
The armored insect and his kindness brings a smile to my face. Without hesitation, I nod. "I was born as a protector of humanity and a messenger of my Elders. You may refer to them as gods of my world. And, while I am honored to be deemed divine, I am afraid I am merely a child of the Elders. They are the ones more deserving of such a grandeur title, not I."

In spite of our earlier quarrel, it would appear that he and I share similar thoughts. His caution regarding this 'Oregon' is a trait to be admired. "Indeed, it could," I agree. "Though it appears I have been graced with meeting kinder creatures such as you all-" Two pupils glance at the kind human who took my side "-I fear such luck may not hold fast for long. We must be ready for anything that may cross our path..."

"That's what you get for attempting to be all high and mighty dog! "

...Yes, it is apparent that we must be ready for anything.

A sigh flows from my maw as I turn my head down to look towards the small Persian-like animal with a big mouth. "Please, I implore you to save all insolence for when we can finally understand what force brought us all to this place." Heavy with mild frustration, my eyelids shut themselves, retiring me into a place where I can regain my composure. Without opening them, I continue speaking. "Tell me: what is your name, little one?"



DapperDogman DapperDogman (Kay)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (caaaaAAAAAAT)


FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Cole McGrath uwu)​

(Free to interact with anyone... Due to being extremely tired I'm not going to be using any code sans Images for this)

The young child , now known as Billy, was just finishing brutalizing some unfortunate soul of similar age . An child corpse with a gashed throat was seen laying in a pool of... hopefully ketchup... on the floor. He just had to take his prized teddy bear. Yes he was now orphaned, but it didn't excuse the sin of leaving this person to just do what he wanted. Unfortunately, a very large ketchup stain was still left on his hoodie, much to his chagrin. Oh well... He'll deal with it sooner rather than later.

Just before he could, a blind light surrounded him, giving the child the only response but to shield his eyes. He looked around with a look of caution as his ketchup soaked knife was out, ready to defend himself if need be. However, he didn't feel anything coming to the Shack. Something about it felt calming, which was definitely weird tot he child since prior he really didn't feel otherwise.

One could feel the bloodlust at first radiating from his person, as if at any moment if he killed everyone in he room he wouldn't care about what happened. But, it dissipated as soon as it left, allowing his blue eyes to return and the aura of pure hatred to dissappear, leaving what seemed to be an average kid holding a knife and having a red patch on his hoodie . While he had plenty of weapons in the green bag he carried around, his knife was always his bread and butter.

Wherever he was, he would need a weapon, or directions, or a boat, maybe a few good men. Odysseus went off with the Argonians, maybe he would find the same luck as he did. Inside he went. Wolves with blades, people with things they held like weapons, more he assumed to be demigods blessed by Zeus or Aphrodite, considering the absolute perfection of form a whole lot of these people(?) possessed. No matter, no worries. All he needed was a spear. Any good seller of many wares had those in Phthia, so surely if this was anything like the agoras of his home.

Brushing past a pastel colored horse of some sort, he went to go inspect some sort of ancient something. It was a metallic plate, that had more of those strange letters on it. "MstryShck" What could it mean? He took it off the wall, inspecting each rounded edge and reflective surface. It was perfect, in every way. Even the indentations were without error, each letter printed with purpose, pleasantly smooth to the touch. He needed this plate. His blonde head bobbed up and down, trying to find the owner of the store, and judging from the one who wasn't screaming, socialising, or threatening others, he weaved through the crowd of people and animals all squeaking for attention to buy the plate.

He made his presence known by slamming it down on the counter in front of the strangely dressed man. The dangling tuft of string on the strange head wear drew Achilles's attention away from the plate he was so adamant on buying, but nothing would sway him from getting this. Nothing.

"Εσύ εκεί!" (You there!)
He shouted.
He pointed down at the licence plate.

"Πόσο κοστίζει αυτό?" (How much is this?)

