirmed that it was not only his willpower but partly his royal blood as well she was all the happier.

" Well then... " she stood up from the ground and slowly walked towards Ward. When she reached him she cheerfully knelt down, looking in his eyes " It is an honor to fight at your side, your majesty. " she chuckled at the formalities but then stood up and saluted, now respectfully.

" I will try my best to prevent an assassination like that. The starfall signals the apex of the Moon's power and even without my... "

She stopped, shaking her head, for a moment sadness flashing through her mind then continued.

" The Moon will shine the brightest at this event, thus the power of the light will also be stronger. I shall use this to our advantage the best I can. "

She now looked at Brenna and Ward directly.

" I will not fail you. And neither will any of us. "

Achyls' eyes widened as Brenna shared her story, frowning at her and Ward.

What does this mean for the company? she wondered, mouth slightly ajar in wonder and confusion. She dare not speak, for fear of saying something she ought not say. Did that mean Ward's lineage was responsible for her father's death and her isolation? Surely not. The king was a wise man, he would not murder a creature of his land. She couldn't help but feel a pang of anger, and tried to disguise it as best she could, listening to what Nyr had to say.

"Agreed. We shall not let you down...y-your majesty," she stumbled over her words, something in her head not wanting to associate Ward with royalty. It was a ridiculous notion anyway, she couldn't think such about her friend and his family. Bowing her head, she wondered about the future of them all. Would Ward leave them to rule FableWood? He couldn't...right?

Ward swallowed, his mouth dry. Elena's voice cut through the confusion in his mind. "I-I don't know...first I find my mother....and then she tells me I am the lost heir to a kingdom...I...this will take some time to process."

Brenna dipped her head in Leo's direction before she answered. "The queen, in a vengeful fit cursed me to wear the form of a gryphon, forever. The gryphon is part of the founding myth of Aerios, I suppose she thought it was cruelly ironic. I thought it would have affected my child as well." She looked back at Ward. "But because you were innocent, had done nothing to earn the wrath put upon you the curse couldn't hold you. Instead, it gave you the power to shift back and forth at will...or at first, it was not so much will, but feeling."

Brenna sounded like this had been a crucial element to the next part of the story.

"Ward, I can only imagine what you must think of me...but please, let me finish before you pass judgement."

Ward drew in a deep breath, lifting his head up once more. He gripped Elena's hand as if it was a lifeline of a ship he had fallen off.

"I fled that very moment. Terrified of what else the queen would think to do to me...and frightened of what she would do to you. I stayed not far from the city however, gathering news from the soldiers still loyal to me. King Cedric was safe, the queen having left that night, but I could not stay. I had no place left there...I thought it better if I leave, raise you far away and try and live happily."

Ward noted some small joy on her face then. "For a while it worked. You were born a gryphon Ward, and you were beautiful. The moment I looked into your little golden eyes, I wanted nothing else in the world." The love that filled her voice made him smile. "I had found a small village of gryphons on one of the most remote islands of the Isles. Few knew they were even there it was so hidden and isolated. Despite my telling them of the curse they welcomed me, and when you came, they welcomed you too...but it wasn't to last...One night I was roused by a strange sound. A baby cry. My first though was you, and when I looked into your bed I found no trace of my gryphlet...but a human instead. You had changed yourself without even knowing how it was done. I am not sure who spoke, but word traveled of the human child appearing in a village of gryphons...the tale reached the queen's ears and she knew.

I barely got half a day's warning before the queen descended on the village. With her magic she tore it to pieces looking for you. As a gryphon it was easily deniable that you had any connection to the crown..as a human however, you were once more a threat.

"That is why you gave me up...you were hiding me."

"In the most unlikely place. A woodcutter and his wife, living deep within the mainland forests. Ward..it broke my heart to leave you...but it was the only way to save your life. After I knew you would be cared for I dyed my feathers black and flew as far away as I could. I did not come back for ten years."

"And now...you think the queen has returned, to try and take the throne again...and if I reveal who I am."

"She will try to kill you, Ward she's been looking for you all this time."

There was a pause. "But she will be the one to attack tonight. We must be there to stop her."

"Ward." Brenna stepped forward, glancing to Elena and back at him. "You may be a king's son, but you will not be a prince unless you choose to be. I will say nothing to King Cedric. It will be your decision."

As the clouds parted the tall spires of Aerios castle came into view.

"I think that is all we have time for for now." Brenn said quietly. "The most pressing matter is to make sure the king stays safe tonight."

Leia did not move, even as the mooring ropes were tossed past the portholes to hands waiting on the docks. "That...was unexpected." She said shortly. Her spirits didn't seem to phased by the news and sat happily at her feet.

Ward heard the words of the raven girls and he looked at them with a sad frown. "Please don't call me that..."

Kallin stood slowly. "Brenna's right Ward, this doesn't have to change anything. Just, consider it."

Ward sat for a little bit longer before closing his eyes, silently putting the information at the back of his head for now. "So, Elena a new question has arisen: Would you rest here on the Tenacity, or should I escort you to your room in the palace?"

