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Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

Cherrywitch said:
"Incident?" The blonde looked up with an arched brow as he took the folders, cautiously sitting down as directed. "Well, what was the incident? Did one of the students attack another?" Jackson could easily see something like that happen. With all those clashing personalities and species, something was bound to go down.


@ anyone open, I have Calypso open.
"No. We had outside forces try to attack the school. The students pulled together after knowing each other for only a few hours. We need to hire more teachers and such to help keep the school secure" She adjusted her cuffs as Mr Benajamin enterd the room "Uh and this will be the man helping you" She said motioning towards him.

"Hello, Pleasure to meet you" He leaned forwards and held out a hand.

Trust said:
Priscilla practically froze up at the appearance of the second person, spending years up a mountain hadn't exactly helped her social skills. "I-I..." She managed to get out before staring at the bench as if her life depended on it
Alex stood up as one of the girls from his class came over. She was a rather small blonde haired girl. Takara was her name...he thinks.

"Uh good good" He said stretching slightly "Takara right?" he asked tilting his head slightly.
A new figure would approach the school grounds carefully. They were currently wearing a large hoodie and gym pants, making it hard to distinguish its gender. Both are dark grey in color, though the inside of the hoodie seems to be more black, both rather featureless as well. A satchel hung against its right hip, held in place by a strap slung across its right shoulder. The satchel is black, with a grey undertone to it. On the figure's right shoulder rests a strange creature, a small wyvern with dark grey fur, indigo scales, and canine ears on the sides of its head. It seems to be rather comfortable where it was, and even seem to enjoy being with the figure.

If nothing would stop it, the figure would turn towards the park, either to be alone or see what it had to offer.

(OOC Note: I am not too aware of where the entrance of the school is, so I'll let others decide if they spot my character or not for the moment.)

Jackson looked questioning, but turned and stood up respectfully as the man came in. "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Jackson Nellwood. I'm going to be your student teacher." He flashed his pearly whites as he shook the man's hand.

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Cherrywitch said:
Jackson looked questioning, but turned and stood up respectfully as the man came in. "Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Jackson Nellwood. I'm going to be your student teacher." He flashed his pearly whites as he shook the man's hand.

"Ah. Another bright mind to help mold the future" Said Mr Benjamin letting go of his hand and tacking a seat next to him.

"My name is Torque Benjamin. You may call me whatever you please but when we are around the students i ask that you call me Mr Benjamin"

He smiled kindly at the young man as he adjusted himself in his chair.

"I wouldn't think to call you otherwise." The blonde laughed lightly, turning back to the woman. "Is there anything else I should know...?" Jackson led on, expecting more shocking information.

Blacknife said:
Alex stood up as one of the girls from his class came over. She was a rather small blonde haired girl. Takara was her name...he thinks.
"Uh good good" He said stretching slightly "Takara right?" he asked tilting his head slightly.
"Ah... Yes... That is us. We saw you two talking at we thought that maybe we could join in on the conversation." Takara smiled friendly.
Tiagirl001 said:
"Ah... Yes... That is us. We saw you two talking at we thought that maybe we could join in on the conversation." Takara smiled friendly.
Alex tilted his head slightly "Um..what do you mean by we?" ale leaned side ways trying to look behind her. After he confirmed that there is no one behind her he turned back to her with a nervous smile.
Takara quietly mumbled "we have explain this again?" She let out a little sigh and went back to smiling friendly as she stated that "we is a term that we use to describe ourselves. There is no one who... Supposedly... Is following us. When we say 'we' then it is like when you say 'I'. It is a simple as that." She tried not to act annoyed by the fact that people always assumes someone's following her. "Now... We never caught your names. Neither did we properly introduce ourselves." Takara bowed with a friendly yet witty smile. "Our name is Takara Woods-Elm. We would love to know your names."


Soren sighed as he found no fun in the building and walked out. He wanted something to do or even someone to talk to. Looking up at the sky he smiled under his mask and started for were ever or to who ever they took him to. His eyes caught a glimpse of one character that looked interesting and started to head over.

@Shado Urufu
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]Srion looked at the Windup tool then nodded. reaching her hands up she started to turn it. she could hear a small ripping sound from her own body but ignored it as she continued. "how far do I have to turn?" she asked as she turned it again.
@Ami the breadling

(thanks for notifying me, i didnt see you replied.)

