Soap MacTavish
"You know, I can agree with you on that one." I say to Strelok. This group is getting more and more shittier the more I hang out with them. Hell, those two guys are like the only normal blokes that I can hang out with. But then again, I am starting to get too considerate. But maybe it would be for the best for the three of us who are more capable in performing in the battlefield.
Yeah, sorry Strelok.
"But as much as I like to get away from these shitheads, we probably have no choice but to stick around. Besides, they all seemed to be capable people, but only a few of them are complete nonces." I say.

Zerulu Zerulu Sleek Sleek Chungchangching Chungchangching
Frank West
Interactions: Open

Mentions: Centurion_ Centurion_


Frank allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief once he saw the lady remove her hands from her face and ease up. He was still trying to comprehend what kind of loopy-land he had just entered in the last five or so minutes, but he told himself that it was probably better to just pretend that none of that terribly embarrassing encounter ever happened. He saw the lady take his offered hand, and then speak:

"My name is Darkness... I'm an adventurer of the crusader class, nice to meet you." Frank wasn’t going to pretend he understood what any of that meant - what she meant by a Crusader class, or how being an adventurer is her job - if you can say you’re an adventurer for a living, then Frank sure should be getting paid a whole lot more. He figured that it was best to ask those questions later, as he made an attempt to help her up.

"And it's - argh, whoaaaa!" Frank exclaimed, as he unexpectedly felt an uncanny amount of pulling force being exerted on his arm as Darkness helped to lift herself up - from a combination of the weight of pulling her, presumably from the armour she was wearing, and her sheer shocking strength, Frank found himself quickly losing balance. In a bid to not knock himself out, Frank too began pulling towards him to counteract the force Darkness was exerting towards her and to lift her from the ground, but, in doing so, only served to tip the already off-balance reporter over the edge, and once Darkness had gotten to her feet, Frank ended up tumbling down on his back.

A pleasure... to meet you too. Frank finished, propping himself up with one arm as he attempted to compose himself and pick himself back up.

Sorry, just... wasn’t expecting that. You’re pretty strong...” Frank breathed, exasperated and more than a little bit shocked.​
Stan nodded slowly as he was handed the merchandise back, taking it all in his hands and nodding. "Thank you. See, was that really so--"


Before Stan could even finish his retort, a giant, white ball of bird poo fell right down from the sky and landed right on his shoulder. It slid down his shoulder blade, before dripping onto the ground, leaving a white stain on his shoulder that dripped down the right side of his suit.


"...I hate you." Stan said towards the cause of the incident, Doomguy, in a resentful, harsh voice. Without another word, Stan turned and walked off in the other direction, making his way towards the Shack.

"Oh, hey Mister Pines!" Soos exclaimed with a wave, before noticing the strange white stain on his suit pointing at it. "Is that white ice cream on your shoulder?' Soos asked, though Stan didn't reply and instead just opened the door and made his way inside the wooden building of mystery.

"Don't even say anything, Corduroy." Stan said as he passed Wendy, not even sparing a glance towards her as he did so. He passed Mabel, Julie, Waddles, and Sans as well, still remaining silent as he simply opened up the door to his room and entered it before slamming it shut behind him.

"...okay seriously doods, where's the ice cream? Because I want some."

Critic Ham Critic Ham archur archur Nightwisher Nightwisher

Achilles's eyes followed the broom as it arced upwards into a tree, scaring the birds. This stranger must be a man of great strength. He hadn't seen somebody like that since he had met Hercules, but that man was made of muscle, and only muscle. Was this stranger's armor blessed or something?

The important thing here was that the stranger didn't really accept his handshake, and huffed at him instead. Fine, he supposed that a little bit of attitude would follow if he had a few things thrown at him, even if it was done in the faith of the ungrateful store owner, who had the audacity to beat him over the head. He furrowed his brow, and watched as the single white glob of fecal matter slid down the man's shoulder. He stifled a snort, and burst into laughter as he left.

"Ζητώ συγγνώμη για τη συζήτηση του δίσκου, υποθέτω ότι κλέβετε." (Sorry for the disk-throwing. I thought you were stealing.) He had a suspicious look about him suddenly. "Δεν κλέβες, έτσι; Ακόμα κι αν δεν μου αρέσει αυτός ο γέρος, δεν μπορώ να εγκρίνω τέτοιες ενέργειες." (You weren't stealing, right? Even if I don't like this old man, I can't condone such actions.) His gaze softened. Of course not, he had come to stop the old man from beating him over the head.

