Lyle Walt and Clara Bulmer


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Clara, Luna​


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Lyle, Luna.​
Grunkle Stan. Lyle turned his attention to the old man. Barely dressed, did not look fit, and definitely not fit. Now, he could be an eccentric among eccentrics or a plain old man. Now, for sure, he could be a plain old man, but that was what he thought of Damien until he saw the genius working on-

"...Lyle, I think you should look at the child better," warned Clara.

Lyle took another look of Mabel. She did not look smart. Her clothes was bright and colourful, very much like the sense of style for a child. She did not react in fear to his weapon, or the scary looking people all around. In other words, she was very much like a child.

...he should ask around more. Lyle glanced at the man in green shirt. Clara tugged at his sleeve. Yes, he knew. No.

"I think we should try to know the others first. Maybe form a party like you did, " suggested Clara.

While most multiverse people were scattered around, there was a solid group having a discussion together. Even with her water magic, Clara was on the weaker side regarding fighting ability. Her role was a support. With how Lyle's Skills disabled, the idea of staying a two-men party with Lyle couldn't pass.

"Excuse me, if I may interrupt for a second," Lyle called out to the talking horse. "my name is Lyle. Lyle Walt. This is my partner, Clara."

Clara gave a polite nod when her name was mentioned. She made sure to hold her staff in her usual manner and not let it hanged loosely in her grip.

"Can we join your group? We promise not to be a burden."

“I’m not taking orders from a fucking talking horse.” Strelok said bluntly, he just wasn’t gonna do it.


"Would you volunteer for leader then?" Luna asks Strelok.

"The more the merrier," Luna says to Lyle and Clara, "I am Prin- Luna will do."


Meanwhile, Lyle would feel something most soft against his back. A lady, sleepwalking, staggering, eyes closed and dressed sloppily, he would notice, was hugging him as she leaned forward onto his back. Some might recognise this lady as the one that intimidated Stanford Pines in her sleep. "Ahaha~... My friends would like to form a party~? Where do you want to go for our quest~? We can go anywhere in dream land~."

"Hmmm..." Luna looks at the stinky NEET's cloud-like plushie as she squints her eyes, "that looks an awful lot like my friend's familiars."

Damafaud Damafaud Nightwisher Nightwisher Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Zamasu Zamasu Zerulu Zerulu Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude
Zenos nodded gravely as the others introduced themselves. The blonde, vaguely familiar-looking boy was called Prompto, the small Au ra Kanna. The other man who had joined them, also blonde. Different, though. Though there were some similarities to Prompto, the axe on his back looked... well-used. There was certainly something to it, it's intricate red-and-silver stylings speaking of care. Zenos could respect that. Perhaps there was cunning in his silence, as he looked about the room.

As Kanna called herself a dragon, the Garlean raised a single eyebrow. Some form of dragonkin? Elezen residing in the Holy See tended to have some form of dragonian blood within them, but, nevertheless, this seemed distinctly... different. An Au ra dragonkin, then? Perhaps. Still, there was no denying that there was somethign strange about her. Still, dragons were not to be underestimated - the destruction wrought by the Father of the First Brood, it's destruction of the invincible Agrius was testament to that. Many within the Imperium still grieved its loss, the loss of that first strike against the Eorzean savages.

His musings over for the time being, Zenos introduced himself. Hands folding across his chest, armour dimly clanging as it collided, he spoke. "I am Zenos yae Galvus, Legatus of the 12th, Viceroy of Ala Mhigo." A frown took over his features, something between confusion and a distant frustration in his blue eyes. "Where, then," He began, tone shifting from boredom to anger-tinted interest, "Have this trickery brought us? Is this form of magick not forbidden without a western aetheryte?"
Soap MacTavish
"Well you ain't got no choice here, mate." I say to the man named Strelok. I do agree that we should not be taking orders from a goddamn bloody horse. What the hell can she do? Prance and be high and pretty? Bug off! I wish to lead, but again, these people are not the type that I can get long with. Just then, two more people joined the party. That's just great. More clowns work with. But then came a very sleepy girl wanting to join. She looks like the type that might accidentally get into a crossfire by accident, and I don't want any load on my team. I went over to Luna and say in her horsey ear "Hey, don't think this is enough people to form a party? Plus what can she do? Sleep? She'll end up being a lost cause if we take her in."

