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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo smiled to Nyr as he folded his fingers around her hand "That is quite alright my dear. It is the job of the fellow to lead anyways." Leo lead the two of them out onto the floor. Any bits of his nervousness he steeled so that he would not mess up. You would not have guessed it by looking at him,but Bruin had been particularly fond of parties such as these. He would speak of times long before when he would go to balls and gala's where people would dress up and dance the night away. Until Leo hand joined with group, he had only been apart of one such event in Oz when him and his friends had first made it to the emerald city.

As if the old bear could see the future, Bruin always told Leo that someday it might be good for him to learn to dance the dance of the richer side of Fablewood. So he had Leo practice, not just as a form of entertainment for himself, but there was wisdom in the old bears teaching him the skill. Learning the dance had given Leo a taste of how to properly conduct ones self. That did not mean that Leo was the best dancer by far, but he could at least carry his own as well as his partner.

As they approached the dance floor, Leo eyed the rhythm of the dancing and watched until he saw an opening coming towards them. He turned to Nyr and smiled as he moved her hands gingerly
"Here we go, don't worry, I'm right here." He raised his right arm while placing his hand on her waist, then took his left hand and held hers in the air. When the opening in the dance rotation came towards them, Leo swept Nyr into the frey of the movement, trying to be gentle and confident with his movements as they began to sweep across the floor with the rest of the party.


Otto continued to strut down the halls, peeping into the rooms with the doors open as he and Leandra made their way back to the ball room. Already his pockets where starting to feel so much lighter than when he had first found his little treasure in the kitchen. If he ran out, he didn't know if he was going to be able to find any more. The thought of his little bacon pasteries being gone was making him sadder and sadder.

He looked ahead to Leandra as they walked, who was eyeing the female party goers. Otto smiled, he was not much for reading situation but he could tell that Leandra had never been to a party like this. "Usually, when we have to go to these kinds of parties, I just find a corner near the food and wait till Leo tells me its time to leave. Least that's what I did back in Oz. They had to dress me up then too. Apparently my jacket, shirt and pants weren't "Party material" then either." Otto stuffed another pastry in his mouth as he finished speaking and he rounded the corner back to the entrance of the ball room.

Once around the corner, Otto froze. There was a wolf standing near the Princess and Prince that had greeted them earlier. Otto was not overly fond of outsiders, but it wasn't until he stopped and starred through the gold adornments that were covering the wolf that Otto began to recognize her. He cocked his head to the side and looked a bit confused
"Granny?" Otto sniffed the air and was certain of her scent. He smiled "GRANNY!" Otto called as he shifted mid stride and began to run over to her. He had almost forgotten about his tie being the wrong size when his paw caught it as he ran, sending him somersaulting over the nice polished floors until he slid to a stop just before Alta, his big goofy grin stretched across his face.

Kallin tried to hide a sigh of contentment. There was nothing more he wanted. He squeezed her hand affectionately as they walked to the great hall. Once at the double doors he nearly stopped, wondering how Luness would react to the crowd in her new clothes, and to the gazes she would no doubt attract. He felt a little more protective after that and stayed close as they entered. Upon taking in the scene he tilted his head slightly at the animal in the room. "Hey, isn't that the old wolf from your pack?"


Alta started when she heard the young voice call out. She turned just in time to see the Otto transform and gave a surprised but joyful yip. When he slid to a halt in front of her she leaned forward and pulled him into a tight hug. "Bless the earth and sky! Otto!...I thought I'd never see you again!" She pressed her muzzle into his shoulder and drew in his scent.Tears began to stain the fur about her tired eyes, seeing him had brought back all the memories of her old pack...and her old life. When she was still heartsick from losing her own pups, Otto had been one of the ones she had cared for. When she had learned about what happened to him in Oz she had felt her heart break all over again. The shock upon seeing him brought with it a dull ache, but it was a good feeling, the ache of an old wound slowly being soothed.

Arianne looked at Briar, and seeing after the woman's eyes darkened she started to wonder what did she do wrong to offend her. Maybe the noble woman knew the king and queen from Branbern somehow? Or maybe she was there on the battlefield with them as well? Her heart shivered when she realized how insensitive she had been touching such a recent event... since everyone was behind a mask she did not know who was who and speaking of such a terrible loss so openly before strangers was a huge mistake on her part. She bowed her head after she listened to Briar's words.

" I... am sorry my lady... " she apologized, blushing " I did not want to... I did not mean to... "

Then she heard someone walking up to them, yet an another slender, smiling girl. She looked somewhat familiar, she remembered seeing her aboard of the Tenacity so she was probably one of the heroes as well. When the girl asked her to dance with her she panicked, looking left and right in shame.