Then, some bizarrely dressed, black clad courtesan had come to inspect his new friend, Stranger.

"Μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω? Χρειάζεται να αφαιρεθεί η μάσκα;" (Can I help you? Do you need your blindfold removed?) He said. It was often back at home that he would be surrounded by women seeking to accompany him, but he was trying to get to know this Stranger, not waste all his money on women.

Critic Ham Critic Ham 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
@ShadGang Zerulu Zerulu @ Crow Crow

Shadman, the Controversy Artist
"Now that's just racist." Shad joked, commenting on Strelok's aggression against Luna. Look, he dislikes MLP much as the next guy but Luna wasn't that bad as a person. She's kind of adorable if he was being honest, she doesn't even know what swear words are but then again, that's to be expected from her since she's suppose to be part of a family-friendly show but all of the other guys belonged to mature stuff like Call of Duty or S.T.A.L.K.E.R, he doesn't really play those games but he knows the names or is familiar enough with the series to name the characters, more people seemed to join the group and now he's wondering what he should call it, ShadGang, maybe? But he isn't the leader so that might be a bit weird but he's calling it ShadGang because it sounds cool. He can see it already, being the poster child of the group despite being the most "Normal" person in this group, can he even call himself normal? Well, he's normal enough, he guesses. No fancy powers and all that "Chosen One" crap.​

  • "Haha~ Watch yourself!" Darkness giggles innocently as the man falls due to being unaccustomed to her strength and weight. Frank really reminded her of Kazuma from first impressions, he was clearly a pervert, clumsy, but overall a friendly and nice guy. She felt like she would really get along with this man until she could figure out exactly what was happening here and where her party members and friends had gone off to.

    She gave him a warm smile and this time offered her hand to him as he attempted to pick himself up. “Sorry, just... wasn’t expecting that. You’re pretty strong...” Frank commented, instantly wiping the smile from Darkness' face. Her expression turned blank, almost displeased and unimpressed by his remark. "It is rude to call me strong, I am a woman. You were probably just put off by the weight of my armor, not my muscles or such." She responds, still offering a helping hand.


    "Anyways, do you have any clue where any of my party members have gone?" She questions. "There's a boy who wears a green cape and has scruffy brown hair, a loud blue-haired priestess and a kid in wizard's clothing, have you seen any of them?" The knight continued, trying to fathom what the current situation was.

    Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins

586912 Hearing Felix's question,Prompto looked at the other guy,opening his mouth to explain the definition of "video games"......only to realise that unlike Ignis,he's pretty bad at explaining it without making it sound a lot more confusing.

“Yeah uh....I think it's going to be a little complicated if I tried explaining it,my dude.”

Miguel,after introducing himself,had asked if they wanted to check out the shack alongside him. The gunslinger nodded in acceptance.

“It's probably gonna be kinda awkward for me since it's a shack belonging to some guy who chewed me out for nearly taking a photo.”

Prompto laughed nervously,trying the lighten the mood.

Tropicalpeacock Tropicalpeacock Nightwisher Nightwisher Hercynia Hercynia Topless Topless Verdana Verdana
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch

Benedict, just pondering what happened, shook his head, “Ah, Josh, these people have forced my hand to do something I really don’t want to do...” Benedict stood up in the lobby, and made a loud honk, “WHERE IS STAN!”​

She was shocked that the space marine had just decided to flee like that.


she muttered before turning to the strange girl that had just leaned onto her.

"I'm CZ"

she replied to the perky girl in a bleak and explicitly monotonous tone. The girl looked
human enough but she didn't feel human maybe she was similar to CZ.
CZ was confused.
She had never heard of such an organisation in her world. Maybe there were more like her in this 'Valhalla'


"I asked for your name, not your initials, honey!" Dorothy giggled, "Kidding, kidding. It's memorable!" she complimented CZ with a smile that shimmered, "I'm Dorothy," she introduced herself, reaching under her hairband for a card to hand CZ. It appeared to be a business card, complete with Dorothy's name and face on the front, and her various service fees on the back. A sticker labelled 'Mega Santa Roleplay' was hastily plastered at the bottom of the list, "Dorothy Haze~"

"Valhalla?" CZ had asked Dorothy.

