Zamasu Zamasu Crow Crow Zerulu Zerulu Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude @OthersImighthavemissed
Shadman, the Controversy Artist
Where are these people coming from?! Sure, it's nice to have company once in a while but despite being a generally fun-loving guy, Shadman is an introverted man at heart, he actually gets pretty drained around people. He just likes to be alone drawing whatever his mind tells him to draw but oh well, these guys wanna hang out and team up? Fine, he'll accept them into his crew which means more people would help him do things if he fucks up at something and these guys seem capable enough, Shaddai is a pretty capable guy himself but these people might be on a whole other level because they're fictional characters and we all know how tough those guys can be, especially compared to people back at his universe where magic doesn't even exist but the group needs something here. . . What could they possibly be missing?

"We need a leader." Shadman said. "So, who's willing to put up with everybody's shit just to make our team cooperate? Because i'm sure in hell not doing that!"
--Whisper the Wolf--
BoltBeam BoltBeam Rysesaka Rysesaka

Whisper glanced to the side for a moment as the woman apparently had admired her face, even squealing

"...I'm Whisper." Whisper introduced herself as she was asked for her identity and complimented her weapon. I guess it's rare for a human to see Wispons like this, though she isn't really sure if there were anymore humans aside fron Eggman and the members of GUN. "Thank you...It's...Not really working right now." She explains the state of her weapon, with it being the absolute truth. Without the Wisps, her weapon--or rather, her Wispon wouldn't work since they essentially power and dictate what the weapon does.

All of a sudden, another human approached both of them; a rather larger one, in fact. True, humans are quite taller than most of Whisper's kind, but that human is quite similar to a giant, double her height! The man referred to her as 'Lady Mascot'. Whisper didn't know what he meant by that, but it was clear that he was asking if she knew a way out.

"I don't know...I've never been here before." Whisper simply shook her head before adressing what he said prior to the question. "I...Think you've mistaken me for someone else." She added as a passing comment to what the man spoke of earlier. Though she spoke softly, her companion appeared to have brought those points to him either way in case he didn't hear her.
Kawhi Leonard, “the Klaw”
The Forest, Gravity Falls

As he waits for Whisper’s response, the young woman butts in, stating that she doesn’t know who he is which surprised Kawhi since Kawhi is a deadly knight in the realm, known for destroying a championship dynasty which people feared him but at the same time liked him due to his humble nature. The young woman also said that she doesn’t know the way out of this place.

“I’m surprised that you don’t know me, young lady, I like it.” Kawhi replied in a cold tone but he smiled a bit afterw

And then the lady mascot of what the Klaw assumed also stated that she isn’t from this place and she would’ve mistaken for someone else.

“I thought you are a lady mascot for the female knights of House Timberwolves. I apologize.”

He then introduced himself, “Well-uhhh.. I am Kawhi, people call me the Klaw. I am the Lord of Tor’Onto... I’m the King of the East.” He said as he smiled creepily to them by accident. He doesn’t know how to smile at all due to his introvert nature.


“I know I’m not a sociable person especially to the strangers but I don’t have much of a choice here. We need to stick together and once we get out of here, that’s where we can part our ways.” Kawhi said.

Interactions: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Whisper), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Tenshi)
Tenshi Hinanawi|In The Friendzone


Tenshi laughed a little.
"Ha! That's actually kinda cute, you have a nickname and everything! I just hope you actually live up to it when push comes to shove, 'Klaw'!" Tenshi took a little breath after a minor fit of laughter, before she would dare to speak again. "Weeell, seeing as we're rolling out the introductions, I may as well respond in kind. I am Tenshi, a Celestial from the skies above - though not these skies." She said, seeming gracious in her introduction and staring of energetic until her last four words reminded herself that this is indeed not where she was from. The skies in this world, she cannot roam or stand in - especially not without her powers to begin with to even get to the skies. She then looked to Whisper. "...Oh. And that's Whisper." She said casually, shrugging as if she almost forgot. What appeared to be a sword fell out of Tenshi's grip in one hand and dug into the ground with it's red-yellow blade, but again, like before, it did nothing. Tenshi had no idea that blade had just fallen out. Under normal circumstances, it would have deformed into ribbons out of it's blade-like shape, but no, for some reason, it did not.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Rysesaka Rysesaka
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SeirenK SeirenK (Mentioned) SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 (Mentioned) Topless Topless Open for Interaction
Zenos was, more than anything, taken aback at the apparent lack of response to his statement. Well, clearly this was something... someplace else. Not the Shroud, then. A brief sigh, a narrowing of the eyes - and Zenos moved his hand from his blade. No doubt he could move faster than any of the other strange beings here if need be. No doubt he was more dangerous than any of them. Still, being ignored left a somewhat bitter taste in his mouth.