((I travel to start my fieldwork today, I still have no idea if I have access to internet or what sort of quality said internet will be, so keep your fingers crossed. I most likely will not be posting anymore today...I have a really busy schedule as soon as I land.))
Luness raised an eyebrow at the two ravens, wondering just how appropriate their reactions were in the moment. Sure enough, Ward showed great displeasure towards what the two ravens said. It was a lot for Ward to take in and those two acting like he was true royalty sure didn't help in the moment.

Sighing, Luness glanced back at Brenna, as the gryphon continued her story. Listening to everything else that was expressed, Luness found herself feeling bad for Ward. It was great that he still had a parent around, but he'd lived his whole life either in hiding or with people he didn't even know. Did anyone around here have a good childhood?

Shaking her head and sighing at such thoughts, Luness then heard Kallin piping in to reassure Ward that he only had to consider everything and that it ultimately was his decision.

Nodding in agreement, Luness then quickly added, "They're right, Ward. This is your call to make. No one else's."

After all, Ward would be ruling Aerios, not FableWood in its entirety. Still probably a terrifying concept, but the kingdom at least was smaller than FableWood itself.

Realizing that they'd just docked upon hearing the ropes being tied down in the distance, Luness then glanced back at Kallin and said, "I should probably help you to your room before night completely falls and you collapse or something."

Remembering how she wanted to talk to Otto about what had happened moments before, Luness glanced across the table to find the curious werewolf and she raised her voice to make sure he could hear her when she said, "Otto, I want you to come with Kallin and I. We still have to talk about what happened a few minutes ago."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Leo sat in the galley, hands folded in front of him on the table as he sat and listened to Brennan continue her tale. The more and more in depth she went into the story of Wards past, the more Leo's heart grew for him. So much pain and suffering at such a young age, and all because of the jealousy of a corrupt queen. Leo wished nothing more than to see this "Queen" brought to justice and Ward given his rightful title and home among the clouds. From the sounds of it, they would be getting their chance very soon with the arrival of the ball.

Leo's ears perked up at the sound of the clattering above signalling that they had arrived back at Areios. Rising from his seat he made to leave but stopped and turned back to Ward who was conversing with Elena. With a few steps, Leo walked over to the pair and placed a hand on Wards shoulder and smiled at them both. "Whatever your choice, you will always have me by your side my friend." Lifting his hand and patting Ward on the shoulder once he turned back towards the stairs and made his way back onto the deck.


Otto sat quietly beside Leo as the meeting in the galley moved along. He wasn't really paying attention to what was going on, but he had gotten the gist of information from his few moments of focus. He was still trying to piece together the images his mind had played out for him in his dreams. He had always remembered the night the pack was attacked, the night his mother died. But something about this dream pierced him deeper than normal. Normally when he recalled the memory of that night, he would never recall the eyes looking at him through the rip in their tent. But now it seemed that he could remember the eyes more clearly and the eye that looked at him where so familiar. Otto nearly jumped out of his seat when he heard Luness call his name and give him his orders. Otto stood and once again tried to smile as he made his way over to Luness, he wasn't particularly excited about talking about his dream. But he wasn't about to refuse Luness if she wanted to know about it.

Elena quirked a brow curiously at Leandra, mentally telling herself she might want to check up with the girl if it's reoccurring.

Moving her attention back to Ward she listened to his concerns and squeezed his hand, lingering on his words. She maintained her small smile and said nothing as he expressed fear and confusion. There wasn't anything to say until Brenna was finished.

When Brenna looked to her, speaking about how Ward had a choice in accepting or telling the king. She raised her eyebrows unsure of why she would do something like that. Elena had no say, which was for the best. She would never try to influence Ward one way or another. She noticed the way the dread ravens treated him was already changing. She shot the girls a minor look of exasperation. Ward didn't need.. All of this, Unless of course he wants it. And if he does?

'Ward is already princely and regal. You are fairly plain and a human, Elena. Frankly a trashy illegitimate one too. He may see it fit to find a proper lady to be with if he agrees.'

The dark childhood voice pushed itself forward in her mind, and Elena shook her head. No, Ward was Ward. He didn't have to change, choice or not. And if it happened, then as long as he was happy. She rubbed her temple and looked up, realizing after a full couple minutes ward spoke to her.

"Oh.. Right. I don't have a preference, but where ever we go, I hope we can talk about this. I could ease your concerns?"

She said in a soft voice, and she watched the supporting group stand by him.

"I want to let you know though, I will stand by any choice you make and support you, and I just want you to think about yourself. I know you get selfless and I want you to be the opposite for a moment. Whatever makes you happy, Ward. That's what you should do, and I will do for you.. Even if it means knocking an evil queen off her high horse..."

She knew it was an odd way to reply to his completely irrelevant question. Running fingers across his cheek and coming to a conclusion in her own mind, she continued.

"It's because, I believe nomatter what happens you will not and can not lose yourself, i think you should not listen to anyone yet. Just be happy, and I will try to help you through the.. Shock of all of this."
"My room would be fantastic." Kallin said gratefully, letting Luness help him up and take him there. They entered the castle freely as they had before, unhindered by the many guards that seemed to be present now. "The room in the castle please...the walls are thicker. And I want to hear what Otto has to say. You looked really troubled back there." His voice was uncharacteristically full of concern. He cared about the young pup, more than he had realized at first. He felt protective of him.

