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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ylylore stared at the bear as he become corrupted. Ylylore wasn't sure why he had been cursed with such bad luck, maybe because of the witch that had claimed to hex him for his greed or perhaps it was because he had slain a unicorn a year ago. Ylylore just stood there thinking for a cause to all this but he then soon came back to reality once he saw the giant bear slam his hammer. He cocked his head to right, his eyes grew thin as he looked towards the bear with a vengeful look. " You bloody rat! How dare you come between me and my treasure. I will chop that bloody head of and hang it in my bedroom.....just let me get back to normal. " whispered Ylylore. He was not going to charge at the bear with his stick, at least not as a kid. Instead Ylylore had turned around and walked away, he had seem few of the youths run into the ruins. ' They must have gone to steal my treasure ' thought Ylylore. His angered eyes now just projected a cold stare. Ylylore wasn't going to let anyone touch his prize, certainly not this bunch of wackos. Ylylore followed the girl with silver hair, moving silently and ignoring the noise that came from the fight. He moved through the corridor just starring at the girl. " Now lead me to it dear. " he mummer with a wicked grin.
Quincy put a hand to her mouth and took a few slow steps backward as Bruin talked. But even so, she wasnt prepared to watch when the darkness took him. It was horrible, and she almost squeezed her eyes shut, until she remembered the danger of doing so. Just in time too, as she jumped back from his hammer strike. The kelpie darted after Leia and the others, following their lead and beginning to search the place, looking for either item that they needed. Hopefully both would be found soon.
Bruin roared in anger as the spry little white haired girl wrapped her staff around hie throat. The large muscular feature whipped his head back and forth trying to free himself from the hold. It was only a few moments later that Bruin let out another roar as he felt the beak and claws of the griffon sink into his thigh. He drew his hammer into the air and began flailing the destructive weapon around wildly first at his back and then downwards towards the ground, trying to hit either of the things latched onto him.

Leo watched as his friends attacked, and he was met with a familiar feeling of fighting yet another person he cared for deeply. He wasn't sure if it was the youthful spirit of his current form, or that he just couldn't bring himself to move, but Leo just stood there watching. The only thing he wanted was for Bruin to be freed from this prison. And with that thought he knew that he had to help distract the monster that was his master so the others could find the anchor. Leo stowed his ax's and began running towards the bridge beneath his corrupted master. He slid to a stop ducking and rolling under the massive hammer swings. He looked up to Ward and Leandra and yelled "Guys!! Jump!!" Leo reached around his back and was glad to find his short sword, which now was no more than a tiny dagger. He brought the blade to Bruins leg with a steady swing causeing the bear to roar in pain and bring his hammer down on the bridge where Leo had been crouched only seconds before jumping off the bridge.


Otto looked from Kallin in his new werecat form and then back to Luness. She seemed so small and helpless, if the circumstances had been different Otto would have loved to play tag or hide and seek with the little werecat. But this was a time for seriousness, and caring to help Luness through this transition. Otto then sat down in the meadow grass cross legged and gave Luness a smile "You can Luness, your one of the only people I think could ever stand up to that kind of evil. That's why I joined your pack. When I first met you in Oz, it wasn't because I was scarred or because I wanted to leave Oz. I agreed to join your pack because I knew you were strong enough to handle anything." Otto's smile only grew the more he spoke. It had been something he had wanted to tell Luness for a long time, and even though he wasn't the best a reading situations, this seemed like a good time to let her know.

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The bear swinged his hammer with might.It was a quick one and it was coming straight for Vinter. She threw herself over the hammer landing on all fours. It was then that she saw Ylylore run after Leia. Vinter, still dripping with anger ran off the bridge and leapt to her previous location. She rose from the ground and took steady aim. Ka-blam! The shot echoed throughout the cave, but it was soon beaten in loudness by the bear's cries of pain. The bullet hit the wall closest to Ylylore, travelling not far from his eyes. It was close enough to feel but not dangerously so. "That was a warning shot, you prick! One more step and I'll skin you alive with a rusty blade!" she roared with the complementary voice cracking. This time, she wasn't jesting. "You are a fool if you think we're letting you get your little goblin hands on that artefact!" Vinter was trying to reload her flintlock, but her hands were shaking from the anger. She ended up only putting a few ounces of gunpowder and dropping a handful of bullets. That only infuriated her more. She started pacing towards Ylylore.