The long-haired man's thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of two new Hyur's from behind the crowd - a child, excitable and energetic, and a red-haired adolescent, wielding an axe, albeit not in any combat grip Zenos was familiar of. It looked more the type for chopping wood than anything else. There had been a man too, who had shouted at the group - but Zenos had ignored him. The loudest were often the least powerful, compensating for their lack of threat by having the biggest presence. It was the quiet ones to watch out for, and doubtless they were all here for some reason. If this wasn't the trickery of the Scions, then it must have been something stranger indeed. Some sort of Allagan technology? Had Regula Van Hydrus, fool of a Legatus he was, been messing with more of that ancient weaponry?

Contemplating would do little good now, in any case. Nobody here appeared familiar, save a tall, silver-haired, silver-skinned figure. The Legatus recalled something from a tomestone regarding that - but nothing that rang an immediate bell. Still, something in the way it moved... Hmph. Something to observe, to monitor, then. Something to keep an eye on. Another figure, a blonde boy with some form of magitek who had been yelled at by an older man and was now speaking to- at? - another who appeared to be the soldier. Despite never having seen the boy before, something about his clothing, his garb, rang a certain bell. Zenos could have sworn he'd seen the Warrior of Light wearing something... similar, at some point. Perhaps nothing - merely, coincidence. Who knew?

Another sweep of the area revealed a young, horned girl - presumably an Au ra, albeit not any form of one Zenos had seen before. He strode over to her, towering above the child. "You, Au ra. Where are we?" The question was almost more a demand than anything else, lended credence by an imperious, if also slightly bored (A default expression, at this point) and more than a little confused, stare.
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    ~Felix Auclair~
    Location: The Mystery Shack
    Power: N/A
    Mood: Annoyed
    Condition: Healthy
    Color: #799caf

    Without his power to sense souls, Felix was having a much harder time gauging his surroundings, or more importantly, who was surrounding him. The twenty-five year old was walking without looking where he was going, he blue eyes flitting around as he took in the sights of healthy undergrowth, trees with actual leaves, a blue sky... Air that didn't stink of death. Man, this place really was something else. He wondered if this was how her world looked before. "What the fuck?" He had run into...something. Felix looked down to see that what he had run into was actually a who. He stared down, hard, at the person in front of him, saying nothing. What was she? He'd never really seen anything like her except... he pushed the thought away. No, probably not. He thought to himself. The worst part about getting pulled into yet another world was that despite everything being so different and so unfamiliar, it was also familiar in its feel. He felt like he knew some of these people some how, but...not directly. They reminded him of others that he had met before. [/div][/div]
Kanna Kamui

As Kanna waited for the two men's responses, and handsome man came over to her and somewhat calls her an "Au ra". Kanna would probably be thinking that he is mistaking her for another race, but nevertheless, she stayed quiet and gestures an "I don't know" to him. By then, another person came up to her and he just stared down. Kanna is confused at this point with all the handsome men around her.

Verdana Verdana Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock Nightwisher Nightwisher Hercynia Hercynia
Strelok just noticed the abomination that was the brightly coloured pony that could talk, it was something straight out of the zone, though his gas mask hid it, his face was showing true disgust. As for the other soldier dude, he seemed capable enough in a fight, as well as the other soldier in the group. Shadman mentioned making a leader, Strelok used to be a leader of a small recon group but he remembered what happened, his whole team was massacred and he was left with no memories left.

“ Not a suitable leader.” I can fight only.

Lyle Walt and Clara Bulmer

Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Clara, group.​

Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Lyle, group.​
"Lyle," a voice called.
"...uhm," Lyle grunted.
"Lyle, wake up."
the voice was persistent. Lyle turned in his sleep.

