
Morgana pulled at his head a bit to show it wasn’t a costume. “This isn’t a costume lady, but I can assure you that I am a human. I may look like this now, but I’m sure I used to be a human... or at least I think?”

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow

There was another creature that joined them on the equine's back, one distinctly feline in appearance and yet widely different from their own species. They were distressed, that, they could see, as well as confused. While cautious, they gently nuzzled into the other in what they could only hope was a comforting manner.

Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
586766Scias nodded at the girl in return. So she was a Dragon after all. Then the people here were Summoners like the ones he was familiar with. Several other men had joined their conversation. None of them understood how they’d arrived in this world either. They each seemed interested in the little Dragon, Kanna Kamui, she’d said her name was.

“I-I… , I am c-called... Scias” he said.

They hadn’t encountered any danger yet. If they wanted to know what was going on, they would need to find the people who Summoned them. For now, he decided, he would stay close to Kanna to protect her.

Nightwisher Nightwisher Topless Topless Hercynia Hercynia SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03
Wendy had just been taught at a young age not to take candy from strangers, especially strangers in Gravity Falls. Though, with how this woman was dressed, maybe she thought it was Halloween or something. “Yeah...uh...thanks.” Wendy said, clearly uncomfortable with the interaction as she elongated the A in ‘thanks’. The young lumberjack turned back to Soos and handed him the chocolate bar, figuring he would want it more.

The young child looked between the two people before her as they murmured between themselves. She kept the smile on her face despite that, trying to be nice to their guests. Luckily, the two walked away and someone else called for her attention. Mabel turned to the woman that she hadn’t really noticed, but maybe that was more because the little girl hadn’t wanted to notice her. She was dressed in very adult clothes which made Mabel uncomfortable to look at. She tried to push that aside, knowing that sometimes her over the top sweaters had the same effect on people. The price of being attractive. The small brunette shrugged at the first question. “You...walked through the door?" Mabel suggested. At the second question she merely shook her head. “No, all I have is…” she paused for suspense as she reached behind her, hidden in an unknown place, and pulled out something she clearly considered a toy. “A grappling hook!” She yelled, lifting it into the air, looking very proud of this particular object. I mean, how often did one get to show of their prized grappling hook? Pretty often when you steered the conversation in that direction, but that wasn’t important.

When a knock came at the door, it was Wendy went to answer it, but apparently she was just to slow as the door was soon kicked open. "Whoa, dude! Not cool!" She said, jumping back out of the way.
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict looked at the red haired girl, “Ah, an employee, your service is quite terrible.” He showed her his watch, “ten seconds late.” He clapped his hands again, “Josh, I’m tired.” Benedict continued as Josh held him yet again, “This place is now going to be used as my base of operations, i was going to have a little...talk with the man in charge but you’ll suffice, now where’s my room?”​
"Yeah, I know, girl dood." Soos whispered in response to Mabel as she called all the Shack's new customers 'weird'. They were the good kind of weird, of course. Talking cats, magikarps, badgers, whatever the hell Shadman was. All of them were here! All the talking just kinda went over Soos and Stan's heads for the time being as they listened to everyone, especially since Mabel and Wendy appeared to be handling.... most of the conversation. That is, until someone decided to kick down the door.

"HOT BELGIUM WAFFLES!!" Stan found himself shouting at the top of his lungs as he sprinted over to the door. It was one thing to crowd around in his Shack, but it was another entirely to kick open his door. "Who do you think you are?!" He shouted as he placed his hands on his hips, firmly. It was then that he noticed the stranger's pet penguin, to which Stan stared at for an.... uncomfortable amount of time. Eventually, he smiled and turned back to Wendy, Soos, and Mabel.


"This... this is beautiful!" He exclaimed with a grin... and then the Benedict person decided that he wanted a room, and to stay here. Stan Pines immediately chased him down in the shack, along with his pet penguin, before standing in front of him and his penguin. "I'M the man in charge here, wise guy!" Stanley exclaimed as he thumbed towards his chest with a frown. "And as the man in charge, I'm gonna say that you can't stay here! Not without proper pay, of course!" Stan said. If there was one thing that could get you what you wanted with Stan, it was money.

