Black eyes slowly fluttered open, the haze of sleep gradually disappearing from their mind. Lethargically, they sat up and stretched out their feline body, looking around them with a gaze clouded by confusion. They could hardly remember what they had been doing before they woke up. It was as though they had just come out of hibernation, but it was obvious that they were not in the self-sealing chambers they associated the act with.

They blinked once, then twice, before recognizing the people they were surrounded by. They shuffled closer to Doomguy and Plutia, staring at the others with hesitation and guilt—after all, they hadn't parted on the best of terms.

Critic Ham Critic Ham Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

  • MV5BZGRiYWQ4OTAtNzJkZi00NmNjLThkYmEtMGU4YjFiNzM0YzUzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjAzMjQ4NDc@._V1_.jpg
    Seems Slugcat had woke up first amongst the trio of whom he had once believed were dead/sent to Shiva-knows-where. The little one seemed to be backing away from the rest of the people still living,possibly because of what it had done that warranted its isolation in the first place. Even then,the act of murder was clearly not fault of the little creature. While they had accused the right murderer,they had not accused the right culprit. Up until after the voting had ended that is. Kneeling before Slugcat,Prompto wore a tired but reassuring smile,hoping to try to console the little peculiar creature

    “Hey do you do little fella? Not kind of the reunion we're expecting huh?”
Ineptitude Ineptitude thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


Shadman knew things couldn't have been so simple. There always has to be a catch but he did not expect this. Bill fooled the pants off him and probably everyone! Shad was sitting on the floor extremely tired from his long sprint and he's glad the others that were presumed dead were alive, even that traitor cat thing was alive! He waved at Slugcat before looking back at Ant-Man. This guy must have the key to home. The fun is over and now it's time to leave this hellhole. Two people went to him and told him a summary of this weird experience so he did not need to butt in. Now he just needs to rest.

This is the stupidest thing he's ever been involved in and that's saying something.​

"I'm... so confused," Scott said as he listened to the various explanations he was provided, shaking his head while listening to them. "So you all... woke up here, went on a collect-a-thon videogame quest, and then got defeated by an.... evil one-eyed Dorito?" He asked, before raising up his arm and pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh. Clearly, this was beyond Scott's area of expertise. He eventually did look back up, however, and began speaking once more. "Okay, so is he a Dorito or a potato chip? Because they're both different shapes and sizes and really have different flavors and--" Scott paused mid-sentence, realizing he was just rambling at this point. "Right, right. Doesn't matter." He said.

Looking back towards Prompto, Scott opened his mouth to respond to his muttered question. "I mean... this all seems too elaborate to be a movie based off of a holiday. Multiversal tampering is very hard to do too... I only know of one guy who's capable of doing that and uh..." Scott froze up, seeming to realize that he was talking too much once more. "Well, let's just hope that he's not involved." He said finally with an almost reluctant tone. Though once Tenshi began to rant, Scott rose up a hand and spoke in a much more serious tone. "Hey, hey, listen," He began. "None of this is your fault, got it? From what it sounds like, you guys were put in a really bad situation that just happened to get worse." With a sigh, Scott lowered his head slightly and rubbed his hand through his hair. Upon doing so, he noticed the unconscious Doomguy and Plutia, as well as the recently awakened Slugcat. "The hell happened to them?" He asked.

SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 BoltBeam BoltBeam Ineptitude Ineptitude Chungchangching Chungchangching
Benedicts Fancy Journal #566776678787887888​
Day One
Ah, greetings, it has been a while now, and everything is steadily progressing. Josh after some simple "convincing" has made a camp on the outskirts of town, the other survivors are nearby...but they are dirty so I camped out in these luscious lands. I cannot leave, not after my...various new property claims. Josh has now gone to steal food from the dirties. Peace out you handsome devil you

Five Minutes Later
It turns out Josh saw the infamous Scott Lang conspiring with the dirties, and is now carrying me towards their camp as I slowly curse, Josh, you can't fix this, we haven't....we haven't spoken in years....not since...well, you know, because you're me you clever old seadog. Ah, Josh has dropped me on the ground in front of......Scott.....time to face my darkest demons....come face me Scott Lang