Lyle was startled awake by a shout. He was naked apart from his brief. Last night, Ludmilla ordered him a hearty meal with numerous vitality enhancing herbs before locking him inside Clara's room. After receiving the same treatment from Miranda hundreds of time, he was resigned to his fate. Clara, who understood his situation, cooperated. The night activity ended just in an hour. The emperor and royal librarian spent the rest of the night having a well deserved rest.

...or they were supposed to be.


"'re heavy."
"Oh. Sorry."

He rolled to his side of the bed... only to groan in pain when his body hit a hard surface. It was the ground. The fact took some time to register. Once he was aware of it, and the fact that many people were around him, his face turned red.

"Clara- my clothes!"
"Wait- Lyle, don't move around too much. I'm-"
"Where's my pants? Ah, here it is. Excuse me for a bit."
"The blanket, Lyle!"
"Oh, right. Clara, can you cover for me? I'm a man, but being-"
"I'm also naked!"


Clara's face turned beet red. Lyle, too, turned red after he realised the state Clara was in. He moved around a lot. While the blanket was huge, enough for four people, if he was to stand there, their bare body would be clear for everyone to see.

Without another word, Lyle climbed out of the blanket in his brief. He wield the sabre and tried to put on a menacing face while Clara put on her clothes under the cover of the blanket. That was how the married couple arrived in the front yard of Mystery Shack.

"So, we are currently in another universe. One different from the one you told us about. And we cannot use magic or Skills for some unmentioned reason."

"To summarize, yes. My magic was also restrained when I went to that universe. I also can't contact Monica."

Clara and Lyle were now properly dressed. Lyle in his adventurer garments with his katanas on his waist, Clara in her librarian robe with her staff and flintlock loaded. The blanket was folded neatly and now used as a carpet to sit on.

A month ago, Lyle suddenly vanished from his work room. While he had disappeared before, he was talking to Alette this time around, which made his disappearance more alarming. When he returned, he explained to his confidants about his trip to another universe. The information was restricted to Lyle's closest circle, but Clara, as his wife and imperial librarian, naturally knew of it.

"For now, we should set up a party like you did previously. Then we need to look for a way to return," proposed Clara. Without magic, the only weapons she had at hand were her staff and flintlock. Luckily, she carried a purse full of spare bullets. She wouldn't run out any time soon.

"I agree," Lyle nodded. "Maybe I should talk to a native in this world too."

Clara didn't object. She folded the blanket and carried it while Lyle faced the group and cleared his throat. Unlike when he spoke normally, when he moved to talk diplomatically, Lyle unconsciously dropped his voice by several pitch. His low voice made him sounded more convincing, but Clara never pointed it out. He usually failed when he tried to do it deliberately.

The local and foreign inhabitants could easily be discerned by the eyes. They were more comfortable in their surrounding, and less so with the newcomers. The girl called Mabel Pines was an easy target.

"Nice meeting you, Mabel Pines," Lyle greeted Mabel with a smile. His clear eyes stared into hers without flinching. "my name is Lyle Walt. This is Clara Bulmer. We came from another world. Do you know anyone who might be able to open the path back to my world?"

"We came here by accident, like most of us here, I should think,"
added Clara. "does the name Mystery Shack means someone here is well-versed in mystery?"

Damien had his Dollhouse Museum and Damien was a genius in the realm of puppet magic and creation of automaton. It was a guess made through experience.



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Frank West
Interactions: Open

Mentions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Centurion_ Centurion_ , thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

View attachment 586454


Wait, what?

Frank had not prepared himself for that. He felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead and his stomach tie in knots. She was awake? That whole time? If it was Frank's slap that woke her up, then he could not for the life of him, despite all of his years of photojournalistic investigative experience, come up with a fathomable explanation as to why her face was tomato-red from what looked like blushing, and how Frank would, if he didn't know any better, say that her face was contorting with pleasure, anticipation.. . Taken completely by surprise, his eyes and mind went completely blank, before booting back into reality.

"Hey. Hey, uh... you're awake?" Frank blurted out, in an attempt to vomit words to break the awkward silence between them. Briefly glancing from left to right, Frank was frantically trying to hide the fact that his face was starting to turn red, too. Better get off of her.

"D-Don't worry! I'm here to help. I'm - "


Despite Frank's best efforts to steel himself, the raw power behind the Pokemon's roar knocked Frank completely off-balance, and ended up falling face-flat on top of the unconscious lady. Great, he thought. If he didn't look fishy before, he was definitely raising alarm bells now - and the poor lady was awake, too. His face redder, he scrambled back to his feet and reeled his face towards the Pokemon, once his ears had stopped ringing and his brain ceased juddering in his head.