"Haha, I don't know Mister Pines. He seems pretty cool." Soos said as he too made his way over to Benedict. "Plus, his Penguin is like, really cool, dood." Soos said as he placed his hands on his knees and bent forwards, meeting eye level with the Penguin. "Haha, what's your name, little fella?" He asked with a light chuckle towards the flightless bird.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Nightwisher Nightwisher
The Doom Marine


I sighed as the Luo rushed to grab me. Clearly I signed something that he took offense with. I glanced between the child and the maid. Hopefully that pony, if she's a friend, could prevent the kid from becoming a Succubus meal. If not, well, I think the Kung Fu guy could handle it at the very least. If worst comes to worst, I'll personally take care of it. In the meantime though, I turned around, threw my hands up into the air to signal my exasperation with this situation, and flung myself out a window before I could be caught. Glass shards were sent flying outward from my impact, further shattering once they smashed into the grass. I rolled onto my feet and took off. Curiously, I wasn't running as fast as I normally could... that needed to be looked into.

Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Shack Crew

@Now available for interactions

Fulgore watches the Cat Man and pony talk back and forth, his head shifting between the two. The conversation didn't mean much to him beyond the promise of combat in the future, but he did file away one thing. 'Persona' The Cat Man mentioned it like a threat. Was it a weapon? Fulgore was sure it could best such a thing. The only one in this group that seemed capable in combat was the buff fish. Back to the present, Fulgore holds his hand toward the pony, palm up.
"You are causing him excessive amounts of distress. I advise you relinquish him to me."
Fulgore doesn't try to sound threatening, but his voice is harsh, and creepy.
Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict Smiled, “Ah, yes, payment,” he said as he pulled out his wallet, “This will cover my stay here sir,” He said, waving a wad of cash. He then turned to the other man and sighed, “His name’s Josh, but don’t pay much attention to him...he doesn’t deserve it. Now, is everything in order.” Benedict asked with a glare that he uses often.​
Lyle Walt and Clara Bulmer


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Clara, Luna, Morgana​


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Lyle, Luna​
"I'm not well-versed in how horses fight," Clara answered apologetically. "we don't use horses for battle."

Horses couldn't use Skills and became the first target in a fight. Lyle had Porter as a substitute for horses and the mass produced robots were better than horses on almost all aspect. The high cost to start production was a minus, but when the efficiency ratio was calculated in, horses were retired from battlefield.

Lyle found the girl cute. Partly because she didn't stare at him with adoration, lust, or desire, but also because she reminded him of Shannon, but less standoffish. He pat her head when she mentioned training session.

"Let's safe that energy for somewhere more appropriate."

He turned to the cat again. He met a persona user previously in his trip to another universe. Her power was very similar to Skills, though its usage was more similar to magic.

"Do you know a persona user named Takemi Hashimoto?"


Morgana looked at the strange cat thing nuzzling him. He looked confused at first, but decided to just let it do whatever it wants. He then looked at the other person talking to Luna with a look of shock. “There are more Persona users!? I had no idea... sorry I’ve never heard of your friend.”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow Damafaud Damafaud Ineptitude Ineptitude
Stan's eyes practically turned into dollar signs at the sign of the cash, the man smiling as he quickly snatched the money up with his right hand. "Yoink! HAHA!" He exclaimed as he held the was of cash tightly in his hand, running along the top with a his index finger from his other.


"Your services are very much appreciated." Stan said with a smirk and a quiet chuckle, before shoving the cash into the nearby register.

"Dood calm down! Josh didn't do anything to you, dawg." Soos replied to Benedict as he took to insulting his pretty cool looking Penguin. However, he was unceremoniously partially shoved out of the way by Stan, who began leading Benedict and his penguin to the back.

"Allow me to show you to your room, your ma--magi--majesty? Is it majesty?" Stan paused and looked around for a moment, before waving it off with a laugh. "Eh, it doesn't matter! I got... I got money outta this." He said, before turning to the lobby of the shack again, specifically towards the Mystery Shack staff. "Soos, Mabel, Wendy! Watch this place while I give our guest of honor here the private tour! And make sure that no one like, smashes any windows while I'm gone!" He exclaimed before leaving the room and taking Benedict deeper into the Mystery Shack.