" M-Me, my lady? " she stuttered " I-I have only learnt dancing in theory, I have never danced before... and this gala... I am not sure if I am worthy... "

She felt blushing from this request but deep down she hoped that the girl would invite her anyway.

@SilverFlight @Hel

Nyr smiled as slowly and steadily she walked with Leo to the dance floor. She placed her legs carefully one after another, she wanted to pay attention not to step on Leo's toes or otherwise mess up. To her surprise the dance was relatively easy, she was almost floating and allowed her partner to lead her. Leo was gently but seemed to be very good at dancing, he did not let her fall or otherwise mess up: she felt like in heaven for these moments.

" It feels so strange. " she said silently " I do not feel the burdens which should weigh down my heart. When I am with you I feel alive once more. "

She allowed the dance and the power of music flow through their body as they walked back and forth. The song was slow and soothing, allowing them to embrace eternity on the dance floor. As she looked around she could not see the pairs dancing beside them, instead she saw but blurring figures. They were together, alone in the crowd and she was glad that she could be the mate of such a wonderful person.

Some way, somehow she was happy. And she loved it.

Elena took a moment to contemplate why Briar was here as well. Surely if they were both here to protect anyone from an expected attack, they would tell Ward and the others, right? She gave a simple nod in agreement and took his shoulder on her slender hand, then squeezed the hand that he had taken lightly, reveling in the warmth.

"Alright.. Well whatever happens next we can handle it."

She spoke this softly before falling into the rhythm of the music. Soon the conversations blended together to a quiet noise. Looking at Ward, he himself seemed lost between them, not to be free until the end of their dance.

The scar was mentioned and Elena resisted the urge to touch it. The nerves were killed so it was always a little odd to feel. Biting her lip before smiling again to question whether it was good conversation, she decided to say at least something about it.

"It didn't happen any time recently or in Fablewood.. And that time was sort of a mess, but I had it coming to me."

She left it simple and open to interpretation.
Alexander smiled at Quincy's soft blush. He though she was the image of perfection, and if Quincy listened, she could hear that thought seep out into her own mind. He followed her to the room where all of the masks were. Most of them seemed pretty feminine, but honestly he had a very hard time telling the women's masks from the men's ones. At least clothing was easier, if there weren't pants, then it wasn't mens clothing.

All the same, he nodded, trying to appreciate the beauty of the masks like she did, he found one that looked kind of similar to hers, and held it up.

"What about this one? Or is it too feminine? I can't tell..." He said with a bit of an awkward smile.



Anya smiled at Arianne's awkward response, and couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Don't worry, I never even learned in theory- well, not this type of dancing, anyway. Come on, it'll be fun, and I'll show you how to cheat at fancy dancing." She said with a grin. Anya had learned very little about formal dancing, though she was a dancer. It was a bit odd to her that she had so much experience doing something, yet so little at the same time. All the same, she looked at the girl and waited for a response, thinking that Arianne was very grown up for her age all the while.

Ward frowned at her answer. "I cannot believe you merited being the target of anything that could give you that." He said softly. Lifting her hand to spin her while he stepped away gracefully and back to her again. He had not noticed that several of the couples had stopped to watch them. He was simply enjoying the dance with the one he loved. Briar was watching them too as Trindle came up to stand beside her. He gave her a wink and she grinned.

"They certainly do look wonderful." She remarked.

@Bea Delaine

Leia rolled her eyes at the little girl, but her expression was not unkind. "Enough of this 'not worthy' stuff, just go and have fun!" She put her hands behind Arianne's back and pushed her toward Anya, grinning at the older girl.

@DawnAntalios @Hel
Luness heard Kallin's sigh and cocked her head at him, but the were soon on the move with Kallin squeezing her hand, which Luness didn't understand until she saw his facial expression and realized he was being affectionate towards her.

Sheepishly grinning at him, Luness found herself not feeling too nervous about the ball with Kallin at her side.

Yet, the moment they walked up to the large doors and then entered, Luness froze. Immediately eyes strayed to Luness and she found herself feeling beyond scrutinized. Her heart was racing and she subconsciously inched closer to Kallin, as she was holding her breath without realizing it.

Yet, the moment Kallin asked about some old wolf, Luness let out her breath, relieved to have a distraction, though also very confused by his question. Only one old wolf came to Luness' mind and that was Alta, but why would she be here?

Feeling confused, Luness glanced over just in time to see Otto take his tumble right in front of Alta herself.

Chuckling at this, Luness then said, "Yes, that's Alta. Otto seems surprisingly excited to see her. I guess they know one another?"

Keeping her hold on Kallin's hand, Luness then began briskly walking over to Alta and Otto, feeling her heart now racing with excitement instead of nervousness, as she hadn't seen Alta since her last incident with the mirror and darkness within her.