"You sound confused, honey. It's the name of the bar we're both in," Dorothy confidently explained, quite obviously unaware of her unusual circumstances,
"VA-11 Hall-A is a bit of a mouthful teehee~ so everyone just calls it Valhalla!"

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B @thenutshack

  • View attachment 583678

    Sarah pinched the cigarette in between her lips and threw it to the side, stepping on it.

    It was pure chaos both inside the mystery shack, not to mention outside.

    Her annoyance at the situation, grew however.

    Plus not to mention a .. what the hell... a TALKING PONY?

    She just hung around, taking bites of food she had left in her bag.

    While having a gun slung over her back.

    She went back inside the lobby and just stood back, watching the crowds for anything that caught her eye.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

[tab=Inventory/Status ][tab=Tab]

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[div class=wrapperDiv][div class=bigHeader]CHRONOLOGY SERIES[/div]
[div class=header]DELSIN ROWE[/div]
[div class="avatarImage"][/div]LOCATION: Outside Mystery Shack

[div style="font-size:9px; font-style: italic; text-align:center"]Code by QizPizza[/div]​
[div class=tabWrapper][div class=tab style="border-top-left-radius: 5px;"]POST[/div][/div][div class="tabsContent tabsPost"]
INTERACTIONS: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Cole MacGrath)
MENTIONS: thefinalgirl thefinalgirl (Valentine) 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (CZ)

Delsin woke up in a daze face down on a dirt path. Where the heck was he? He had a couple of drinks last night with Fetch and Eugene...and that was all he remembered. The young man wasn't that much of a drinker that he would blackout. Besides, he wasn't having a hangover... Or did being a Conduit mean that he didn't get hangovers. But if that's true, doesn't that mean he shouldn't be able to get blackout drunk? So many questions, so little answers. But honestly, he couldn't have absorbed the powers of another Conduit, cause he'd be feeling tingly and jacked up. Also, he would remember who he got his powers from and their past. This was whack...

The Conduit finally decided to stop kissing the dirt and pushed himself off the ground to take a good look at where he was. Some kind of forested area like the Pacific Coast, so he can't have gone too far from Seattle, could he? A few turns of his head later, he got a bit more information. He, and a whole slew of different people, were right outside a tourist trap-looking place called the Mystery Shack. That kind of name just screamed a gimmicky ploy to scam you of your money.

As he scoped the others out, it seemed like no one else knew what the heck was going on. Overall confusion and tension seemed to fill the area around the "Mystery Shack". As the seconds passed, despite everyone being ridiculously different from each other, there were already little groups forming. Well damn. Delsin didn't want to be left out and be a loner, now did he? He should find someone to hang with and figure out where the heck they were. But who to join? Maybe tag along with a couple hot chicks and get a couple of numbers? That sounded like plan.
Unfortunately, the lack of "hot chicks" to choose from put a damper in his plans. If they weren't animals or underaged, they they didn't look like they were in the best mental state. Seriously, who dresses like a hooker in a nurse costume or wears camo with a maid outfit in broad daylight? Whelp, Plan B is to find a normal dude to hang out with so the Conduit could be somewhat sane.

He shifted a bit on his feet before he started milling about. All hope was being lost until he saw one man with a crew cut wearing a white shirt, track pants, and some kind of two pronged metal stick on his back. That seemed strangely familiar to Delsin, why did he saw this man before? Walking around to get a view of the man's face, the Conduit only felt more frustrated as he struggled to remember who the man was. That guy was probably someone he saved? Or was he some kind of celebrity look alike? ... Wait...celebrity...Delsin saw this guy's face on TV some time ago...he was called Noel, right? No. Crow? No. Cole? Yeah...Yeah! Cole MacGrath was his name. But why was he important again? Pssh, doesn't matter. Can't have been that important.

Delsin walks up to this Cole guy, arguably one of the most normal looking people here, and points at him with both of his index fingers, "Cole MacGrath, right? You were on TV once right? I'm pretty sure you were, but it's been a while... Anyways, you got any idea where we are? This isn't exactly Seattle, is it?"
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For the sake of her pleasant persona disguise, Julie allowed herself to be pet by the female human-kit, going as far as raising her head slightly so that the soft creme fur of her neck was now for easy access to the girl's pink flesh paws. While being manuseated wasn't really of the cat's liking, the praise however had just hit the spot, with the Siamese letting out a confident, ego-stroked purr, posing boastlingly at the child.