He spilled an amount of hand-hewn coins across the table, Drachma as they were called, to show he meant business.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Hopper woke up outside of the Mystery Shack in some short grass somehow managing not to get trampled by the wave of people, next to him was his younger brother who was snoring.
The older grasshopper woke with a jolt, he paused and took in his surroundings "Molt.. Molt you idiot wake up." He growled and kicked at his sibling who didn't seem to mind much only muttering something about butterflies.
Hopper looked around, his antennae swaying atop his head as he tried to get a feel of his location. "Where am I... Last thing I remember ants were rebelling and..." Hopper kicked Molt again, this time harder. The other grasshopper got up quickly "Ow ow okay I'm up. What'd you do that for? I was having the most wonderful dream and you and ma were there and oh the food was delicious I have to get the recipe for th-" Hopper interrupted quickly "Shut up Molt, and look around you and THINK. Where are we?! Where is the rest of my gang?!" He looked around and tried to get a better feel of the place but his senses felt muted only adding to his frustration. Molt stretched his legs "Oh I don't know but ooh look at how beautiful the colors are, the tree's look really healthy and ooh look at the plumage on that bird." Molt mused taking in the sights with a more carefree state of mind.
Hopper tensed up "A bird? A bird!" He looked up and locked eyes with the bird, he could tell it was sizing him up. His anger turned to fear in an instant. "Hopper where are you going?! Wait up." Molt called after his brother who'd gone into a mad dash towards the cabin, half way there he began using his wings only ocassionally looking back to make sure the bird hadn't caught up having no care for his brother in the situation. Molt struggled to keep up but the bird didn't seem as interested as he'd thought.
Hopper had made it to the window ledge of the shack when his brother landed next to him causing him to jump, it was unimpressive for a grasshopper. "Get inside you idiot." Hopper squeezed his way in a crack between the wood and window, Molt struggling to squeeze in behind him due to his girth but managed.
What they saw was nearly as bad as outside but they'd take it. Giants everywhere, of varying... Species it looked. The grasshoppers navigated high up away from any feet, Hopper moved slowly carefully watching as the people spoke "Ooh Hopper, maybe we can ask one of them for directions back to the desert!" Molt chimed as the duo walked across the skull of an unknown animal. Hopper looked at his brother with a scowl "I'm sorry... Did you just say try to ask for- Oh I get it. That was a joke, well you see I'm not laughing so shut up and keep moving up or I'll just leave you." Hopper prodded his brother as he spoke before going back to scaling items in the shack until they reached the counter.

Anyone Anyone open for interaction (note: they're around a foot or so in height)
Sleek Sleek Crow Crow Ineptitude Ineptitude

Shadman, the Controversy Artist
"Ah, Shadman. An artist, I see? I am most curious to see some of your works,"
Oh, you poor innocent fool. Shadman chuckled, knowing his line of work of porn and nasty shock humor, he doubts that the princess is gonna be happy to witness his art, knowing that she belongs in a family-friendly series about magical ponies goddamnit so her seeing his more. . . controversial works would be a sight to behold but he doesn't have anything that bad on the sketchpad he has with him, so he'll show her his "Interesting" works another day or maybe never because who would wanna scar a family-friendly character for life with their sick painting and comics but the sketchpad would do nicely enough, he guesses. He doesn't remember drawing porn or gore in this one. "Here." He opened up his sketchpad, showing her just a few drawings here and there before closing it. "Those are just boring examples, I'm mostly known for. . . Let's just say controversial works, okay? And I doubt we're being watched, who's gonna want to watch us?"

That Johnson fellow eventually gave Shaddai Prejean what he wanted, smiling under the mask before taking the cigar from him, he even had the decency to light it up for him, how nice! Maybe this guy would be a nice addition to his current crew of a princess pony, a Slugcat thing, and a degenerate porn artist. . . Yup, this confirms it. This is just somebody's really weird fanfiction he got thrown in but he's not gonna complain, he's gonna see where this weird situation goes. Weird people are always creative or at least Shadman thinks that. He gave The Sergeant a nod of approval before unmasking himself and taking a puff out of the tobacco.
"Thanks, sergeant, I appreciate it." He said. "Wanna stick together? We might need each other's help."
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Fulgore looked at the mutant horse, and then followed Morgana's instructions, and hid behind a trashcan. Poorly. He didn't fit.
"Activating Active Camouflage. Error: Active Camo Offline."
Sparks erupt from Fulgore's neck.
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Crow Crow
"HAH! This guy gets it! Erm.... cat. Y'know what, forget it!"