Zerulu Zerulu Chungchangching Chungchangching Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow Damafaud Damafaud
Kawhi Leonard, “the Klaw”
The Forest, Gravity Falls


“Uh-huh..” Kawhi nods to Tenshi, implying that she is correct although the moment Tenshi said that powers won’t work in this place, Kawhi just said uh-huh. It explains why he felt incomplete like something was off but he didn’t believe it at first. He raised his hands on top as he wants to transition his nails into sharp blades but it didn’t work. Kawhi also attempt to make an ice cube using his ice manipulation powers but it also didn’t work.

“I knew something was off in this place, good thing I have my two greatswords here that I can lift easily – it’s realistic enough.” Kawhi said in a serious tone as he put his hand down to grip one of the greatswords’ handles for a moment, observing his surroundings cautiously before he calm his stance, releasing his grip to the handle and glancing back at Tenshi to ask a question.

“Anyway, you haven’t went to the Shack before? It’s full of people who are confused just like us but I haven’t talked to them yet. Wanna head over there?” Kawhi looks at both of them, waiting for their response.

INTERACTION: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Whisper), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Tenshi)

Morgana looked back at the sparking robot. He jumped out of his hiding place and started frantically waving his arms. “That’s not staying quiet! Now they know that we were watching them!” Morgana looked back at the house that was slowly starting to make a crowd. He decided to hide behind a tree thinking that maybe they didn’t notice it.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow

--Whisper the Wolf--
BoltBeam BoltBeam Rysesaka Rysesaka

Whisper fell silent as she listened to Kawhi's findings--nothing. Absolutely nothing. The fact that he seemingly got back to the shack the moment he stepped onto a deeper part of the forest raises a lot of questions such as what's keeping them here or why were they gathered there of all places.

Not to mention that Tenshi had pointed out something interesting--Every non-natural attributes like say, a power or something that gives power are removed from play, leaving only seemingly ordinary items. Is that the reason why Whisper's mask didn't work as intended? Or the fact that her Wisps won't come out of their shells--They're trapped inside them, unable to phase out like usual.

Hearing that made the wolf girl put on a panicked expression. Whisper's now more concerned about the Wisps she befriended inside the canisters she's carrying. I mean, what would happen if she kept them in there for too long? What if they run out of air? Or worse of all, what if the removal of these non-natural attributes killed the Wisps? When she made those canisters, Whisper never imagined things will turn out like this--That they would lose their powers.

"That's not good..." Whisper noted, not only due to the fact that everything with a special attribute now doesn't work properly, but due to the worries she has on the Wisps' condition...We could only hope they'll be fine. Kawhi then offered that they should head for the shack. Perhaps they'll find some answers there. Whisper simply nodded in response.

It seems to be the only accessible area at the moment, so...
Tenshi Hinanawi|Visit To The Shack?


It’s full of people who are confused just like us but I haven’t made them acquainted yet. Wanna head over there?

Tenshi stopped to think about it. Now, what would she do? Her curiosity is telling her yes, but her worries say no. Then her body said yes as well as she felt a surge of energy and excitement as in 'I wonder what is in there' flow through her. "Oh, why not! After all, I am rather curious..." She said casually before looking to Whisper and was just about to ask her if she'd like to come along - only to find she was too slow to ask and find out she had already agreed. She nodded. "Alright then! To the Shack it is!" She proudly and confidently said - it gave off this sense that she actually wanted to find out what is in there, and find out if it really is just a bunch of mysteries or if it's just common stuff one could see every day. Only one way to find out!

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Rysesaka Rysesaka
586714 “You're pretty nice for a dragon,I gotta admit.”

Prompto mused,recalling each and every incidents that he,Noctis,Ignis and Gladiolus had with several dragons. Twice lead to finding a Royal Arm for each battle with a dragon. Another time was when they were exploring the sewers to look for some form of enhanced headlight to could drive off Daemons in the vicinity,making driving during the nighttime a lot more safer than before. It was a pretty nasty surprise when they stumbled upon the Dragon,he admit. Good thing Ramuh was there to help out.

Standing up as the armoured man,named Zenos (Pretty cool name he's got) questioned what had lead them here in the first place,Prompto shrugged in response.