The palace was unchanged mostly. The throne room had already been repaired, with just the windows left to replace, covered with white fabric. The place was alive however with servants and other workers rushing to prepare for the Star masquerade. With so much action, it actually made him excited...but only slightly. Kallin rested on his bed, laying back against the pillows. He invited both Luness and Otto to sit on the bed as well.

"Ok pup, spill it. What happened?"

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Ward had a great many things to think about. This news...it could change everything. When Elena offered to discuss the matter he acquiesced. "I would like that." He said softly, offering to help her up. As they walked down the gangplank and out onto the docking balcony of the castle Ward began to speak.

"I'm not sure if I can make a decision for only myself...If I really am...the king's son, then it would be a responsibility, wouldn't it? But Elena, the decision I make...I don't want to make it without you...whatever happens, I want to stay by your side."

And what would accepting this do? He would no longer be Ward the guardian, but Ward the ruler...would Elena even want that sort of life?

"Your opinion matters to me as much as my own. In truth, I was happy before, when protecting you and the other humans was my only responsibility..."

Leia walked off the ship slowly. Her three spirits wandering off to explore, but always staying within sight.

"I guess we have some down time." She said to anyone in the general vicinity. Leaning against a mooring post she decided to wait for the others to disembark, her thoughts suddenly drifting to Arianne.

@DawnAntalios @everyone
Luness nodded at Kallin and helped him up from the bench before walking alongside him with his arm around her shoulders for support, as they made their way off the Tenacity and then through the castle leading back to Kallin's room.

As they walked through the castle, Luness noted all of the rushing servants and obvious preparations underway for the ball.

Having a sudden thought of herself having to wear a dress for such an occasion, Luness blanched, but quickly regained her composure and continued helping Kallin along to his room before helping him lay down in his bed. How far off was nightfall now? Luness hadn't been paying much attention to the sky and surroundings when she'd been helping Kallin to his room.

The moment Kallin was in his bed, Luness shifted her attention to Otto, feeling very concerned about the pup after whatever he'd seen or experienced in his nightmare. She didn't want him to end up just like she had. It'd taken Luness too many years to overcome her struggles and hardships.

Sitting on the edge of the bed and near Kallin, Luness then glanced over at Otto after Kallin told him to spill it, as she perked her good ear towards him in anticipation of what he might end up saying.

While waiting, Luness' eyebrows furrowed with concern, as she then said softly, "Tell us what you saw, Otto. Maybe I can help you somehow."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Hearing Elena offering encouragement for Ward, Leandra smiled slightly, as it warmed her heart to see how much Elena cared for the gryphon. He certainly was in good hands.

Yet, everyone was soon leaving the galley and disembarking the ship, which left Leandra uncertain of what to do next.

Deciding that disembarking the ship would be a good start, Leandra did so and soon overheard Leia saying that it appeared they had some downtime now.

Walking over to Leia, Leandra then said with a smile, "I'd rather take downtime than another one of those golems, huh?"

Thinking back to when they'd been fighting the golems, Leandra felt bad for how useless she'd ended up being in the fight. She wasn't much of a healer if she was injured and out of the fight.

Trying to not bring herself down about it, Leandra returned her attention to Leia, waiting for the girl's response or perhaps for someone else to disembark and join in their discussion.

@SilverFlight @everyone else that isn't already preoccupied
Leo followed the others down the gangplank to the docks, still studying the pendant . It wasn't until he got to the bottom of the planks that he actually realized he was off the boat. He watched as several of the others went about their business, even the servants seemed to be in a bit of a panic. Course with such a large and prestigious event, it was understandable for them to be a bit flustered. He smiled and noticed Leandra and Leia leaning on a post watching her little spirits wander about. Watching them gave him and idea and he placed a hand on his satchel to feel the books within. He slowly made his way his way over to the girls and clicked the pendant back into his mantle and cleared his throat as to not to startle them with his sudden appearance. "Glad to see that everyone made it back in one piece. Your little friends did a wonderful job back there." Leo watched as the little spirits wandered about. They had always perplexed Leo, such free range they had and how they came to Leia's becking call so willingly.


Otto followed behind Luness and Kallin, his hands stuffed into his pockets and his eyes watching his feet. Whenever one of the servants would rush past with something it would cause him to jerk his head in their directions just out of habit. But within seconds he went back to watching his feet as they walked. When they finally made it to Kallins room and the pair of them sat down, Otto almost felt like he was in trouble. His wolf ears on his human head pinned backwards, and his tail was drooped low, Otto swung his foot as he watched the ground. HE immediately thought of the eyes in his dream, which made him shiver. He looked back at Luness and Kallin, hands still stuffed in his pockets "I don't know, I had a really bad dream. I mean I have had the same dream before, but this time there was something different about it." Otto explained the dream to the two of them up until he got to the part where his mother was yanked back into the tent. ["But this time there was something different. There were these eyes that looked at me through the hole, and then this dark shadow attacked me. But the eyes were so real. Like they were familiar in so many ways, I just can't place them." Otto felt silly for being so scared of a pair of eyes, after all, he was supposed to be a hero. Right?

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Nyr just watched as Ward stood up and she nodded at him and at Elena. After all these events and news Ward definitely needed to think over things she stood up.

