• Johnson grunted when Luna said she wanted to lead. Frankly, princess or no, Johnson felt like he had more sense. But it wouldn't do any good to argue that point right now. If Luna wasn't capable, Johnson would step up. The fish, a pair of....lovebirds, a talking cat, all seemed to join Johnson's little band of misfits. There was a commotion inside the shack, and Johnson hadn't the faintest idea of what it was, but considering it didn't sound dangerous, he wasn't gonna step in just yet.

    "Alright. So, pair of nudists, one bodybuilding salmon, art class flunkie, a living, breathing, cartoon, and Garfield's emo cousin. this group sounds like it's getting better and better!"

    Johnson said, jokingly as he took another drag on the Cigar. This situation seemed to get stranger and stranger, but until something of note, besides more people showing up, happened, Johnson would just relax to the side, with Shadman.

    "With all due respect, your magicfullness, you ever lead troops?"

    He said, as after a second thought, he wasn't sure he was comfortable trusting overall decisions being made by someone who looked like they spent hours in some pony salon getting hair extensions.
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict looked angry, “I didn’t pay to be filled with energy, I paid to have a hideout from everyone else...” Josh responded with a honk, “Don’t speak out of turn again, it must be this rug...” Benedict clapped his hands, “Josh get rid of it”. But suddenly, they both felt strange.
Benedict looked at his hands, they were flippers, and were all black...he was Josh. Benedict looked over to see himself standing right next to him, Josh was in his body, He was smiling, Benedict looked at him, “No no no Josh, you still carry me.” Benedict said as Josh frowned.
Benedict walked over to his suitcase, he pulled out a pistol and hid it in his suit pocket, “Josh...time for a meeting with the owner of this establishment...” Benedict said as he waddled to the door, he tried clapping with his fins, but decided to honk instead, “Josh...carry me to the lobby”​
The Doom Marine


I stared in bemusement as the man that was chasing me was beaten down by a broom wielded by the elderly, money hungry person from earlier. I stood, debating the pros and cons of letting the blonde man suffer. However, in the end, the blonde man may have saw my exit via smashing through the window and mistook it for malicious intent. I was simply trying to escape from a Kung Fu man and a thirteen year old batting her lashes at me.

Still, I allowed the blonde man to be bonked alongside the head a few times before walking over. As Stan(I think that was his name?) kept trying to hit the man, the man kept gesturing to me. Not sure why, maybe I can try asking why. Hopefully it doesn’t end like with the Kung Fu man.

I caught the broom before Stan could whack the man again. The impact sent a dull ache down my hand. I grimace, not so much at the pain, but at the mere possibility that such a little thing could cause me pain. My durability should have absorbed that, effectively nullifying it. I filled that away for later while I shook a finger at Stan. A simple motion that meant no. I also balled my hand into a fist to send a silent warning to behave.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore archur archur @Jeremiah(Mentioned) @@Hahli Nuva(Mentioned)
"Save your weird non-American speaking language for the jury!" Stan exclaimed as he continued beating Achilles upside the head with his broom, not even really taking notice of his constant gesturing to Doomguy and the metal plates he held, his attention thus far being too centered on this meddling thief and his nasty tricks. That was, at least, until Stan had his broom effortlessly caught by Doomguy. Stan let out an audible groan at this and sighed. "What, you can catch brooms too? Is everyone here some kinda broom catchin' expert?!" He shouted, throwing up his arms as he spoke. Once Doomguy shook his finger, Stan's brows furrowed as he glared at the man behind the helmet in confusion. "What? Is that some kinda sign language or somethin'...? I... I dunno what that means."

Critic Ham Critic Ham archur archur Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch




Health: 200/200


Hunger: 120/120


Sanity: 120/120


-4 Pieces of Raw Meat


None, currently.