"Agh! What was that for?! Hold your horses, alright?! Can't you see there's someone unconscious, here? If you got something to tell me, just - just hold on for a second!" Frank nearly seethed, turning back to the not-so unconscious lady at his feet.

"I am so sorry." Frank said, quickly, in a bid to explain himself. "H-Here, come on, let's get you up from the ground." Frank offered, attempting to help the lady up to her feet by offering her an arm in a bid to lift her up. As he did so, however, he caught sight of another lady, approaching the two of them -

"Hey, do you have any clue where the hell are we?"


Frank gulped, having to consciously make an effort to keep his jaw from hanging open. Talk about leaving little to the imagination. Quickly composing himself, Frank attempted to lift up the blonde-haired lady and stand up.

"Ah... no, sorry. I woke up here about a minute ago. It looks like everyone else did, too - looks like they're trying to get their information out of the people in that shack, over there." Frank replied, pointing over and subconsciously raising his camera over towards the fat man and the shack itself.

"But it looks like you've got something important to tell us." Frank began, suddenly turning back towards the Pokemon. "All three of us are all ears. You know where we are?" This thing, Frank thought, must be some kind of legendary. Some of these are supposed to be akin to Gods - surely, Frank reasoned, it would have exclaimed because it was about to explain everything, right?

Somehow, Frank doubted it.​

  • Darkness was determined to continue the facade, she could almost feel how tense and nervous the stranger was looking at a beautiful unconscious and unresponsive women. Continued to pretend she was asleep, it was very evident that she wasn't to anyone else watching but she wanted to see how far the person would go. The idea of being touched and violated by someone she barely even knew was extremely exciting for her, it sent her mind and her heart racing on all the things this man would do to her.

    There was a loud shout, which not only scared her but the stranger looming over her too, causing him to fall onto her. Her eyes shot open and she screamed and squirmed under the man as he quickly pushed himself off of her. She felt like he was almost throwing himself at her, something completely unexpected and something she really wasn't prepared for. "Waah! S-Slow d-d-down! You are suppose to slowly undress me and touch my feminine areas nervously afraid that I would wake up and then-" Midway through her rambling she opens her eyes and full grasps the situation that was unfolding.

    For one, she wasn't anywhere near or on the path of Alcanretia. Kazuma, Aqua or Megumin were nowhere to be seen, and she wasn't just being watched by one man, but she had an outburst in-front of a lot of people.

    She sat up and almost curled into the fetal position to hide her shame. She was speechless, stuck on words, whimpering as she covered her face with her hands. She was red, but not from any kind of sexual tension, this was a face that was red from pure shame and humiliation alone.


    @Sir Skrubbins
Zamasu Zamasu Crow Crow Zerulu Zerulu Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude @OthersImighthavemissed
Shadman, the Controversy Artist
View attachment 586636
Where are these people coming from?! Sure, it's nice to have company once in a while but despite being a generally fun-loving guy, Shadman is an introverted man at heart, he actually gets pretty drained around people. He just likes to be alone drawing whatever his mind tells him to draw but oh well, these guys wanna hang out and team up? Fine, he'll accept them into his crew which means more people would help him do things if he fucks up at something and these guys seem capable enough, Shaddai is a pretty capable guy himself but these people might be on a whole other level because they're fictional characters and we all know how tough those guys can be, especially compared to people back at his universe where magic doesn't even exist but the group needs something here. . . What could they possibly be missing?

"We need a leader." Shadman said. "So, who's willing to put up with everybody's shit just to make our team cooperate? Because i'm sure in hell not doing that!"


"If absolutely neccessary, than I would like to lead. I'm used to 'putting up with everybody's... uh... shit' from my royal duties," Luna proclaims, then leans her mouth towards Shadman, "uh, Shadman, what is this 'shit' you speak of?"

Chungchangching Chungchangching Zamasu Zamasu Crow Crow Zerulu Zerulu Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude
Soap MacTavish
I can't believe what position I have gotten myself in. First, I'm working with a bunch of cronies, and now the mare stood up and declares herself as the leader. Who the bloody hell is she? I was thinking of stepping up, but what can these blokes do? Well, she did say something about "royal shit", so she might have higher power than me. After all, I'm only a captain, a trained soldier, an experienced menace in the battlefield...and a dead man. Price, where the fuck are you when I needed you in this bloody mess.