Benedict looked up at Scott....with a gleam in his eye, he spoke, "Ah...Scott, why are you showing your dirty face around here? Don't you know that I HAVE SEVERAL property claims here!?" Benedict would say before reaching into his jacket for his pistol, to which Josh would stop quickly...he was right, this isn't the way. Benedict slapped Josh before continuing, "AH! SCOTT! Get off my land before I fine you again, and this time...I'll add sales tax."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Tenshi Hinanawi|Multiverse Discrepancy


"I'm... so confused," Scott said as he listened to the various explanations he was provided, shaking his head while listening to them. "So you all... woke up here, went on a collect-a-thon videogame quest, and then got defeated by an.... evil one-eyed Dorito?" He asked, before raising up his arm and pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh. Clearly, this was beyond Scott's area of expertise.
"Pretty much." Tenshi remarked calmly, laughing it off - because at the time, 'that' was the best thing they could do, not knowing what they were getting into. "Somehow, we lost to that pyramid cyclops. As if it couldn't get any better, eh?" She joked as if nothing ever happened, glancing to the ongoing scene in particular. Clearly, her statement was wrong - and that was the joke she's making.
"I mean... this all seems too elaborate to be a movie based off of a holiday. Multiversal tampering is very hard to do too... I only know of one guy who's capable of doing that and uh..." Scott froze up, seeming to realize that he was talking too much once more. "Well, let's just hope that he's not involved." He said finally with an almost reluctant tone. Though once Tenshi began to rant, Scott rose up a hand and spoke in a much more serious tone. "Hey, hey, listen," He began. "None of this is your fault, got it? From what it sounds like, you guys were put in a really bad situation that just happened to get worse." With a sigh, Scott lowered his head slightly and rubbed his hand through his hair. Upon doing so, he noticed the unconscious Doomguy and Plutia, as well as the recently awakened Slugcat. "The hell happened to them?" He asked.
Tenshi listened to his initial speakings - he seems to be familiar with the multiverse, according to him, having attended a similar incident or at least been involved among one - in one way or another. When he voiced his surprised to the no-longer dead, Tenshi shrugged. "Well, funny thing is, they're supposed to be dead. Why they're alive is beyond me, but I don't think they appreciate doing this 'life' thing again after that." She said honestly in an indifferent tone. Then she realised - despite all of this explaining, there's one crucial part that they're overlooking and that Tenshi feels like voicing aloud, for it may be the most important thing she's even thought about. "...But that aside, the heck do we do now?" She asked everyone indirectly.
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #2969B0
Status (physically): Fine/Recovering
Status (mentally/emotionally): Frantic and confused
Powers: Earth manipulation
Items: Sword of Hisou (formless and can see into spirits)
Course of action: (Can't think straight amid frenzy, try again)
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: Critic Ham Critic Ham , Ineptitude Ineptitude , Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Group: @FightForTheFalls
Fulgore followed the group as they hefted the arm to Ford's lab, and apparently messed up and triggered the apocalypse. The broken weapon of Ultratech could only watch as the world started to fall apart. The group ran outside of town and was greeted by a new person, one who calls himself both 'Scott Lang' and 'Ant-Man'. He listens to the conversation between Tenshi and Scott, before adding in his own two cents. "Tenshi, it would be in our best interests to recuperate, repair, and prepare for battle. I doubt that Cipher will stop at Gravity Falls, and while we are still here, that Demon is our problem too."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam
"Oh... yeah. We had something similar to that happen the last time that this happened," Scott explained with a small nod, before motioning to the blue portal behind him. He paused for a moment, before turning back to face the group at large. "Anyways, I guess there's not much else for you guys to do here. I'll contact the rest of the MPF to get this whole... thing handled," He said, though as he spoke, the sounds of screaming and Bill Cipher's laughter could still be heard echoing throughout the once semi-peaceful town. Scott looked at the carnage with a worried expression and began to awkwardly scratch his head a bit. "But something tells me that it's gonna take a while to fix all that..." He then faced Benedict as he started screaming at him, and furrowed his brows in confusion.