The actress slowly awoke from whatever slumber she had fallen into. Wigfrid could, unfortunately, say this was not the first time she had woken up in a strange place before, what little a glance she could give from her uncomfortable laying position revealing that she was indeed not in The Constant. Beginning to stand up, Wigfird heard a loud crack beneath her feet. She could barely react before she was dropped downwards. Some foul foe was attempting to fling her to the ground! Hah, it'd take more than that to harm a Valkyrie! As soon as the warrior landed on the ground, she whirled around and charged at her likely opponent, giving them a swift stab with her mighty spear. "Yöur pathetic attempt tö send me tö Valhalla döesn't scare me, föe!" She snarled, glaring her enemy straight in the eye.

It was a tree. Wigfrid had woken up in a tree and her standing up had broken the branch she had been laying on. The mighty warrior had just stabbed a tree. Pretending there wasn't embarrassment slithering in her like the Midgard serpent
Jörmungandr, she smugly turned around, holding her spear confidently at her side. "Twas what I thöught! Nö föe can öut-intimidate Wigfrid!" She snarked at the tree, speaking to it like a person. The power of method acting had won again. But that was unimportant to Wigfrid in comparison to what lay before her. A crowd of odd individuals was surrounding an interesting looking house. The Mystery Shack, as the sign atop its roof, said. Wigfrid burst into a small grin. "A shack öf mysteries? Tis pössibly a place filled with enigma-filled föes!" She declared, approaching the building with her spear in hand and battle in mind.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @whoeverthefuckelse

Because the REAL Stan was outside dealing with Doomguy and Achilles, Benedict would not get any response. Instead, if Benedict were to further inspect the being he was talking to, he would find that it wasn't Stan, but rather...


A wax figurine of Stan. It was covered in an almost grotesque amount of glitter. It stared at Benedict with a wide, bright smile, giving him a thumbs up. It no doubt improved his day after seeing it!

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict stared at the statue, “Hmmm, my day has improved...in a very big way”. Benedict turned his head to honk at Josh, “Now...we must find the owner, and have our chat, onward”​
Frank West
Interactions: Open

Mentions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Centurion_ Centurion_ ,

Frank crossed his arms and began tapping his foot as he gave the Pokemon who had roared for his attention what he asked for, still trying to compose himself (and ideally, turn his face less cherry red) after the compromising situation he fumbled his way out of.

"This human, Soos, told us that we are now in a place that is named 'Gravity Falls' somewhere on the Oregon region."

"Soos? Yeah, I think I overheard the big guy in the green shirt say that was his name." Frank interjected, thumbing over in the direction where he saw him last. "He seems like the kind of guy who doesn't know much, but at least he knows where we are. Maybe we should go see what else he has to say." Frank finished, rubbing his chin with his left hand - the hand that wasn't holding his camera. In a situation like this, anything can make the next big picture - so Frank had to have his finger on the trigger. The fact that Frank was still in Oregon stuck with him - the Willamette Parkview Mall was in Oregon, so he probably was at least still on his own planet, despite everything else that points to the contrary.

"But anything more..." The Pokemon continued, "...I know nothing of."

"Great," Frank replied, raising both of his arms in an exasperated manner, letting them fall and smack against his legs. "Of course it's not going to be that easy." Frank then began to pace left and right, racking his brain to come up with any kind of explanation.

"This doesn't make sense. I don't mean any offence, but I don't think anybody here is supposed to be here. What you get up to in your spare time is your business, but I know what I was doing before this, and I can tell you it wasn't laying unconscious in the woods. So..." Frank suddenly took a pause and swiveled his body back towards the Pokemon, raising his camera towards it and taking a quick snapshot.
Frank grinned to himself, happy with the fantastic shot he had just taken. If nothing else happened today, at least he could say he caught a shot of a real life Pokemon up-close.

"Well, alright. How about we help each other to help ourselves? Sure enough you don't have reason to trust me, but maybe if we find out how we got here, we'll find out how we can get back. What do you say to checking out that hut?" Frank offered, finishing by giving a friendly smile to the Pokemon.

"Hey, you want to come with - ?" Frank began, turning around to address the lady he had fumbled over, but was stopped in his tracks when he noted that she was balled up on the floor, whimpering, her face buried in her hands. Frank began to panic - he turned his back for one minute, and already he had brought a lady almost to tears. This was shaping up to be a pretty crappy day.