" Take your time, noble gryphon. " she said as she left the room, wandering off to her cabin. She was now certain that she would have some free time as they prepared for the momentous event at the evening and she should have been anxious about the news of the strike the former queen was likely to do. Still, somehow she felt even happier than before. Seeing Ward finally being reunited with his mother and soon with his father filled her with happiness. She remembered how happy she was with her family - faint and distant memories, no longer than a flash of light... still those times were joyful and full of peace. And now that her heroic friend also found this solitude and love it made her smile.

She turned around in her room to study the tome further. If it contained information about prelates of the past it might be the key for her to understand her new role...

Arianne sat up in a bed, gasping heavily. For moments horror and fear reflected from her expression, at first not being sure where she was. When she calmed down and observed her surroundings she realized that it was the room Kallin has granted her. Still it was not the strange part which made her weary.

She felt as if she woke up from a nightmare, one which she had never felt before. And somehow... she felt stronger as well. Immediately she focused and summoned the same globe of light she did before. This time however the little source of light appeared with no effort and started to encircle her. Soon enough more of its kind have appeared and started to move around her, forming a thin protective barrier around the girl who just watched in awe. She did not understand how was this possible but then she looked on the ground.

She saw a small pebble and some drops of water on the floor.

" Lady Leia... " she whispered as she got up, running around on the ship to find her. Eventually she spotted her with Leandra and Leo standing around just in the vicinity of the boat so she decided to approach them with careful steps. As she got closer she looked up at Leandra, bowing respectfully and then mimicking the polite gesture she bowed before Leo as well, her intent still being to meet the spirit lover human girl. When she finally reached her at first she did nothing. Silently she stood before her, looking at the spirit tamer with her large eyes.But then she let out a relieved sigh and small drops of tears appeared in her eyes as she could no longer hold back her emotions. Swiftly she hugged her, whispering to her.

" Thank you, my Lady... thank you. " she sobbed, being happier than ever before. "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Fulgrim wanted to ask the other were-creatures questions. It was obvious to him that they were different, he wanted to ask them how they were different, he knew really, he just wanted to make sure his assumptions were correct.

When the ship came to a stop, he stood and walked to the docked side, leaning on the edge and looking over it with a slight grin. He enjoyed this, he'd never been anywhere off the mainland before and as far as he knew, he was somewhere new.
Luness listened intently to what Otto said, trying to envision the scene based on how it was described. It sounded like Otto's pack had been slaughtered, but by who and why?

Hearing that Otto had recognized someone this time, Luness then said, "If you now recognize someone from a common dream, or nightmare, then it's likely you saw them recently so they're recognizable now."

Frowning at these spoken thoughts, Luness then cocked her head at Otto and asked, "But who have you seen recently, who you've never seen before?"

Yet, before Otto could even respond, Luness suddenly remembered how Otto had been there with Luness and Kallin for the Spring of Inspiration. Perhaps the eyes had belonged to one of Bigby's pack members...or Bigby himself?

Eyes wide, Luness then quickly added, "Otto, did you recognize Bigby when you saw him earlier? When we were at the Spring of Inspiration?"

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Elena took Wards help and slowly followed him out to the balcony, watching his body as he moved, looking for tenseness, uncomfortable body language. When she caught herself, she looked away again. No need to be so protective, she supposed. Her hands traced the nearest sturdy surface for a little support herself, though the headache and burning feeling was gone now. She could most likely stay out now, or get ready for the ball.

"I know.. It would be a tremendous responsibility, and though you are you, and are capable of tackling, I would never pressure you to take it on. To me though, Ward the guardian and Ward the possible future king look no different. I'm honored you ask me to take part, but I only want your happiness and to be beside you as you live it."

She said this in a hushed voice and smiled, as she thought more on it.

"But, putting that choice aside, are you alright? I mean, you have family you didn't know existed. Is there a way I can ease this.. Um.. Transition of sorts?"

She wished to help in some way but had yet to figure out how.

She thought of something, a small idea. It may overwhelm him even more, but to her it became crucial.

"Hey, Ward? I know we are going to the ball together.. And there will be a.. Threat on your life. So I want to say this now. Before things get more hectic.."

She paused and her cheeks reddened, she took a deep breath to calm the beating in her chest. Too much stress would not do any good at this point.

"I love you, Ward. I want to be there beside you, no matter the life we both lead. I wish to support you, like you support me."

"When this is better, and things are less severe.. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Would you.. Um.."

Her heart raced and the black in her peripheral spread a bit. What if he doesn't understand? Usually it's a mans thing to say, did she cross a line?
Otto thought about the possibility of having seen someone recently that reminded him of the yes or not. It was certainly a possibility, one that Otto hadn't considered. He continued to pace the room now a bit more out of frustration than out of anything else. "I guess its possible that I could have seen someone recently. I just thought maybe having been turned back into a puppy might have had something to do with jarring my memories loose." He brought his hands up out of his pockets as he spoke, throwing them into the air out of frustration. He turned his back to the two of them and starred out a adjacent window, watching the servant below bustle about preparing for the ball.