@divyansh @SilverFlight @zCrookedz

((Holler if I broke any walls))
Leandra tightly gripped her staff when Bruin began whipping his head around, gritting her teeth.

When Bruin stopped doing so, Leandra felt herself relax slightly only to hear Bruin roar in anger, as Ward suddenly appeared and bit into the guardian's leg with his beak.

The moment this happened, Bruin brought his hammer up and began wildly swinging his hammer about, which soon was flying right at Leandra.

Eyes wide, Leandra struggled to get her staff back around Bruin's back so she could jump off in time...but she was too late.

The large hammer slammed into Leandra's left side, instantly breaking several of her ribs and her left upper arm as well as dislocating her left shoulder.

The moment it connected with her, Leandra was sent flying off of Bruin and onto her back on the edge of the bridge nearby. Her staff flew out of her grasp and clattered onto the bridge a few feet away from her limp body.

Struggling to breathe despite the overwhelming pain, Leandra shakily brought her right palm to her chest, struggling to heal herself.

Yet, the moment she began to do so, the pain was tenfold worse and she felt her vision swimming so she immediately stopped her attempt to heal herself.

Her ears were ringing from the initial impact, but Leandra could still dimly hear Leo shouting something nearby.

Feeling tears welling up in her eyes from the pain, Leandra then began to slowly move her head about, as she tried to see what was going on now.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Ylylore was pursuing the girl, when all of a sudden he came to a stop. A round metal ball had just swooshed past him and hit a wall. Ylylore knew who was foolish enough to shoot at him. ' It is her again, isn't it? ' wondered Ylylore as he turned. He was right, it was the pirate girl again and she was dashing right towards him. " Dammit! " cursed Ylylore as he thought of a way to deal with her. Ylylore glanced at the girl as she shortened the distance between them and then he looked at the corridor from which the white haired girl has past through. Ylylore was conflicted to how he would deal with this girl. He couldn't turn her into a piglet because he lacked the ingredients and time and he certainly couldn't charge at her with his staff because the girl had a gun. Then an idea strike in Ylylore's mind, " I think I know what to do with you. " mumbled Ylylore and the troubled look exited Ylylore's face and a evil sneer replaced it. He looked at the girl who had almost crossed the bridge. ' Oh my! Isn't she fast! Truly a thief. ' thought Ylylore before he begun to yell, " You ill mannered scurvy-infested scoundrel! Come get at me you salty sea bass! ". Ylylore's sneer grew larger as he stopped yelling. A giggle escaped his mouth before he retreated deeper into the corridor. He had gone out of the girls sight and had made sure that he did, then he got behind a pillar and held his staff tightly with both his hand. He waited there silently and his wicked smile just grew bigger and bigger. ' Let the games begin lass '.

@Aldur Forgehammer
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Nyr looked at Achyls with a slight concern as the raven girl pushed her slightly away. She wanted to help her sister so much yet she was unable to despite her best efforts. But now it seemed that she could do something for both of them: she needed to help the others stop the twisted bear guardian in order for them to survive.

She tarried for a bit, looking back at Achyls with each feet she flew away. Then when she told her to save the one who she loves she smiled.

" I want to save them. Both of you. " she said " I will come back for you sister, worry not. I will not let you down. "

And with that she dashed to aid the others in the fight. When she arrived she saw that the heat of battle made the others weary already and she wanted to cast a healing light to rejuvenate their weary bodies. But then she remembered that when she was this young she did not know about a source of light until much later so she decided to do what she could: she bombarded the monster with little bolts of darkness, hoping to draw its attention so that the others can devise a plan.

@SkywardSocks @zCrookedz

Arianne panted in exhaustion but when Leia and Leandra told her to do what she wanted to she stopped and concentrated. She felt the last bits of her power to vanish from her body as more and more little globes of light appeared around her. When she gave the order to them they scattered and she had to sit underneath a tree to catch her breath. Now all she could do was to wait and her ragged breath assured her that doing one more reckless magic like this and she would be in a big trouble. Despite knowing this she wanted to help the others... even if it meant that the cost was her very own well being...

To her surprise she did not have to wait for long until one of the light globes resonated with a chiming sound, calling the others next to it, forming a line anyone could follow to their destination. Getting up from the ground she yelled to Leia and the others.