"Oh my, thank you for recognizing it~", her voice beamed with pride in a sing-a-song, "It takes a lot of care to have one's fur this lustrous and soft to the touch, it's good to have my efforts noticed by somebody else."

As girl rambled to herself trying to figure out just who the Nekomata had been asking about, Julie had let out a mischievous grin, turning her attention to the frightened raw pork that had been shaking on a corner. Not losing the opportunity that had presented itself, the cat-youkai gave the animal a bloodthirsty glare, one that on the presence of her magic, would have caused her irises to light up as if internally ablaze with blue fire, a sight that few could handle without having their hairs stand on end. Luckily for the pet swine, her powers were absent, so the glare hadn't truly been all that it could have been.

Independent of its reaction, Julie would be looking as innocent as ever when Mabel had once more addressed her, any evidence of her tease towards the pig gone as if with the wind:

"You have my eternal gratitude, human child, really~ I'm very lucky to have come across such a nice, gentle soul like you!", the cat put one of its front paws to her chest, making the gesture the most genuine as possible, as if she had been truly relieved about it, "Would you mind it if I hopped onto your shoulder for this little treasure hunt? It's hard seeing anything from such a disadvantaged perspective such as mine currently is...", her gaze had fallen to the wooden that composed the floor, "Especially if we're looking for another human! Everything is just... so tall-looking from here in the ground, you know..."

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  • View attachment 583678

    Sarah pinched the cigarette in between her lips and threw it to the side, stepping on it.

    It was pure chaos both inside the mystery shack, not to mention outside.

    Her annoyance at the situation, grew however.

    Plus not to mention a .. what the hell... a TALKING PONY?

    She just hung around, taking bites of food she had left in her bag.

    While having a gun slung over her back.

    She went back inside the lobby and just stood back, watching the crowds for anything that caught her eye.​

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • View attachment 586349
    The man in old fashioned fatigues was busy looking back at Sarah and then back around their location for anything else to piece out anything about this place. So far all the information they'd picked up was that there was a man named Soss, two kids running aroud, another woman and a few others.

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--Whisper the Wolf--
@BoltBeam Rysesaka Rysesaka @outsidetheshackgang {Open For Interaction}

Whisper begins to follow Tenshi back to the Shack, yet glanced back at Kawhi when he said he needs to stay back and get some fresh air for a while. It must be tiring walking around in literal circles when expected to find something else.

"Stay safe." Whisper muttered to the man before turning around and following Tenshi towards the Shack where she first woke up and hid behind the tree. The travel wouldn't take too long as she'd imagine she didn't walk too far. Minutes later, they'd arrived at what would be a clearing with a somewhat small house named the 'Mystery Shack' told by a large sign. The 'S' of the Shack seems to have fallen off at one point, leaving it below the sign, above the rooftop. There seems to be less people here, perhaps they have entered the Shack already?

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
@themystery(nut)shack thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
{Open For Interaction}

Hiryu's search was pointless; the boy couldn't be found anywhere. Not even the room in the attic, nor anywhere else. Perhaps he misjudged? Regardless, Hiryu has to simply wait it out and find the child at one point. With arms crossed, the asian seemingly stared at the group near the counter, observing them...
Frank West
Interactions: Open

Mentions: Centurion_ Centurion_ ,


Even though Frank had an irrational concern that, when he did so, she may accidentally pull too hard, yank him off the ground and fling him into the air, he took hold of Darkness’ hand as soon as she offered it and began to help himself off of the ground - he kind of looked like an idiot trying to gather himself from the floor alone, anyway.

He muttered a “thanks” as he caught his breath and got to his feet, only to look back up at Darkness and to see that her previously happy expression had washed away, now wearing an expression of displeasure - Frank would even say that she was a little annoyed. This gave Frank pause, with his own expression becoming once again confused, anxious as to what he screwed this time.

"It is rude to call me strong, I am a woman. You were probably just put off by the weight of my armor, not my muscles or such."

Yikes. Okay. Never saying that again.

Oh. Okay. Nevermind, then?” Frank didn’t quite know how to respond to that - he was, once again, taken by surprise by Darkness. This lady sure was a character - it bewildered him as to why anyone would take being called strong as an insult, and he was still unsure as to what her deal was with being hit, but, besides their embarrassing introduction, Frank thought hey, at least she’s a step up from the zombies.

Anyways,” she began, “do you have any clue where any of my party members have gone?" Frank paused, listening closely as he stroked his chin in an attempt to help refresh his memory.