Liliana´s body played a small melody. "Until it gets really hard to turn. Then its fully winded. But don´t go on then, it might break otherwise..."
@Srion Receno

The figure seemed a bit lost, if not confused, and was making its way about, seeming to be trying to find either the headmaster's office, or a calm place to settle in at the park.
Srion nodded then started to turn it. Once it started to get hard she stopped and smiles as she stepped back. "there we go all wound up" she moved beside her a bit then started to walk. "so Umm.... Tell me about yourself" Srion wasn't really scared of this girl like she was some of the other students so her smile was bright and she wasn't that nervous of her body falling apart.

@Ami the breadling

Soren tipped his head then walked over to the person with a smile. "hey you lost? " he asked as he came up to him. This was normal for him always going up to random people in hopes of making friends.

@Shado Urufu
Tiagirl001 said:
Takara quietly mumbled "we have explain this again?" She let out a little sigh and went back to smiling friendly as she stated that "we is a term that we use to describe ourselves. There is no one who... Supposedly... Is following us. When we say 'we' then it is like when you say 'I'. It is a simple as that." She tried not to act annoyed by the fact that people always assumes someone's following her. "Now... We never caught your names. Neither did we properly introduce ourselves." Takara bowed with a friendly yet witty smile. "Our name is Takara Woods-Elm. We would love to know your names."

"M-my name...? I-it's.. Uhh... Priscilla" she mumbled quietly as she curled up into a small ball, the air around her going freezing cold. "So... Should I address y-you as y-you or you t-two..?" She asked, confused as to what the girl in front of her really was @Blacknife
Srion Receno]Srion nodded then started to turn it. Once it started to get hard she stopped and smiles as she stepped back. "there we go all wound up" she moved beside her a bit then started to walk. "so Umm.... Tell me about yourself" Srion wasn't really scared of this girl like she was some of the other students so her smile was bright and she wasn't that nervous of her body falling apart. @Ami the breadling Soren tipped his head then walked over to the person with a smile. "hey you lost? " he asked as he came up to him. This was normal for him always going up to random people in hopes of making friends. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9731-shado-urufu/ said:
@Shado Urufu[/URL]
Liliana clapped happily. "Yay, thank you best friend. So.. about me... I am was built by my father a few month ago. He sent me here and told me, girls would go to school and learn and make friends. So i will try to make friends and learn, that will make father happy."
Soren looked over to the park then at them and thought for a moment. "well I can bring you to the head master if you would like" he smiled at them though the mask.

@Ami the breadling
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]Soren looked over to the park then at them and thought for a moment. "well I can bring you to the head master if you would like" he smiled at them though the mask.
@Ami the breadling

"B-But father said, boys were usually just interested in love stuff with girls. And father said i was too young to do something like that." Liliana seemed terrified at the thought of not following her fathers orders.
Soren smiled again then held out his hand. "names Soren by the way" he was happy to make new friends. he was unsure about the Zombie girl after he accidentally shook her arm off but it seamed he made no other friends.

@Ami the breadling
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]Soren smiled again then held out his hand. "names Soren by the way" he was happy to make new friends. he was unsure about the Zombie girl after he accidentally shook her arm off but it seamed he made no other friends.
@Ami the breadling

Liliana tilted her head. "Oh... Well... I do not know how to see that now...", she said and looked around, her body still moving a little with every tick of her clockwerk. "Father said, trust best friends, but i also trust father..."
Srion gave her a small smile. "I'm sure you will fine one to trust" she said this as they kept walking inside taking one more look behind her as she opened the door for her friend.

@Ami the breadling

"nice name" Soren smiled as he shook it then gently let go. "I'll show you to the head masters" he said this then started to walk to the school.

@Shado Urufu
Hitomi was walking among the perimeter of the School all of the other class members were attending . Being quite clumsy, and thinking about otherthings instead of watching where she was gouig, she bumped into an robot like creature.

The hit made a hard CLANK as the impact caused her to get knocked to the ground. She got up a few moments later, vowing and saying: " I'm terribly sorry ! Please forgive me..." She said, her frail body shaking like a leaf about to fall off a tree.


Calypso turned, her electronic blue eyes widening. "Oh no! Calypso deeply apologizes, she should have had her radar on." The robot looked at her curiously. "Bowing. Act of apologies or respect. Calypso will return the act." The cyborg bowed equally to her, before straightening.


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