It wasn't until Luness mentioned the big wolf from her mind that Otto's ears perked up. He began to think back to what he and seen in Luness's memories, the wolfs eyes in particular. They too sent shivers down his spine as he thought about them. Otto turned back to Luness and Kallin with a bit of a dumb founded look.
"Yea, I did. But I thought it was just cause he was another wolf at the time. Is it possible he was the one who attacked my village and killed my mom?" Thinking about this was making Otto sadder and sadder by the minute. HE had obviously blocked out a good portion of the attack and was only just now recalling bits and pieces of it. This made him wonder, what else about his past had he mentally blocked?

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Seeing Leo approaching herself and Leia, Leandra wondered what he was going to say, though her unspoken question was soon answered when he praised Leia's spirits and mentioned how grateful he was that nobody was too injured, or at least had lost any limbs, from the battle against those golems and all.

Still, hearing no mention of her healing capabilities only served to further encourage Leandra in the matter of her feeling useless from that fight. She hadn't even been able to heal herself.

Granted, she'd only learned about this power a day or two ago, but Leandra still felt like she should have better control over it now. Humans were supposed to be all-powerful beings in FableWood, yet Leandra wasn't feeling too powerful at the moment.

Quietly sighing, Leandra then quipped in real quick, "Yeah, it's good that nobody was seriously injured. Especially before the ball tonight and all."

In fact, Leandra knew she still needed more rest, but it with the ball that was going to be underway tonight, Leandra's rest would have to wait for now. As disappointing as such a thing was to know.

Suddenly, Arianne appeared at the edge of the group and bowed to Leandra before doing the same to both Leo and Leia.

Surprised by such a gesture, Leandra furrowed her brows and then said to Arianne, "You really don't need to bow to me. I'm not royalty or anything, really." Not to mention how uncomfortable it made her feel.

Yet, before Leandra could say more, she turned towards Leia to find Arianne crying and hugging the poor girl.

Surprised by such actions, Leandra blinked before suddenly feeling very uncomfortable with being present. After all, she knew nothing about Arianne and the girl always was making her uncomfortable with her formalities. If she was a grown woman then the formalities wouldn't feel as unusual, but they were beyond unusual for a child.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios
Kai stood there next to Achyls and Anya, listening to the gryphons story. Looks of sorrow then surprise crossed his face. When all was said and done he whistled mostly to himself. "Well look at that, we've been graced with royalty" He muttered mainly to himself with a chuckle as everyone had dispersed. He stood watching the castle come into view and he reached down and placed an arm around Achyls, pulling her close, then turning to her and wrapping her in his arms. "Doesn't matter what secrets you carry, I'm not going anywhere" He whispered to her

After seeing the shock on Leia's expression Arianne turned around, wiping away her tears and walked up to Leandra.

" I am sorry. You know in Aerios even the young must learn how to show respect and honor towards those who deserve it. " she said " My father taught me every rules of the etiquette and I have used them to introduce myself to every noble I have met. You are the first one who actually detest it which surprises me. "

She blushed a bit.

" I do not want to create awkward moments, nor do I crave to seek attention. I merely want to be your companion that's all. "

She pointed at Leia.

" I wanted to thank Lady Leia properly for her kindness. I was overwhelmed by fever when we arrived back from the island and I felt really sick. She was the one who nursed me back to life... at least she was the one I saw in my dreams doing it. That is why I wanted to express my gratitude. "

Thinking now she looked at Leandra.

" But if I can't call you 'Lady' how should I address you? "

Achyls' eyes widened as Malachai wrapped his arms around her. His words were incredibly kind, though she couldn't understand why he was saying such to her.

"I...I do not understand," she stumbled over her words, brow furrowed, a look of confusion showing to the dragon. His touch was warm, soothing almost. She found herself forgetting her surroundings beside him once again. Bowing her head, she pressed her forehead to his chest, a soft, relaxed smile returning to her face. She was still dumbfounded, however. Why did Malachai show such kindness to her? And why did she reciprocate that?

Kallin did not say anything right away, just put a gentle hand on Otto's shoulder. "Its ok, just take your time. Most likely the answer will come to you when you need it to."

He wished he could cast the spell again right now. The one that allowed him to share other people's dreams and memories. Perhaps they could help Otto delve deeper into what he saw. But this his injuries and the fatigue of casting it the first time weighing on him...not to mention what had cut the spell short. His eyes grew distant for just a moment before they returned.

"Hey, have either of you ever seen the Star Rain?" It was a trick question. The reason the Star Ball was such a big event was that the meteor shower it celebrated only happened every hundred years. Kallin had been looking forward to the event the moment he heard about it, which was last year, when Lucille was telling her wild stories to the crew one foggy night. It was easy to tell he was excited.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Leia grinned at Leandra. "You know it. Those golems were terrifying even when I wasn't six." Her face grew a bit more serious. "I want to know how the heck Caraboss always knows where to find us..it's really bugging me...hey, shouldn't you be trying to rest? I guess tonight will be sort of a big night."

At Leo's comment Bob, who had been standing nearby barked his displeasure at being called 'little'

"Oh its true! You were the size of my brother's rabbit." Leia shot at him and his chin jutted out irritably..."All that though...Leo, are you really ok?" She had just watched the guardian lose yet another friend, it frustrated her that he had had to endure so much.

