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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Feliun tried to make what this 'Dru' guy had said. He did speak in puzzles, like calling himself creature of the night. That can mean many things, Maybe he is a werewolf or perhaps worse a vampire! Fel suddenly covered his neck not sure if it was safe near Dru, after all Mages are known for their delicious blood. Fell was about to speak but Dru had already walked past him. So El hurriedly turned around, he didn't wish to lose Dru from his sight. " Erm, yes if by a day dweller you mean a human. I am a human that is well trained in magic and sorcery. " said fel. He looked at Dru for a moment trying to guess what type of creature he was. Fel was certain that he was a vampire, the skin wasn't pale enough and he let his hand off his neck and asked Dru, " And you are? "

Dru laughed loudly and glanced back "I don't even know your name and here you are asking me such a personal question I don't know where you are from but that's a tad rude. However to answer your question I am a being of hope that has been mostly unheard of for quite some time."
Feliun raised his right eyebrow somewhat comically. ' Is this guy was real? I am pretty sure that the Riddler was in Arkham '. Fel didn't mean to be rude before, he just gets comfortable with strangers easily. So this time El thought a moment before speaking. " Ah! Yes, I apologize for that. Where are my manners? I am Feliun the heir to the Elgar family of wizards, it is a pleasure meeting you ". He gave a smile at the end. Most likely trying to act friendly. " Oh and what is a being of hope that has been mostly unheard of? " asked Feliun, trying to copy Dru's tone from when he spoke.
In a perfect copy of Fel's voice he said "the heir to a large family of wizards." then he chuckled once again and glanced back at Fel using his normal voice "are you hungry? The cafeteria is pretty much 24 hours." @divyansh
Feliun chuckled. He found Dru's try at mimicking him quite entertaining. " A twenty four hour open cafeteria huh? I think I know where I will spend my days " Said fel with a laugh. Fel gave Dru's question a thought and then spoke, " Well, to be honest I am always hungry! Mind showing my the way ". El caught up with Dru after saying that. He was expecting a yes and it was obvious. @Drumonkey
"The main reason I am continuing to show you the way is because I offered but small things can make the biggest offenses. Also don't struggle too hard trying to figure out what I am I doubt you will be able to guess but I would be willing to show you after our meal." As soon as Dru finished speaking they turned a corner into the cafeteria @divyansh
"Oooooh So this will be a totally new experience for you!" Ceil exclaimed, hopping a bit as she ran ahead. After walking a bit she spotted water, sand, and more water. All the signs of a beach. "I found it! Come on!" Ceil yelled back to Ryu, running down onto the sand. She dug her talons into is and kicked it around a bit. "Wow this is making me feel like I'm back home!" She said, more to herself, as she waited for Ryu to catch up.

Vanna finished watching another movie, she closed the laptop and looked over at Chris he was still laying down in the position she put him in, she started getting sore from sitting in the recliner for so long, she quietly got up and wrote him a quick little note basically saying that she was going out for a quick run to stretch her legs. She grabbed her sweater and keys and left.

Chris eventually woke up and looked at the note. He raised a eyebrow and asked himself,"How long was I out for?" He then got up and quickly walked outside as well. He didn't see Vanna anywhere, but began to walk around being that he had finally woke up and was a bit sore.
Once Vanna got outside she just ran the whole perimeter of the school and some of the Forrest, as she was going she noticed a few new people that must have just arrived. She made her way back towards the dorms and could see Chris had finally woken up, she didn't go over to him right away. After a few minutes she walked over to him "I guess your energy drink didn't work all that great after all"
Chris rolled his eyes and he said,"Yeah yeah, it didn't have too much caffeine in it." He then yawned a little as he said,"But I'm good now, really good now that I've gotten some sleep." He then chuckled as he said,"Sleep always helps."

" I could tell you were tired" she pulled her hair back "if you wanna go back to sleep that's fine, you don't have to stay up because of me" she did kinda want him to stay up with her, but depriving him of sleep was probably not a good idea for either of them.

Chris shook his head and said,"Nah, I just needed a few hours of sleep to get the motors going again." He then happily shifted from a bird to good ol' Chris again and said,"See? I got everything under control."

"Okay then, while I was running earlier I found a beach and some of the other students were there" she looked over towards the direction where she thought the beach was, her direction was a little off. "And if that doesn't seem to interesting, what I don't suggest is going back and watching movies or at least ones that could put you to sleep again" she didn't look back at him but laughed a little.

Chris followed closely behind her and said,"Oh hardy har har, let's just go to the beach already." He then quickly shifted to a wolf and caught up to her. The wolf looked up at her for a moment, but then lowered its head and continued running next to her.
Mani jumped at the sudden noise, a sour note coming from her flute as she fell onto the sand. She stood up and brushed herself off as the culprits came into view. She turned fully visible out of habit before questions were asked about her transparent state. She giggled, partly out of amusement, partly from relief, as the harpy ran around in the sand. She still wasn't used to seeing other mythical beings. She sat crosslegged and levitated as she started playing Moondance.
Ryu questioned Ceil's sanity a bit, how could someone be that happy all the time. She got to the beach shortly after Ceil had, after taking one step onto the sand she took two more back. "I regret every decision that has led up to this point right now," she yelled at Ceil as she took off one of her shoes and began to pour sand from it, "sand is now the enemy." She didn't like swimming much either, why did I even suggest coming to the beach. She sat down at the edge of the forest and looked out across the water, the sun was just beginning to set and as it did it began to grow a small bit colder. The sunset however was beautiful, Ryu loved the sight and it made her feel warm inside. She gave a small smile through all of her negative emotions.

Ceil turned and stuck her tongue out at Ryu. "It's better with no shoes!" She yelled back, digging her feet into the sand some more. "I'm going to look for critter." She added as she started to walk along. Soon the walking turned to running as she spotted a crab scuttling along the beach. "Come here lil fella." She said, blocking it's path with her wing. She was watching the small crab scuttle around her wing and even pinch a feather when she heard music. She looked up to see they were not alone and some girl was playing flute. "... Hi!" She waved at the flute player with the wing that didn't have a crab clinging to it.

@TheFrozenShadows @Ghostly Phantom
Once they got to the beach Vanna looked around and their was still maybe a hand full of people there, she took her shoes off and walked a little but then just sat down "This is cute"
Chris changed back to his human form and took off his shoes as he looked at Vanna and asked,"Shall we go for a swim?" He then walked over to the slow moving waves and said,"Come on, it could be fun."

"It COULD be fun" she stood up and walked over to him " the last time I went swimming was in 1985" she moved close to the water but just enough so her feet were covered

Chris smiled as he went in about waist deep and suddenly changed into a shark and randomly began to swim in circles. He thought it'd be fun to be a aquatic creature for a while, he hardly ever did. The shark swam and swam in circles, waiting for Vanna to get closer.
"Now I'm really convinced your trying to kill me" she walked deeper into the water and went under, she swam right up to him, she rolled her head and stared right at him, hoping that she would scare him before he could try to scare her
Chris stared at Vanna as she gave him a glare. The shark had no intention to scare her, but instead had a better idea in mind. He suddenly swam under her and practically put her on his back. He was expecting her to grab onto his fin as he suddenly turned around and began to swim deeper in the water and waited to see how Vanna would react.
Once he started swimming under her she figured out what he was trying to do, she went along with it, as they went deeper she did do much she didn't breath anyway so being underwater really didn't effect her all to much.

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