“I'm just as clueless as you are,dude. I just remember stepping into one of the caves,slipping down and falling into one of the holes, I am in a place which I have totally no idea about.”

Hercynia Hercynia Topless Topless Verdana Verdana Nightwisher Nightwisher
Last edited:
Kawhi Leonard, “the Klaw”
Mystery Shack Frontyard, Gravity Falls


“If you both are curious about what’s inside the shack, there’s already a commotion there. You can check it out if you want.” Kawhi said as he walk deeper to the forest before arriving back at the front yard of Mystery Shack with a group of people conversing with each other.

“There it is.” Kawhi stared at the shack with the written ‘Mystery Shack’ hanging below the rooftop. He turned his attention back to the girls by saying,

“You can go without me. I just need a fresh air. If anything goes wrong, just call me.” Kawhi said in a cold tone, smiling a bit.

INTERACTION: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Whisper), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Tenashi)

Soap MacTavish
"Well you ain't got no choice here, mate." I say to the man named Strelok. I do agree that we should not be taking orders from a goddamn bloody horse. What the hell can she do? Prance and be high and pretty? Bug off! I wish to lead, but again, these people are not the type that I can get long with. Just then, two more people joined the party. That's just great. More clowns work with. But then came a very sleepy girl wanting to join. She looks like the type that might accidentally get into a crossfire by accident, and I don't want any load on my team. I went over to Luna and say in her horsey ear "Hey, don't think this is enough people to form a party? Plus what can she do? Sleep? She'll end up being a lost cause if we take her in."

Zerulu Zerulu Chungchangching Chungchangching Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow Damafaud Damafaud
View attachment 586716

Morgana looked back at the sparking robot. He jumped out of his hiding place and started frantically waving his arms. “That’s not staying quiet! Now they know that we were watching them!” Morgana looked back at the house that was slowly starting to make a crowd. He decided to hide behind a tree thinking that maybe they didn’t notice it.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow

"She does seem most sound asleep... if these are our problems, the decision is simple. We keep her somewhere safe while the rest of us currently in the waking world be active members of teams," Luna adds, then turns to Mabel. "Excuse me, is there a bed where our sleeping friend here can lie in?

Also... give me a while..."

Luna approaches a potted tree, grabbing Morgana by the mouth in a similiar way to a mother kitty with her babies, putting the cat in her mane right next to Slugcat, giving her a new kitty compatriot!

"There is no need to spy on us. Who are you and your friend?"

Zamasu Zamasu Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Zerulu Zerulu Chungchangching Chungchangching Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow Damafaud Damafaud
Tenshi Hinanawi|What's in the Mystery Shack?


Tenshi whistled upon the sight of this moderately sizeable building that is the Mystery Shack. She stared upon it like she'd not seen too many buildings like it in either size, style, or both. She sighed after a while of gazing upon it before she'd attempt to enter to take a look around and understanding Kawhl's reason for staying behind. "You betcha. Something's up, you know where we'll be." She said confidently, giving him a thumbs up before she'd proceed to enter the Mystery Shack. Now she tries to find anything of interest at all, as well as endure potentially several stares from people she has yet to meet! What a fun visit this will be. She managed to stay calm and collected before she went in, her grip on her blade not ceasing as she wandered on in without a care in the world. Will she like what she finds, or will she not...?

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Rysesaka Rysesaka
  • [div style="background:url(;max-width:1000px;max-height:500px;border:4px solid #000000;margin:auto;line-height:1;text-align:center;"][div style="opacity:0.9;background:black;line-height:1.5;width:76%;border-right:3px solid #799CAF;border-left:3px solid #799CAF;margin:auto;padding:10px;text-align:justify;max-height:405px;overflow:auto;"]

    ~Felix Combeferre Auclair~
    Location: The Mystery Shack
    Power: N/A
    Mood: Annoyed
    Condition: Healthy
    Color: #799caf
    Felix's clear blue gaze met Zenos' for a moment as the other assessed the Messorem. The blonde merely stared back, the same hard stare he had given the young dragon girl. So, they were really doing introductions huh? Zenos and Prompto. Fine then. "Felix Combeferre Auclair. Messorem Elite." The man stated his name and rank simply, a slight French accent added to the name so that it was pronounced correctly. "We're in a different world," he stated simply, looking around. "Not sure which one, but from my experience you'll either blink in and out, or are forced to stay with no known way out." He shrugged and turned his gaze back on the others. "Or maybe there is a way back home. I wouldn't know. But it isn't magic but usually science of some kind." The man's voice was deep, but not as deep as it looked like it should have been with the scars and the hard looks he gave. There was a hint of youth to it, surprisingly enough. "If that answers any of your questions." He added quickly, with a harder tone to his voice, not wanting to become the one that they went to for information.[/div][/div]
Be my