Just then Arianne appeared, and Leia gave her a look of relief and a cheerful wave. When the young girl ran as her and hugged her sobbing she stood there dumbfounded for just a second before her eyes softened. She hugged the girl back fiercely. "There's nothing to thank me for ok? Really." Then the girl began pouring out a justification for her formal manner.

"Hey, are you kidding? I think its great you know how to be all fancy and stuff. If I could learn even half of what you know I don' think my parents would recognize me."

She faintly remembered having belching contests with her brother...and winning her fair share of them. Class was certainly not her thing, but she respected anyone who had it.

"Look, don't worry what other people think. Just be yourself. There's no need to go fishing for approval here, I think we all so different it doesn't really matter either way." She placed a firm hand on the girl's hat and ruffled her hair under it. "Besides. I like you just fine."

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Lioness075

Ward listened to Elena, his smile brightening at every word. "My happiness it tied to yours. Could you truly be happy if I was off running a kingdom for most of our lives?" It was an exaggeration...most likely. But the task truly felt daunting to him. When she mentioned his parents next he sighed. "I don't know if anything could help me adjust to this...on one side, I am overjoyed. I've been searching for them for as long as I can remember...but...now that I know...and know the circumstances.." Thinking about it he really didn't like the idea of being an illegitimate heir...even if the queen did use dubious means to get herself the crown.

"I will only be a target if I reveal who I am. As long as it remains unknown, I am in no danger...and neither are you for that matter." It was yet another thing to weight in the consideration of this entire mess. Usually he would admit that even a crazed sorceress would have trouble going up against Elena, but she was still tired, which made him worry. She looked as though she wanted to say something more and he waited patiently. She looked a bit nervous, and he felt his skin grow hot even as he saw her cheeks flush.

"I wish the same thing." He admitted, drawing a little closer. He could not imagine his life without her now. He found it remarkable that even in the shadowy threat of Caraboss, they had still managed to come together, but with all he had been told recently, his mother, and the new plot to attack the king he could not keep his mind focused. She asked him a question and he almost missed it.

"Would I...what?" He returned, trying to think of what she would ask him.

@Bea Delaine

The sun began to dip on the horizon, the mountain-scape behind the castle speeding darkness on its way. As soon as the sun disappeared lanterns began blooming with light all across the garden and in the ballroom. Huge double doors opened from it out onto the grounds and everywhere servants rushed to put the finishing touches on ice sculptures, crystal tree decorations, the buffet table and every other sort of magnificent wonder one could imagine at a party this grand.

Kallin watched from the window as the servants worked. He noted with an intrigued expression that they were all in masks. Every man and woman wore one. Some here animals while others objects like a clock or a bell, some just happy papier mache faces, grinning at the world as their wearers worked.

Despite himself and his dislike for fancy gatherings the masks made him wonder what the ball would be like.

Luness patiently listened to Otto's reasoning, her mind rolling over the idea that Bigby had led the charge into Otto's village and killed his mother...but why?

Bigby had been enraged by Luness being born because she was a werecat and not the strong werewolf he'd desired. But Otto was a werewolf so what was the problem?

Shrugging at Otto's final question, Luness then said, "It's always a possibility, but we're still left with the unanswered question of why he'd even do such a thing to begin with. He was mad, but not without some reason, even if it was an illogical one."

Seeing Kallin comforting Otto, Luness briefly smiled at Otto and then nodded in agreement with what Kallin said. "He's right, you know. Take all the time you need. We won't do any good if we rush you through the process. Especially if you're already struggling to remember everything."

Thinking things over for a moment, Luness quickly added, "It's all probably so traumatic that you forgot about it and hid it away in your head to protect yourself, in a sense. I guess I wasn't very good at protecting myself."

Shaking her head at the gloomy thoughts, Luness then glanced sideways at Kallin and furrowed her brows the moment she saw a distant look in his eyes. What was on his mind?

Now that she thought about it, Luness hardly ever seemed to know. Kallin appeared to be holding back secrets from Luness and she was growing more and more restless with this in mind. What was keeping him from telling her what he hid in that head of his?

Yet, Luness was soon brought back to reality, as Kallin asked if either of them had seen the Star Rain.

Blinking, Luness then shook her head and said a bit sullenly, "It might be safe to assume I haven't seen or heard of most things anywhere."

Still, despite her sullenness at her lack of knowledge of most things in the world, Luness' curiosity got the better of her and she cocked her head at Kallin before asking him, "What is the Star Rain, anyhow?"

Just after asking this, Luness saw the sun setting in her peripherals and instead of looking out of the window despite her strong curiosity, Luness kept her focus on Kallin, as she knew that the sun setting meant that his wounds would soon set in and he would be in a great deal of pain. Or hopefully he'd mostly just feel sore. If not, Luness could always ask Otto to find Leo for Kallin.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra held up her hands, almost in both a defensive and calming manner, as she immediately responded to Arianne's rambling, "Um, wow, that's a lot to take in. For one, I had no idea how you were raised so you could see where I may not understand certain matters. Also, am I really the first one to detest your formalities? If I recall correctly, Luness got pretty fed up with this stuff early on."