"Haha, I am so on it, Mister Pines!" Soos said, saluting Stan as he left the room....

aaaaaaand then Doomguy smashed a window open not even five seconds later. "...ah dangit, dood."

Meanwhile, back in the shack, Stan would have lead Benedict and Josh to a mysterious door in some undisclosed hallway. He grinned as he reached into his pocket and shuffled around for a bit, before finally finding what he was looking for. "AH! There it is!" He exclaimed as he pooled out a bronze key and proceeded to unlock the door. He opened it, revealing a rather nice, if not old, looking room to Benedict and Josh.


"This is where you'll be staying!" Stan exclaimed as he looked down towards Benedict and his pet penguin. "I should probably warn you that there's some... weird, urban legend or whatever about this room having some weird power or somethin.... I'unno, it's probably just a myth." He said as he rolled his hand back and forth to emphasize how little that point actually meant to him. Clasping his hands together, Stan grinned, and said, "Anyways! I'll leave you and your uh.... weird penguin slave thing to unpack, aaaaaand.... just call me if ya need me, I guess." Stan said, winking towards the pair as he closed the door to the room and left.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Nightwisher Nightwisher Critic Ham Critic Ham
As one of the men began to express distrust toward the ant for his blunt words, he could only stare at him, face unchanging. The lack of moving facial features such as eyebrows, lips, and skin was certainly hindering his ability to express just how deadpan everything he said and felt truly was "Dirty looks" he muses under his breath, staring at the man "I'm sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean, dirty looks?" the large, unblinking compound eyes of the creature settled once more upon the man as the ant spoke with that same flat tone "You appear quite fearful of my earlier display, so allow me to clarify. I have not met a friendly being or creature in some time. Forgive my earlier forwardness, I simply did not wish to be killed by creatures masquerading under an illusory guise"

He opens his hands, raising them up in a display of neutrality toward the man "I understand your hesitance to trust someone so willing to kill, as it is much the same as the fear I had upon arriving here"
Mandibles twitching slightly, the large, green eyes of the arthropod scanned the rest of the shop, not an awful lot of anything piquing his interest. "Human emotions and mannerisms do so escape me" he adds, mostly to himself "So many muscles to express a smile or frown, an exoskeleton such as mine is sadly unable to convey such things"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore SheepKing SheepKing Birb Birb

The strangely hatted man hadn't even seemed to acknowledge Achilles's proposal, darting back into the crowd to talk loudly at some other person that had just came in. Maybe this was custom for this culture to explain non-verbally that what he was holding was in fact, free. And if that was the case, he could take as many as he wanted. He scooped his drachma back into it's pouch, and collected more of these strange, free, "MstryShck" plates that he just couldn't get enough of, after all, it was free. Maybe there was other free stuff too? A shirt, a map, and even a few more plates joined his collection of things he was taking.

Achilles was satisfied with his shopping trip. It wasn't often he did something like this, but he felt as if he had accomplished something for the day. He had found himself a few feet out the door when the window a few feet from him burst open, scattering glass all over the ground, and him. A figure in strange armor began sprinting away from the wreckage. In any town, any country, and time period, he knew a thief when he saw one.


He dropped nearly everything, aside from his pile of precious license plates, and chased after the Doom Marine. With a single arm, he began flinging license plate after license plate at the Doom Marine, like a discus thrower practising for the Olympics. After all, it's not like he hadn't done so before.

Critic Ham Critic Ham
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict looked around the room as the door closed behind him, “This will have to-“ Benedict turned very slowly, with a furrowed brow, “Josh...I’m sure a great friend like you would’ve thought of bringing a suitcase right?”. Josh stood there, emotionless, and turned around, revealing a suitcase tied to his back. Benedict nodded, “Good”​
Wendy looked Benedict with a quirked eyebrow, thinking about giving him exactly what he deserved when Stan jumped in. Naturally, Stan was going to let him stay, of course, for a price...which the dude was happy to pay. “Whatever, but I’m not playing servant.” Wendy said, waving a hand as she walked away and back to her station behind the desk. She picked up her magazine, propped her legs up, and flipped it open. “Yup, uh-huh.” Wendy called after the old man, though she clearly hadn’t really been listening. When she heard the window break, however, without even looking up from her magazine, she grabbed the broom from behind the counter and reached it out to Soos. She was definitely not going to be cleaning up after this group of ragtag misfits.