" They may have found the jewel we are looking for! We must follow that line! "

Kai had been distracted when he regained some of his power. He was looking for Achyls when the sudden surge of fire and strength hit him. He looked around eyeing the giant bear spirit curiously. That curiosity soon turned to anger and determination when the fight broke out. He had grown larger now, and he felt he was able to shift back human, but that wasn't needed just yet. He bounded towards the hulking Bruin standing over Leo struggling with Ward on his leg. He whipped his tail forward at the spirits other leg hoping to trip him up some more. He ended up running past the entangled bunch to stand close to the bridge where Leandra lay, just in case Bruin wasn't finished with her. "Are you able to stand?" He thought out to her without realizing it. His focus was now on the hammer and it's formidable wielder, not on the reaction of the human girl to his seemingly intrusive form of communication.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Lioness075
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When Leo shouted Ward sprang away, darting further down the bridge, his talons scraping on stone. large cracks began to appear under his talons, but he had no time to dwell on that because in seconds Leandra had been hit and was flung away from Bruin. Ward raced to her side. "Leandra! Try not to move." He focused his energy and found a larger magic pool than there had been before. He used it to heal the worst of the internal damage and repair the broken ribs to small fractures. He stumbled a little as he drew back, his little form not taking the mana drain as well.

Leo lunged at the bear and the bridge cracked further, it was almost at breaking point.

"Leo!" Ward cried, and gestured to the cracks. Then he began to gallop forward. He summoned one large spell and jumped, slamming his talons down onto the stone. A slight rumble shook the bridge and suddenly the section under Bruin gave way. Ward dove through the falling stone, aiming to grab Leo and haul him to safety as the great bear fell into the water.

@Aldur Forgehammer

Leia ran on ahead, following Arianne's orbs. The orbs lead them down a simple corridor, unadorned with any sort of creature or motive. The hall stopped at a set of great, marble double doors. Leia tried to push one but it remained stubbornly shut. "Hey Bob, could you...?" Bob grunted and stepped forward. He sniffed the stone, then bumped his head against it two times and finally he ran in the other direction.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Just then Bob turned. He lowered his head and scraped his tiny hoof against the floor like a bull. Then, he charged. Leia gave the others a nervous look and dashed out of the way. Bob ran full force at the door and hit it...and went straight through. A hole, just big enough for the children to climb through appeared out of the dust.

"Nice work bud!" Leia said, hugging the little earth spirit when she got to the other side.

The room they found themselves in was wide, with a high ceiling decorated with what looked like a glass chandelier, all shining crystal pieces and elegantly looped arms. The pendant sat on a stone pedestal surrounded by a water-filled pool that was too wide to jump. Leia could have sword she saw something move in the pool, but when she looked again she saw nothing.

"That looks like Bruin's pendant, but where's the relic?"

Tad raced about the room looking but it was then the last of Arianne's orbs began to float slowly upwards. Leia's gaze followed and the squinted her eyes against th light source coming from the top of the room. There was something solid and opaque in the center of the chandelier, Leia caught a glint of gold.

"If that's the relic...we need to find out how to get up there..."

@DawnAntalios @Flutterby And anyone else who went with Leia

Kallin looked at Luness, still cowering as a kit in her mind. "Hook into the spring's gift, and first, take back your real form." He meant her adult form. She needed to take her power if she was going to have any chance. "Remember Lune, you're not fighting your father, you're fighting what the taint has stolen from your memories and your mind. You are fighting yourself. Now call it!" His voice was commanding, with the intent of galvanizing her.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

((You know @divyansh, our characters are never going to let Ylyore join them if they think he's a terrible person.))
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Leandra bit her lip in pain, her eyes blurring with tears while she tried her best to not cry out like a child, even though she was one currently.

When Ward healed her internal wounds and reduced the damage to her ribs, Leandra let out a sigh of relief and then coughed, as she was still in pain.

While Ward collapsed the part of the bridge that Bruin was on and swept Leo away to safety, Leandra slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position before crawling backwards until her back was against the side of the bridge.

Hearing Malachai's thoughts inside of her head, Leandra blinked in surprise before trying to respond to him in her own mind, as she thought, Well, I might be able to in a minute or two. I just need to rig up a sling real quick.

After thinking this, Leandra then carefully removed her knapsack, though it still hurt a ton when she took it off her dislocated shoulder and eased it off her broken upper arm.