Pausing to catch her breath, Leandra then continued, "I also never said you were seeking attention. If this was how you were raised, then it'd be rather rude of me to assume such a thing without knowing you better. As for awkwardness, it's only awkward if you make it awkward, which in this case, I did that because I found this all to be rather unusual and far from the environment in which I've grown up in. I've never had formalities in my life nor much politeness for that matter."

Nodding at Arianne's explanation for her tears and hugging Leia, Leandra then shrugged and said, "It was only awkward in that moment between you and Leia because I felt like I was intruding on something that I had never been involved with to begin with. I don't like to get involved in personal matters unless I know at least one of the people really well. Like, family-well."

Hearing Arianne's question, Leandra paused for a moment before replying, "Honestly? Just call me Leandra. That's what I'm used to and it's the only thing I really respond to anyhow."

Remembering her brother's nickname for her, Lea, Leandra smiled wistfully, though her smile soon vanished, as she remembered that Manjano was still in the Real World and the twins were far from one another.

Hearing Leia's concern for Leandra needing her rest, Leandra used this as an excuse to leave the conversation and group, as she was definitely beginning to feel a bit out of place in general. Nodding in agreement with Leia, Leandra then said, "Leia's got a point. I truly feel exhausted and rest would do me some good at the moment. I'll see you all a bit later, I suppose."

Leaving the group behind, Leandra soon weaved her way through the castle's hallways until she found her room once more.

Upon entering it, Leandra put her knapsack and staff down beside the door just after she'd shut it quietly behind herself.

Wearily, Leandra soon made her way over to her bed and climbed on top of the covers as she shut her eyes and wondered if she'd be able to wake up in time for the ball or if she'd end up sleepign through it. Perhaps someone would just come and get her...right?

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz
Arianne nodded at Leandra's response.

" It is true that Lady Luness did not like my response either but... " she was afraid of actually telling the girl what she felt about the werecat so she tried to be polite as much as she could " I do not think that your feline companion actually likes me. Not one bit. " she blushed, unsure how big of a trouble it will be to say such things about Luness but she felt that she had to do it.

" I am afraid of her. " she said ultimately " She is agile, strong and powerful indeed and it seems she is loyal as well but... she is just menacing at the same time as well. "

Hearing Leandra's offer her eyes widened in surprise. Never before did anyone offer her to call them only by their surnames - signaling equality. She bowed before her and smiled.

" I will try my best, Leandra. " she said and watched as the girl walked away.

Arianne now turned to Leia and smiled at her response. Somehow she felt a strong bond forming between her and the girl... at least on her part. She already revered her as a hero and savior but now she also felt that she was so kind to her, just like Achyls was. She no longer felt like being a small child running around with adults to interfere with their work - she felt like a part of a family now. It was strange yet it was also an elevating feeling. On the girl's comment she smiled.

" I am honored, truly. " she said " I always tried to smile and be polite with everyone I met in my life... and now to think about it I have done it so many times that I have forgotten how does it feel to be just myself. Everybody wanted to see a well-mannered, cheerful smile girl and so that I was - still it felt slightly alien, not because I did not like to laugh but because those smiles were nothing more than masks. "

She looked at Leia seriously.

" Here I feel that I am truly alive. "

She silenced for a moment, watching as the last rays of the dying sun vanished on the horizon.

" Today is a momentous occasion. " she explained the obvious " Every night I stayed up late to watch the pale moon on the horizon. For some reason it always filled me with joy and happiness, somehow I felt alive seeing that celestial body on the sky. And now during the star fall it will be even more beautiful. "

She offered her hand to Leia.

" Do you want me to be your companion during the ball, Lady Leia? Or did you plan to go there with someone else? Someone like... " she lowered her voice to whisper " ... a boyfriend? "


Nyr closed her book as she finished reading up on the powers she could wield. She was intrigued and interested in taming her new abilities but so far her attempts gave her mixed results. Sometimes the light and darkness were able to unite for a moment before they vanished yet other times they refused to even go near each other. She could not yet figure out what was the issue but she was certain that she was walking on the right path.

Now that she had finished learning she left the tome in her cabin and exited the ship, flying up in the air. The starry sky started to forget the presence of the sun as it was getting darker and darker, her beloved moon rising on the horizon ever so slowly. She wondered if her mother was able to see her... and more importantly if she was able to listen to her. Contemplating on this she closed her eyes and focused on one person she loved the most: Leo.

" My beloved guardian. " she sent the mental message to him " Do you mind meeting with me near the ship? "

With that she descended from the sky, waiting for the leonine guardian. She had hoped to speak with him prior their departure to the ball.

Leo watched Leia interact, smiling the whole while as they all spoke of the previous adventure. It had indeed been a trifling and epic adventure, and the team had been very heroic with their actions. Seeing the earth spirit come up to him and growl at being called little, this made Leo chuckle and he bent down to rub the little creatures head. He continued to rub Bobs head while Leia directed her next question to him. He stood from his spot, not remarking on the subject, obviously trying to avoid the subject. HE simply smiled at LEia and reached into his satchel and secured the book he had gotten from the library. He wiped the cover of dust and then handed the book to Leia, "I am fine. I wanted to give you this. When we were in the library, I found this book on spirits in Fablewood. I had originally planned to use it to possibly figure out a way to let Lily leave my mind and walk the earth much like your spirits do. However, I don't believe I will need it now. So I wanted to give it to someone who might need it." Leo continued to smile as he handed off the book to Leia.