Mabel was still holding onto her grappling hook when Benedict burst into the shack. Though she couldn’t have cared less about him. What she did care about was the “Penguin!” She squealed, hurrying over next to Soos to pay the creature far more attention than his owner wanted it to have. She didn’t even look up when the window was smashed. “Waddles! Come meet your new friend!” Mabel called to her pet pig, looking around for him.

( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ), ( Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch ), ( Critic Ham Critic Ham )

They gently pat the other feline's head before jumping off of the equine's back, landing on the ground with a silent thump. They looked around, scanning their surroundings as though looking for something. After a bit of waddling around, they visibly perked up, broad-ended ears standing at attention. Triumphantly, they hefted up what they found. A long thin piece of streamlined metal, the end sharpened to a point. They promptly stored it on their back, picking up about three rocks afterwards and storing them as well.

Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
  • [div style="background:url(http://www.burntx.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/dystopia1.jpeg);max-width:1000px;max-height:500px;border:4px solid #000000;margin:auto;line-height:1;text-align:center;"][div style="opacity:0.9;background:black;line-height:1.5;width:76%;border-right:3px solid #799CAF;border-left:3px solid #799CAF;margin:auto;padding:10px;text-align:justify;max-height:405px;overflow:auto;"]

    ~Felix Combeferre Auclair~
    Location: The Mystery Shack
    Power: N/A
    Mood: Annoyed
    Condition: Healthy
    Color: #799caf
    The Messorem's blue eyes glanced over Prompto as he started babbling. "Sure." Felix responded. Though he quirked an eyebrow. "What's a video game?" He'd never heard of such a thing. Games he knew, like tag and ticktacktoe, but that was because his uncle had taught him those games. Video...well, those kinds of things had stopped being produced and used long before Felix had ever been born. The only reason he knew the name was because he'd seen a broken T.V. during a scavenger raid and Vincent had told him what it was, but even Vince had only heard stories about the things. [/div][/div]
The Doom Marine


As I bolted, someone screamed in a language I didn’t understand. I presumed it to be because of surprise. Apparently someone was so surprised, they started slinging metal plates at me. The first one smacked me alongside the helmet which caused me to stumble a few steps before I corrected it and ran onwards. I glanced around to see a blond haired man in Classical Era armor with a pile of metal plates. He threw them at me with a practiced hand. Despite how many years of experience he had throwing plates at people for seemingly no reason, I had eons of dodging Imp balls. I turned sidestepped, jumped, slid, and otherwise dodged any plate that was thrown my way.

This was now my second case of someone attempting to harm me. The first was an understandable miscommunication I think. This one just wanted to throw stuff at me. Gez, I spent eons fighting Hell and this is the thanks I get? Well, might as well return the favor.

A barrage of small critters, branches, and even a couple metal plates were thrown at him at any exposed flesh. Each one aimed to stun rather than maim or kill. Hopefully then I could explain I just wanted to run through recent events and collect my thoughts.

archur archur @Halp, Doomguy just wants to collect his thoughts and a madman is throwing license plates at him!
"Ah, another day, another dollar!" Stan exclaimed in content happiness as he made his way back into the lobby. Gripping both ends of his suit, the elderly man was quite content with the goings on, one could say. All these freakshows were bound to attract new tourists, and even then, he was already making money off of it!

...and then he saw what had happened in the five minutes he was gone.

There was a shattered window, Wendy was being lazy, and some weird Greek guy was stealing his stuff! "What the heck happened in here?! I was gone for like... five minutes!" Stan shouted as his gaze shifted towards his staff.

"Sorry, Mister Pines, but the big armor dood jumped outta the window before I could even do anything!" Soos exclaimed in a mix of sadness and disappointment as he continued sweeping up the broken glass. It was then that he fully took notice of Achilles stealing his merchandise, which was honestly the straw that broke the camel's back for the man.