Gasping at the temporary contact, Leandra then gritted her teeth, as she got the knapsack off of her shoulders and onto the ground before her. Opening it up, Leandra then pulled out a sling from the real world, as she had been a combat medic and managed to retain most of her medical supplies when she'd teleported to FableWood.

Yet, before setting up the sling, Leandra whimpered, as she realized that despite her upper arm being broken, she was going to need to get her shoulder back into place...which would no doubt make the break in her arm worse.

Looking to Malachai, Leandra then asked out loud, "Do you know how to set a dislocated shoulder by chance?"

@SilverFlight @andujarprime


Luness looked at Otto with a surprised expression. She hadn't expected to hear such a thing from the young werewolf. Was he right? Was she truly as strong as he believed her to be?

Looking at the ground for a moment, Luness felt her heart flutter a bit, as if some light had just pierced the veil in a sense. Otto was right. Luness had been strong many times and had thrown herself into dangerous situations to protect those around her.

Smiling feebly at Otto, Luness stood up on all fours and then said, "Thank you, Otto. T-That means a lot to me..."

Glancing curiously at Kallin, finally seeing his form for what it truly was, Luness' eyes widened, but then she soon was cocking her head at Kallin and asking him, "But how do I even do that?"

Furrowing her brows, Luness glanced around the quiet meadow, her mind rolling as she tried to figure out how to use the Spring's powers to aid her.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Luness then suddenly remembered her last moment with Bigby and how he'd told her that he was proud of her in the end.
Had Bigby been manipulated at some point? In his final moment, had his true self returned?

Suddenly, Luness remembered the chalice from the Winter Wilds and how darkly it had affected all of the werebeasts.
Had Caraboss tampered with it?

Hearing Kallin mentioning that the only thing, only person that Luness was truly fighting was herself, she nodded at him and then suddenly it was as if something light and feathery had entered her body, as she slowly stood up without any trouble, unlike her clumsy nature as a kit, and she soon felt herself changing until she opened her eyes again to find that she was back to her adult self.

Eyes wide, Luness looked at her forepaws for a moment before grinning, as she realized what Kallin had said, had been true all along. Nobody had been holding her back except for herself. She'd let her dark past and sorrow to overcome herself and let her emotions drive her decisions.

Looking up, Luness was even more surprised to suddenly see Bigby standing beside Larassa in front of her. Neither of them were covered in heavy scarring or grotesque wounds though. They were glowing as well, as if they were spirits or something.

Whimpering, Luness took a tentative step forward before stopping herself and nervously looking between the pair.

Yet, neither said any dark or harsh words.

Instead, Bigby took a step towards Luness, who involuntarily took one backwards, and then he said with a sigh,
"Lune, I never, ever meant to harm you the way I did. I never wanted to...kill Larassa either." Furrowing his brows, Bigby looked back at Larassa, who smiled encouragingly at him and simply nodded, as if to say 'continue'.

Shifting a bit uneasily on his hind legs, Bigby then met Luness' gaze before saying,
"Caraboss did this to me. She tainted the chalice when it was moved so that it would allow her to control all of us, werebeasts. Yet, instead of controlling us, it merely drove us mad. It took all of our dark emotions within us and made them darker tenfold. We lost our minds and all we could do was attack anything we saw."

Luness found herself gaping at Bigby, her mind trying to wrap itself around this new found information. So, Bigby hadn't attacked Larassa on purpose? He hadn't purposely sent Luness away to struggle on her own all those years?

Looking down at the ground now, Bigby then added softly,
"Lune, I can never expect you to forgive me for the monstrosities that I committed."

Looking back up to meet Luness' gaze, Bigby then said, "But what I said before I died was true. I could never be prouder of who you are today."

Luness found herself grinning like an idiot and she had a sudden urge to hug Bigby, though she shoved the urge down, as she assumed she wouldn't be able to hug a spirit.

Suddenly, Bigby's spirit flickered, and he furrowed his brows before saying quickly,
"Lune, we have to go. We can't stay here for long, as it's unnatural for dead spirits to wander as we did."

After saying this, Bigby looked to Larassa, who took a few steps forward before smiling warmly at Luness and saying to her, "Don't you ever forget how strong you are, Lune. And never stop singing. Your voice is far more beautiful than mine could ever be."

Upon hearing this, Luness blushed a bit and then rubbed the back of her head before sheepishly grinning and saying to Larassa, "Y-Yeah. no problem, mother."