Julie let out an amused purr and a giggle at the old man's antics. Nevermind that he had called her a 'cat', the human was entertaining enough so that the Nekomata would overlook his transgressions... At least this time.

"Thank you, kind gentleman~", the Siamese has replied, getting up on her paws and bowing down at the man, "Good to know someone else here still has their common sense intact..."

With a new flick of her tail, the cat-youkai was back in a sitting position, watching the old man distance himself from them, running towards a blonde human at the edge of the woods. The midnight cartoonish pony kept talking to herself, apparently distressed over not having located her little girl pet. Oh well, If there a need for a human pet, perhaps she could just look for a replacement? This place seemed to be crawling with them after all~~ What difference would it make? Every single human being looked pretty much like the same to her... in value of course. If one or another went missing, it was not the cat's problem...

Case in point, two more of them had joined the group. One of them an adorable little cheerful girl~ Julie purred wondered to herself just how long. How long would the human-kit remain her cheerful bubbly self if the Nekomata decided to play with her? A day, a week? How strong was her resolve, how though would her spirit be? The prospect of everything was alluring like a siren's song. Oh, how she adored messing with the little pitiful monkeys~

Luckily, or perhaps very unlucky, one of the others had decided to address her, causing Julie to miss the cruel, mischievous train of thought she had been musing over. For now.

The voice, however, urgh... The Nekomata knew exactly who had just dared to interrupt her: the mutt. Her expression fell replaced by one of pure annoyance, dogs. Stupid, slobbery dogs. A plague worse than the humans were, on her noble opinion. Nothing but a waste of space in the Earth...

"Please, I implore you to save all insolence for when we can finally understand what force brought us all to this place."

Julie snorted at it, her tail swinging in the background as poison-filled words left her mouth once more, "Oh please, you want respect, canine? Why don't you look at yourself in the mirror for once?"

"I have no reason to contain myself near your... subpar species. If you don't like it, you should go play fetch with one of your kin somewhere else..."

She had turned her head up with a 'hunf!', ready to dismiss the other completely. But then, of course, it asked her name and it would be quite rude of her to not give him an answer. She despised canines, but the Youkai still prized herself on the most basics of manners. Quite like a thorned rose, if you will.

"You may address me by 'Miss Luckett'.", she spoke proudly, though barely looking at him, "And what about you, what is it that you're called?"

Kawhi Leonard


With the commotion inside the Mystery Shack, Kawhi didn’t seem to care about the people who were having conversation especially that a female child walked in and said that there are new people with an excited tone. Kawhi isn’t excited at all. He was worried that Stephen Curry and his army might have attacked Tor’Onto. Without the Klaw to lead the Raptors, the Raptors themselves would fall apart. The Klaw knew that he is out of place which he decides to exit the shack.

After he exit, the 6’6 ft tall Kawhi then observes his surroundings. He noticed that there are new faces around. He glanced at the man who speak Greek caught his attention. His accent is similar to the 24-year old pretender, Giannis Antetokounmpo also known as the ‘Greek Freak’ who still denies Kawhi’s legitimate rule in the East and was defeated at the battle by Kawhi himself although Kawhi doesn’t have interest to approach the man.

After all, he thought about going back to the forest again to see if he can get out of this unknown place once again. He roams around in the forest — trying to investigate the way out of this place and why the surrounding vicinity itself is going circle.

Interaction: None (OPEN FOR INTERACTION)
Mentioned: archur archur (Achilles)

@ ppl at the forest pls interact with me
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  • [div style="background:url(http://www.burntx.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/dystopia1.jpeg);max-width:1000px;max-height:500px;border:4px solid #000000;margin:auto;line-height:1;text-align:center;"][div style="opacity:0.9;background:black;line-height:1.5;width:76%;border-right:3px solid #799CAF;border-left:3px solid #799CAF;margin:auto;padding:10px;text-align:justify;max-height:405px;overflow:auto;"]
    ~Felix Auclair~
    Location: The Mystery Shack
    Power: N/A
    Mood: Annoyed
    Condition: Healthy
    Color: #799caf
    A man with a long, black coat that reached about mid-calf stood, the coat barely moving in the light breeze. He was shirtless beneath the coat, his torso riddled with long, deep scars. He wore black pants, with chains that ran up his legs and connected at his waist like a belt. His hair was blonde, and mid-length. He was attractive, but there was an odd sense of danger that came off of him in waves.