Reaching the pair of wolves, Luness grinned behind her mask, as she immediately said, "I didn't expect to see you here, Alta."

Glancing at Otto, Luness then added, "And since when did you two know each other, Otto?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra had nervously followed in after Otto and felt rather relieved when only a few pairs of eyes glanced her way and lingered for only a few seconds.

Sighing, Leandra turned to say something to Otto, only to see the young werewolf was already bolting towards someone else, an older-looking werewolf.

Unsure of who that was and not wanting to get involved in what looked like a reunion, Leandra turned away and began aimlessly wandering through the ball, as she had no idea how to dance, nor did she want to, and she also hardly knew anyone present.

Perhaps she could find Elena somewhere around here if she looked hard enough.

Sure enough, Leandra rounded a small group of partygoers to see Elena dancing with Ward a bit further ahead.

Immediately feeling like she'd be intruding, Leandra paused where she was, not too far from Princess Briar herself as well as Trindle.

While standing about, Leandra began itching at her back, something that had become something of a habit now.

Elena would have shrugged should she have not been dancing. She remembered gymnastics vaguely and how fluid and elegant her movements needed to be. It was muscle memory, the way fighting was becoming. She spun out and pulled back in in nearly one motion before finding his golden eyes with her pale brown and continuing the small talk.

"It's alright. It was a long time ago. My attacker isn't alive anymore.. So it's okay."

She looked to see Leandra a little bit away. She felt concerned as her hand went back to her back. Was she hurt?
Leo closed his eye and let the music take hold of his movements. Following the simple pattern of the dance was easy enough, the problem came with keeping his large feet and legs out of Nyrs way enough for her to move as well. But so far, they were doing well. So Leo simply let himself be taken in by the moment.

He heard Nyr and smiled, he had felt something almost identical as they danced. "Something as simple as dancing, can make all of the worlds troubles seem to disappear when you have the right partner." The motions continued on and the Leo guided them across the floor as graceful as he could. At one point he went to side step, and his foot nearly tripped over his other as he went to make the step. Luckily he was able to catch himself before completely loosing his balance and simply corrected himself so that they continued to follow the crowd.

Leo looked to Nyr and then back across the dance floor, seeing The small group gathered around Ward and Elena. The two of them were so happy together, Leo was happy for his friends for finding one another.


Otto was pulled into Alta's embrace and he winced as she hugged him tight. His smile never left his face as he too took a deep sniff of Alta and her familiar scent. He had not seen her in so long, which he immediately opened his eyes and realized it was the night of his mothers attack that he had last seen her. He laughed a bit and then slipped out of Alta's hug and placed his fore paws on the ground in a playful manner. "Granny, its so good to see you." He made a yipping noise as he dashed around her, his tail tucked under until he came back in front of her and noticed that Luness was approaching them. He looked from Alta to Luness and smiled up at her. "I've known Granny a LONG time. She was the one who helped me after I fell off the cliff. She healed my chest, and was part of our pack before...." Otto stopped there and his ears went flat. He sat back on his hind legs and looked a bit sad at once again thinking of the dream. HE took a deep breathe and then jumped back to all fours. "Ah yea, I've know Granny Alta most of my life."

Leia looked up and noticed Leandra not too far away.

"Oh! Briar, you'll want to meet the newest real-worlder we found." She went over, placing a hand on Lenadra's shoulder and introducing her.

"Leandra, this is princess Briar and prince Fior...we..sort of fought a war together...back at Branbern." Leia realized now that perhaps she had something in common with the other girl. It wasn't anything like a modern war sure, but with the magic used...maybe at some points it was comparable...maybe worse.

"Very pleased to meet you." Briar said happily. There was a sincerity and a hope in her voice that spoke of how much she believed in the humans who were chosen.

"I hope you're not finding FableWood too odd...I know it took some of the others a while to acclimatize."

Tad appeared at Leia's right shoulder and rubbed his head under her chin.

"Some of us also had help." She patted the spirit with a smile.


Alta let Otto go reluctantly, wiping her cheek to rid it of a tear. "Its good to see you too, my little shadow."

Alta looked relieved to see Luness, "I came here mostly to check up on you, but if I'd have known who you found..." She looked back at Otto fondly.

Kallin stopped behind Luness as she addressed the old wolf, who looked like now that she had found Otto was determined to keep him close.

"Finally ditched those filthy rags eh boy?" Alta turned a critical tone on him.

Kallin bristled. "Yeah, for now, too bad you still smell like a barn."

"Don't talk back to your elders sparkle fingers."