Zerulu Zerulu Chungchangching Chungchangching Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow
Mabel looked up, her eyes widening a bit when her gaze landed on a man with a skull face mask. “Wow…” she murmured to herself. “Grunkle Ford? He downstairs with Dipper.” The girl didn’t second guess how the man knew Ford, after all, why should she? Though, the man didn’t seem all that interested in knowing where downstairs was or how to get to it as he went back to talking with a bunch of the other new people. Mabel stepped over to Soos. “There’s so many of them...and they’re all…” the girl’s eyed the group, picking out a few of the men who were less weird and more perfect. “Most of them are really weird.” She waved her hands around in a weird way to emphasis her point.

Mabel’s attention was shifted away from her older friend when two people approached her. “From another world?” The girl tilted her head to the side, looking confused as to what that could mean. At the question, Mabel straightened up. “Oh yeah, Grunkle Stan,” she gestured toward the old man. “Is king of mystery. If there is anything that has ever mysteried, Grunkle Stan is your man.” He was the owner of the Mystery Shack after all, but her Grunkle Ford probably would have been the better answer, or maybe in Dipper. Mabel didn’t worry about it.
586688 Noticing an armoured man ( Hercynia Hercynia ) glancing at him briefly before looking away,Prompto thought that maybe the guy wanted to ask something but decided against it after a second. He then saw the same man walked towards two other men and a kid with......horns and some sort of Morningstar-tail?( Topless Topless ) (Sure sucks to be sucker who gets slapped at the face by it).

Deciding that it was going to be a bad idea to just loiter around alone (not that he wanted to do that anyway),he decided to approach the group and introduce.

“So uh....Hiya fellas,name's Prompto,how you guys doing?”

(Sorry if I missed anyone else for the tagging)
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    ~Felix Combeferre Auclair~
    Location: The Mystery Shack
    Power: N/A
    Mood: Annoyed
    Condition: Healthy
    Color: #799caf
    The blonde man finally looked away from the small girl and around at the other men. Felix wrinkled his nose in clear disgust before he backed away from the others. This whole no power thing was really starting to get on his nerves. Nothing. He knew nothing about these people and he couldn't even begin to guess. He wasn't used to not having the upper hand on those around him. He wondered if he still had his strength, despite everything, but he wasn't about to pick a fight to try it out. [/div][/div]
--Whisper the Wolf--
BoltBeam BoltBeam Rysesaka Rysesaka

"It's alright." Whisper nodded in response after the large man apologized for mistaking her as 'Lady Mascot of House Timberwolves'. The man then introduced himself as Kawhi, Lord of the Tor'Onto and King of the East. Although his demeanor and voice was cold, Kawhi appeared to be just as bad at social interactions as she was. They're already two peas in a pod, her and Kawhi. Just then, the woman she was with introduced herself as Tenshi--now she finally knows her name. Just as Whisper was about to introduce herself next to Kawhi, Tenshi went ahead and introduced her. Convenient. "...Nice to meet you two." She added, soon recalling why she went into the forest in the first place.

"Can you tell us what you found so far?" Whisper turned to Kawhi with a question, "You went in the forest before I did, but you ended up coming back to the shack..." She stated, implying that she saw Kawhi before their encounter as he, indeed, went into the forest and came back moments later.
Lyle Walt and Clara Bulmer


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Clara, Luna​


Mystery Shack Front Yard
Interaction: Lyle, Luna.​
Grunkle Stan. Lyle turned his attention to the old man. Barely dressed, did not look fit, and definitely not fit. Now, he could be an eccentric among eccentrics or a plain old man. Now, for sure, he could be a plain old man, but that was what he thought of Damien until he saw the genius working on-

"...Lyle, I think you should look at the child better," warned Clara.

Lyle took another look of Mabel. She did not look smart. Her clothes was bright and colourful, very much like the sense of style for a child. She did not react in fear to his weapon, or the scary looking people all around. In other words, she was very much like a child.

...he should ask around more. Lyle glanced at the man in green shirt. Clara tugged at his sleeve. Yes, he knew. No.

"I think we should try to know the others first. Maybe form a party like you did, "
suggested Clara.