    Felix Auclair's eyes snapped open when he heard the voices of others. Was he...was he back? He looked around and found himself in a forest, but not one that he was use to. One with green and life. Nothing looked familiar, not even the people around him. Was the universe just messing with him? How many times was he going to be pulled from a world and into the next. Every time he found his beloved? A cold shiver a fear ran down the Messorem's back and he reached over his shoulder, his fingers curling around the hilt of his large ax, and the man relaxed. At least he had that...them...with him. The blonde man could just hear the whispers of the souls in his ax, which was odd when he was surrounded by so many people. His blue eyes flitted around, and he found that he couldn't read a single soul of those in the crowd. So, first he lost his ax, now he lost his powers. It was a cruel, sick joke.

    He took a steady breath before he let go of the ax's hilt and pressed his hand to his chest. Despite not having his powers, he was still somehow alive, though his heart still didn't beat. What an annoyance. Felix looked around once more before withdrawing away from most of the crowd, scanning for anyone or anything that looked even somewhat familiar. She had been there last time, maybe she'd be here again.
Soap MacTavish
What happened to him after he had bled out? Dead, right? Wrong answer, pal. Sure, Makarov's now dead and his mess has yet to clean up. He sure messed the soldier up through that bastard Shepherd, but in the end, the good guys always wins...unfortunatley, we are not good guys at all. A large forest and a shack called the "Mystery Shack". Weird place to be in especially with a cast of snowflakes featuring a talking cat, some pony from a girl's show, and a guy who has his gun aimed at everyone asking where the bloody hell is he. Well someone's gonna take care of him, and its me, Captain John MacTavish, callsign "Soap". I remembered the days where I was sergeant when Price talked balls about my callsign. Well it doesn't matter now. I'm already a dead man sent into this world for no fucking reason.

I sneaked up behind the soldier, my USP out in my hand. His outfit seems rather strange. It almost looks like the uniforms worn by the U.S. Military. I got up to him. This man needs to calm down or else he might shot down someone. I aim my pistol at his head and say "I wouldn't aim that gun at anyone if I were you. Put it down, we're both in the same situation and you and me know well that we don't want any casualties." I bet if he persists, I would not hesitate to pull the trigger and stick a bullet in his thick skull.

Zerulu Zerulu
His headache fading he barely noticed the man who acknowledged him, lowering his gun he nodded to the man, if he was dead it was better than back in the zone. He scanned the surroundings to find a funny looking man in a mask, he seemed to know what he was doing. “Who are you, mask man?” He spoke through his mask, his voice slightly muffled.

SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Chungchangching Chungchangching
A low, rumbling sound emitted from their throat as the equine gently caressed a hoof across their back. It was a familiar yet alien feeling, bringing to mind a past where they had once been a part of a family. These days, the only company they've had was a lizard that they'd befriended not too long ago, with skin that glowed a vibrant cyan color.

Finding themselves suddenly alone in a different world, they feared that they might stay alone this time. Perhaps, given time, these strange creatures of all shapes and sizes would become their companions until they made their way back home, however unlikely that may be.

Chungchangching Chungchangching Crow Crow Sleek Sleek
Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow Sleek Sleek Zerulu Zerulu
Shadman, the Controversy Artist

Shad finished his smoking session pretty quickly before putting his mask back on, flicking the cigarette bud away, a nice smoke was what he needed to get through the day and now that he's all powered up, maybe he'll start looking for ways to get home or maybe visit that Mystery Shack everyone seemed to be entering but then a balding man, looking like he was on his 30's or so decided to approach him and Shadman turned his attention to the fella with haste, can he probably get him to join his ragtag gang of misfits? Maybe, it's always nice to see a person join their crew because he's gonna need as much help he can get, this weird town has a lotta dangerous shit in it and Shaddai believed in strength in numbers.