Scott shouted in response to Fulgore’s words about taking on Bill. Though, moments later, Scott relented and cleared his throat. “...Sorry. But... no. If what you say about this guy is true, then he’s too dangerous to take on by himself.” Scott sighed, and turned around towards the portal behind him. “Right now, it would probably be best if you all went back to your home universes. I’ll call in the MPF, and we’ll.... we’ll handle it from there.”

Without much of an option left, you all eventually did make your way through the portal behind you, and once you did, you finally arrived back in your own universe. And, despite Bill winning, at least you made it back to your universe.

You were finally free, but at what cost?

(Feel free to post your epilogues now!)

Cast List
darkred darkred as Sarah and John Connor (Terminator)
@Chipdog16 as Sans (Undertale AU)
SheepKing SheepKing as Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as 2B (Nier: Automata) and CZ (Overlord)
Birb Birb as Epsilo Gamman (Homestuck OC)
Wedge Wedge as Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Morgana (Persona 5)
Jeremiah Jeremiah as Dorothy Haze (VA-11 HALL-A)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Doomguy (DOOM)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as Hopper and Molt (A Bugs' Life)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as K'Thix (DCSS OC)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog) and Hiryu Kakogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Julie Taylor Luckett (OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as Prompto Argentum (Final Fantasy XV)
Crow Crow as Sanjou Nemu (Magical Girl Raising Project) and Princess Luna (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch(Classified)
Rhysie Rhysie as Rhys Strongfolk (Borderlands)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Shadman (Shadbase)
marc122 marc122 as Pichu (Pokemon)
Sleek Sleek as Sergeant Avery J. Johnson (Halo)
Damafaud Damafaud as Lyle Walt and Clara Bulmer (Sevens)
Noivian Noivian as Daxtrien Hartnet (Pokemon OC)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fulgore MK III (Killer Instinct)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Slugcat (Rain World)
Zamasu Zamasu as Filthy Frank (Filthy Frank)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising 3)
archur archur as Achilles of Phtia (Greek Mythology)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Buffy the Magicarp (Pokemon OC)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsin Rowe (inFamous)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Dizzy Wallin (Gears of War 3)
Topless Topless as Kanna Kamui (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind as Callie (Splatoon 2)
Veradana Veradana as Scias (Breath of Fire IV)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Ekken Traksa (XCOM OC)
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion as Samantha Ann Whitley (OC)
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow as Zacian (Pokemon)
Clover Clover as Eddie Brock (Marvel Comics)
Hercynia Hercynia as Zenos yae Galvus (Final Fantasy XIV)
Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock as Miguel (Road to El Dabo)
SeirenK SeirenK as Omega (Final Fantasy XIV)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Cole Macgrath (inFAMOUS)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Tenshi Hinanawi (Touhou Project)
Zerulu Zerulu as Sterlok (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
Rysesaka Rysesaka as Kawhi Leonard (Game of Zones)
@LittleRedAssassin as Valentine (Skullgirls)
Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva as Kung Lao (Mortal Kombat)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Wigfrid (Don't Starve)

The blond humanoid knelt before them, a tired smile gracing his lips as he spoke words they couldn't comprehend, but understood anyway. Ever so slowly, and after much hesitation, they crawled over to him and nuzzled into his cheeks in an act of comfort. He has clearly been through a lot, all of them had. It was time to go home now, they could instinctively tell, and that portal was the way back. There was, however, one last thing they wanted to do.

They dug into their pouch and brought out a smooth, shiny rock of a spherical shape—a pearl, completely useless to one who couldn't access the data storage, but of immense value within their world. They grabbed one of the other's hand and gently placed the pearl inside. Mustering up what courage they had, they went up to the others they had known and gave similar gems to each of them. They might not have been able to truly grow close with each other, but their experience together would bind their fates for years to come.