"You--" But Kallin stopped himself, looking at Luness, she probably wouldn't want them to fight. "...are lucky I'm on good behaviour tonight."

"I don't smell a hint of the darkness of that demon." She said curiously, turning her attention to Luness.

"Ah," Kallin broke in. "That would be because she defeated it." There was pride in his voice. Alta tilted her head.

"Not without magic I assume." She met Kallin's eyes and her critical expression softened. She understood he had helped her. In fact, his body language alone had betrayed how much he had some to care for her, but there was still something...off.

"How about you go and get an old wolf something to drink?" She gestured with her muzzle to a table not far away.

"You want it in a bowl?" She glared. "Okay! It was a joke." Kallin shrugged at Luness before walking away.

As soon as he was gone Alta spoke softly to the werecat. "Luness I want you to be careful around that boy...He's got a good heart it seems but...but he smells of chaos magic...its powerful, and its dangerous...no one controls chaos magic, its impossible."

Kallin returned not long after and Alta found she had to shift to accept what he had brought her. Her dress was plain and modest, the gold mantle shifting with her to fit her small human frame.

He went to stand by Luness again, admiring her while trying to make it look like he wasn't staring.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Ward and Elena had drawn a bit of a crowd, and when the song ended and they slowed a small burst of applause rose up, nearly making Ward jump. He gave an embarrassed smile and the crowd and turned back to gaze lovingly at Elena once more. He would not press her about the scar now. Tonight was filled with more than enough to occupy their attention.

Out of the corner of his eye Ward caught the duke. He was leaning against a pillar sipping from a glass and watching the king like a fox eying an old hare.

@Bea Delaine

((Trying to type while an english setter is trying to sit on me...I love this farm dog, really actually.))
Elena allowed the song and dance gradually to end, for the most part happy the conversation died. She found after everything though, this sort of thing didn't matter so much. She heard clapping and turned around, startled and glad a mask hid her reddened cheeks. She smiled and gave a short bow.

"Dancing with you.. I feel weightless. Thank you Ward."

She said this taking his hand and laying a kiss on the back before making her way into the crowd again. As she walked she spotted Leandra and then the duke eyeing the king. When she was close enough, she spoke low.

"I think we should be prepared for another assassination attempt, and not just on Ward. I think the duke will be feeling desperate since this is his last chance at breaking the bloodline."

She said this with a stern expression, then lightened up.

"But it's a wonderful party. Having a good time?"

She asked the other girl.
Leandra grinned at Leia when approached by the girl and felt herself relaxing a bit once Leia put her hand on Leandra's shoulder. She even dropped her hand from her back to stop itching it for a bit despite the itch still being irritatingly present.

Upon being introduced to the princess and prince, Leandra immediately felt uncertain of how to respond or react, as she'd never really been around royalty in the real world.

Feeling a bit sheepish, Leandra then said, "It's nice to meet both of you...though I apologize, as I haven't the faintest idea how to react accordingly."

Glancing sideways at Leia, Leandra then went to rub the back of her head though her ponytail was in the way, as she said, "Um, am I supposed to bow or something?"

Blushing now in embarrassment, Leandra felt a bit relieved when they quickly changed subjects and moved onto some kind of war.

Curious about the war, Leandra almost asked for the details before realizing that even she would never want to answer such a question. Keeping her mouth shut, Leandra politely listened, as Princess Briar soon spoke up.

Smiling politely at Briar, Leandra then replied, "It's easier to simply accept everything I see and interact with than to try and understand it. I'm sure these events and memories will last forever in my mind."

Hearing Elena speaking up nearby, Leandra turned to her just in time to hear her question.

Shrugging, Leandra smiled at Elena before responding,
"Parties never were really my thing, but I do enjoy the people present here."

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine


Luness smiled at Alta's comments towards Otto, feeling as if she shared Alta's fondness for the young werewolf. Luness would needlessly throw herself into harm's way to protect Otto without a second thought.

"Otto's a part of my pack now," Luness said just as she realized that Alta probably had no idea about that. She smiled at this thought, as she realized that Alta had missed quite a bit lately.

Hearing Alta teasing Kallin again, Luness grinned, finding it wholly amusing despite Kallin's clear dislike for her teasing.

When Kallin suddenly stopped arguing after glancing at Luness, she raised an eyebrow at him, amused that she seemed to have such an effect on him.

When the darkness was mentioned, Luness bristled slightly, shuddering almost at the mere thought of the memories behind the darkness and demon taint.

Hearing Kallin's pride in mentioning that Luness had defeated it, she found herself grinning again, as she added, "Not without help though."

Glancing at Kallin and then at Otto, Luness smiled at Alta before saying, "These two helped more than I could've imagined they ever would in the moment."