Yeah, Stanley Pines was livid.

Without a moment's hesitation, Stanley made his way over to Soos and quickly snatched the broom from him. "HEY YOU MEDIEVAL PUNK!" Stan shouted as he held his broom up high in the air, frantically waving it up and down like a madman. "QUIT THROWING MY PLATES EVERYWHERE! YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR EM FIRST! ALONG WITH THE REST OF THAT MERCH YOU STOLE!" Stan shouted and, once he was in close enough range, he began repeatedly swatting the blonde on the head with the broom.

"Yeah, you go, Mister Pines!" Soos cheered as Stan began mercilessly beating Achilles, though in reality, Soos had no real idea of what was going on or why Stan was beating the man with a broom.

archur archur Critic Ham Critic Ham
Meanwhile, with Benedict in his newfound room, once him and his penguin Josh settled in, they would find an... odd sensation as they rubbed their feet on the carpet. It was almost as if there was some kind of weird... energy surge coming from the blue fabric below them. They could feel it coursing through their bodies with each foot motion on said carpet, like they were suddenly filled with a bunch of newfound, strange energy!

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

As he slung his plates at the Doom Marine, he found that the thief wasn't one to be so easily disuaded by simple projectiles. Achilles was a little bit in awe of the man as he weaved through his projectiles. Maybe, if he brought down this opponent, he would claim an even greater victory over Hector? Not only did he beat him, but he beat somebody greater than Troy's sole protector. Lost in his own thoughts, he was clipped on his arms and chest by pinecones, sticks, and some of the plates he threw himself. Achilles had been aiming for the head, but the stranger hadn't. Maybe he was just a bad shot, and wasn't as good as Hec-

"HEY YOU MEDIEVAL PUNK!" Oh, good, it must be the shop owner from earlier. Surely, he would understand what was going on.

"Βοήθησέ με, ένας κλέφτης σου κλέβει -!" (Help me, a thief is stealing your-!)

Achilles's thought process, speech, and even the plates, all stopped as a broom came down over his head.

"Τι?" (What?) The ancient greek hero of legend was entirely dumbfounded by the dirt of the broom being rained down over his head, and onto his luxourious hair he had worked so hard on the night before. He swiped away the broom strikes, and attempted to point out the real threat, the man who was clearly stealing from his store of... things. He pointed to the few plates he had, then at the culprit, going on in length about how he was to be brought to justice, and he, the great Achilles, was simply doing a favor by stopping him in his tracks, and that the thief could get away any second now; all in greek.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Critic Ham Critic Ham
Dorothy burst into tears laughing as Doomguy literally flung himself out the nearest window at the slightest threat from Kung Lao, leaving a massive space marine-sized hole, and shattered glass everywhere. She leaned on CZ's shoulder to maintain her balance while she recuperated. "Oh my gods I needed that today," she squeaked in-between laboured breaths and delayed snickers.


"Thanks, honey," she said as she stood up independent of CZ again, and took a quick eyeful of her, "Never seen you at Valhalla before; what's your name?" she quickly added,
"But judging from that outfit, I'm guessing you're looking for some action too?"

Interactions: 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

Mentions: Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva Critic Ham Critic Ham

Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict looked at the red haired girl, “Ah, an employee, your service is quite terrible.” He showed her his watch, “ten seconds late.” He clapped his hands again, “Josh, I’m tired.” Benedict continued as Josh held him yet again, “This place is now going to be used as my base of operations, i was going to have a little...talk with the man in charge but you’ll suffice, now where’s my room?”​

"Wait, is that...?" Dorothy mumbled, watching as a penguin literally carried a man into the shack. It was as if stars filled her eyes they had lit up so bright as she raced alongside Mabel to meet a new feathered friend.


"A penguin!" the Lilim beamed, giggling at the sight of one carrying a suitcase on its back and its owner in its wings, "I've only seen holograms at the zoo! How did you find him?" Dorothy excitedly asked, nearly bursting at the seams with gleeful energy,
"I thought they went extinct when the icecaps melted!"

Interactions: Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

Mentions: Nightwisher Nightwisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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