Finally, they reached him, the black-furred feline they had grown an attachment to. To him, they gave a light blue pearl, the last pearl they had kept on their person. Its entire memory is filled with a mantra repeated... 5061 times, according to Moon, and then a termination verse. Like sleep like death, you wake up again. Death was not the end, and similarly, they hoped that they would meet each other again someday. They gave one last hug before leaping into the portal—back into a world where only the strongest survived and family was no longer related by blood.

SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Critic Ham Critic Ham Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @MyFormerSweaterSquadPeeps
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Shadman was still trying to catch his breath though his mask is making it a bit difficult for him. He was minding his own business until Scott decided to drop one hell of a truth bomb. This has happened before? Excuse me?! Shad took his time to process this information. Does this mean some of the people back at his home dimension could have possibly faced the same thing? Shadman stood up and dusted off his jacket, taking a look back at the town the moment he heard the screaming and laughing. Not his problem anymore though he couldn't help it but feel terrified for them.

Shadman went through the portal to be greeted by his home. He's going to be remembering whatever the hell happened back there for a long time. He sighed before crashing into his computer chair.

He's been away from the internet for a while now. Might as well let people know he's alive.​


Everything happened so fast. Truthfully it was hard for Morgana to even realize what was even going on. One minute he was on the midst of chaos the next he was with everyone else no longer in the chaos that was happening in Gravity Falls. He had been through weird stuff before, but not as weird as this. The next thing he saw he couldn’t believe. Slugcat... Slugcat came over to Morgana to placed a light blue pearl in his paw. Morgana stares at the small pearl and then stared at Slugcat.

“S-Slugcat...? I-I thought.. No.. I was certain you were dead..!”
Slugcat already began to leave before Morgana could get his words out. A few tears formed in his eyes at the sight of the friend he thought he lost, but he wiped them away. He couldn’t appear weak in front of everyone. Not anymore at least. He placed the pearl into one of the pouches in his belt to keep it safe before leaving to Slugcat one final time.
“I hope we see each other again someday. Don’t forget about me!”
He gave one last smile of contentment as he watched his friend leave through the portal. The only thing Morgana has to do now was leave himself. He turned to everyone and gave a simple wave to signal his leave. He quickly walked through the portal back home.

Ineptitude Ineptitude thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Fulgore chose not to question how or why Slugcat returned. If battle was to be denied them preparation was key. [REDACTED] Must be warned about Bill Cypher and the other beings across the multiverse. Fulgore takes the pearl, acknowledging that it has some value, it will be studied at Ultratech for whatever value it holds. Fulgore nods farewell to the others and returns to his realm.

When the lost Fulgore Unit is recovered, it is immediately disabled and brought into Ultratech's grasp. It has it's memory core ripped out and scanned it for information.


"Interesting. This unit sustained severe damage and still managed to perform, even adapting to it's situation and fulfilling tasks beyond it's programing. It evolved beyond even MY expectations. Repair it and put it in storage. We may have use for it in the future. Also, take what data about that portal you can from it's memory. Now we prepare, and we evolve. The multiverse awaits us."

"Ultratech Will be ready for the future..."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
After all this time, Lang had the audacity to play dumb, Benedict just couldn’t even, if Scott wasn’t good enough to be the man of the relationship then Benedict would take the spot. “F-fine Scott! I’ll leave! We could’ve bought property from God Scott! We could’ve dominated the business sector! But now I’m stronger from this heartache, good day Scott.” Benedict would say before Josh, the strongest penguin ever....broke into tears and loud sobbing. Benedict grabbed Josh by the neck....and walked through the portal not looking back.
After that, well....Benedict continued to forge his business empire, now with a stronger passion and a keener eye....this time, he was up to something big...
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

I rolled the word around in my mind as I watched the others speak with one another or leave to go back to their own world. Many seemed dejected by what had happened, others still held onto hope. But for me, I was dumbstruck.