Seeing Alta seeming to relax slightly around Kallin, Luness could only hope that she was warming up to him. Luness definitely didn't want the pair arguing every time they met, no matter how amusing it was.

Hearing Alta requesting for Kallin to get her a drink and then Kallin immediately responding with the mention of a bowl, Luness chuckled and then watched him walk off to get her a drink.

Hearing Alta speaking up to her, Luness cocked her head at the old werewolf while listening to what she had to say.

Furrowing her brows at what was said, Luness waited until Alta was done speaking before responding with slight confusion in her tone, "What exactly is chaos magic?"

Better yet, how'd he learn it if it was so powerful and difficult to control? How would one learn such a thing?

Yet, before her question could be answered, Kallin was back and at her side once more.

If she'd been in her werecat form, Luness probably would've folded her ears against her head with how confused and anxious she felt after hearing Alta's warning.

Feeling someone's gaze on her, something of a sixth sense that she had, Luness quickly looked to the side only to see Kallin looking right back at her.

Raising an eyebrow at him, Luness then asked, "Distracted, much?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Quincy smiled brightly at him, taking the suggested mask in her hands. It was a beautiful mask, but perhaps his feelings that it might be too feminine were valid. "Hold onto it for a moment yet, we'll see what else there is." She said, handing it back to him gently before disappearing behind a shelf to search further. She wanted to find him the perfect mask, but she wasnt sure what that might be. "You should wear one you feel comfortable with. I like the first one very much, but you might like another better." She said as she returned with three more for him to consider. "But do hurry, or we'll miss the dancing, and I still need to teach you how." She said, a mischievous smile making an appearance as she showed him to other three she had found.




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Otto was so excited to see Alta once again that when Luness first arrived, Otto instinctively saw her in her mask and his mind saw nothing out of the ordinary. But as the initial excitement ware off, Otto found himself fixated on Luness. She was human!

Everything in Otto's mind went silent, no distractions or things to take his attention away from the girl in the mask. Her scars where still there, though with ought her fur missing, the seemed much less noticeable to him. Thought he couldn't see here face behind her mask, Otto could see her eyes which seemed to be so much different that her feline eyes.

Otto shifted, his tie actually falling into it normal spot for once as he stood on his two legs. He kept his eyes fixated on her as he reached up with a single finger and placed it right on the tip of her nose. It was like he was looking at Luness, but not Luness at the same time.

Any protest to the touch, Otto did not hear initially. He smiled at her under his own mask. He looked at Kallin as he left and then back to Alta, then back to Luness with a bit of an upset "matter of fact" look. "You lied. You said it wasn't a sight to behold, you in your human form." He smiled and dropped his finger and his hand back to his side. He left his sentence hang there as Kallin returned with the drink for Alta. Otto himself stuffed a hand into his jacket and his eyes went wide. He had run out of his snacks. He began to sniff the air once again and looked back to Alta and then to Luness "I gotta go find, food. Ill be right back." Before anyone could stop him, he shifted and bounded backwards towards what smelled like where they had put the food out, his tie flapping from his tail like a little flag.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Arianne felt the push on her back from Leia and heard Anya's response and she was a bit nervous still.

" But... I... " she tried to protest but then she took a deep breath and looked up at Anya once more, now with a smile. " It would my my honor, my Lady. "

She walked with Anya, trying to radiate grace and beauty just as the books suggested. She knew that being a little girl walking with an another girl looked a bit strange but she tried to ignore the questioning glares. She got used to being watched, it was something she was taught to endure... still not being at such a gala she wondered if she could truly do it under so much stress.

When they reached the dancing floor she faced towards Anya and bowed before her.

" I will try to be the best dance partner you ever had, my lady. " she said as she grabbed Anya's right hand with her left and she put her own right one on Anya's hip.

" Let your troubles fade, my lady. " she told her " Let us dance in the moonlight. "

With that she danced with her and felt a strange sensation overtaking her. Somehow it felt like she had already done something like this... on an evening exactly like this... in a dress exactly like this....

With the same moon like this one.

" Strange... " she mused " This feels so familiar... almost as if I have done this before... "


Nyr enjoyed the dance as they continued to move back and forth, smiling at how enjoyable this was. She noticed few others dancing as well with them and she chuckled as they seemed to enjoy the party as she did. However when she looked around an uneasy feeling filled her. The gala was wonderful, so many have come but it felt like something was still amiss.

" This ball is wonderful. " she said finally, looking at Leo " But I have a bad feeling. Somehow I can't help but to suspect an attack. "

With that they waltzed around the dance floor, moving around faster and faster.

" Many monarchs were invited here today. Even if the king of Aerios is safe the others are easy targets. We must not let our guard down. "

She looked in the eyes of Leo to reassure him: she would be ready if anything would happen.