While most multiverse people were scattered around, there was a solid group having a discussion together. Even with her water magic, Clara was on the weaker side regarding fighting ability. Her role was a support. With how Lyle's Skills disabled, the idea of staying a two-men party with Lyle couldn't pass.

"Excuse me, if I may interrupt for a second," Lyle called out to the talking horse. "my name is Lyle. Lyle Walt. This is my partner, Clara."

Clara gave a polite nod when her name was mentioned. She made sure to hold her staff in her usual manner and not let it hanged loosely in her grip.

"Can we join your group? We promise not to be a burden."

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    ~Felix Combeferre Auclair~
    Location: The Mystery Shack
    Power: N/A
    Mood: Annoyed
    Condition: Healthy
    Color: #799caf
    Kanna Kobayashi. Felix quirked an eyebrow. That name was familiar, but he wasn't about to say it allowed. He didn't care how familiar it was, or where she was from, or who she was related to. The past is the past, just... He pushed the thought away, how could he dare even think the words when the past was the only thing he had any hope of holding on to? The Messorem's blue eyes flicked to another blonde that joined the group and introduced himself. Now might be the best time to get away, but it could also be a good time to try a form a group...ugh. As he struggled to try and figure out the best course of action, Felix remained silent. [/div][/div]
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Epsilo Gamman


You look back at the... human...?? A bit embarrassed now at the comment, and mumble a quiet growly response.

“.... no that’s just howmyfacelookspleasedontmentionit....”

You slur the words a bit, still mumbling and such.

Your ears droop a bit and you almost look sad, save for your eyes that couldn’t be seen. You did usually look upset, and you weren’t always in the best mood... but you weren’t angry!!

You then turn towards the taller human. I mean... she was still much smaller than you, but she was a bit closer to your height at least...

“You guys kind of look like you’re from an action movie, or a video game, or something.”

“...... WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN I’m having a hard time controlling my volume I’m gonna...”

Your voice slips out a bit louder and more rumbly, but then you go back to mumbling in your apology. You sure mumble a lot haha.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla @SheepKing DapperDogman DapperDogman Nightwisher Nightwisher
“I’m not taking orders from a fucking talking horse.” Strelok said bluntly, he just wasn’t gonna do it.

Kawhi Leonard, “the Klaw”
The Forest, Gravity Falls


“Well, thanks. Those titles I’ve earned are made of hardwork.” Kawhi thanked Tenshi on her compliments about his titles, he looked at her for a moment in the eue before she introduced herself to him, she also introduced to the female wolf which is Whisper. Kawhi nods to both of them. Kawhi witnessed that Tenshi drops a blade which she wasn’t aware of.

“You drop your weapon, Tenshi.” He said, pouting his mouth to Tenshi’s blade that is dropped on the ground.

Then Whisper asked the Klaw if what he have found so far in his investigations which Kawhi glanced his attention back to Whisper to answer her questions and began to speak,

“Nothing.” Kawhi replies coldly, “The moment I went deep to the forest, I suddenly got back at that shack. It’s like I am walking around circles. I can’t find the way out of this place.”

INTERACTIONS: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Whisper), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Tenshi)

Tenshi Hinanawi|The Loop


“You drop your weapon, Tenshi.”
Tenshi felt for the blade in her grip, only to find it is indeed not there and instead in the ground. She picked it back up and out of the ground, giving a thumbs up as thanks and yet smiling.
“Nothing.” Kawhi replies coldly, “The moment I went deep to the forest, I suddenly got back at that shack. It’s like I am walking around circles. I can’t find the way out of this place.”
Tenshi sighed. "Wait, so if we go too deep into the forest, we go to this 'shack' you speak of, and it elaborates into a loop? And from there, you can't see an exit in sight?" She thought aloud, seeming troubled. "Well, that's not good... I don't know about you, but it seems my sword isn't using it's usual behaviour, and I can't use my powers either, so I'd assume the same is true for anyone else... Non-natural powers on anything are as good as useless here, so all we really have are ourselves and any realistic weapons and such..." Tenshi added on to her thoughts, tightening her grip on her sword. This is a problem indeed. The way she sees it, everyone is stuck in whatever this 'forest' is and near where this 'shack' is, complete with the respective residents and plenty of people they don't know.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Rysesaka Rysesaka

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