"Whoa, wh- what's wrong? Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to hit you -" Frank began, but then stopped himself. He began to recall something that she said - something that his memory must have suppressed during the seriously embarrassing moment.

"Waah! S-Slow d-d-down! You are supposed to slowly undress me and touch my feminine areas nervously afraid that I would wake up and then-"

Oh, God!

"Oh...! Oh, no, no, you have... you have the completely wrong idea! That's not what I was trying at all! D-don't be embarrassed, alright? Nobody was even looking - ..." Frank quickly spat out, stopping himself once he realised he was digging himself an ever deeper hole. He took a deep breath, and, more relaxed this time, he began to speak.

"Alright, I think you and I got off on the wrong foot. Let's start over, okay?" Frank said, offering a hand for a handshake. "The name's Frank. Frank West. It looks like we're gonna have to work together to get out of here."​


With the Pichu still by Isabelle's side, she watched as the human man with the buzz cut came over and began to rudely suggest that Kay was giving the rest of the group dirty looks. Thankfully that quickly got cleared up as the insect explained that his face didn't allow him to scowl at people. Now with the confusion gone Isabelle thought it to be polite to introduce herself to the man. She raised her paw up for the human to shake.

"My name is Isabelle, that's Kay and Espi, and this,"

She gestured to the Pokemon by her side using her other hand.

"Is Pichu! I hope we can all get along Mister! I know that all of this is really scary but I'm sure that is we all work together we can figure out how to get out of this mess!"

It was getting a bit hard to ignore all of the chaos that was happening inside of the shack. A window had been broken and a door was now busted. She was thankful that the mouse had tried to warn them from entering the establishment. Though Isabelle now had a increasing need to go and clean the area. It would be terrible to let the others just destroy everything and not do anything about it! Though for now there were much more pressing matters to take care of. If that wolf creature was a Pokemon who spoke English, maybe he'd be able to understand Pichu! Sometime later Isabelle would help clean up the place.

The yellow puppy looked back to Pichu.

"Do you know if the blue wolf over there is a Pokemon? If he is maybe he can act as a translator for you."

DapperDogman DapperDogman Birb Birb marc122 marc122 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow


  • "Oh...! Oh, no, no, you have... you have the completely wrong idea! That's not what I was trying at all! D-don't be embarrassed, alright? Nobody was even looking - ..." Said the stranger, trying to explain himself. His words not getting through to Darkness, she remains curled up.

    Darkness was listening, she was simply too embarrassed to want to clarify the situation. That wasn't a problem though, the stranger took a step back and tried again. Instead of trying to justify himself, he tried making her feel welcome with a friendly approach. Now feeling more comfortable with herself, she removes her hands from her face and looks up at the man now known to her as Frank West. The blonde's face was still partially red, but at least the girl had the standards to readjust a couple of out-of-place bangs of her hair before reaching out to grab his hand.

    "My name is Darkness... I'm an adventurer of the crusader class, Nice to meet you." She says, taking his hand. There was a slight problem though, upon grabbing her hand Frank would've noticed that the girl was unusually heavy in comparison to how lightweight she looked and her sheer strength and weight alone would've been enough to yank the reporter off balance as she used his helping hand to pull herself from the floor...​

    Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins
When Waddles didn’t come when he was called, Mabel pushed herself back up to her feet and looked around. “Waddles?” After pushing through some of the people still in the shack, and completely ignoring the fiasco that was going on with the others, Mabel found her pet pig sitting, eating post cards. “Oh Waddles.” The girl giggled. “Come on, we have a new friend to meet.” With what seemed like little effort, probably from practice, Mabel picked Waddles up and carried him over to meet the penguin, who had since moved positions, and was now being carried by his owner...how sweet. “Waddles, this is...Mr. Tuxedo. Wank wank.” The child stated to her pet as she set him down so the two animals could meet.

Wendy was still more or less ignoring what was going on in the store. Since she’d sat down, she had pulled out her phone and was texting her friends about the scene, looking up every so often to catch the next thing to tell the group.

( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ), ( Jeremiah Jeremiah ), ( Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch ),
Achilles frantically brushed the dirt and filth out from his hair when the thief had stopped the shop owner from whacking him over the head with the broom again. Maybe, this was some sort of misunderstanding or something, or a cover up for his crime?

It was when the thief, well, at least he didn't seem to be one anymore, gestured angrily at the old man, Achilles figured that there was something else at play here. The two had just been throwing various items at each other, and now he had come to Achilles to aid him? More words that didn't make a lick of sense were passed from the old man to presumably the excessively armored person. What did any of it mean?

No matter, he must have just found a new friend. Achilles lightly jabbed his fist into Doomguy's arm, and smirked.

"Ευχαριστώ, ξένος." (Thanks, stranger.)

His eyes shifted back to Stan. He slowly handed back the plates, unsure if he was even doing the right thing. He looked back to Doom guy, and offered a hand.

"Ο Αχιλλέας, ήρωας της Τροίας, στην υπηρεσία σας." (Achilles, hero of Troy, at your service.)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Critic Ham Critic Ham
Miguel watched as others seemed to approach them, introducing themselves. He nodded as they spoke, listening carefully in an attempt to at least get to know some of those around him. He caught the names, Prompto, Zenos, Kanna, and Felix but there was sadly no garentee that he would remember who was who. He would try to remember, however. He stood back for a moment and took in there conversation, trying to make sense of everything. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to introduce himself as well.

“Hello. I’m Miguel. Although, I’m a bit confused and bewildered by this whole situation and don’t really know what’s going on, it’s nice to meet all of you.” he stated somewhat awkwardly.

He then looked toward the “Mystery Shack. He had been seeing others enter the place and even been hearing various shouts coming from the place, only catching a few words of what was being said. His curiosity was quite peaked about the building.

“As much as I hate to interrupt, I believe I’m going to check out this “Mystery Shack.” Would anyone like to join me?” he asked those around him.

Topless Topless Veradana Veradana Nightwisher Nightwisher Hercynia Hercynia SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 @anyoneelsethatiforgottotag
"Another world. I... see." Zenos frowned, confused thoughts swirling through his mind as the other, until-now-silent man who had introduced himself as 'Felix' spoke. The crown prince hadn't missed the fact that the man had referred to himself as "Elite", either - clearly a member of nobility, royalty, or some other such nonsense. There was an arrogance in his bearing - and a dull contempt. Well, that was... something. Something Zenos himself could relate to, really. Still... "Science? I know of no forms of magitek that could do this." Which was true; he didn't. He had one of the best researchers, best scientist's in the empire working under him, and yet... nothing spoke of travelling to other worlds. "Hydalean, perhaps, were you to listen to the Eorzeans - or perhaps their twelve, but... no science I know is capable of travel this way." The frown became something else, something with a hint of contempt. "Unless your world has these... devices."

His musings were interrupted by the arrival of another... man...? Beastkin? The... creature... looked like something of a hybrid of Lupin and Hyur, or perhaps Lupin and Hrothgar. Long, blonde hair, not dissimilar to Zenos' own, framed a doglike face. The creature wore a green robe, not dissimilar to the attire of a Samurai of Doma, and had a long sheath on his waist - presumably containing a blade. He disregarded the younger blonde boy's ramblings about video games - whatever those were - and instead glanced at the new arrival - another blonde man (Zenos was beginning to notice a trend here), a few ilms - perhaps even as much as a yalm - shorter than him. His intentions were to check out the Mystery Shack - the building, Zenos surmised. Shack seemed... accurate, in this case.
Epsilo Gamman


You look down at... well everything... and sigh... you decide maybe you should go inside... you also wanted to correct Isabelle on your name...

“Hey uhhh.... I think it’s best we go inside... ask... stuff and... yeah... I mean I’ll be right here no ones gonna... hurt any of you... so Uhm...”

“Also uh... my names Epsilo.... I... guess you didn’t hear me and... yeah....”