Just before the two spirits faded away, though this was very subtle, Bigby glanced in Otto's direction for a moment and a flicker of recognition flashed across his face, but he faded away before he could say anything.

As overwhelmed as she was in the moment, Luness didn't notice Bigby's reaction to Otto's presence. Instead, she looked to Kallin and said sadly,
"I have a confession to make, Kal. You remember what happened with the Jabberwock?"

Furrowing her brows and fumbling with her forepaws for a moment, Luness then added quickly, "I didn't push you out of the way to save you at the time. I pushed you out of the way in hopes that the Jabberwock would kill me and I would look like I'd died a noble death as opposed to, well, jumping like I tried to do that one night on the Tenacity."

Folding her good ear against her head, Luness whimpered before adding softly, "I've been so selfish. I was so caught up in my own problems that I didn't see how much damage I was causing nor did I truly see how much pain anyone else was in. I let the darkness in me and I allowed it to fester uncontrollably."

Sighing, Luness then whispered, "I'm so sorry, Kal."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Kallin watched the scene, and for once he kept his mouth firmly closed. He felt the darkness shudder and slip and breathed a sigh of relief. When the apparitions faded Kallin listened to Luness' confession with focused attention.

"Well," He began, "I feel a lot less special." It was a joke, and one probably made in poor taste, but he grinned, showing sharp, white teeth, his eyes were no different when he was a human, and carried that roguish, laughter inside them. Suddenly he grew serious, fading back to his human self and putting a gentle hand on the side of her face.

"Going through what I just saw...would drive anyone to the edge Lune...but, I hope you feel differently now."

Kai growled as he watched the ice beneath Bruin's feet begin to crumble and the cracks spread. "Not in this form" He thought out to Leandra as he swung his head around to face her. A sharp crack got his attention as the ice continued to splinter and spread. A jagged crack shot towards them and beneath his feet as the ice began to crackle and split. "Hang on!!" He thought to her as he wrapped his tail around her and tried to lift her as gingerly as possible. But the speed at which he had to move it wasn't very comforting. Kai hopped up as the ice split, with a flap of his wings he moved over to more stable ground and tried to let Leandra down, releasing his tail from her waist he placed her on the ground beside him. "Sorry, I'm sure that didn't help." He thought out as he turned his head towards the bridge, fracture lines beginning to crack across the bridge.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
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Upon feeling Malachai wrapping his tail around Leandra, her eyes widened and she quickly grabbed the straps of her knapsack while stuffing her sling back into it and closing it moments before Malachai leaped away from the collapsing bridge and got Leandra to safety.

Though, with the large amount of movement with such actions, Leandra landed with a gasp and soon was doubled over with her knapsack on the ground near her and her good arm behind her to hold her up while she struggled to catch her breath.

After a moment or two, Leandra then said to Malachai between her heavy breathing, "I need someone to put my shoulder back in place, ASAP. It's only going to get worse if I don't resolve that now."

Wincing, Leandra then quickly added, "My upper arm is broken as well, but there's nothing we can do about it for now. I can't heal myself, as it puts too much strain on me. My ribs are still fractured as well..."

Sighing, Leandra then gritted her teeth, as she struggled to pull her sling back out before setting it up and whimpering in pain, as she moved her left arm into the sling. This was not fun at all. If only she could just call in a medevac and be whisked away to a field hospital or something.

Kai growled a response, seconds later his body was shifting and changing. He was big even as a child. He looked to be about 9, tall for his age with long blond hair. His muscles weren't very toned/defined but he had pretty big arms for his age. "Let's do this." He said to her as he knelt down beside her, his voice was a little higher, and softer. He smiled tentatively at her as he firmly grasped her elbow and shoulder "On the count of three okay!" He exclaimed, yet seconds after he finished saying okay he shifted her arm and pushed, popping it back into place with a sickening crunch as the broken bones in her arm shifted. He braced himself for her reaction and shouted "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" Throwing his hands up defensively.

Leandra warily nodded at Malachai, fully aware of the pain that was coming.

The moment Malachai made contact with both her shoulder and her elbow though, Leandra had already gasped in pain, her eyes screwing shut.

Waiting for Malachai to count to three, Leandra found herself briefly screaming in pain when he suddenly shifted her shoulder back into place without warning.