“Who are you, mask man?”
"Shaddai Prejean, but you can call me Shadman." The Artist was kind of getting tired of telling people his name over and over again but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to introduce yourself, he took a look back at his current crew and Johnson before looking at Strelok again. "Wanna stick together? We could use your help, man."
Wendy chuckled at Soos’s response but internally cringed at the idea of being psychically linked to the man. That would have been a nightmare for the young Corduroy. Her attention was pulled away from her friend and coworker when she heard someone nearby address her. Wendy’s eyebrow arched when she saw the voluptuous nurse in an outfit that no one in Gravity Falls would have ever dared try to pull off. Oh no, not in this conservative town. The red head tried to keep her thoughts lady positive before she made any quick judgements. The teen looked down to the ax in her hand, then back up to nurse, who Stan was already hitting on...great. “‘Cuz.” Wendy shrugged before grasping the chocolate bar from the woman’s outstretched hand. “Uh...okay…” She looked back at Soos, totally confused at what was going on.
Mabel had taken to hurrying around and looking at all the different people who had appeared. Finally, deciding that with a group this big, she needed to have a big introduction. “Ugh, huh, ack.” Mabel grunted as she climbed onto the counter. Her arms windmilled and she caught her balance, trying not to fall backwards off of her stage. “Hello!” The girl's shrill voice cut through and she demanded attention. “My name is Mabel Pines! But you!” she gestured to the room, fluttering her eyelashes. “Can call me the girl of your dreams.” Now that everyone knew who she was, and more importantly, that she was available, Mabel turned her attention to her Gruncle. “He’s probably with Gruncle Ford.” She said, clambering off the counter.

( thefinalgirl thefinalgirl ), ( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ), ( Sleek Sleek ), ( Critic Ham Critic Ham ), ( marc122 marc122 ), ( Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun ), ( CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow ), ( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ), ( Crow Crow ), ( Birb Birb ), ( DapperDogman DapperDogman ), ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla ), ( Chungchangching Chungchangching ), and anyone else in or near enough to the Mystery Shack to hear Mabel scream.

  • --Whisper the Wolf--
    BoltBeam BoltBeam

    Whisper continued to observe the human as she tried to talk to her, trying to persuade her down in a way that reminds her of her first meeting with Sonic the Hedgehog in one of Eggman's Bases. At first glance, the woman doesn't seem to be of ill intent. In fact, it reminded her of another hedgehog that day, who came on quite strong. Without the Wisps telling her if the woman is to be trusted, her guts is the only thing she has...As long as the woman isn't a bit like Eggman, then perhaps she could open up to her a little.

    "Ok..." Whisper nodded, speaking softly once more. She slid down the tree from its trunk, using the rifle-like stick to slow her descent by hanging the umbrella-like hook onto a branch and land down beside the girl. "I'm sorry." she apologized as she lifted her mask off her face, revealing her actual face...
586619 Prompto had a blank look in response to the kid's pretty loud introduction. The one that got him confused the most there was "the girl of your dream".

"Girl of your dreams?" Is she secretly a smokin' hot lady who got turned into a kid and also hit her head in something hard?

[Still kinda open here. I'm not ready to get kicked out for inactivity yet]
Tenshi Hinanawi|The Wolf Unmasked


Tenshi nodded in understanding.
"Nahh, it's fine! It's just a lot easier to talk to people on ground level where it's easier to even access!" She said proudly and full of vigorous energy - as if none of it had left her. She then saw Whisper's mask lift off her face and she squeaked a little. "Aww, what's this?" She said brainlessly, full of fascination, but then immediately stopped as to not instigate more shyness from her new friend. She looked away for a moment before looking back. "...If you'd be as kind to disclose who you are? Nice tool by the way - don't see stuff like that often..." Tenshi said to Whisper, thinking about the closest to it she had seen. There were at least two - one more alike than the other, at least local to where she came from. She thought about it for a while before shrugging it off and keeping her attention on the now unmasked wolf.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Nightwisher Nightwisher
Shadman, the Controversy Artist

Ah, Mabel and Wendy. He's pretty sure he made a comic using them once, good times. Shadman put a hand on his hip as he listened to Mabel present herself, putting a smile on The Artist's face since he always had a thing for bubbly cartoon characters and the cheery girl was no different. Shaddai Prejean wondered if he can enter the Mystery Shack after he's done screwing around outside and trying to get more and more people into his diverse crew of characters, maybe he can get one more person in his crew and he'll be done recruiting people into his gang for a while. He flashed a wave at Mabel, not really interested with interacting with her because despite how much he likes joyous people, always brightening up the day, they can get annoying pretty fast.