There's a boy who wears a green cape and has scruffy brown hair, a loud blue-haired priestess and a kid in wizard's clothing, have you seen any of them?"

Sorry,” Frank said sheepishly, offering a sympathetic shrug. “I wish I had, but I’ve been here all of five minutes. I sure took a look at the others around us, but... I can’t really say I’ve seen anyone like them.

Maybe at a costume party, he’d seen them - he would wonder who in their right mind would dress like that, but once he remembered the jacked fish and the countless people dressed in full-body combat armour, one even from ancient Troy, he concluded that those people would probably, by comparison, be some of the most normal-looking people here.

But hey,” Frank continued, raising up one finger. “It sure wouldn’t be surprising if they were here, somewhere. Look around you - all of these guys are here. Can you remember if you were with them before you got here?” Frank inquired. If she got here the same way he did - that is, by spontaneously fainting - then it couldn’t be a coincidence. Maybe her party members were affected by it, too.

If they weren’t, then it’d be kind of awkward for her to explain to them where she went.

Maybe they’re somewhere around all these characters, or maybe inside the shack.”​
The Doom Marine


Stan gave me the most murderous glare a human could after a gloop of poop exploded on his shoulder. It splattered all over his shoulder staining the suit with white. It dripped down just to add insult to injury. Stan said he hated me. I merely shrugged. Get in line with at least a dozen Hell Lords and Princes. After he stated that, Stan stormed away.

I turned to the blonde when he began speaking. I unfortunately still couldn’t understand what he was saying. Perhaps if Vega was alive he could translate. However, I still understood expressions. The blonde expressed suspicion and being offended though his gaze did soften. He directed his gaze when a female human walked into our surroundings. Her own gaze fell upon me in a studious fashion.

I tilted my head at her upon seeing a small machine floating by her. A weapon was strapped to her back and she wore a black dress. Her hair seemed to be an unusually light color for a human. Yet again I just did witness several beings with unusual hair colorations so maybe it was a thing from her world. Interestingly, a blindfold was wrapped around her face. Despite that, she navigated just fine. Hm, could it have something to do with the little machine?

I began gesturing with my hands, asking who she was and why she wore a blindfold yet could move without trouble. Third time a charm right?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore archur archur 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
[class name=pkmn]color: #FDD001; text-shadow:
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[div class=pkmn2]Pichu!

[div class=pkmn2]STATUS


[div class=pkmn2]INVENTORY/POWERS

- None..?

[div class=pkmn2]MUSIC

None, as of yet!
The broken window. A few screams from the shack. A busted door. It was all the more justification for Pichu to have exited the Shack, of course before things started to escalate, if only by a bit. That said, he didn’t want to let go from Isabelle, who had introduced herself, and since he was willing to trust her in earnest, he nodded.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DapperDogman DapperDogman Birb Birb SheepKing SheepKing FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

"Oh, stop it! You're gonna make me blush!" Mabel replied, throwing up her arm and waving it down to emphasize her words. When Julie asked if she could hop on Mabel's shoulder, she let out a gasp. "Well of COURSE you can hop on my shoulder! I'd have to be crazy not to let some strange talking cat I just met do that!" Mabel exclaimed, sounding one-hundred percent genuine in her comment as she proceeded to kneel down and offer her shoulder up to the cat to jump on. Once she was safely secured there, Mabel balled up her fist and rose her arm out in front of her. "Now ONWARDS, Julie!" She shouted, before running right out of the room with the cat on her shoulder as she set out to find the boy she was looking for.

oh and waddles was too focused on his pant to worry about julie's mean glare.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Back at the counter, Wendy had grown bored of texting on her phone and began simply looking around the room slowly, palm in her hand and the fingers of the other idly drumming against the store counter. As she did so, she noticed Hiryu just kinda... standing there, silently, for no real reason. From what she understood, he was the Asian that made Stan freak out earlier, and in general she was pretty bored and didn't feel like talking to some of these... well quite frankly, Wendy didn't even know what half these things were. So, she pushed herself up from the counter and casually waltzed over to him, hands shoved in her pockets.