Yet, instead of feeling relief from the shoulder, though she did feel a tiny bit, Leandra felt her broken bones in her left arm shift painfully and she suddenly was doubling over while in a sitting position, cradling her broken arm while it remained limp in her sling.

Hearing Malachai shouting an apology, Leandra tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but all that came out was a whimper of pain.

Unable to verbally communicate, Leandra then did her best to take matters into her own hand, not plural due to her injured arm, as she pulled her knapsack closer to her and then began slowly sifting through it until she was able to find a small bag filled with painkillers.

Picking up two pills, Leandra then forced herself to swallow them without water, as she then put away the rest of the painkillers and hoped that the two she'd taken would kick in soon enough.

While Leandra did have a morphine shot or two in her knapsack, she figured this wasn't serious enough for such a thing. If anything, Ward and Malachai could keep Bruin distracted for now and Leandra could just take a breather.

If truly necessary, Leandra could always use a shot in order to help Ward and Malachai in distracting Bruin.


((Last post for the night, I'm exhausted from all the military stuffs I've had to deal with over the past couple weeks. Time for me to sleep in and hopefully catch up on some sleep finally))
Quincy too followed the orbs quickly. She was confused when Bob doubled back, but she managed to avoid his charge and gave a small cheer as he broke through the door. Stepping into the room, the kelpie's eyes swept the room, fixating on the pendant that would free Leo's master. The water surrounding it called to her, but not like it should have; its tone was silvery and even though it was extremely alluring, something instinctual held Quincy back. Glancing at Leia, she followed her gaze to the chandelier, just catching the glint at the center. "We need someone with wings. I'd say lets swim, but I really dont like the feel of that pool, and theres no way to reach that, even if we climbed on the pedestal. You know, children and all." She said, looking to the others with them for a suggestion.
Arianne finally could muster the strength to stand up and follow the others into the strange ruin. The sound of battle still echoed in the back and she could only hope that the others can fight Bruin without actually killing him. Seeing how much did the elder protector meant for Leo Arianne could not help but feel sorry for the cursed guardian. When she finally entered the place she stopped as something invaded her mind.

Opening her eyes she had seen a ball room, the floor, the ceiling and the pillars were carved out from pure white marvel, their beautiful white color radiated purity and beauty - similar to the one of the moon. Looking around she had seen delicate, carefully carved statues, springs, fonts of power. She did not understand what was going on and when the next moment she blinked the wondrous sight vanished and all she saw was once again the destroyed ruin.

" The ball... the grand event... " she muttered in herself, not understanding anything. Ever since they have arrived to this dismal island strange things happened over and over again. But why? The others did not seem to be affected by all this - aside from the youth curse of course.

Shaking her head she dashed after the others - this was not the time to think about things like this, not when the others were in peril. Quickly joining Leia she looked up to where the light globes pointed to. To the girls question she had an idea.

" I... may be able to command the light globes to enhance Tad's power. " she said " He might have enough power to propel you up into the air so you can grab that chandelier. "

Seeing the distrustful look on Leia's face she grabbed her hand.

" Don't worry. I will catch you if you fall. "

Kai slowly stood once he saw that Leandra was becoming a little more stable. He wasn't sure what she just took, it had to be real world medicine or technology, but hopefully it helped. He quickly began changing again to his dragon form, his childlike size would only get him hurt against Master Bruin, and he would be a hindrance to the others. He turned with a growl to see what had become of the elder forest guardian.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz

<will be a few hours before I post again. If you get bored or to far ahead feel free to breath some fire and scratch stuff, anyone lol)
Achyls had been watching the scene, frozen in place.

"WARD!" she shouted, diving from her spot on the cliff, bolting to the bridge. Watching him go down, she knew she had to find a way to prove herself. Just above the bridge, she wracked her brain for show she could be useful in this form.

Just go for it, dive in. You can do it her voice cheered in her head. Again, her thoughts were working with her, for her. In an instant, she flew like a bullet into the water, forgetting her wings ought not to get wet. Not caring, she disappeared underwater, grabbing Ward's arm, using all her might to pull him upwards. She could hold her breath pretty well, but Bruin was not letting up.

Channeling every ounce of her being, she tried to focus on saving Ward. Somewhere within her, the darkness Nyr shared with her earlier began to grow, her eyes turning black once again. The darkness exploded outwards, the water flashing a deep purple to those who were above water. Shocked, Achyls looked to Bruin, who seemed to be momentarily stunned. With the time she had, she tried to pull Ward up to the surface, but was already losing air.