"Hey, Mabel." He said with a carefree attitude on his voice before realizing something, he could get Stanford to bring him back to his home dimension in a snap. He's clearly got the technology to do it! Or that's what Shadman thinks, he hasn't watched the show in a while.

"Mabel, can you get me to Stanford? Don't ask why I know his name, tell him it's important." Shad said, looks like getting a crew isn't needed after all, he can just talk to Stanford and he'll build a doohickey and send him back home but there's gotta be a twist, it can't be that easy.​
Kawhi Leonard, “the Klaw”
The Forest, Gravity Falls


After minutes of investigating the area, the Klaw can’t find the way out of this place or he didn’t understand why the vicinity itself is a circle. He takes a deep breath, he sigh. He is thinking of the current status of the Raptor forces and of course, Tor’Onto. He stopped thinking when he saw a feminine wolf and a young woman. The Klaw glanced at Whisper whom he assumes a mascot of Lynx Group; a female clique that swears fealty to House Timberwolves.

Kawhi didn’t have a choice but to interact with these two individuals. He approached them with caution.

“Greetings.” Kawhi replied coldly, standing 6’6 ft tall, observing Whisper and Tenshi. He glanced back to Whisper.

“Lady Mascot. I have no quarrels with you [Lynx Group] and House Timberwolves as I respect your disdain against House Warriors and of course I cheer the resurgence of Lord Derrick Rose.” Kawhi paused for a moment,

“May I ask where is the way out of this place? I need to go back to Tor’Onto, it’s at stake.” The Klaw waits for Whisper’s response.

Interaction: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Whisper), BoltBeam BoltBeam (Tenshi)

  • Johnson nodded to Shadman, and handed him a Cigar, and lit it for him. Johnson then took out a replacement Cigar, and put it in his mouth, lighting it as well, before putting the lighter up. Frankly, Luna didn't make him jump. He'd shouted just as loudly at the militia troops on Harvest, when he was assigned there to train anti-rebel troops. He understood why the masked man would ask for a Cigar, and he didn't want to tell him no.

    "Here, finest 26th century tobacco there is. I ain't got many more, so take it as me being grateful you're the only normal honest-to-god person here."

    He'd say gruffly, holstering his pistol. He might as well introduce himself to the group.

    "Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson. UNSC Marines."

    Johnson said. Princess Luna, Shadman, why the hell couldn't these people have normal goddamn names?

    "Just don't expect me to butler and kowtow to ya."

    The marine said, in response to Luna's name and title. Hell, Johnson had nothing but to hope this...pony? wasn't pulling the wool over his eyes.
Sleek Sleek Crow Crow Ineptitude Ineptitude

Shadman, the Controversy Artist
View attachment 586588
"Ah, Shadman. An artist, I see? I am most curious to see some of your works,"
Oh, you poor innocent fool. Shadman just chuckled, knowing his line of work of porn and just nasty shock humor, he doubts that the princess is gonna be happy to witness his art, knowing that she belongs in a family friendly series about magical ponies goddamnit so her seeing his more. . . controversial works would be a sight to behold but he doesn't have anything that bad on the sketchpad he has with him, so he'll show her his "Interesting" works another day or maybe never because who would wanna scar a family-friendly character for life with their sick painting and comics but the sketchpad would do nicely enough, he guesses. He doesn't remember drawing porn or gore in this one. "Here." He opened up his sketchpad, showing her just a few drawings here and there before closing it. "Those are just boring examples, i'm mostly known for. . . Let's just say controversial works, okay?"

That Johnson fellow eventually gave Shaddai Prejean what he wanted, smiling under the mask before taking the cigar from him, he even hat the decency to light it up for him, how nice! Maybe this guy would be a nice addition to his current crew of a princess pony, a Slugcat thing, and a degenerate porn artist. . . Yup, this confirms it. This is just somebody's really weird fanfiction he got thrown in but he's not gonna complain, he's gonna see where this weird situation goes. Weird people are always creative or at least Shadman thinks that. He gave The Sergeant a nod of approval before unmasking himself and taking a puff out of the tobacco.
View attachment 586594
"Thanks sergeant, I appreciate it." He said. "Wanna stick together? We might need each other's help."