When was the last time I had tasted defeat? Eons ago, when Argent D'nur fell to Hell because of machinations by treacherous Night Sentinels. I failed because I was outwitted by the now called Hell Priests and corrupted Sentinels. I failed because I could not sense the grief-driven traitor who made a deal with Hell for his son to revive.

I let out a dry chuckle.

Bill Cipher outwitted me by playing to the traitors’ desires and thus I failed. But now I know his tricks, his desire, simple and childish as it may be, to cause chaos, and potential allies. Still, even with this knowledge, Bill Cipher was an entity capable of warping reality. Few demons had such an ability and it had taken all my might, wit, and will to slay just one. It would take more to kill Bill.

I tightened my hands into balls at the realization. All of my attempts at destroying Bill failed. I couldn’t do this alone.

But as I looked over the survivors that had accompanied on this venture, another realization hit me. I wasn’t alone. There were people willing to fight tooth and nail against the evils that threatened their homes.

I stood tall against the tidal waves of despair that overtook many. This was not the end, not by a long shot. And perhaps it was time to reform the Night Sentinels. Most had been killed off with the remnants either joining Hell or fleeing to the most isolated parts of the Universe. It would be difficult to find those that fled. But who said the Night Sentinels had to be comprised of only those from Argent D'nur?

And so I left. I gave no goodbyes, no gestures of comfort, nothing that would signal my exit. There was work to be done, the first of which was resolving the crisis back on Mars. No doubt Hell was trying to invade Earth. But as I left, I kept in mind of my defeat and the evils that lurked beyond Hell.

For they were brutal and without mercy.

But I would be worse.

Rip and Tear Until it is Done.

In the depths of Hell where ruins of conquered worlds stretched all across the horizon, where once proud and noble peoples are now nothing more than obedient husks toil to erect foul structures, where Demonkind gleefully torment innocents and indulge in horrifying pleasures, Its overlords and dark rulers gathered in the Tower of Babel.

The lords of Hell met in a circular room and clustered around a crystal ball floating above a pentagram. Images flashed inside the ball and the demons flinched whenever they saw the Scourge of Hell appear. Yet they remained dumbstruck when they saw how easily this ‘Bill Cipher’ defeated the Doom Slayer.

The Doom Slayer, defeated. The Doom Slayer, defeated by a triangle. Never in their eternal lives did they believe that their greatest enemy would be defeated, no less how easy it was for Cipher.

“How?” One cried out.

None answered for they were all baffled and still fathoming the events leading up to the Doom Slayer’s defeat. But all trembled. All shook. All looked at one another and asked the same question. What they could do against an entity that could accomplish what they could not do? All expect for one.

“He remains undefeated.” A smooth, baritone voice grabbed the ears of every Overlord and Ruler of Hell. They gazed upon a pale-skinned man who reclined on a throne hovering above a pool of water.

Every demon stared in confusion. How was this not a defeat? The Doom Slayer failed to slay this Cipher and even he appeared to come to the same conclusion.

The pale-skinned man rolled his eyes.

“You think this was a defeat? No, tiss was, but a setback, a failure, not defeat. The Scourge will not stop till this Cipher has been brought to heel. If anything, he’ll grow even more powerful. And now he has allies. No, the only way I would count this as a defeat was if the Scourge was either trapped in that dimension, was killed truly, or broken by what had happened. Cipher had the opportunity to do two of those things.”

The pale-skinned man laughed.

“But do you know what it did? Released the Scourge. Either beings greater than Cipher are at play or It is a simple creature. And from what I have seen, Cipher is a simple creature of chaos, wanting nothing more than to have ‘fun’, and Its mind is akin to that of a child.”

He rose from the throne, standing tall and proud.

“And compared to us? Weak. Tell me, who was it that laid low the mightiest of Night Sentinels?”

They gave, but one answer.


“Who was it that endured the Scourge's rampage for ages uncounted and yet thrived?”


“Who was it that killed God.”

Demonkind gave, but one all consuming shout.


The pale-skinned man smiled.

“Us indeed. So let us plot and scheme, let us fight and strive, let us win and dominate the Universe.

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