"Yo dude, I just wanted to say that was a mad prank you pulled on Stan earlier, making him think you were gonna take over the Shack with all those skeletons and junk." She said with a smirk as she offered the man a fist bump. "I saw the whole thing from the camera I've got connected to my phone."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod


This tiny Persian continues to parade around her overconfident act, and, much to my chagrin, it does not amuse me. What crime have I committed against this tailed animal for her to act so brashly? Time and time again does she condescendingly refer to me as a 'canine.' I do not believe that is another word for god or Legendary Pokemon. There are this many inquiries to propose, yet the pursuit to get this prideful... thing to answer them all would most likely end fruitless. Once again, I close my eyes, taking one deep breath.

"Miss Luckett," I begin. "I do not understand who planted this seed of harshness in your mind. Please, let us set aside this aggression for just a moment." Opening my eyes, I proceed to answer her own question. "I am Zacian, Galar's Sword."

A sudden click tears my attention away from 'Miss Luckett' and instead draws it to the human with the camera. That box with entrails made of copper are capable of making likewise noises- I have heard it many times in the newborn moons. "By the Elders, human, could you perhaps make a request before you point that machine to me?" I ask him in a kind voice; much gentler than my voice when I called all the creatures to attention. However, I quickly turn away from the small act of mischief, tilting my head in curiosity when the human offers to investigate the 'hut.' This must be another name for the 'Mystery Shack.' "Yes, that may prove useful to our understanding of how we were brought here."

My eyes are then brought to the troll. He speaks of 'getting out of the sun.' "Does Solgaleo's radiance burn you, troll? You seem to squirm while basking in the light. If that is the case, I must apologize for lulling you out of the shadows." I bow my head deeply and respectfully. Then, three loud cracks of thunder ring out, turning me towards the source: a white haired... black dress clad... human? "Raikou's footsteps..." I mutter aloud. "It is rather horrifying that humans have harnessed such a sound and power..."



Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Julie)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins (Frank West)
Birb Birb (Epsilo)


2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B (2B)​
Epsilo Gamman


You barely smile... but it was a smile!!

“Uhhhhh so uhhhhh.. what about you Isabelle.... and uh... Kay.... and.... small... wolf thing... lusus...... I mean the sun thing... uh... I mean I’ve never been in sunlight really... I mean on my home planet it’s like.... really hot.... anyone who goes out gets burnt to a crisp and yeah... it’s not as hot here but... it’s still sorta bad I guess...”

You feel a bit more happy now... being in a group... it was safer..

SheepKing SheepKing DapperDogman DapperDogman marc122 marc122 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

  • Johnson grunted when Luna said she wanted to lead. Frankly, princess or no, Johnson felt like he had more sense. But it wouldn't do any good to argue that point right now. If Luna wasn't capable, Johnson would step up. The fish, a pair of....lovebirds, a talking cat, all seemed to join Johnson's little band of misfits. There was a commotion inside the shack, and Johnson hadn't the faintest idea of what it was, but considering it didn't sound dangerous, he wasn't gonna step in just yet.

    "Alright. So, pair of nudists, one bodybuilding salmon, art class flunkie, a living, breathing, cartoon, and Garfield's emo cousin. this group sounds like it's getting better and better!"

    Johnson said, jokingly as he took another drag on the Cigar. This situation seemed to get stranger and stranger, but until something of note, besides more people showing up, happened, Johnson would just relax to the side, with Shadman.

    "With all due respect, your magicfullness, you ever lead troops?"

    He said, as after a second thought, he wasn't sure he was comfortable trusting overall decisions being made by someone who looked like they spent hours in some pony salon getting hair extensions.
Soap MacTavish
"You know, I can agree with you on that one." I say to Strelok. This group is getting more and more shittier the more I hang out with them. Hell, those two guys are like the only normal blokes that I can hang out with. But then again, I am starting to get too considerate. But maybe it would be for the best for the three of us who are more capable in performing in the battlefield.
Yeah, sorry Strelok.
"But as much as I like to get away from these shitheads, we probably have no choice but to stick around. Besides, they all seemed to be capable people, but only a few of them are complete nonces." I say.

Zerulu Zerulu Sleek Sleek Chungchangching Chungchangching
@ShadGang Zerulu Zerulu @ Crow Crow

Shadman, the Controversy Artist
View attachment 586641
"Now that's just racist." Shad joked, commenting on Strelok's aggression against Luna. Look, he dislikes MLP much as the next guy but Luna wasn't that bad as a person. She's kind of adorable if he was being honest, she doesn't even know what swear words are but then again, that's to be expected from her since she's suppose to be part of a family-friendly show but all of the other guys belonged to mature stuff like Call of Duty or S.T.A.L.K.E.R, he doesn't really play those games but he knows the names or is familiar enough with the series to name the characters, more people seemed to join the group and now he's wondering what he should call it, ShadGang, maybe? But he isn't the leader so that might be a bit weird but he's calling it ShadGang because it sounds cool. He can see it already, being the poster child of the group despite being the most "Normal" person in this group, can he even call himself normal? Well, he's normal enough, he guesses. No fancy powers and all that "Chosen One" crap.​

"I have enough experience with my fraction of the Royal Guard," Luna replies, "will that suffice for an answer?"