"There are no formalities needed." Briar laughed as the music began to play once again. She gave Ward and Elena a smile as they came off the dance floor, hiding a laugh as Elena kissed his hand sweetly and watching him beam. She had never seen him so happy.

Her gaze then shifted to the duke.

"I've been speaking to the group that has dedicated themselves to protecting the king. I have no doubt they are here. If anyone makes a move on the king, we will know about it."


Alta watched Otto go, calling after him with a stern voice.

"Don't you go getting into trouble now you hear? Stay off the tables!"


Suddenly the music quietened as the king stepped forward with his hand raised.

"Dear friends," he began. "Welcome to the Star Ball!" There was a cheer that rose from the crowd. Briar and Fior clapped with them. On the ceiling the spell reflected the night sky as it began to reveal more stars flying down to the horizon, but there were still not many.

"As you know, not every generation is witness to this magical event...and it is on this day that I will make an important decision...As I have no children, I will choose a successor to the throne."

There were concerned whispers. This had never been done before. The people trusted their king...but his line had always ruled...now there would be someone else.

"Unorthodox to say the least." The cold voice of the duke cut through the air. "But is that really what the people want Cedric?" There was a soft murmur at the dukes disrespect. even being the king's brother he should still have used his proper title.

"We know how long our family has ruled the Isles fairly and well...now you want to just select a new monarch...do the people get no say?"

Briar frowned. "I did not expect this...I thought we would be facing physical enemies, but the duke is using the people..."

"What do we do?" Ward said, not taking his eyes off the unfolding scene.

"I...I don't know yet."

"If this is a play for the throne Duke Albert, it is a poor one. You are not fit to rule. You and I used to be friends once, but you have grown selfish, and you have grown cruel...you are not the brother I knew years ago." King Cedric said firmly.

"Who decides that? You? It seems you give yourself more and more power." Ward watched in shock as people began to nod slowly. Even he felt compelled to agree with the man.

Kallin frowned...something in the air felt strange. Alta wrinkled her nose, she could sense it too. There was magic being cast.

"I say, our family should continue to rule...I say you make me your successor."

King Cedric stepped to face his brother. "I say again...you are not fit."

"The duke is right." Someone called out. "The Isles were always at their best when his bloodline had the throne."

"I agree!" Another cried.

Kallin clasped his staff tightly. "This is bad."
Anya, too, ignored any questioning looks. It wasn't as though dancing with a child meant much of anything- in any case she had always thought it was cute when others invited children to dance at weddings. Ah, well, they can glare if they want, she supposed.

She smiled as Arianne tried to dance, and then realized that the girl was much better at this type of dancing than she was. It really did surprise her. She found the rhythm easily, and learned the repetitive steps with relative ease- well, as easily as one can learn a foreign dance.

Then Arianne said something, it was a bit unnerving, but Anya thought to dismiss it- though, given where she found herself that may not have been her smartest move.

"Sounds like De ja vu, or, at least, that's what we call it where I'm from. It's a strange sensation, to feel like you've been somewhere, or done something already, isn't it?" She asked with a small smile.

Around this time the music lessoned, and the king's announcement was followed with discontent. Anya saw clearly the Duke's play- she'd seen plenty of politicians use it before. She would know how to fight back if only she knew of whatever treacheries the Duke had committed in the past...

She looked around and waited.


Alexander watched Quincy as she pulled out masks to try. He had to admit they were all quite ornate- and it seemed he had been correct in thinking that the mask he had picked was too feminine.

He looked through the masks and put on the last one, tying it behind his head so that the strap ended up hidden by his hair.

"What do you think of this one? I think it matches your dress, right?" He said, smiling a bit and awaiting her approval.

Quincy smiled as he tied the mask. "Looks great to me." She said, leaning up and pecking his cheek just below the mask. "Come on, we'e probably missing something important." She said excitedly, taking his arm and scampering happily back to the door, down the hall, and back to the ballroom. Just in time for the King's announcement and following challenge. "Oh dear.." She murmured, glancing at him worriedly as they made their way toward the largest group of their companions.

(Trying to get us caught up)

Luness blinked when Otto suddenly poked at her nose, leaving his finger on it.

Furrowing her brows, Luness then immediately said, "What in the world are you-" But she was cut off when Otto began speaking.

Eyes wide at what Otto said next, Luness found that her voice was lost in the moment and she had no reply for the young werewolf.

Before long, Otto was gone in a flash, hunting down food yet again.

Shaking her head at Otto's antics, Luness then giggled at Alta's comment and then turned when Cedric began addressing the crowd.