"What the? Are you serious? You want to date me? Get your own girl and move along." Valentine laughed at the old man's comment. Who would even be interested in a guy like him? He really needs to get his life together, running a tourist attraction in the middle of a forest is not a good business. "Besides, I have standards. It's not like you excel by my standards." She notices the awkward teenager grab her chocolate bar slowly as she looks over to her fat friend at the door. Valentine was confused by her, did she not want the chocolate bar? Or did the sight of her clothes was a thing that is not common in their world?

She notices a kid yelping for joy as she says the name of the old man and hers. The girl's name was 'Mabel' and her old man was 'Grunkle Stan'. It was probably an alias, his shady shack could have a reflection of his personality, fake and crappy. "Well, Mabel. How did we end up here? Do you have any sort of device or object that could probably teleport us here?" She says at the girl while she crosses her arms and lets her hair down. Grunkle Stan could have some device that summoned them all on his property, or a random machine that he thought was a cool attraction and decided to put it on display. She notices some guy with a skull face mask and some dark sunglasses, he looked odd. He could be an assassin or some kind of weird person who decided to visit the shop but, he doesn't fit with the whole atmosphere, that's for sure.

Interacting With: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Nightwisher Nightwisher
Mentions: Chungchangching Chungchangching

Morgana let out a loud yelp as he was picked up an put into the horses mane. MREOOOW! What are you doing! If you don’t let me go I’ll use my Persona!” Morgana gave out the half baked threat not actually intending to do that, but even if he would he wouldn’t have been able to summon his Persona in this world.

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Soap MacTavish
Jesus bloody Christ. The horse has taken her by consideration. Well, there is no denying for this one. If she dies, it all on her. But then, the horse went away to pick up some talking cat. This is the point where I take back what I've said about them being clowns. They're all just a bunch of fucking freaks and I ain't part of them. Bloody fucking hell.

Zerulu Zerulu Chungchangching Chungchangching Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow Damafaud Damafaud Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
View attachment 586727

Morgana let out a loud yelp as he was picked up an put into the horses mane. MREOOOW! What are you doing! If you don’t let me go I’ll use my Persona!” Morgana gave out the half baked threat not actually intending to do that, but even if he would he wouldn’t have been able to summon his Persona in this world.

Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

"There is no need to be startled for a long time, cat," Luna adds, "and I am also aware that you do not possess this 'Persona' you speak of."

Zerulu Zerulu Chungchangching Chungchangching Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow Damafaud Damafaud Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
586733 “We're in another world? Wait,don't tell me. So.....trapped in another world with no way of knowing if we could get back. Found ourselves with a few other people who ALSO got transported here. Probably couldn't use our powers. Aaaaaaaand.......”

Raising his right hand up in front of him,as if testing there was going to be some sci-fi-techno-Virtual HUD window that will appear in front of him to let him edit his load out or whatever. After three tries,it is all but confirmed:

“We are definitely NOT in a video game.”

Nightwisher Nightwisher Topless Topless Hercynia Hercynia Verdana Verdana (anyone else I missed?)

Well,because you aren't,Prompto. You're in a toon world! :'D
Lyle Walt and Clara Bulmer


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Clara, Luna, Morgana​


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Lyle, Luna​
Someone hugged his back. Lyle jolted from the sudden sensation. It wasn't Clara. Clara wasn't the type to make advance. Besides, she was standing beside him. He turned around to see a girl. A young girl, probably younger than Shannon.

"Ah... maybe we'll do a quest later, alright? Are you from a world with magic as well?"

The girl mentioned a party and quests, both terms used to describe the work of adventurers in Beim early in his year and Walt Empire under his reign. Was she like Shannon, a support party member? She might had a useful ability if it was so... if her ability was not sealed like his or Clara's.