You twiddle your thumbs again, looking down over the tiny tiny dog, the... ‘pichu’... the ant, and the wolf... lusus... thing....

“...... I mean I think it would at least be good to... get out of the sun....”

SheepKing SheepKing DapperDogman DapperDogman marc122 marc122 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (I hope I didn’t forget anyone I’m sorry if I did!!!)​
In response to being suddenly picked up by Mabel, Waddles dropped the postcard out of his mouth with a slight "OINK!"

And then, upon being introduced to Mister Tuxedo (AKA Josh/Benedict in Josh's body), Waddles waddled on over to the penguin, sat down, and just stared.


Right into his very soul.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Nightwisher Nightwisher
Soos, who had been standing there sweeping up glass until his boss had just taken his broom from him to fight off some thieves, had been watching the fight play out with a wide grin on his face. As he was standing there, he took notice of Wigrid's not-so-subtle tendencies to be... well, loud. He let out a laugh upon hearing how she spoke and seeing how she dressed, before leaning forward and placing his hands on his knees to meet eye level with her.

"Woah, dood. That's like... a really cool costume." Soos said with a wide smile. However, his mind began to wander, which led to Soos gasping in surprise as he proceeded to think of something. "Unless... that's not a costume, and you're some weird little tiny little knight girl dood! Am I right there?" He asked, pausing for a moment as he gazed down at her with a smile.

"Tell me I'm right, dood."

FoolsErin FoolsErin
With her split tail swishing behind her, Julie had started getting impatient. Groups had started forming, people were making conversations, but they had lost the focus completely. Urgh, humans! As always, she'd have to do it all herself again, why couldn't anyone just use their brains for once in their lives??!

Rolling her eyes at no one in particular, yet all of them, the Siamese got herself back up, taking graceful, stealthy steps in the direction of the entrance of the shack. Waiting hadn't proven to harbor her any results, so it was time for a plan B: Manipulation. Use one of them to do exactly what she wanted them to do, without them noticing it.

Peeking inside the room, she let out a loud, low pitched sound, intending to get the attention of anyone inside:


The call echoed through the room as the cat had her sights on a singular person. A little brunette human-kit wearing a colorful sweater, that seemed entertained with some raw pork for... some reason. No really, just eat it. It's full of delicious meat and useful fat.

"Hey, you! The girl in the sweater! May I have a moment with you please?", Julie called after her, waiting patiently by the door as she watched her approach, "I need a favour...", she set her tail down, around on her body and motioned with a front paw lowering her ears a bit, "I'm looking for the male human, about your age and height. Would it be too much to either request for you to bring him to me or guide me until him? I have something of extreme importance to ask."

"You see...", the Siamese's ears went further down as an expression of distress filled her face, "I'm not very good with crowds...", she put her paw down, as if drawing with it on the floor as her gaze followed its movements, "And it's a new building, in an unfamiliar place, I'm so so scared of getting myself lost, or worse!"

A half-lie. She didn't like multitudes because too many people meant too many hands, grabbing and pulling at her lovely, lustrous, well-cared fur. And the getting lost part... Pfffft, since when did a feline get lost indoors?

"So, your assistance would be very reassuring to me... What was it again? Mabel... Pines?"

With a flick of her tail and raising her ears back up slightly, the Nekomata let out with a satisfied purr:

"You may call me Julie~"

Last edited:
Mabel was having quite a bit of fun, watching Waddles stare into Mr. Tuxedo’s soul. It could easily become one of her favorite games. However, at the sound of a loud "MrroooooOOOOOOoooooooow!!!", Mabel turned her attention toward the door to find a beautiful Siamese cat with a split tail. The child gasped in awe and hurried over. “Aren’t you just the cutest!” She exclaimed, reaching to pet the precious wittle kitty. She was meeting so many animals today! Only to have her hand stop mid-way when the feline spoke. “A male human...about my age and height...hmmm…” Mabel thought about that for a moment. “Gideon is smaller than me, so he probably won’t do. Robbie is way older, and way taller…” she squished her mouth around as she thought. Her attention being pulled away from her helpful thoughts as the darling little cat continued with her woeful explanation. “Oh, don’t worry!” The child comforted. “Everyone here is weird, but they seem really nice so far,” Mabel clearly hadn’t been paying attention to the shattered window, the throwing of merchandise, and the yelling of Grunkle Stan and the others. “Okay, let’s look around and try to find someone you’re looking for.” Her eyes swept around the room as she searched for a male, about her age and height.

( thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ) ( Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun ) ( Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch )
As soon as the cat approached, Waddles' head cocked to the side as he examined it with his Pig Vision. Then, as it stepped closer, Waddles let out a loud "SQUUEEEEEEEEEE!!!" and hightailed right on over to the other end of the room, before laying down in the corner, tucking his ears down, and shaking profusely.


yeah, your manipulation tactics may work on mabel, but waddles knows better...

waddles knows.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Nightwisher Nightwisher
The Doom Marine


I growled in irritation when Stan said he didn’t understand what I meant. At the very least he could have understood me balling my hands as a threat. Was this man more dense than a Baron’s thighs? Would I have to actually draw in the ground to get my point across? I might as well leave this area since it appeared no one understood what I was trying to say or kept trying to fight me. Nonetheless, I threw the broom up into a nearby tree, startling a flock of birds into raining down poop in the local area. Thankfully, neither me nor the blonde were close enough to be splattered by it.

The blonde man also had the audacity to jab me in the arm after I went through the trouble of saving his ass. My, how rude. However, his tone when he spoke was far more light than earlier. Maybe he was grateful? The jab could have been playful somehow. The blonde then extended his hand in what I presumed to be a peace offering. If not, I couldn’t see any weapons primed to strike nor magic crackling around his palm.

Either way, I gave a huff to communicate my displease. If he was trying to peace out, he would have to make up for tossing those metal plates at me. Seriously, he could have gotten hurt if I had chosen to aim for the head or fight him. Perhaps he can apologize to Stan for whatever he did to make up for it.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore archur archur
The situation didn’t seem to remedy itself, it just devolved into more incoherent screaming, rambling and all in all bullshit. He turned to the two other soldier looking blokes, “These people don’t look like they can help, civilians at best, we should splinter off and make our own group. With that shadman too he looks capable. One of them is a fucking talking horse!” Strelok said to them, he just wasn’t interested in being involved in gathering sand this shit was insane.

Chungchangching Chungchangching Sleek Sleek Zamasu Zamasu

She was shocked that the space marine had just decided to flee like that.


she muttered before turning to the strange girl that had just leaned onto her.

"I'm CZ"

she replied to the perky girl in a bleak and explicitly monotonous tone. The girl looked
human enough but she didn't feel human maybe she was similar to CZ.
CZ was confused.
She had never heard of such an organisation in her world. Maybe there were more like her in this 'Valhalla'
Jeremiah Jeremiah

A man in thick armour had just jumped outta the shack.

"Ma'am there appears to be an armoured man on the run"

"I can see that, Pod"

"should we pursue?"

2B went after the armour clad marine. He was being chased by a blonde human.
Having followed the pair for a while they stopped only for the blonde to be assaulted
by an old man...Definitely brings back flashbacks of the last old man that she encountered.
She came right up and next to Doomguy studying his armour meticulously. It must be some
kind of miracle for someone to run that fast in such heavy looking armour.
Critic Ham Critic Ham archur archur

Miguel couldn’t hold back from going inside this “Mystery Shack” any longer. He looked towards the group and gave a nod before he headed toward the “Mystery Shack”. He was very curious about this place and, once he was close enough, he walked inside. What was inside was almost even more strange and bizarre than what was going on outside. It was a bit crowded, yes, but that wasn’t the strange part. There were oddities everywhere you looked, some things that he had never seen before. Not to mention that many of the beings with in the Shack didn’t appear human in the least.

“What is this place?” he asked out loud as he stood there in bewilderment and wonder.

Topless Topless Veradana Veradana Nightwisher Nightwisher Hercynia Hercynia SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 Everyone Everyone in the Mystery Shack

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