As the bridge gave way beneath the great bear, Leo felt the grip of Wards talons as he carried him away to safety. When he felt Ward release him he tunred back to see Bruins hand grasp onto Wards leg. Leo's eyes widened in horror and he shot towards the edge screaming "WARD!" He watched as Achyls dove head first into the water and a purple flash of power bubbled up from underneath. When Leo saw that Ward had been freed he too jumped in and swam up underneath one of Wards arms to help Achyls carry him to the shore.

Otto sat and watched as Luness interacted with the spirits of her mother and father. He was especially watching Bigby closely, but not i because he feared the wolf spirit may attack Luness. Something about the wolf seemed familiar. Now that he was not covered in scars and the stain of corruption, Otto began sat there pondering his memories of where he might have seen that wolf before. However when Kallin spoke up, Otto snapped back to the reality of Luness's mind and continued to watch them with a smile.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @skywar
Luness raised an eyebrow at Kallin's attempt at a joke, but otherwise said nothing. Her mind was still a mix of various emotions and she seriously needed to think things through.

Seeing Kallin shifting back to his human form and then feeling his gloved hand against the side of her face, Luness tentatively met his glowing eyes.

Hearing what Kallin said next, Luness felt relieved that he understood her instead of ridiculing her for being weak or something. After all, making herself believe that she was weak was what had driven her to let the darkness fester inside of her in the first place.

Smiling softly at Kallin, Luness then replied, "Thank you, Kal...for everything. For being by my side when I needed you most. And for caring when most would not."

Bringing one of her forepaws up to carefully remove Kallin's hand from her face while keeping his hand in her grasp, Luness then turned to face Otto, who was sitting quietly, which was odd in itself, and smiling at Luness and Kallin.

Grinning at Otto, Luness then said to him, "You're quieter than usual, Otto. Got something on your mind?"

Suddenly remembering where they were currently, Luness furrowed her brows and looked away from both Otto and Kallin, as she let go of Kallin's hand and then gingerly walked up to the exact place where Larassa had been killed.

Looking down at the grass before her, Luness felt a tear roll down her face and she quickly wiped it away before saying softly to no one in particular, "Nobody deserves to die the way my mother did. Yet, I killed my father the same way he killed my mother. Does that make me a monster?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Ward's vision was beginning to swim, the last of his air bubbled up through his nares. It was then a large force appeared beside him. He felt the bear's grip go slack for a moment and was able to kick free. At the moment he couldn't tell to had taken his forelimb, but this rekindled his spirit and he pushed for the surface. Another person joined in and together they broke the surface, Ward choking on the water in his lungs. His instincts kicked in and he began paddling furiously for the shore, reaching it while still coughing and turning around to get a glimpse of his rescuers.

"Achyls...Leo, thank you." He said once he had managed to stop coughing. His gryphonic form looked quite comical, his fur and feathers plastered to a frame that looked much skinnier than anyone wold have thought. The sodden feathers around his face made his eyes and ears look huge and his tail hung limp and dripping behind him.

There was not much time to fuss over appearance however as the water did not slow Bruin for long. Ward summoned a small electricity spell and when his friends were clear of the water he shot it into the pool.

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks

Kallin squeezed her paw. "We're all born with monsters Lune. Sometimes they get the better of us. But what makes a good person is overcoming them." He offered her a kind smile. Without warning Kallin felt a sharp pain course through his body. It was familiar. Red sparks flew from his clothes and he reeled back, the spell began slipping from his control..."Not now..no!"

He couldn't fight it. The dream shattered, tearing his consciousness away and back into his waking mind.

His eyes snapped open but the pain wracked him still, he curled up, clutching his sides, the red sparks still trailing off of him. As quickly as it has begun the pain left him and he relaxed every muscle, lying on a bed of moss and breathing heavily, the Spring of Inspiration sitting still and serene beside him.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz
Leandra scream, "Ward!" when Bruin fell into the icy waters below the bridge, only for him to grab Ward's leg and drag him under as well.

Wincing, Leandra tried to push herself up, but only managed to bring herself more pain, as her ribs strained under the movement and her left arm got jostled slightly.

Gasping, Leandra slumped back with her back against some stone nearby, too weak and injured to help her friends at the moment.

Suddenly, Achyls came flying out of no where and soon dove into the waters after Ward.