She then looks towards Shadman, thinking about something. "Is something the matter, Shadman?"

Meanwhile, the sleeping, stinky NEET falls back to the ground, before proceeding to wrap her arms around the thighs of both Dorothy and the recently-arrived Kanna, hugging them tightly and closer to her face and doing so in the middle of the former's conversation.

"You both are my new friends~ teeheehee~..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Damafaud Chungchangching Chungchangching Crow Crow @Illiyasviel Von Einzbern @Sayo-Nara Sleek Sleek Ineptitude Ineptitude @etcetcetc


Jeremiah Jeremiah Topless Topless 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B

(Stinky NEET)​

  • Frank didn't apologize after Darkness pointed out that his comment about her strength was rude, she had expected him to apologize for what she and her aristocratic background would've believed to poor mannerisms and a rude remark but instead he simple shrugged it off. She blushed a little, whether he genuinely was confused about what just happened or not Darkness cared little for. The disrespect of not getting an apology was good enough for her, so she had little interest in hassling the man to squeeze any more rude remarks out of him. They'd only just met.

    But what Frank did apologize for was actually important and useful in understanding the situation the two were in. She wore a frown of concern upon hearing that Frank hadn't seen ANYONE from her party. She had at least expected him to of seen Aqua at least being loud or annoying nearby, and speaking of which she took a quick look around her to see that there were no carriages anywhere. "Where are they...?" she mutters to herself as she looks around whilst Frank continues.

    Something was wrong, she could feel it in her gut. This definitely wasn't one of those twisted feelings that the masochist would feel glee from but rather a deep pull of unease about the situation. "I went to sleep in a carriage headed to the city of Alcanretia with the rest of my party members." She tells him, answering his question and shedding some light on the situation. She begins to ponder and analyse all of the current factors despite the lack of information.


    "This is a bad situation, something is very wrong here." She informs the man. "If this was a joke from my friend Kazuma to get back at me, he wouldn't do something as bad as leaving me in an unfamiliar town for me to find my way to Alcanretia alone. Whilst that sounds like a wonderful experience, his heart is not that cold and that shameful man wouldn't want to visit a hot spring without me." The girl continues. "I have been on the road to Alcanretia many times and never has there been a forest like this anywhere close to much of the road there, we must've gone extremely off-course if we were to of ended up in a place like this."

    The crusader placed a hand on her hip and looked around at the other faces that surrounded them. "Some of these races I've never even seen or heard of before, some of the clothing; even yours is like the strange clothing that Kazuma used to hide from us and if we had taken far off-course there would be at least one carriage somewhere or one of my party members would've woke me up." Darkness clarifies. "We should investigate the shack, if we cannot find my friends there then something could be very wrong and we should prepare for any kind of danger." She concluded. Despite her mannerisms and strange behavior, when it came down to it Darkness was always a reliable person who could do well in a multitude of situations. Her intelligence from her rich upbringing allowed her to problem-solve better than most when her mind wasn't clouded with thoughts of erotic behavior and masochism. She nods at Frank, gesturing for him to take the lead with a serious and determined look on her face.

    Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @themystery(nut)shack mention: T The Man With No Name
{Open For Interaction}

As Hiryu observed the party, he noticed what appears to be a young woman--about the same age as Hiryu himself, getting closer. Soon enough, the woman appeared to praise him from the 'prank' he performed when he first went into the shack. It wasn't really a prank, but an accidental one.

"It wasn't my intention." Hiryu told the woman calmly with a sigh, "I didn't even knew that skeleton was there to begin with..." He then thought of something--perhaps this woman knows what's going on with them...But it's too early for that, so he'll first ask the obvious. "Also, where is this place anyway? It doesn't look anywhere near Tokyo nor anywhere I've been to." He asked, wanting to know where he'd woken up. Considering he didn't listen before and was focused on finding the child who knows what's going on, it's a question he wants answered.

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