Listening to what he said, Luness began to feel uneasy, especially when he announced that there were no more heirs. Upon hearing this, Luness immediately found her gaze shifting to Ward, as she wondered if he'd come forth with the news that he was the rightful heir.

Yet, nothing was said by Ward, as he instead questioned what they should do in the moment.

With concern-filled eyes, Luness said, "I haven't the faintest idea. Ward, what about...?"

Glancing over at him after asking this, Luness let the question linger in the air, waiting for Ward's reply.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra felt herself relax when Princess Briar told her to not worry about formalities in the moment and she smiled in response to her comment.

Seeing Ward and Elena interacting with one another near the group, Leandra felt a pang of jealousy for a moment before she dismissed the feeling and returned her focus to itching at her back, silently cursing herself. What was wrong with her?

Her thoughts were interrupted though, as King Cedric took the stage in a sense and began addressing the crowd.

Listening to what he said, Leandra's eyes widened and she quickly began worried when the duke began winning over the crowd.

Glancing at Ward for a moment before returning her attention to Cedric, Leandra worriedly hoped that Ward would speak up before anything drastic happened.

Leo watched Nyr as she looked around the ball room and he nodded his head in agreement. With what the Gryphon Brennan had told them, something was bound to happen tonight, and they would all need to be ready to help the king if need be."I agree, something is bound to transpire this evening. Thought I doubt many of the other monarchs have much to do with the Duke plans, you are right and we will keep anyone from being harmed tonight."

As the music faded, Leo smiled to Nyr and bowed to her as he had been taught. The dance had left him a with a bit of a euphoric feeling for the night, and having Nyr with him was only making the feeling heighten. As the king took the spotlight and began his speech, Leo looked around the dance floor and took note of his companions and where they were. IF something were to go wrong, they would need to intervene and knowing where the group stood would make making moves that much easier.

Leo watched the Duke and he furrowed his brow as he turned the kings own people against him. This was ridiculous, surely the people that had prospered so much under King Cedric did not truly believe he was only out to make himself more powerful or intact some new monarch. The mood did not fit the history that Cedric had with his people, and as he began to focus on the ball room a bit more intently, he could feel something that wasn't quite right. Leo looked across the ball room as he looked for the group members and eyed that Otto had found himself a space near the food. More correctly, the little wolf was sitting on the table itself watching with a mouth full of food as a few of the members of the party watched him with a bit of disgust.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Nyr nodded and when the music faded she too did stop to applaud the speech of the king. The wise ruler indeed was in a dilemma... but then something unexpected happened. A duke spoke up - likely someone the others knew already - and she thought something fishy to be going on. The pompous noble made claims and wild accusations which were not true - of course he could not know that Ward was the heir of Cedric but it seemed that he would not have cared even if he knew. No, there was something amiss here.

Her suspicions came true when she saw the nobles speaking up. Their voice were different from before: it was full of cheer and enthusiasm at first, at least that is what one would hear, but Nyr noticed an odd, enthralled tone in their voice as well. Some way, somehow the noble must have manipulated them. Squeezing Leo's paw she whispered.

" Dark magics are afoot, Leo. " she said but the guardian have probably noticed this as well " Be on your guard - the duke must have something else up in his sleeve other than harsh words. "


" Deja... vu? " Arianne asked, a bit confused. She had never heard this term before but how Anya described it it was exactly like that... somehow, despite the fact that she had never danced before it felt natural to her... she remembered steps she did not even know she could do. It was not something one could describe since she had never done it personally. And the night itself...

It felt like as if she had witnessed this ball at least a hundred times over. The decoration, the mysterious atmosphere, the wondrous star fall - she remembered all of this only the people were different every time. But how was this even possible? It made no sense in her mind yet she could not set aside this strange feeling.

She turned her head towards the king as the music quieted and paid attention, but immediately she shivered. Something permeated the air, the very stench of dark magic made the girl shudder. She felt the tiny light globes - which now circled between her legs - fear something that was coming.

" My lady. " she touched Anya's hand once again " Something bad is happening. Be ready but also careful. "

Ward looked torn. If he came forward he knew everything would change. He didn't want it to change, he didn't want to be a prince. The more he thought about it the less appealing the idea became. But if he didn;t come forward, what would happen? Could he really allow someone like the duke to take the throne?

"Ward, Elena." Kallin had made his way over to him, making sure the others were in earshot. "This isn't just talk. Someone's casting a spell. We have to find them and take them out."

Ward did not take his eyes off the duke. "I will stay here, in case things take a turn for the worse. Take some of our group with you, and try to find this caster." Kallin nodded, going back to brush Luness' shoulder lightly. "I need your help." he said softly but urgently.

Alta kept an eye on Otto, but made sure she was close to them too.