Leandra held her breath while waiting, as she had no idea what was going on beneath the icy waters.

Seeing a purple glow in the waters, Leandra furrowed her brows, as she had no idea what this meant.

Yet, soon Leo was diving into the waters as well, leaving Leandra and Malachai waiting for the trio to return.

There was a sudden gasping sound, as Ward, Leo, and Achyls all suddenly broke through the water's edge.

Ward swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out, looking comically like a soaked chicken to Leandra, though she wouldn't say this out loud.

Not too long after Ward exited the waters, as well as Leo and Achyls, he shot some kind of electrical bolt into the waters and Leandra could only imagine what such a spell would do to Bruin down below the water.

Glancing over at the trio, Leandra then asked them all between coughing, "Are you all okay?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks


Luness looked at Kallin gratefully and smiled, but before she could say anything, Kallin stumbled away from her, red sparks flying from his body.

Eyes wide, Luness suddenly lurched forward to try and grab Kallin, but he disappeared before she could do anything.

With her heart racing, Luness frantically looked around for Kallin, but couldn't find him anywhere.

Looking to Otto, Luness asked him in a worried tone, "Do you know where Kallin is, Otto? What just happened?"

Feeling more panicky now, Luness dropped to all fours and began sprinting around the meadow, shouting out Kallin's name to no prevail.

Luness soon halted, as she realized that Kallin was no where to be found. Her heart lurched at this thought until she remembered something.

Luness was in a dream state currently. If she could wake up, then surely Kallin would be found in the real world.

Trotting back to Otto's side, Luness then said to him, "We both need to wake up now, Otto."

The moment these words left her mouth, Luness felt a wave of dizziness hit her and she stumbled sideways before collapsing, as her vision darkened and then everything seemed to fade away around her.

Luness' eyes fluttered open to see a serene grotto surrounding her. She could hear a slight breeze about her and for a moment, she just lay there and let the relaxing noise and scenery calm her.

Yet, Luness remembered Kallin's sudden attack and she shot to all fours before frantically looking around her.

Sighting Kallin nearby in the fetal position, Luness rushed to his side and then worriedly looked him over while asking him, "Kal, are you okay? What happened to you back there?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Arianne focused as she guided the lights to aid Tad and Leia whilst she was trying to reach the artifact on top of the chandelier. It was far more difficult than she expected to maintain the balance of light and she poured the last bits of her energy into empowering the little spirit. She concentrated so hard that she was oblivious the grasping tendril which slowly closed up on her.

And then she screamed in fear when she felt something grabbing her legs. Desperately she tried to struggle against the malevolent water while she still commanded the light globes to aid the girl. She felt the light disobeying her for the first time as the fragments of her power now resonated in despair seeing their master being in danger but Arianne did not care. She commanded them to stay in one place as she did not want Leia to fall down from such heights - it was either her or Arianne.

She lost her footing and now the tendril pulled her with an ever increasing strength to the water. She tried to cling to the stones on the floor but she felt the suction increasing as the water dragged her more and more in. Looking up she yelled and released the last bits of her light energy to flow into Leia and Quincy who were around her and she smiled.

" Save... Bruin... save yourselves... be... heroes... " she smiled and her fingers let the stone go, succumbing to the powerful force dragging her down. She looked powerlessly as the dark water slowly enveloped her and then everything fell into darkness...

@SilverFlight @Flutterby

Nyr seeing Ward being hurt was driven into a dark frenzy. Gone were her shackles, her emotions now flowed freely and he turned towards the corrupted guardian. When she saw the gryphon's plan she tried to amplify the effect to subdue the one who had hurt one of her precious friends. Flapping with her little wings faster and faster she was able to make the water to ripple violently, waking waves in its wake. Commanding the wind was not in her power in her younger form but she was able to make large waves to be created which were filled with the electricity from Ward's attack. She saw the guardian trembling and roaring in pain and she relished in it.

" Suffer! " she yelled, her eyes turning from crimson red into twilight purple " Suffer! Suffer! Suffer! SUFFER! "

She felt her wrath intensifying she she barraged the bear guardian with more and more waves, making the wind to howl in horror as even the mischievous element was against such cruel torture. But Nyr did not mind. Her brain was filled with the image of Ward suffering and now all she wanted was to see Bruin writhe in agony for his atrocity - no matter the cost.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @Lioness075 @zCrookedz @everyone else fighting

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