"Regarding team," Clara entered the conversation. "does anyone here has fighting experience? I am proficient with guns. I can also use water magic, but I couldn't use it for some reason."

The matters regarding magic concerned her. Magic could be used by expending mana. Humans lived with the help of mana as well. There was the possibility of this world having no mana, but that should only meant an increased expenditure for casting spells.

"Lyle is proficient with almost all weapons and magic. He's also a veteran on the battlefield," added Clara.

"Calling me a veteran makes me sound old, you know," Lyle grumbled. His interest, however, was taken by the talking cat next.

"I heard of Persona before. Isn't it just like magic?"

Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Sir Benedict lifted his binoculars as he stared deeply into the crowd at the shack, “I was right Josh...” he said to his pet penguin, who was was wearing a very nice suit as well. Benedict kept staring, “Ah, yes, the Mystery Shack.” Benedict clapped his hands, “Come Josh, we wouldn’t want to be late now would we?”. Benedict snapped his fingers, then snapped again, “Ah, it appears I am useless, but not as useless as you carry me.”

As Josh carried Benedict over to the shack, Benedict started pondering “If I have no powers, it must be the work of my...worst enemy.” He said pointing his finger in an acknowledging fashion as they finally approached the mystery shack.​
Lyle Walt and Clara Bulmer


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Clara, Luna, Morgana​


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Lyle, Luna​
Someone hugged his back. Lyle jolted from the sudden sensation. It wasn't Clara. Clara wasn't the type to make advance. Besides, she was standing beside him. He turned around to see a girl. A young girl, probably younger than Shannon.

"Ah... maybe we'll do a quest later, alright? Are you from a world with magic as well?"

The girl mentioned a party and quests, both terms used to describe the work of adventurers in Beim early in his year and Walt Empire under his reign. Was she like Shannon, a support party member? She might had a useful ability if it was so... if her ability was not sealed like his or Clara's.

"Regarding team," Clara entered the conversation. "does anyone here has fighting experience? I am proficient with guns. I can also use water magic, but I couldn't use it for some reason."

The matters regarding magic concerned her. Magic could be used by expending mana. Humans lived with the help of mana as well. There was the possibility of this world having no mana, but that should only meant an increased expenditure for casting spells.

"Lyle is proficient with almost all weapons and magic. He's also a veteran on the battlefield," added Clara.

"Calling me a veteran makes me sound old, you know," Lyle grumbled. His interest, however, was taken by the talking cat next.

"I heard of Persona before. Isn't it just like magic?"

"Magical girls like you and me come from a world with lots and lots of special magic!" The girl sleeptalks even more.

"Hmmm... the friend I am looking for is also a 'Magical girl'. How strange."

"Good fighter? Ahaha..." the girl sleeptalks more, "you're making me blush~. Though... I do teach magical girls how to fight, every single day~. If you don't know how to fight, I can teach you everything you need to know~."

In her sleep, she assumed a staggering combat stance. "Do you want to start a training session now~?"

"While I possess the ability to fight the threats that plague my lands... I fear that as much of such ability relies on my magic, such capabilities have been hindered," Luna holds her head down. "Without my magic, I fret that I will need to hone my skills in a more melee form of combat. If I may, I would like to be taught."

Damafaud Damafaud Nightwisher Nightwisher Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Zamasu Zamasu Zerulu Zerulu Sleek Sleek Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Ineptitude Ineptitude
Nightwisher Nightwisher
Crow Crow Chungchangching Chungchangching Zamasu Zamasu Zerulu Zerulu Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Damafaud Damafaud


Buffy was quiet for long enough. After hearing that one group should form a party, he would also offer to join them on the expedition. However, with the discussion of who should lead, he somewhat was disappointed because the Ponyta looking creature was selected as the leader. What did she have that he didn't? Oh right, she was of royalty. Pah, Royal rank shouldn't matter in a survival setting, but rather muscles and experience. But, with the pony was a female, so he should respect the others wishes.

“I AM NOT A CAT!” Morgana shouted at the horse lady. He hated being called a cat because he knew he had to be human. He just had to figure out how figure out who he was first. “I am human! There is no easy I’m some cat!”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

“Put me down Josh.” Benedict said, he knocked on the door of the mystery shack, “We mustn’t be rude.” Josh nodded as Benedict continued, “We only break the door down after 10 seconds of course.”​

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