Luna smiles as the rough Johnson befriends Shadman. "Our alliance seems most ideal in a scenario like this, is that not right, Slugcat?"

Luna then looks at Shadman interacting with someone who had recently almost went on a bullet rampage.

"I certainly hope no others attempt to attack again. We are in as tight as a spot as the others here," Luna adds, before noting Shad walking towards Mabel, "I think someone already has a plan. Though it feels a bit early to just have a plan that works. There's a catch in all this."

Chungchangching Chungchangching Ineptitude Ineptitude Sleek Sleek Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Strelok nodded at Shadman’s wacky name, “I’ll call you shadman, I am Strelok myself.” He said dimly, “And who are your... errr... colourful band of associates?” He pointed out to the funny looking band of misfits. His AK now holstered again around his chest. Strelok’s raspy breathing almost made him sound like Darth Vader aswell.

Chungchangching Chungchangching @shadmangang
Tenshi Hinanawi|What You On About?


Tenshi seemed both confused and intimidated as this towering shoulder of a man walked on over and joined in on the conversation and began talking about stuff she had no idea about. She shook her head.
"Sorry to burst your bubble big guy, but I'm pretty sure we have never met up to this point, and ergo, we don't know what you know! Furthermore... The heck you on about?" She asked in a simple yet suspicious tone as in 'what's going on here'. She shook her head after a while, re-adjusting her hat and remaining just about as confused as before. "Unfortunately, with that same assumption, we don't know how to get the heck out of here either... Seems we're stuck here for the time being..."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Rysesaka Rysesaka
Franklin Richards -

Franklin was seen sleeping at the Baxter Building , in his usual room. Yet again was he left on the sidelines while his parents and uncles were out saving the world. It would have been so nice to be able to join them... But he didn't have any powers of his own... At least that was what he honestly thought. This was before some form of an unknown light showered him and sent him on his way.

"... Uhm... W... where am I ? ". Came the soft voice of a little boy dressed in a noticeably red shirt with a blue number 4 plastered on the middle. He always slept in this outfit considering everything else. After hearing some form of commotion, he knocked on the door before pushing it open, softly uttering an " Excuse me " before entering.

To say the least the assortment of varying people in the vicinity shocked him. He knew immediately because he was a bright kid that most of the people here didn't actually come from here. Wherever they were from... It wasn't from this world.

However, he was never much for socializing . So, to avoid such, he just silently and meekly avoided everyone around to try and make sense of it without having to bother anyone. Sure something's surprised him, such as others doing unnecessarily loud outbursts ( Luna and Mabel) , but other than that most of it was okay for the child for the most part.

He walked up to Mr.Pines and asked a question, unable to really hold back any longer. "... Uhmm... Sir ... I... Is there any alternative places we can... find refuge ? I ... don't want to crowd your store "

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Stan Pines)
Strelok nodded at Shadman’s wacky name, “I’ll call you shadman, I am Strelok myself.” He said dimly, “And who are your... errr... colourful band of associates?” He pointed out to the funny looking band of misfits. His AK now holstered again around his chest. Strelok’s raspy breathing almost made him sound like Darth Vader aswell.

Chungchangching Chungchangching @shadmangang


"Princess Luna, just Luna will do," Luna introduced to Strelok. "This is Slugcat, and this over here would be..."

Chungchangching Chungchangching Zerulu Zerulu Ineptitude Ineptitude Sleek Sleek
Soap MacTavish
I lowered my gun and holstered it when the man lowered his. I then look at the mask man who calls himself as "Shadman". Heh, pretty dark name if you ask me. Then later on, some talking mare came up and called herself Luna, who then introduced some creature who the helk bloody knows as Slugcat, and then there is that guy who appears to be someone from the U.S. Military. Finally, someone that is on my fucking level. But that's enough staying quiet, I need to make alliances with these...misfits. "The name's Captain John MacTavish, callsign, Soap." I say "I'm pretty sure all of us can be well-acquainyed with each other so long as we stick." I can't believe I'll be working alongside with these clowns.

Zerulu Zerulu Chungchangching Chungchangching Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude Crow Crow

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