As he turned his attention away from the small group he felt the gental touch of Nyr's calling and smiled. The two of them had not had much time together since the beginning of their last mission. He walked over to the ship to find Nyr touching back down. He smiled at her and dipped his head ever so slightly
"You called for me my love?"

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios

Otto looked up at Kallin, the mage was of course right. But Otto's mind felt like it had been set on this one track on its way towards a chasm. He was glad to have such reassuring words from the two of them, they were right he needed to take things slow and not try to push things to hard. When Luness began to talk of traumatic stuff, Otto began to wonder what else his mind might have blocked out. There had been a few different occasions during his past that Otto had lost a bit of his memory, but the largest majority of that was when he was consumed in Oz by Ruby and the darkness. However there was one thing that kept coming to his mind when he thought of memories lost, and that was how he had gotten his scar.

However before he could ponder it any further, Kallins voice broke through his thoughts mentioning something about rain. Otto shook his head and smiled at the two of them. He walked over to the window and looked out at the sky, "I hope that the stars don't rain down. The sky would be awfully lonely without them up there."

"I would never want you to end up doing something you don't want, and definitely not from my influence. I think.. Ruling might be too much stress though. I know you are capable but whether or not you are willing and ready is something else."

She decided to finished her previous statement before continuing. Her body protested the stress a bit and she attempted to message it out of her temple while trying to tiptoe around her subject.

"And I can take on whatever evil queen this place throws at us, and happily for you.. I've done more, and would do more for you. And.."

She took a shaky breath.

"I know this is probably something that a man should do. I don't want to make this strange but, this place is beautiful. I love you. I really don't want to wait any longer because I've been thinking about this and whatever happens tonight I don't want to regret not saying it."

She slowly lowered herself to her knees, legs shaking as she did so.

"Will you marry me?"
Nyr watched the horizon on the ground and contemplated about all that happened. Now that she has solved the riddle of Mother Moon she was now much more determined to push forward... she now had a purpose and was willing to do what had to be done in order to bring salvation to Fable Wood. Still she did not mind encouragements and that is why she wanted to talk with the one she loved the most.

As the enigmatic shadow of the guardian enveloped her she turned around with a smile. She was surprised to see Leo calm and happy, especially after the events that had happened in the Isles. She stepped closer to him, touching his soft fur.

" Are you well, Leo? " she asked, worry in her voice " I am terribly sorry what has happened to Bruin - especially because I was clouded by anger and hate, causing him more harm than it was necessary, I did only see a monster where I should have seen an ally in need. Thus I owe you this apology. "

She lifted off from the ground, flying a tiny bit higher so that their eyes would meet. Leaning closer to him she gave Leo a long, emotional kiss as a form of apology and smiled happily before she pulled away once more. It was now that two little globes appeared above both of her shoulders. One was a source of light, the other was of darkness.

" I have learnt new tricks. " she said proudly as the two little globes started to circle around each other " I still have a lot to learn though. I can not focus them properly just yet. But I wonder: now that Mother Moon is gone how am I still be able to use light powers? I thought they stemmed from her but... it would explain much. "

Leo smiled at Nyr, it was sweet of her to be concerned with his well being. Leo had hoped that if he had ever found Master Bruin again, that he would have been able to present Nyr to him. Having her see him as a raging monster would have been the last way for the two of them to meet. But it was what had happened, and Caraboss had seen to that. He brought himself back to her and continued to smile "I am fine. Loss is nothing new to one of my age and history. I do wish you could have met Bruin on better terms however."

Leo smiled as she fluttered up towards him and kissed him, returning the kiss with his own. After the embrace, Leo's eye widened at Nyr's progress. Seeing the two orbs was indeed a incredible step in the right direction for her learning balance. He reached out and poked the little globe of light, feeling a warm familiar feeling of moonlight coming from it. "This is incredible progress Nyr. I am very proud of you." Leo watched as the globes began to circle each other and he chuckled as they chased each other around and around. He began to stroke the underside of his mane and think about what Nyr was saying. It was indeed interesting to say the least that she was still able to call upon the light. "Maybe, its not derived from your Mother herself, but something within you that your mother placed there for you to learn to control?" It was the only logical explanation that the source of her powers were coming from somewhere else and not her mother. After watching the orbs for a few more moments, Leo looked back at Nyr with a bit more serious expression, but still the feint smile he liked to carry. "Nyr, there is something I need to discuss with you. With what happened at the Islands of the springs, and my masters amulet being returned to me, a new chapter in my role as Guardian is about to begin. With Lilly gone, I am in charge of finding the next forest spirit to watch over the Forest of Reflections. Though this task is not relevant to the amulet. With the returned amulet, the time has come to find a successor to the mantle. Someone who will carry on as Guardian of the forest, as Bruin did for me when he left to fight Caraboss." Leo seemed to drift further and further into his own thoughts as he spoke, eventually remembering the day that Bruin and left and handed the mantel and responsibility of Guardianship over to Leo.


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