"Luness, there is another talent you may possess. Have you ever tried scenting magic before?"

Kallin knew Alta could do it, but could she really teach Luness in a matter of minutes?

"Magic has a smell, its faint, but its there, it will also bring a strange sensation to your whiskers. You are a werecat and an alpha, you might be able to do it much better than I. Kallin, make a mage light." Kallin obliged and held it out for Luness.

"You'll have to be in your werecat form. Try to sense the magic in Kallin's hand. Dark magic, like that being used now will have a much fouler scent. Try to determine the difference."

Leia listened, wandering over to Otto. If anything happened she was determined to keep him safe.

"Psst. Otto, stop attracting attention...I think things are about to get dangerous..."

King Cedric's expression was unchanged as the crowd began to voice their displeasure. "My people please, many of you know in your hearts that I have always done what is best for you, for our home! You must trust me!"

As the spell did its work the crowd began to get louder. The situation was quickly dissolving.

Luness furrowed her brows at the mention of magic being at use. She hadn't even thought about such a thing being the root of the trouble, though it would explain the sudden change of alliance for the people. Surely the king had treated them all fairly during his ruling?

When Kallin brushed Luness' shoulder, she immediately glanced over at him and raised an eyebrow in response before saying softly, "But wha-"

Yet, before she could finish her question, Alta brought up the idea that Luness could possibly scent magic. How?

Shifting her attention to Alta, Luness listened to what she had to say, her own mind trying to wrap around this new idea. Magic had a scent?

Warily eyeing the mage light that Kallin was holding out for her, Luness hesitated for a moment before Alta warned her that she'd have to be in her werecat form.

Sighing at this, due to her current attire, Luness then shifted into her werecat form, her mask's strings coming undone, though Luness caught it before it fell to the ground. Keeping her mask in one forepaw, Luness then stepped a bit closer to Kallin before she leaned forward and sniffed at the mage light.

Immediately, Luness looked to the side, as she sneezed in response to sniffing at the magic.

Blinking, Luness rubbed at her nose before looking back at Kallin and then Alta, as she said, "Magic certainly smells odd compared to the normal scents I know of in this world."

Still, despite its odd smell, Luness sniffed around herself now, as she closed her eyes and then opened them, revealing her dark, crimson and glowing eyes, as she activated her Alpha state so that she could scent the dark magic better.

Sure enough, she began to catch small whiffs of the dark magic present all around the room, but where was it coming from? She could smell it all around them, but she needed to find where it was strongest.

Hearing the king struggling to keep his people calm, Luness immediately began weaving her way through the crowd, as she realized she was running out of time and fast.



Leandra felt uncertain of joining the crowd to hunt down the dark magic caster, as her only real experience with magic herself was with healing.

Deciding to play it safe for now, Leandra hung back with Ward and curiously watched as Luness seemed to learn a new skill in only a matter of a few minutes.

Amazed by such progress, Leandra felt a new level of respect for the werecat, as she seemed to be very capable and adaptable in almost any situation.

Overhearing Leia speaking to Otto nearby, Leandra turned to look at the pair and giggled when she saw Otto delving into his collection of food, which he must've replenished recently.

Walking over to Leia's side, Leandra then added, "She's right, y'know. We need to keep an eye out for troublemakers, not be a troublemaker ourselves."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Elena watched the commotion expand and noticed fairly quickly something was wrong. The same electric feeling she got from certain magic use filled the air stronger as she argument was seemingly being won over by the Duke. She kept her hand as if clutching a sword in case the yelling turned violent and she needed to defend. She approached the king a little to be ready. She could not track magic like Luness and probably Kallin.

"I'll be where I'm needed but I think I'm best here if things get messy.. All of this yelling is getting us nowhere."

She approached the king and spoke quietly, keeping her back to the wall in case anything starts.

"It's not infidelity, King Cedric. It's a spell, most likely designed to sway their feelings. Arguing with the Duke at this point might cause violence... Whereas a bit of yelling is manageable at least until we find the caster. How can I help you?"
"Are you sure?" The king asked Elena, glancing sideways at her but trying mostly to keep his attention on his people.

"If we can find the spell's source perhaps we can stop it."

A figure shifted behind the throne, his body completely obscured for the thick robe and cloak he wore. A mask covered his face, but through the eye holes one could just make out glowing pupil-less eyes.

He was muttering under his breath, contorting his hand as if manipulating some invisible material. No one as of yet had seen him.

"Your people demand to be served by their king...that is what a king does isn't it? Serve his people? Give them what they want!"

"You know nothing of servitude!" King Cedric shot back angrily, but his will was beginning to weaken. He began to doubt his choice...what if...what if he was wrong?

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